Where and how to get a loan using two documents.

If you don’t have time to collect a bunch of documents - wait until the accounting department issues a certificate in Form 2-NDFL, wait until your boss endorses a copy of the work book, then the easiest way is to try to get a loan from a bank with a minimum set of documents. It is the speed of consideration of the application and obtaining approval that are the main advantages of a loan based on 2 documents. The minimum set of documents required by the bank is two documents, one of which is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with permanent registration. In most cases, it is necessary that the region where you want to take out a loan coincides with the region of permanent residence or at least with the region where you constantly work. That is, if you are registered in Krasnodar, but work in Moscow, then you can contact any branch of the Moscow Bank and get approval for a loan there using two documents.

The second document is usually a driver's license or a foreign passport. But if you do not have a license or a foreign passport, then many banks are ready to accept a borrower with other documents:

  • military ID;
  • a certified copy of the work book;
  • documents for the car (STS or PTS), provided that you are the owner;
  • state pension insurance policy;
  • employee ID card federal bodies authorities;
  • and other similar documents that can confirm your identity.

Why is the second document needed?

For the bank, the second document is first and foremost insurance against fraud on the part of the borrower. A passport can be stolen or forged, but two documents can be forged or stolen much more difficult.

How much money can you borrow using two documents?

Usually up to 300,000 rubles in one bank. If you need a large amount, try contacting several banks at the same time. Why so few? Let's figure it out.

Neither of the two documents you provide tells the bank anything about how much you earn. Therefore, the bank cannot check how financially ready you are to repay the loan. The maximum that is possible is to check your credit history. Checking the client's credit history is a key point that fundamentally influences the bank's decision - to give or refuse. If everything is in order with your credit history, the bank determines the maximum amount that it is ready to give you and names the interest.

When faced with the need to make a large purchase, people increasingly prefer not to save, but to contact financial institutions for obtaining a loan. This service is most in demand in Moscow, where people value their time and want to get a loan as quickly as possible, preferably with 2 documents. Is it possible? Let's discuss further.

Pros and cons of lending without certificates

The capital banks of our country actually have programs that allow individuals count on approval loan application just two documents. Most often, they belong to the category when the processing time for the application does not exceed several hours.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply 1 time. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17%, this is a clear robbery. Search best deals. They exist, we must look for them. And don’t forget to read this note before submitting applications, it will help you avoid making serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Eastern has more chancesFrom 11.5%Design
Tinkoff credit card0% for 55 daysApplication
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 12%Design
Alfa Bank credit card0% for 60 daysApplication
Sovcombank quick responseFrom 12%Design
SKB-BankFrom 19.9%Design
UBRDFrom 15%Design

This is very convenient if you needed money “yesterday”. You don’t need to collect a huge pile of documents from work, wait for an income certificate, etc. It will be enough to prepare a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and any other document confirming your identity.

Most often used:

  • driver's license,
  • pensioner's ID,
  • SNILS,
  • bank account statement,
  • diploma of higher education,
  • papers indicating that you have expensive property, etc.

Of course, everything has its downsides. With such a fairly loyal attitude towards borrowers, the bank is still interested in returning its funds. And if the client cannot properly confirm his solvency and reliability, then the bank will be reinsured in case of non-repayment of the debt.

Most often, increased rates and the need to issue an additional insurance policy are used. By the way, you have the right to refuse the latter even after signing the contract, read more.

Where can you get a loan using your passport in Moscow?

We are often asked whether there are banking companies in the capital that issue cash according to one document, i.e. citizen of the Russian Federation? Of course, such banks exist, and there are a lot of them.

In almost every institution you know you can get money using a document confirming your identity, but there is one very important condition: you must be a member of this bank salary project. That is, receive your salary into his account.

What's the catch? There is no catch, it’s just that such borrowers are the most reliable for banking companies. After all, the lender clearly knows the amount of your income, and if for some reason you stop paying under the agreement, the bank will be able to write off the necessary funds from your account independently.

Are there any other options for receiving money quickly and without unnecessary paperwork? Yes, receiving microloans from microfinance organizations is possible with a passport from the age of 18. But it is worth remembering very high percentages, and not the most favorable conditions.

Which banks will approve a loan without an income certificate?

