How to restore the functionality of a bank card. What should I do if I lost my Sberbank instant card? How to restore a card after loss: visit to the bank

65% of the Russian population has a Sberbank plastic card. These can be either social cards (pensions, benefits, social payments) or salary projects. Organizations transfer employee salaries to them. That is why it is important to know how to restore a card.

There are several reasons to apply for restoration:

  • Loss.
  • Theft.
  • “Swallowing” by an ATM.
  • Blocking.
  • Changing the holder's personal information.
  • Demagnetization of the tape.
  • Erase initials or number.
  • Damage to the plastic (the card is broken or a small fragment breaks off).
  • Expiration of usage time.

The cardholder must contact the bank (branch) to initiate the recovery procedure.

Self-blocking of the card in case of theft or loss

The loss of a plastic card can occur either due to one’s own oversight or due to malicious intent - it will be stolen. In each of these cases, you must immediately block the card. You can do this:

  • By contacting a Sberbank branch.
  • Call the hotline.
  • In Sberbank online.
  • Via SMS message.

Call the Hotline

You need to call 900 or 8 800 555 55 50 (you will also need to provide the passport details of the card owner) - if the information provided matches what is in the database, the operator will block the card.

At a Sberbank branch

The owner of a lost or stolen card must personally come to the bank or its branch. Blocking is carried out on the basis of a submitted written application indicating the reason.

Important! You must ensure that your application has been accepted for processing.

To Sberbank-online

  1. To do this, you need to go through the user identification procedure on the Sberbank website - enter your login, password, code.
  2. Select the card you want to block from the list.
  3. Go to the “Additional Operations” tab.
  4. Select “Block” in it.
  5. Next, fill out a special form (indicate full name, card number).
  6. State the reason.
  7. Finally, you will need to click on the “Block” button.
  8. The operation is confirmed by entering a code in a special field. Which the bank will send via SMS message.

Blocking by SMS

  1. Write “Blocking” in the message field (accept the Latin spelling BLOCK, BLOKIROVKA or the digital code 03).
  2. Make a space.
  3. Enter the last 4 digits of the card and add 0 - if lost, 1 - if stolen, 2 - if left at the ATM and number 3 - otherwise.
  4. Send SMS to number 900.

“Closing” of the functionality is done automatically.

Restoration at a bank branch

Ordering a new card (renewal while maintaining the number) is carried out by personal request from the owner. You must write an application (manually or print out a completed form) and provide it to the operator at the bank branch. You will also need a passport for identification. Having accepted the application, the operator will indicate the date when the card will be ready.

Internet recovery

Restoration is carried out online. To do this you need to follow these steps:

After this, the application is sent automatically for processing. As soon as the card is reissued, you will receive an SMS notification and will be able to pick up the ready-to-use card at a Sberbank branch (you will need a passport to confirm your identity).

How much does it cost to reissue a card?

In some cases, you will have to pay a small fee to reissue a card. The amount depends on the reasons for the restoration; it is usually taken in case of an unscheduled replacement of the card (theft, loss, data compromise) and depends on the type of card used:

  • Debit - on average 50 rubles.
  • Credit cards – 150 rubles.

The next reissue upon expiration of the validity period is free of charge.

Recovery time

The production time depends on the status of the card and the reason that required its restoration.

  • Loss (due to your own negligence) – 7-14 days.
  • Theft – 14 days – until the criminal proceedings are closed.
  • “Eat” by an ATM will be restored in 1.5-2 weeks.

Also, 2 weeks will be required in case of re-issuance if the previous card has expired.

Precautions when using a plastic card

In order to keep your finances safe when using plastic and prevent data from being compromised, you need to:

  • Make sure that others do not see the entered PIN code.
  • Pick up your card from the ATM on time.
  • Monitor the integrity of the plastic.
  • Do not give the card in your hands (in shops, cafes, restaurants).
  • Do not sign checks if they have blank fields.
  • Connect to the card a notification about the actions performed.
  • Set limits on withdrawal amounts.

It is also necessary to collect checks and receipts issued by the ATM after the transaction is completed.

A lost bank card can cause a lot of problems. It is important to replace it with a new one in time in order to be able to use the account and not carry cash with you. All information on how to block and reissue a plastic card in case of loss, which will help solve the problem.

