Help for mortgage borrowers Sberbank. How and to whom will the AIZHK mortgage borrower assistance program help?

This is a mortgage lending agency. Created with the aim of providing assistance to the population in obtaining housing (improving living conditions). Previously, various AHML programs operated in Russia to provide assistance to those in need: the AHML federal program “Moving”, the program from “Young Family”. As of 2018, only one remains in effect: the program to assist mortgage borrowers.

Paying off part of the mortgage

Due to the economic crisis and the depreciation of the ruble, in 2015 the Government adopted. The point of the project is to help repay mortgage loans to those who find themselves without a livelihood. The state assistance program presented by AHML was supposed to cease to exist in May 2017, but due to the lack of improvements in the country’s economy, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to postpone the terms of the AHML state program. The corresponding Resolution was signed by D. A. Medvedev in August 2017.

The essence of the program

New programs of the AHML agency began to operate on August 22, 2017. The main idea is to restructure the loans of debtors left without means of subsistence. During restructuring, the state provides the debtor with 1.5 million rubles, but no more than 30% of the remaining amount of obligations (initially, from 2015 to 2017, the AHML mortgage program implied the return of 20%). These funds are intended to repay part of the mortgage loan and are transferred immediately to the account of the lender (bank). The borrower does not receive the specified funds in hand. Moreover, the applicant does not interact with the agency at all. He only needs to contact the bank with an application for restructuring, and then the bank itself will transfer the necessary documents to the address.

Who can apply for government support

First of all, the federal program of the AHML agency was aimed at providing assistance to citizens who took out a loan in dollars and euros. After the fall of the Russian ruble, such borrowers were forced to pay several times the original amount on the loan. But in the process of studying the situation with mortgage lending, it became obvious that help in repaying mortgages is also required by those borrowers who took out a loan in Russian rubles, but subsequently found themselves in a difficult situation.
According to paragraph 7 of Government Resolution No. 961, the AHML agency must provide an assistance program to the following categories of borrowers:

  • Families who are raising (supporting) at least one child under the age of 18;
  • Families who are raising (supporting) at least one disabled child;
  • Families who support a full-time student;
  • Persons with disabilities;
  • Veterans of war (real combat).

These categories of citizens can take part in AHML programs only if they meet the following requirements:

Insufficient income. To determine the deficiency, the average monthly official income of all people in the family (borrower, his spouse, children) for the last 3 months is taken into account, and the amount of the monthly loan payment is subtracted from it. If, as a result, for each person in the family (including those who do not have an official income) there is not at least 2 subsistence minimums accepted in the region, the borrower will fall under the concept of insufficient income.

But since the essence of the AHML state program is to provide assistance to those who find themselves in difficult financial situations, insufficient income will be recognized as such only if monthly loan payments have increased by at least 30% of the initially expected amount.

  • The mortgage was provided for the purchase of housing located within the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Limitation of living space. You can be included in the AHML agency program list only if the total area of ​​the purchased housing does not exceed the following parameters:

o 45 sq.m. for one-room housing;
o 65 sq.m. for two-room housing;
o 85 sq.m. for housing with 3 or more rooms.

  • An apartment purchased with a mortgage is the only living space for the borrower and his family. According to the AHML assistance project, it is allowed that the borrower or members of his family may own no more than 50% of the share of any residential premises (one for all). Thanks to the interdepartmental electronic interaction system, the applicant does not have to provide information about the availability (absence) of living space. The agency verifies this information independently.
  • The loan was received at least 1 year ago. is provided only to those borrowers who received a loan at least 12 months before the date of application. If the borrower has previously completed a restructuring, he cannot receive a subsidy until 12 months have passed from the date of recalculation of the loan.

Separately, the AHML assistance program for residential mortgages indicates that if the borrower does not meet only one or two of the specified requirements, he may receive a government subsidy. At the same time, refusals under the AHML support program are possible even if the citizen meets all the requirements. According to the same AHML mortgage program, the decision to provide subsidies to certain borrowers is made by a specially created interdepartmental mortgage commission.

Conditions for receiving government support

If the client qualifies, they may be eligible for the Mortgage Borrower Assistance Program. To do this, he must send an application to the bank for recalculation of the loan under the AHML program. There is no need to submit a separate application to the agency. The list of applicants will be submitted to the interdepartmental commission by the bank itself. If a borrower was previously denied support under the AHML program, he has the right to submit a second application for restructuring. This is especially true in cases where a citizen was refused due to lack of funds from the agency. From March to August 2017, the agency simply did not have the finances to provide subsidies to citizens. When it became known that the program would be extended, another 4 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the project (2 billion from the country’s budget and another 2 billion through the issue of new agency shares).