  1. Most low percentage will be in the Asian-Pacific Bank - from 9% per year, while a small amount is offered in the range of 30-150 thousand rubles. Approval occurs on the same day without proof of income; the money must be returned within 6-12 months. Citizens from 21 to 70 years old can apply if they have at least 1 month of experience;
  2. Moscow Credit bank prepared an unsecured product “For Our Defenders” with the possibility of obtaining a loan in the amount of up to 3 million rubles. Minimum percentage equal to 10.9% per year, the repayment period will be no more than 15 years. We suggest reading more information about the company’s offers in this article;
  3. Renaissance Credit and its offer “More documents – lower rate” involves issuing a loan using 2 papers, however, the more you provide, the lower the percentage will be. The following tariffs apply: amount from 30,000 to 700,000 rubles, the rate varies from 10.5% to 24% per year, the contract can be concluded for a period from 24 to 60 months. Important: the borrower must be over 24 years old. You can read the full terms and conditions at ;
  4. We can also offer UBRD Bank, where, using a specially created product, they offer the issuance of cash in the amount of up to 200 thousand rubles without an income certificate. You can choose a loan period of up to 4 years, the minimum rate is 11% per year. Find out more in this review;
  5. Home Credit Bank has prepared profitable proposition called "Cash". The following tariffs apply: they issue from 30 thousand to 500 thousand rubles, the contract period is from 1 to 5 years, the rate varies from 10.9% to 24.7% per annum. The application review period is the same day. The borrower must be over 22.
  6. You can also contact Bystrobank, where the “Universal” program operates. With it you can get from 10,000 to 120,000 rubles at a rate of 11.5% to 25.12% per annum. Income certificates, guarantors and collateral are not needed; the application will be reviewed within 3 days. The loan period will be 13-60 months;
  7. IN Orient Express The bank offers an express loan in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles. The interest is fixed - 11.5% per year, and loans can be made for a period of 13 to 36 months. The requirements for borrowers are as follows: age from 21 to 76 years (to complete an online application - from 26 years), registration and work experience of 3 months, details
Interest rate per year:
Duration (months):
Amount of credit:
Monthly payment:
Total you will pay:
Overpayment on loan
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Use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculation early repayment you can on this page.

Not all the offers you can take advantage of are presented here, but this is where you will find the most profitable terms and low interest rates.

What to do if they refuse?

Sometimes it happens that banking organization in the product description, it indicates the possibility of obtaining a loan without income certificates, but at the same time indicates that the bank has the right to request other documents that will confirm the borrower’s solvency. And it is precisely this point that many do not pay attention to, but in vain.

It is worth understanding that using two documents you can get a loan relatively a small amount, more often - no more than 150-200 thousand rubles. And this is only possible if you have a long seniority, you can provide the TIN of your employer, you are a bona fide borrower with a positive credit history.

We immediately answer the question posed: not at all! The issuance of consumer and mortgage loans has become so simplified that they can be issued almost instantly with a minimum package of data. This lending boom is caused by the penetration of Western values ​​into our society, when people strive not to save money, but to spend it, even if it is in debt. In principle, this trend can be considered positive, because the value of money is falling every day, and keeping banknotes under the mattress simply does not make sense. Applying for a cash loan using 2 documents allows you to quickly receive the required amount and purchase the necessary things or solve accumulated problems.

Two passports and other features of obtaining a loan

So, do you want to take out a cash loan online using two documents for any needs? We advise you to first decide on the type of loan (an employee of the selected bank will help you with this) and only then proceed to the details. About the most important points We would like to tell you further about the loan agreement:

  • Sum. Design consumer loan according to 2 documents in Moscow, it is possible for an amount of up to one million rubles - keep in mind that a mortgage loan, of course, requires a larger limit.
  • Interest. The fee for using borrowed money is calculated as a percentage of the specified interest rate to the amount you have left to repay.
  • Documentation. The first must be a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and an additional identifier can be a driver’s license or a foreign passport.

Take a cash loan using two documents online: we know how

Have you already prepared two passports and want to know what to do next? It's simple.. In the questionnaire you will need to answer a few simple questions: last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant, date of birth, address, phone number. Some financial organizations immediately ask you to provide your passport details and full name in Latin letters. After spending 10-15 minutes on the procedure, you can only wait for a call from a bank employee who will tell you where and when the loan will be finalized.