Not every situation that may occur requires the issuance of a new card. Therefore, you should contact the office to restore a credit card or any other in the following situations:

  1. Upon expiration. Moreover, it is advisable to do this a month before the expected completion date of its work. Since otherwise you will have to live without a credit card for some time - it may take two weeks or more to reissue it;
  2. If the card is physically damaged. If it has been cut, bent, broken, or doused with substances that corrode plastic, it should be replaced as soon as possible;
  3. If the card was eaten by an ATM and they refused to return it. This usually happens when using terminals of other banking institutions. In such a situation, the card cannot be returned in most cases;
  4. When the owner's personal data has been changed. That is, if your passport or last name has been changed, it is advisable to renew the contract in order to avoid problems;
  5. Some data has been forgotten or damaged. If the number, CVV2 code is erased from the card, or the owner suddenly forgets the PIN code, the card becomes a useless piece of plastic that cannot be used normally;
  6. If the card is lost, or the PIN/CVV2 was learned from her by a stranger - you must urgently block the card on the same day and apply for reissue.

The latter is the only case that can lead to loss of money, so you shouldn’t hesitate. This should be the first item on the list of what to do if you have lost your bank card. Others do not require urgency. But in any case, it will be impossible to use the card.

Card blocking

If the card is lost or stolen, it must be blocked as quickly as possible.

To block a card through an operator, you need to call the branch where it was issued. This will seriously speed up the blocking process and reduce the chance that money will disappear. If there is no number for a specific branch, the choice of where to call is small - only the issuer’s hotline.

When calling the hotline you will need to call your passport details and the code word that was chosen when concluding the contract. This procedure will confirm that it is the cardholder who requires the service. Can the card be restored to someone else? No, only to the immediate owner.

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Or you can immediately come to the bank branch where the card was issued and write a corresponding application. You will have to take your passport with you. This will take longer, but it will be possible to immediately write an application for re-issuance of the card.

Only its owner can block a card. For example, if a woman calls to say that she has lost her husband’s card and asks to block it, they will refuse her, even if she gives all her passport details and the code word.

When calling or writing a statement, you will have to choose one of two blocking methods:

  1. Temporary . In this case, the ban on using the card is imposed only temporarily. It should only be used if you are confident that the card will be found. For example, if she could have stayed at home, but the owner cannot look for her now;
  2. Eternal. This method will permanently stop the card from working. It will be impossible to unlock it. If there is no plastic anywhere, then it is better to use it. It is easier to reissue the card than to restore the funds spent by the attackers.

This will allow you not to worry about what will happen to the money on the card before it is withdrawn.

How to recover a lost card

To be able to use the card again, you must submit an application for reissue to the branch of the issuing bank. There is no such thing as “recovery”. You will receive a new one, with a different PIN code, CVV2 and number. Therefore, the answer to the question “can the card be restored” will be negative – you will have to get used to the new data on the plastic.

For Sberbank cards

To initiate re-issuance of a card if it is lost, you must submit a corresponding application to the branch where the card was originally received. To do this, just come and explain to the operator what service is required. He will tell you how to write the application correctly and under what conditions the card will be reissued if the owner has lost the Sberbank card.

Or you can apply for re-issuance of the card through the Sberbank Online system. To do this, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. From the main menu, go to the “Maps” page;
  2. Click on the line “Reissue card”;
  3. Fill in the required fields in the application (the desired card, the reason and the branch where it will be convenient to receive a new one);
  4. Click on “Reissue”;
  5. Confirm the entered information.

In case of any problems, you can call the hotline number 8-800 555 5550, and they will tell you what to do.

This procedure will replace going to the department and writing an application there. Another question is how long it takes to restore a Sberbank card. The period may vary depending on the workload of the bank. But it usually does not exceed 14 working days.

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Re-issuing cards costs differently depending on the type:

  • social/student – ​​30 rubles;
  • unnamed – 60 rubles;
  • personalized Visa/Master Card – 150 rubles;
  • instant and premium cards – free;

It is important to remember that any card with an individual design, even if it is free, will cost at least 500 rubles to transfer the design. And you will have to pay directly for the reissue. That is, the price will vary from 500 to 650 rubles.

