How to calculate cashback from the amount. What is cashback? Letyshops - One of the most profitable

Have you ever wondered why banks give cashback for purchases? Probably not to please cardholders with "free" money.

The return is coming. And it does not matter - why and why? That's what most of us think.

The average cashback on the market is 1-1.5%. There are offers of banks for a return of 5-10%. In some cases, the rate can reach up to 20-30.

But still, it is probably interesting to find out at what expense the cash back goes. Who "pays for the banquet"?

In the era of capitalism, all financial organizations (including banks) count every penny and it would be foolish to work at a loss.

From the article you will learn, if not all, then most of the reasons when banks make tempting offers on cashback cards.

Conventionally, the position of banks in terms of cash back can be described as a “carrot and stick method”.

Where the gingerbread is a high or not very large cashback. Attracting the attention of customers.

And the whip is various tricks and hidden conditions of banks, according to which the real return received will be much less than the declared one.

So let's go.

7 reasons to promise cashback

Let's start with the fact that the cashback itself can be different. Miles, bonuses, points can be returned for purchases. They are called phantoms. Which can be spent only in certain stores or exchanged for something (other than money) in a partner retail chain at a certain rate: discount, goods, services.

Or there is an accrual of real money, with which the owner can act at his own discretion (spend, withdraw, transfer).

Bonuses and other perks

The bank advertises the accrual of candy wrappers as a real cashback and indicates it as the best, most profitable refund program for purchases.

Usually, the bank interacts with a certain network, for purchases in which with a card, an increased cashback (KB, porridge) is poured in the form of bonuses - 2-3-5%. You can spend them only there and nowhere else.

The benefit of the store is increased customer loyalty. An increase in turnover, an average check and the number of purchases, and hence an increase in profits.

Buyers, receiving certain discounts on the card, are more likely to make purchases there.

The bank in this case does not pay a penny out of its own pocket. All costs are covered by the store. The interest of the bank is the opportunity to present a profitable card for its customers with the function of returning for purchases.

Partner stores

The meaning is almost the same as in the previous paragraph. The bank has so-called partner stores (usually their list is published on the official website). For purchases, they offer both a modest average of 3-10%, and simply unrealistic discounts - 30-50%.

If you look closely, these are not particularly popular stores, and sometimes even all sorts of trash .... offering a very specific product and service.

For their promotion and attracting attention, they are ready to give a huge cashback. I don't know whether they share their profits with the bank or not, but being its partners, they get additional advertising and the opportunity to attract a stream of new customers.

Considering that the assortment of its goods and services in stores has a huge markup, the store can return a few percent to its customers without much damage.

The bank again loses nothing (and can even earn) and has the ability to indicate a huge amount of cashback in the conditions on the card.

For example, a store owner approaches a bank with a partnership offer. He will give bank customers a 20% cashback for purchases. And it is at the expense of their own funds. Given that the retail price of the goods already includes a trade margin of 100-200%, returning a part, the store still remains in the black.

Marketing expenses

The budget of each credit organization includes an item of expenses for advertising in the media. Attract new customers and retain old ones.

The possibility of obtaining cards with a return function can indirectly be attributed to advertising costs. Why spend money on advertising when it can be used as a "bonus" for existing and potential customers

People love to get "free" money and it works great.

Saving money in the bank

Remember, even 10 years ago, the following picture could be observed everywhere: on the day of receiving salaries, huge crowds of people gathered at ATMs, wishing to cash out money. Nobody wanted to keep money in the bank and preferred to pay in cash.

Even now, such phenomena come across from time to time.

For the bank itself, this is not good. Money is flowing. Refunds for purchases for non-cash plastic transactions are a trick that makes people think. Why shoot everything if you can get an extra penny in the form of cashback.

As a result, banks keep huge funds on their accounts, which can be scrolled and receive additional profit.

Many will say, but the money on the card is still spent. A person makes purchases within a month and his account decreases.

For example, the employer transferred wages in the amount of 10 million rubles. In fact, there is simply a movement of funds within the bank. The money hasn't gone anywhere yet.

If all the employees withdraw money on the first day, the entire amount, 10 million rubles, will flow away from the bank.

Now imagine that every employee has a cashback card. Then most will not withdraw money at all. Some people will cash out a certain amount, just in case or for purchases where there is no bank transfer (bazaars, markets, taxis, and others). For example, 1 million rubles.

A person usually does not spend the money left on the card immediately. And pay as needed. And by the end of the month, everything on his map ends. At the beginning of the month, the bank had 9 million rubles in its accounts, by the end of the month - 0.

As a result, for example, the average daily balance will be about 3 million rubles. Which the bank can use for personal gain.

Now imagine that different organizations pay their employees on different days of the month. Someone on the 5th, someone on the 10th or 15th - on the 20th. And tens, hundreds of billions.

As a result, bank analysts can easily predict all this cash flow: how much money will be withdrawn from ATMs, how much and when they will spend, and most importantly, how much of this money supply the bank can freely dispose of without the risk that customers suddenly need money, and the required amount not found.

And do not forget that the money after the purchases are returned to the banks again.

