Rosselkhoz steps to obtain a mortgage. Mortgage Rosselkhozbank: conditions, documents, application

Mortgage lending is one of the main areas of work of OJSC Rosselkhozbank. In 2019, the bank is offering potential borrowers a number of profitable mortgage programs. An application for a mortgage loan can be quickly completed at any branch of the bank and at the offices of its many partners; online application processing is available on the Rosselkhozbank website.

However, in the case of mortgage lending, a preliminary visit to the bank's office by a potential borrower is still the most preferable first step to obtaining a loan.

Banking specialists on site will be better able to explain how to apply for a mortgage, taking into account all individual conditions.

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In fact, mortgages at Rosselkhozbank are more affordable than at other banks in the Russian Federation (except Sberbank), for one reason - it’s easier to get there. According to the RBC rating (as of 11.2013), Rosselkhozbank ranks 2nd (with 1,598 branches in the Russian Federation) in terms of the number of representative offices among Russian banks.

Purposes, amount and terms of the loan

A mortgage loan can be used for:

  • purchasing an apartment;
  • purchasing a residential building with a plot of land;
  • partial payment under a participation agreement in shared construction;
  • construction of a residential building;
  • purchasing a plot of land with the subsequent purpose of building a residential building on it;
  • acquisition of an unfinished construction project, including a land plot for the purpose of completing construction;
  • acquisition of land.

The mortgage loan amount can vary from 100,000 to 20,000,000 rubles.

Mortgage loans are provided for a period from 1 month to 25 years.


Basic conditions:

  • A mortgage loan can be provided in rubles, euros or dollars.
  • The minimum loan amount is from 100 thousand rubles, in foreign currency - 2500 € and 3000 $, respectively.
  • The maximum loan amount can reach up to 20 million rubles, in foreign currency - 500 thousand € and 600 thousand $, respectively.
  • The maximum loan size cannot exceed 85% of the value of the mortgaged property (with the exception of certain programs).
  • The cost of lending depends on the currency of the loan, the loan term, the size of the down payment, the type of object being purchased, the program, the profile of the borrower, and the total amount of the loan.
  • A mortgage loan can be provided in one amount, in equal tranches or in uneven payments:
    • One-time and in several payments over a short period of time - when purchasing a property.
    • In equal payments - in tranches, according to the approved schedule (during the construction of a house, in other cases).
    • Uneven payments - within the framework of an agreed credit line, upon request (during the construction of a house, in other cases).
  • The borrower can choose a mortgage payment scheme - annuity or differentiated.
  • There are no restrictions or additional fees for early repayment of mortgage debt.
  • A potential borrower can confirm his income using a bank form.

Interest rate

The interest rate primarily depends on two factors - the size of the down payment and the term of the loan. The longer the loan term, the higher the interest rate. The larger the down payment, the lower the interest rate.

Interest rates, per annum in Russian rubles

Interest rate
for a period of up to 60 months. from 60
up to 120 months
from 120
up to 180 months
from 180
up to 300 months
From 15 to 30% 12,90% 13,50% 14,00 % 14,5%
Over 30% and up to 50% 12,40% 13,00% 13,50% 14,00%
Over 50% 11,90% 12,50% 13,00% 13,50%

Interest rates in US dollars and euros start from 10% per annum.

The interest rate in rubles ranges from 12.5% ​​to 14.5% per annum - quite attractive conditions on the mortgage loan market. For example, the rate on a mortgage loan from Sberbank for the purchase of finished housing varies between 13%–14%, which means that the conditions at Rosselkhozbank are no worse, and in some cases even more profitable.

Other essential and additional conditions:

  • Additions and discounts to interest rates (summed up, if applicable):
    • Surcharge 3.5%. In case of refusal of the borrower and/or joint borrowers from life and health insurance.
    • 0.5% surcharge. For the period of construction of the mortgaged object, until the mortgaged object is registered as collateral in favor of the bank.
    • 1% discount. Provided to employees of enterprises that are participants in the bank’s “salary project” or employees of Rosselkhozbank OJSC (with the exception of loans in US dollars and euros).
  • Mandatory insurance of property accepted by the bank as collateral, with the exception of land plots.
  • Spouses are required to be involved as co-borrowers on the loan, and individuals who are not relatives of the borrower can also act in this capacity - no more than 3 people.

Conditions and rates may vary slightly for different cities where different bank branches are located.

