Sberbank bank refinancing loans. Refinancing, Sberbank: conditions and reviews

To reduce payments on current liabilities, it is possible to refinance loans from other banks at Sberbank in 2018 under the program of the same name.

What loans can be refinanced under the 2018 program

Refinancing a loan at Sberbank for individuals allows you to transfer loans from other creditors and combine them. Today, various forms of obligations are subject to:

  • consumer non-purpose loans;
  • car loans;
  • credit cards;
  • payment cards with overdraft.

In total, you can transfer up to 5 consumer or other loans from other banks. At the same time, it is possible to request a certain amount additionally as a loan. To take advantage of the Sberbank loan refinancing program, current loans must meet certain conditions:

  • For 2017-2018, all payments must be made on time, without delay.
  • At the time of applying to Sberbank, more than 180 days had passed since the loan was received.
  • There are more than 90 days left until the end of the agreement.
  • The person did not apply for restructuring of current loans.

Under the same program, it is possible to refinance a Sberbank loan taken from Sberbank, but only if there is at least one more loan from another institution.

Conditions for refinancing consumer loans from other banks at Sberbank

Refinancing of loans in Sberbank in 2018 for individuals occurs under the following conditions:

  • Minimum amount: 30 thousand rubles;
  • Limit: 3 million;
  • Loan term: 3 months - 5 years (if an individual has a temporary residence permit, the period cannot exceed its validity period);
  • Commission for granting a loan: none;
  • Security or collateral: not provided.

Interest rates in 2018 are set taking into account the duration of the agreement at the following rates:

  • For 3-24 months: 13.9%;
  • 2-5 years: 14.9%.

The interest is fixed, regardless of the characteristics of the applicant or other parameters.

Requirements for individuals

Under the terms of refinancing loans at Sberbank, citizens of the Russian Federation who meet the following characteristics in 2018 can take advantage of the offer:

  • Age on application date: 21 years old.
  • By the end of the relationship with Sberbank: 65 years.
  • Time of employment at the current place: from 6 months.
  • Experience for 5 years: from a year. This condition does not apply to Sberbank customers receiving payments. For working pensioners-clients of Sberbank, the duration of work in recent years should be more than 6 months.

Can I apply online

An individual should apply for restructuring to a subdivision in the city of residence. For borrowers who receive wages at Sberbank, it is allowed to apply at any office.

Many people prefer to apply online, but Sberbank only allows such an application for some products. It is not allowed to refinance loans at Sberbank online in 2018.

Documents for approval

If you want to refinance, you need to prepare a certain package of papers, which is similar to applying for a consumer loan. It is better to do this right away and go to the Sberbank office with them. Otherwise, after submitting the application, you will need to collect them and visit the department again, because. without them, consideration is not carried out.

An individual needs the following papers and confirmations:

  • passport with registration;
  • employment data: work book, certificate from the employer;
  • on income: official personal income tax-2, in the form of an employer that is a state enterprise, on the letterhead of Sberbank (it should be requested in advance or downloaded online);
  • about refinanced loans.

If consumer loans are being refinanced at Sberbank, the following information is suitable as the latter:

  • the balance of the debt, including interest;
  • bank details;
  • number and date of signing the contract;
  • return period;
  • initial amount of consumer credit;
  • interest rate.

Information must be provided on the certificate of this bank, which is signed and stamped. Similar information is needed for a refinanced car loan.

If an individual includes debts on a credit card or overdraft card in the program for refinancing loans from other banks at Sberbank, you will need to provide the following data:

  • the balance of unreturned borrowed funds;
  • number and date of the agreement (if any);
  • credit limit on the card;
  • interest rate;
  • creditor details and card redemption details.

You can confirm all this with the help of a certificate, extract, contract, etc.

Application for loan refinancing

You must provide complete information about yourself:

  • personal information;
  • passport;
  • registration;
  • about the place of work;
  • on income and solvency;
  • about family.

In a separate section, information about each of the refinanced loans is filled in: the name of the bank, the type of loan, the amount of debt, duration, and the percentage of overpayment. A separate item indicates the value that you want to receive additionally.