The AHML agency mortgage program is provided subject to the following conditions:

  • Transfer of a mortgage from dollars (euro or any other currency) to local rubles at the Central Bank rate that was established at the time of approval of the restructuring application.
  • Setting the interest rate at 11.5%. At the same time, the borrower assistance program allows the bank to further reduce the interest rate. The main thing is that it does not exceed 11.5%.
  • Reducing the total amount of debt by 30%, but not more than 1.5 million rubles. According to practice, the AHML agency can provide the “Mortgage” program in one of the following options:

o one-time write-off of the entire amount of state support with a reduction in the amount of monthly payments;
o transfer of loans from foreign currency to local rubles at a rate lower than the current rate established by the Bank of Russia.

  • Elimination of any penalties and fines accrued on the mortgage for late payments. If the penalty is collected by court decision, the mortgage borrower assistance program will not be able to help the citizen.

According to the requirements of the state and the AHML agency, the federal program for assistance to mortgage debtors prohibits banks from charging additional fees to borrowers when restructuring a loan. Banks are also prohibited from shortening the mortgage repayment period.


The borrower assistance program has no implementation period. If in the previous version of the project the period of validity (2 years) was clearly specified, then the current AHML program is open-ended; most likely, it will be extended until the economic situation in the country improves. While this project is in effect, you should not expect new types of AHML programs, especially since an amount of 4 billion rubles was allocated to support borrowers who find themselves in a difficult situation.

Outdated projects

Until 2014, several more AHML programs were implemented: “Young Family” and “Moving”. These types of AHML programs were adopted with the aim of creating favorable conditions for obtaining a loan for young families with children and citizens who own residential property but want to move to a new building.

Young family

The idea was to provide a reduced loan rate for families with at least one minor child. In this case, one of the parents had to be no older than 35 years. The AHML program provided for repayment of the difference in the interest rate with the help of government subsidies.


Another outdated AHML program. It was provided to citizens who owned their own housing, but wished to move out of it. There were 3 types of project:
1. Economy. The borrower sold his apartment, in exchange for which he received cheaper housing; he could dispose of the remaining funds at his own discretion. The option was relevant if the borrower could not cope with the existing mortgage loan. Then he sold the house (apartment) purchased with a mortgage, and in return received a more modest residential property.
2. Intercity. The applicant sold his home to the agency, moved to another locality and purchased an apartment there with the proceeds. To participate in the project, it was necessary for a citizen to get a job in a new city and undergo a probationary period there.
3. Comfort. The client was selling his house and moving to a new, more expensive one. The option was popular when purchasing housing in new buildings. Then the main amount for shared construction had to be paid immediately, but for this it was necessary to sell your home. The agency allowed citizens to remain in their old home, but at the same time own the space in the new building. As soon as the apartment was completed, the clients moved to a new house.
The main disadvantage of this type of loan is the short loan period: from six months to 2 years. If there was a greater difference between the cost of the old and new housing, the client had to pay larger monthly premiums.

Welcome to the pages of the online magazine “Ipotekoved.RU”. Today we will talk about what the mortgage borrower assistance program is and exactly how you can get help repaying your mortgage from the state in 2019.

Today you will learn:

— What is this program to help certain categories of mortgage borrowers?

— How to get help in repaying a mortgage from the state?

— Reviews of those who received government assistance in paying off their mortgage.

So, go ahead!

Mortgage has become one of the effective tools for solving the housing problem in Russia. Yes, it has a number of disadvantages and advantages, which we will consider in a separate post of our project, but this is a real opportunity, especially for young families, to purchase housing.

With the onset of another economic crisis, the state had to provide support to mortgage borrowers who found themselves in a difficult financial situation. In April 2015, the corresponding 373 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015, signed by D.A. Medvedev. The operator for the implementation of this project was JSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending.

Initially, this resolution provided for the validity of the assistance program until the end of 2016, but changes and additions were repeatedly made to it. Today, according to the latest amendments to 373 Government Resolution dated November 24, 2016, assistance to mortgage borrowers (mortgage restructuring) valid until March 1, 2017(extended until May 31, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/10/2017 No. 172, from 03/07/2017 the acceptance of new applications has been suspended due to the expenditure of funds under the program.

However, in July 2017, an additional 2 billion rubles were allocated from the government fund to resume the program. On August 11, 2017, new conditions for participation in the mortgage borrower assistance program were released - which you will learn about from this post) and are as follows:

  • The borrower's mortgage obligations to the bank are reduced in the amount of 20% to 30% of the balance (at the discretion of the lender's bank), but not more than RUB 1,500,000.
  • By agreement between the borrower and the bank, you can choose the format of assistance, namely, either use the entire amount of mortgage assistance to pay off the principal debt and thereby reduce the monthly payment, or to reduce the monthly payment by 50% or more for up to 1.5 years.
  • Replacing foreign currency mortgages with ruble ones. Moreover, the mortgage rate cannot be higher than 11.5% per annum. For a ruble mortgage, not higher than the current bank rate, except for cases provided for in the mortgage agreement, in case of violation of insurance rules.
  • Before September 1, a special interdepartmental commission must be created that will be able to increase the maximum payment under the program by 2 times and approve applications for participation if there are deviations from the basic conditions, but not more than in two points.

