Bank-backed mortgage. The loan is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation in the branches of Sberbank of Russia

Will there be government support for mortgages in 2017 and 2018? This question was of interest to many Russian citizens after the AHML Mortgage Assistance Program ended.

From August 22, 2017, mortgage lenders will begin to receive support from the state under the new rules.

The updated version of the state program sets out new conditions for receiving assistance from the state budget. The previous rules are no longer valid. The government promises to cut mortgage debt by up to 30% for those who qualify for the program. We are talking about the amount of about 1.5 million rubles, but some categories of citizens can count on large amounts.

Innovations concern mainly those who received a loan in foreign currency.

Basic rules for state support

The main requirement will be imposed on the size of the payment of the borrower, who will apply for the cancellation of part of the debt. It is necessary that there be an excess of 30% compared to the initial conditions.

A special commission will decide by what percentage the debt will be reduced in each case that does not fit the general provisions. For all, the maximum write-off amount will be no more than 1.5 million rubles. And only a few citizens can count on doubling this amount.

  • The term that has elapsed since the date of receipt of the loan is at least one year.
  • The beneficiary of the loan must have a non-working student or a minor child as a dependent.
  • Disabled and veterans are not required to have children.
  • The income of the borrower and the area of ​​his housing should not exceed the values ​​established by the conditions of the program.
  • The presence of other housing in the property plays a role.
  • You will need to come to an agreement with the credit institution regarding late fees.

What is a government support program?

Funds are allocated from the state budget to mortgage holders to help pay off part of the debt. The debtor agrees with the bank on restructuring. The credit institution reduces the amount of debt, converts the balance into Russian rubles or lowers the interest rate.

Who will not be denied an application

Not every mortgage lender is suitable for receiving assistance from the state. You must meet certain requirements:

  • have a child under 18;
  • be the parent of a full-time student under 24;
  • be a veteran or disabled.

Childless families in some cases can also count on state assistance.

What should be the income

You need to prove that the income of family members is not enough to pay for the mortgage. To find out if the borrower needs help, the following calculations will be made:

  1. Determine the average family income per month based on the last 3 months.
  2. The monthly payment for the loan will be deducted from it.
  3. The difference will be divided by the number of family members.

If the result is below twice the subsistence level in the region, then the debtor is eligible under this condition.

In addition to the level of income, the size of the monthly payment matters. To receive assistance from the state budget, it is necessary that its size increase by 30% or more from the moment the loan was received.

Requirements for housing purchased with a mortgage

The house or apartment must be mortgaged.

The borrower is subject to:

  • mortgage housing - the only one;
  • the apartment (house) is registered as a property or under the terms of shared construction;
  • the debtor and his close relatives did not own more than 50% of the other apartment (house) from 04/30/2015;
  • the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone-room apartment is not more than 45 m², two-room apartments - 65 m², apartments with three or more rooms - 85 m².

How much money will be written off

Debtors can count on a 30% reduction in the loan amount. The settlement takes place in Russian currency at the exchange rate at the time of the restructuring. The maximum aid limit is set at RUB 1.5 million.

This time, the amount of state support does not take into account the number of children. Any family can reduce the debt by the maximum amount.

For many borrowers, writing off 30% of the debt will not help solve the debt issue. The program provides for the creation of a commission in order to provide assistance in particularly difficult cases. In some situations, the limit may be increased.

Term of the mortgage agreement

You can get support from the state budget if a year or more has passed since the mortgage was issued. The final date is the date of signing the restructuring agreement.

If a new agreement was drawn up with a credit institution on the transfer of a loan into rubles, then the moment of conclusion of the original agreement in foreign currency is taken as the starting date when calculating the term.

Terms of the restructuring agreement

When the borrower applies for restructuring, the bank will formulate new conditions. They should be fixed in the restructuring agreement.

To receive assistance from the state, the conditions for a loan in foreign currency must be specified in the agreement:

  • the amount of the debt is converted into the Russian currency at the current exchange rate or lower;
  • the interest rate should not exceed 11.5%.

If the loan was issued in rubles, then the conditions are as follows:

  • the rate cannot be higher than that specified in the old contract.

The state support program assumes that the credit institution will reduce the debt by 30%. This will result in a lower mandatory payment. The term of the mortgage cannot be shortened.

What will happen to the bank penalties for late payment?

Participation in the state support program gives the debtor the right to write off bank penalties that have not yet been paid. Money already transferred or collected by the bank will not be reimbursed by the state.

The amount of the fine is not covered by the state budget. The bank must conclude an amicable agreement with the borrower providing for the write-off of these amounts.

Can state aid be a paid service of the bank?

If a credit institution appoints a commission for supporting transactions under the state program, then it violates the law. You can file a complaint with AHML.

Can a borrower who does not meet the conditions of the program receive assistance from the state?

Even if the debtor does not meet all the requirements, he has a chance to receive state support.

If there are slight discrepancies with the rules of the program, but the special commission, having studied all the conditions, recognized that the family is not able to cope with the mortgage, then the decision can be made in favor of the debtor.