After the transfer of the entire set, it will be necessary to wait 2-5 days until Sberbank decides on the approval of refinancing in Sberbank of loans from other banks to an individual. Upon receipt of consent, the transfer of funds occurs within a month. Sberbank, at the automatic order of the borrower, sends the agreed amounts to other banks for transferable loans.

Loan disbursement and repayment

Under the loan refinancing program at Sberbank, repayment of debt occurs according to an annuity scheme. This implies a return in equal installments once a month. Upon registration, an individual receives a repayment schedule, which indicates the amount and the deadline for payment.

It is permissible to make payments through Sberbank Online, ATM or in cash. If the deadlines are not met, a penalty of 20% per annum is applied.

If you have the opportunity to repay the entire loan ahead of schedule, you should use it. It does not provide for the application of a commission, the establishment of a minimum amount or other limits. Early payment, incl. a partial one can be carried out independently through Sberbank Online or in cash at the cash desk by filling out a preliminary application. It must specify the exact amount to be paid and the day of payment.


The conditions for refinancing a loan at Sberbank allow an individual to transfer up to 5 debts (consumer, credit cards, etc.) from other institutions in order to lower the rate and the mandatory payment. To take advantage of the program in 2018, it is necessary that there are no overdue payments on them. Having prepared the documents, you need to submit an application and wait for approval.

Quite often, people are interested in whether it is possible to make a deposit in order to pay off another loan. Many will be happy to hear that refinancing at Sberbank will help in this matter. This is one of the new services of this financial institution. In some situations, it is the on-lending of loans of various types that is the only way for borrowers not to fall into a debt hole, from which the level of income does not allow them to get out.

The situation in which a person cannot pay loan payments is common, in most cases it is due to the inattention of people. Borrowers often do not attach importance to hidden fees and insurance, as well as other additional payments. As a result, loan payments are unsustainable.

The essence of refinancing

Refinancing (Sberbank) helps the borrower to close all debts on previously issued loans. Refinancing allows you to structure and redistribute payments on loans. To put it simply, when applying for refinancing at Sberbank, you can repay it with those taken from other financial institutions. It will be possible to take out a loan to cover another loan only if there are no delays in payments. Moreover, the registration of the service provides for the provision of a full package of documents, as in the case of standard loans: a passport, income statement, real estate, loan agreement, and so on.

On-lending of consumer loans

If you have about five loans, they can be repaid in full at the same time if you manage to arrange refinancing with Sberbank. Consumer credit, which is issued in large hardware stores or hypermarkets, is characterized by high interest rates. This is due to the fact that people do not think about the price when they see the desired things. Financial institutions, taking into account this psychological factor, offer their clients maximum interest rates, which often turn out to be unbearable. The amount that the borrower can count on can be no more than 1 million rubles. The loan term in this situation will not exceed 5 years, and - about 17%. This program does not provide for the mandatory presence of guarantors.

Who can take advantage of the loan?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that Sberbank offers refinancing only to the category of customers who have a positive credit history. A prerequisite for partnership is the availability of timely payments for at least 6 loans, which are planned to be covered by refinancing. The program from Sberbank allows you to pay all loans on time at minimal cost.

Mortgage lending: why people choose programs with high interest rates

Almost every person who has had to borrow money from a bank is well aware of the concept of high interest. It often happens that there are simply no more profitable lending programs at one time or another in the financial market. In this situation, the loan format that is most acceptable is drawn up.

The urgency of buying a home on a mortgage with a high interest rate may be due to the need to quickly resolve the issue of housing. A high rate can be offered with an insignificant down payment. Given the size of the loan and the duration of the partnership with the bank, the overpayment is significant. Monthly payments can be so large that you have to lower your standard of living. But even this situation is not hopeless.

Refinancing or on favorable terms

Mortgage refinancing at Sberbank is offered to those customers who took out a loan to buy a home in another financial institution. The loan is issued only in the national currency, in rubles. The amount of the loan cannot be more than the balance of the loan. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the size of the loan for refinancing cannot be more than 80% of the cost of housing, which is set by an expert appraiser. When forming a partnership, it is customary to take into account the smaller of the values. Mortgage refinancing in Sberbank is carried out on the security of property, in this case, the purchased property. Insurance is a prerequisite for refinancing. The term of refinancing will correspond to the term of the primary mortgage loan. The rate will be selected depending on the terms and duration of the partnership. It can range from 15.25% to 20%.