Example: If a family has a mortgage balance at the time of restructuring of 2 million rubles and, after checking the AHML documents, the creditor bank decided to write off the debt in the amount of 20% of the balance of the principal debt, then with a mortgage of 12% per annum with a remaining term of 10 years payment will be reduced from the planned 28,694 rubles. per month up to 22955. Benefit 5739 rubles.

There is an opinion that very often banks refuse to carry out mortgage restructuring, but in fact this procedure is very beneficial for them because losses incurred by the bank (lost interest income) due to early repayment are compensated by the state.

Changes in the program for assistance to mortgage borrowers dated 02/10/2017 suggest that the maximum compensation of 30% of the balance (up to 1.5 million rubles) is compensated by the state only if there are two children in the family or you are disabled (disabled child), and combat veterans can also apply. With one child you can only claim 20%. Changes dated August 10, 2017 allow the maximum payment to be doubled by decision of a special interdepartmental commission. Also, the mortgage loan must be issued no earlier than 12 months before the date of filing the restructuring application.

Having analyzed the negative reviews about mortgage repayment with the help of the state, our experts came to the conclusion that most often the basis for refusal is inaccurate information provided by the borrower and lack of knowledge of the basic requirements and conditions of state support. Let's talk about them now.

Important point! Acceptance of documents under the Program has been suspended since December 2, 2018 and the program is no longer operational.

Who can receive support from the state

Government Decree No. 373, as amended on November 24, 2016, provides the following list of persons to whom the state can help pay mortgage payments:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation with 1 or more minor children;
  • Guardians (trustees) of 1 or more minor children;
  • Participants in hostilities;
  • Disabled people or families with disabled children;
  • Citizens with dependent children under 24 years of age who are studying full-time at an educational institution.

Requirements for mortgage housing

To receive assistance from the state, the mortgaged apartment must meet these characteristics:

  • Should not exceed the total area for a one-room apartment - 45 sq.m., for an apartment with two rooms - 65 sq.m. and for three rubles or more - 85 sq.m.
  • Cost of 1 sq.m. the total area of ​​housing exceeds no more than 60% of the average cost of a typical apartment in your region on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement (according to the Federal State Statistics Service).
  • The residential premises must be the only one for the mortgage borrower. In this case, it is allowed to have a total ownership share of no more than 50% of all family members in one other residential premises. The availability of property is counted from 04/30/2015. Those. It will not be possible to quickly rewrite/donate “extra” real estate in order to become a participant.

Important point! The requirement for the total area of ​​mortgage housing and the cost per square meter does not apply to families with 3 or more minor children. If you have more than 50% of the property in another home, then you will be denied the program, but you can transfer it to relatives and then everything will be ok. To do this quickly and without problems, we recommend that you sign up for a free consultation with our lawyer (promotion until December 31, 2019) in the special form in the corner. From August 11, 2017, disputes regarding square meters and deviations under the program must be resolved by a special interdepartmental commission, which will be created in September.

Requirements for mortgage borrowers

  • Russian citizenship
  • Your income is less than twice the cost of living where you live for each person in your household, subtracted from your monthly mortgage payment. The last three complete months are analyzed. In this case, the mortgage payment must increase by at least 30% of the initial payment.

Those. This program is only suitable for foreign currency mortgages and those borrowers with a floating rate. For ordinary mortgage borrowers, it is impossible for the current payment to be 30% higher than the original payment. But when the interdepartmental commission starts working, it will be possible to submit an application there for consideration because Up to 2 deviations from the conditions are allowed. Deviation for increasing the monthly payment, among other things.

If you have a co-borrower in the mortgage and he has a registered share in the ownership of this apartment, then he is obliged to provide a full package of documents both for himself and for his family members.

Now answer these questions. If you receive the answer “NO” to one of them, then you will not be able to qualify for participation in the mortgage borrower support program in 2019.

  1. Do you have minor children or are you a guardian (trustee) of such children?
  2. Housing purchased with a mortgage in Russia?
  3. Are all mortgage borrowers citizens of the Russian Federation?
  4. After subtracting the mortgage payment, is the income for each member of your family less than twice the cost of living in your region?
  5. Has your payment increased by 30% from the original schedule?
  6. Is the mortgage issued for the purchase of finished housing or housing under construction?
  7. The total housing area is less than 45 sq.m. for a one-room apartment, 65 sq.m. for two-room apartment and 85 sq.m. for three rubles and above (except for families with 3 or more children).
  8. Cost of 1 sq.m. no more than 60% of the average cost per square meter in a typical apartment in your region?