Such a commission must be organized before September 1. In any case, it is worth taking the application for restructuring to the bank.

If a borrower applied for state support on previously existing conditions, but did not manage to receive it, can he hope that his application will be considered under the new program?

Documents need to be collected again. The previous application is no longer valid. Former requirements to debtors do not work. Assistance is provided only in accordance with the new conditions.

How much time is allotted for the implementation of the program?

Mortgage providers will be supported until the 2 billion rubles allocated for the program are spent. According to calculations, this should be enough for approximately 1,300 people, which is about 30% of all foreign currency mortgage holders who need help. The total amount of debt on mortgage foreign currency loans exceeds the amount allocated for state support by 10 times.

Therefore, in order to have time to get help, you need to act actively. Collect documents as soon as possible, submit an application and conclude a restructuring agreement.

Will help be given a second time to those who received it before?

No, you can resort to writing off part of the debt only once.

Does it make sense to apply for help to ruble mortgage holders?

In the case of a ruble mortgage, one should apply for state support only if the mandatory payment has increased by 30% since the date of conclusion of the contract. Otherwise, the debtor will not be able to participate in the program.

A difficult case can be considered on a commission, even if, according to an agreement with the bank, the borrower pays a fixed payment. If the situation is deemed to be truly dire, assistance can be provided.

But such a development of the situation is unlikely. Applications will begin on August 22. In the meantime, a commission will be created and time will be spent on considering a specific case, the budget allocated for the program will end.

What is the procedure for foreign exchange mortgages

  1. First you need to carefully study all the provisions of the new program and analyze whether the borrower meets all the requirements. If it is suitable, then you can apply on a general basis, otherwise you should rely on the decision of the commission.
  2. Next, you need to visit the bank and find out what documents you need to collect. In the same place, it is necessary to clarify the conditions for obtaining state assistance and discuss with bank employees the issue of penalties for late payment.
  3. Prepare a package of documents. Order all the necessary information in advance.
  4. If a decision is made to pass the commission, you need to wait for the adoption of the regulation governing its activities. It may contain conditions that exclude the participation of the debtor in the program.
  5. The most important thing when applying for state support is to take into account that assistance will be provided to those who managed to apply before others.

Welcome to the pages of the online magazine "Ipotekoved.RU". Today we will talk about what a mortgage assistance program is and how exactly you can get help in repaying a mortgage from the state in 2019.

Today you will learn:

— What is the assistance program for certain categories of mortgage borrowers?

- How to get help in paying off a mortgage from the state?

- Reviews of those who received state assistance in paying mortgages.

So go ahead!

Mortgage has become one of the effective tools for solving the housing problem in Russia. Yes, it has a number of pluses and minuses, which we will consider in a separate post of our project, but this is a real opportunity, especially for young families, to purchase housing.

With the onset of another crisis in the economy, the state had to provide support to mortgage borrowers who found themselves in a difficult financial situation. In April 2015, the corresponding Decree 373 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015, signed by D.A. Medvedev. JSC "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" became the operator of the implementation of this project.

Initially, this resolution provided for the validity of the assistance program until the end of 2016, but it has been repeatedly amended and supplemented. To date, according to the latest changes 373 of the Government Decree dated November 24, 2016, assistance to mortgage borrowers (mortgage restructuring) is valid until March 1, 2017(extended until May 31, 2017 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 10, 2017 No. 172, since March 7, 2017, the acceptance of new applications has been suspended due to the expenditure of funds under the program.

However, in July 2017, an additional 2 billion rubles were allocated from the government fund to restart the program. On August 11, 2017, new conditions for participation in the mortgage borrower assistance program came out - which you will learn about from this post) and is as follows:

  • The borrower's mortgage obligations to the bank are reduced in the amount of 20% to 30% of the balance (at the discretion of the lender's bank), but not more than 1,500,000 rubles.
  • By agreement between the borrower and the bank, you can choose the format of assistance, namely, either send the entire amount of assistance to the mortgage to pay off the principal and thereby reduce the monthly payment, or to reduce the monthly payment by 50% or more for up to 1.5 years.
  • Replacing a foreign currency mortgage with a ruble one. At the same time, the mortgage rate cannot be higher than 11.5% per annum. For a ruble mortgage, not higher than the bank's current rate, except in cases stipulated by the mortgage agreement, in case of violation of insurance rules.
  • Until September 1, a special interdepartmental commission should be created, which will be able to increase the maximum payment under the program by 2 times and approve applications for participation if there are deviations from the basic conditions, but not more than in two points.

Example: If a family has a mortgage balance at the time of restructuring is 2 million rubles and, after checking the documents of AHML, the creditor bank decided to write off the debt in the amount of 20% of the balance of the principal debt, then with a mortgage of 12% per annum with a remaining term of 10 years payment to be reduced from the planned 28694 rubles. per month up to 22955. Benefit 5739 rubles.

There is an opinion that very often banks refuse to restructure mortgages, but in fact this procedure is very beneficial for them. losses incurred by the bank (lost interest income) due to early repayment are compensated by the state.

