What is Alexander Valerievich Ruchyev doing now? Innovative business to replace Morton

Ruchev Alexander Valerievich

Russian businessman, president of the Osnova group of companies, head of the board of the association “National Association of Manufacturers of Building Materials, Products and Structures.”

Alexander Ruchev was born in 1973 in the city of Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. In 1997 he graduated from the Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research of Moscow State University of Physics and Technology.

In 1994, Ruchev organized and headed the Morton group of companies, in 2013 he was elected chairman of the Mutual Insurance Society of Developers, and a year later became deputy head of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

In September 2016, together with other shareholders, he sold all the shares of the Morton group of companies to Sergei Gordeev. At the time of the transaction, Morton was the largest Russian development company in terms of volumes of construction and commissioning of housing, with annual revenue of 60 billion rubles. A month later, he became one of the founders and chairman of the board of directors of the Osnova group of companies, a financial and industrial holding company created by former Morton shareholders. In December of the same year, Alexander Ruchev was appointed chairman of the new technical committee of Rosstandart - TK 144 “Building materials, products and structures.”

In April 2017, Ruchev headed the board of the association “National Association of Manufacturers building materials, products and structures" (NOPSM).

He is one of the ten most professional and influential managers in the Russian construction sector according to the Top 1000 Russian Managers rating.

Married, father of three children.

Key dates

  • 1973 – born in the city of Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region.
  • 1997 – graduated from the Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research at Moscow State University of Physics and Technology.
  • 1994 - organized and headed the Morton group of companies.
  • 2013 – elected chairman of the Society of Mutual Insurance of Developers.
  • 2014 - became deputy head of the Public Council under the Russian Ministry of Construction.
  • September 2016 - together with other shareholders, sold all shares of the Morton group of companies to Sergei Gordeev.
  • October 2016 – became one of the founders and chairman of the board of directors of the Osnova group of companies.
  • December 2016 - appointed chairman of the new technical committee of Rosstandart - TC 144 “Building materials, products and structures.”
  • April 2017 – headed the board of the association “National Association of Manufacturers of Building Materials, Products and Structures” (NOPSM).

Ruchev, Alexander Valerievich, founder, main owner and president of Morton Group of Companies


Alexander Valerievich Ruchev is a Russian businessman. Born in 1973.

  • In 1997 he graduated from the Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research of Moscow State University of Physics and Technology. As a fourth-year student, he went into business, specializing in major repairs.
  • In 1994, he organized and headed the Morton group of companies, which is now one of the leading developers in the Moscow region and is one of the 500 largest Russian companies.
  • In 2013, he headed the board of the Society for Mutual Insurance of Civil Liability of Developers.
  • According to the annual rating "Top 1000 Russian Managers", he is among the ten most professional and influential managers in the Russian construction sector.
  • Believes in God. Orthodox faith.
  • He is actively involved in charity work, preferring not to talk about it: “We are involved in charity, but I won’t talk about it, charitable deeds must be done non-publicly, so as not to fall into heresy.”
  • In 2013, he was elected Chairman of the Board of the Society for Mutual Insurance of Civil Liability of Developers.
  • Married.

Compromising evidence

Morton Group of Companies - deceitful PR from the rostrum of the World Russian People's Council

True, people say that the management of the Morton Group of Companies does not shun anything. The residents of Balashikha were convinced of this on October 31, 2013, when they were present in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior at the largest Russian public forum, the XVII World Russian People's Council “Russia as a country-civilization. Solidarity society and the future of the Russian people.” In the first part, in the wonderful and profound speech of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' (read in full: http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/3334783.html), the Russian question was firmly posed to the Russian authorities: Russians - how the state is formed by the people. The historical and spiritual role of Russia in the fate of humanity is outlined. A rebuff has been given to those who want to marginalize this issue, spreading it among the problems of other ethnic groups in Russia.

