Euro exchange rate forecast for September. Euro exchange rate forecast for the near and distant future Euro currency forecast for September

Economists surveyed by Reuters on average estimate the Russian currency exchange rate in 3 and 6 months at 61.25 rubles per dollar, and after 12 months they expect it to weaken to 62.25 rubles per dollar. Analysts are more pessimistic than the Ministry of Economic Development, which includes the dollar exchange rate of 61 rubles in its official forecast for the current year.

Long-term expectations have also changed over the past month. At the end of 2019, the median forecast for the dollar exchange rate, based on the expectations of nine analysts, is at 62 rubles (previous survey - 59.8 rubles), at the end of 2020 the ruble will weaken to 63 (previous survey - 62.3), and by the end of 2021 - up to 63.5 (previous survey - 64.4).

The Ministry of Energy expects the average annual exchange rate in 2019 to be 63-64 rubles per $1. The ruble to euro exchange rate at the end of 2019, 2020 and 2021 was estimated by respondents at 74.8; 75.1; 76.4 respectively.

Dollar exchange rate forecast for September 2018, table by day

Fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate in August 2018 made many Russians worried, and now they are looking for information about what the dollar exchange rate will be in September.

As experts note, August has always been the most difficult month for the ruble, informs Informin.Ru. Every year at the end of July, the ruble begins to fall, which drags on for at least a month.

But in September, the Russian economy often shows good results. In September, in recent years, the ruble has stabilized against the dollar and euro.
In this regard, experts do not recommend buying dollars in a panic. Now they are more expensive than ever, and in September their prices will drop sharply. After this, it will be pointless to sell them until the end of this year.

But it is too early to expect the ruble exchange rate to stabilize in the coming days. Most likely, the ruble will continue to decline until the end of August. But the decrease will be insignificant. By the end of August, the dollar may rise in price to 70 rubles.

Euro exchange rate forecast for each day in the table

date Day Min Well Max
28.08 Tuesday 76.04 77.12 78.20
29.08 Wednesday 75.93 77.01 78.09
30.08 Thursday 76.98 78.07 79.16
31.08 Friday 77.86 78.97 80.08
03.09 Monday 78.07 79.18 80.29
04.09 Tuesday 78.75 79.87 80.99
05.09 Wednesday 78.47 79.58 80.69
06.09 Thursday 78.17 79.28 80.39
07.09 Friday 78.70 79.82 80.94
10.09 Monday 81.39 82.55 83.71
11.09 Tuesday 81.46 82.62 83.78
12.09 Wednesday 81.81 82.97 84.13
13.09 Thursday 81.70 82.86 84.02
14.09 Friday 81.66 82.82 83.98
17.09 Monday 82.18 83.35 84.52
18.09 Tuesday 82.31 83.48 84.65
19.09 Wednesday 81.94 83.10 84.26
20.09 Thursday 81.80 82.96 84.12
21.09 Friday 81.46 82.62 83.78
24.09 Monday 81.04 82.19 83.34
25.09 Tuesday 81.33 82.48 83.63
26.09 Wednesday 80.51 81.65 82.79
27.09 Thursday 80.89 82.04 83.19
28.09 Friday 81.70 82.86 84.02

What is the Euro forecast for October?

Euro exchange rate forecast for October is in the range of 78.38-80.60, at the end of October 79.49 rub. Monthly change -0.6%.

What is the Euro exchange rate predicted for the rest of 2018?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2018 year: the rate will trade in the range of 75.74-84.65. Exchange rate forecast for the end of December 2018 76.82 rub.

What will the Euro exchange rate be in 2019?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2019 year: rate at the end of December 2019 - 88.00 rub. And throughout the year the rate will fluctuate in the range of 76.82-89.23.

The euro exchange rate forecast for September 2017 assumes a slight depreciation of the European currency against the ruble.

We will not be able to observe sharp jumps, say, to 80 rubles per unit, or, conversely, to sixty, but there will still be a decrease.

According to the opinion, the 70 ruble mark will simply become inaccessible for the euro. Despite a number of supporting factors, the European currency will never be able to regain these long-awaited positions.

The average euro exchange rates in September are as follows:

    at the beginning of the month the European currency rate will be 68.80 rubles per unit;

    by the end of the month, the euro will cost slightly less - 68.10 rubles;

    on average, the euro exchange rate in September will be 68.30 rubles per unit.

Thus, the quotes of the European currency will move in a certain price channel, from which it will be very difficult for the euro to exit.

What will affect the euro exchange rate in September?

It is expected that the pair with the euro will be at a fairly high level of volatility in September. By the end of the month, this exchange rate volatility will lead to a slight decline in the European currency.

So far, the dollar/euro pair has entered a period of calm. A relatively stable exchange rate has been found for the currencies, which will remain at the given level for now.

True, some experts suggest that the dollar and euro will try to strengthen. Against the backdrop of geopolitical events, as well as the peculiarities of economic policy, the euro has all the prerequisites for growth, but the influencing factors are clearly not enough for the European currency to truly strengthen significantly and significantly.

