Our services. Where to get a mortgage at a low interest The lowest mortgage rate

Anyone who is going to take a home loan, counts on the opportunity at a low interest rate. But is it really possible to get such a mortgage? Sometimes banks offer promotions that lower mortgage rates. Also, payroll clients, as well as certain categories of citizens, can count on more favorable conditions.

What are the conditions for a low-interest mortgage in Moscow?

If you want to take a mortgage with a minimum overpayment, then you should consider loan programs for certain categories of citizens:

  • for young families;
  • for large families;
  • for the military;
  • for budget employees.

It is also worth paying attention to apartments in new buildings. As you know, the lowest mortgage rate is provided for housing in new buildings. A loan for secondary housing is issued at a rate of 1.5-2% higher. Low mortgage rates in Moscow are also possible with refinancing. Refinancing offered by banks is issued on more favorable terms.

You can reduce the percentage in several ways:

  • provide a complete package of documents;
  • get a loan for a short period of time;
  • make the highest possible down payment.

To find the best deal and find out which ones offer the lowest mortgage rates, we recommend using our website loan calculator. On the same page you can see the list of banks whose interest rate is lower than that of most credit institutions. The application can be filled out on the bank's website or at the nearest branch.

For many families, at some point, the question of their own living space or its expansion becomes acute. Young spouses, forced to share common squares with their parents, want to leave in order to gain freedom and independence. Someone has a child or a second, and the apartment becomes small, one more room is needed. Someone, due to circumstances, is forced to rent a house and understands that this is a completely hopeless state of affairs, the monthly fee is too expensive for the family budget, and the money, in fact, goes nowhere.

Mortgage lending is an opportunity to purchase your own house, and it does not matter here whether you build a private one or buy a city apartment. It involves the purchase of real estate on borrowed funds on collateral. The object that is being bought, or another property owned by the borrower, can serve as mortgage security. This lending format is suitable for many situations and allows you to solve housing problems.

Actually, we always tend to be guided by personal necessity. Therefore, those who urgently need to resolve the issue of housing are not inclined to analyze economic circumstances. He is looking for a suitable loan option for himself. However, taking into account the general situation in the country will allow you to take advantage of advantageous offers from banks and avoid getting into an unpleasant situation (here it is worth remembering the problems with foreign currency loans due to the depreciation of the ruble).

Therefore, before starting to draw up or any other, for example, long-term, you should carefully read the opinions of experts and try to predict your own situation in development. What are they telling us today?

Mortgage nuances in the light of economic forecasts

The current crisis of the domestic economy makes its own adjustments to all issues of our life. It affects most aggressively those areas where regular deposits of large amounts are required, such as mortgage payments, payments on other types of loans and borrowings. Practically no one today can be 100% sure that tomorrow or in a couple of months his company will not go bankrupt, there will be no layoffs or wage cuts. And even in cases where this does not happen, there are potential risks of a different nature, including those associated with rising inflation and, as a result, with a decrease in purchasing power. That is, while maintaining the amount of money received, a person will be able to buy much fewer goods with them than now.

According to experts, and they are very cautious, but still not very comforting, the end of the crisis and the stabilization of the situation are not yet foreseen in the near future. Even the Ministry of Economy changed its optimistic rhetoric, which declared the beginning of positive changes for this year, and pushed back the stabilization period to the end of the second half of 2017. Foreign experts are even more categorical. They believe that the Russian economy, focused on the sale of hydrocarbons, is in a state of protracted crisis. They do not predict an increase in oil and gas prices over the next couple of years, the fall may well continue in the future.

In this regard, we can talk about several points that are likely to affect mortgage lending in general and on its terms:

  • the construction industry is one of the most dependent sectors of the economy, it primarily responds to all changes;
  • possible stagnation of the industry and "freezing" of unfinished facilities due to the banal lack of money;
  • government support and artificial containment of the growth of interest on mortgage lending are threatened by economic factors;
  • social projects can also be reduced due to lack of funding.

With such an unfavorable prognosis, the following will be observed:

  • lack of market offers for affordable housing;
  • growth of bank interest on mortgages;
  • raising the bar of requirements for potential borrowers, especially to the level of their solvency.

The second point deserves special attention. Already today there is pressure from banking structures to raise interest rates. They note that even in such an unstable period, the demand for mortgages is increasing, that is, there is a need for housing. People will look for funds and pay anyway, thus shaping the financing of the construction industry.

On the other hand, there is also a radically different behavior. The step of Sberbank is indicative, which at the beginning of this summer reduced the rate on a number of mortgage products by 0.5 points. In addition, the management of the "SB" made an encouraging statement that in 2017 the average mortgage rate will not exceed 10% per annum.