Customer loyalty

There is a very high probability that customers who have tasted all the charm and benefits of cashback cards will make the bank their main one. They will transfer their own funds, open an account, deposit, take a loan or use other bank services.

Word of mouth also works well. People recommend profitable cards to their relatives, friends and acquaintances. And this is a free advertisement of the bank.

There are many banks and the battle is for each client. And an additional feature, a bonus that gives benefits to customers - an additional advantage over competitors.

A trifle, but nice

The fee for SMS, annual card maintenance, although not covering cashback payments, brings an extra penny to the bank.

Plus, the bank actively “vaporizes” credit cards. Also with the return function. And it is highly likely that customers will sooner or later use the borrowed money and the bank will receive its percentage.

Visa give me money

For non-cash transactions, the seller of goods always pays a commission on the amount of turnover. In the amount of 1-3%.

Part of the money is taken by the payment system (Visa, Mastercard). The other share goes to the bank. Rather, all funds go to the payment system. Which, in turn, transfers part of the money to the bank that issued the card.

For bank transfers, the bank's commission rate from Visa and MasterCard is approximately 1.5% of the transaction amount.

Logically, it turns out that it is beneficial for the bank that customers carry out as many transactions as possible on their cards. And to stimulate, you can promise to give cashback for spending on the card.

It turns out that in the aggregate of the above reasons, banks can not only optimize their expenses for paying cashback to their customers, practically reducing them to zero. But even make a profit.

The whip method or how banks are deceived

With one hand, banks give cashback on their cards, and with the second, they try to snatch it back. Of course not in the literal sense. But if they persist and the client himself does not take into account certain conditions, then you can lose a significant part of it or even all of it.

Consider some bank tricks.

Monthly limit

Absolutely for all banks, the monthly amount of funds returned back to the client is always limited to a certain amount. Usually within a few thousand - 1,000 - 1,500 rubles. Moreover, the higher the cashback the bank promises, the lower the limit.

For example, on a card with a cashback for food - 5%, a limit of only 1000 rubles per month has been introduced.

MCC code

When making non-cash transactions on the card, the store transfers the category (MCC code) of the operation to the bank. For example, supermarkets, building materials, cars. The bank may introduce exception categories for which a refund is not allowed.

For some, it is indecently huge. It's easier to list what you can get rewarded for.

Usually they always impose restrictions on utility bills, cellular communications and the Internet. Here the fantasy of the bank is not limited to anything.

As a result, having spent 30 thousand on the card, the cashback will be credited only from 15-20 thousand rubles.

spend more

Sometimes, there are certain conditions for calculating cashback on the card. For example, to make transactions for a certain amount - usually 20-30 thousand. If there is less than KB you will not receive. Or it will be calculated at a very modest rate.

Or you need to open a bank deposit (again for several tens of thousands of rubles) in order to use the benefits of the card to the fullest. Close the deposit or withdraw some of the money (below the threshold amount) - you can say goodbye to the CB.

Mathematics is not an exact science

It is clearly stated in the tariffs and contracts that cashback is calculated by rounding down. This allows banks to reduce real payments by tens of percent. Almost all credit organizations “sin” with this.

For example,

with a cash back of 1% for every full 100 rubles, one ruble will drip. But when you pay 99 rubles, you will receive not 99 kopecks, as you might think, but zero!!!

As a result: having spent 30 thousand rubles per month on the card (even in the “correct” categories), you will not receive 300 rubles. Most likely 200-250.

This rounding allows the bank to save 20-30% on payments.

We save, we save, we don't save

To receive the required return for purchases, banks can introduce a certain level. You need to accumulate a certain amount of the promised reward (usually in points) in order to convert it into money later.

For example, on the card "" from Raiffeisenbank they promise cash back - 5%. Points are awarded for purchases. And then they can be exchanged for rubles. But the trick is that to get 5% you need to spend a million (40 thousand points). You can, of course, exchange for a smaller number of points, but at a less favorable rate. What will correspond, approximately 1-1.5% cash back.

Or by card with 5% for purchases at a Chinese online store, a refund can only be received if you accumulate 500 rubles. This corresponds to purchases of 20 thousand.

High cash back in the initial period

Banks can promise a very decent cashback rate. But .... only at the beginning. During the welcome period. Usually it's a couple of months.

For example, according to the Supercard from Rosbank, they promise as much as 7% for all purchases. In the first 3 months. Then the rate drops to a modest 1%.

Porridge can only be poured for purchases in certain categories. The attention of customers is attracted by a very significant cashback. For example, gas stations, cafes and restaurants can give 5-10%. In other operations, it will not be charged at all, or again at a very modest rate.

For example, with the "Auto" option enabled. Returns five percent from this category. But there are no charges for other purchases. And it is still unknown what will be more profitable - to receive a modest 1-2%, but absolutely for everything. Or high 5%, but only for cars.

You are indebted

For delays on loans, even just for 1 day or 1 kopeck, the bank can cancel the accrual of remuneration. Both current and last month. It concerns not only credit cards, but also any loans taken from the bank.

In contracts, you can even find very interesting conditions.

For example, this: "The bank may refuse to pay cash back (cash back) if operations on the client's card are aimed at obtaining material benefits."

