Shishkhanov family. The family of "Putin's son-in-law" entered the top five richest in Russia

Today we will talk about Mikail Shishkhanov. It's no secret that this personality will not leave anyone indifferent. He is not a singer or an actor, but became famous for his condition. Mikail is a successful Russian businessman and also the president of Binbank.

One of the richest people in Russia

The prosperity of this man can only be envied. His fortune at the end of this year amounted to about 600 million dollars. But there is no need to envy, since he made his way through overwork and optimism in this life. This person deserves not only a deep interest in himself, he is highly respected and loved. Let's talk about everything in order.

Mikail Shishkhanov: biography

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov was born on August 6, 1972. The homeland of the businessman is Chechnya. And to be more precise, the city of Grozny. The name Mikail was given by his mother, as she considered "Mikail" one of the main angels close to Allah.

From early childhood, Mikail did not even dare to think about a great future and wealth. His dreams were banal, like those of ordinary children: he dreamed of treating people and helping them to be healthy, that is, to be a doctor. For a while, he even worked as a nurse in an ambulance. Soon the boy realized that medicine was far from his course. He was business style, suit and elegance. Banking is the area in which you had to try yourself. He did just that. Moreover, Shishkhanov had support in the person of his uncle - Shishkhanov Mikail Gutseriev.

Successful business career

Mikail was a very diligent and purposeful young man. Therefore, without waiting for the end of his studies, he began his career. The first place of his work was the "Industrial and financial company" BIN "". This company was created by his uncle. Initially, Mikail was accepted as an ordinary financier, but after a while he quickly rose to become the CEO.

Two more years passed, and Shishkhanov changed his place of work. It was necessary to further realize themselves and conquer new heights. He got a job at Binbank. There were many jobs waiting for him. Initially, since 1996, he served as chairman of the board. Mikail worked in this position for 19 years. Since 2015, he has been promoted and he becomes the Head of the Board of Directors of Binbank.

However, Mikail did not forget about his studies. In 1995, he graduated with honors from the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University (Faculty of Economics and Law) with a Master's degree. After 3 years he defended his dissertation and became a candidate of legal sciences.
Mikail continued self-development and did not stop there. In 2000, he received a diploma from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2002, Shishkhanov became a doctor of economic sciences. After that, he can safely be called a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Mikail Shishkhanov: nationality
As you already understood, our hero is not Russian by nationality. Judging by his place of birth, Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov is a Chechen. But to be more precise, his nationality is Ingush. An interesting fact: the Ingush are purposeful, responsive and assertive people. Maybe that's why this person has reached such heights and successes in his life.

The businessman has no problems with his personal life. Despite his popularity, exemplary husband and father Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov. His wife Svetlana and four charming children, three daughters and one son are his real wealth.

Mikail's oldest daughter is Nicole, she is already 20 years old. The girl is very interesting and beautiful. Nicole is currently studying in England. She is interested in the marketing industry. In America, the girl has already had time to practice with the best marketers. Her hobby is diving. Nicole is in no hurry to get married, but the girl already has a picture of the male ideal in her head: her husband should be a reflection of her father, just as kind, smart and courageous.

Despite good manners and good manners, the girl is close to secular parties. She can often be found at any event. In 2016, Nicole with her father, mother and younger sister Angelina was seen at the next ball. But this is not the first and not the last time. She loves to be in society. She is often accompanied by her father, Mikail Shishkhanov. The businessman's family is shown in the photo below.

A businessman sees his future in children. Very often, in interviews with journalists, he voices his main dream of life: "I want my loved ones to be alive and well!" From this phrase, you can immediately understand what he thinks first of all not about himself, but about his relatives Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov. Children appreciate it, because it is very important!

Celebrity Wife

Svetlana is a wonderful wife and caring mother of 4 children. She manages to show off her impeccability both in the family and in social life. Reporters constantly emphasize the woman's optimism and kindness. Svetlana often visits Moscow, London and Los Angeles.

Shishkhanova Svetlana is very well versed in fashion and new trends. That is why she owns the showroom. Its main direction is children's clothing. Originally a woman from Odessa. Ukrainian cuisine is close and familiar to her since childhood. But she's not popular enough. In this regard, Svetlana, led by her relative, decided to open a restaurant and show people how delicious the cuisine of Ukraine, in particular Odessa, can be.

Mikail's achievements

Mikail Osmanovich Shishkhanov is the author of two monographs, many books and articles. The main topics are economics and jurisprudence. Michael loves both active and relaxing holidays. From sports, boxing and chess are close to him. A man considers reading books and watching intellectual programs to be a passive pastime.

For several years in a row, Mikail, together with Binbank, was a sponsor of the famous program "What? Where? When?".

The businessman does not stand aside and takes an active part in the life of the banking community. And to be more precise, he is a member of the Moscow Banking Union.
In 2008, Shishkhanov was recognized as the best banker of the year. In 2009 he was awarded the Order of the ARB. In 2015, at the 11th national banking award, he was given two honorary titles at once: "Charisma in business", "Name in business".
Shishkhanov also has state awards:

  • a gold star for loyalty to Russia;
  • gold diploma of a patron from the Congress of Russian Mothers.

The billionaire, despite his status, is looking for communication not with the rich, but first of all with smart and interesting people. Mikail says that most of all in people he despises such qualities as laziness, stupidity and a tendency to lie. The motto with which he goes through life is: "Whatever the situation, you need to remain honest, first of all, with yourself."

Shishkhanov and his uncle Gutseriev

It's no secret to anyone that Shishkhanov and Gutseriev, in addition to family ties, have many common goals, projects and, of course, they have a common business.

For example, together they have at their disposal about 96% of the shares of Binbank. In addition, they are co-owners of a group of non-state funds such as:

  • "Confidence";
  • Mospromstroy fund.

Together, billionaires have achieved so many heights. They help each other both in business and in life.

Stability is a sign of mastery: has been with Binbank for 20 years

Mikail Shishkhanov and Binbank are two indivisible concepts. The institution has been in existence for over 20 years. Binbank owner Mikail Shishkhanov tries to periodically visit all branches and control the situation. Employees speak of Mikail as an open, kind and interesting person with whom there is something to talk about.

Not so long ago, Shishkhanov visited Veliky Novgorod, where one of the newest branches of Binbank is located. Literally in a year, the bank managed to reach great heights. High results and indicators pleased both the bank's clients and Mikhail himself. Arsen Davtyan, General Director of CJSC "Proektstroy", came to the meeting with the President. He wanted to personally get acquainted with Mikail and express gratitude to the bank employees for their high performance.

Peter Morsin, Senior Vice President, could not miss this. He was greeted with all honors: bread, salt and folk songs. The invited guests, having entered the Novgorod branch, received birch bark certificates and a lot of pleasant impressions. The modern, functional, beautiful and cozy office of the bank did not leave anyone indifferent. I was especially impressed by the design of the room: successfully combined shades of blue and sunny orange create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and something homely. Each guest was charged with a share of positive and good mood.

About the logo and design of the bank, Shishkhanov was repeatedly asked questions from journalists. He explained without hesitation that the logo used to be more complex. Over the years, it has been greatly simplified and added brightness. Only one detail remains unchanged: the drawing of a swallow soaring over the waves of the ocean. It symbolizes freedom and confidence.

