Sberbank is a salary client. Sberbank salary project: conditions and tariffs

Sberbank is one of the largest banks in the country. In terms of the scope of issuing cards for salary transfers, it also holds the position of leader. 450 thousand companies They have already entrusted their finances to the bank, including resolving the issue of settlements with employees. One of the advantages of crediting money for salary payments through Sberbank is ease of formation registry and short transfer times finance to a payment card.

Sberbank's salary project is a contract between two organizations. On the one hand there is a banking structure, on the other there is an individual entrepreneur. The corporate client undertakes to promptly provide the bank with a register containing data on employees, accounts and amounts to be credited. In turn, the bank undertakes to promptly transfer funds to the bank payment cards of employees.

All actions are carried out remotely. Estimated banking transaction time: 90 minutes. But as a rule, enrollment occurs within 10 minutes.

First of all, to connect services, the corporate client must be registered in the Sberbank Business Online service. After signing the contract, a new section is activated in your personal account.

To test the service, two experimental transactions are performed.

Sberbank salary project - tariffs for legal entities

Cooperation between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with Sberbank makes it possible to use such proposals:

  1. Settlements with employees, cash and non-cash transactions;
  2. Crediting amounts to a bank card;
  3. Cashing out your own money;
  4. Opportunity carry out transactions remotely via the Internet service.

The contract is being drawn up on a paid basis. The cost of servicing the project depends on the amount that will be transferred monthly through the online service.

If a corporate client uses additional services, then loyalty programs can be organized for him.

For corporate users, salary transfers are organized on such conditions:

Tariffs and terms of service may vary depending on the turnover of funds and the activation of additional services.

If a company employee wishes to receive an individual card, then the fees for it will be explained personally by a bank employee.

Offers for individual entrepreneurs without employees

The law stipulates that an individual entrepreneur cannot pay his own wages. Often, setting up a service for crediting wages is a tool for transferring funds from an individual entrepreneur to an individual’s card. This is more beneficial for the account holder since it is the same person.

A businessman’s income is transferred through an account opened for salary transfer. Z Sberbank arpay project for individual entrepreneurs without employees allows you to reduce the commission for transferring money up to 0.3%.

Banking transactions are carried out through Sberbank Online service— salary project for small businesses. To withdraw funds, the entrepreneur independently creates a register for crediting. The payment falls into the category " other payments».

Benefits for salary recipients

If an organization becomes a client of Sberbank for transferring money for wages, then its employees and accounting department become the owners of a number of advantages.

Sberbank salary project - instructions for an accountant:

First of all, accounting can use simplified procedure for issuing salaries. Accrued funds are transferred to a payment bank card. There is no need to carry a large amount from the bank to the organization, ensure its safety and organize the issuance to employees.

Remains with the accountant payroll, working with taxes, preparing statements for the bank. According to the payroll data, funds are transferred to employees’ payment cards.

For small businesses, Sberbank cards for payroll are a great opportunity to save money on cashier work.

In addition, you can organize salary transfers through Sberbank without opening a current account.

Positive points
receiving salaries for company employees through bank cards:

  1. opportunity get cash at any time after accrual at a convenient time and at any ATM;
  2. sufficient quantity ATMs operating without commission;
  3. possibility to withdraw any amount of money at any time;
  4. opportunity transfer money without commissions;
  5. Maybe make cashless payments, pay for purchases on the Internet, pay utility bills, pay taxes;
  6. application " mobile bank» provides many opportunities for its users;
  7. after six months of cooperation, the client can apply for an additional Sberbank credit card, as well as take advantage of offers of mortgage and consumer loans on preferential terms;
  8. can be done duplicate payment instrument for your family;
  9. the card can be issued subject to ;
  10. Bank card holders often become participants shares and use various bonuses.

Business accountants have another advantage. This is an opportunity to transfer funds independently through your personal account. And also perform a number of other procedures online. To enter your personal account, there is a login and password, which the accountant receives when connecting to this service.

A Sberbank card is profitable and convenient for both corporate clients and individual users.