Under such a comb, everyone can be punished. You are buying a product. And you get cashback for it. So you are using the card for personal gain.


Now you know why and at whose expense banks give cashback. And how they are trying by hook or by crook to reduce the promised amount of remuneration.

But no matter how it was. It's always nice to get extra money. It is only necessary to correctly read the terms of the contract, to know all the subtleties, the pitfalls of the mechanism for accruing and paying money. And do not be fooled by the bank's loud promises to return 10-20% of all purchases.

As the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed".

All high and fat cashbacks!

All of you have probably heard about such a phenomenon - advertising various services on the network does its job. Banners pop up here and there, or exciting stories of cashback savings. If you don't fully understand what it is, read on.

Cashback is an additional feature of a plastic card. When the owner pays with such a card, a certain part of the purchase amount, a certain percentage, is returned to his account (or bonus account).

This refund only works for cashless payments. At its core, this is a kind of bonus program from your bank.

Everything is very simple: you paid with a card, and a certain amount is credited to your account, which depends on the amount spent on the purchase. Cashback can range from 0.3 to 5%.

In banks, this system takes into account the status of the card - the higher it is, the more Cashback. The accrual of remuneration usually occurs at the end of the month in a single payment. But it can also be charged immediately after purchase.

It is clear that banks will never give money to customers just like that. Where do these percentages come from? The source of Cashback is a part of the profit received from servicing the cards.

Why does the bank share its profits? Of course, everything is not so simple.

The bank knows that by issuing cards with a refund function, it can attract more customers in this way. People love gifts.

And such cards allow you to generate user demand. The cardholder is more likely to go to a store where there is a refund for purchases. And more often it will be paid with a card, and not in cash - because for this he receives a bonus. Thus, the turnover on the card is growing.

Basically, with this function, not debit cards are issued, but credit cards. And this is another trick.

If you have a refund function, then it is logical that you will make more payments from this card, in pursuit of bonuses. And you will spend more, often going beyond the grace period. As a result, the bank earns on the interest on your loan. Most often, the payment of interest for using a loan "eats" Cashback, and, consequently, the bank does not lose money.

So it is very difficult to play financial games with the bank. He always has everything thought out three steps ahead. And if you are given something just like that - know that everything is not so naive.

There is another kind of cashback - this is a bonus program. In this case, bonus points are collected on your bonus account on the card. When a certain number of bonuses are collected, you can make purchases for them or exchange them for gifts.

How do cashback services work?

As I already wrote, almost every one of us has seen ads for various cashback services online. They work according to the following scheme:

They enter into a partnership agreement with stores or other establishments, according to which the partner pays the service a certain percentage of purchases. Why? Because the service itself, in turn, attracts customers here.

As soon as the service receives this percentage, it pays a part of the amount to the buyer.

To make money through these services on purchases on the Internet, you need to go to these sites using an affiliate link. It is posted on the website of the service.

As for purchases “in real life”, it is enough to pay with a card.

But first of all, these services are popular among fans of online shopping. They really allow you to return a little from what you spent, but you need to register and go to sites from this service. And online services also work with stores in different countries - with the same Chinese Aliexpress.

How to use cashback wisely?

1. Always check which organizations participate in the bonus program. So that later it doesn’t turn out that you don’t go to these stores or pharmacies, because as a result, you won’t get any sense from this function on the map.

2. Find out how much it costs to issue a card and its maintenance per year. If a card with a refund is very expensive, then its content will probably eat up all your bonuses, or even make a loss.

3. Find out for which specific operations you can receive a bonus. Otherwise, you will expect interest in vain.

4. See if your cashback has a limit. Often banks set a limit - no interest is charged above a certain amount, no matter how much you spend further.

Use cashback wisely and earn!

Hello dear readers. In this article, we will tell you about bank cards with cashback service and interest on the account balance.

Today you will learn:

  1. What are bank cards and how to use them correctly;
  2. Why do banks offer debit cards;
  3. Which card to choose and what to look for.

What are bank cards with cashback

Modern banks, in a highly competitive environment, offer their customers maximum profit. To attract a client, financial companies provide an interesting cashback service.

If 5 years ago no one knew anything about this service, today everything is much different. Translated from English, cashback is a return of funds. It turns out that cardholders with such a service can receive part of the money from their purchases. At first glance, a fantasy that is hard to believe.

But how does the bank return the funds to its client? In fact, everything is very simple. For each card, financial companies set the percentage of return on non-cash transactions.

As soon as the client pays for the product or service, he will receive a fixed percentage back to his account. Some banks return funds immediately, immediately after the purchase, while others transfer cashback on the reporting day. In fact, a bank customer purchases a product or pays for a service at a discount.

In Russia, the money back service operates on the same principles as in the rest of the world.

The buyer will be able to return funds from purchases:

  • In shopping centers;
  • In online stores;
  • When paying for goods or services through an online account.

Banks are ready to offer cashback in the form of:

  • Bonuses that can be paid in partner stores;
  • Rubles that "drop" into the client's total account;
  • Miles when paying for plane or train tickets.

A card with a cashback service is no different from ordinary and familiar debit cards.

It is quite simple to use it.