Binbank does not stop there and sets new ambitious goals:

  • become one of the best private banks in Russia;
  • open many more branches in different parts of the country, from Kaliningrad to Eastern Siberia;
  • increase the number of clients.

The bank's strategy is as follows: by 2020, about 400 bank branches should operate. But, judging by the pace of opening branches, the goal will be achieved much earlier.
Mikail Shishkhanov intends to visit all branches of the bank. He likes to feel the atmosphere and look at the work of employees. He is sure that any successful business requires friendly support from the management. Therefore, he tries to establish ties with each of the employees of the bank.

Mikail does not hide the fact that each client of the bank is very valuable to him. In one of the interviews, he said that anyone can get rich. It just requires the right financial instrument. He offers Binbank as this tool.

Journalists about businessman

Once the head of the bank was asked a tricky question about his opinion about loans. And to be more precise, there was a wording like this: "Every year the population takes more and more loans, but they cannot repay them in the future! What do you think about this?" To which he replied: “Thoughts always materialize. We must live for today, not tomorrow, and then everything will be fine! Each of us has freedom and the right to choose! Different situations happen in the life of every person ... It happens that money is just are vital. Binbank is ready to help everyone. Our clients are our everything!". These words were spoken with such selflessness that everyone was shocked.

Shishkhanov also says that changes will soon take place in the country. Microcredit and express loans will be cut and tightened. Thus, there will be a cleansing of the market.

Mikail has already experienced more than one crisis. The crises of 1995, 1997, 1998, 2004 and 2008 are familiar to the billionaire firsthand. That is why he is no longer afraid of them and says that there will be no global negative changes yet. According to him, the forecast is the most positive.

Binbank will soon turn 20 years old. In this regard, Shishkhanov intends to arrange a sea expedition on the Kruzenshtern sailboat. Employees and clients of the bank, as well as travel journalist Mikhail Kozhukhov will be invited.

How does a billionaire rest

Not so long ago, the news spread around the press that Gutseriev's nephew, Shishkhanov Mikail Osmanovich, had arranged not just a party, but a whole party at a villa in Miami. The man thus decided to celebrate one of the main holidays in Russia - the New Year! One can only envy those who managed to attend a chic event.

Mikail rented the entire mansion of a famous billionaire and invited many pop stars there. They performed all night, showing stunning numbers, and also rested in the company of such a famous person as Shishkhanov.

I must say that Shishkhanov's uncle, Gutseriev, also loves to walk on a grand scale. He celebrated the wedding of his son with chic and brilliance. This event happened in the middle of last year. Journalists and ordinary people talked about him for a long time. Most of all, the people were surprised by the amount of money spent in one day.

Not so long ago, the billionaire married his only son. This event could not pass modestly. Despite the fact that only the closest relatives and friends of the family were at the wedding, the party was shocking. Pop stars came to congratulate the newlyweds: Svetlana Loboda and Nikolai Baskov. They performed their best compositions and personally congratulated the newlyweds on the birth of a new family.

This concludes our article. As you understand, Mikail Shishkhanov is an ordinary person who works tirelessly, but if possible, does not mind taking a break. He has many goals and plans. There is so much to learn from people like him! His views on life and beliefs are surprising and impressive at the same time. Willpower, assertiveness, combined with kindness, openness and optimism make a person truly great and famous.

This leads to the conclusion: no matter what position you occupy, what power and state you have, you must always remain a good person: do not deceive, do not humiliate or offend people. What does Mikail Shishkhanov do! For this we thank him and wish him further career growth, prosperity and health to his wonderful family!

Search by " Gutseriev Shishkhanov"results: Gutseriev - 266, Shishkhanov - 76.

results 1 to 20 from 51 .

Searching results:

1. Forbes sued Safmar. In the ranking of the richest families Forbes 2019, which was published in the September issue, the family Gutseriev took first place with a total fortune of $ 5.65 billion. Of these, $ 3.8 billion came from Mikhail Gutseriev. When calculating the condition, the debts of the companies of the Safmar group on bank loans were taken into account. Mikail Shishkhanov was last listed by Forbes in 2017 with a net worth of $2.3 billion.
Date: 10/22/2019 2. "Binbank": it was yours, it's ours. Or, to put it simply, he took up raiding, following the example of his founder Mikhail Gutseriev. Case of the clan Bankir Michael Shishkhanov became overnight, at the behest of the family. Having founded Binbank in 1993, Gutseriev a year later, he handed it over to his nephew, who had just graduated from the institute.
Date: 07/15/2008 3. The richest family clans in Russia ("Russian Forbes" - 2018). A similar story happened in the clan of Michael Gutseriev, the founder of the Safmar group: when the Central Bank had claims against Binbank, Gutseriev sent his nephew Mikail to solve the problems of the bank Shishkhanova, the family's chief financier, major shareholder and president of the family bank. In "divorce" Shishkhanov Binbank, all the preferred shares of RussNeft and 49% of the shares of the construction company A101 got. Shishkhanov transferred all these assets to the sinking Binbank, and the bank itself fell under the reorganization of the Central Bank and passed ...
Date: 09/07/2018 4. 10 richest families in Russia (Forbes rating). In other assets (Russian coal, finance and real estate) Gutseriev owns just over half. Sait Salam with Shishkhanov in most cases they share the remaining 49% equally. The exception is Binbank, where Shishkhanova almost 60% of the shares, and Mikhail Gutseriev- 39%. The elder brother in the Khamzat family, according to Gutseriev, it is not necessary to have a share in the business: he is 61 years old, he is a lieutenant general, the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia, and he participates not in the capital of the group, but in its profits. Son Gutseriev Said...
Date: 08/25/2016 5. Live on a pension. NPFs that were not corporatized and did not fall into the DIA system transferred pension savings to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Most of the pension savings - 1.2 trillion rubles - belong to four private groups formed in the past five years: "Safmar" of billionaires Mikhail Gutseriev and Mikayil Shishkhanova, “Opening” by banker Vadim Belyaev, O1 Group by developer Boris Mints, “Alor” by financier Anatoly Gavrilenko Sr.
Date: 09/12/2016 6. Binbank: an organized banking group. The cousin of the President of Binbank Adlan made a lot of noise in Ukraine Shishkhanov, whom the local press accused of all mortal sins. Over time, the very name of the bank became directly associated with raiding. And in our time, this circumstance greatly hinders business. The first to know about the change in the state course in relation to corporate takeovers was the head of the clan, Mikhail Gutseriev.
Date: 07/21/2008 7. Oil slick on the reputation of "ForteInvest" for 2 billion rubles. According to Flightradar, the Embraer Legacy 600 aircraft, which, according to Open Media, belongs to Mikhail Gutseriev, left Moscow on December 17, stayed for about an hour in Verona, and then flew to Minsk. Nephew Gutseriev Mikail Shishkhanov told RBC that information about the departure of Mikhail and Said Gutseriev- “not true”, they are in Russia. "He [Michael Gutseriev] in the workplace,” RBC said Shishkhanov. “All companies of the Safmar group and its leader Mikhail Gutseriev working normally...
Date: 12/19/2019 8. Top-77 (Forbes-2016). Among the newcomers to the ranking of world billionaires Mikail Shishkhanov(state - $ 1.6 billion, place in the world ranking - 1110), Sait-Salam Gutseriev(wealth - $ 1.5 billion, place in the world ranking - 1187), Leonid Boguslavsky (wealth - $ 1.2 billion, place in the world ranking - 1466) and Kirill Shamalov (wealth - $ 1.2 billion, place in the world ranking - 1466 ).
Date: 03/02/2016 9. 10 richest families in Russia (Forbes-2014). In second place with $4.85 billion is a large family Gutseriev: brothers Mikhail, Sait-Salam and Khamzat and their nephew Mikail Shishkhanov.
Date: 09/16/2014 10. Who is who in the "Golden Hundred" -2007. 81. Michael Shishkhanov$790 million Finance 34 years old, married Mikhail Shishkhanov- the youngest member of both the "Golden Hundred" and the family business of the BIN group. The head of the clan is the President of RussNeft Mikhail Gutseriev(No. 31) .Michael's brother Website (No. 90) is in charge of the group's real estate. Nephew of the President of RussNeft Mikhail Shishkhanov placed in charge of finance. The new generation of entrepreneurs has new rules of the game. If in general a family business Gutseriev remains opaque to an outside observer, then ...
Date: 20.04.2006 11. From Michael Gutseriev took a written undertaking not to leave. From Michael Gutseriev took a written undertaking not to leave Anton Stepanov [...] Bank According to TD, the case Gutseriev could also affect the part of the empire Gutseriev BIN Bank. According to a source close to RussNeft, President of BIN-Bank Mikhail Shishkhanov visited the prosecutor's office at the same time Gutseriev and was released on Sunday. In the bank itself, the fact of detention Shishkhanova they deny and assure that the banker was not at all in law enforcement agencies, but on vacation - on the Black Sea coast - and precisely ...
Date: 01/30/2007 12. Top-500 ("Finance", 2007). ... of PIK, a large construction developer 13.8 520 98 Yuri Zhukov 1969 Co-owner of the PIK group, which he controls on a parity basis with Kirill Pisarev (No. 97) 13.8 520 99 Mikhail Shishkhanov 1972 Co-owner of Binbank, shareholders are also Suleiman Kerimov (No. 8) and Sait-Salam Gutseriev(No. 43) 13.6 510 100 Alexei Bogachev 1970 Co-owner of the Magnit retail chain - partner of Sergei Galitsky (No. 45), also controls Sistema Bank 13.6 510 101 Zelimkhan Mutsoev 1959 Deputy of the State ...
Date: 02/12/2007 13. Hosts of Tverskaya. ... Yakub Yakubov, and a simple oilman Mikhail Gutseriev(see ranking [...]). Family Gutseriev Michael Gutseriev Mikail Shishkhanov“All that my brother Sait-Salam [ Gutseriev] and nephew Mikail Shishkhanov earned, we invested in real estate,” Mikhail Russneft, the founder of Russneft, said in an interview with Vedomosti. Gutseriev. family Gutseriev only on Tverskaya there are hotels, offices and retail premises with a total area of ​​​​about 178,000 square meters. m. Gutseriev bought almost all the luxury hotels on...
Date: 11/12/2012 14. 50 richest business families in Russia. 1 +1 Ananievs 6.50 +41 Promsvyazbank, Promsvyazkapital Aleksey 43 3.25 Brother Chairman of the Board of Directors of Promsvyazbank 1964 Dmitry 44 3.25 Brother Member of the Federation Council 1969 2 -1 Gutseriev 5.80 +17 RussNeft, Binbank Mikhail 36 3.60 Brother, uncle Founder of RussNeft 1958 Mikail ( Shishkhanov) 124 1.00 Nephew, cousin President of Binbank 1972 Sait-Salam 89 1.15 Brother Manages family property 1959 Adlan ( Shishkhanov) 0.05* Cousin Owner of Moldavian FC Dacia 1973 3 +3 ...
Date: 05/17/2011 15. Who owns the most expensive real estate near the Kremlin. And despite all this tightness, hotels, offices and shopping malls were bought here by Roman Abramovich, Suleiman Kerimov, Arkady Rotenberg, Dmitry Rybolovlev, Alexander Zanadvorov, Mikhail and Sait-Salam Gutseriev, Mikail Shishkhanov and many other members of the Forbes list.
Date: 02/26/2013 16. Russneft is suspected of a deal with Yukos. ... considered Michael Gutseriev. In the same year, she went to work at RussNeft as Deputy Director of the Legal Department for Claims. In February 2003, she was elected to the board of directors of Vareganneftegaz, which is part of Russneft. But in the company of Michael Gutseriev claim that Ms. Chudina left the structures of RussNeft back in 2003. It is interesting that yesterday the President of BIN-Bank (through a subsidiary controls 20% of the shares of RussNeft) Mikhail Shishkhanov said that...
Date: 06/21/2005 17. Kings of Russian real estate - 2015 (Forbes rating). [...] *** 4. Michael Gutseriev, Sait Salam Gutseriev, Mikail Shishkhanov Company: BIN Group Income from rent: $615 million Main objects: Mega Belaya Dacha (222,000 sq. m), Khimki Business Park (42,000 sq. m) Retail space (sq. m): 180,000 Office space (sq. m.): 291,000 Warehouse space (sq. m.): 1,140,000 Number of hotel rooms: 2,384 Over the year: In the summer of 2014, BIN acquired an unfinished hotel and office complex near the Olimpiysky sports complex from the Bank of Moscow structures for 5 billion rubles .
Date: 01/29/2015 18. Kings of Russian real estate - 2014 (Forbes rating). *** No. 4. BIN Group Owners: Sait-Salam Gutseriev, Michael Gutseriev, Mikail Shishkhanov Forbes rating: Shishkhanov- No. 142, fortune - $0.75 billion; Michael Gutseriev- No. 34, fortune - $3 billion; Sait Salam Gutseriev- No. 155, state - $ 0.65 billion Rental income: $ 710 million Largest objects: Kaleidoscope shopping center (45,000 sq. m.), Marriott Grand Hotel (392 rooms), Severnoye Domodedovo logistics complex (540 000 sq. m).
Date: 02/03/2014 19. Top-468 ("Finance"). ... Alexander Kosyanenko 1964 General Director Perekrestok 70 2.0 276 Sergey Zuev 1955 General Director Le max 70 2.0 277 Ivan Savvidi 1959 State Duma deputy Donskoy Tabak 70 2.0 278 Sait Gutseriev 1959 Member of the State Duma PFC BIN 70 2.0 279 Mikhail Shishkhanov 1972 President of BIN-Bank 70 2.0 280 Mikhail Yurevich 1969 Deputy of the State Duma Makfa 70 2.0 281 Olga Belyavskaya General Director Assol Lebedyansky 70 2.0 282 Konstantin Voloshin Entrepreneur Lebedyansky 70 2 ...
Date: 07.02.2005 20. Berezovsky may take assets and real estate from Ruslan Fomichev. Nephew Gutseriev helps Fomichev develop real estate in Ufa Today, Fomichev and Peganov head the board of directors of the Bashinvest group of companies. This Ufa holding manages the Bashkortostan exhibition complex, on the basis of which the UfaPlaza shopping mall is being built, and the Central Market shopping mall, and is building a shopping mall in Sterlitamak. Finances the projects of Binbank Mikhail Shishkhanova, who is the nephew of Mikhail Gutseriev.
Date: 06/23/2010

One of the largest household appliances and electronics chains in Russia, Eldorado, has changed its owner: the Czech companies PPF Group and EMMA Capital sold it to the Safmar group, which is controlled by the Shishkhanov-Gutseriev family.