If all your answers are “Yes,” then you will be able to receive support from the state in paying off mortgage loans.

How to get government support

Now you already know that you can count on support from the state in repaying your mortgage. Now all that remains is to find out how to get it.

First of all, you need to contact the bank where you received your mortgage. Almost all major banks participate in this mortgage assistance program. The full list can be downloaded.

As a rule, this issue is dealt with by the department for working with overdue debts. You just need to call your bank's contact center and find out where it is located.

The bank will give you a list of documents for state support for a mortgage. A sample list is presented below:

  1. An application form with a mandatory indication of the reason for providing you with assistance from the state (decrease in income, layoff, maternity leave, etc.).
  2. Passports, birth certificates of minors of all family members.
  3. Marriage certificate (if the marriage is registered).
  4. Certificate of divorce, change of full name, parents and children, parental agreement on the child’s residence with one of the parents (if required).
  5. A decision of the guardianship authorities or a court decision to establish guardianship (for guardians and trustees).
  6. Combat Veteran Certificate (for veterans).
  7. Documents on disability of the borrower or co-borrower or their children.
  8. Birth certificate for dependent persons under 24 years of age.
  9. Certificate of family composition to confirm the residence of a dependent under 24 years of age with the borrower/co-borrower.
  10. A certificate from an educational institution stating that a child under 24 years of age who is a dependent of the borrower/co-borrower is studying full-time.
  11. Notice from the Pension Fund that a dependent person under 24 years of age does not have independent labor income.
  12. A certified copy of the borrower/co-borrower’s work record.
  13. Official certificate of employment (for military or law enforcement officers).
  14. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs (for individual entrepreneurs).
  15. Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia on appointment as a notary (for notaries).
  16. Work record book and/or expired employment contract for the unemployed.
  17. Document on registration with the employment service (for unemployed people).
  18. Notification of the pension fund about the status of the personal account of the insured person (for everyone).
  19. Certificate from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation about income due to temporary disability, benefits and other payments.
  20. Certificate of income in form 2 of personal income tax or in the form of a bank from all family members.
  21. Bank certificate on the total family income (provided by the bank).
  22. Tax returns, patents, etc.
  23. Certificate of pension amount for pensioners.
  24. Loan agreement
  25. Mortgage note (if issued, it is in the bank).
  26. Application from borrowers about the availability of real estate in Russia.
  27. Equity participation agreement (for a mortgage on a new building).
  28. Mortgage collateral valuation agreement.
  29. Technical/cadastral passport for residential premises.
  30. Mortgage payment schedule.

The list is quite impressive and will make you run a little, but it's worth it. The only point that is quite difficult is extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. They cost money. One extract on property rights throughout Russia is 1,500 rubles per person and no one will return it to you if you refuse. Last time there were a lot of complaints about this. As of August 11, 2017, the requirement to have an extract from the Unified State Register has been cancelled. The bank has no right to demand it. AHML independently requests it.

After a complete list of documents is provided to the bank, the responsible employee must send them to AHML for verification. On average, it lasts 30 days, but feedback from participants indicates that it can last up to six months. The bank and AHML request additional documents at their discretion.

When AHML makes a positive decision, the bank will notify you of the date of the meeting. Next, you will need to sign a new payment schedule, a new PSK document, enter into a restructuring agreement (additional agreement to the mortgage agreement), and an agreement on changes to the terms of the mortgage. Next, you will need to wait from 2 to 4 weeks, when the mortgage will be requested from the bank’s archives. After this, it is necessary, together with a complete package of loan documents and an agreement on changes to the terms of the mortgage (be sure to make copies), to visit the justice department for state registration of changes.

The process is similar at Gazprombank. VTB 24 closes your mortgage and issues a new loan for a smaller amount, which means that you again have to pay for insurance and appraisal.

There is no charge for mortgage restructuring. Carrying out this procedure does not relieve you from paying the monthly payment and insurance premiums stipulated by the contract.

In April 2015, the Mortgage Restructuring Decree came into force, according to which certain groups of citizens are entitled to financial support. State assistance in repaying mortgages is not available to all bank clients, but it makes the task much easier for those who find themselves in a difficult financial situation.

Thanks to the terms of the resolution, financial organizations do not lose their earnings, which means they easily meet borrowers halfway. The restructuring program is available to citizens in 2019.

Main provisions of the law on mortgage restructuring

What is financial support?

The mortgage borrower assistance program includes the following measures:

  • A mortgage issued in the currency of a foreign country is transformed into a loan in rubles. For this purpose, the Central Bank exchange rate established on the date of signing the additional agreement is used.
  • Establishing a lower interest rate for the entire remaining loan term (no more than 12% for loans in rubles).
  • Reducing the amount of monthly contributions for a period of up to 18 months in total does not exceed the maximum amount of compensation (up to 600 thousand rubles).
  • Postponement of monthly payments to a later date.
  • Providing a subsidy for one-time write-off of part of the debt (up to 20%).