All the client needs is:

  • Keep track of the promotions that the lender suits in your personal account. In most cases, financial companies actively cooperate with shopping centers and provide their customers with big discounts on goods. During the promotion period, you can get a bonus on goods up to 30%.
  • Check the number of accrued bonuses. You must clearly know how much the lender has returned to your account and how you can spend your bonus.
  • Follow the news of the financial company. Every day the bank offers new attractive services with maximum bonuses and privileges.

Rating and comparison of cashback cards from 10 banks

For your convenience, we have compiled a selection of the top 10 debit cards that deserve special attention.

Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff is one of the major banks. A distinctive feature of this bank is that customers receive products exclusively remotely.

You can fill out an online application and learn more about the card at official website of the bank.

The bank has completely abandoned offices and accepts applications via the Internet. Any card of this bank can be issued in a matter of minutes and received by a courier who will deliver it to the specified address at a convenient time for you.

Tinkoff Bank is ready to offer 12 debit cards with cashback service. For each card, the bank gives its bonus from the perfect purchase. The Tinkoff Black card deserves special attention.

It turns out that thanks to a profitable card from Tinkoff Bank, you can get good bonuses. The main thing is to constantly monitor profitable offers and promotions on the official website of the company.

Alfa Bank

Alfa Bank is a universal bank that offers customers all types of banking operations. The product line of debit cards of this bank has as many as 43 cards. Such a variety allows you to choose a truly interesting and attractive product.

You can fill out an application for a card and find out more at official website of the bank.

Each card has its own bonus for non-cash transactions.

Depending on the type of card, the maximum refund amount that can be received is set:

  • when paying for goods in Perekrestok stores;
  • when buying plane or train tickets with a card;
  • paying by card at gas stations;
  • paying in cafes and restaurants;
  • paying for additional options in the famous game World of Tanks;
  • when purchasing goods in stores: MVideo or Amway.

Of all the variety, the alpha-bank card, which was called "Cash Bach", deserves special attention. The card is very popular.

All bank customers with debit cards get free access to Alfa-Click, where you can quickly pay for services, open an additional account or transfer funds to a loved one.

If necessary, all customers of the bank can receive round-the-clock qualified assistance via a free customer support phone.

Promsvyazbank is a large bank with a well-developed branch network. The bank began to actively serve the retail business only in 2005.

Submit an application for a card and find out more at official website of Promsvyazbank.

The card, which deserves special attention, is called "All Inclusive". This is a premium card with which your funds will work exclusively for you.

Cashback size Depends on the program on the card:
  • 5% when paying for fuel at gas stations;
  • 5% for clothes and shoes;
  • 5% when paying for air and railway transport tickets;
  • 5% for goods for home and garden;
  • 3% when paying for goods in large supermarkets.

The maximum amount of return per month is 1,000 rubles.

Annual maintenance The fee for the card is 1,500 rubles per year. In the next year, the annual service fee is not charged if the minimum balance of funds on the card in the amount of 50,000 rubles was maintained over the past year.
SMS notification The fee for all notifications is charged monthly and amounts to 29 rubles.
% on account balance The service is not provided.

On the card, the bank provides a special security system "Superprotection". The essence of maximum protection lies in the fact that the card is equipped with a special electronic chip. With a card, you can pay for goods around the world and not worry that scammers will be able to take over your information.

Also a nice bonus is the opportunity to get two additional premium cards for free. You can issue additional cards for a friend or loved one.


Rocketbank is one of the first virtual Russian banks, which was created as a convenient mobile offer with which you can use all the necessary financial products. In April 2016, Rocketbank was acquired by the well-known Otkritie bank.

The product line of this bank is not distinguished by a variety of offers. At the same time, the product that the bank created for its client won the attention of many in such a short time. In this case, we will talk about the Otkritie-Rocket debit card.

Savings Bank is one of the largest banks. This bank can rightly be called the leader of the banking sector.

Savings Bank today is:

  • more than 16,000 branches throughout the country;
  • more than 110 million customers;
  • convenient service and qualified banking services;
  • variety of banking products;
  • attractive conditions.

The bank's product line includes 10 offers for debit cards, which differ in status and conditions. The platinum card “Visa Card with Great Opportunities” deserves special attention. The card is made in an interesting strict black design, which perfectly emphasizes the status of its owner.

Bonuses from Sberbank are the amount of cashback that is credited for each purchase. You can pay for goods and services with bonuses only in partner stores. According to the terms of the agreement, 1 bonus is equal to 1 ruble.

If you decide to issue a card from this bank and actively use it, you will be able to recoup the annual service if card transactions exceed 30,000 rubles per month.


Otkritie Bank has been present on the financial services market since 1995. Quite recently, in November 2016, a unique gift was made to the bank's customers in the form of a new card with the cashback service.

The new banking product was named "Smart Card". Today, the card is very popular because it allows you to get the maximum income. It is also worth noting that everyone can apply for a card remotely. You can get a card sitting at your home computer.

You can get a card by filling out an online application for official website of Otkritie Bank.