Czech PPF Group N.V. Peter Kellner and the Czech EMMA Capital Jiri Smeits sold 100% of Eldorado to investors associated with the Safmar financial group. This is stated in the message "Eldorado". The terms of the deal were not disclosed. The Federal Antimonopoly Service has already approved it.

“The deal was implemented in accordance with the Eldorado development plan, while, according to the agreement, top management and management will continue to work in the company,” says Eldorado CEO Mikhail Nikitin, quoted in the company's statement.

The fact that the Shishkhanov-Gutseriev family (the Samfar group, the former BIN) is interested in this purchase became known in August. As Kommersant previously reported, the Safmar group already has an asset in the BT&E retail: at the end of last year, it acquired Technosila, which the group got after buying MDM Bank. This network at the end of 2015 managed 85 objects.

In turn, Eldorado manages 412 hypermarkets (company data as of June 30) with a total area of ​​756 thousand square meters. m. Their revenue for the nine months of 2016 increased by 17.4% and amounted to 91.6 billion rubles. In February last year, the retailer's shareholders allocated 7.3 billion rubles to the company. for development. As Kommersant reported, the company decided to use these funds to open new stores - 50 each in 2015 and 2016. In addition, for the past two years, the company has been actively working to expand its product range with goods for the home, summer cottages, children, etc. In April of this year, Eldorado changed its CEO: Mikhail Nikitin took this post instead of Ondrej Friedrich.

Eldorado is one of the largest electronics and household appliances retail chains in Russia, founded in 1994. The Czech group PPF entered the capital of the retailer in 2009.

How Technosila was going to increase sales due to new consumers

Technosila, following its competitor Eldorado, at the end of 2015 significantly expanded its range of products. The retailer was going to sell not only household appliances and electronics, but also children's toys, sports equipment and household goods. In a declining electronics market, such a business model would allow fivefold revenue growth and a twofold increase in the number of stores in four years, the company expected.

Why the CEO of Eldorado left the company

A Kommersant source familiar with the situation told about the changes in the leadership of Eldorado. Irina Tseplinskaya, director of public relations for the network, confirmed this information. The interlocutor of Kommersant specified that Mr. Friedrich is moving to a new position in the PPF group of companies (owns 80% of the retailer). PPF declined to comment. “During the leadership of Eldorado, Ondrey led the company to excellent results. His knowledge and experience allow him today to take on new challenges and take up a new position,” wrote the retailer's shareholder Jiří Šmeits.

Despite the presence of a financial cushion, the family willingly develops on credit money.

“Fanatical discipline, empirical creativity, productive paranoia,” businessman and famous songwriter Gutseriev explained the basic principles of his business to Forbes a year ago. Plus the financial cushion accumulated abroad, he added. And also the use of financial opportunities within the group - he shared six months ago in an interview with RBC. All this, according to the businessman, despite the decline in the value of the family's main assets - oil and real estate, allowed her business, for the most part united in the Bin and Safmar groups, to grow rapidly in recent years. The most important roles in the family clan are played by Mikhail Gutseriev himself, his younger brother Sait-Salam Gutseriev and nephew Mikail Shishkhanov.

Return of growth

The question of where the Gutseriev family clan gets money to acquire assets worth $1 billion annually has been worrying competitors since about the beginning of 2010. Just then, Gutseriev returned from London, where he had to go, as the tax authorities accused the Russneft shareholder companies of evading from paying taxes and tried to recover the shares of the oil company in state revenue. The charges were dropped and the business began to grow. Now the family has 10 banks, two large pension funds, two prominent oil companies, three developers and 4 million square meters. m of real estate.

Most transactions are financed by banks, about 30% of own funds are collected, Gutseriev explained several years ago. But after 2014, lending became more difficult. As with own funds: oil prices, followed by income from commercial real estate fell sharply. Office, retail and hotel real estate now creates half the cash flow than in 2013, major developers complained to Vedomosti. The main creditor of the Bin group, Sberbank, to which the group owed $5 billion out of $8 billion in total debt in 2015, was dissatisfied with the fact that loans issued to its oil structures go to real estate, including to finance development risky in a crisis. projects, an acquaintance of Gutseriev told Vedomosti and confirmed by a bank employee. Due to the caution of the banks, the group fell through two major transactions: in early 2015, it did not find 13.26 billion rubles to pay for the Novinsky Passage shopping center won at the auction, and in early 2016 it was unable to take out a loan, to buy "Voentorg" on Vozdvizhenka. But these setbacks are lost against the backdrop of other major deals carried out by the group over the past two years.

In 2015, the Bin group bought MDM Bank, pension funds, the development business of Rusagro owner Vadim Moshkovich, along with 2,400 hectares of land in the new Moscow, and also became a sanatorium of Rost Bank (later this status was transferred to Shishkhanov) . In addition, Gutseriev earned $700 million by exercising oil options, with which he, on the advice of Sberbank President German Gref, hedged against falling commodity prices.

It is not surprising that in the Forbes ranking of the richest Russians in 2016, the uncle and nephew seriously strengthened their positions. Gutseriev moved from 38th place to 16th, having more than doubled his fortune - from $2.4 billion to $5.9 billion. And Shishkhanov moved from 139th place to 49th, increasing his fortune from $600 million to $ 1.6 billion. The fortune of the family alliance, according to Forbes, also more than doubled to $ 9.8 billion, which put it in first place in the Forbes ranking of the richest Russian families.

The family hasn't slowed down this year. Its structures continued to buy pension funds, held an IPO of RussNeft, which was the first oil placement in a decade. The sale of a 20% stake in Russneft brought the Gutseriev family 32.4 billion rubles, and the SPO of the leasing company Europlan brought 15 billion rubles. structures of Gutseriev and Shishkhanov. The money raised immediately went into action: the Gutserievs acquired 100% of the Eldorado electronics and household appliances retail chain - according to experts, for 26 billion rubles. A few days later, they agreed to buy out a controlling stake in for $726 million. Taking into account Technosila, whose assets were pledged in MDM Bank, all three largest electronic networks were actually under the control of the family. How did she do it?

Internal Capabilities

Gutseriev made his latest real estate acquisitions using money from pension funds, according to two major Moscow developers. The group has five funds, since this year all of them, except for NPF Doverie, have merged into NPF Safmar.