A forest near Moscow is being sacrificed for the sake of a sewage sump

40 meters from residential buildings In the Akatovo quarter of the city of Balashikha, a protected forest park is being cut down to build a sewerage basin. In less than a month, the development company destroyed 6 hectares of the Kuchinsky forest park, which is considered a natural monument. However, in more than half of the forest park, logging is generally prohibited, writes Novaya Gazeta.

According to the project, treatment facilities for sewerage in the 30th microdistrict of Balashikha should be built in the Kuchinsky Forest Park. If the project is accepted, 80 thousand cubic meters of sewage per day will be processed here. According to local residents, waste will be dumped into the Chernyavka and Pekhorka rivers and settle in a swamp in the north of the microdistrict. As a result, the cities of Kuchino and Zheleznodorozhny will also suffer.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that there is no running water in Akatovo. Residents of the neighborhood use their own wells, so their water comes directly from the underground river. But they are going to build a sewage treatment plant right above it, which will ruin the river. As usually happens in such cases, people only learned about the undesirable neighborhood when they saw the forest being cut down and a pit being dug.

The other day they met with the head of the Balashikha administration and representatives of the developers. As it turned out, the project for the construction of a sedimentation tank is officially under development; it has not passed any state examination. At the same time, news of the logging did not cause any concern to the city administration. Residents and the administration of Akatovo appealed to the President of Russia, the Rosprirodprosecutor's Office and Rospotrebnadzor. They did not receive a response to the first letter at all; the next ones received unsubscribes. Residents are preparing a lawsuit in the Balashikha city court about illegal actions of the city administration and illegal construction.

In the spring, residents of Balashikha itself sounded the alarm - they complained about unprecedented compaction development on the banks of the Pekhorka River. It was reported that the high-rise buildings should occupy a water protection zone where local residents spend their free time and where building is prohibited by law. The “war” for the bank of Pekhorka also went on from the other side of the river. And last fall, Balashikha residents protested against deforestation near the Nikolo-Arkhangelsky and Dzerzhinsky microdistricts.

Patriarch Kirill said from the very beginning of his speech that “Russia should be understood as a cultural multinational entity in very specific historical and geographical dimensions, which is connected with Ancient Russia. In a sense, Russia is synonymous with Rus'. Today we have a different geopolitical reality, when independent states have arisen in the vastness of this historical Russia, many of which are also the heirs of this historical Rus'. Therefore, when I talk about Russia, I always mean this great civilizational space.” The topics of discussion were the three fundamental tasks outlined by the Patriarch in relation to Russian Federation, present-day Russia. First: to comprehend Russia’s place in the fate of humanity. Second: to propose a harmonious form of social order. And third: if possible, give a forecast for tomorrow, look into the future. Each of these fundamental tasks cannot be set in isolation from one another, as the Patriarch said.

The residents of Balashikha, members of the working group to finalize the master plan of Balashikha, liked the essentially correct speech of the leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as well as the speeches of representatives of other parties and the Russian Government.

And suddenly, when most of the speakers left the hall, Alexander Ruchev, the president of the notorious Morton Group of Companies in Balashikha, appeared on the podium with a lengthy speech “New approaches in urban planning - as a necessary prerequisite for creating a solidary society” (the full text can be read and left commentary on the website of the Orthodox radio station "Radonezh" http://radonezh.ru/79262). It turns out that Alexander Ruchev has been speaking at this forum for the second year. The speech seemed very strained, artificial, written by MORTON's PR people for a specific event, because it contained provisions repeating the speeches of the main speakers. The phrases that did not fit with the real affairs of the company were jarring: “being Orthodox people, we want and try to correlate our activities with a certain cultural and historical value system; “The economic improvement of people’s lives is, in essence, our mission. And - responsibility"; “priority in work will be given to active forms of comprehension cultural heritage taking into account the interests of residents." The names of Marx and Danilevsky, even the Gospel, flashed through the speech.