The period for providing financial assistance ranges from 6 to 18 months, its duration is determined by the lender, based on the characteristics of a particular mortgage.

The bank does not have the right to charge any fees for restructuring. Payment of subsidies for mortgage repayment and other costs associated with restructuring are paid from the federal budget.

Extension of the program in 2017

By the end of May 2017, many borrower applications remained unfulfilled due to a lack of allocated funds. The government has decided to continue providing assistance to borrowers who are in difficult situations. On August 11, 2017, Prime Minister D. Medvedev signed Resolution No. 961 on the extension of assistance to recipients of mortgage loans.

As part of the new program, the state provides support to borrowers in the amount of 1.5 million rubles, but on the condition that this amount does not exceed 30% of the mortgage balance. Additionally, the accrued penalty will be repaid, except for the amounts paid by the borrower or collected by court decision.

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Requirements for borrowers

The mortgage borrower assistance program applies to those citizens whose income has decreased due to a decrease in wages, job loss, illness, etc.

The following categories of borrowers can apply for restructuring in accordance with Resolution No. 961:

  • Persons who are the parents of one or more children under the age of 18 (guardians of minors are also taken into account).
  • Persons who have the status of combatants.
  • Persons who have received disability status or parents (guardians) of disabled children.
  • Persons who have dependents - children under 23 years of age, full-time students.

Conditions for receiving assistance:

  • the borrower must have Russian citizenship;
  • confirmation of the fact that the level of monthly mortgage expenses has increased by more than 30% compared to the initial payments;
  • after paying the mortgage payment for each family member, the average monthly total income does not exceed two monthly subsistence minimums (3 months before submitting the application). The PM value is taken into account according to the region of residence of the borrower.
To receive assistance you must meet to each from the conditions.

In September 2017, it was planned to create a special commission. Among her tasks:

  • making decisions in exceptional cases. For example, if the borrower does not meet the conditions (no more than two criteria), but needs support. Contacting the commission on such issues is the exclusive prerogative of the creditor bank;
  • consideration of the possibility of increasing the amount of assistance to the borrower (no more than doubling).

Priority in providing restructuring will be given to foreign currency borrowers.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Loan requirements

  • 1-room apartment - no more than 45 m2;
  • 2-room - no more than 65 m2;
  • over 3 rooms - no more than 85 m2.

The borrower must not own any property other than collateral. The borrower and his family members may have a joint interest in the ownership no more than 50% share in other housing from April 30, 2015 until the date of filing the application for restructuring.

According to the terms of the resolution, only those mortgage loans that were issued no earlier than January 1, 2015 are subject to restructuring. The state supports loans in both rubles and foreign currency.

The main condition is that at least 12 months must pass from the date of receiving the mortgage. If there are appropriate grounds, the restructuring is carried out again.

Receiving a subsidy from the state is not affected by the presence of overdue payments for a period of 30 to 120 days.

Change in interest rate

In the 4th quarter of 2017, AHML reduced the “variable” mortgage rate to 6.45%. Before this, the rate was 9.23%.

The “variable rate” is changed by AHML quarterly. The basis is the actual inflation rate (for the previous 3 months) with the addition of 5.9 percentage points.

Where to go for help

To receive assistance from the state in restructuring a loan in 2019, a bank client must contact the lender directly with a collected package of certificates:

  1. Identification document of the borrower (Russian passport).
  2. Mortgage loan agreement and additional agreements thereto (if any).
  3. Certificate of the balance of the principal debt as of the date of application for restructuring.
  4. A document confirming ownership of the property (extract from the Unified State Register).
  5. Confirmation that the applicant and his family members do not have alternative housing (extract from the Unified State Register).
  6. Confirmation of the income level of the borrower and co-borrower.
  7. A document serving as confirmation of a decrease in the level of income of the applicant or his co-borrower (an entry in the work record book about dismissal, a medical certificate about the presence of an illness, or a notification from the employer about a reduction in wages, etc.).

These papers should be submitted to the bank office where the mortgage was issued. It is permissible to contact other branches and departments of a financial organization if the technical capabilities of the bank allow it.

The list of documents is approximate. When applying in person, the bank has the right to request additional information if circumstances or the policy of a particular bank so require. The processing time for an application also varies - on average it takes about 10 days.

What a borrower should not count on

The 2019 restructuring program is not capable of completely freeing the borrower from the mortgage burden for the entire term. Compensation does not apply to penalties and fines; only the decision of the creditor bank can cancel them.

In addition, insurance premiums are provided for each mortgage loan, which are also not covered by support from the state.