For Alfa Bank cards

Restoration of an Alfa Bank card is carried out only when submitting an application to any branch convenient for the applicant. This institution has no connection to a specific department.

At the branch, operators will help you fill out an application for reissue of a card that was previously blocked via the Alfa Bank hotline (8 800 2000 000).

After this, you will have to wait from 3 to 8 business days while the new plastic is made. As for non-registered bank cards, you don’t have to wait here - if the blanks are available at the branch, you can pick them up immediately after registration.

You can say exactly how much it costs to reissue an Alfa Bank card for each individual card. According to the tariffs, the price will be as follows:

  • You can restore a credit card (main) for 975 rubles;
  • an additional one will cost 500 rubles.

This is the minimum cost. Depending on additional tariffs and services, the price may vary.

For Tinkoff cards

To reissue a Tinkoff card, just as in other cases, you will have to first block it. This can be done by calling the hotline number 8-800 555 10 10. Or via SMS messages by sending the message “Block ****” to the short number 2273. The asterisks are the last 4 digits of the card number that needs to be blocked.

Then you need to call the hotline and discuss with the operator how to restore your lost Tinkoff bank card. There is no need to think about what to do in this case - the client’s request via the hotline will be registered. And after some time he will receive a new card.

At Tinkoff Bank, the card can only be restored remotely by calling 8-800 555 10 10. After it is issued, it will be sent to the address specified by the client.

Delivery will be carried out by courier within 2-5 working days. There is no need to pay him - a commission of 290 rubles for issuing a new card will be debited directly from the account.

What to do after losing and re-issuing a bank card

During the process of blocking and re-registration, it is advisable not to forget about important things that can subsequently seriously save money and nerves.

Sberbank is the largest domestic banking organization operating in the Russian market. The bank's services are used by more than 80 million citizens of the country, most of whom have plastic cards from this financial institution. Since the loss of a plastic card significantly affects the life of its holder, you should figure out how to restore a Sberbank card, how much this procedure costs, and what is the restoration period.

Losing your card can lead to trouble

First actions

If a citizen has lost access to his plastic, it is recommended to restore it as soon as possible. Such situations cause significant discomfort, especially if all the client’s funds are stored on the Sberbank card. However, before you begin restoration, you need to pay attention to the first actions taken after the loss of plastic. So:

  1. If the card is stuck in an ATM located at a branch of a financial institution, you must contact a bank employee and explain the current situation. There is a high probability that the card can be returned immediately after loss.
  2. In the event of plastic theft or loss, specialists from a financial institution recommend blocking the card immediately after discovering the loss. To do this, you need to call the organization’s hotline number or send a message to “900”.
  3. If a citizen simply cannot find the plastic, it is recommended to block it and then conduct a thorough search. Is it possible to restore a blocked Sberbank card? This possibility is provided. To do this, you need to contact the bank operator. This approach will save time that would be needed if a new product was manufactured. Even if the card is not found, thanks to blocking, no one will be able to use it.

If the card is broken, damaged, or simply no longer works, you don’t have to bother blocking it, since no one will be able to use it anyway.

Recovery procedure

There are several types and categories of banking plastics. Regardless of whether the card is a debit or credit card, the recovery process is universal and applies to all card products. How to recover a lost Sberbank card? This is not difficult to do. After blocking the product, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Visit your nearest finance branch.
  2. Contact one of the employees, explain to him what happened, and request the restoration of the lost card.
  3. To write an application.
  4. Wait for the plastic to be made.

That's all you need to restore your lost product. It should be noted that the last point is not always fulfilled. If a citizen has lost a card that is instant (that is, without the name of its owner on the front side), the process of issuing a new product will take only a few minutes. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that restoration actually means the issuance of a new plastic medium linked to an open account.

If your card is stolen, you should block it immediately

Remote recovery

You can also restore plastic through Sberbank Online. The remote service saves time by eliminating the need to submit an application in person. Restoring a card online looks like this:

  1. Authorization in the service. If the bank client is not registered with it, you will have to go through this procedure first.
  2. Go to the “Maps” section.
  3. Selecting the “Reissue” item.
  4. Filling out the form. You will have to state why the client wants to receive a new card (indicate the real reason), check personal data (in the case of a personalized card, it is recommended to pay special attention to the full name), select the branch to which the product will be delivered.
  5. Confirm the procedure using the code from the SMS message sent to your mobile phone, and then send the application for consideration.
  6. Wait for the plastic to be produced.

