US dollar USD coins and banknotes. Presidents on dollars Who drew 1 dollar bill

For me, a very informative article in every sense. I didn't even know before...
Everyone must have seen or even held a one-dollar bill in their hands. But has anyone ever wondered what the signs and inscriptions depicted on it mean? So let's just look at the one dollar bill first, here it is:

It was designed by the Russian emigrant Sergei Makronovsky at the request of the future US Vice President Wallace. It is believed that under this pseudonym the famous artist, mystic, theosophist Nicholas Roerich was hiding. A lot speaks in favor of the version. In 1920, Roerich moved with his wife to the United States, founded the "Society of Agni Yoga", created the Institute of United Arts in New York. He was friends with the same mystic Henry Wallace, who later became Roosevelt's closest aide. Obviously, at the suggestion of Henry, in 1935 at the White House, representatives of 21 countries of the world signed the Roerich Pact on the protection of art monuments. The president himself attended the ceremony.

Nicholas Roerich in his study. 1910

It is clear that even Roerich would not be allowed to draw whatever he pleases on the national currency. So, there was someone's order. Clearly not Henry's friend. He did not yet have much political power. Roosevelt also did not think about the presidency yet, he was the governor of New York. So, behind Henry was a very influential person or group of people who could easily change the design of the national currency like that. The bill, please note, was issued in 1928. Literally the next year, the US economy collapsed in a matter of days. The Great Depression has come. It would be nice if it raged only in the USA. The epidemic has spread to Europe. Germany had the hardest time. Against the background of the crisis, Hitler came to power. Roosevelt had to treat America for depression. Five years after the release of the strange banknote. Now there is a lot of talk about Roosevelt's New Deal, which healed the country from depression. In fact, that legendary New Deal is translated differently - a new deal. It was concluded between the state and big business, which was obliged to share part of the income so as not to lose everything. And the real new rate, encrypted on the new dollar bill, was not advertised. It was a course to supplant the pound sterling as the only world currency since 1840 and establish a new world order where the Dollar would rule. Everyone who has savings in dollars should know the following.

Why did the people behind Roerich choose a simple one-dollar bill? Wouldn't it be better to capture the target on 100 bucks bills? Or for 10- and 100-thousandths (they also produced such ones!).

Many secret societies from ancient times attached sacred significance to the unit, elevating it above all other numbers. First of all - the legendary Templars, the founders of modern Freemasonry. Dan Brown wrote about them in the bestseller The Da Vinci Code. For the Templars, one meant "unity in diversity." In public, you can take on any image, speak on behalf of any, even hostile, parties. But inside, among "his own", he must maintain unity. According to the teachings of the Templars, one also means that there is no difference between good and evil. This was recorded on the flag of the secret knights: four alternating white and black squares. White is a symbol of good, black is evil. Latin: "E PLURIBUS UNUM".

Let's take a closer look at the bald eagle, the symbol of the United States. In his beak is the inscription "E PLURIBUS UNUM", consisting of 13 letters. The chest covers a shield with 13 stripes. 13 arrows are clamped in one paw, and an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 fruits is in the other. 32 feathers on one wing of an eagle - the number of degrees of initiation in ordinary Masonic lodges. 33 feathers on the other - a symbol of the 33rd, highest and especially secret, degree. And above the eagle itself, that is, above the United States, the six-pointed star of David (the symbol of the "chosen people"), made up of 13 white five-pointed stars, soars.

On the left side of the one-dollar bill, Roerich placed a large seal of the United States. On it is a pyramid, one of the main symbols of freemasons. This is the name of the Freemason brothers, allegedly leading a pedigree from the priests and secret societies of Ancient Egypt. But this pyramid is somehow strange. Truncated. Comprised of 13 steps. Researchers call it the "Pyramid of the Illuminati (Enlightened)". This is a whole group of old Masonic lodges. The structure of the Illuminati consists of 13 degrees of initiation, which is clearly reflected in the 13 steps of the pyramid on the dollar, on which the number “MDCCLXXVI” is encrypted, or the year 1776, which, by happy coincidence, is the year the secret order of the Illuminati was founded.