It is extremely difficult to give recommendations in this situation to those who are now in search of a solution to the issue of whether to take or not to take a mortgage. Even eminent domestic experts cannot predict the development of events. Their cautious statements say that there are no grounds for a sharp decrease in mortgage rates, and they will remain at an average level of 13% per annum. However, here are a few more things to consider:

  • The credit rate is not the most important thing. Real estate prices are rising, developers are forced to add additional costs for materials and components to the cost of square meters, today they have increased by an average of 10%.
  • The range of proposals for new housing is also narrowing, with very few projects being launched.

That is, when making a decision to take a mortgage, it is better to be guided by a purely personal situation and consider such a step in your own perspective.

There are only a few tips that can protect you from some troubles:

  1. When choosing an apartment, it is better to take ready-made housing or something that is approaching the final stage of construction. New buildings, especially those that are at the initial stages, are dangerous in terms of delaying the construction time.
  2. Pay attention to the liquidity of the property that you plan to purchase in a mortgage. It should have the possibility of urgent implementation (if necessary, quickly resolve the issue of closing the loan).
  3. Choose a mortgage in Russian rubles. Currency offers are fraught with a collapse of the ruble exchange rate.
  4. In terms of the amount of monthly payments, a long term loan is beneficial. However, you need to be sure of the stability of your income and the ability to receive certain amounts of money over these decades. In addition, if you draw up an agreement with the option of early repayment without the application of penalties, then with an increase in income, you can use it.

Mortgages with state support and its prospects

Today, the volume of loans issued for the purchase of housing has increased compared to the previous 2015, for the most part due to state support. The program started in early spring 2015 and is valid until the end of 2016 (extended). Its goal is to help the construction industry, activate the demand for mortgage lending by subsidizing interest rates. That is, the principle of partial repayment of costs incurred by developers applies here.

Under a mortgage with state support, housing is available exclusively in new buildings, which is sold by a legal entity. Neither ready-made, nor even more so from the secondary market, can be purchased under this program.

It involves partner banks, selected on the basis of those that have experience in the matter and can provide large financial volumes. Conditions for all participating banks are the same. The only difference is the interest rates that the institution sets itself. However, they cannot be higher than the officially declared 12% per annum.

The opinions of experts and government officials on the issue of extending the program vary. Someone says that it will still be needed in the near future, and someone argues that it needs to be curtailed. In addition, there are fears that if the crisis drags on for a long time and oil prices fall, the state simply does not have enough money to implement it. And those who took out a mortgage with state support in order to pay a reduced interest will have to face an unpleasant situation in the future and be left alone with the bank and with real loan amounts.

Not everyone has the opportunity to get a mortgage with state support. But many can become borrowers on standard terms. And in both cases, there are a number of rules that will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the future.

Which bank is better to take a mortgage in 2016-2017?

Your choice of a financial institution where to get such a long and significant loan should be done based on the analysis of a number of factors. The low interest offered in the product can be a kind of advertising ploy, under which other payments are veiled. Points to pay close attention to:

  • Algorithm for calculating the interest rate. It can be fixed or floating. In lending programs with a state subsidy, it is rigidly set and promises to be unchanged throughout the entire term of the mortgage. The floating rate depends on the indicators of the Russian money market and may show different values. Initially, at the time of applying for a loan with such a rate, it may seem very attractive, but a borrower who takes a mortgage with such a condition is faced with unpredictable jumps in one direction or another in monthly payments. The fixed rate also has its pitfalls. Banks often apply an individual approach to the borrower, and the mortgage interest for a particular client may differ significantly from the figure that was originally stated.
  • Initial payment. The smaller it is, the higher the interest rate awaits those who take advantage of the advantageous offer for the minimum contribution. Banks insure their risks and give a lower interest rate to those customers who have made a larger initial payment. There are very few options with its absence today and they are unprofitable in terms of further repayment, that is, they are significantly more expensive.
  • The assessment of the solvency of a potential borrower and the requirements for it are becoming more and more severe. If you are looking for, then be prepared for high interest rates on the loan. The more official evidence of your income, the more loyal the terms of the banking agreement will be. Only one certificate in the form of 2-NDFL can reduce the mortgage rate by 1%, which will amount to a tidy sum over the years of the loan.
  • Commission of the bank. Often, in order to receive the minimum interest on a mortgage loan, it is necessary to pay a one-time additional transaction support fee to the financial institution. Sometimes this may be appropriate.
  • Insurance. In mortgage lending, as a rule, several types of insurance are used. Compulsory insurance of real estate purchased on credit, and voluntary insurance of life and disability for borrowers. If you refuse the second option (voluntary insurance), the mortgage interest will be higher by 1-1.5 points. According to, some of these payments can be returned; when working with some other banks, this is very difficult.
  • Loan terms. According to specialized experts, a 20-year period for a mortgage can be called optimal. They justify this by saying that with a shorter term, the regular payment will be significantly higher, and with a longer term, there will be an overpayment of interest. The specified one will allow to form the most convenient payment for the borrower. It is also worth considering that the mortgage is most often calculated in such a way that its repayment must be no later than the client will cross the bar in 60-65 years. By this, banks protect themselves from cases when the borrower loses the level of solvency that was originally declared.

