“You're being rude, boy!”: credit to Cetelem. Is it worth taking a car loan from Cetelem Bank: customer reviews, interest rate Who owns Cetelem Bank

The bank was established in 1992 under the name " Commercial Bank development of the city of Saratov "Tavis". One of the founders was the Saratov holding company Avangard, specializing in the development modern technologies for the automotive industry. Later, the bank changed owners and “moved” to Moscow, starting to operate under a new name - “National Financial Traditions” (NFT). In 2005, 62.5% of the bank's shares were acquired in two stages by the Ukrainian UkrSibbank, which significantly facilitated the Russian credit organization's entry into the deposit insurance system. At the end of the same 2005, NFT Bank was renamed into LLC CB UkrSibbank. At the same time, at the beginning of 2006, the transaction for the sale of 51% of the shares of the Ukrainian JSCIB UkrSibbank to the French banking group BNP Paribas was completed. The group was already represented in Russia by a subsidiary corporate investment bank and other structures operating in the areas of insurance, leasing and fleet management, and development. The Russian CB "UkrSibbank" in June 2007 received the name "BNP Paribas Vostok". In June 2011, BNP Paribas agreed to create a joint venture to provide retail credit services. Since September 2005 he has been a member compulsory insurance deposits of individuals.

In September 2012, Sberbank closed a deal to acquire a 70% stake in the credit institution; 30% remained with the BNP Paribas group. Thus, all retail business was implemented in a joint venture, and the corporate and investment block was transferred to BNP Paribas Bank. At the end of June 2013, the retail bank changed its name to Cetelem Bank LLC. At the beginning of October 2013, business partners announced the closure of a transaction, as a result of which Sberbank’s share in Cetelem Bank increased to 74%. Currently, Sberbank owns 79.2% of shares in the capital of Cetelem Bank, BNP Paribas S.A. owns 20.8%.

The bank has 75 representative offices in the Russian Federation, the bank's network at the end of 2017 included 11,064 points of sale (at the end of 2016 - 7,467). The number of employees as of December 31, 2017 was 4.3 thousand employees (at the end of 2016 - 6.5 thousand).

The bank specializes in providing consumer loans, including loans for the purchase of vehicles and motorcycles, as well as cash loans. According to the bank’s website, as of August 1, 2018, the financial institution was the largest in Russian market bank in terms of the volume of issued car loans and was the leader in terms of the volume of the car loan portfolio. The bank cooperates with more than 2,600 dealership centers throughout Russia, among its partners are such large dealer networks as Major, Rolf, Avtomir, Avilon Group of Companies and others. To date, Cetelem Bank has signed and is implementing 16 agreements with automakers, and within the framework of the Ford Credit program, an exclusive partnership is being carried out with Ford Sollers Holding LLC. The Bank is also actively involved in special programs The Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, aimed at supporting the automotive industry and stimulating demand for cars.

Generally individuals We offer cash loans, car loans, bank cards(MasterCard Cetelem Instant), insurance services and other services (road assistance program, accident assistance, SMS informant).

The volume of net assets of the credit institution has remained almost unchanged since the beginning of 2018 (-1.6%), amounting to 130.9 billion rubles as of November 1, 2018. In liabilities for the specified period, the most noticeable changes were demonstrated by attracted interbank loans (-2.2 billion rubles), the reduction of which was fully compensated by an increase in equity capital (+2.6 billion rubles). Assets show growth in retail loan portfolio(+3.3 billion rubles) with a simultaneous reduction in the portfolio of issued interbank loans (-3.4 billion rubles) and highly liquid reserves (-2.1 billion rubles).

The structure of the credit institution's liabilities is poorly diversified by sources of attraction and is characterized by an extremely high dependence on funds raised on the interbank market, the share of which as of the reporting date amounted to 76.3% of the total net liabilities of the credit institution. The bulk of the raised interbank funds is represented by loans received from Sberbank. Also included in the attracted interbank loans are subordinated loans from BNP Paribas Finance S.A. and Sberbank. The share of deposits of individuals in liabilities does not exceed 3.5%, and the remaining part of liabilities has been formed own capital. Its sufficiency standard N1.0 is twice the minimum established level. Due to the specific nature of the activity, turnover on bank client accounts is low and recent months during the study period amounted to 29-32 billion rubles.

The main volume of the credit institution's assets falls on the loan portfolio item, which at the reporting date forms 91% of net assets. Items of other assets occupy another 7.44%, the shares of fixed assets and highly liquid balances account for 0.5% and 0.3%, respectively.

As of the reporting date, the total loan portfolio of the financial institution is 118.8 billion rubles. Since the beginning of 2018, its volume has increased slightly - by 3.3 billion rubles (or 2.8%). The portfolio is almost entirely made up of retail loans, predominantly long-term (with maturities over three years). During the analyzed period, the level of overdue debt total portfolio decreased from 5.5% to 4.7%. At the same time, the reserve level for the loan portfolio is 6.6%, which fully covers the amount of overdue debt. As of the reporting date, the level of collateral for the loan portfolio with property was 143.1%.

Despite the minimum share in assets as of the reporting date issued by interbank credits, credit organisation is regularly active in placing funds on the interbank market. Thus, since the beginning of 2018, intramonth placement turnover ranged from 50 billion to 140 billion rubles. Fundraising turnover for the same period generally did not exceed 10 billion rubles. On foreign exchange market The financial institution is weakly active and turnover on conversion operations is minimal.