The top of the headless pyramid, as it were, soars in the rays above the base. In the triangle (another Masonic symbol!) An eye is visible. Experts call it differently: "The All-Seeing Eye", the eye of the "Great Architect of the Universe" - the chief of all Masons, the "eye of Lucifer". The same one, Satan!
Above the eye is an inscription in Latin, again of 13 (!) Letters: “Annuit Coeptis”. “It sustains (blesses) us!” This refers to the mysterious eye in the triangle. From below, the pyramid is bordered by a ribbon with the motto in Latin "Novus ordo seclorum" ("New World Order").

In this regard, the fact that if you draw a star of David, you get the word M-A-S-O-N, looks more interesting.

What do we get as a result? "Blessed be the New World Order!" The one based on the principles of Freemasonry. The All-Seeing Eye, Lucifer reigns over the pyramid - all the peoples of the world. For those who have accepted the new conditions - an olive branch in the paw of an eagle. For the recalcitrant - arrows!

What God do they believe in?

Roerich encrypted the most important secret in the center of the bill. At the top is a catchy inscription: "United States of America." A little lower is the seemingly pious phrase: “In God We Trust” (“We believe in God”). In what? America is officially a Christian country. However, you will not find a single familiar Christian symbol on a dollar bill. The same cross, for example, is missing. On the other hand, the “devil's dozen” reigns everywhere, the unlucky number 13 for ordinary people. It is repeated at least nine times on a small piece of paper. Isn't it strange? So in what kind of “God” are Americans and the whole world supposed to believe? The answer is given in the very center. Large letters. Open your eyes.

See? The eagle and the pyramid with an eye are united by the word "ONE". "ONE", "ONE". What is this? The easiest answer is: the denomination of the banknote. But such an inscription is already indicated below. And in each of the four corners a unit is drawn (a number and a word). And this largest word of three letters stands alone, without any additions. Not by chance. Freemasons love symbols. Look at their motto in the eagle's beak "Unity in Diversity!". It also reads: “Out of the Many, One.” Experts in secret symbols advise you to carefully look at the graphic execution of the word O N E. Large letters are at a sufficient distance from each other. There are three of them, which means many. But at the same time, each subsequent letter has a point of intersection with the previous one. Hence the impression that the inscription is solid, monolithic - One. And we see an unequivocal answer on the bill:

In god we trust
He is ONE
One dollar

Nine times thirteen. Nine is the sign of a "sinful seduced person." It turns out such an expression: "God tempts a sinful person." If you multiply 13 by 9, you get 117: 1+1+7=9. And this means that the more dollars a person has, the more sinful a person is, because he stopped believing in the power of God, and began to believe in the power of a banknote, for the sake of which he agrees to commit any act.

When new banknotes began to be introduced in the United States, which did not have the above 13 characters and 52 stars appeared, and God's plan was violated, ATMs in October 2003 refused to accept them, and to this day no one knows this reason.

Of course, many people know that prominent American presidents and politicians are depicted on US banknotes, but not everyone knows who is depicted on US dollars.

What does the US currency look like, who is depicted on US dollars?

What is the US dollar?

The United States dollar is the US currency and one of the main reserve currencies of the global financial community. 1 dollar equals 100 cents. Denoted as $ or USD. The Federal Reserve System, which acts as the central bank in America, has the right to issue money.

The US dollar has the status of a national currency in some other countries (for example, El Salvador, the Marshall Islands). It is this currency that is additional, parallel in countries where the national currency does not exist as the only legal tender, and in cases where the country's own currency is not actually used in cash and / or non-cash use and circulation.

The basic design for dollar bills was approved in 1928. Dollars pay a kind of tribute to the presidents who led the United States in different years. Who and for what merits is depicted on monetary units?

Who is depicted on dollars

The smallest, running dollar bill - $ 1 has the image of the country's first president - the founding father of the United States, George Washington. The capital of the United States also bears his name - this already speaks of his services to the fatherland and the American people. This image is also worn by a 25-cent coin, called among Americans a “quarter”. The reverse side depicts an unfinished pyramid, on top of which are the "Eye of Providence" and the famous inscription "In God we trust."