However, the speech does not name examples of holistic projects of residential microdistricts implemented by the experienced and wealthy house builder Alexander Ruchev, examples of his “city-forming and semantic image of architecture, construction of settlements, arrangement of the living environment,” construction of temples and cultural and spiritual centers. The listeners, for the most part, learned about long-term plans and projects that MORTON will supposedly implement in the Moscow region - they are large-scale.

After Mr. Ruchyev voiced the priority of caring for historical and cultural monuments, preserving and improving natural parks, I decided to talk with him, and, being in a holy place - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, resolve the issue of stopping the illegal construction of wastewater treatment plants in the Akatovo quarter .

I approached Ruchev, introduced myself, and he immediately recognized me as an active fighter for the preservation of Akatov culture. I suggested that he implement all the values ​​that he voiced at the Council, namely: to stop the construction of wastewater treatment plants and build in their place a sports complex for the children of Balashikha, as planned in the current General Plan of the city. Also restore the remaining part of the previously unknown settlement, which was destroyed by the Morton Group of Companies, and restore the destroyed historical landscape of the Akatovo quarter to its original form.

The forest near Moscow is being sacrificed for the sake of a sewage sump. Photo: http://m.newsmsk.com/article/28Sep2011/akatovo_otstoi.html

Construction is being carried out in an area defined by law as an environmental protection zone, at the confluence of two rivers, in a halo of fish spawning grounds and bird nesting grounds, which are protected in the Moscow region, near residential buildings, which is harmful to the health of the population, on the site of an ancient settlement that was awaiting a thorough archaeological study based on modern techniques and materials, which was impossible before. A priceless archaeological layer was blasphemously violated, and most of our heritage was irretrievably lost. In order to save money, the wastewater treatment plant project uses outdated technologies, which indicates the company’s unprofessional and selfish approach. The Orthodox population of Balashikha is not involved in working on Morton's construction projects; instead, Mr. Ruchev imports and literally exploits guest workers from the Islamic world. They are not settled here, they do not have health insurance, leisure venues, are asking for mosques to open. But the main thing is that this displaced category of people creates tension in society, increases the crime situation in the Moscow region and increases drug consumption. There are used syringes lying around Morton's construction sites, which was repeatedly recorded by members of the working group.

Mr. Ruchyev sharply rejected all my proposals and, in an impatient tone, said that the treatment facilities in Akatovo would be built and put into operation! I brought to his attention that the governor of the Moscow region had imposed a ban on the construction of the second stage of treatment facilities, and residents would seek the elimination of the constructed first stage of treatment facilities. To which I received his categorical assurance that everything that was planned to be built in Akatovo would be implemented.

Alexander Ruchev’s promising speech at the Council, of course, was posted on their websites by the Orthodox radio station “Radonezh” and the website Pravoslavie.ru. It's good that there was an opportunity to leave comments. And residents began to write and call me, stories flowed in a stream. For example, for more than 10 years, residents of the microdistrict. On May 1 they ask MORTON to build a temple - Streams do not hear them! Orthodox Christians, cared for by priest Konstantin Kutsenko, like ancient Christians, gather in a room in the basement of one of the houses. Deputy Marina Zhirova is trying to help, but there is no solution yet. In microdistrict Aviatorov, on Balashikha highway, no. 4, a temporary wooden church for St. Seraphim of Sarov (rector, Archpriest Evgeny Sidorychev), it is necessary to insulate the roof, supply electricity and heat. In this microdistrict, the owner is MORTON, but there is no solution to the problems, Ruchev does not hear the calls of this Orthodox parish. But the Monk Seraphim of Sarov is a universally revered saint, a strong prayer book before the Lord for us sinners and helps in commercial matters.

Yes, Alexander Vladimirovich, you can’t say it, you can’t do it. You have taken the path of hypocrisy and pharisaism, and this is the main evil that kills our conscience, since, if it exists, it enters into all our deeds and actions, under the guise of morality and observance of the law. This is not a separate vice, but a systemic vice, so to speak. In any case, for Christ, Pharisaism seemed to be the main ethical evil.