Mortgage refinancing: what documents should be provided?

For it is worth preparing an application in the form of a bank questionnaire. You will also need a passport of the borrower and passports of guarantors or co-borrowers. Important documents that could confirm the financial position of the borrower, and guarantors, and co-borrowers. In advance, it is important to take care of the papers on the premises and the pledge: a contract of sale or an agreement on shared construction, a certificate of registration of property, an extract from the register, an appraisal certificate of living space, and others. Receipts for payment of all payments must be submitted to the bank, as well as an insurance contract and a certificate confirming the loan balance and indicating the absence or presence of debts with the specified deadlines. If there is a notice of assignment, it is also provided to the bank. Refinancing, which Sberbank offers on incredibly favorable terms, excludes the payment of commissions upon early repayment of the contract, but provides for annuity payments.

What are the benefits of refinancing?

A banking program focused on repaying loans that are issued in another financial institution has appeared relatively recently. Many people still do not understand the benefits and feasibility of such proposals. However, practice has clearly shown that this category of banking services is in high demand.

Today, refinancing a loan at Sberbank (reviews indicate this) allows you to reduce not only the loan period by reducing the size of the monthly payment. Universal service reduces the total overpayment on the loan. The lending market is replenished annually with new programs that are much more profitable than their counterparts from the past. After two years, you can get a mortgage or buy expensive equipment much cheaper.

Due to the economic situation in the country, there may be difficulties with solvency. The benefit provided by the refinancing of which is only positive will be tangible if the difference between the programs is about 2-3%.

New program from Sberbank

The conditions for refinancing at Sberbank will differ significantly depending on the proposed program. For example, refinancing of consumer loans is carried out with a rate of 20% and up to 5 years. Mortgage refinancing provides for a rate of 15.25% and a partnership term of up to 30 years. Another proposal worth mentioning is the Young Family program. As part of the service, you can take advantage of the following offers:

  1. Ability to connect co-borrowers to payments (from 3 to 6 people).
  2. Registration of a delay at the birth of a child.

The innovative program can be used by complete and single-parent families in which the age of parents does not exceed 35 years. We can say about one more proposal, under which mortgage debt in the event of refinancing can be paid on special terms at the expense of maternity capital. In any situation, each client of Sberbank at the time of contacting a branch of a financial institution will be offered the most profitable refinancing format.

Why Sberbank?

For on-lending, you can choose one of the many banks in the financial market. However, Sberbank's refinancing rate is the most attractive among all available offers. The financial institution has many clients and acts as a fiduciary of the government in the field of finance. Among the services of the bank there are a huge number of financially beneficial offers.

A significant factor influencing the choice of this institution as a partner is the numerous positive customer reviews. When applying for refinancing, an individual approach is provided for each. It doesn't matter what type of property you need to refinance. Sberbank offers programs for up to 30 years for residential properties and building plots. Non-residential real estate does not fall under this service.

Problem loans have ceased to be insurmountable obstacles in life. Unique on-lending programs, which are positively reviewed by many clients, help to minimize the payment burden.

Do you need to find out how to refinance at Sberbank and is it worth it? We suggest that you read the terms of several refinancing programs at a bank and decide whether it makes sense for you to reschedule your debt with this organization.

What is refinancing?

This service implies the transfer of a loan from a third-party company to Sberbank. For example, you previously received loans from Renaissance Bank, and then you wanted to move to Sberbank. Your debt to the first creditor is closed ahead of schedule, and you will pay the new bank under new conditions.

What can be done:

  • reduce the interest rate
  • reduce your monthly payment
  • extend the term of the contract,
  • reissue the pledge, or completely remove the encumbrance,
  • receive additional funds for personal purposes,
  • combine several loans into one.

Refinancing in certain situations is the only way to reduce your monthly debt burden, avoid fines and high delinquency fees, get a new loan with better terms and keep your credit history positive. Read more about the service at this link.