Changes in the assistance program for mortgage borrowers dated February 10, 2017 suggest that the maximum reimbursement of 30% of the balance (up to 1.5 million rubles) is compensated by the state only if the family has two children or you are disabled (child disabled), and combat veterans may also apply. With one child you can only claim 20%. The amendments dated August 10, 2017 make it possible to double the amount of the maximum payment by decision of a special interdepartmental commission. Also, a mortgage loan must be issued no earlier than 12 months before the date of filing an application for restructuring.

After analyzing the negative reviews about the payment of a mortgage with the help of the state, our experts came to the conclusion that most often the reason for refusal is false information provided by the borrower and lack of knowledge of the basic requirements and conditions for state support. Let's talk about them now.

Important point! The acceptance of documents under the Program has been suspended since December 2, 2018 and the program is no longer working.

Who can receive support from the state

Government Decree No. 373, as amended on November 24, 2016, provides for the following list of persons to whom the state can help pay mortgage payments:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation with 1 or more minor children;
  • Guardians (custodians) of 1 or more minor children;
  • Participants in hostilities;
  • Disabled people or families with disabled children;
  • Citizens with dependent children under 24 who study full-time at an educational institution.

Mortgage requirements

To receive assistance from the state, a mortgaged apartment must meet these characteristics:

  • It should not exceed the total area for a one-bed apartment - 45 sq.m., for an apartment with two rooms - 65 sq.m. and for three rubles and more - 85 sq.m.
  • The cost of 1 sq.m. total area of ​​housing exceeds no more than 60% of the average cost of a typical apartment in your region on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement (according to the Federal State Statistics Service).
  • The dwelling must be the only one for the mortgage borrower. At the same time, it is allowed to have a total share of ownership of all family members of no more than 50% in one other residential building. The countdown on the availability of property is from 04/30/2015. Those. it will not be possible to quickly rewrite / donate “extra” real estate in order to become a member.

Important point! The requirement for the total area of ​​mortgage housing and the cost per square meter does not apply to families with 3 or more minor children. If you have more than 50% property in other housing, then you will be denied under the program, but you can transfer it to relatives and then everything will be ok. To do this quickly and without problems, we recommend that you sign up for a free consultation with our lawyer (promotion until 12/31/2019) in a special form in the corner. From 08/11/2017, disputes over square meters and deviations under the program must be resolved by a special interdepartmental commission, which will be created in September.

Requirements for mortgage borrowers

  • Russian citizenship
  • Your income is below two living wages at your place of residence for each person in the family, after subtracting your monthly mortgage payment from them. Three full last months are analyzed. In this case, the mortgage payment must increase by at least 30% of the initial payment.

Those. this program is only suitable for foreign currency mortgages and those borrowers who have a floating rate. For ordinary mortgage borrowers, a situation is impossible when the current payment is 30% higher than the original one. But when the interdepartmental commission starts working, it will be possible to submit an application for consideration there. up to 2 deviations from the conditions are allowed. Deviation on increase in monthly payment including.

If you have a co-borrower in the mortgage and he has a share in the property in this apartment, then he is obliged to provide a full package of documents both for himself and for his family members.

Now answer these questions. If you received a “NO” answer for one of them, then you will not be able to apply for participation in the mortgage borrower support program in 2019.

  1. Do you have minor children or are you the guardian (custodian) of such children?
  2. Home mortgage bought in Russia?
  3. Are all mortgage borrowers citizens of the Russian Federation?
  4. After deducting the mortgage payment, is the income for each member of your family less than two living wages in your area?
  5. Has your payment increased by 30% from the original schedule?
  6. Is the mortgage issued for the purchase of ready-made or housing under construction?
  7. The total area of ​​​​housing is less than 45 sq.m for a odnushka, 65 sq.m. for kopeck piece and 85 sq.m. for three rubles and above (except for families with 3 or more children).
  8. The cost of 1 sq.m. no more than 60% of the average cost of a square in a typical apartment in your region?

If all your answers are “Yes”, then you will be able to receive support from the state in paying off mortgage loans.

How to get government support

Now you already know that you can count on government support in paying off your mortgage. Now it remains to find out how to get it.

First of all, you need to contact the bank where you received the mortgage. Almost all major banks participate in this program of assistance to mortgage borrowers. The full list can be downloaded.

As a rule, this issue is dealt with by the department for dealing with overdue debts. It is enough just to call the contact center of your bank and find out where it is located.