Video: benefits of using a salary project from Sberbank

You can pay salaries to employees not only from the company’s cash desk, but also by transferring funds to a bank account. Especially for these purposes, credit institutions offer their clients a separate service - a salary project. Its essence lies in the fact that the organization transfers funds in one payment, while simultaneously providing the bank with a statement indicating to whom and how much should be paid.

For whom

Bank salary projects are provided for any organizations that officially pay income to their employees. Today, credit institutions' priorities have changed. Previously, banks did not cooperate with small businesses. Now any organization with at least ten people on staff can join the project.


Payroll projects of banks are serviced at preferential rates. Card issuance and maintenance is free. The issuance of funds through the terminals of your home bank within the limit is carried out with zero commission. But the restrictions depend on the type of card with which the salary project is serviced. Sberbank, for example, has set a limit of 50 thousand rubles for Visa Electron and Maestro. and 1 million rubles. for Platinum cards. When withdrawing large amounts, an additional fee is charged. The time frame of the limit is set according to Moscow time and is valid for all regions.

As part of the Sberbank salary project, an overdraft (payment amount in excess of the card balance) is provided with a 20% rate for use and 40% penalties for violation of payment terms. The cost of monthly servicing of cash register services for organizations is 3,500 rubles. There is no monthly fee for annual account maintenance.

Let's take a closer look at how to connect a salary project through Sberbank.


To activate the service, you need to enter into an agreement with a credit institution and provide all employees with debit cards. If the organization was previously serviced by Sberbank (opened an account or transferred funds), then it is enough to submit an application to join the project. Otherwise, you need to provide a complete package of documents: application, copy of the charter, certificate from the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, signature cards, etc.

Most often, the bank reserves the right to change or introduce new options without concluding additional agreements. But in practice, credit institutions at least inform the client in the form of SMS about changes in the terms of service.

Next, you need to obtain debit cards for all employees at the bank branch. Depending on the terms of the program, the size of the organization and the position of the employee, both Visa Electron, Maestro, and Visa Gold, Platinum can be provided. Employees of small businesses must independently contact the bank to obtain a card. Employees of large and medium-sized enterprises are served by bank representatives right at their place of work.


The accountant responsible for payroll carries out all calculations in his program (for example, 1C). Next, salary statements are sent to the bank through special equipment installed on a PC:

  • via email with a file and electronic signature;
  • through the register in the Sberbank Online system.

The credit institution independently transfers funds to employee cards.

Consumer loan

A participant in a salary project has the opportunity to take advantage of a number of bonuses, one of which is a loan for up to 60 months. The maximum loan amount is calculated individually for each client, based on salary, length of service, volume of guarantee and other indicators.

Since the credit institution already has basic information about the plastic holder, applications are processed within a few hours, and the loan itself can be issued directly at the place of work at a reduced rate.

Benefits for employers

Sberbank’s salary project allows organizations to:

  • Simplify the payment process. If an organization has connected a payroll project, then the need to recalculate large sums, transport funds from branch to office, and manually pay salaries automatically disappears.
  • Sberbank has developed the salary project in such a way that all the accountant’s work comes down to sending a statement to the bank and transferring the total payment amount.
  • Order a separate terminal and ATM so that employees can not only withdraw funds, but also pay for services and make transfers right at their place of work.
  • The project is very convenient for organizations with a large number of employees. It eliminates the need to store huge amounts of funds in the cash register and line up for workers. Payments are made simultaneously to all employees immediately, regardless of their location.
  • The salary project allows small organizations to save on a cashier's salary.

Benefits for employees

  1. Cardholders can enjoy all the benefits of plastic cards from international payment systems: manage their accounts remotely via the Internet, participate in promotions and receive bonuses from a credit institution.
  2. Save time. There is no need to stand in line to receive your salary. All funds can be withdrawn at any convenient time through any ATM in the country. Salary cards are serviced by all credit institutions in Russia without commission.
  3. You can transfer money between accounts, pay taxes, mobile communications, Internet, television, housing and communal services, etc. without commission through self-service terminals.
  4. Pay for goods using non-cash methods.
  5. Connect to the Mobile Bank or SberbankOnL@yn service and track account movements online.
  6. Clients who have been served within the project for more than six months can:
  • additionally issue an international payment system card for relatives and connect it to your account;
  • use an overdraft;
  • get a credit card;
  • apply for a mortgage loan at a preferential rate and with a minimum package of documents.