An important condition is that you have a positive CI, i.e. you must be free of delinquencies, fines, and court cases on past or current loans. In addition, debts to MFIs cannot be refinanced.

Consumer loan refinancing

Sberbank offers one of the lowest interest rates among other banks, and its offers allow you to combine several debts in one loan at once. At the same time, the composition of a consumer loan may include a consumer loan itself, a car loan, a commodity loan, and card debt.

In addition, if you are renewing a personal loan and requesting an amount equal to or less than the balance of your existing loan, you will not need to collect employment and income statements from work.

The service is provided under the following conditions:

  • The amount is from 30 thousand to 3 million rubles. It can combine up to 5 different loans, which may include commodity and car loans, as well as a credit card limit. It is necessary that their total amount is no more than 1.5 million rubles, and the validity period is at least 6 months.
  • In addition, it is possible to take an additional amount without increasing the loan payment. More ;
  • The loan period is maximum 5 years.
  • The interest rate will be from 11.5 to 12.5% ​​per annum.

Mortgage refinancing

In this case, you can re-register the current debt to another company and conclude a new agreement with Sberbank of Russia. At the same time, you can additionally receive other loans, for example, a car loan or a card, as well as receive cash for your own needs.

  • Amount from 500 thousand rubles,
  • Interest rate from 9.5% per annum,
  • The term of the contract is up to 30 years,
  • pledge,
  • No certificate or consent from the original lender is required.

When refinancing a mortgage, the guarantee of repayment of the debt is real estate, which will be pledged to the creditor until the debt is fully repaid. You should calculate the benefits of moving to another bank in advance, because. you will have to incur additional costs for revaluation of housing, its insurance, as well as re-registration.

Please note that when applying for refinancing, you will not have the opportunity to return taxes through the property, provided for in Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Loan requirements:

  1. No current arrears.
  2. Timely repayment of debts within the last 12 months.
  3. The validity period of the refinanced loan at the time of application is at least 180 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement.
  4. The period of time before the expiration of the loan agreement - not less than 90 calendar days.
  5. Lack of restructuring on refinanced loans for the entire period of their validity.

How the interest rate is determined:

How to get a?

The application is submitted at any branch of Sberbank in the region of your registration. In this case, you need to collect a standard package of documents - a passport with a registration mark, a certificate of income, a copy of the work book. In the case of lending secured by real estate, you will need paperwork for it too.

And if your application is approved, a new loan agreement will be concluded with you and the money will be transferred to your account to close the initial loan. The debt will need to be repaid and contact the bank to obtain a certificate of closing the loan.

This certificate must be brought to the branch of Sberbank to confirm the intended use of the funds allocated to you. If this is not done within a certain period (up to 2 months), then your rate may be increased.

Required documents:

  • Loan Application
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (only temporary registration is allowed, but with the presence of documents on permanent registration).
  • Statement of income (not requested if the loan amount is equal to the balance of debt on repaid loans).
  • Information on loans subject to refinancing.

Sberbank provides for the possibility of reviewing the terms of the loan in order to reduce monthly payments. Refinancing of a loan at Sberbank for individuals is associated with a variable issue rate of the ruble at the Central Bank. Recently, it has been changing quite often, therefore, customers of Sberbank and other banks have great opportunities to review previously taken loans.

Conditions for refinancing loans at Sberbank

Among those offered by Sberbank, a program for refinancing is also provided. Unlike or, this procedure involves the transfer of any loans from other banks to Sberbank on favorable terms. The client, using this lending program, after recalculation, receives a different interest rate, as well as a smaller amount of one-time payments. With this program, you can combine up to 5 credits. To take advantage of refinancing, you must comply with the most important requirement - the absence of debts on loans. Basic conditions:
  • type of loan: consumer, car loan, debit card, mortgage, credit card debt;
  • duration of the contract - from 3 months to 5 years;
  • timeliness of payment of payments throughout the entire period;
  • minimum loan amount;
  • maximum loan amount.
Refinancing a loan at Sberbank for individuals helps pay off debt at another bank. Manipulations are possible not only with refinancing debts, but also with changing the objects of collateral, for example, from an apartment to a car. Conditions may be different, and all of them are discussed in the contract.