Thomas Jefferson is depicted on the two dollar bill. This is the third president of the country. This famous politician owns the phrase "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today." Also, the image of Jefferson is also on a coin in denominations of 5 cents. The reverse side of the $2 is decorated with a reproduction of John Trumbull's "Declaration of Independence" painting. This fact is not accidental! Thomas Jefferson is also the founding father of the state. He died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

The face of the $5 bill bears a portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln is a famous American Liberator President. During his reign, slavery was abolished. The reverse side of this bill depicts the Abraham Lincoln Memorial, which is located in downtown Washington. The portrait of this president is also on the 1 cent coin.

The obverse of the 10 dollars bears the image of the first US Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, who is called “the father of the dollar”. Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton are the only famous Americans featured on national banknotes who were not US Presidents. On the back of the note, you can see the Treasury Department founded by Hamilton.

The twenty dollar bill features a portrait of Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson is the seventh President of the United States of America. This politician became the first president elected from the Democratic Party, which he founded. Experts note that Andrew Jackson was on 5, 10, 50, 10,000 dollars. On the reverse of the 20 dollar bill, which is called "Jackson", there is an image of the White House. That Jackson is featured on the $20 bill is ironic, as he openly opposed the National Bank and paper money. "Twenty" is the "leader" in the production of counterfeit banknotes. According to statistics, it is very often faked.

The image of the 50s was the hero of the Civil War, Willis Grant, the 18th President of the United States. The reverse of the bill depicts the building of Congress in Washington, which is called the Capitol. In 2005, this banknote, which is popularly called the "Grant", could acquire a new image. At that time, it was proposed to place the image of Ronald Reagan on the fifty dollars, but this idea failed.

The face of $100 is Benjamin Franklin. This man is famous for signing the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, although he has never been the president of the country. The reverse side depicts Independence Hall, where the above historical documents were signed. Benjamin Franklin - the face of the largest American currency at face value - went down in history as a journalist, scientist, diplomat, politician. He was the first American to become a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Images on rare banknotes

Currently, they are no longer printed, but previously there were denominations of 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, 100,000 dollars. They were mainly used in settlements between banks, in settlements between criminal associations. Starting in 1936, these American bills were no longer printed, and since 1969, by order of Richard Nixon, the country's president, they were completely withdrawn from circulation.

Who was depicted on the old US dollars, which are currently not in circulation? The following faces were on the old banknotes:

  1. $500 - William McKinley, 25th President of the United States.
  2. $1,000 - Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th President of the United States.
  3. $5,000 - James Madison, 4th President of the United States.
  4. $10,000 - Salmon Chase, during the Lincoln administration he was Chief of the Treasury Department, then Chief of the US Supreme Court.
  5. $100,000 - Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States.

It doesn't matter what bill you have in your hands: 10 dollars, 20 dollars, the main thing is that they do not turn out to be counterfeit!

What do dollars look like, and who is depicted on dollars? Dollars are "green pieces of paper" with which you can purchase material goods, services and other values, as well as perform other manipulations with these banknotes, for example, store or invest. The dollar is still considered the world's reserve currency. In this article, you will learn, or rather see, what dollars look like, and find out who is depicted on American dollars.

Dollars pay some tribute to certain presidents who have ruled the US over the years. That is, American presidents are mostly depicted on dollars.

The smallest American paper currency depicts the very first US President - George Washington, who ruled from April 30, 1789 to March 4, 1797. He is considered the founding father of the country. It is the origin of the American institution of the presidency. George Washington was distinguished by legendary honesty and was during the war of the North American colonies for independence the commander-in-chief of the continental army. This man made a great contribution to the development of the United States, therefore the capital of the United States is the city of Washington. Also, George Washington is depicted on a coin of 25 cents, which is popularly called the "quarter". On the reverse side of the 1 dollar is an unfinished pyramid, at the top of which is a triangle, where the "Eye of Providence" is located, which symbolizes that God sees everything. Also, the famous inscription "In God We Trust" is on the reverse of 1 dollar, and this inscription means - "In God we trust." As for this inscription, Salmon Chase was the first to order it to be placed with American money. And before the image of Washington appeared on the 1 dollar bill, it depicted a portrait of Salmon Chase, who was at one time the Chief of the Treasury Department, and then became the Chief of the US Supreme Court.