Advice: When choosing a mortgage program, keep in mind that you become a source of money for the bank and have the right to count on a loyal attitude. Civilized cooperation between a financial institution and its client assumes that both parties fulfill their obligations in good faith. Do not be afraid to demand the most favorable conditions for yourself. As a rule, banks that are set up for long-term and fruitful cooperation are always ready to provide the maximum for a potentially beneficial client.

Which bank has the lowest mortgage interest in 2016-2017?

Current market offers are quite diverse. If you do not take into account, which is provided by a number of large banks participating in the program, including the leader in terms of minimum interest, Sberbank (11.4), Gazprombank, Rosbank and Otkritie (from 11.5), AK Bars and Promsvyazbank, which give 11.8 and 11.9, respectively, as well as VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank, Bank of Moscow, Unicredit, Raiffeisenbank and Vozrozhdenie with 12% per annum, interest may call a few more offers with standard conditions:

  • AK "Bars" implements several mortgage programs in various areas, including the purchase of finished and under construction housing, as well as land. Rates vary from 14 to 17% (the latter in the version using maternity capital).
  • VTB24 offers mortgage loans for the purchase of finished housing, where the rate starts from 13.1%, and the maximum amount is 90 million rubles. There is also the option of obtaining a loan with only two required documents. Its conditions are up to 30 million at 14.1%. It is issued for the purchase of a finished or under construction residential property.
  • For those wishing to purchase housing in Moscow, the Gazprombank mortgage program without a down payment may be of interest. The maximum possible amount is 10 million rubles at 14.5%.
  • Promsvyazbank offers loans for ready-made housing from the secondary market and new buildings, rates from 12.5 and from 13.8, respectively. The maximum loan amount is 30 million rubles. The initial payment in the second case is from 10%, in the first - from 20%. Here you can also get a mortgage loan for real estate for various purposes, buying a house or apartment from any developer, starting and developing a business, for treatment and the like.
  • Favorable offers for customers are made by Raiffeisen Bank. With an initial contribution of 15%, you can receive up to 26 million rubles. (but not more than 85% of the market value of the acquired object). A program for the purchase of housing from the secondary fund or townhouses was sent. The declared minimum rate of 11.0% is valid for those who use the “premium package” service for at least six months. In addition, with the help of Raiffeisen Bank, you can become the owner of a country cottage with a plot by purchasing it from a private person.
  • UniCredit Bank also works with the secondary market. Residents of the regions can get a loan here in the amount of up to 5 million rubles, Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents up to 15 million with an initial payment of 15%. If the premium increases, then the loan amount may increase. In case of payment of half of the cost of the acquired object, it can amount to up to 30 million (for residents of both capitals), up to 10 million for other regions.

How to find a profitable mortgage: important details

Naturally, you should not compare applying for a small amount “before salary” with finding a bank where a mortgage will be issued. The second is cooperation for several years, or even decades. Therefore, a careful approach and analysis of all the nuances is required here.

There are several rules that are already recognized as mandatory:

  • The loan currency must be the one in which the borrower receives the bulk of the income, and it is predicted to remain the same over a long period of time.
  • Loan payments should not exceed 30% of the total family income, and better than the title borrower (which is often unlikely). Therefore, you need to be sure of the conscientiousness of the co-borrowers and their desire to continue paying mortgage payments in the future. Just imagine what a decision based on the salary of a spouse who wants to divorce and start a new family in a year can be fraught with. When planning a mortgage, it is imperative to assume a different development of events and agree on possible ups and downs with your "second halves" even before signing a loan agreement with the bank.

In addition, there are several points that allow you to find a profitable mortgage:

  • if you have or can get the status of a person in need of better housing conditions, take advantage of the opportunities of social state programs;
  • study developers' loyalty programs, they can have a beneficial effect on the bank's interest rate (there is often a tripartite partnership agreement between a potential borrower, a construction company and a financial institution, which is the first to receive a discount from the developer);
  • state mortgage support that works today can save you a few percent;
  • cooperation on a mortgage with a bank where you are a payroll client can provide a reduction in the interest rate by 0.5-1.0%, as well as facilitate the process of preparing documents;
  • the connection between the bank and the developer is important in terms of quick approval of the application (it is better to study this point before submitting it and go for a mortgage with an already selected apartment in a new building, if you have chosen this option);
  • some regions have their own programs that will significantly save;
  • it is better to arrange shares when buying with a co-borrower in such a way that most of them belong to someone who has a higher official income (this will allow you to maximize the use of tax refunds);
  • to save time and effort, you can use the Internet service from Tinkoff Bank, which will help you choose a mortgage with favorable conditions.