Calculation of refinancing interest rates

The first thing that interests clients when drawing up a refinancing agreement is the interest rate. Favorable on-lending options are presented for payroll clients. Loan installments are paid from salary deductions. The final loan rate is reduced by almost 1% if there is a life insurance policy. The interest rate is determined by the rate of the Central Bank, the amount of the loan and the term of the agreement.

For an approximate calculation of refinancing conditions, you can use the loan calculator on the official website of Sberbank. This tool will indicate the approximate amount of monthly payments, depending on the loan term and interest rate.

Required documents

Sberbank has established the following list of documents, including both the documents required for consideration of the application and documents for refinanced loans.

Personal income tax-2 certificate and employment data are not mandatory if the loan request is equal to the debt to the creditor. Solvency information is simply transferred from one bank to another. If there is a desire to increase the loan, then an additional assessment of solvency and additional collateral will be required.

Registration procedure

The first stage of refinancing is the writing of an appropriate application. It indicates financial institutions with the help of which refinancing is expected on more favorable terms. The amount of remaining debts is also indicated. It is very convenient to provide links to contracts and draw up application layouts in electronic form. Bank consultants will help you make the right application.

The submitted application and the required list of documents will be considered by Sberbank within 2 days. The answer can be either positive or negative. This is decided by bank employees depending on many conditions. In case of a positive answer, Sberbank will notify about this using or by phone, left in the application.

Main features of housing refinancing

Mortgage loans are often refinanced. because due to the large size of the total loan amount, even 0.5% of the rate plays an important role.

To change the terms of a mortgage loan, you must:

  • housing was insured and all contributions were paid on time;
  • under the refinancing agreement, the property was registered as collateral;
  • the maximum contribution did not exceed 80% of the cost of housing.
If the conditions do not allow to draw up a refinancing agreement, then it is allowed to attract co-borrowers, which provides the bank with new property objects for collateral. Sberbank provides the most favorable rates for mortgage lending. Minus 1% of all bets can be obtained by issuing. Another - 0.5% for the "salary" registration of the contract. The minimum rate, subject to all conditions, can reach 11.16% per annum.

With the help of refinancing at Sberbank, you can "collect" up to 5 loans into one. The Bank offers individuals favorable conditions for on-lending debts issued both in other banks and taken from Sberbank itself.

Key conditions

As a result of on-lending, the client will receive a lower monthly payment and a low interest rate. So, the rate for amounts:

  • up to 500 thousand rubles will be 13.5%;
  • over 500 thousand rubles - 12.5% ​​per annum.

Under a new loan, the amount of borrowed funds can reach 3 million rubles at maturity 60 months.

The loan refinancing program for individuals will help solve several problems at once: reduce the amount of payment, receive an additional amount and improve service convenience, since you will have to pay off debts once a month.

In this case, confirmation of repayment of loans is not required. Also, you don't need to:

  • provide collateral;
  • attract guarantors;
  • pay a fee for issuing loans.

Borrowers who have mortgage and consumer loans from other banks are given the opportunity to refinance under a separate program "Refinancing mortgages and other loans." As a result, the amount of debt will also be formalized in one contract, mortgage or other housing will be pledged.

To use refinancing, you should contact the bank branch at the place of your registration. If the borrower is served under a salary project, then you can submit documents to any branch, regardless of the place of registration.

The decision of the bank is valid for 30 days. The loan is issued in one amount. The credited funds are used by non-cash way to repay refinanced loans.

Who and what debts can refinance

Sberbank refinances both its loans and debts in other banks. The borrower can close almost any debt: for cash loans, for the purchase of a car, for credit and overdraft cards of third-party lenders.