Call or ask your questions online: we are ready for fruitful cooperation now.

Studying mortgage programs, many borrowers are afraid large quantity documents that need to be collected. Taking this factor into account, banks offer loans with a minimum package of documents. Let's look at which banks provide mortgages in 2019 based on 2 documents and their conditions.

Pros and cons of mortgage loans based on 2 documents

Leading banks offer loan products with preferential terms. One of these products is a mortgage loan based on 2 documents. Such mortgage programs have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages mortgage loans issued according to 2 documents:

  • less time spent collecting required package documents;
  • reducing the time it takes for banks to make decisions.

The main disadvantages of such mortgage loans:

  • high down payment;
  • reduction of the maximum loan amount;
  • higher compared to others credit products, interest rate;
  • reducing the borrower's age limit on the estimated loan repayment date.

A required document when applying for mortgage is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a registration mark. As a second document, the client can provide SNILS, international passport, military ID, driver’s license, service ID of a federal government employee, pension ID. Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, VTB Bank of Moscow are banks that provide mortgages under two documents. When applying for a loan, the borrower fills out an application form in which he indicates information about his place of work and income received.

Information about income and place of work specified in the application is verified by the bank's security service. If false data or a problematic credit history of the borrower is identified, loan approval will be denied.

“Victory over formalities” from VTB24

Offers mortgage upon presentation passports and SNILS. You can take out a loan to purchase an apartment on the primary or secondary market. The decision on the loan is made and communicated to the client within 24 hours.

Basic loan terms:

  • loan amount – 0.6-30 million rubles. (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region), for others settlements Russian Federation – 0.6-15 million rubles;
  • maturity - 20 years;
  • initial minimum payment – 40%;
  • rate – 13.6;
  • The borrower's age is 25-65 years.

The client must insure the property, his life, health, and the risks of losing the right to an apartment.

“Purchase of housing under construction - mortgage according to 2 documents” from Sberbank

Has simplified some requirements for mortgage loans and offers loans for new buildings upon presentation of 2 documents under 13% per annum. The main condition of the program is an initial payment of at least 50% from the cost of housing. On minimum bid borrowers who purchase real estate built with the participation of financial resources jar.

“Simple mortgage” from “VTB Bank of Moscow”

VTB Bank of Moscow provides mortgage loans to citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners upon presentation of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS or a passport of a foreigner and any other identification with personal data. Without certificates confirming income, you can take out a loan from a bank at a rate from 11.65%.

  • minimum amount – 500 thousand rubles;
  • maximum amount– 60% of the cost of the loaned apartment;
  • maturity - 20 years;
  • down payment – ​​40%;
  • interest rate (minimum) – 12.6;
  • The borrower's age is 25-60 years at the time of submitting the loan application.

Use the funds maternity capital It will not be possible to make a down payment or repay part of the loan under this program.

“Simple mortgage” from Gazprombank

By program " Simple mortgage» you can purchase an apartment on credit in a building under construction from the developer - legal entity, submitting for consideration of the application the original passport, a copy of all its completed pages, SNILS or an official driver’s license.

Basic conditions of a mortgage loan:

  • amount – 0.5 - 7 million rubles. for all cities of the Russian Federation, except Moscow, St. Petersburg, settlements of the Leningrad and Moscow regions (residents of these cities can take out a loan in the amount of 0.5-10 million rubles);
  • maturity - 30 years;
  • first deposit – 50% ;
  • interest rate (minimum) – 13,5 ;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent residence in the Russian Federation;
  • The age of the borrower is 20-55/60 years at the time of application and full repayment contracts for women/men respectively.

The decision to approve a mortgage is influenced by the borrower’s positive credit history.

“Mortgage according to 2 documents” from Rosselkhozbank

Offers a loan for the purchase of a townhouse, apartment, house using 2 documents: a citizen’s passport and either a foreign passport, or a driver’s or service license. Borrowers who are married are additionally required to have a spouse's passport. Young people of military age must provide a military ID or registration certificate to the bank.

Basic conditions of a mortgage loan:

  • amount – from 0.1 million rubles. up to 4 million rubles for all cities of the Russian Federation, except Moscow, St. Petersburg, settlements of the Leningrad and Moscow regions (residents of these cities can take out a loan of up to 8 million rubles);
  • maximum loan term – 20 years;
  • initial minimum payment for the purchase of an apartment is 40%, a townhouse – 50%;
  • interest rate (minimum) – 12.