Requirements for the borrower, documents and loan security

A mortgage loan from Rosselkhozbank can be provided to any citizen of the Russian Federation aged 21–65 years. (taking into account the expiration date of the mortgage agreement). The work experience of the proposed borrower over the last five years must be more than 1 year, and in the last job more than 6 months.

Rosselkhozbank's document requirements are slightly less stringent than those of Sberbank or VTB 24, but document verification may take longer.

List of basic standard documents for obtaining a mortgage loan from Rosselkhozbank:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (with registration).
  • Application form from the bank (can be printed and filled out at home).
  • Certificate of income in form 2-NDFL or in bank form.
  • Documents related to the purchased property.
  • Documents confirming the ownership of real estate acting as collateral.
  • Other necessary documents at the justified request of the bank (the list is determined on an individual basis).
  • Insurance of purchased property.

Loan collateral:

  • Pledge of purchased property.
  • Pledge of existing property.
  • Subsidiary liability of co-borrowers on a loan.

Special programs

Military mortgage

For military participants in the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel (NIS). It features more preferential terms - a low interest rate and lower requirements for the minimum amount of the borrower's own funds:

Mortgage loan in rubles

Mortgage loan in foreign currency

Young family

Families can participate in this program in which the age of one of the spouses should not exceed 35 years. The down payment on the loan can be 10%.

At the birth of a child and for the period until he reaches the age of three, the borrower can receive a deferment (refinancing) on ​​the loan. A deferment can be granted during the construction of real estate for a period of up to three years.

Maternal capital

To take advantage of this mortgage lending program, one of the borrowers must be the manager of maternity capital funds.

In general, Rosselkhozbank, within the framework of its own mortgage programs, offers conditions comparable to the best offers on the market.

Depending on the goals, terms, choice of currency and all additional conditions, the final cost of a mortgage loan may fluctuate slightly up or down in comparison with the best offers from other banks, while the price of a loan from Rosselkhozbank is definitely not worse than average market rates.

Taking into account its extensive branch network, mortgage loans from this bank are most in demand in small towns of the Russian Federation and in rural areas.


Mortgage interest rates at Rosselkhozbank in 2019: see the current conditions for obtaining a housing loan for a house, secondary housing and new buildings. The features of their design, requirements for borrowers and objects, as well as a list of required documents are presented. An online calculator will help you calculate your payment.

Today, Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) has several mortgage lending programs. Different conditions and rates are offered for the purchase of different types of real estate:

4. No down payment from 10.10%.

There are also special discount offers:

1. for young families and using maternity capital;

Mortgage programs of Rosselkhozbank in 2019

The conditions of mortgage programs at Rosselkhozbank today are very flexible. The interest rate is influenced by the category of the borrower (state employees, salaried or reliable clients with a good credit history), as well as the size of the down payment and the total loan amount.

All this was probably done for a good purpose - so that as many people as possible with different incomes could afford to buy housing. But it is quite difficult to understand the resulting intricacy of conditions and interest rates.

Rosselkhozbank mortgage for new buildings

Mortgage loans for primary housing in Rosselkhozbank today are issued on the following conditions:

  • Rate: from 9.75%;
  • Amount: up to 60 million rubles;
  • Duration: up to 30 years;
  • Down payment: from 15%;
  • Review: up to 5 days.

Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

Rosselkhozbank mortgage for secondary housing

Mortgage loans for secondary housing in Rosselkhozbank today are issued on the following conditions:

  • Rate: from 10.2%;
  • Amount: up to 60 million rubles;
  • Duration: up to 30 years;
  • Down payment: from 15%;
  • Review: up to 5 days.

Rosselkhozbank mortgage on residential buildings

Mortgage loans from Rosselkhozbank for the purchase of a residential building or land plot for construction are today issued on the following conditions:

  • Rate: from 13.35%;
  • Amount: up to 60 million rubles;
  • Duration: up to 30 years;
  • Down payment: from 15%;
  • Review: up to 5 days.

Target mortgage

This is what Rosselkhozbank called a mortgage loan without a down payment. To apply for it, the client does not need to collect a large amount for the down payment. But you will have to pledge to the bank the apartment or house you already have (or your Co-borrower/Guarantor).

Money is issued under the following conditions:

  • Rate: from 10.10%;
  • Amount: up to 20 million rubles;
  • Duration: up to 30 years;
  • Down payment: none;
  • Review: up to 5 days.