The second American banknote depicts the 3rd President of the United States - Thomas Jefferson, who ruled from March 4, 1801 to March 4, 1809. This is an outstanding politician, philosopher and diplomat, actively participated in the first American bourgeois revolution. He is one of the creators of the doctrine of separation of church and state. Thomas Jefferson is the author of one good phrase: "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today." By the way, this 3rd President of America is depicted not only on the 2 dollar bill, but also on the 5 cent coin. On the reverse side of the $2 is the painting "Declaration of Independence" by artist John Trumbull. And this is not a coincidence. The thing is that Thomas Jefferson is considered one of the founding fathers of the state, whose death caught during the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

The 5 dollar bill depicts the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, who ruled from March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865. This is the first President of the Republican Party and is considered to be the liberator of American slaves. Therefore, he is considered the president-liberator, during whose reign slavery was abolished in America. During the American Civil War of 1861-1865, Abraham Lincoln personally directed the military operations that led to the victory over the Confederacy. The reverse side of the $5 bill features the Lincoln Memorial in the center of the US capital, Washington. The portrait of Abraham Lincoln also flaunts on the 1 cent coin.

The father of the dollar is depicted on the 10 dollar bill - this is Alexander Hamilton. It should be noted that like Benjamin Franklin, depicted on $100, and Alexander Hamilton, depicted on $10, they were not US presidents. That is, American money does not always contain persons who were US presidents. Thus, there are two exceptions here. Alexander Hamilton is considered the first secretary of the treasury and one of the founding fathers of the United States. On the back of the $10 note, you can see the Ministry of the Treasury, founded by Alexander Hamilton himself.

This $20 bill features the face of the 7th President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, who ruled from March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1837. He is considered one of the creators of the modern American dollar. He was the first president elected as the candidate of the Democratic Party. Considered one of the founders of the Democratic Party. Previously, a portrait of Andrew Jackson has already adorned banknotes of various denominations: 5, 10, 50 and 10 thousand dollars, and during the Civil War was depicted on the bill of the southern Confederation in 1000 dollars. The back of the $20 bill features the White House.

It is worth noting that Andrew Jackson himself was against the National Bank and paper money. And despite this, his face was still often placed on bills of various denominations, and now he is depicted on a 20 dollar bill, which is the most commonly counterfeited. That is, the "twenty" is the leader in the number of counterfeit banknotes.

The 18th President of the United States, Willis Grant, who ruled from March 4, 1869 to March 4, 1877, is featured on the $50 note. Considered a hero of the civil war. He was a commander of the northerners during the American Civil War, an American political and military figure, and an army general. On the other side of the $50 is an image of the Congress in Washington - the Capitol. In 2005, they wanted to place a portrait of Ronald Reagan on this bill, but then the idea failed. By the way, Americans call 50 dollars "grants".

The face of Benjamin Franklin is depicted on the most valuable American bill at the moment. Although he was not the president of the United States, his signature is on the US Constitution, and on the Declaration of Independence, and on the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1873. On the other side of the 100 dollar bill, Independence Hall is depicted - the place where both the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were once signed. Benjamin Franklin himself went down in history as a scientist, politician, journalist, diplomat. He was the first American to become a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Previously printed, but now no longer printed American denominations of 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000 and 100,000 dollars. Basically, they were used in settlements between banks, and in settlements between criminal groups. Since 1936, these American bills have ceased to be printed, and since 1969, by order of President Richard Nixon, they are completely withdrawn from circulation.

But still, it is interesting who was depicted on the old American dollars, which are now not involved in circulation. They featured the following faces:

  1. 500 dollars The 25th President of the United States is William McKinley.
  2. 1000 dollars- 22nd and 24th President of the United States - Grover Cleveland.
  3. $5,000- 4th President of the United States - James Madison.
  4. $10,000- initially during the Lincoln administration, the head of the Treasury Department, and then the head of the US Supreme Court - Salmon Chase.
  5. $100,000 The 28th President of the United States is Woodrow Wilson.