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A mortgage today is an opportunity to become a happy owner of your own square meters and, at the same time, a financial burden that you will have to bear for many years. The choice - to take or not - is always yours. But in order to take this step, you will have to carefully consider your situation and understand whether you can pay it to the end, and also find the option that will be the least painful in cases of force majeure.

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Many people dream of buying an apartment, but not everyone can afford to spend such a tangible amount of money at once. There is often only one way out in such a situation - to take a mortgage loan. Many cannot decide on such a responsible step, realizing that such a loan will have to be repaid for a very long time. However, if you follow a few rules, as well as carefully choosing a bank, you can move into your own apartment without significant problems.

How to get a mortgage loan correctly and profitably

The decision to buy an apartment on a mortgage becomes the most important decision in life for many people. At the same time, I really want the loan to be as profitable as possible and not become bondage.

How to get a mortgage loan? This question inevitably arises among potential borrowers. In fact, there are several important rules, the observance of which will help make the purchase of an apartment a joyful event and will not allow the mortgage to spoil the life of the borrower.

  1. Before applying for a mortgage, you should evaluate your options. It is desirable that monthly payments do not exceed one third of the family budget. If you do not follow this rule, pulling a mortgage can be very difficult.
  2. It is best to improve housing conditions gradually. In this case, the payment amount will be lower. In addition, it will be possible to pay off the mortgage faster, and if you want to buy a bigger apartment in the future, you can get a loan under more favorable terms.
  3. It is not enough just to take a mortgage loan from a bank. You must make monthly payments on time. Maximum savings in the family budget will help create an airbag. Ideally, it should be around three monthly payments. This will help pay the mortgage even in case of temporary difficulties. When the "stash" is created, you can start partially early redemption. This will help you save on interest payments.

The minimum overpayment can be achieved not only when the best conditions for a mortgage loan are selected. It is important to buy an apartment when the market is falling. Is it worth taking a mortgage this year, read in a special review.

The best banks for mortgage loans

There is no need to rush into getting a mortgage. Even before making a decision, you should carefully read the offers of various credit organizations. To understand where it is better to take a mortgage loan. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the interest rate, but also other conditions:

  • Availability of additional commissions, insurances and payments.
  • Terms of early repayment (including partial).
  • The amount of the down payment. Let's say right away that it is quite difficult to get a mortgage loan without a down payment in 2019, because these are big risks for the bank. As a rule, the down payment on such loans starts from 10 percent. If you do not have a down payment to buy an apartment on credit, pay attention to banks where you can get a consumer loan for any purpose. The money you receive can be used to make a down payment on a mortgage.

A large number of offers on the market often leads to the fact that potential borrowers can get confused and confused. A huge number of tempting advertising slogans can be completely misleading. Therefore, it will be useful to use when choosing the TOP-5 best banks for a mortgage loan, compiled by specialists.

Online mortgage on favorable terms at Otkritie Bank

When deciding which bank to apply for a mortgage loan, you should not disregard Otkritie Bank. Mortgage lending conditions are quite loyal here. The client is offered several interesting programs to choose from, depending on the needs of the borrower.

Types of mortgage programs at Otkritie Bank

  1. Buying an apartment in a new building.
  2. Buying an apartment on the secondary market.
  3. Refinancing of mortgage loans of other banks.
  4. military mortgage.
  5. Real estate under maternity capital.
  6. Mortgage lending for the purchase of large apartments.

The interest rate at Otkritie Bank is determined by the mortgage program under which the loan was issued. You can count on a minimum percentage of 8.9% when buying an apartment in a new building or a military mortgage. Other features include a down payment of 10% and a maximum term of 30 years. Mortgages are processed online.

Profitable mortgage loan online through the Tinkoff-Mortgage service

The Tinkoff Bank service offers to consider offers from several banks for loans to buy an apartment. At the same time, the frightening thought of the need to run around the offices of various credit organizations can be abandoned. An online application for a mortgage through the Tinkoff website allows you to shift all the problems of sending documents to the bank to a personal manager.

After filling out the questionnaire on the Tinkoff Bank website, your application will be considered by several partner banks at once. After approval, it remains only to choose the best bank for a mortgage from the proposed list. Moreover, when applying for a loan through Tinkoff, you can get a discount on the interest rate of up to 1.5%. Given the large amount and term of the loan, this is quite a tangible savings.