Many European analysts were betting on the possible tightening of sanctions against Russia as one of the most influential events that would definitely shake the Russian currency and lead to its decline.

However, in reality it turned out that the ruble withstood the newly introduced sanctions measures quite well. Thus, the euro needs more serious incentives that can shift the exchange rate towards growth.

The euro does not receive support from the oil market either. The instability of quotes makes it quite unstable. The ineffectiveness of OPEC's policy in reducing oil production in the cartel does not give the expected positive result.

Unfortunately, the euro does not yet have strong enough incentives for growth. This means that we should not expect exchange rate records in September, as we saw in early August. Moreover, in the event of unpredictable events, in particular geopolitical ones, the euro may well decline relative to major world currencies.

The euro exchange rate was announced for the coming September Monday by the Central Bank - it amounted to 79.4966 RUB per 1 EUR. Since the beginning of August, the single currency has increased by 6.4228 rubles, which amounted to 8.79% growth for the month.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2018

In August, the ruble experienced a serious collapse. The main reason for the rapid growth of the euro against the Russian currency is the sanctions announced by the United States and the European Union against Russia. The draft sanctions were formed in the first half of August, and already then the ruble and the Russian stock market collapsed.

The summer fall of the ruble recalled the events of four months ago, when, due to the same sanctions, the Russian currency updated the anti-records of recent years. Many experts call the extreme sanctions even more destructive for the Russian economy.

The position of the ruble against the euro depends entirely on the geopolitical background. Even despite the positive mood in the oil segment, the Russian currency continues to weaken. However, oil, which rose in price over the month by approximately 5%, supported the ruble from a more significant fall.

The euro strengthened not only against the ruble, but also against many other currencies of countries with emerging markets - along with the Russian currency, the currencies of Argentina, Brazil and Turkey collapsed on the stock exchanges in August.

Experts in the field of economics and finance agree that the ruble will weaken further in September. The euro and dollar are growing, while at the same time the danger of new sanctions, which were promised by the US government, and which will certainly be supported by the European Union, remains. Most likely, in September there will be no official restrictions aimed at the Russian economy, but even without them the ruble is unlikely to strengthen.

There are more than enough factors contributing to the increase in the euro/ruble exchange rate in September. Already in August, it was noticeable that foreign investors were cautious about entering into transactions on the Russian debt market - demand for OFZs was falling due to fears related to sanctions. And if we consider that after the suspension of currency purchases on free markets, the Bank of Russia intends to resume rhetoric, the prospects for the ruble become even less rosy. The situation of the Russian currency could be aggravated by falling oil prices - a quite likely scenario given the instability of black gold.

The euro exchange rate forecast for September is disappointing for the ruble. The single currency will push away from the border of 80.00 RUB per 1 EUR, while growth to the area of ​​86.00 is quite likely.

Minor fluctuations will not have a strong impact on the ruble, says the euro exchange rate forecast for September 2018, made by domestic analysts. Instability in the European zone today is a less significant factor than other geopolitical events. Thus, already this fall, some experts believe that the dollar may rise and, thereby, weaken the Russian ruble.

Exchange rates in Russia

A slight decline in the rates of the world's leading currencies - the US dollar and the euro - was recorded on the Moscow Exchange. At the same time, experts note that the quotes changed not under the influence of the results of the meeting between the two presidents - Putin and Trump. Moreover, analysts note a neutral reaction to such an expected event, the result of which, according to some, could affect the stabilization of the domestic ruble.

In the meantime, the outcome can be called positive, since the American president expressed gratitude to the Russian leader for his willingness to open dialogue and agree to further meetings.

“We discussed various critical issues important to both countries. We had an open and productive dialogue,” Donald Trump emphasized.

The second factor that can influence the financial market is the key rate of the Central Bank of Russia. A board of directors is scheduled for the end of this month, where monetary policy issues will be decided. The CBR is expected to slow its transition to neutrality due to inflation expectations and proposed fiscal measures to address inflation.

Important! Last month, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation maintained its key rate at 7.25%.

Thirdly, a new tax period begins in Russia. Revenues are expected to amount to 1.75 trillion rubles. Thus, the volume of payment of insurance premiums will be about 590 billion rubles, but the market is unlikely to react to this payment.

Expert forecasts: what will happen to the euro from September 1

As for the Russian ruble, analysts note a more stable exchange rate compared to other commodity currencies. The Ministry of Finance also plays an important role - the department managed to sell government bonds worth $40 billion, which is a record amount since April of this year. Now the ministry has reduced the dependence of the ruble on black gold. At the same time, expert forecasts boil down to the fact that if the cost of a barrel of oil rises to $100, then the ruble may strengthen to 50 per US dollar, which is a fairly comfortable indicator for business. Well, in the meantime, the population should refrain from investing in any foreign currency.