Cashback size You can receive a bonus in the amount of:
  • 10% when paying for goods from the promo category;
  • 1.5% if the amount of purchases on the card is more than 30,000 per month;
  • 1% for if the amount of purchases is less than 30,000 per month.
Annual maintenance For customers who actively use the card, the lender is ready to give a free annual service. Those customers who spend more than 30,000 rubles on the card per month will not be able to pay for annual maintenance. If you spend less, be prepared to pay only 299 rubles per month.
SMS notification The notification fee is 59 rubles per month.
% on account balance 7.5% is charged on the card balance.

Excellent income card- suitable for those who make a lot of purchases. If you plan to withdraw cash from the card, you should remember the maximum cash withdrawal limit, which does not exceed 150,000 rubles.

Binbank is a Russian commercial bank that has been providing services to the population for 23 years. The bank offers its customers to take advantage of the unique Binbonus loyalty program. This is a special reward system for customers who actively pay with bank cards for goods and services.

To start receiving bonuses from the bank, just select any debit card and activate one of the proposed categories:

  • auto;
  • trips;
  • entertainment and recreation;
  • purchases in online stores;
  • sport, beauty and health.

The undoubted advantage of the bonus program is that the client of the bank can change the cashback category on his own, at any time.

Of the variety of products of this bank, it is worth noting the Settlement card. You can even order a card online.

Cashback size Return Size:

5% of payment for goods and services of the selected category;

1% for all purchases.

Annual maintenance 450 rubles per month (with monthly payment);

4,500 rubles annual fee;

free of charge, if there is a daily card balance of 100,000 rubles or a card turnover of more than 50,000 rubles per month.

SMS notification Not charged
% on account balance The financial company gives an additional bonus, in the form of a percentage on the account balance:

2% to customers whose balance exceeds 750,000 rubles;

6% with a balance of less than 750,000 rubles.

To receive a guaranteed income, the client must pay for goods or services with a card within a month, in the amount of at least 500 rubles.

An additional bonus from a financial institution is the availability of an insurance contract. The insurance is valid around the world around the clock.

It is also worth noting the “multi-currency” service, thanks to which you can make purchases with a card in any currency. Also, constant discounts and privileges from the Visa payment system will please every client.


Corn is a debit card with a striking design that has attracted the attention of millions of people. Who issues a card with an interesting name? If you look at the card itself, you can see 2 logos: the Golden Crown and the Master Card.

RNKO LLC is responsible for the release and, accordingly, maintenance. The well-known mobile phone salon Euroset is simply a partner and distributes cards.

With the Corn card you can:

  • repay loans from different banks;
  • pay fines;
  • send money transfers;
  • monitor the balance of the card in real time;
  • buy currency;
  • set up and make auto payments.
Cashback size With the bonus program, everything is simple and clear. When paying for goods and services, you can receive from 0.5% to 3% of the purchase price, in the form of bonus points.
Annual maintenance "Smart card" is provided absolutely free of charge.
SMS notification There is no charge.
% on account balance Together with the partner bank PJSC “First United Bank”, a savings service has been created that allows you to receive additional income on the card:

10% per year if the daily card balance exceeds 30,000 rubles;

7% per year if the card balance is less than 30,000 rubles.

Interest is calculated daily and paid to the account monthly.

You can spend bonus points in the Euroset mobile phone salon or pay for part of the goods in partner stores.

Among the partners are such large companies as:

  • Crossroads;
  • L'Etoile;
  • Kari;
  • Ebay;
  • Aliexpress;
  • Nike and many others.


Svyaznoy Bank offers its customers a universal card with cashback service. Everyone who issues a card can receive a refund in the form of bonus points for each purchase. After receiving the card, the client is given 200 gift bonus points.

You can withdraw cashback on the card in partner stores by barcode number. It should be taken into account that 100 points = 1 ruble discount on a product or service.

The bank has more than 50 partners, including numerous clothing, food, accessories, cafes, pharmacies and mobile operators.

Raiffeisen Bank

A debit card from Raiffeisen Bank is a convenient payment tool that allows you to earn additional discounts in more than 6,000 stores. The card allows you to receive cashback and participate in various promotions.

If you decide to use the services of this bank, then pay special attention to the VSESRAZU debit card. This is not only a card in a colorful design, but also a profitable product that will help you get good bonuses and additional profit. It is a pleasure to use the card of this bank.

There is also an undoubted advantage - the bank offers a card with a unique design. To get an individual card, you need to upload a photo on the bank's website and wait for verification.


As you can see, there are a large number of cards in the financial services market with an attractive cash back service.

The map will be useful:

  • For outdoor enthusiasts. If you are an active traveler, then you should pay attention to cards that provide bonuses and discounts for buying tickets and paying for hotels.
  • Shopping lovers. Fashionistas will appreciate the cards, which can be used to receive discounts when buying clothes and accessories.
  • housewife. And, of course, housewives who buy food in supermarkets every day will be happy with additional discounts and bonuses that you can easily get. Cashback in supermarkets on many cards reaches 5%.

Why do they need banks

All financial companies offer cards that are attractive to customers and can be used to return funds. But why is it a bank?

In fact, credit institutions know how they can make a profit, it’s not for nothing that they advertise their services every day and sometimes obsessively offer to issue a cashback card.

First of all, thanks to such a service, they can attract a client who will actively use the banking product and advise his relatives and friends.