The bank will give you a list of documents for state support for a mortgage. An example list is shown below:

  1. An application form with the obligatory indication of the reason for providing you with assistance from the state (reduction in income, reduction, decree, etc.).
  2. Passports, birth certificates of minors of all family members.
  3. Marriage certificate (if the marriage is registered).
  4. Certificate of divorce, change of full name, parents and children, agreement of parents on the residence of the child with one of the parents (if required).
  5. The decision of the guardianship authorities or the court decision on the establishment of guardianship (for guardians and trustees).
  6. War Veteran's Certificate (for veterans).
  7. Documents on disability from the borrower or co-borrower or from their children.
  8. Birth certificate for dependents under the age of 24.
  9. Certificate of family composition to confirm the residence of a dependent under 24 years of age with the borrower/co-borrower.
  10. A certificate from an educational institution stating that a child under 24 years old who is dependent on the borrower/co-borrower is studying full-time.
  11. Notice from the Pension Fund that a dependent person under 24 years of age does not have independent labor income.
  12. A certified copy of the work book of the borrower/co-borrower.
  13. Official certificate from work (for military or law enforcement officers).
  14. IP registration certificate (for individual entrepreneurs).
  15. Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia on appointment as a notary (for notaries).
  16. Employment book and/or expired employment contract for the unemployed.
  17. Document on registration with the employment service (for unemployed).
  18. Notification of the pension fund on the state of the personal account of the insured person (for all).
  19. Certificate from the FSS of the Russian Federation on income from temporary disability, benefits and other payments.
  20. Certificate of income in the form of 2 personal income tax or in the form of a bank from all family members.
  21. Bank certificate on the total amount of family income (provided by the bank).
  22. Tax returns, patents, etc.
  23. Information about the amount of pension for pensioners.
  24. Loan agreement
  25. Mortgage (if issued, it is in the bank).
  26. An application from borrowers that they have real estate in Russia.
  27. Equity agreement (for a mortgage on a new building).
  28. Mortgage collateral appraisal agreement.
  29. Technical / cadastral passport for residential premises.
  30. Mortgage payment schedule.

The list is quite impressive and will make you run a little, but it's worth it. The only moment that is rather complicated is extracts from the USRN. They cost money. One statement on the rights to property throughout Russia is 1,500 rubles per person and no one will return them to you if you refuse. There were a lot of complaints about this last time. From 08/11/2017, the requirement for an extract from the USRN has been cancelled. The bank has no right to demand it. AHML independently requests it.

After the complete list of documents is submitted to the bank, the responsible officer must send them to AHML for verification. On average, it lasts 30 days, but the feedback from the participants indicates that it can reach up to six months. the bank and AHML request additional documents at their discretion.

When AHML makes a positive decision, the bank will notify you of the date of the meeting. Next, you will need to sign a new payment schedule, a new PSK document, conclude a restructuring agreement (additional agreement to the mortgage agreement), an agreement on changing the terms of the mortgage. Next, you will need to wait from 2 to 4 weeks, when the mortgage will be requested from the bank's archive. After that, it is necessary, along with a full package of loan documents and an agreement on changes in the terms of the mortgage (be sure to make copies), to visit justice for state registration of changes.

The process is similar in Gazprombank. VTB 24 closes the mortgage and issues a new loan for a smaller amount, which means that you again have to pay insurance and assessment costs.

There is no mortgage restructuring fee. Carrying out this procedure does not exempt you from paying the monthly payment and insurance premiums stipulated by the contract.

Mortgage lending is the most common way to purchase a new home. Only a small part of the population has the financial ability to buy an apartment right away, the rest have to save up for the first installment and enter into an agreement with a bank to issue a loan. State mortgage support helps to purchase housing on favorable terms if you are one of the relevant categories of borrowers.

What is a state-backed mortgage

There will always be a demand for real estate, and it doesn't matter that house prices never go down. People create families, give birth to children, come and go, the real estate market does not stand still, although today in our country the interest on mortgages is much higher than in Europe. State mortgage support is designed to support citizens through partial financing of the housing loan program from the Pension Fund of Russia.

Until what year is it valid

Recently, the media reported that state support for mortgage lending will be closed in the near future, more precisely, in March 2019. This caused a large influx of people who wanted to get into the program before it closed. Later, representatives of Sberbank announced that so far a decision had been made to extend the program until the end of this year. It is planned to increase the limit to 240 billion rubles in order to increase the personal limit for each program participant. On the other hand, there is a possibility of increasing the preferential percentage from 11.4% to 13%.

Which banks are involved

State mortgage support covers the largest Russian banks that are actively engaged in mortgage lending to individuals:

  • Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank and Uralsib offer a program for up to 30 years at 11% per annum. The amount of the first installment is from 20% of the cost of housing.
  • AHML offers the New Building program for up to 30 years at a preferential rate of 7.9% per annum with a down payment of 20%.
  • TranscapitalBank is implementing a mortgage program for new housing at 10.9% per annum, while the first installment is 15%.

State support

The program of assistance to the population in the purchase of new housing has been operating for several years. The state proposes to repay part of the loan with funds from the Pension Fund and participate in special mortgage programs created for certain segments of the population: For example, it can be a military mortgage, the use of maternity capital to improve housing conditions, the Young Family program, Help to civil servants. There is a limit on the allocated amount - up to 8 million rubles. in Moscow and St. Petersburg and 3 million rubles in other cities.

Preferential interest

To date, banks participating in the state program should not set an annual loan rate above 12%. In fact, preferential mortgages are issued at a rate of 8.9 to 11.45%. The amount of interest depends on the term of the loan agreement and the size of the initial payment. Against the background of 15-16% with conventional lending, these are very attractive prices.