On July 30, 1956, US President Dwight Eisenhower signed into law the adoption of the expression In God we trust (In God we trust) as the official motto of the United States. Since then, this motto has been printed and minted on all the banknotes of the United States. We remembered the 10 most interesting facts about American dollars

Moscow. July 30th. website - The expression In God we trust (We trust in God) first appeared on American currency at the end of the 19th century, and on July 30, 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower made it the official motto of the United States of America, and since then it has been invariably present on all monetary US signs.

We remembered the 10 most interesting facts about American dollars

1. We trust in God

There are several versions of the origin of this expression. According to the most popular assumption, the phrase was borrowed from the US anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner / The Star-Spangled Banner, which was written by Francis Scott Key. For the first time this expression began to be applied to coins in 1864, the priest M. R. Watkinson wrote a letter to the treasury with the suggestion that God be mentioned on some coins to make it clear that God is on the side of the North in the civil war. Treasury Secretary Samon Chase supported this idea, and the motto appeared on coins in denominations of 1 and 2 cents. Then the phrase appeared on gold and silver dollars, on coins of 5, 25 and 50 cents Finally, officially, all US banknotes decided to apply it in 1956 in order to oppose their currency to the atheistic USSR.

Since then, US atheists have regularly voiced their dissatisfaction with the presence of the phrase on the coins and banknotes of a country where there is freedom of religion. Most American citizens support having the motto on dollars.

2. Short-lived banknotes

Banknotes in denominations of 50 and 100 dollars can last up to 8 years in circulation, after which they wear out so much that they need to be changed. 20 dollar bills are in circulation for an average of 2 years, the life of 1 dollar bills is only 18 months.

But even if the bill is worn and torn, the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which is responsible for the "production" of the national currency, will restore it if at least half of the bill has survived.

3. Rag bills

In fact, banknotes are not made of paper, and there are no wood fibers in them. To make them last longer, they are made from combinations of cotton and linen. The strength of banknotes comes from the use of raw materials, which are cleaned until the structure is suitable for the manufacture of the banknote.

4. Money is bad for health

Not only is the lack of money harmful to health, but having it can be dangerous. According to a study by specialists from Ohio, bacteria were found on 94% of the studied bills, although most of them were not dangerous. But 7% of banknotes carried pathogens, including pneumonia and staphylococcus bacteria.

4. Cocaine on money

But not only bacteria live on American dollars. A 2009 study by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth found that 90% of paper money in circulation contained traces of cocaine. The drug is deposited on banknotes and after using them to inhale cocaine, and may be the result of drug trafficking. Most often, cocaine is found on denominations of 5, 10, 20 and 50 dollars. It is very difficult to find it on 1-dollar bills - they are changed more often, and such banknotes are rarely used to buy a dose.

5. Dollar pyramid

The $1 bill features an unfinished pyramid that is part of the Great Seal of the United States. Above the pyramid is the Latin phrase "Annuit Cœptis" (our beginnings are blessed), below it - "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (New order of the era). In addition, the so-called. "All-seeing eye". Conspiracy theorists interpret these and other elements as Masonic.

6. Watch on 100 dollars

The new $100 note features the tower of Independence Hall with the clock showing 4:10. At the same time, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing does not know why this time was chosen.

7. The woman on the dollar bill

Only once in the history of the United States did the image of a woman appear on a banknote. In 1886, a portrait of Martha Washington was placed on the obverse of the One Dollar Silver Certificate next to the image of her husband, the first President of the United States, George Washington.

8. One hundred thousand dollar banknotes

Mark Twain's famous novel talked about a million pound bank note, and the largest dollar bill is the $100,000 note, which was printed during the Gold Rush in 1934 and had a portrait of President Woodrow Wilson printed on it. . They were used only for the calculations of the Federal Reserve Bank and did not enter circulation, it is known that 7 such certificates have survived to this day.

But even these record notes are not the most expensive. In 2006, a $1,000 note issued in 1890 was sold for $2,255,000. This rare denomination depicts General George Gordon Meade, who commanded the Army of the North in the Allied victory at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.