At the moment, the minimum rate on a mortgage loan for an apartment in a new building starts from only 6% per annum. The maximum term is 25 years and the loan amount is up to 100 million rubles. it is very important that through the service not only employees of companies, but also individual entrepreneurs can apply for a mortgage loan.

Mortgage loan with bad credit history in BZHF bank

In the Housing Finance Bank, anyone can apply for a mortgage loan. Moreover, according to the bank, even borrowers with a bad credit history in the past can get a loan. The main thing is that at the time of application there are no current overdue payments on loans in other banks. This is one of the few banks where you can get a mortgage loan without refusal due to bad credit history in the past. BZHF statistics show that the bank approves 82% of submitted mortgage applications. This is a very high rate!

Conditions of a mortgage loan at the Housing Finance Bank

  • Mortgage on 2 documents (passport and second document - SNILS, TIN driver's license).
  • There is a mortgage program that allows you to get a loan without references on the day of application.
  • Official confirmation of income, reduces the interest rate and increases the credit limit.
  • Registration of the transaction and the apartment takes no more than 3 days.
  • A mortgage loan is issued directly from the bank, without the participation of agents, intermediaries and commissions.
  • Important! Residents of the following cities can apply for a mortgage loan online: Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Omsk.

A mortgage loan is profitable with state support from VTB Bank

  • The interest rate here starts at 10.2%.
  • The initial payment is less than in many other banks - 10%.
  • The possibility of registration without an advance payment for maternity capital.

In addition, this bank has a program “Mortgage loan with state support”. The program provides for preferential lending to families who have had a second or third child since 01/01/2018. For a certain period, a preferential rate of 6% is established with an initial payment of 20%. Do you agree that it is beneficial?

There is also an interesting program "More meters - lower rate" when buying an apartment from 65 sq. meters. That is, the larger the apartment, the lower the interest rate.

Mortgage lending for the construction or purchase of a country house from Sberbank

The country's largest bank, Sberbank, is also very active in the mortgage lending market. The bank willingly lends both to developers themselves and to borrowers who want an apartment on a mortgage loan. Moreover, even pensioners can apply for a mortgage loan, but on the condition that the repayment of the loan is provided for up to 75 years of the borrower.

As in other banks, it offers a mortgage loan with state support for families with children; mortgages for new buildings and secondary housing; military mortgage programs; mortgage using maternity capital. There are also programs that are not always found in other banks. This is a mortgage loan for the construction of a residential building, as well as a mortgage loan for the purchase or construction of suburban real estate (private house, garden plot, etc.).

Experts say that interest in mortgage lending in 2019 will not decrease. Most likely, it will only grow. With the right attitude to such loans, a mortgage will bring only the joy of moving to a new home. In this case, you should not take a loan in the first available bank. It is important to figure out where it is more profitable to take a mortgage loan. This will help save the lion's share of the family budget.

P/S Before you take out a mortgage, be sure to check out “5 Rules for a Comfortable Mortgage”

Getting a loan on favorable terms is the desire of every applicant. Which bank has the best mortgage in 2019? To get an answer, it is not necessary to contact a credit broker or look for information yourself, just read our article.

How to get a mortgage at a minimum interest

The lowest mortgage rate is offered on the most secure transactions. Initially, lenders analyze the potential borrower and his financial capabilities, and then the object that is planned to be purchased. After all, it is real estate that will guarantee the return of the funds received.

Interest rate discounts offer:

  • when applying for life insurance of the title co-borrower;
  • when personal savings account for more than 30-50% of the property value;
  • upon payment of a special commission;
  • those who are ready to conclude a mortgage agreement for a minimum period (up to 5-10 years), but then the payments will be very large;
  • reliable applicants with a stable official income;
  • payroll participants.

The best mortgage conditions are more often received by those who are ready to provide at least 50% of the cost of housing at their own expense. The minimum rates are available to buyers of real estate in new buildings sold by the bank's partners.

There is a chance to save money by participating in preferential programs implemented with state support. Such projects are available only to targeted recipients, for example, public sector employees, families with children.

Where is the best place to get a mortgage?

When determining which bank is better to take a mortgage, many factors should be taken into account.

Payroll clients, as those whose income is easy to trace and whose employers the lender has checked and constantly monitors, are credited on more favorable terms.

The best mortgage isn't always the lowest rate. You also need to clarify:

  • whether the bank works with the selected type of real estate. Problems are possible with architectural monuments, with apartments, with rooms or shares in apartments, with the purchase of residential buildings, with the location of the object and the availability of infrastructure in it;
  • what related payments are possible when servicing the contract, for example, commissions for making a payment, for example, if there is no branch of the creditor in the city of residence, for early repayment;
  • what types of insurance are mandatory in addition to real estate insurance. Some banks require you to enter into title insurance contracts. Such a policy will cost 0.2-3% of the value of the property;
  • whether you need to show income, and how much more the mortgage will cost if you do not confirm it, and so on.