Reimbursement of part of the cost of housing

For any major acquisitions, including the purchase of an apartment, the state offers to return the tax deduction, that is, to reimburse part of the previously paid income tax of 13% (personal income tax). In the case of buying real estate in installments, you can return part of its value and interest paid for using the loan. This system also operates with state support for mortgages.

The amount of the tax deduction depends on the amount of taxes paid, but there is a limit: when buying real estate, the maximum refund amount is 260 thousand rubles. With mortgage lending, 390 thousand rubles are returned, since in this case the return of interest paid on the mortgage is added. To apply for a tax deduction, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service or arrange everything through the State Services website online.

concessional loan

The system of preferential loans when buying a home has been operating in Russia since 2010, it is regulated by federal legislation and regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation. State support for loans is expressed only in the partial repayment of debt or in the provision of preferential interest. Types of soft loans from the state:

  • subsidized loan, where the interest on the loan is paid by the client's employer;
  • preferential conditions for providing a mortgage loan from a bank;
  • government programs;
  • regional housing assistance program.

Lending with government support

There are several ways in which the state helps in one way or another in the acquisition of real estate:

  • program "Young family";
  • military mortgage;
  • special programs: for young specialists, young scientists and public sector employees;
  • maternal capital;
  • tax deduction;
  • refinancing and restructuring of mortgage payments in the period 2015-2017

"Young family"

A young family is one of the programs that is being implemented at the municipal and federal levels. Designed for young (not older than 30 years) people who are officially married. The state subsidy can be up to 35% of the price of new housing. If the family has a child, then 40%. Large families that belong to the poor are given an advantage: the subsidy is allocated out of turn.

Requirements for borrowers:

  • age up to 35 years (at least one of the spouses);
  • lack of ownership of housing, or living in an emergency house, or recognizing the family in the prescribed manner as in need of improved housing conditions;
  • a confirmed level of income that will allow you to repay the loan (determined by the bank).

For the military

Military mortgage is one of the most successful state assistance programs for the purchase of apartments. In 2019, the military personnel are waiting for the following conditions for the preferential purchase of housing:

  • officers and warrant officers must serve in the ranks of the Russian army since 2005;
  • midshipmen and warrant officers must have a contract for service for at least three years;
  • housing benefits are received by the rank and file (soldiers and sailors) who serve under the second contract in a row, which began no later than 2005;
  • The program includes officers who graduated from universities and immediately signed a contract after that.

For large families

The program of state support for mortgage lending for the purchase of housing by large families has been carried out since 2013. They provide a preferential loan from Sberbank, AHML, VTB 24. The benefit is expressed in lower interest rates, compensation for part of the cost of housing, and an increase in the repayment period. Mandatory conditions are the intended use of the subsidy (the only purpose of the subsidy is the purchase of a home) and a limited period of validity.

Conditions for providing housing assistance:

  • the family must be recognized as large (that is, have three or more minor children);
  • family members must be citizens of the Russian Federation and have permanent registration in the subject of the Russian Federation that finances the benefit;
  • the family should be recognized as poor - that is, the average income per family member should be minimal (that is, below the subsistence level in the region) and in need of improved housing conditions.

For state employees

For public sector employees, state mortgage support is provided, which reimburses part of the cost of housing or reduces the annual interest rate. State mortgage support in this case is expressed in the sale of housing in a new building at cost (if an appropriate agreement has been concluded with the developer), the state provides a subsidy to pay off part of the cost of housing. Social loans can be issued:

  • teachers in schools and universities;
  • doctors;
  • military, not subject to the terms of the military mortgage;
  • young scientists.

Mortgage terms

The main condition for granting a mortgage with state support is that the borrower must have the right to state assistance in purchasing housing, that is, belong to the category of citizens who can qualify for benefits. State mortgage support is provided by about ten large banks that have an agreement with the state to provide preferential mortgage lending terms. The difference with a conventional mortgage agreement: the absence of compulsory life insurance for the borrower and internal bank commissions under the agreement.


To complete the necessary documents, you must register in the queue for preferential housing in local authorities with the provision of documents confirming that you belong to the category of citizens falling under the state mortgage support program. After that, choose a bank that provides preferential loans and provide a full package of documents, including confirmation that the main borrower belongs to the category of citizens in need of improved housing.

What documents are needed

To apply for a preferential loan, you must submit the following documents to the bank:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation for which the benefit is issued (passports of all family members may be required);
  • if there are children, their birth certificates;
  • marriage certificate;
  • an extract from the State Register on the description of the property that the borrower has;
  • certificate from work on the length of service and official income for 6 months;
  • other documents that may be required by regional authorities.

Bank selection

State support for a mortgage loan is provided by many large banks of the Russian Federation accredited for this purpose, including Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, Otkritie, TrancapitalBank, Svyaz Bank, Bank of Moscow, Ak Bars Bank and others. However, it should be borne in mind that some banks are only in certain regions, the most common in the country are still Sberbank and VTB 24.