It should be noted that although you can order the production of a card via the Internet, the citizen will still have to visit the bank branch indicated in the application to pick up the finished product. You must have your passport with you.

How long will you have to wait

How long does the recovery procedure take? In the case of instant cards, the wait will last no more than a few minutes. A bank employee will process the citizen’s application and immediately issue a new card product for him. It’s more difficult with personalized plastics. These cards can take quite a long time to make.

How long it takes to restore a card directly depends on the specific circumstances of the loss of access to it. So:

  1. If the card was forgotten at the ATM (or confiscated by it), you will need to wait up to three days. In the case of ATMs from third-party banks, the return of the card may take up to one month. Therefore, in the latter case, it is more advisable to order a reissue of the card.
  2. In the case of reissue of a Sberbank debit or credit card, you will have to wait about two weeks. These are the rules of the bank. However, quite often the card is restored in a shorter time.
  3. If a product is stolen, the client will have to wait until the criminal proceedings in the case are closed.

A restoration request can be left via the terminal

In most cases, the process of restoring a name card takes from 10 to 15 days. However, how many days it takes to restore plastic depends on the specific circumstances. In some cases, the procedure may take much less time.

Cost of the procedure

How much does it cost to restore a Sberbank card? It all depends on what product the citizen lost. For example, for the re-issuance of an instant card, no money will be taken from the holder of a lost plastic card, that is, the procedure is free. The same applies to premium cards.

In all other cases the following rates apply:

  1. 30 rubles if a personalized social card is issued.
  2. 60 rubles when re-issuing entry-level cards. It is necessary to keep in mind that if the plastic card is linked to a foreign currency account, instead of 60 rubles you will have to pay 2 dollars or euros, depending on the currency of the card.
  3. 150 rubles for mid-segment plastics (or 5 euros/dollars).

Sberbank also provides its clients with the opportunity to design plastic media with individual coloring. Regardless of the type of plastic, replacing a card if lost (a designer card) will cost its holder 500 rubles.

Thus, the first thing to do if you lose plastic is to block it. This will make it possible to protect funds stored on the card from fraudsters. After this procedure, you must contact the nearest branch of a financial institution and submit an application for product restoration (you can also order new plastic remotely).

How long does it take to receive a new card? The average production time for a personalized carrier is from 10 to 15 days. In some cases, the client will have to pay for a reissue.

Sberbank is one of the leading financial institutions in the country, which offers its clients a wide range of different banking services. Plastic cards of this bank are especially popular among citizens. But in practice, situations very often arise when the holder of a plastic bank card has lost or damaged it. Accordingly, there is a need to restore it. How to restore a Sberbank card? And is it possible to restore it at all?

When is restoration needed?

In practice, various situations arise when the holder of a plastic card is deprived of the opportunity to use it. Accordingly, you need to restore your Sberbank bank card. A similar situation may arise in the following cases:

  • theft;
  • loss by owner;
  • deterioration, which makes it impossible to further use the plastic.

It does not matter whether the holder has a simple debit or credit plastic card. If it does not work or has been lost, it must be restored. And this procedure is the same for both types of cards.

If the period of use of a plastic card has expired, then in this case we are not talking about its restoration, but about re-issuing it. In this case, the re-release of plastic is carried out automatically, without a corresponding application from the client, which is required when restoring it.

Recovery methods

A Sberbank client can restore a plastic card in several ways. Below are options and diagrams on how to restore a blocked Sberbank card.

At a bank branch

This is the most common way to recover a lost card. To do this, you need to contact the relevant bank branch and submit an application in the prescribed form. Of course, it is recommended to submit the application at the same branch where the client previously received his card, but this is not a prerequisite: the application can be presented at any branch of the bank. Of course, in the second case, the recovery procedure will take longer.