10. Trees at the White House

The elms depicted on the $20 bills actually used to grow near the White House, as depicted on the bank note. But since 2006, there have been no trees - they could not stand the time and rains. On the front side of the 20-dollar bill, President Andrew Jackson is depicted, he himself did not like paper money, preferring coins

American banknotes - dollars - are not just a means of payment and measurement of value. Banknotes are fraught with many historical and simply interesting facts. Few people know that the banknotes depict not only heads of state, but also simply outstanding people who have contributed to the development of the country. US presidents

Overview of American banknotes

Banknotes of all denominations have the same design: the center of the front side is decorated with presidential portraits or portraits of any statesmen. The following elements of national importance are placed on both sides of the face: the signatures of officials, the seal of the treasury, the indices of issuing banks, the name of the country, the name of the type of banknote. The reverse side is decorated in a more diverse way: various subjects are depicted there.

Which presidents are represented on banknotes? One US dollar is famous for the image of the first president and founder of the United States - George Washington. About 10 billion banknotes of various denominations are printed annually in America, the one-dollar bill makes up 50% of them. In the US, $1, being the most common denomination, has become the most popular collectible.

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, who put an end to slavery, is depicted on banknotes of 5 dollars. In 1964, the design of these banknotes was supplemented with the motto "In God we trust".

The portrait of Alexander Hamilton is painted on the $10 bill, although he was never president. Alexander Hamilton was America's Treasury Secretary. The first ten dollar bill was issued in 1861 and featured Lincoln on it.

The twenty-dollar banknote is decorated with a portrait of the seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson. By the way, twenty is the most counterfeited banknote.

Ulysses Grant is the face of the $50 bill. The eighteenth president and general of the Civil War adorned the banknote for the first time with his face in 1913. Grant's portrait in 2005 and 2010 was to be replaced by Reagan's, but congressmen voted against it.

American President Benjamin Franklin appeared on 100 dollars in 1914. They say about him as "the only US president who never was."

$2 is another story

The $2 bill features President Thomas Jefferson, co-author of the American Declaration of Independence. This banknote is quite rare in circulation. There is even a belief that it brings happiness. The rarity of the banknote can be explained by the unusual attitude of consumers towards the issue of 1976, which turned out to be unclaimed during monetary transactions.

Throughout the history of the United States, the two dollar bill has been part of the classic banknote set. In reality, it is almost never found in the free circulation of funds. As soon as such an opportunity falls, this bill, getting into the wallets of citizens, is exported outside the country, then resold to collectors of old coins or put up at auctions. This bill is hunted by many bonists who are ready to buy it for a lot of money.

Who decorated banknotes of large denominations?

Currently in cash circulation there are banknotes in denominations from 1 to 100 US dollars. Previously, there were paper bills and a larger denomination: 500, 1,000, 5,000 and even 10,000 dollars. They were used most often in settlements carried out by representatives of criminal groups or in interbank transactions.

The first three denominations were decorated with portraits of such presidents of the country as William McKinley, Grover Cleveland and James Madison. The $10,000 note features a portrait of Salmon Chase, Chief Justice of America. There was also a $100,000 bill that featured the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson.

An interesting fact is that US dollars did not always have the same faces that we see today. So, for example, on a one-dollar bill, a portrait of George Washington was not from the very beginning. It originally featured Salmon Chase, then Secretary of the Treasury.

Presidents on coins

Portraits of presidents and famous people of the country are applied not only on banknotes, but even on US coins. Here is a list of coins of all denominations and the faces depicted on them:

  • 1 cent (penny) - Abraham Lincoln;
  • 5 cents (nickel) - Thomas Jefferson;
  • 10 cents (dime) - Franklin D. Roosevelt;
  • 25 cents (quarter) - George Washington;
  • 1 dollar - Susan Anthony - American activist and fighter for the civil rights of women.

The gold dollar is decorated with the image of Sacagawea, a young woman from the Northern Shoshone Indian tribe, who lived in what is now the state of Idaho.

The most famous coin is the 2.5 dollar coin, issued in 1911. Previously, it was regularly minted, but in the 21st century it is almost impossible to meet it due to its low circulation.

Collector's dream

Abroad, many bonists (people who collect paper money) hunt for the so-called "lucky" numbers. Various newspapers and magazines periodically publish announcements in which collectors report that they are ready to buy or sell banknotes of one denomination or another with a certain number.