When choosing a bank, it is better to pay attention to:

  • interest rate (as a rule, it is not higher than 11.45-12%);
  • the amount of the loan and its duration;
  • the amount of the first installment (15-20% of the cost of housing);
  • Is it possible to make early repayment?
  • requirements for a potential owner;
  • the ability to use other housing as an object of collateral;

In order to purchase housing not in a couple of decades, millions of citizens use mortgages. The conditions for lending, however, are often terrible - many have to work for years only to repay the loan (although already with their own apartment - which is good).

Not many people know that recently the credit yoke can be partially eased at the expense of the state. We are talking about a program called "Mortgage with state support." Have you heard of this one? If not, or if you heard, but did not fully understand - the magazine Reconomica prepared a detailed review of the program, as well as collected forecasts and fresh news about its future.

State mortgage lending support - how does it work?

To get started - basic conditions. For the first time this state program was launched in the first half of 2015 and worked until the last day of 2016.

The following tasks were assigned to the program:

    help people to buy real estate;

    help banks make more loans.

That is, such "charitable" actions of banks also affected positively. It is easier to get a mortgage - more people will take loans - the bank will receive more profit. Therefore, the preferential program helps both the population and the financial business sector.

Indirectly, this also supported the real estate market. Due to the crisis that began in 2014, the purchasing power of the population began to fall, and the population began to refuse large purchases. And since before that the real estate market was on the rise - housing was built at a rapid pace. As a result, already launched projects began to be frozen (of course, not all, but cases have become more frequent). The incomes of the construction companies also fell. So the launch of the program, which helped to buy housing, was able to support them too.

Now more about the action of the project.

Initially (from the start in 2015 until 2016) state mortgage support was designed only for socially unprotected segments of the population. These included families with many children, employees of budgetary enterprises (teachers, doctors), the disabled, and low-income citizens.

Then, in 2016, everyone could use the program. Of course, not just everything, everything in a row - there was a certain queue.

The main point: under the state mortgage support program, banks provided loans for the purchase of housing at a reduced rate - up to 12%. If you look at the usual interest rates 2017, then on average the numbers will be higher - about 13-15%(And even then such conditions will not be given to everyone). The profit lost by the banks (for a lower interest rate) was compensated by the state.The main limitation was the purpose of the purchase: you can only buy housing in a new building,directly from the developer. In addition, real estate can only be bought from developers who have a partnership agreement with a bank participating in the program.

Since mid-2016, there have been questions about whether the program will be extended or cancelled. The extension of state support for mortgages in 2017, unfortunately, did not take place. That is, preferential conditions for certain segments of the population remained, but if you do not belong to them, then you will have to apply for a loan only at the usual rate, without discounts.

Now some statistics. During the year of the program, citizens of the Russian Federation received 322,000 mortgage loans. The total amount of funds amounted to more than 520 billion rubles.

Briefly about the main thing, then the preferential mortgage has the following conditions:

    issued only in the Russian ruble;

    maximum annual rate - 12%;

    the minimum contribution is from 20% (that is, if you are interested in a mortgage without a down payment in 2017, then this is not the option);

    the choice of real estate is limited to offers from certain partner developers (which means that you can also choose only a certain area);

    if housing is bought at the construction stage - until the apartment is put into operation, the interest rate will be higher than the preferential one;

    the maximum amount is 3 million rubles for the regions and 8 million for Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions.

Benefits of concessional loans include:

    no hidden fees;

    the loan amount is less dependent on the income of the borrower;

    saving money (even if you save 2-3% in the rate - in rubles it may turn out to be more than one hundred thousand rubles).

Tens of thousands of “squares” of housing are built annually in all major cities of the Russian Federation

Of the minuses:

    a small "ceiling" in terms of amount (although for 3 million in any region you can buy a spacious "three rubles", and 8 million for Moscow-Petersburg is also plenty);

    limited number of banks participating in the program;

    a limited number of developers participating in the program (and hence a limited choice of housing).

Who will be given a preferential mortgage today?

Now in any bank there are a number of programs in whichpreferential interest rate is provided. T requirements for the borrower Of course, difficult ones are still put forward, but nevertheless these conditions will still be below standard ones.

Today (at the beginning of 2017) the following groups of people can firmly rely on preferential mortgages:


    Large families (who have 2 or more children, born or adopted - it doesn’t matter).

    Police officers.

    RZD employees.

    Tax officials.

    Young professionals, scientists (this item should be checked in each bank separately: is your specialty on the list of privileged ones?).

    Chernobyl victims (and other disasters).

    Young families. There is a special state program "Young Family" that runs from 2016 to 2020. Families can participate in it, the husband and wife of which are under 35 years old, and if they are officially recognized as needy.


    Doctors and paramedics.

A significant difference from the "ordinary" preferential mortgage is that it is possible to purchase under "profile" programs not only new buildings, but also secondary housing.

And drip with state support 2017: conditions for obtaining

The conditions for obtaining for each category of citizens and in different banks will be different. However, if you are going to apply for a loan to the largest and most famous organizations (Sberbank, VTB24, Rosselkhozbank and other companies in the top 10-15 according to the rating), then the requirements for the borrower will be approximately the same.