When contacting a bank branch, an employee will fill out an application form for re-production of a lost card, and the client must sign it. After this, you need to wait for the plastic to be made. This procedure takes on average several working days. When the client receives a notification that the card is ready, he can pick it up along with a new PIN code at the branch where the application for reissue was submitted.

Through the Internet

The development of Internet technologies makes customer service easier and faster. Today, holders of Sberbank plastic cards can submit an application for their restoration remotely through Sberbank Online.

To restore a Sberbank card online, you must have a personal account in the Sberbank Online service. To receive it, you must first activate the mobile banking service. You can do this:

  • by submitting a corresponding application at a bank branch;
  • using self-service terminals and ATMs.

After activating the mobile banking service, you can register in the Sberbank Online service and use the services of this financial institution remotely via the Internet, without leaving your home or office.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • log into your personal account in Sberbank Online;
  • select the banking services section;
  • click on the “Re-issue cards” button;
  • fill out the appropriate application by entering the required data.

After this, a short message with a confirmation code will be sent to the mobile phone number specified by the client. It must be entered in the appropriate field for confirmation. After completing these steps, the client's application will be sent for processing. Then he will receive a corresponding notification about reissue, and the card can be collected from the bank branch.

If it was left at an ATM

Very often, customers forget their cards at ATMs. In this case, you can receive them without any problems. In practice, there are the following situations when the card was forgotten:

  • at a Sberbank ATM;
  • at an ATM of another financial institution.

In the first case, the return procedure does not take very long. You just need to wait for collection, which, as a rule, occurs within 2-3 business days, and the Sberbank card will be handed over to the holder.

If the client used an ATM or self-service terminal of another financial institution, then in this case he will have to wait longer. In practice, such a procedure can take more than a month. Of course, the client picks up the card directly at a Sberbank branch, but he needs to wait for collection from another bank and its sending.

If you forgot your PIN code

Many plastic card holders also forget their PIN code. Accordingly, many are interested in the question of how to restore a Sberbank card if the PIN code is lost? In fact, if the holder has forgotten his code, it cannot be restored and he will have to order a new card.

In such a situation, you again need to write an application for restoration and wait for the plastic to be reissued. After this, a bank employee will call the client and he will be able to pick up a new plastic card with a new PIN code. In this case, the account and the funds on it will remain unchanged.

Features of a credit card

Many people are interested in the question of how to restore a Sberbank credit card. In fact, this procedure is no different from the procedure for restoring lost standard plastic. But in such a situation, it is advisable to block the account first, as it can be used by scammers.

If the holder has blocked it, then restoring the card account after blocking does not take much time. At the same time, the Sberbank credit card holder retains the right to use borrowed funds, and the Sberbank card is restored with a minus and all the characteristics that it previously had, including a revolving credit line.

The recovery period largely depends on where and how the client lost his plastic. As a rule, restoring a Sberbank card takes an average of 14 days. This is the minimum period if the card is lost or left at an ATM of a given financial institution. In practice, the card is restored in a shorter time.

If it was left at an ATM of another financial institution, then it may take more days to recover the card.


Many are also interested in the question of how much it costs to restore a Sberbank card. In fact, each bank sets its own service rates. Sberbank is no exception.

The cost of card restoration is:

  • for debit – up to 60 rubles depending on the type;
  • for credit – 150 rubles.

You need to know that depending on the type of card, the cost of reissuing it may vary. In addition, it is necessary to remember that if the reissue is planned, then in this case the client will not have to pay additional money.

From the above we can conclude that if the client has lost his credit card, he can restore it and order a new one without any problems. At the same time, restoring a Sberbank card does not take very much time: to do this, it is enough to present the corresponding application at a bank branch or use the remote customer service service.

When they lose a bank card, they often have no idea exactly where and how the card was lost. It’s good if it was really lost at home and lies in the far drawer of the table, or if “honest” hands raised it, but the card could have been stolen. What should you do first if the card is lost?

In any case, if you haven’t found the card, don’t waste time, and first of all temporarily block your card account and write an application to restore your bank card. To do this, just call a Sberbank branch, if you have a Sberbank card, confirm your right to perform this action, and the account will be instantly blocked. No one will withdraw money from the card account at an ATM or transfer money from the account in any other way.