Bank benefits:

  1. Card usage fee. For any card, a financial company asks to pay for annual maintenance. In most cases, the fee depends on the type and status of the card and ranges from 300 to 3,500 rubles.
  2. SMS notification service. To control their expenses and income, the client is connected to the SMS informing service. The fee, of course, is minimal and sometimes does not exceed 50 rubles per month, but this is a fixed income that the bank will receive, regardless of whether you use the card or not. If you believe the famous proverb, then “the chicken bites bit by bit”, then the bank collects the maximum income bit by bit.
  3. Customers for other products. It is enough for a bank to attract a client with a free and profitable product in order to offer other services later. In most cases, citizens like to serve in one bank:
  • pay utility bills;
  • issue loans and credit cards;
  • place funds on deposit;
  • in securities and investment projects.

For all these operations, the bank will receive a profit. By giving a free product, he wins his client and wins over for many years. Customers who like to pay with cards are a "gold mine" for any bank.

Bank clients, in order to obtain maximum income, even go for tricks and act according to the following scheme. When they receive a salary, they put funds on a profitable card in order to pay for the goods and receive the maximum amount of return. Some clients issue several cards, since the return conditions for each card are individual.

It turns out that the more a financial company can attract customers by issuing cashback cards, the more profit it can get.

What to look for when choosing a card

Decided to issue a card, but do not know how to make the right choice? In fact, everything is very simple. The main thing is not to rush, make a comparison of cards and deliberately choose the most attractive option for yourself.

When applying for a card, keep in mind:

  1. Refund.

Almost all customers are attracted by attractive conditions, according to which the financial company promises to return the funds for purchases made with the card.

Everything looks very tempting: you spend money, buy whatever you want on the card and get the money back. You might think it's a fairy tale. And the conditions for customers are minimal. Citizens over the age of 18 can receive a cashback card.

Although the option is the same for everyone, not all credit institutions return real money to the account.

You can receive on your account:

  • bonuses;
  • Thank you;
  • miles;
  • points;
  • other conventional units of the bank.

It turns out that before making a choice, you should carefully read the terms of the contract and find out what bonus you will receive and how you can use it in the future.

  1. Cashback size.

In practice, financial companies lure with a large percentage of return. Only here you can get it far from all purchases. The maximum percentage for the cashback service can only be obtained by making purchases in partner stores. The average return percentage is 1-2% for any card transaction.

Therefore, it is worth knowing in advance what real interest you can get and choose a card on which the bank is guaranteed to provide a large percentage.

  1. What can I exchange the accrued bonuses for.

What can you spend the accumulated bonuses on? This is probably the most popular question that cardholders have. The answer depends on which card you have issued.

You can exchange bonuses:

  • for a discount in a partner store;
  • for real rubles at the rate of the bonus program and spend the funds in any store;
  • for card services.

Of course, it is more pleasant to receive real money back. Therefore, before issuing a card, you should pay special attention to the method of return.

  1. Annual maintenance fee.

Do not forget that you have to pay for the service of the card. Sometimes the fee reaches several thousand rubles. If you rarely use the card, 1-2 times a month, and buy goods only in supermarkets and shops, you should choose a card with a minimum fee.

Summing up, it can be noted that bank cards are a convenient and attractive product that will allow you not only to receive additional privileges, but also money.

You need to use the card correctly, then it will bring you additional profit and a lot of positive emotions. Which cashback card is better is up to you!

Cashback- accurately translated from English as a return of money. In other words, this is the opportunity for each online shopper to return a certain percentage of the purchase amount and thus save their money. Such cashback services help people who are big fans of online shopping spend less money and get a percentage of their purchases.

Is it worth using a cashback service and which one to choose?

The internet has been a big part of our lives for a long time. Accordingly, every year the quality of services that we can receive thanks to the worldwide network improves more and more. Today it is very convenient to shop without leaving home and be able to save your money. I am just a person who finds this kind of shopping very affordable and simple, and if you use cashback services, you will also be sure that the product you purchase will reach its destination exactly as you expect it to receive.

Given all these advantages, as a confident user of such services, I believe that using them is the best way to get a quality product or service for a reasonable price. At the moment, a large number of such services have been developed on the Internet that provide not only a refund, but can also provide information about the reliability of the seller, etc. After a long and diligent analysis, I have compiled 9 cool services:

Read also:

Letyshops - One of the most profitable

Letyshops is a good cashback that offers cooperation with a huge number of online stores, provides a refund from 1% - up to 15%. The great advantage of this service is that when registering, you, as a new user, are connected for 7 days Premium account.

This increases your cashback by 30%. also makes it possible to invite friends via an affiliate link to register on the service website and receive 15% of its cashback in the future.

Thanks to this service, I have been successfully shopping online for more than a month and am very pleased with the result. A nice feature on is that it is possible to receive special Lety codes. With their help, the buyer can increase his% cashback.

  • bonus for registration;
  • accessible and pleasant interface;
  • favorable terms of cooperation;
  • a large selection of shops;
  • referral system.