What to do with cards of dismissed employees?

You can hand over the plastic to the bank, including through an accountant at the enterprise, or continue to use it. In the second case, you will have to contact a credit institution and change the tariff plan to a standard one, since the card holder, not the employer, will pay for the service.

Special services

Salary cards are used not only for their intended purpose. For example, plastic holders from Pacific State University not only store funds in the account, but also use plastic as an electronic key. The TNU campus card automates the internal processes of the university. It is used as a pass to the university premises and as a library card.

Offers on the market

After the Russian President signed a law at the end of 2014, according to which employees of enterprises can choose their own bank to transfer salaries, credit institutions began to actively develop new programs to attract clients. The employer has no right to refuse this request. According to Art. 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can refuse service through a salary project chosen by the organization (Article 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

OJSC Rosselkhozbank offers a salary overdraft. To apply for the service, it is enough to present your passport at any bank branch. Users of the service can at any time receive additional funds in their account in the amount of their average monthly earnings. The limit is calculated in advance for each client and cannot exceed 1 million rubles.

VTB24 offers holders of salary cards preferential property insurance programs with a discount of 10% to 15%. In addition, there is a list of partners, when paying for goods with a non-cash payment, the client receives bonuses on the card in the form of a refund of part of the funds. The number of points assigned also depends on the specific store and the purchase amount.

"RSB" charges 10% on the balance of own funds on the salary card. In addition, money can be withdrawn from the card without commission at all ATMs in Russia. Renaissance Credit OJSC offers similar conditions to its clients.

OJSC Raiffeisenbank offers an individual salary project. Its essence lies in the fact that an employee of the company can apply to the bank for a card, provide the details of the payment instrument to the accounting department, and after two transfers of funds from the organization’s account, receive the status of a participant in the salary project.

Clients of Tinkoff Bank OJSC have the opportunity to withdraw funds from their account at any ATM for 99 rubles without interest. per month. But Aimanibank OJSC has set a limit on interest-free withdrawals from the account within an amount of 3,000 rubles.

Many employers today prefer to transfer employees' wages to bank cards, thereby saving money on paying a cashier and the time required to withdraw funds from the bank, issuing and processing this operation with primary documents. To do this, you should register a “salary project” with the servicing bank. How to do this with maximum savings and benefit for the employer? Let's consider the main stages and nuances of this procedure.

Salary project. What is this?

Speaking of a salary project, this implies an agreement between a credit institution and an employer (legal entity or individual entrepreneur) on the transfer of employees’ monthly income to their accounts. The possibility of paying wages in non-cash form is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, collective and labor agreements.

The benefits of salary support are obvious to both parties. As a rule, it is provided to organizations or individual entrepreneurs with at least 10 employees.

When concluding an agreement with a credit institution on salary support:

  • compile lists of employees to enter information about them into the database;
  • open a bank account individually for each employee;
  • create bank cards for employees.

Benefits for the employer

The transition to payroll services provides the employer with certain advantages:

  • First of all, costs associated with cash circulation are reduced. This includes a reduction in commissions for withdrawals, transportation of cash, cashier’s wages, and collections;
  • saving workers' working time. Employees are not distracted by receiving cash salaries;
  • maintaining the secrecy of information about the individual income of each employee. This makes it possible to provide additional incentives for work in the form of bonuses, premiums, and individual incentives;
  • reduction in the number of documents compared to cash circulation of funds.

Benefits for employees

Employees also receive benefits:

  • money is credited to the account at a certain time, regardless of whether the employee is present at the workplace or not;
  • you don’t have to keep all your cash at home, you can always withdraw as much as you need;
  • there are no expenses when cashing out funds;
  • benefits when receiving loans. Read also the article: → “”.
  • You can easily make various transfers and pay for services from your account;
  • all salary that goes to the card is taxed and paid according to the “white” option. This is a guarantee that employees will accumulate pensions in the future.

Benefits for the bank

For credit institutions, providing a package such as a salary project also brings certain benefits. Firstly, part of the money, after transferring it to employees’ accounts, remains untouched. The bank can dispose of them until they are withdrawn from the account.