According to RAS reporting data, at the end of January - October 2018, the credit institution received net profit in the amount of 2.6 billion rubles. Over the same period in 2017, the credit institution demonstrated positive financial results in the amount of 726.9 million rubles.

Board of Directors: Alexander Torbakhov (chairman), Andrey Lykov, Nikolay Astashkin, Alexander Morozov, Henri Louis-Michel, Michel Falver, Natalya Alymova.

Governing body: Andrey Lykov (chairman), Mikhail Shokin, Irina Gorlova, Ilya Kraschenko, Zhanna Goryainova.

Cetelem is a trademark under which BNP Paribas Vostok LLC issues consumer loans (including car loans, credit cards and loans for urgent needs) on Russian territory. The bank operates in 67 regions of the country and cooperates with such large retail chains as M.Video, WORLD OF LEATHER AND FUR, Snow Queen, DOMO and others.

Bank Cetelem declares that it adheres to the concept of “Responsible lending”. This means that the bank promises to provide its customers with “transparent loan products at reasonable rates and help improve the level of customer service", says the organization's website. But in fact, the bank often retreats from these principles. But first things first.

What does the bank offer? . Let's dwell on credit offer "10-10-10". The bank positions it as a loan for any needs on “prosaic” terms. What was meant by this definition is not specified on the bank’s website. However, it is still issued for the purchase of goods, and not for any needs.

According to these “prosaic” conditions, the bank is ready borrow from 2,500 to 450,000 rubles for term up to 10 months under bet from 23.56% to 45.72% per annum. Commissions There are no fees for granting or servicing the loan, an initial fee must be at least 10%. " Overpayment for the client according to this credit product will be approximately 10% of the cost of the goods,” according to documents on the organization’s website.

For inaccurate payments the bank fines. If the amount of late payment is less than or equal to 100 rubles, then you will be charged an additional 50 rubles as a penalty. If you underpaid on time by more than 100 rubles, then the fine for you will be 15% of each overdue monthly payment, but not less than 700 rubles.

Possible problems . “Thanks to” Cetelem, many conscientious borrowers will learn what debt collection means tactless attitude bank to its clients. Even a few months after full settlement regarding the loan, bank employees may begin to inundate you with rather rude SMS messages and calls demanding that you repay the balance of the debt. This usually happens for three reasons:
1. After settlement, you are left with a “debt” of a few kopecks.
2. An error by a call center employee who incorrectly stated the amount of your last final payment.
3. You did not notify the bank about early repayment debt.

But most likely you will not even know the reasons for the formation of debt and whether it actually exists. The bank will not deal with this. Contact phone numbers will be unavailable, and requests through the site will lead to nothing. This is evidenced by many bank clients in their reviews of Setelem’s work. But you are guaranteed a massive SMS message with threats and accrued fines. But there will simply be nowhere to get information about the amount to repay.

It is noteworthy that from the aggressive tone of SMS and calls, many people break down and prefer to pay their supposed debts and arrears - if only this barrage would stop.

Customer dissatisfaction also causes imposed credit card. It is simply sent to clients by mail. Recently issued in Cetelem consumer loan Yulia Kutilova from St. Petersburg also received such a “package”. “I didn’t order a card!” the woman is indignant. - I'm calling hotline Setelema, and there the young man says that when I took out a consumer loan, “I signed some kind of consent to issue their cards for me.” Although I didn’t sign anything and I have all the papers in my hands!”

I am writing a review following the repayment of the loan.
The goal is for as many portal visitors as possible to read the review and not get involved with this illegitimate “daughter” of Sber from the Saratov father with the participation of the French midwife Paribas.
In September 2016 I decided to change my car. I contacted the Favorit Motors salon, where they gave me an acceptable estimate of my car and offered me various discounts according to the programs. state subsidies etc. The car we picked up was in stock. The choice has been made.

In principle, I could contact my “salary” bank for a loan with no worse conditions, as I realized later, but in the salon they competently explained to me that they were ready to offer unprecedented lending conditions from Cetelem Bank (the first time I heard the name this wonderful credit institution), and at the same time offer an additional discount on a car for choosing this bank! They sold it, as they call it, without leaving the cash register, took it warm...
Then there was an unpleasant story with the cancellation of interest-free repayment through Sber, the proposal to put banknotes one by one into the Elexnet box...
I was fed up with all this and decided to divorce my “daughter”...
In June 2017, I repaid the loan in full. After which I found out that there were 1,593 rubles in my account for the unused SMS notification service, which I can receive (minus a commission of 50 rubles) by contacting the bank with an application and providing my account details. Okay, accepted.

But with insurance, about which so much has been said in the reviews, everything is much more interesting. After my appeal regarding the return of part of the insurance premium, a bank employee called me back and explained that termination of the life insurance contract (properly imposed on me when applying for a loan) is possible, but I will not be able to get any funds back, since the deadline (recommended by the Central Bank - according to an employee of Setelem) to which a refund of the premium is possible after termination of the insurance contract is equal to 5 (!) working days from the moment of its signing! Absurd! The service is unnecessary and pointless, but paid for!
The loan was repaid, but the job was done - 67 thousand rubles were received from me. ahead for three years of lending and now I can only remain insured until the end of the originally issued loan term and be glad that if something happens, the bank is owed....
I don’t need explanations that I myself am a mug and should have read and understood everything. Keep them for yourself. Thanks for the science. Never, never again will I turn to you and your mother. I don't recommend it to others either.
Know that all the specialists who will lead you down the aisle with this “daughter” are well-trained, deceitful and crafty matchmakers, whose salaries obviously depend on the number of suitors they defraud.