Which bank has the best mortgage

The banks themselves will help determine where it is better to get a mortgage. It is necessary to choose 2-3 most interesting offers and apply to creditors implementing such programs. Based on the analysis of applications, the bank will be able to say exactly how much a mortgage will cost for a specific application.

Preferential mortgage lending programs

The most profitable mortgage offers are offered under special, preferential programs. Such projects are available to public sector employees, families with children. Some programs are implemented only in certain regions.

Level bet 8,5% given for the term of the contract up to 7 years. 7-12 years old8% , and for a longer period ( up to 30 years old) – 10,5% .

The interest rate is determined individually. It depends on factors such as:

  • the amount of the initial payment;
  • the consent of the borrower to insure his life, health;
  • the presence of the status of "salary client of Sberbank";
  • loan terms;
  • availability of documents confirming income;
  • the liquidity of the property that is provided as collateral.
  • age limit - 75 years old, minimum - 21 years old;
  • income verification is not required;
  • low percentage.
  • in fact, the minimum rates are available only to those who can pay most of the cost of the object with personal funds, who are able to make large monthly payments, since the shorter the loan term, the more you need to pay, although the overpayment will ultimately be less;
  • if you apply for 2 documents, then the initial payment should be at least 50% ;
  • The offer is relevant only for the purchase of apartments in accredited properties.

VTB offer

The best mortgage bank for individuals who are looking for offers with a low down payment and a 30 year loan period.

Bankers provide loans to the following persons:

  • citizenship - any;
  • registration - no restrictions;
  • in active labor relations.


  • 30 years;
  • favorable credit rate - 10,1% ;
  • a discount in the price of lending is available to those who belong to the “People of Action”, that is, those working in the public sector;
  • a small discount is given when buying a home more 65 sq.m and participants of salary projects;
  • the conditions are relevant both for new buildings and for housing on the secondary market;
  • 10% ;
  • minimum loan - 600 thousand, maximum - 60 million rubles.


  • the purchase of comprehensive insurance is obligatory, including insurance of the title of rights and life and health;
  • if a citizen does not have a VTB salary card, then the base rate is added 0,5% .

The cheapest mortgage

The most budget option is offered by Sberbank. Even taking into account the fact that outside the action, a new building will cost him 10.5% per annum against 10.1% in VTB, due to the requirement to conclude a comprehensive insurance contract, maintenance may become somewhat more expensive.

The rate on finished housing at Sberbank is also higher - 10.2%. But service, nevertheless, will be cheaper due to the absence of the requirement for registration of title insurance.

The best banks for mortgages

Loan aggregators, acting as intermediaries between clients and banks, also help to find where the most profitable mortgage is. These include Tinkoff Bank and AHML. The latter organization works through its regional partners and quite actively promotes all socially significant projects implemented with the support of government agencies.

Mortgage in Tinkoff Bank

Mortgage with Tinkoff Bank is the price of the agreement from 9,7% and until 25 years.

  • only a passport and a certificate of income are required from the borrower (in the form of Tinkoff or 2-NDFL);
  • the object of the transaction may be the last room, and a town house, and a residential building or cottage;
  • some bank-friendly developers offer discounts to bank customers;
  • Tinkoff-Bank cooperates with 9 banks;
  • lending to individual entrepreneurs;
  • the share of approvals of applications is over 90%.

Tinkoff Bank works with state support programs for families: with mother capital and with family mortgages at 6%.

  • all work is carried out remotely, which means a delay in response to customer requests;
  • the final requirements for the borrower and the acquired property, including the minimum share of personal savings, can be clarified only after checking the questionnaire and obtaining the consent of the partner bank for lending;
  • it is possible to assess the real terms of the transaction only at the stage of signing a mortgage agreement, when some expenses have already been made (for an assessment, for certificates, and so on).

Mortgage programs from AHML

A standard offer from AHML is a rate from 10,3% at the term of the contract 3-30 years old. The object of lending is housing purchased both in the secondary and primary markets.

  • sum - 30 000 000 rubles;
  • minimum deposit from 15% ;
  • "Easy mortgage" is issued according to 2 documents, without confirmation of earnings, but the rate increases;
  • mother's capital will be taken into account as a down payment, but then there should be a minimum of personal savings 10% ;
  • it is possible to link the mortgage price to changes in the key rate;
  • Required work experience - from 3 months with the last employer.

The agency cooperates with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on "Military Mortgage" and with regional authorities, offering various local preferential mortgage lending projects, as well as with family mortgages with a grace period of up to 8 years and a rate of 6%.

  • the minimum amount 500 000 rubles;
  • age - 21-65 years;
  • it is important for businessmen to show at least 2 years of break-even activity.