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Last changes

On October 13, 2018, the government program in question resumed its operation. 731.618 million rubles were allocated for its implementation. Financial assistance will be provided by restructuring the existing loan debt at the request of the borrower. For this purpose, the latter must come to his creditor bank, where he has a mortgage, before December 1, 2018. The maximum compensation is 30% of the loan balance based on the date of conclusion of the restructuring agreement, but not more than 1.5 million rubles.

The basic condition for participation in the program is belonging to one of the following categories:

  • combat veterans;
  • parents/guardians/guardians of at least 1 child under 18 years of age;
  • disabled people or parents of a disabled child;
  • citizens who have dependents under 24 years of age, if the latter are cadets (students), students, adjuncts, interns, graduate students, trainee assistants, full-time residents.

There are also restrictions for applicants for:

  • their income indicators,
  • the location of the real estate they purchased with a mortgage, the square footage of such housing,
  • date of conclusion of the original loan agreement.

Among other things, the mortgaged residential premises must be the only one the borrower has.

Our experts monitor all changes in legislation to provide you with reliable information.

Please help me solve the problem. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2015 No. 373 “On the main conditions for the implementation of the program of assistance to certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, and the increase in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company “Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending”, the main conditions for the implementation of the assistance program for certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, according to which AHML JSC compensates for the lender’s losses for each housing mortgage loan (loan) that is restructured in accordance with the specified Resolution. On February 10, 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 172, according to which amendments were made to the Government of the Russian Federation No. 373 of April 20, 2015, in particular, in terms of extending the duration of the program to assist borrowers on housing mortgage loans (loans). The conditions for participation in this program have been changed. These changes came into force on February 23, 2017. From April 2015 to December 2016, the program was provided for those whose income decreased by 30% or more (one of the conditions), then in December this condition was removed and all those whose income minus the mortgage did not exceed for each family member of the borrower (joint and several debtor) twice the minimum subsistence level established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, people began to learn about this through word of mouth, but the program was supposed to end on March 1, 2017, a rush began, it was officially extended in February to 31.

05. 2017, but after 10 days they announced early termination. In accordance with the terms of the borrower assistance program, citizens who find themselves in a difficult financial situation and have a mortgage housing loan subject to restructuring were required to provide the mortgagee bank with extracts from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It on the rights of the mortgagor and family members , the cost of which is 1800 rubles. Thus, a family of 3 people was obliged to pay at least 5,400 rubles. For the period from February 10, 2017 to March 7, 2017, information about the possible closure of the program due to a lack of funds for its implementation was not published on the official website of AHML JSC, the Government of the Russian Federation and mortgagee banks, and therefore citizens did not have the opportunity reliably assess your chances of receiving government support under this program. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It on the rights of the mortgagor and family members are issued upon application and subject to payment after at least 10 working days.

Consequently, all citizens who wrote an application for their receipt and made payment as soon as the changes came into force in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 172 would receive certificates after 10 working days, namely on March 13, 2017. But before the specified date, namely March 7, 2017, information appeared on the official website of JSC AHML about the closure of the program due to the complete exhaustion of funds allocated for its implementation. Consequently, not a single citizen was able to exercise his right to participate in this program in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 172 in the period from the moment it came into force to the present. My family also became a victim of improper implementation of these Resolutions. In connection with the above, I ask you to initiate an inspection against the Government of the Russian Federation, JSC AHML, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation and the leadership of these departments for the presence of a corruption factor in the creation and implementation of Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 No. 373 “On the main conditions for the implementation of the program of assistance to certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation, and increasing the authorized capital of the joint-stock company “Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending”, dated February 10, 2017 No. 172 “On amendments to certain acts Government of the Russian Federation." Even those who submitted documents in March, after the changes come into force on February 23, will not receive this assistance because the funds will run out.

According to data from the AHML website as of March 1, 2017, the balance of budget funds is 1,523,300 thousand rubles. Due to the sharp increase in the number of borrowers wishing to participate in the program, we note that the forecast amount for already approved applications is close to the balance of funds allocated to the bank. In this connection, we expect that a decision will be made in the near future on the early completion of the program,” noted Sberbank. Here’s what my friends, they previously submitted documents under the program, received from the bank, in response to my request to clarify the situation: “In connection with the posting of information on the completion of the assistance program to the house on the AHML website.

RF/mortgage/assistance/ and the absence of information on the specified website about the possibility of conducting transactions on previously approved applications, starting from March 10, 2017, a suspension is introduced on all transactions under the AHML program, including if a decision on the assistance program has been made until 09.03.

2017 inclusive. Information on the possibility of preliminary approval of transactions with AHML is currently being clarified. Transactions will be carried out only after receiving additional information from AHML; the possibility of transactions will be announced additionally.”