At the same time, consumer loans subject to refinancing must meet certain requirements:

  • timeliness of repayment during the last year;
  • the loan was issued more than six months ago;
  • before the end of the contract 3 or more months;
  • debt restructuring was not carried out.
Requirements for the borrower
Ageon the date of issue21 years and older
at the end date of the contractno more than 65 years old
Work experienceSberbank clients under the salary projectsix months or more at the current place of work
clients of other banksfor the last 5 years, at least a year of experience + 6 months at the current place
working pensioners6 months total experience for the last 5 years

How to Refinance: 4 Steps

The sequence of steps, if refinancing is necessary, does not differ from the steps for obtaining a conventional loan. Therefore, having decided to get more favorable conditions, the borrower needs to take 4 simple steps.

  1. Visit a bank branch or branch for a consultation.
  2. On your own or with the help of a manager, fill out an application form for refinancing. Provide the documents required by the bank (a sample application and a list of documents are given below).
  3. After a positive decision, sign a loan agreement.
  4. Get the amount and close previous loan obligations.

Loan documents are reviewed for two days. If additional data is needed, the decision-making time may be extended.

What documents are needed

To use the Sberbank refinancing program, you must submit:

  • application form;
  • passport, with a mark of registration at the place of residence;
  • documents on previously received loans, including certificates or statements on the amount of debt;
  • confirmation of income in the form required by the bank. If the amount is requested only for on-lending, then it is not necessary to provide documents on financial condition.

The questionnaire in its content represents an application for refinancing. The form consists of 7 sheets, contains information about the borrower, his property and income, as well as data on credit obligations.

Sample application for refinancing a loan at Sberbank (can be downloaded from the link):

1 2 3
4 5 6

Online application for this product is not provided. But when contacting the office, a bank specialist can fill out the form on his own according to the borrower.

After issuing a loan, Sberbank does not request certificates from other banks on closing debts. However, this does not mean at all that you can not extinguish debts. If Sberbank finds out that the loan funds were spent for other purposes, it has the right to demand a full early repayment, and the borrower will not be in the best situation.

Pros and cons of the program

Refinancing has its pros and cons.

The benefits of the Sberbank program include:

  • the percentage is reduced, the result is less monthly installment and overpayment;
  • a longer period of use of funds - this will also reduce payments;
  • the minimum decision-making time;
  • there are no commissions at all;
  • convenience of repayment - payment of one loan instead of several.

Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to highlight the strict requirements for the absence of delays in the last 12 months, as well as the inability to apply online on the bank's website.

Alternatives: the best offers of 2019 for refinancing loans from other banks

As an alternative, the borrower should consider offers from other financial institutions:

  • Rosselkhozbank: borrowers are provided with funds up to 1 million rubles, the rate is 18.5% per annum in rubles and 12% in foreign currency, for a period not exceeding 5 years.
  • RaiffeisenBank has its own offers similar to Sberbank: the ability to refinance 5 loans for up to 2 million rubles at a rate of 11.99%. You can get additional funds. Refinancing does not require the consent of the current lender.
  • Alfa-Bank offers up to 7 years at a similar rate - 11.99%. The amount has been increased to 3 million rubles. You can also combine up to five loans and receive additional funds on a card, cash or account.
  • VTB 24 introduced slightly different conditions. It is possible to combine up to 6 loans, credit cards, with a standard term of six months to 5 years. However, the rate depends on the amount of refinancing. Up to 599 thousand rubles - 14-17% per annum, with an amount over 600 thousand - 13.5%.
  • Gazprombank for clients of other banks offered to refinance only one loan for a seven-year period. The amount that the borrower can receive reaches 3.5 million rubles. at a rate of 12.25 to 15.75% per annum. Its size depends on the length of the loan term, the availability of collateral, receiving a salary from a bank, and insurance.
  • Post Bank offers refinancing on general terms and separately to pensioners. The annual percentage depends on the amount of refinancing and ranges from 14.9 to 19.9%.

An analysis of banking services in the refinancing market shows that Sberbank, Raiffeisen Bank and Alfa-Bank have the most acceptable conditions. They provide the ability to combine up to 5 loans into one and a low interest rate.

Gazprombank offers a low interest rate and a long refinancing period, however, this option can only be applied to one loan - there is no provision for combining five loans into one.

VTB 24's offer will be interesting, first of all, to payroll customers of the bank. "Post Bank" may be of interest to borrowers with a quick consideration of the application.