Judging by the registration data, most of the family's real estate is pledged to banks, primarily Sberbank, VTB and Alfa-Bank. In August 2015, two objects of the Gutserievs were pledged to the holders of ISU-3 (mortgage participation certificates) issued in the fall of 2014 by the management company Capital Mutual Investment Funds (Kapital PIF), through which Safmar pension funds invest. This is the famous Petrovsky passage on the street. Petrovka - in it, according to registration data, 11,000 sq. m of space and land. As well as the Integral business center: out of 70,000 sq. m of the area of ​​the latter from the holders of certificates in pledge of at least 46,000 sq. m. And the real estate of the Derbenevka Moscow yeast plant, on the territory of which a multifunctional center is to be built, has been mortgaged from EFG Asset Management since August 2016, as the trustee of the ZPIF Mandarin. This UK is the trustee of the Safmar funds. The structure of the investment portfolios of the Safmara funds is not disclosed, a spokesman for the group said. But an employee of one of the management companies confirmed to Vedomosti that at least the Petrovsky Passage was pledged to the funds. “This is a completely normal investment in high-quality real estate, the Central Bank is aware of it, it does not raise questions,” he assures. The Central Bank does not comment on the work of existing organizations, a representative of the regulator replied to a request to confirm this information.

Yeast and leasing: how structures of the Gutserievs and Shishkhanovs borrow and lend

July 2014

Moscow LLC "Stroyzhilinvest" placed bonds for 3 billion rubles. Papers for 1 billion rubles. acquired Binbank
August - November 2014
Stroyzhilinvest provided a loan of 3 billion rubles. co-investor in the construction of the MFC "Derbenevka" with an area of ​​100,000 sq. m on the territory of the Moscow Yeast Plant - A-invest LLC secured by a 100% share in the capital and the right to claim 25,000 sq. m
December 2014
Stroyzhilinvest placed bonds for 3 billion rubles. Binbank purchased them. Stroyzhilinvest provided a loan of 3 billion rubles. "A-Invest". The borrower increased the right to claim Derbenevka to 60,000 sq. m. m
April - May 2015
Stroyzhilinvest placed bonds for 8 billion rubles. and pledged the right to claim against "A-Invest" MC "Bin Finam Group" and EFG "Asset Management"
June - August 2015
Binbank announced its intention to acquire 100% of the shares of the Europlan leasing company from private equity funds Baring Vostok and Capital International
August - September 2015
Stroyzhilinvest provided a loan of 8.2 billion rubles. Cypriot Cendonbridge Global Limited Mikail Shishkhanov. She pledged to Stroyzhilinvest 70% of the Cypriot Europlan Holdings Limited, the owner of 100% of the shares of the Russian Europlan. The collateral value is set at 8.4 billion rubles.

Internal interaction

How interaction within the group helps the structures of the Gutserievs to find money can be judged by the example of the history of the purchase of the leasing company Europlan.

From the spring of 2014 to the spring of 2015, a certain Stroyzhilinvest LLC, owned, according to SPARK, by several ladies who were not seen in other business projects, and according to Rusrating, “one of the richest people in Russia, constantly included in top 50 Russian Forbes "began to place loans: a total of 14 billion rubles. The securities were bought by reputable financial institutions, including Binbank. At the same time, Stroyzhilinvest for 6 billion rubles. granted a loan to A-Invest, a co-investor in a hotel and office complex with an area of ​​100,000 sq. m on the territory of the Moscow Derbenevka Yeast Plant, having received as a pledge the right to claim a large part of the project. By the way, he remortgaged them to the management company of the Safmar group, including EFG Asset Management, to which he later pledged the right to lease the land plot under the plant.

Active year of Mikhail Gutseriev

Another loan - for 8.2 billion rubles. Stroyzhilinvest provided Cendonbridge Global Limited to Shishkhanov's Cypriot company. Just shortly after Binbank in July 2015 announced its intention to acquire 100% of the Europlan leasing company from private equity funds Baring Vostok and Capital International. After the transaction, the offshore transferred Europlan as a pledge to Stroyzhilinvest, determining its collateral value at 8.4 billion rubles. Whether this corresponds to the purchase price of Europlan, the representative of Safmar did not say. The structures of the group do not participate in the capital of Stroyzhilinvest, he said.

Placing with the unknown

The placements of Europlan and RussNeft, carried out by them on the Moscow Exchange over the past year, are called strange deals on the market. In both cases, the organizers did not provide large-scale marketing support to the placements, but received oversubscription with the active participation of individuals. The majority of buyers of RussNeft and Europlan shares are still unknown. The companies of the Safmar group did not buy shares of Russneft and Europlan on the Moscow Stock Exchange, emphasizes the representative of Safmar. All securities sold during the IPO and SPO were acquired by third-party investors, he adds. A representative of Binbank also denied participation in these transactions.

Indeed, pension funds did not participate in Europlan's IPO in December 2015. During placements, they can buy shares of companies only with pension reserves, and not with savings. But in January 2016, Europlan's shares "on the secondary market" were bought by five pension funds of the Bin group, as well as NPF Russian Standard by Boris Mints (now it is called Our Future and is part of NPF Future) - The purchase was made using funded pensions. NPFs own these stakes through trustees - EFG Asset Management and Bin Finam.

In November 2016, NPF Safmar sold all the shares of Europlan on the market, the buyer is not known, they remained with NPF Doverie, but Shishkhanov promised to sell them. In the portfolio of NPF "Future" there are shares of "Europlan" for 734 million rubles, confirmed the representative of the fund. This is approximately 4.4% of the company's capital, given that its capitalization as of December 23 was 16.6 billion rubles.

Two people from the index committee of the Moscow Exchange told Vedomosti that Europlan representatives are making serious efforts to get into the MICEX index. Private pension funds can buy more of the issuer's securities included in the MICEX index with pension savings.

Oil without debt

A year before the IPO, which took place in November 2016, Russneft, which is one of the ten largest oil companies in Russia, went through a phased “clearing” of debts that amounted to $5.3 billion as of November 2015.

At the end of 2015, Belyrian Holdings, controlled by the Gutseriev family, converted Russneft's $1.59 billion debt into shares in the oil company, and Glencore did the same ($1.5 billion). Debt obligations were repaid by increasing the share of the main shareholders - creditors of the oil company, a Safmar representative said. The family structures of Gutseriev and Shishkhanov eventually received 54% of RussNeft, and Glencore - 46%.

Gutseriev told Forbes that he had reduced his debt through a "financial cushion." It looks like it was formed like this. In June 2016, Shishkhanov said that SPV companies owned by Belyrian Holdings issued bonds for 100 billion rubles. ($1.5 billion). Third-party structures redeemed bonds, Shishkhanov said. But soon most of the papers were acquired by Region-Invest LLC and Digital-Invest LLC, affiliated with the structures of the Gutserievs. As collateral, Belyrian Holdings gave them a 33.1% stake in RussNeft as collateral.

Then the debt of Russneft was reduced by more than $1 billion. In the first quarter of 2016, GCM Global Energy, controlled by the Gutseriev family and Shishkhanov, converted $154 million into the capital of Russneft, and Belyrian Holdings did this with a debt of $1 billion. As a result, In August 2016, the share of Glencore decreased to a blocking stake (from 46%), and the Gutseriev family increased from 54 to 75% (its shares in the offshore that controls RussNeft, judging by the Cypriot register, are distributed as follows - 50% from Mikhail Gutseriev, 20% from his son Said Gutseriev, 15% each from Sait-Salam Gutseriev and Shishkhanov).