Why then did they extend the program until May 31, 2017? People have spent their last money on these USRN extracts; many have spent more than 6 thousand rubles on obtaining USRN extracts. We just submitted the documents to the bank, someone is still waiting for the USRN extract from Rosreestr, and now there is news that the program is being closed ahead of schedule. How could it be possible for ordinary people to calculate when the money would run out, if even AHML cannot answer this question?

They themselves cannot clearly answer how many applications there are and how many have been approved. Etc. Do you have this information? I have not it. They write: “there were 2,700 applications for December, more for February than for 2016.”

More is how much? How much I read the news - well, nothing agrees, even if you make up equations with unknowns, but 22 thousand (approved!) do not work out. On January 1, I remember, there was talk about helping a little more than 10 thousand borrowers. Where they collected another 12 thousand.

If the January ones are still only watching? They themselves are already confused. Either they are running out of money, or have already run out. Nobody knows anything. And he won't know. And how much did they increase from 4.5 billion?

For 2015-2016, when only a few knew about the program, history is silent. Look, put them in Sberbank even if (I exaggerate, of course) at 10% - and + 0.5 billion per year. I am silent about the gain in the Roserester - it cannot be assessed, again, due to the lack of data - how many people requested for December - February? 50,000 or 500,000 people? Again, we will never know.

Friends applied on 27.02. What's the point? Not a sound, not a breath. However, they were asked for something a month later. Here someone wrote about those who are really in need) Yeah, we have a year-long restructuring for this year (credit holidays), i.e.

K. In reality, there is no money to pay (I’m on maternity leave, my husband’s salary was cut). So, when I called Mt. Line after submitting documents. The operator told me that one of Sber’s conditions for participation in the program is the absence of debt. I've never felt so funny before.

True, another employee later denied this, but it’s a fact.) Of course, I think that the requirements were too low (about 2 minimum living hours) - we didn’t have such an amount, even when I was working, although my husband and I have a good specialty (4 people in a family, now 26 thousand rubles. After taxes, 10 thousand rubles.

For a mortgage). In general, the idea was good, but the implementation was poor. Alas. Well, never mind, we will know that we need to monitor various decrees and resolutions. Now what remains is to hope that there is still enough money for those who submitted before March 7, and to pay off the debts that they incurred when ordering the certificate. By what right did banks require USRN extracts? Without them, the full package of documents would not be accepted for processing.

? Credit and insurance organizations, as well as
notaries were obliged to independently
request and receive information,
contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to
real estate (USRE) and
State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN) - corresponding amendments have been made to
a number of regulatory legal acts of the federal
Law No. 259-FZ dated July 13, 2015. From the moment the document comes into force, then
available from 12.10.2015, insurers, banks and
notaries when performing transactions,
requiring information from
Unified State Register and State Property Committee will have to independently
request the necessary information, not
shifting this responsibility to clients. Current versions of the laws “On banks and
banking activities" No. 395-1 dated
02.12.1990, “On the organization of insurance
cases in the Russian Federation" No. 4015-1 dated November 27, 1992, and
also Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on
notary office No. 4462-1 dated February 11, 1993
imposed obligations on citizens
provide bank officials with
structures, insurance companies or
to the notary a complete package of documents,
intended for carrying out transactions,
implementation of insurance or notary
actions accordingly. To implement innovations, a unified
interdepartmental electronic system
interactions through which the exchange
information between Rosreestr,
Cadastral Chamber on one side and
banks, insurers and notaries with
another will be possible as soon as possible
short time." We really hope for this help from the state, we ask you not to close the program
I ask you to take action and not close the program ahead of schedule, to find reserve funding so that it will be enough until the end of the program on May 31, 2017. Sincerely, Ponomareva Anastasia Yuryevna.

For example, Sberbank clients can receive government support. For borrowers who have taken out a mortgage loan secured by their own home, special conditions apply:

  • Any housing can be pledged, including those that are subject to the right to claim equity participation in construction under the contract;
  • This property must be the borrower's only place of residence. It is worth noting that the total share in the property of each owner must be less than 50%;
  • The area of ​​a one-room apartment pledged should not be more than 45 square meters. For a two-room apartment the maximum limit is 65 square meters, and for a three-room apartment or more - up to 85 square meters;
  • The cost of the mortgaged property should not exceed the cost of standard housing on the primary and secondary markets by more than 60%.

Official website of Sberbank of Russia


According to current requirements, the object must be located on the territory of Russia, and must also be registered as collateral. Read about the procedure for applying for a mortgage in the article at the link.

Condition 4 – requirements for room area. Assistance is provided if the residential premises, including residential premises, the right of claim to which arises from the share participation agreement does not exceed:
  • 45 sq. meters - for a room with 1 living room;
  • 65 sq. meters - for a room with 2 living rooms;
  • 85 sq. meters - for a room with 3 or more living rooms/

For reference. Condition on the minimum cost of 1 sq. meters of total area is excluded.