Mortgage with state support for families with children

Today, a mortgage loan with government support is issued for the purchase of housing under construction or finished housing from a developer, as well as for refinancing a previously provided mortgage loan.

Funds can be received under the following conditions:

  • Rate: from 4.7%;
  • Minimum amount: 100,000 rubles;
  • Maximum amount:
    ⋅ 12 million rubles (for facilities located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions);
    ⋅ 6 million rubles (for facilities located in other cities and regions of Russia).
  • Total amount: no more than 80% of the value of the purchased property;
  • Duration: up to 30 years;
  • Down payment: 20%;
  • Review: 5 days.

How to apply for a mortgage loan at Rosselkhozbank

The procedure for applying for a loan at RSHB is the same as at other banks.

The first step is to submit an application. The easiest way to do this is online, for example, on the official website of Rosselkhozbank. There you will indicate your full name, date of birth, telephone number and email address. After this, a bank employee will contact you to explain what to do next.

After you collect the documents and submit them to the bank, the bank will review your loan application within up to 5 days.

If the decision is positive, the entire amount will be transferred to you at once.

How to repay a loan

Today, the bank offers the borrower the choice of how to return money to the bank: differentiated or annuity (equal) payments. The main thing is to do this monthly.

Full or partial early repayment of the loan is also allowed. It is carried out without a moratorium and commissions.

Requirements for clients

Rosselkhozbank imposes quite strict requirements on potential clients.

1. Citizenship. Russian Federation.

2. Registration. On the territory of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or stay.

3. Age. From 21 to 65 years (at the time of full repayment of the loan). In special cases, you can pay off your mortgage up to 75 years. This requires simultaneous compliance with the following conditions:

  • presence of a co-borrower;
  • Before the borrower turns 65, at least half of the loan term must have passed.

4. Work experience. The length of service requirements differ depending on the category of the borrower.

  • Individuals: at least 6 months at the current place of work and at least 1 year of total experience over the last 5 years;
  • Salary and “reliable” clients: at least 3 months at the last place of work and at least 6 months. total continuous experience over the last 5 years;
  • Pensioners: for clients receiving a pension into an account opened with Rosselkhozbank JSC, the requirement for a total work experience of at least 1 year over the last 5 years does not apply.
  • Citizens running private household plots: the presence of entries in the household book of the local government about the citizen running private plots for at least 12 months before the date of filing the loan application.

Documents for a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank

To apply for a mortgage loan, you need to collect and submit a whole package of documents to the Russian Agricultural Bank. Among them:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. Military ID (for men under 27 years of age);
  3. Documents about marital status and presence of children;
  4. Certificates confirming financial status and employment;
  5. Documents on the loaned property.

The list of required documents may be changed at the discretion of the RSHB.

What income will be taken into account when determining the loan size?

Rosselkhozbank accepts both one and several types of income:

  • at the main place of work;
  • received from another place of work (part-time work);
  • from entrepreneurial activity (except for a loan for a period of over 36 months);
  • pension payments;
  • from running a personal subsidiary plot (LPH);
  • income from other sources permitted by law, documented:
  • under real estate lease agreements (documented);
  • remuneration from the use of intellectual property;
  • under civil contracts.

If your own income is not enough to get a mortgage loan for the required amount, then you can attract up to 3 co-borrowers. By the way, they do not have to be relatives of the borrower. But a spouse is required to be involved as a Co-borrower.

Questions and answers

Who are the “reliable” clients?

“Reliable” clients include clients with a positive credit history both with Rosselkhozbank itself and with other banks. In this case, at least 1 year must pass from the date of successful repayment of any loan.

Who are the payroll clients?

Salary clients include employees of enterprises that are participants in the “salary project” of JSC Rosselkhozbank, and individuals who receive wages into an account with the Russian Agricultural Bank.

Is it possible to use maternity capital as a down payment?

When receiving a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank, you can use maternity capital as a down payment. The amount of the down payment in this case is calculated according to the terms of the mortgage for a young family. Matkapital must be used to pay off mortgage debt within 3 months from the date the loan was issued.

Conclusions: why is it profitable to take out a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank today?

What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank?

Regardless of the lending program, you will need to provide a standard package of documents for a Rosselkhozbank mortgage.