At what expense this debt was extinguished is not known. But it is known that the buyers of the bonds of Belyrian, Digital-invest and Region-invest issued their debt securities: in 2016 alone, for 100 billion rubles. Among the buyers of bonds were large pension funds, two investment bankers know. The representative of Safmar did not say whether there are bonds of Digital-Invest and Region-Invest in the Gutserievs' investment fund portfolio.

As a result, RussNeft approached the placement with a debt of $1.4 billion, of which $1.3 billion fell to VTB. Further reduction of the debt burden will be carried out with the help of profit from the core activities of Russneft, sources of financing for the purchase of Orenburg oil-producing assets announced in November are being worked out, a representative of the Safmar group said.

Oil history

Gutseriev began to build his own oil empire in 2002, after he was fired from the post of president of the state company Slavneft. In an interview with Vedomosti in 2004, the businessman explained: “I calmly resigned as head of a state-owned company and realized that I just needed to create my own company. So that no one from the officials could ever call me again and say: “Go away.” He bought assets for the future RussNeft with the money of the Swiss trader Glencore, who in 2003 provided at least $300 million for the purchase of new fields, receiving in return from 40 to 49% in the three producing subsidiaries of RussNeft - Varyoganneft, "Ulyanovskneft" and "Nafta-Ulyanovsk". By 2007, RussNeft had bought up about 30 small companies with total recoverable reserves of more than 600 million tons of oil. As of June 30, 2007, the main creditors were Glencore ($1.6 bn) and Sberbank ($1 bn), which received shares of Russneft itself as collateral.

In November 2006, the Prosecutor General's Office opened criminal cases on the fact of illegal business in relation to the subsidiaries of RussNeft. In January 2007, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of non-payment of taxes by RussNeft on an especially large scale. Personally, Gutseriev was accused of tax evasion and illegal business, and they took a written undertaking not to leave. At the same time, the Federal Tax Service demanded in court that the shares of RussNeft be recovered from the state, and they were arrested at the request of the investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In July 2007, Gutseriev offered Oleg Deripaska to buy RussNeft from him. Gutseriev earned a net $2.8 billion for the company. Under an agreement with Deripaska, he was obliged to buy the company back if the FAS did not agree on a deal within two years or if force majeure occurs.

In an interview with Vedomosti in 2010, Gutseriev said: “<...>a few days after the sale of RussNeft, my friend and I got into the car at night and in the morning we were already in Minsk. They took turns driving. In Minsk, a private plane was already waiting for me, and I flew away.” The billionaire left for London and was able to return to Russia only in 2009.
He disposed of the proceeds as follows: he invested $1 billion in oil fields in Azerbaijan, another $160 million in Mauritania, and another $1 billion in other countries (agricultural business in Turkey - pomegranate and orange plantations, greenhouses with an area of ​​1 million square meters, a hotel , as well as commercial real estate in Kiev and London). The assets were merged into the Neftisa oil company created by Gutseriev.

After returning in early 2010, Gutseriev bought Russneft back from Deripaska (the FAS never agreed on the purchase of the oil company by the billionaire). In two years, the company found itself in a difficult situation - the debt grew from $2 billion to $7 billion, and production fell from 14.8 million to 11.2 million tons. Gutseriev wanted to merge Russneft with Bashneft in two or three years and carry out IPO of the combined company. To do this, in the spring of 2010, he offered 49% of Russneft free of charge to the owner of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov (then controlled Bashneft), who refused this offer and bought a stake for $ 100 million. Gutseriev himself said that it was Yevtushenkov’s participation and President of Sberbank German Gref allowed him to return to his homeland.

In 2012-2013 11 enterprises that provided a third of RussNeft's production were transferred to Neftisa. Gutseriev explained that he could not lend them through RussNeft because of its high debt. The sole owner of Neftisa is the Cypriot Dolmer Enterprises. Over the past two years, Gutseriev has earned more than $700 million hedging the risks of falling oil prices thanks to contracts signed by Neftisa in 2014 for 50 million barrels at $85 per barrel. Sberbank earned $50 million. According to Gutseriev, Gref recommended hedging the risks.

In the summer of 2016, Shishkhanov said that if the IPO of Russneft (production - 7.4 million tons in 2015) was successful, then in a year other oil assets of the family could be attached, namely Neftis (production in 2015 city ​​- 6.9 million tons), as well as Orsk and Krasnodar oil refineries (together they process about 9 million tons per year).

Future plans

The Gutserievs will continue to occupy the market. Binbank wants to place Eurobonds for $300-500 million and bonds for 10-20 billion rubles in 2017, Irina Komarova, board member, head of the bank's international business, financial institutions and capital markets, told Bloomberg. In addition, the bank is considering issuing papers in euros and Swiss francs under its existing Euro Commercial Paper (ECP) program. According to her, the bank also has a mandate to place VSK bonds, she said. Now the total volume of outstanding bonds of the credit institution in different currencies is about 123 billion rubles. The bank is ready to borrow more, but the B rating is holding back these plans: if now the coupon rate on the ruble bonds of Binbank reaches 14.5%, then after the improvement of the credit rating, it may drop to 12%, Komarova said. The bank expects to upgrade its S&P Global Ratings to B+ from B following the publication of its 2016 IFRS financials, which will be the first since the merger with MDM Bank. As Komarova noted, expectations of positive rating actions are also associated with the planned injection of 25 billion rubles into the capital. by Mikhail Gutseriev and Shishkhanov.

To all appearances, it will be easier for the Gutserievs to borrow from banks, whose favor is returning as oil prices rise. Judging by the data of the Cypriot registry, on September 15, 2016, Sberbank provided a non-revolving credit line of $ 2.76 billion to Dolmer Enterprises, owned by the Gutserievs. As security, she contributed 100% of the shares of another large oil-producing asset of the family - the Neftisa company.

Despite the financial cushion, the Gutseriev-Shishkhanov family willingly takes loans for business development

Pension funds invest in high-quality real estate owned by the structures of Mikhail Gutseriev and Mikail Shishkhanov, investment bankers know. For example, in the Petrovsky passage / Andrey Gordeev /

“Fanatical discipline, empirical creativity, productive paranoia,” businessman and famous songwriter Gutseriev explained the basic principles of his business to Forbes a year ago. Plus the financial cushion accumulated abroad, he added. And also the use of financial opportunities within the group - he shared six months ago in an interview RBC. All this, according to the businessman, despite the decline in the value of the family's main assets - oil and real estate, allowed her business, for the most part united in the Bin and Safmar groups, to grow rapidly in recent years. The most important roles in the family clan are played by Mikhail Gutseriev himself, his younger brother Sait-Salam Gutseriev and nephew Mikail Shishkhanov.

Return of growth

The question of where the Gutseriev family clan gets money to acquire assets worth $1 billion annually has been worrying competitors since about the beginning of 2010. Just then, Gutseriev returned from London, where he had to go, as the tax authorities accused the RussNeft shareholder companies of evading from paying taxes and tried to recover the shares of the oil company in state revenue (see inset). The charges were dropped and the business began to grow. Now the family has 10 banks, two large pension funds, two prominent oil companies, three developers and 4 million square meters. m of real estate.