Through payroll support for the bank, the number of clients for other products, in particular loans, is expanding. The risk in such transactions for the credit institution is minimized.

Stages of transition to payroll services

As a rule, the transition to a salary project is initiated by the employer. The whole procedure can be summarized in 3 steps:

What documents are required?

First of all, in order to switch to payroll services, it is necessary to receive written applications from employees with the obligatory indication of their full name. and the name of the employing organization. A copy of the passport is attached to the application. When concluding a contract for servicing employees, they are required to inform them about the rules and prices for transactions with bank cards.

The company provides:

  • charter;
  • list of employees;
  • if necessary, others are needed in a jar of paper. The package of documents for a credit institution may vary. There is no standard list established by any regulations.

Salary project agreement

To conclude a salary agreement, the employer must provide the servicing bank with documents corresponding to the list. The salary project agreement must indicate:

  • when will the cards be released?
  • service prices;
  • terms of use of cards.

After signing such an agreement, employees as cardholders enter into an independent relationship with the credit institution.

An individual account is opened for each individual participating in the project. Only the employee has the opportunity to use it and make transactions with funds using cards. Regardless of the fact that the salary contract is concluded by two parties - the bank and the employer, the employee also has a direct bearing on this. First of all, he manages the funds in the account and is the card holder.

After an employee leaves the organization, he may not return the card to the employer. But the terms of its service will be completely different. If the card is not needed by an individual after dismissal, he must write an application to the bank to close the account and hand it over.

What should you pay attention to?

First of all, you should pay attention to the status of the card, the ratio of the opportunities it provides and the payment for its maintenance. As part of the salary project, cards of any status can be sold. But the higher the status of the card, the more expensive it costs the employer. It may be advisable to provide high-status cards that allow payments both in the Russian Federation and abroad for executives.

Ordinary cards can be issued for ordinary employees, allowing them to make purchases within the country. In addition, when issuing a card, you should consider the presence of a developed ATM network of the credit institution that issued the card. Employees do not pay for card servicing, provided that withdrawal operations are carried out at an ATM of the issuing bank. If you use the services of an ATM of another credit institution, the service fee may exceed 5%.

Availability of ATMs and the ability to quickly receive money are the determining conditions when choosing salary support.

When choosing a salary project, it would be a good idea to ask whether the bank provides additional services, such as lending to employees under employer guarantees. Some credit organizations may also offer loans at lower interest rates and simplified processing.

Can an employee himself apply for a salary card?

If for some reason an employee does not want to receive the card that the employer can offer, then he can independently open it in any bank suitable for him. To do this, you should go to the branch of the selected credit institution with your passport, taxpayer code and income statement if you need to apply for a payday loan service.

Many credit institutions allow you to apply for such a card online. Its production time ranges from several days to 2 weeks, depending on the bank’s rules. After receiving the card, you must provide the necessary information to the accounting department so that the employer can transfer wages to it.

Answers to pressing questions about the salary project

Question No. 1. Does the transition to payroll services bring benefits for all employers? Is a salary project always beneficial to the employee?

Receiving wages on a bank card can be beneficial for both the employer and the employee. At the same time, the salary project may cause them some inconvenience. First of all, payroll services are beneficial for large organizations, which save significantly by not having to carry out cash transactions. Such a project may be inconvenient for small and medium-sized businesses.

Firstly, many of their transactions are carried out in cash, so the savings from withdrawing cash from the bank will be completely unnoticeable. Secondly, it is in small and medium-sized enterprises that there is a huge problem of “white” and “black” wages. It is not convenient to transfer part of the employee’s income to the card, and give part in an envelope.

At the same time, cost optimization is practically not noticeable, and the fuss and labor intensity when issuing salaries will be significantly added. For employees, switching to a salary project often brings benefits and convenience. To do this, it is necessary that the card issued by the company can be easily serviced at the ATMs closest to work and home.

Question No. 2. What are the benefits for an employee of a self-issued salary card?