This includes the following:

  1. A passport with a mark of registration in the region where you are going to apply for a mortgage.
  2. A second document confirming your identity (foreign passport, driver's license, other document with your photo).
  3. Certificate of income in the form of a bank or 2-NDFL and a copy of the work record book certified by the employer.
  4. Marriage and child birth certificate (if available).
  5. Documents from guarantors (if their income is taken into account when applying for a loan). These include a passport, a copy of the work book certified by the employer, a second document confirming identity and a certificate of income in form 2-NDFL or in the form of a bank.
  6. Statement.

These documents for a Rosselkhozbank mortgage are needed in any case, regardless of the choice of lending program.

An exception is a mortgage according to 2 documents of Rosselkhozbank, but securing the loan will be more expensive.

Additional requirements

When purchasing an apartment, you will need to additionally provide a package of documents for a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank:

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register confirming ownership.
  2. Real estate appraisal report.
  3. Extract from the house register.
  4. Consent of the spouse to purchase housing, certified by a notary (provided that the spouse is not a party to the transaction).
  5. Cadastral and technical passport.

If you plan to buy an apartment in a building under construction or you plan to build an individual house yourself, then you need to additionally provide the bank with the following:

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  2. Construction permit.
  3. Project of the future house and approved estimate.
  4. Equity participation agreement (if we are talking about an apartment in a building under construction).
  5. Contract agreement (for the construction of an individual house).

It is worth noting that The bank may change the list of required documents at its discretion.

Mortgage under two documents

When applying for a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank using two documents, you will receive an increased interest rate, but you will not need to collect a large package of documents.

All you need is a passport with a registration mark and a second document confirming your identity.

You will also need to fill out an application form and provide additional documents for the property described above.

It is worth noting that this program is not valid in all regions. The possibility of using this program can be clarified on the official website or by calling the hotline.

Filling out an application for a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank

You can fill out the form yourself at home or do it directly in front of the loan officer.

In it you will have to indicate your personal data and the personal data of the co-borrower and guarantors. It is possible to attract up to three guarantors.

There are three types of questionnaires (for guarantors, co-borrowers and borrowers).

(three types) can be downloaded here.

The title borrower must indicate the type of loan product and the required amount, the amount of the down payment and the purpose of the loan.

The type of security includes a surety and/or pledge. You can also indicate the lack of collateral.

After entering your personal data and information about the required loan program, you must provide contact information.

This includes the address of work and place of residence, work, home and mobile phones.

Information about the spouse and possible relatives must be indicated in the Russian Agricultural Bank.

The last paragraph of the questionnaire contains a quick survey regarding a possible refusal. So, you must write about your criminal record, disability and limitation or deprivation of parental rights. These factors may cause refusal.

As for the questionnaires of guarantors and co-borrowers, they will need to write similar information with the exception of the name of the loan product, amount and information about the property.

Online application and submission

You can submit an online application for a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank online. To do this, you need to provide the required information in the form. Write in as much detail as possible. If any inaccuracies are found, you will be denied a loan.

Upon receipt of approval (the application is considered within 3-5 business days), you will need to come to the nearest bank branch to provide the necessary package of documents.

In this article, we looked at what documents are needed to obtain a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank.

We learned that at Rosselkhozbank you can get a mortgage for the construction of an individual house, the purchase of an apartment or house on the primary or secondary market, and the purchase of an apartment in a new building.

You can submit your application remotely to save time. In this case, specialists will coordinate in advance the time of your arrival at the bank when receiving approval for a loan.

The interest rate in this bank is very attractive. Its only drawback is the insufficient number of ATMs and branches for convenient making scheduled payments.

The topic of mortgage lending will never cease to be pressing. It is almost impossible to buy decent housing with the accumulated funds.

To help their clients, banks are developing various mortgage programs that help different categories of citizens acquire long-awaited square meters. So Rosselkhozbank has developed several mortgage lending programs.

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Who can take out a mortgage loan from Rosselkhozbank?

The bank has developed only 3 mortgage lending programs.

In 2019, individuals who are both new clients of the bank and proven ones can take out a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank in 2019: payroll clients, owners of deposits.

In addition, anyone can apply online for a mortgage loan at Rosselkhozbank.


As already mentioned, any individual who meets the bank’s requirements and submits the necessary documents can take out a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank.