Most transactions are financed by banks, about 30% of own funds are collected, Gutseriev explained several years ago. But after 2014, lending became more difficult. As with own funds: oil prices, followed by income from commercial real estate fell sharply. Office, retail and hotel real estate now creates half the cash flow than in 2013, major developers complained to Vedomosti. The main creditor of the Bin group, Sberbank, to whom the group owed $5 billion out of $8 billion in total debt in 2015, was dissatisfied with the fact that loans issued to its oil structures go to real estate, including to finance development projects risky in a crisis, an acquaintance of Gutseriev told Vedomosti and confirmed by a bank employee. Due to the caution of the banks, the group fell through two major transactions: in early 2015, it did not find 13.26 billion rubles to pay for the Novinsky Passage shopping center won at the auction, and in early 2016 it was unable to take out a loan, to buy "Voentorg" on Vozdvizhenka. But these setbacks are lost against the backdrop of other major deals carried out by the group over the past two years.

In 2015, the Bin group bought MDM Bank, pension funds, and the development business of the owner Rusagro"Vadim Moshkovich, along with 2,400 hectares of land in the new Moscow, and also became a sanatorium of Rost Bank (later this status passed to Shishkhanov). In addition, Gutseriev earned $700 million by exercising oil options, with which he, on the advice of Sberbank President German Gref, hedged against falling commodity prices.

It is not surprising that in the Forbes ranking of the richest Russians in 2016, the uncle and nephew seriously strengthened their positions. Gutseriev moved from 38th place to 16th, having more than doubled his fortune - from $2.4 billion to $5.9 billion. And Shishkhanov moved from 139th place to 49th, increasing his fortune from $600 million to $ 1.6 billion. The fortune of the family alliance, according to Forbes, also more than doubled to $ 9.8 billion, which put it in first place in the Forbes ranking of the richest Russian families.

The family hasn't slowed down this year. Its structures continued to buy pension funds, held an IPO of RussNeft, which was the first oil placement in a decade. The sale of a 20% stake in RussNeft brought the Gutseriev family 32.4 billion rubles, and the SPO of the leasing company Europlan» - 15 billion rubles. structures of Gutseriev and Shishkhanov. The Gutserievs acquired 100% of the Eldorado retail chain selling electronics and household appliances - according to experts, for 26 billion rubles. A few days later, they agreed to buy out a controlling stake " M Video"for $ 726 million. Taking into account Technosila, whose assets were pledged in MDM Bank, all three largest" electronic "networks were actually under the control of the family. How did she do it?

Internal Capabilities

Gutseriev made his latest real estate acquisitions using money from pension funds, according to two major Moscow developers. The group has five funds, since this year all of them, except for NPF Doverie, have merged into NPF Safmar.

Judging by the registration data, most of the family's real estate is pledged to banks, primarily Sberbank, VTB and Alfa Bank. In August 2015, two objects of the Gutserievs were pledged to the holders of ISU-3 (mortgage participation certificates) issued in the fall of 2014 by the management company Capital Mutual Investment Funds (Kapital PIF), through which Safmar pension funds invest. This is the famous Petrovsky passage on the street. Petrovka - in it, according to registration data, 11,000 sq. m of space and land. As well as the Integral business center: out of 70,000 sq. m of the area of ​​the latter from the holders of certificates in pledge of at least 46,000 sq. m. And the real estate of the Derbenevka Moscow yeast plant, on the territory of which a multifunctional center is to be built, has been mortgaged from EFG Asset Management since August 2016, as the trustee of the ZPIF Mandarin. This MC is the trustee of Safmar funds. The structure of the investment portfolios of the Safmara funds is not disclosed, a spokesman for the group said. But an employee of one of the management companies confirmed to Vedomosti that at least the Petrovsky Passage was pledged to the funds. “This is a completely normal investment in high-quality real estate, the Central Bank knows about it, it does not raise questions,” he assures. The Central Bank does not comment on the work of existing organizations, a representative of the regulator replied to a request to confirm this information.

Yeast and leasing: how structures of the Gutserievs-Shishkhanovs borrow and lend

July 2014
Moscow LLC "Stroyzhilinvest" placed bonds for 3 billion rubles. Papers for 1 billion rubles. acquired Binbank
August - November 2014
Stroyzhilinvest provided a loan of 3 billion rubles. co-investor in the construction of the MFC "Derbenevka" with an area of ​​100,000 sq. m on the territory of the Moscow Yeast Plant - A-invest LLC secured by a 100% share in the capital and the right to claim 25,000 sq. m
December 2014
Stroyzhilinvest placed bonds for 3 billion rubles. Binbank purchased them. Stroyzhilinvest provided a loan of 3 billion rubles. "A-Invest". The borrower increased the right to claim Derbenevka to 60,000 sq. m. m
April–May 2015
Stroyzhilinvest placed bonds for 8 billion rubles. and pledged the right to claim against "A-Invest" MC "Bin Finam Group" and EFG "Asset Management"
June - August 2015
Binbank announced its intention to acquire 100% of the shares of the Europlan leasing company from private equity funds Baring Vostok and Capital International
August - September 2015
Stroyzhilinvest provided a loan of 8.2 billion rubles. Cypriot Cendonbridge Global Limited Mikail Shishkhanov. She pledged to Stroyzhilinvest 70% of the Cypriot Europlan Holdings Limited, the owner of 100% of the shares of the Russian Europlan. The collateral value is set at 8.4 billion rubles.

Internal interaction

How interaction within the group helps the structures of the Gutserievs to find money can be judged by the example of the history of the purchase of the leasing company Europlan.

From the spring of 2014 to the spring of 2015, a certain Stroyzhilinvest LLC, owned, according to SPARK, by several ladies who were not seen in other business projects, and according to Rusrating, “one of the richest people in Russia, constantly included in top 50 Russian Forbes "began to place loans: a total of 14 billion rubles. The securities were bought by reputable financial institutions, including Binbank. At the same time, Stroyzhilinvest for 6 billion rubles. granted a loan to A-Invest, a co-investor in a hotel and office complex with an area of ​​100,000 sq. m on the territory of the Moscow Derbenevka Yeast Plant, having received as a pledge the right to claim a large part of the project. By the way, he remortgaged them to the management company of the Safmar group, including EFG Asset Management, to which he later pledged the right to lease the land plot under the plant.

Active year of Mikhail Gutseriev

Another loan - for 8.2 billion rubles. Stroyzhilinvest provided Cendonbridge Global Limited to Shishkhanov's Cypriot company. Just shortly after Binbank in July 2015 announced its intention to acquire 100% of the Europlan leasing company from private equity funds Baring Vostok and Capital International. After the transaction, the offshore transferred Europlan as a pledge to Stroyzhilinvest, determining its collateral value at 8.4 billion rubles. Whether this corresponds to the purchase price of Europlan, the representative of Safmar did not say. The structures of the group do not participate in the capital of Stroyzhilinvest, he said.

Placing with the unknown

The placements of Europlan and RussNeft, carried out by them on the Moscow Exchange over the past year, are called strange deals on the market. In both cases, the organizers did not provide large-scale marketing support to the placements, but received oversubscription with the active participation of individuals. The majority of buyers of RussNeft and Europlan shares are still unknown. The companies of the Safmar group did not buy shares of Russneft and Europlan on the Moscow Stock Exchange, emphasizes the representative of Safmar. All securities sold during the IPO and SPO were acquired by third-party investors, he adds. A representative of Binbank also denied participation in these transactions.