Self-issuing a card allows the employee to choose the bank that is most convenient for him. In addition, an individual can decide on the necessary capabilities of the card and the payment system suitable for him. After all, an employer can issue a card that will be completely inconvenient to use due to the remoteness of ATMs.

But it should be taken into account that if the card is issued by the employee independently, then the costs of servicing it are also borne by him, and not by the employer.

Question No. 3. How are funds credited under the salary project?

Funds for employee squatting are credited in the following sequence:

  • First, the money is transferred in one amount from the main account to the credit institution with which the salary support agreement has been concluded. After this, a payment order is issued for the amount of the salary and a statement of employees indicating the amounts of earnings by name;
  • The bank checks the payment documents, and if there are no errors, then the payment is made. After this, the funds arrive on the cards.

Question No. 4. Can employees bear the costs of maintaining payroll support cards?

If the card was issued by the employer as part of a salary project, then all costs associated with its maintenance must be borne by the employer. This obligation is provided for by law. If such costs are transferred to the employee, this will be a gross violation of the law. In addition, all costs incurred by employees, from the point of view of the tax authorities, must be classified as gratuitously received income and, therefore, taxed.

Question No. 5. Is it possible to forcibly transfer an employee to receive wages on a card if he does not agree, but it is economically feasible for the employer?

Sometimes an employee does not agree to receive wages in non-cash form. This is especially common in small towns where there are few and no ATMs. It is impossible to force an employee to participate in payroll services. He must agree to the condition of non-cash receipt of earnings in writing and personally enter into a bank account agreement with a credit institution. Even if the employee agreed to receive earnings on the card, he may later change his mind and ask the employer to pay the salary in cash.

Today, many organizations pay their workers wages using a non-cash method, because it is much more convenient. The boss reduces the labor costs of cashiers and the costs of receiving cash in the required amount. Employees do not have to visit the cash register. In addition, they can use different bank products on loyal terms. The introduction of salary programs was carried out by a huge number of banking organizations, but the first of them was Sberbank. Let's talk in more detail about what the Sberbank salary project is and what its main advantages are.

Employees of large organizations can be connected to the Sberbank salary project

How does this program work?

The boss simply transfers the total money to be paid to the banking organization. Next, he gives the bank employee a list of his working personnel who need to be paid wages. The amounts and numbers of accounts belonging to each employee must be indicated.

This document can be entered either independently or sent electronically through the Sberbank Business Online system. And that’s it, the institution’s accountant won’t have to do anything else. After this, the credit institution itself distributes the funds transferred to it among the designated accounts. The money will be credited by the pre-agreed date.

An important point: if you want to more carefully review Sberbank’s salary program, instructions for an accountant are available to anyone - just go to the appropriate section of the banking organization.

Installation of the software required to implement the project is possible at the place where the accountant works. This is done by an employee of a banking organization (after the appropriate service agreement has been concluded). If we are talking about a large institution, the bank makes it possible to install an ATM on the premises of the office for working personnel. Bank cards are also issued to employees of the institution on the premises of the office., but only in the first 30 days after the launch of the program we are considering. After this, employees will be forced to visit the bank branch designated by their boss in order to obtain the instrument necessary for payments.

Who has the opportunity to become a participant in the project?

Which institution has the right to connect its workforce to the salary project from Sberbank?

The banking organization sets one condition (for all legal entities - regardless of their type): the monthly wage fund in the institution should be 5,000,000 rubles. If the indicator is less than the designated amount, the institution has no right to use the project.

To connect to the project, an institution does not necessarily have to use the services of Sberbank. But customers who conduct all their transactions through this bank can expect to receive an excellent discount on payroll services.

The program can be used by both enterprises and educational organizations– to pay students scholarships and benefits. The working scheme, as well as prices for services in this situation remain unchanged.

Salary project tariffs

There are two types of salary product tariffs:

  1. “Premier” - if the monthly payroll (payroll fund) is 5,000,000 rubles.
  2. “First” - if the monthly payroll amount is 50,000,000 rubles.