Dynamics of the euro exchange rate since the beginning of the year, maximum values ​​according to the Central Bank of Russia:

Thus, Vladimir Rozhankovsky, an expert at the International Financial Center, believes that a correction of the euro exchange rate is possible - it will weaken in relation to its American counterpart against the backdrop of the outbreak of a trade war. The aggregate forecast of analysts is that the single European currency will trade in the region of 71.3-75.5 rubles in the summer. As for autumn, fluctuations in the US dollar quotes are expected from September 1.

In general, as the latest news reports, in the second half of the year the range of the USD/EUR pair will fluctuate at the levels of 1.51-1.52. If at the beginning of the year there was a decline in the American currency, then in the second half of the year there will be stability - the difference in interest rates and the double deficit in North America will balance the pair of major world currencies.

Over the past five years, the European currency has gone through many changes. The last record exchange rate changes occurred after the global crisis in 2014. Traders and bank employees remembered Black Friday for a long time, when the euro jumped from 40-50 rubles to 76 rubles. Needless to say about the number of losses suffered by banks and those who made money on foreign exchange rates.

But this was not the end of the surprise, because already in 2015, Russians saw a new figure on electronic displays - 86 rubles per euro. Throughout 2017, the euro has been slowly growing and increasing its own positions, while throughout 2016 it was steadily losing them. So far, the asset purchase program has helped maintain the currency at the required exchange rate level. When bond prices rise under quantitative easing, yields will fall because bondholders will pay more than the original value.

Are there prerequisites for growth?

If we take into account the recent data on industrial production in the European zone, they shattered all expectations regarding the stability of the euro exchange rate. Eurostat said in its monthly report that industrial output increased by 4.0%, ahead of forecasts by 3.6%. On an annual basis, the figure is noted at 1.3%, ahead of forecasts by 1.1%. Expectations for the European Central Bank, which will be able to provide a generous monetary policy, can add fuel to the fire. The EUR/USD pair rose to 1.1489 amid weakening dollar positions. Options support the positive trend higher, but only for now, that is, in the short term.

What affects the ruble/euro exchange rate?

The economy of the developed countries of the world has a very complex structure. Consequently, many factors influence changes in foreign exchange rates. The first has always been and remains the cost of black gold. The exchange rate of foreign currencies in any country depends on the value of oil on world markets. As soon as excess fuel appeared on the market in 2014, the price of oil fell sharply, collapsing ruble quotes for several years. The recently imposed sanctions against Russia are also preventing the country from rising from its knees and strengthening its position. Restrictions on trade turnover in the foreign economic market and banking operations led to negative consequences, as did increased unemployment, inflation and much more. Banks, too, as the main market participants, are able to influence the exchange rate, but not create it.

Euro exchange rate forecast table for September 2019

▼ will decrease 73,05 72,6 –0,4571
▼ will decrease 72,6 72,4 –0,1943
▼ will decrease 72,4 72,08 –0,32
▼ will decrease 72,08 71,96 –0,12
▲ will increase 73,22 73,91 +0,6914
▲ will increase 73,91 74,16 +0,2514
▲ will increase 74,16 75,05 +0,8914
▲ will increase 75,05 75,24 +0,1829
▲ will increase 75,78 75,85 +0,0743
▼ will decrease 75,85 75,63 –0,2286
▼ will decrease 75,63 75,51 –0,1143
▼ will decrease 75,51 75,39 –0,12
▼ will decrease 74,08 73,91 –0,1714
▼ will decrease 73,91 73,23 –0,6857
▼ will decrease 73,23 72,65 –0,58
▼ will decrease 72,65 72,14 –0,5057
Will not change 72,14 72,14 -
Will not change 72,14 72,14 -

Expert forecasts: what will happen to the euro from September 1

As for the Russian ruble, analysts note a more stable exchange rate compared to other commodity currencies. The Ministry of Finance also plays an important role - the department managed to sell government bonds worth $40 billion, which is a record amount since April of this year. Now the ministry has reduced the dependence of the ruble on black gold. At the same time, expert forecasts boil down to the fact that if the cost of a barrel of oil rises to $100, then the ruble may strengthen to 50 per US dollar, which is a fairly comfortable indicator for business. Well, in the meantime, the population should refrain from investing in any foreign currency.

Dynamics of the euro exchange rate since the beginning of the year, maximum values ​​according to the Central Bank of Russia:

Thus, Vladimir Rozhankovsky, an expert at the International Financial Center, believes that a correction of the euro exchange rate is possible - it will weaken in relation to its American counterpart against the backdrop of the outbreak of a trade war. The aggregate forecast of analysts is that the single European currency will trade in the region of 71.3-75.5 rubles in the summer. As for autumn, fluctuations in the US dollar quotes are expected from September 1.

In general, as the latest news reports, in the second half of the year the range of the USD/EUR pair will fluctuate at the levels of 1.51-1.52. If at the beginning of the year there was a decline in the American currency, then in the second half of the year there will be stability - the difference in interest rates and the double deficit in North America will balance the pair of major world currencies.