For those who are wondering "will they give me a mortgage" - the basic requirements are:

    Official confirmation that you belong to the category of citizens who are entitled to benefits. That is, if you just come to the bank and say that you are a poor person, then you will be required to document this.

    Age. A loan without problems is given to citizens aged 21 to 65 years. However, there is also a limitation: the age of the borrower before the end of the loan must be less than 65. That is, if a loan is issued Application through Tinkoff Bank (or through another company) for a 30-year mortgage - then you should be no more than 35.

    Availability of liquid housing. If the borrower owns residential property (it doesn’t matter if it is located in a new building, or if it is a secondary building), there is a higher chance that the bank will “throw off” 0.5-1% of the base rate.

    High level of official income. Banks are more loyal to more solvent customers, especially if they have been working in their place for a long time. If your 2-personal income tax certificate contains relatively high numbers, you can try to negotiate a rate reduction of 0.5-1%.

    At a low level of income, it is allowed to attract co-borrowers (up to 3 people).

    The maximum loan term is 30 years. Moreover, banks are more willing to issue loans for a shorter period. Usually the most successful option is 5-7 years.

    The maximum loan amount is also regulated. For Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions, preferential mortgages cannot exceed 8 million rubles, and for regions - 3 million.

    You can buy under the preferential program only housing that is under construction.

    The need to make a down payment, usually 20%.

For many budgetary professions (for example, teachers), special programs are provided

Borrowers who have already been clients of the bank in which they take a mortgage can count on additional "discounts" (they have a card, an open deposit, receive a salary through the bank).

How to use maternity capital to buy an apartment?

Since the most common is a mortgage using maternity capital (you can read about the state separately) - Reconomica will dwell on its nuances in more detail.

In a separate article on mother capital, we already said that a certificate can only be used when the child is 3 years old. However, there is a useful exception for a mortgage: a certificate can be used to issue it immediately after receiving it.

The scheme for using mother capital to pay off a mortgage looks like this:

    The buyer chooses a suitable housing.

    The buyer writes an application to the FIU - in order to be able to use the certificate to buy a home.

    A contract of sale is drawn up with the seller (developer).

    Within 2 months, funds are transferred to the seller's account.

    The home remains collateral (i.e. under a mortgage) until the rest of the loan is repaid.

Previously, additional preferential conditions were available - such as doubling mother's capital by the developer. However, in 2017, such a program, unfortunately, no longer exists. Some developers may, at their discretion, hold promotions, under the terms of which additional benefits are given when buying using maternity capital.

How to collect a package of documents for a bank?

Now to what documents are needed to obtain a mortgage loan.

The list may partially change depending on the preferential category and the bank, but the main list of documents remains something like this:

    Original passport.

    Copies of birth documents of children (if any).

    Income statement for the last six months. If a mortgage is taken with co-borrowers, then such certificates will also be required from them.

    Copy of work book.

    Medical certificate of mental health (optional item).

Additionally, the bank may request other documents - for example, a passport.

In some cases, a simplified order of receipt mortgages - when only a passport and any other identity document are required from the borrower. The rates for such loans will be slightly higher than if you provided a full package of documents, and the amount of the down payment is also higher.

Extension of the state support program - latest news

Those who planned to buy housing on credit in 2016 were probably looking forward to what kind of law Putin would sign: on the extension of state support or on its abolition. Unfortunately, the latest news is disappointing: the authorities in Moscow did not extend the bill.

This means that now only certain categories of citizens can count on preferential mortgages (whereas in 2016 it was available to everyone on a first-come, first-served basis).

Under the state-supported mortgage program, it was possible to buy housing only in new buildings

It is possible that the program may be resumed in the future - about possible the output of such a federal law is indicated by the opinions of some experts.

Denis Bobkov, head of the analytical center of PJSC "OPIN"

It is necessary to consider everything as a whole - both the state of the industry as a whole, and the state of macroeconomics, etc. It is impossible to say unequivocally that yes, they will return. As well as vice versa.

Volodymyr Bogdanyuk, Director of Est-a-Tet Projects Department

Mortgage rates are tied to the size of the key, if it is at a comfortable level or even decreases, as expected, then the launch of concessional lending is not required. Banks will already be able to issue affordable mortgages for citizens.

At the moment, such a development of the situation is unlikely, the rates for standard programs are close to those for preferential mortgages. There are no prerequisites for economic cataclysms.

Will mortgage rates go down - expert opinion

Real estate market seriously depends on the key mortgage rate.And its foreseeable future depends on whether it will be indexed or not. The lower bid - the easier it is to take loans and buy real estate, and vice versa.

In the current - 2017 - a decrease in the mortgage rate is expected. C prices for apartments now more or less stabilized.Even a slight drop is predicted due to the huge number of built facilities. It is now easy to find various developers' special offers with some discounts and promotions (for example, buy a house and get a discount on repairs).