The bank has the following requirements for mortgage loan applicants:

  • Minimum age - 18 years. Quite a low age limit. On average in the banking services market, the minimum lending age is 22 – 25 years. And, although this age is indicated in the lending conditions, the bank tries not to issue mortgages to persons who have not served in the army;
  • The maximum age at which a borrower can repay a mortgage is 65 years. For women and men the age is the same;
  • Work experience. The total work experience must be at least 1 year. At the same time, at the last place of work - at least 4 months in a row;
  • No criminal record. All Russian citizens who have an expunged or expunged criminal record can take out a loan to purchase housing;
  • Availability of co-borrowers– up to 3 people. The bank takes into account the degree of relationship in the 3rd order;
  • Having sufficient income. The bank takes into account all the applicant’s income.

Naturally, in addition to his personal documents, the future borrower must present the bank with documents for the purchased housing.

The bank provides loans to individuals for the purchase of housing in a new building, on the secondary market, as well as for the acquisition of a plot of land or the construction of a country house.

The bank does not charge the client a fee for processing the application and issuing the loan.


  • The client can choose the loan repayment method himself– equal payments or differentiated payments;
  • The bank does not charge penalties for early loan repayment. This can be done already from the 1st month;
  • Income can be confirmed not only using a 2-NDFL certificate, but also using a bank form. This allows you to take into account the borrower’s additional income, which may affect the terms of the loan, for example, from renting out any property.
  • The maximum loan amount is quite large - 20 million rubles. The minimum down payment is 15% of the cost of the purchased home.
  • A mandatory condition is insurance of the purchased property.- both the collateral for the loan and the health and life of the borrower.

Mortgage for maternity capital

Few people know how it is issued.

The conditions of such a lending program are somewhat different from conventional programs developed by the bank:

As with all other banks, the interest rate depends on the amount of the down payment.

Maternity capital can be used both to pay the down payment and to repay the principal debt on the loan.

Mortgage under 2 documents

For holders of bank credit cards, as well as for owners of deposits and deposits, the bank has developed a special mortgage program.

Its main advantage is that the borrower must present to the bank only 2 personal documents:

  • Passport;
  • Any other document of the borrower’s choice that can confirm his identity.

Another irrefutable advantage is that you do not need to present the bank with documents confirming your income - the bank already “sees” the presence of funds in the client’s accounts.

Young family

As you know, families in which both or one spouse have not reached the age of 35 can participate in the “Young Family” program.

Reduced interest rates also apply to such families.

The conditions for lending under the “Young Family” program at Rosselkhozbank are as follows:

  • The loan rate begins to “accelerate” from 10.5% per annum;
  • The rest of the conditions are the same as for ordinary individuals.

The advantage of this program is that the loan borrower can apply to the bank for a deferment in payment of the principal debt (but not interest on the loan).

Such a deferment is provided to the client only 1 time, for valid reasons (for example, dismissal or the birth of a child) and upon presentation of the relevant documents.

Military mortgage

Rosselkhozbank is a participant in the military lending program for the purchase of an apartment or land plot. In addition, the bank has developed a special mortgage program.

The conditions are as follows:

What documents are required for registration?

As already mentioned, the mortgage applicant must present to the bank both personal documents and documents for the property being purchased.

Personal documents include:

  • Application according to the bank form;
  • Passport;
  • Men under 27 years old - military ID;
  • Documents that confirm the solvency of the future borrower. This can be a certificate in form 2-NDFL and in the form of a bank.

The list of documents for the purchased property depends on the term and amount of the loan. This list is compiled by the bank employee who arranges a mortgage for the client.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Rosselkhozbank has not developed mortgage lending programs for lending to legal entities and individual entrepreneurship.

An individual entrepreneur can take out a mortgage as an individual, while presenting his income to the bank in accordance with tax legislation.

The bank issues loans to small and medium-sized businesses for the purchase of machinery, equipment or for participation in government procurement.

In addition, the bank has developed several lending programs for corporate clients.

In what cases can the bank refuse?

Rosselkhozbank offers optimal lending conditions for the purchase of housing for individuals. But the bank does not issue loans to everyone.

If the future borrower does not meet the terms of the loan under the chosen program, then the bank will naturally refuse him.

In addition, the bank may refuse if the collateral for the loan (i.e., the property being purchased) does not meet the bank’s requirements:

  • Lack of proper engineering communications;
  • Housing is recognized as dilapidated or in disrepair;
  • The borrower wants to purchase a room in a communal apartment;
  • The purchased property is under arrest by court or is the subject of collateral for another loan;
  • Other conditions that bank employees announce to each mortgage applicant.