Restoration of a lost bank card is carried out after a written application from the card owner by replacing it (re-issuing) with the assignment of a new card number and PIN code.

When receiving a bank card from Sberbank or another bank, be sure to write down the contact phone number of this branch. If you lose your bank card, you will only need to call it, confirm your right to make transactions using the card and verbally order to temporarily block the account.

If your card is connected to the Sberbank Mobile Bank service, then such an order can be executed via SMS. How to send such an order can be found in the manual for using mobile banking.

If the card is lost, its operation can also be blocked via the Internet. But for this, an Internet banking system must be connected to the card, for example, in Sberbank such a service is called Sberbank online.

If you do not have a phone number for your bank branch, call the hotline of the bank that owns the card. They will definitely help you there. Just be prepared to answer a few questions, give a code word, or otherwise confirm your rights to perform actions with the card.

How to recover a lost bank card

As already mentioned, the bank does not restore a lost bank card. Instead, the bank issues a new card, with a new card number and card PIN code. That's why within 3 days After a verbal order to block the card account, you need to write a statement about the loss of the bank card and at the same time apply for a new card.

The application can be written at any branch of Sberbank (if you have a Sberbank card), and to issue a new bank card, it is advisable to contact the branch that issued the card to you. The card registration process will then be a little faster. Please note that you will not receive a new card immediately; you will have to wait about 2 weeks. With the exception of instant issuance cards, for example the Sberbank Maestro Momentum debit card. Therefore, if you need money, withdraw it from your bank card account at the bank's cash desk. Don't forget to take your passport with you.

A statement about the loss of a card can also be sent by fax, indicating your telephone number, full name and date of birth, place of receipt of the card, type of card, currency of the card account.

What else you need to know in case you lose your bank card

If the old, “lost” card is later found, it must be returned to the bank.

You will have to pay for an extraordinary issue of a bank card. The amount of this amount is set by each bank depending on the type and type of card (debit, credit). For example, at Sberbank, the reissue of some cards costs 150 rubles, and for the entry-level Maestro card - “Social” the fee will be only 30 rubles.

Suspension or temporary blocking of the card in case of loss of the card in any bank is free of charge. If you don’t have the phone number of the bank that issued the card at hand, look for the bank’s website on the Internet. On the website you will find not only a phone number, but also detailed instructions on how to behave if you lose your bank card.

If you have 100 rubles on your card and you call the bank operator on duty with a request to block it, then this is one thing. And if you have a very “decent” amount on your card, and you have lost the card, record any of your actions. Write down the date and time of your request, the details of the operator who accepted your application, ask to send a fax, etc.

Card blocking may have several stages. The so-called “soft” blocking only temporarily suspends the operation of the card and blocks the movement of funds in the account. It is convenient to use if you are almost 100% sure that the card will be found. If you are sure that the card will not be found or it has been stolen, then block it forever.

If you have several cards and connected to Internet banking, for example, Sberbank Online, don’t waste time, go to your page and transfer money to another card. There you can also block a lost card. As a result of these actions, your card will be included in the “black list” or stop list. A stop list is an electronic list of bank cards prohibited for use, which is sent to all stores and service departments that accept payments from cards of a given payment system. Even using a password, when paying with your card, the transaction is automatically blocked.

Publication date: 15/11/2013

If you lose your plastic card, you will have to get a new card with a new card number and PIN code. But the card account number will remain the same; the bank will not change it if the card is lost, but will only be temporarily blocked. The bank card cannot be restored.

Having issued a credit card at a bank, you must also take into account that you will have to repay not only the debt and interest on it, but also pay for banking services - card and account maintenance, some card transactions, SMS notifications about the status of your account, etc.

Both for opening and closing a card, the bank has certain rules that are detailed in the agreement. There in the contract you can find recommendations on what to do if you have lost your card.

When you receive the card, the bank gives you a “secret” envelope containing the card’s PIN code, as well as the card’s account number. Immediately write down the phone number of the duty operator of this bank. It will come in handy in emergency situations.

The main advantage of electronic money is that the electronic transfer of money for goods or services does not require the payment of large commissions, and sometimes is completely free. Another advantage is that it is impossible to lose an electronic wallet, like a bank card.