Eastern Bank

Mortgage from the "East Bank" is issued at a rate of 10,5% per annum. Maximum amount - 30 000 00 0 rubles for lending in Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions, 15 000 000 rubles when applying in other regions. Minimum loan amount – 500 000 rubles.

  • personal savings from 15% ;
  • experience - from 6 months;
  • crediting under 2 documents is allowed.
  • businessmen are required to show break-even activity for a period of at least 24 months;
  • age of borrowers 21-65 years;
  • for the purchase of apartments is required from 30% own funds;
  • refusal of personal insurance leads to an increase in the rate on 0,7% ;
  • the bank operates through JSC DOM (AHML).

"Bank "Saint-Petersburg"

In Bank Saint Petersburg, a mortgage loan costs from 10,25% when buying a home in a new building (program "Mortgage from 10.25%") and from 10.5% when working in the secondary real estate market. Contracts are concluded for 1-25 years old for amounts 500,000 - 10,000,000 rubles.

  • payments - annuity or differentiated;
  • a foreign citizen can act as a co-borrower;
  • age - 18-70 years(65 years old for women);
  • total work experience - 1 year of which 4 months in last place;
  • businessmen and self-employed show at least 1 year of break-even activity;
  • there is also a mortgage provided only by passport;
  • You can purchase all types of housing, as well as parking spaces.
  • own savings - from 20% , if the application is made only on the basis of a passport, then they independently pay a minimum 30% ;
  • typical interest rate for a new building - 11% . Reduced rate in 10,25% applies only to objects from the groups of companies LSR, CDS, Etalon, Polis Group, Leader Group, LLC Petra-8, Glavstroy-SPb.


UBRD provides mortgages for ready-made housing at a rate of 10,15% per annum. Credit limit - 300,000 - 30,000,000 rubles.

  • required experience - from 3 months in the last place with a total experience of 1 year;
  • maximum age - 70 years old;
  • term of the mortgage 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years;
  • employees of UBRD partner enterprises will receive a discount in 0,25% from the base rate.

Available up to 2 active loans. Current debt is invalid.

  • borrowers must pay with their own money at least 20 %;
  • minimum age - 23 years old.

Mortgage loan from Rosselkhozbank

Profitable 10% per annum, attract a lot of Russians who want to get a loan to purchase their own apartment. In Rosselkhozbank, a loan at the above percentage can be taken by applicants:

  • aged from 21 to 65 years old;
  • with a common labor over a year of experience in the last five years;
  • working at the last place of work for more than six months;
  • having permanent or temporary registration in the Russian Federation.

Citizens who are owners of salary cards must provide confirmation of six months of work experience for the last five years. And with the last employer, you only need to work for three months.

The bank issues a loan under the following conditions:

  • sum - 100,000 - 60,000,000 rubles;
  • maximum loan term 30 years;
  • minimum initial deposit 15% .
  • settlement is possible both by annuity and differentiated payments;
  • The bank lends to owners of household plots.
  • the maximum loan amount is provided only when buying an apartment, including under DDU, or when purchasing an apartment. No more than 2 0 000 000 rubles;
  • when purchasing apartments, you will have to pay at least 30% their cost with own funds;
  • 10% per annum under the agreement will be received by those who invest at least 3 000 000 rubles of personal savings;
  • if the borrower/co-borrower refuses to insure their life, health, the interest rate will increase by 1%.

Offer "Promsvyazbank" "New buildings in the mortgage from 9.8%"

Beneficial for applicants who practically do not have their own money. After all, bankers agree to lend to citizens if they contribute 10% of the price of the apartment as an advance payment.

Promsvyazbank's offer to purchase a home with a mortgage contains the following items:

  • bid from 9.8% per annum;
  • buying an apartment from a developer accredited by the bank;
  • maximum loan amount 20 million, and in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region - 30 million rubles;
  • maximum mortgage maturity 25 years.
  • if you purchase a new building from a developer-partner of the Gold PSB class, the price of the contract will be reduced to 9,7% ;
  • for holders of salary cards, as well as those who work in the defense industry, who use the Orange Premium Club package, the base interest rate is equal to 9,5% ;
  • Promsvyazbank partners give discounts on some objects.
  • 9,8% is set for a mortgage if housing is bought from partners of the Platinum PSB segment;
  • preferential rates apply subject to payment of at least 15% the value of real estate at the expense of their own money and when applying for life insurance.

Mortgage for a new building from Gazprombank

Offers the program "Mortgage from the largest developers 10,5% ».

  • down payment from 10% ;
  • term of the contract 1-30 years;
  • maximum amount - 60 000 000 rubles when acquiring real estate in Moscow or St. Petersburg and 45 000 000 rubles, if it is located in other cities;
  • age of applicants 20-65 years.