Summing up, I can only say that using this cashback service is a pleasure. All services are reliable and of high quality. The service also took care of the comfortable and unhindered withdrawal of the saved money in several ways: PayPal, WebMoney, QIWI wallet or Yandex.Money. It is also possible to transfer funds to a mobile phone or immediately to a Visa or MasterCard bank card.

EPN - Reliable and stable cashback service

One of the oldest and proven sources of cashback, which has proven itself to be a reliable and profitable service.

At the moment, you can find 21 offers here, including Aliexpress, GearBest, Asos, Aviasales,, Ozon and others. Each offer has different rates, if you take Aliexpress in Russia, then the income will be from 3.6 to 15% of the order amount.

Applications for payments are submitted before the 15th day of the current month. If the application is submitted later, the payment will take place next month.

What are the advantages of this service:

  • Good percentage of cashback;
  • Payments are made without delay;
  • It is convenient to withdraw money;
  • Frequent replenishment with new offers.

Megabonus - Regular promotions and profitable referral program

Megabonus is one of the largest cashback services operating worldwide. Its catalog contains more than 800 cashback stores, including AliExpress, Tele2, LitRes, Bukvoed, Sportmaster, Rozetka, Adidas, Svyaznoy and many other online markets. The interface is available in Russian, Spanish and English.

I have been using for more than a year now and I can definitely say that its unique advantages are:

  1. Refer a friend program, thanks to which you can receive up to 50% of the referral's cashback;
  2. Regular promotions that appear on the Home page of the site;
  3. Cashback up to 40% from the purchase;
  4. Small minimum payout of $1.5;
  5. The interface is convenient and understandable even for a beginner who is not familiar with refund services.

Registration is fast and free. Withdrawals are made to electronic wallets Yandex Money, Webmoney, QIWI. Residents of Ukraine and Russia can withdraw money to bank cards in the country, but in this case, the minimum amount will be $15. Russians will be able to withdraw funds to the mobile account of Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2 operators.

Admitad — Service for professionals

Admitad started its work in 2010. Since then, a lot of different online stores, services and applications have appeared on the site with which you can earn. But if you use a standard set of well-known stores, you can get good earnings and withdraw money to a card or electronic wallet. A very good option for owners of information platforms and sites.

The advantages I would include the following points:

  • A huge number of offers from online stores around the world!;
  • Permanent promotions and discounts;
  • Convenient browser extension;
  • Opportunity to get
  • Constant distribution of coupons and promotional codes. - Large percentage of earnings

One of the highest quality cashback services is Buyers from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the USA can save their money in more than six hundred popular stores of clothing, technology, cosmetics, etc. At the same time, a refund can reach 50% of the purchase price. offers not only the return of some amount to the buyer, but also the opportunity to save more using various coupons and promotional codes that you can get when you go to a special category of the interface - Coupons and promotional codes.

Unlike LetyShops, money can be withdrawn starting from 5 rubles. Among all the advantages of this service, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • high percentage of cashback;
  • a huge selection of shops;
  • referral program;
  • the ability to withdraw funds to WebMoney, QIWI electronic wallet or bank card;
  • availability of promotions and promotional codes. - Lots of coupons and good cashback is a service that provides its customers with the opportunity to return up to 35% of the value of the goods. Through CashALot, buyers who want to save money can shop at many popular partner stores: AliExpress, Rozetka, GearBest, etc.

The main advantages of this service are that any buyer can get a good percentage of the price of the purchased goods in a short time, use a coupon or promotional code that is available for most partner stores.

The only downside to this cashback service, I would attribute the minimum amount of payment. It starts from 500 rubles, although for many this will not be a problem. You can withdraw to an electronic wallet WebMoney or directly to a bank card. You can also use the Yandex.Money or QIWI service. So, the advantages of this service are:

  • high cashback interest rate;
  • the ability to use a coupon or promotional code;
  • variety of withdrawal methods. - Minimum payout threshold

The service allows each customer to save their money without any inconvenience. Registration and authorization on the site is quite simple. There are no problems when using the cashback service.

The interface is very accessible and presentable. If users have any questions, the support service can answer them and help them save money on this service correctly. cooperates with a huge number of shopping sites, provides an opportunity to receive promotional codes or coupons. I think that the advantage of the service is that you do not need to accumulate the saved funds up to a certain amount, for example, 500 rubles, since you can withdraw even 1 ruble. Payments can be received using WebMoney, PayPal, QIWI wallet, Yandex.Money, or to a Visa or MasterCasd card. The main advantages of are that:

  • the interface is accessible and attractive;
  • a large number of partner stores;
  • the possibility of withdrawing minimum funds (from 1 ruble);
  • a wide range of ways to withdraw saved money. - Rare offers

cashback a service that is reliable and affordable. Using this site, you can not only buy cosmetics, clothes and shoes, but also order tickets or even rent transport. This service differs among similar ones in that the buyer has access to a multi-currency system.

I believe that this is an advantage of this cashback service, since the client gets the right to choose the currency in which he wants to receive his funds on an electronic wallet, mobile phone or bank card.