"Mortgage from 10.9" together with TransCapitalBank

Can issue a loan for the purchase of an apartment under 10,9% per annum to the borrower who provided 2 documents proving his identity. The initial contribution under this financial product is at least 30% the cost of the housing being financed. Maximum term loan repayment – ​​25 years.

If a borrower urgently needs to take out a mortgage loan and does not have time to collect a package of documents, he can use special financial products from banks. To do this, you should determine which bank provides a mortgage using two documents on the most favorable terms for the client, submit an application and receive approval for the mortgage.

Recently, conditions for issuing loans have become more stringent. Banks began to require a whole package of documents in order to assess their risks as accurately as possible. Due to the crisis and a decrease in income, the level of overdue payments has increased significantly, so banks are trying to accept clients with stable income. However, you can still find offers to provide a loan based on two documents. Most often, such offers are not entirely profitable in terms of overpayment - a high risk is already inherent in interest rate. A client who does not want to provide income statements, but wants to get a loan using two documents, raises doubts in the bank, so he will be offered a high interest rate.

Loan based on two documents.

Getting a loan using two documents is quite possible. To do this, you just need to clarify the terms of provision. In most cases, they will be quite inconvenient: a limited amount limit, a short term, high income, an ideal credit history, the requirement to already be a client of the bank, etc. The bank can also provide a loan based on 2 documents to existing clients who have deposits, credit cards, salary cards etc.

As documents, a passport and a second document of your choice must be provided: SNILS, INN, driver's license, international passport, VHI policy. What document to provide is the client's decision, but the more provided, the better.

This is due to the fact that it will be easier for the bank to assess the client’s creditworthiness and the less risk will be included in the interest rate. This will affect its size. Also, as risks decrease, the loan amount can be increased.

Thus, getting a loan using two documents is difficult, but possible. You should immediately be prepared for increased rate and more stringent requirements. Often, offering a loan using two documents is a marketing ploy to attract customers. During the application process, the application can be transferred to the standard if the client provides income certificates and a copy of the work book. Bank employees will motivate this by the fact that there is an opportunity to reduce the rate and issue a larger amount.

Where can I apply for a loan using two documents?

Although the conditions for a loan with two documents are not entirely attractive, such loans are nevertheless in demand among the population. The matter is connected with the fact that it can be difficult to provide certificates of income, some have unofficial income, others need money very urgently and agree to unfavorable conditions. Let's consider the conditions for loans in several banks that are leaders in the lending industry:

Conditions Alfa Bank Citibank HKFB OTP Renaissance Eastern Express
Sum 10-100 t.r. 50-450 t.r. 10-850 tr. 50-300 t.r. 30-100 t.r. 30-300 t.r.
Bid 32-67% 28-33% 19,9-29% 24-45% 18-30% 21-36%
Term 6-36 months 12-60 months 12-84 months 1-48 months 24-60 months 12-36 months

In general, the conditions for different banks are approximately the same. You will have to choose based on parameters: term, amount, length of service (recorded according to the client), amount of income, etc.

Thus, you can find loan offers based on 2 documents in different banks. The initial conditions may be attractive, but during the registration process various nuances arise. For example, if the client wants 500 tr. according to two documents, then most likely the bank will ask for supporting documents. As mentioned above, the more documents provided, the better - one passport can be stolen or forged, but two documents are more difficult to falsify (the likelihood of fraud is reduced).

As a rule, the maximum loan amount for 2 documents is unlikely to exceed 100 tr. In this case, the bank checks the credit history, and the decision on the loan is made based on the scoring assessment. If everything is in order with the CI, the bank only decides what amount to approve, but if the CI is negative, then approval is out of the question.

Which loan to choose?

To save as much as possible on interest and not overpay, it is best to apply for a loan from complete package documents. This will allow the bank to better assess solvency and, by reducing the set of risks, significantly reduce the interest rate.

If you plan to take out a loan in the near future, it is worth monitoring ongoing promotions - sometimes banks launch similar offers to attract customers. But here it is worth carefully studying the conditions. It is quite possible that they will not be as profitable as they seemed. When choosing a loan based on two documents, you also need to clarify all the conditions, the presence of additional fees, etc.