Condition 5 – the only housing. Assistance is provided only if there is only one place to live.

New program to help mortgage borrowers - new conditions

Under the assistance program for mortgage borrowers, AHML and Sberbank offer the following types of restructuring:

  • payment reduction by 2 times for 18 months (AHML pays the missing amount instead of the payer), after which payment continues as usual;
  • “stretching” the mortgage term, thereby reducing the monthly payment;
  • deferment of principal payment for up to 6 months (i.e., the borrower pays only interest for these six months);
  • postponement of the payment date;
  • reduction of the interest rate to a minimum of 9.23% (if the key rate is reduced by the Central Bank, an even more intensive rate reduction is possible);
  • Conversion of foreign currency mortgages into rubles at a fixed preferential rate.

Note that the first type of restructuring is always used by the bank, the others are optional.

AIZHK program from Sberbank 2018

However, the terms of the program have changed significantly. For reference. The regulatory document regulating the procedure for providing assistance is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2015 N 373 (with amendments and additions in force in 2017) “On the main conditions for the implementation of the assistance program for certain categories of borrowers for housing mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in difficult financial situation, and increasing the authorized capital of the joint-stock company "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending".
The new conditions of the assistance program for mortgage borrowers, effective in 2018, were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 11, 2017 N 961 “On the further implementation of the assistance program for certain categories of borrowers for residential mortgage loans (loans) who find themselves in a difficult financial situation” (came into force 08/21/2017).

State program for assistance to borrowers

  • dismissal from work (at the initiative of the employer or due to bankruptcy of the enterprise);
  • transfer to a lower position with salary reduction;
  • increase in expenses caused by the death or illness of a relative (or co-borrower);
  • loss of income-generating property due to conditions beyond the borrower’s control (for example, theft of a rental car or a fire in an apartment);
  • conscription into the army of the payer himself or his closest relative/co-borrower helping to pay the loan (for example, the mortgage was issued to the wife, but the husband was drafted);
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • receiving disability;
  • long illness.

The borrower’s goal is to show that he finds himself in a difficult financial situation, but at the same time does not refuse his obligations and is ready to fulfill them if the bank provides him with more favorable conditions.

AIZHK Mortgage Borrower Assistance Program

Restructuring allows not only to reduce the credit burden on an individual family, but also to preserve the borrower’s credit history. Duration of the program The duration of the AHML program at Sberbank has been determined - restructuring can only be obtained until the end of 2017. Whether the program will be extended further depends entirely on the intentions of the Government.


The bank cannot provide fewer benefits than those provided by the state, since its costs are financed by the state. However, Sberbank is ready to offer even more favorable conditions to loyal customers with a good credit history.

Which ones exactly will be decided during negotiations. In addition, Sberbank is ready to provide restructuring not only for mortgages, but also for car loans and regular consumer loans.

New conditions for the 2017-2018 mortgage borrower assistance program.

The borrower (joint and several debtors) is a citizen of the Russian Federation belonging to one of the following categories:

  • citizens who have one or more minor children or are guardians (trustees) of one or more minor children;
  • citizens who are disabled or have disabled children;
  • citizens who are combat veterans;
  • citizens whose dependents are persons under the age of 24 who are students, students (cadets), graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees, interns and full-time students.

Condition 2 - change in the financial situation of the borrower (joint and several debtors).

Assistance program for mortgage borrowers of the Agency for Mortgage Mortgage in 2016-2017

August 2017 mortgage, foreign currency mortgage, AHML, government assistance The program for assistance to mortgage borrowers 2017-2018 was extended, but the program introduced new conditions for borrowers - with priority for foreign currency mortgagers. How to get help? Without USRN extracts. The new program of assistance to mortgage borrowers 2017-2018 from AHML has been extended, but is focused on helping foreign currency mortgage borrowers.

Are rubles in trouble? On August 11, 2017, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the resumption of the state program of assistance to mortgage borrowers who found themselves in a difficult financial situation. Assistance to ruble and foreign currency mortgagers will be provided within the framework of Resolution No. 961 of August 11, 2017.

AHK - assistance to mortgage borrowers in 2017: package of documents

The cost of living is taken in the region of residence of the borrower.

  • on the date of filing the application for restructuring, the amount of the monthly mortgage payment increased by at least 30% compared to the amount of payment on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement.

Thus, the program excludes the majority of ruble mortgage holders from participating in it. The authorities spoke about the priority of the new program for foreign currency mortgage borrowers back in the spring of 2017.
Later, in July of the same year, this information was confirmed by representatives of banks. In addition, by September 1, 2017, a special commission will be created that will consider exceptional cases of restructuring, for example, if the borrower does not meet any of the conditions of the program (no more than two points of conditions), but clearly needs assistance .