The service has more than 50 items in its list of partner stores (offers). The site interface offers a distribution of stores by category: online shopping, tourism and travel, online services, which is also a plus. The main advantages of the service:

  • wide profile;
  • availability, reliability;
  • multicurrency system;
  • a wide list of shops cooperating with the service. - Conveniently buy through the extension for Chrome

Favorable conditions for the purchase of goods and services on the Internet are provided by the rather popular service. With the help of this service, you get the opportunity to return the maximum percentage of cashback from the cost of your purchases. A large number of brand stores and not only became partners of, including ASOS, NIKE, O'STIN and so on.

An important advantage of this cashback service is its manufacturability, as there are special extensions for 4 browsers, which makes it easier for each client to use this service in the browser they are used to.

Based on the above, I can only say that using cashback services is an ideal way to make your online shopping fast and profitable. Of all the existing systems, we have identified 9 of the most popular and reliable ones, which will provide their customers not only with accessibility and high cashback percentages, but also with a wide range of partner stores.

Do not give up comfortable shopping on the Internet and do not worry about your money, because with the cashback service it is so easy.

Yes, friends.

Anyone who reads my blog already knows.

Today we will talk about the percentage of this very cashback.

Tune in to efficient material that will exhaust all questions.
Almost the most popular store with a percentage return!

As for specific promotional products, their percentage can be found in the promotions section or calculated using a special calculator.

Cashback amount

One of the main conditions for withdrawing funds from cashbacks that cooperate with the Aliexpress website is the accumulation of a minimum amount for completed orders.

Depending on the selected service, its values ​​will differ.

Namely, for example -

The accumulated cashback amount can be withdrawn to the card of any bank, mobile phone or payment system, such as:

  • "Yandex Wallet";
  • "Kiwi";
  • "WebMoney";
  • Mobile phone.

You can use the additional cashback balance to replenish your mobile or re-order any product on Aliexpress.

Good discounts can be accumulated by buying goods on Aliexpress

How to count?

In order to find out what kind of cashback you will receive for a particular product from Aliexpress, you need to log into your service account.

If it doesn't exist, then you need to do the following:

  • Select the site with which the Aliexpress store works. As a rule, today 90% of services work with this giant of goods. check it out for sure.
  • Complete the quick registration process.

To receive notifications about refunds, as well as discounts and promotions, I recommend that you install the plugin in your browser.

I consulted a lot with people who know the technical side of cashback sites


Plus, hackers and other “dealers” can embed some code in your extension that will flood your visited sites with the ads they need.

Do you need it?

For this you need:

  • In the service tools, find the "Browser extension" section and click on it.
  • Next, select the browser you are using.
  • After that, you will be transferred to the store of your search engine, where you will need to download the plugin.

After installation, a cashback icon will appear in the browser. It allows you to show the percentage of funds that the store returns.

To find out how much money will be returned for a particular product, you need to:

  • Through the CashBack service, go to the Chinese Aliexpress store.
  • Find the product you are interested in and place an order according to the standard scheme.

Just a few minutes later, in the "order statistics" section, the date of purchase, as well as the price of the goods and the amount of the refund, will be displayed.

If you do not want to order a product, then there is an alternative way to calculate the estimated cashback amount.

To do this, in the search engine you can find many sites with special calculators that show the percentage of CashBack .

The calculation is quite simple and is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • In the catalog you need to find the necessary store (in our case, "Aliexpress").
  • Specify the cost of the item.
  • Press the "Calculate" button.
  • After that, the site will show the percentage and amount of the refund through your cashback.

For all such sites, the calculation algorithm is practically the same.

Here's an example for you -

How many percent?

For purchases on Aliexpress, each service provides its own percentage, which is returned to customers.

Thanks to this tool, you can count on double Cashback from Ali.

It works like this:

  • You buy a certificate for which you get Cashback from EPN.
  • Then choose a product and pay for it with a gift certificate. In this case, funds will be credited, as with a regular order.

How to find out what cashback will be?

In order to have an idea of ​​how much percentage will be returned to you from the goods, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Let's see how to do this using the "EPN" example:

  • We go to the cashback service application, which is installed in the browser on the computer.
  • Next, follow the link to go to the Aliexpress store.
  • Then again you need to click on the plugin icon, where a percentage will be displayed above the "Activate Cashback" button, which will be returned to you after purchasing the product.

Together we calculate cashback

Accordingly, speaking about how to find out what the cashback will be, anyone can do this in a few clicks.

Approximately according to this algorithm, you can check your percentage on Letishops and other sites.

How to calculate the amount?

If you want to know in advance how much you will be credited, then you should use special online cashback calculators, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

The calculation is performed as follows:

  • Select a store.
  • Specify your Cashback percentage and the cost of the goods.
  • Click on the "calculate" button.

After that, you will know how to calculate the percentage of return on the amount of purchases, and how much you will be credited for a particular product. You can also perform such a calculation yourself using a regular calculator.

Thanks to reasonable prices and a huge range of various products, Aliexpress is a desirable platform for millions of users.

Cashback enhances the joy of shopping!

However, if you want to order even cheaper on this site or even earn some money, then you should definitely use the services that I have given above.

  2. Return percentage transparency
  3. SUPER tech support that responds in seconds
  4. The site is filled with useful services such as "package tracking", "offline stores", "promo codes", etc.
  5. ATTENTION! The most important, that no competitor has: CHARITY to help treat children. .