Indeed, pension funds did not participate in Europlan's IPO in December 2015. During placements, they can buy shares of companies only with pension reserves, and not with savings. But in January 2016, Europlan's shares "on the secondary market" were bought out by five pension funds of the Bin group, as well as NPF Russian Standard by Boris Mints (now called Our Future and part of NPF Future) - The purchase was made using funded pensions. NPFs own these stakes through trustees - EFG Asset Management and Bin Finam.

In November 2016, NPF Safmar sold all the shares of Europlan on the market, the buyer is not known, they remained with NPF Doverie, but Shishkhanov promised to sell them. In the portfolio of NPF "Future" there are shares of "Europlan" for 734 million rubles, confirmed the representative of the fund. This is approximately 0.9% of the company's capital.

Two people from the index committee of the Moscow Exchange told Vedomosti that Europlan representatives are making serious efforts to get into the MICEX index. Private pension funds can buy more of the issuer's securities included in the MICEX index with pension savings.

Oil without debt

One year before the IPO, which took place in November 2016, “ Russneft”, which is one of the ten largest oil companies in Russia, underwent a phased “clearance” of debts that amounted to $ 5.3 billion as of November 2015.

At the end of 2015, Belyrian Holdings, controlled by the Gutseriev family, converted Russneft's $1.59 billion debt into shares in the oil company, and Glencore did the same ($1.5 billion). The debt obligations were repaid by increasing the share of the main shareholders - creditors of the oil company, a Safmar representative said. The family structures of Gutseriev and Shishkhanov eventually received 54% of RussNeft, and Glencore - 46%.

Gutseriev told Forbes that he had reduced his debt through a "financial cushion." It looks like it was formed like this. In June 2016, Shishkhanov said that SPV companies owned by Belyrian Holdings issued bonds for 100 billion rubles. ($1.5 billion). Third-party structures redeemed bonds, Shishkhanov said. But soon most of the papers were acquired by Region-Invest LLC and Digital-Invest LLC, affiliated with the structures of the Gutserievs. As collateral, Belyrian Holdings gave them a 33.1% stake in RussNeft as collateral.

Then the debt of Russneft was reduced by more than $1 billion. In the first quarter of 2016, GCM Global Energy, controlled by the Gutseriev family and Shishkhanov, converted $154 million into the capital of Russneft, and Belyrian Holdings did this with a debt of $1 billion. As a result, August 2016, the share of Glencore decreased to a blocking stake (from 46%), and the Gutseriev family increased from 54 to 75% (its shares in the offshore that controls RussNeft, judging by the Cypriot registry, are distributed as follows - 50% from Mikhail Gutseriev, 20% from his son Said Gutseriev, 15% each from Sait-Salam Gutseriev and Shishkhanov).

At what expense this debt was extinguished is not known. But it is known that the buyers of the bonds of Belyrian, Digital-invest and Region-invest issued their debt securities: in 2016 alone, for 100 billion rubles. Among the buyers of bonds were large pension funds, two investment bankers know. The representative of Safmar did not say whether there are bonds of Digital-Invest and Region-Invest in the Gutserievs' investment fund portfolio.

As a result, RussNeft approached the placement with a debt of $1.4 billion, of which $1.3 billion fell to VTB. Further reduction of the debt burden will be carried out with the help of profit from the core activities of Russneft, sources of financing for the purchase of Orenburg oil-producing assets announced in November are being worked out, a representative of the Safmar group said.

Oil history

Gutseriev began to build his own oil empire in 2002, after he was fired from the post of president of the state company Slavneft. In an interview with Vedomosti in 2004, the businessman explained: “I calmly resigned as head of a state-owned company and realized that I just needed to create my own company. So that no one from the officials could ever call me again and say: “Go away.” He bought the assets for the future RussNeft with the money of the Swiss trader Glencore, who in 2003 provided at least $300 million for the purchase of new fields, receiving in return from 40 to 49% in the three producing subsidiaries of RussNeft - Varyoganneft, "Ulyanovskneft" and "Nafta-Ulyanovsk". By 2007, RussNeft had bought up about 30 small companies with total recoverable reserves of more than 600 million tons of oil. As of June 30, 2007, the main creditors were Glencore ($1.6 bn) and Sberbank ($1 bn), which received shares of Russneft itself as collateral.
In November 2006, the Prosecutor General's Office opened criminal cases on the fact of illegal business in relation to the subsidiaries of RussNeft. In January 2007, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of non-payment of taxes by RussNeft on an especially large scale. Personally, Gutseriev was accused of tax evasion and illegal business, and they took a written undertaking not to leave. At the same time, the Federal Tax Service demanded in court that the shares of RussNeft be recovered from the state, and they were arrested at the request of the investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In July 2007, Gutseriev offered Oleg Deripaska to buy RussNeft from him. Gutseriev earned a net $2.8 billion for the company. Under an agreement with Deripaska, he was obliged to buy the company back if the FAS did not agree on a deal within two years or if force majeure occurs.
In an interview with Vedomosti in 2010, Gutseriev said: “<...>a few days after the sale of RussNeft, my friend and I got into the car at night and in the morning we were already in Minsk. They took turns driving. In Minsk, a private plane was already waiting for me, and I flew away.” The billionaire left for London and was able to return to Russia only in 2009.
He disposed of the proceeds as follows: he invested $1 billion in oil fields in Azerbaijan, another $160 million in Mauritania, and another $1 billion in other countries (agricultural business in Turkey - pomegranate and orange plantations, greenhouses with an area of ​​1 million square meters, a hotel , as well as commercial real estate in Kiev and London). The assets were merged into the Neftisa oil company created by Gutseriev.
After returning in early 2010, Gutseriev bought Russneft back from Deripaska (the FAS never agreed on the purchase of the oil company by the billionaire). In two years, the company found itself in a difficult situation - the debt grew from $2 billion to $7 billion, and production fell from 14.8 million to 11.2 million tons. Gutseriev wanted to merge Russneft with Bashneft in two or three years and carry out IPO of the combined company. To do this, in the spring of 2010, he offered 49% of Russneft free of charge to the owner of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov (then controlled Bashneft), who refused this offer and bought a stake for $ 100 million. Gutseriev himself said that it was Yevtushenkov’s participation and President of Sberbank German Gref allowed him to return to his homeland.
In 2012–2013 11 enterprises that provided a third of RussNeft's production were transferred to Neftisa. Gutseriev explained that he could not lend them through RussNeft because of its high debt. The sole owner of Neftisa is the Cypriot Dolmer Enterprises. Over the past two years, Gutseriev has earned more than $700 million hedging the risks of falling oil prices thanks to contracts signed by Neftisa in 2014 for 50 million barrels at $85 per barrel. Sberbank earned $50 million. According to Gutseriev, Gref recommended hedging the risks.
In the summer of 2016, Shishkhanov said that if the IPO of Russneft (production - 7.4 million tons in 2015) was successful, then in a year other oil assets of the family could be attached, namely Neftis (production in 2015 6.9 million tons), as well as the Orsk and Krasnodar refineries (together they process about 9 million tons per year).