Natalya Shatalina, CEO of MIEL-Novostroyki

Everything will depend on the size of the key rate. Again, according to the forecasts of the authorities, mortgage rates can be reduced to 10%. The situation will depend on economic indicators.

Sergey Lobzhanidze, Head of Analytics and Consulting Department, BEST-Novostroy

What exactly - no one can predict. A slight decrease of 1-1.3% can be predicted.

Timur Nigmatullin, analyst at FINAM Group

At the moment, the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is expected to decrease to 7.5% per annum by the end of 2017. Most likely, against this background, mortgage rates will be below 10%.

What will happen to the preferential mortgage program in 2018?

About preferential mortgage the law is valid until 12/31/2016 - that is, the program has already been officially terminated. Its extension for 2017 and 2018 was repeatedly put forward by various politicians, but the decision was disappointing - cancellation.

However, there is also positive news. Since the country's economy is no longer as "stormy" as it was in 2014-2015, the banking sector is gradually recovering. The forecasts include a planned reduction in the key rate. This could result in a regular mortgage rate of 12% in 2018. That is, it will drop to the level of preferential, and become standard. For nowthese are only assumptions, but if there are no new large-scale stresses in the economic situation (for example, oil does not collapse again below$ 50-40), then such a development of events is quite possible.

Approximately as much will save a reduced 0.5-1% of the interest rate

By the way, here is the answer to the question for those who think whether it is worth buying an apartment now. If you are planning to take out a mortgage, it is recommended

The most popular bank offers in 2017

Now about where the most favorable rates for preferential mortgage programs are:

    And a drip with state support: conditions for obtaining in Sberbank - annual rate approx. 11.40- 11.90%.

    Moscow Industrial Bank -from 11.30% (for corporate clients) to 11.90% (for clients providing a minimum package of documents).

    VTB24 - from 11.40 to 12%.

    Gazprombank and Rosselkhozbank - 10.9%.

    Opening - 11.55% (another significant bonus: the rate does not increase during the construction of the facility).

Briefly about restructuring

For those who have already taken a mortgage, but for some reason cannot cope with its payment, there is an opportunity to restructure the debt.

Mortgage restructuring by the state in 2017 year can be done in the following ways:

    Extension of the loan term (due to which the monthly payment decreases). For example: the loan term was 10 years, while the monthly payment was 11,200 rubles. During the restructuring, the loan term was extended to 20 years, but the monthly payment was reduced to 9 thousand.

    Reducing the interest rate.

    Change of loan currency. A very relevant option for those who took a mortgage in dollars and euros. For example: at the rate of 2013, monthly 500$ made up ~ 15 thousand rubles, and now (in 2017) - almost 30 thousand. In addition to the fact that the amount in rubles just increased, it also became unpredictable. Today the dollar exchange rate is 58 rubles, and who knows what it will be in a month?

    Providing credit holidays.In this case, the debtor is given a certain period during which the monthly payment is reduced by 50%. This allows you to get a break and improve your financial situation. True, the underpaid 50% will still have to be returned - they are scattered over the remaining payment period.

The housing issue is one of the most difficult issues. Today it is very difficult to buy an apartment, laying out its full cost from your own funds. Especially for young families who are not yet firmly on their feet, such a purchase is not possible. It is possible to accumulate the required amount in many years, and spending on rented apartments complicates circumstances.

Therefore, the state is very closely engaged in this issue. Today, new ones are being developed and implemented with state support. Such programs usually facilitate the conditions of mortgage lending.

What is a state-backed mortgage

Mortgage with state support is the process of acquiring a mortgage with more favorable conditions for a certain category of citizens. The essence of state support lies in the fact that the state transfers a share of funds from the pension fund of the Russian Federation to mortgage lending. Such a program was developed in order to avoid a crisis. Since many people are not able to get a mortgage for whatever reason, the demand for housing is reduced, which leads to a decrease in construction volumes.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage with state support in 2017

Of course, the requirements for obtaining a mortgage with state support are not small:

  1. The mortgage rate must be at least 20% of the value of the apartment,
  2. Lending must be closed no later than 30 years,
  3. The interest rate is 11.5%,
  4. Mortgages in local currency,
  5. The cost of mortgage lending should not exceed 8 million rubles in 2017,
  6. No bank commission for mortgage lending for 2017,
  7. The amount of the loan does not depend on the salary of the borrower,
  8. No interest before property is registered.

But there are also not very pleasant moments of mortgage lending with state support in 2017, such as:

  1. Restriction on the choice of property, i.e. housing can only be bought in new buildings. Because the program is designed to increase the scale of construction of new homes, but this requires demand,
  2. There are very few banks that have implemented this program, since it has been updated.

Requirements for a borrower to obtain a mortgage with state support:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  2. Age restrictions for women - from 21 to 50 years, for men - from 21 to 60 years;
  3. At least 5 years of work experience, with at least 6 months of work in the current position.

Soon there will also be new mortgage lending programs with improved conditions for the social strata of the population. But for now, these are just plans, and when they will be implemented is still unknown. Therefore, a state-supported mortgage is an excellent chance to purchase your own home.