Each tariff involves the provision of a specific list of services by the credit institution. If the monthly payroll increases its indicators (for example, the amount of scholarships), the organization receives the right to connect an additional package (in accordance with the growth indicators). Any 5,000,000 rubles make it possible to connect another “Premier” package, any 50,000,000 – connect to the “First” package. These packages impose the following obligations on the banking organization:

  1. For the issuance of plastic cards and envelopes with PIN codes for the working personnel of the institution.
  2. For the re-issuance of cards (if the time period for their validity ends).
  3. By checking the registers submitted by the institution (to what extent the information provided is correct).
  4. Upon notification of the institution about any inaccuracies.

The bank must also transfer money to designated accounts, inform the organization about the transfer of funds, and also show the institution a transcript of the transactions carried out.

In the salary project it is possible to issue any types of cards

Each region has its own rates for participation in the salary program. The cost is influenced by the location in which the institution operates, the number of employees, the form of ownership and many other factors. To clarify this information, it is best to contact Sberbank itself directly - the department that works with legal entities. If your institution uses the services of settlement and cash services at Sberbank, then you can find out the answers to your questions from your personal manager.

How to become a salary client of Sberbank

To establish a similar form of salary payment in your institution, you must first send an application to the bank so that you can be connected to the salary program.

To do this, you can use the following methods:

  1. Visit a bank office - contact specialists working with legal organizations.
  2. You can call your personal manager.
  3. And the last option is to send a request on the website.

If you have situation No. 3, on the main page of Sberbank, select the section corresponding to your institution (“Small business” or “Corporate clients”). It is located at the top of the menu. Next, click on the button with the salary project (located at the bottom of the screen). On the page that opens, click on “send application”.

An important point: before visiting the website, indicate the region where your institution is located.

The application must contain the following data:

  1. Where is your institution located?
  2. When was it founded?
  3. How many employees?
  4. What is the monthly payroll?

It is necessary to register your contacts (telephone number and email address) so that a bank consultant can call you. In order to immediately move on to discussing the issue with him, it is better to write down on paper in advance everything that interests you.

After the application has been reviewed, an offer agreement will be concluded with your institution, and the banking organization will begin to fulfill its duties. A personal manager will be assigned to your institution - it is he who will issue cards to employees, install the required software, and solve any difficulty that arises.

What types of salary cards are there in Sberbank?

As everyone knows, plastic cards come in many different types, and almost any of them can be issued by Sberbank. For a salary project, it is possible to issue the following cards:

  1. Maestro/Visa Electron.
  2. Pro100 "Standard".
  3. Standard card (classic).
  4. Gold card.
  5. Platinum card.

Sample application for connection to a salary project

Any card has personal characteristics. Let’s say that for the Electron Visa you can connect a special application that makes it possible to use it as a transport card. If you use a PRO100 program debit card, an overdraft limit is set. In other words, the card can be used as a credit card. Maestro cards can be issued using a student form. Of course, service rates and transaction limits for each type of card differ.

An important point: for those who use salary cards, free service is provided. These costs are entirely borne by the organization. These factors have a huge impact on her participation in the salary project.

As you can note, the banking program we reviewed has a huge number of features. We hope that the information we presented helped you study at least some of them. To get more detailed information, call the Sberbank department that works with legal entities.

Most businesses today pay their employees wages by non-cash payment. It's convenient for everyone. The employer thus reduces the labor costs of cashiers and the costs of obtaining cash in the required amount. And employees save time on visits to the cash desk and gain access to various banking products on preferential terms. Many banks offer salary programs, but Sber has been and remains a pioneer in this direction. Let’s take a closer look at what Sberbank’s salary project is and what benefits it brings to its participants.

How does the salary project work?

The mechanism for issuing wages with the help of Sberbank is quite simple. The employer must transfer the total amount of funds to be paid to the bank. After that, he provides Sberbank with a register of employees who need to pay their salaries, indicating the amounts and numbers of their accounts. This document can be brought in person or sent electronically through the Sberbank Business Online system. Actually, this is where the work of an enterprise accountant ends. Next, the bank will independently distribute the funds received to the specified accounts and credit them at the required time.

Attention! If you want to study Sberbank’s salary project in more detail, instructions for an accountant are freely available on the website of this financial organization.