Mother capital is accepted as a down payment, but then personal savings should be at least 5% from the value of the purchased property.

  • minimum loan amount 500 000 rubles;
  • the base rate is set only when buying a home from partners of Gazprombank;
  • if apartments are bought, then personal savings pay at least 20% their cost, and the base rate will be no less than 10,8% ;
  • bad credit history is not allowed.

Mortgage program from Energotransbank

Energotrasbank gives mortgages for the purchase of both ready-made and housing under construction at a base rate of 9,5 %.

  • loan term up to 25 years;
  • personal investment from 10% ;
  • required experience - from 6 months last;
  • discounts from the base rate in the amount of 0,5% will be received by participants in salary projects, public sector employees and those who provided a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL;
  • maximum age of the borrower - 70 years.
  • minimum contract amount 500 000 rubles;
  • the bank lends to citizens if they have already turned 23 of the year;
  • it is important to live and permanently register in the region where Energotransbank operates;
  • only purchases of apartments, townhouses and cottages are credited.

Offer of Raiffeisenbank

Together with Raiffeisenbank, they acquire both new housing and ready-made ones. The cost of lending - from 9,99% .

  • the largest amount 26 000 000 rubles;
  • term - 1-30 years;
  • when calculating solvency, the income of common-law spouses is also taken into account;
  • personal funds - not less than 15% ;
  • age of applicants 21-65 years;
  • minimum work experience - 6 months at the last place of employment with a total work experience of 12 months. If a person has been working for more than 2 years, then it is enough for the last employer to be registered for 3 months.

Raiffeisenbank lends to foreign citizens. The main thing is that their place of work is actually in Russia.

  • minimum loan limit 800 000 rubles for real estate in the capital or in the capital region and 500 000 rubles for transactions made in other regions of the country;
  • if you do not draw up a comprehensive insurance contract, then the maximum age of applicants is limited 60 years;
  • only approved 1 existing mortgage loan.

"Alfa Bank"

A mortgage from Alfa-Bank is a rate of at least 10,19% . The program is designed for the acquisition of housing under construction or finished.

  • private savings - from 15% ;
  • deadline - up to 30 years;
  • maximum amount - 50 000 000 rubles;
  • payroll clients of Alfa-Bank will receive a discount in 0,3% to the base rate of interest;
  • possible citizenship of Russia, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine;
  • age - 21-70 years.
  • minimum loan amount 600 000 rubles;
  • rate rises to 0,5% if personal funds are less 20% , if a residential building is bought, if income is not confirmed;
  • the cost of a loan in case of refusal of life insurance increases by 1% ;
  • added to base rate 0,25% if you need money for a townhouse.

Mortgage loan for the purchase of housing from the "Bank of Housing Finance"

Offers flexible mortgage terms. Interest rate for the purchase of real estate - 10,5% .

  • minimum down payment 20% ;
  • minimum loan term 1 year, maximum - 30 years;
  • There is a possibility of lending 2 documents;
  • loan amount from 450 thousand to 20 million rubles.
  • the loan is provided exclusively to citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • the apartment must be located in the settlement where the BZHF department operates;
  • the building in which the object is located must have at least three floors.

Program of Uralsib Bank "Housing under construction"

In Uralsib Bank, a loan can be obtained under the Housing under Construction program under 10.5% per annum.

  • age - 18-70 years;
  • last place experience 3 month;
  • the bank lends to individual entrepreneurs and businessmen;
  • amount of credit - from 300 thousand to 50 million rubles;
  • loan terms - from 3 to 30 years;
  • advance payment - 15%.
  • it is important that the employer exists for at least 1 of the year;
  • if during the year more 3 once the settlement terms under the agreement were violated, Uralsib may demand termination of the agreement.

The most favorable mortgage for secondary housing

The best mortgage offers of 2019 for the purchase of finished housing are products from:

  • "Energotransbank" with a rate of 9.5%;
  • Tinkoff - 9.7%;
  • Raiffeisenbank - 9.99%.

The most profitable mortgage for a new building

The most profitable mortgage programs for a new building are offered under:

  • 8.5% - Sberbank;
  • 9.5% - Energotransbank;
  • 9.7% - Tinkoff.

The cheapest mortgage in Moscow

The best mortgage in Moscow is offered by Sberbank. This lender is ready to lend at 8.5% per annum when buying an apartment in a house under construction.

New buildings with cheap mortgages in Moscow

A good discount for mortgage borrowers is given by partner developers:

  • "Promsvyazbank";
  • "Tinkoff";
  • Bank Saint Petersburg.

The most profitable mortgage in St. Petersburg

The most profitable mortgages in St. Petersburg are offered by Sberbank when buying housing in an accredited new building and Energotransbank when buying ready-made housing.