Getting a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank is easy.

To find out more about loans for the purchase of real estate, you can call or leave a request on the bank’s website.

The bank finds an individual approach to each client.

Video: How to take out a mortgage correctly?


Competition for clients in the interbank market is one of the key reasons for changes in conditions for various credit programs and offers. Rates for mortgage lending programs are directly dependent on the decisions of the Central Bank of Russia. This body determines the maximum possible limit on mortgage offer rates. Considering the fact that the main and only shareholder of Rosselkhozbank is the state, the size of the interest component is as close as possible to that established by the Central Bank. In general, a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank: conditions in 2019, interest rate, and other aspects of mortgage programs can be confidently called acceptable and feasible for the majority of borrowers, which allows you to easily calculate it, shows its actual profitability. According to banking product experts, programs for purchasing housing at the Russian Agricultural Bank are also the most attractive.

A key feature of housing offers at Rosselkhozbank in the current period is that the percentage is determined individually for each applicant individually. In practice, favorable interest rates and favorable conditions are provided to applicants using maternity capital, holders of bank salary cards who have opened deposit accounts and deposits. Preferential criteria are offered to pensioners. The calculator allows you to calculate the Rosselkhozbank mortgage for 2019 in more detail; the official website presents it on the main page.

Maternity capital contributed towards debt obligations allows you to reduce the annual mortgage interest rate to 12.9%. In 2019, salary card holders are offered 11.5%, subject to making a first initial payment equal to half the amount of the debt obligation. , and with other parameters – 12.75%.

The average interest rate varies from 13 to 15.6%.

The percentage also depends on the reliability of the borrower. Citizens who have a long history of working with a bank and a credible credit history can count on 12.5%. In other cases, criteria are provided for new clients, that is, on a general basis.

Special mortgage programs and interest

Special housing programs also provide acceptable parameters. The categories of such proposals include:

  • Targeted mortgage programs, reviews of which are often positive, provide for the provision of collateral at 11.5%;
  • Mortgage under two documents - funds are provided at 12% per year, subject to payment of 50% of the requested amount;
  • For programs with government support no more than 10.9%.

Additionally, Rosselkhozbank offers offers for the purchase of housing at 7-8% when purchasing apartments in buildings under construction, the developers of which are partners of the bank.

An increase in the interest rate on housing offers is provided for borrowers who refuse to insure the purchased housing and life. In this case, the average percentage will be increased by 7-8%. The online calculator allows you to quickly calculate your mortgage rate.

Mortgage calculator Rosselkhozbank, calculate the mortgage amount for 2019

When calculating the cost of a home loan, other parameters or client requests are also important. So, taking into account the fact that what percentage the bank will designate is determined individually for each client, the amount, loan term, as well as the nature of the property being purchased are important. Let's look at all these features in more detail.

So, the longer the repayment period, the greater the total cost of the loan will be, and in this case the interest rate will also be higher, but the monthly payment will be reduced. To see the difference, you can calculate a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank: online calculator in 2019 - for different payment periods, while also assessing how the interest component changes. All calculations can be made online.

Of no small importance is the nature of the housing being purchased, as well as the amount of the down payment, which, in turn, is determined by it. The requested amount can also determine the amount of annual interest.

The general criteria for all applicants are that they can offer a minimum of 100 thousand, and a maximum of 20 million rubles. for a period of up to 30 years, at an average interest rate of no more than 15% per annum.

The amount of the down payment when purchasing apartments is from 30%, when purchasing apartments on the primary market - 20%, in other cases - 15%. All these indicators are provided by the Rosselkhozbank calculator.

Documentary support to take out a mortgage

Documents provided by the client also allow us to reduce the interest rate. To complete the application, the following documents are required:

A document replacing a passport or the passport itself; for a male borrower, a military ID is additionally presented;

  • Certificates of birth of children, marriage;
  • Documents and certificates confirming income and reflecting the financial position of the borrower;
  • A copy of the work record book or employment contract;
  • Documents for a real estate property planned for acquisition.

The interest rate can be reduced by collateral or documents for property that the client agrees to provide as collateral. The presence of a concluded agreement on life, health and disability insurance of the borrower, as well as insurance of the collateral, will allow the bank to make payments at lower interest rates.

Thus, a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank: conditions in 2019, a calculator for ease of calculation, allows you to decide on its main points even at the selection stage.