A bank employee can install all the software necessary for the implementation of the project at the accountant’s workplace after concluding a service agreement. For large enterprises, Sber also provides a service such as installing an ATM on site for employees. Bank cards are also issued to employees of the organization on its territory, but only during the first month after joining the project. In the future, employees will have to independently contact the bank branch indicated by the employer to receive a payment instrument.

Who can join the project

Which organization can connect a salary project for its employees? Sberbank makes one requirement for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and other types of legal entities: the monthly wage fund at the enterprise must be 5,000,000 rubles. If the organization's payroll is less than the specified amount, access to the project is closed to it.

Important! To connect to the project, an organization does not have to be at Sberbank for cash management services. However, clients who conduct all financial transactions through Sber receive a good discount on salary transfer services.

The project can be used not only by enterprises, but also by educational institutions - to pay scholarships and benefits to students. The work scheme, as well as the tariffs for services, do not change in this case.

Sberbank salary project - cost of service

The salary product provides two types of tariffs:

  1. “Premier” - with a monthly payroll of 5,000,000 rubles.
  2. “First” – with a monthly payroll of 50,000,000 rubles.

Within each tariff, the bank provides a specific package of services. In the event of an increase in the monthly wage fund (volume of scholarships/benefits), the company can connect an additional package corresponding to the amount of increase. For every 5,000,000 rubles you can connect another “Premier” package, and for every 50,000,000, respectively, a “First” package. As part of these packages, the bank undertakes:

  • issue plastic cards and PIN envelopes for employees of the organization;
  • reissue cards upon expiration of their expiration date;
  • check the registers provided by the enterprise for the correctness of information;
  • notify the company about mistakes made;
  • transfer funds to specified accounts;
  • notify the company about the transfer of funds;
  • provide the company with a transcript of the operations performed.

The cost of participation in a salary project depends on the region in which the enterprise operates, the number of employees, the form of ownership and a number of other features. It should be clarified in Sberbank itself, in the department for working with legal entities. If your organization provides settlement and cash services through Sber, you can obtain information from your personal manager.

How to join the salary project

To introduce a non-cash form of salary payment in your organization, you must first submit an application to Sberbank to join the salary project. You can do this in three ways:

  • contact the bank branch that deals with legal entities;
  • by contacting your personal manager;
  • by sending a request on the website.

In the latter case, on the main page of the Sber website, select the section corresponding to your organization in the top menu ( "Small Business" or "To corporative clients"). After going to the section, click on the link at the bottom of the screen "Salary project", and on the new page click the button "Send request".

Attention! Before starting to work with the site, do not forget to set the region in which your company operates in its header.

In the application, you will need to indicate the location of your company, the year it was founded, the number of employees and the amount of monthly payroll. You will also need to leave your contact details (phone number or email) - a bank representative will contact you using them. To make the conversation with him immediately more substantive, in the comments to the application indicate all the questions that interest you; there is a special field for this.

After reviewing the application, an offer agreement will be drawn up with your company, in accordance with which the bank will begin to act. Your organization will be assigned a personal representative who will be responsible for issuing cards to employees, installing the necessary software and resolving any difficulties that arise.

Types of salary cards in Sberbank

As you know, there are many types of plastic cards, and Sberbank can issue almost any of them. Tariffs for legal entities for Sberbank’s salary project largely depend on what form of payment instrument the organization chooses for its employees. The following types of cards can be issued as part of the project:

  • Maestro/Visa Electron;
  • Pro100 “Standard”;
  • Master Card Standard/Visa Classic;
  • Master Card Gold/Visa Gold;
  • Master Card Platinum/Visa Platinum.

Each category of cards has its own characteristics. Thus, a special application can be connected to the Electron Visa, allowing it to be used as a transport card. An overdraft limit is set on debit cards of the PRO100 system, allowing them to be used, if necessary, as credit cards. Maestro cards can be issued in a student version. And, of course, each category of cards has its own tariffs for services and limits on transactions performed.

Important! For employees using salary cards, their issue and maintenance remain free. These expenses are borne by the organization. Many of them account for the cost of her participation in the salary project.

As you can see, this banking offer has quite a lot of nuances. We hope we have helped you understand some of them. For more detailed information, contact the Sberbank department dealing with servicing legal entities.