Resident of the Akatovo quarter Goryunov Boris Aleksandrovich Moscow region, Balashikha, microdistrict. Saltykovka, Akatovo quarter, 3, apt. 2. tel. 8-925-832-35-33, Marina Kushnareva, Olga Zinovieva

Pekhorka's Destroyer

According to investigators cited in Izvestia’s investigation, Igor Melnichenko, general director of Window Technologies Vostok, had an important meeting scheduled for January 14, 2015.

In the southwest of the capital, in the Irish pub Conor Mac Nessa, he was supposed to transfer 1 million rubles to intermediaries who promised him victory in a tender for 45 million, which was organized by Morton-RSO LLC, investigators say.

Military builder

The construction company was looking for a contractor to install double-glazed windows, and the company’s management was ready to sign a contract only with the one who would pay 2 million rubles.

After the transfer of the first tranche, the intermediaries were arrested, says a law enforcement source. - Now detectives are identifying employees of Morton-RSO LLC involved in the scam.

This is not the first criminal case in which the company has been involved. 4 years ago, the Moscow City Court sentenced Colonel Sergei Emelin, reserve colonel of the Russian Federation, to 7.5 years in prison for receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. According to investigators, the colonel threatened companies that built housing in Balashikha for military personnel with problems and demanded 0.75% of the amount of work performed. Morton was the general contractor for the construction.

State contract No. 190609/1 for 17 billion rubles between the Ministry of Defense represented by Anatoly Serdyukov, the FKP “Customer Directorate for Capital Construction of the Ministry of Defense” represented by Vladimir Gavrilov and the Morton company represented by General Director Alexander Nopin was concluded on June 19, 2009. According to the document, Morton was supposed to build several apartment buildings for military personnel.

Officially, this contract is considered completed. However, the Ministry of Defense says that in fact the housing was delivered with significant deficiencies. All this became clear after a change of leadership in the military department and an audit of all “Serdyukov contracts.”

On January 26, 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense filed a claim with the Moscow Arbitration Court against Morton-RSO LLC, demanding a penalty of more than 900 million rubles from the company.

All the houses have already been occupied, but many infrastructure deficiencies remain, the Ministry of Defense explained. - So all our demands are justified.

The Morton company confirmed the existence of a criminal case and stated that the company is providing the Ministry of Internal Affairs with comprehensive assistance in the investigation. As for the claim, according to representatives of the developer, they fundamentally disagree with the claims of the Ministry of Defense.

The claims in the lawsuit cannot be satisfied on the following grounds: during the implementation of the contract, there was a counter-failure to fulfill obligations on the part of the customer, Morton said. - Therefore, the period for calculating the penalty should be different, which the company will declare during the trial.

Ruchev, Alexander Valerievich

Not only the Ministry of Defense, but also the residents of Balashikha have complaints about Morton. According to Boris Goryunov, who lives in the Akatov area, it was Morton that, in violation of all construction standards, erected a wastewater treatment plant on the Pekhorka River for the 30th microdistrict.

The water purification system at this facility is such that all sewage is discharged into the Pekhorka River, and we, the residents of Akatov, are forced to consume water in excess of all permissible standards for life-threatening substances, says Boris Goryunov. - I have already turned to the administration of the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov for help, but so far there has been silence. It seems to me that the governor’s circle is at one with Morton.

According to the SPARK-Interfax database, the founder of Morton-RSO LLC is Direct Estate CJSC, which belongs to 42-year-old Alexander Ruchev. However, as he himself stated in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper, besides him, Morton has six more co-founders, whose names are kept secret. The company actively cooperates with the security forces: it builds housing on a military mortgage, and also provides housing for employees Federal service security (FSB) in the Butovo-Park residential complex.

The official website of the Morton Group of Companies states that the priority direction for the company is the construction of facilities under government contracts. The total current portfolio of Morton Group projects at the beginning of 2015 is more than 7.6 million square meters. m of housing, and the total number of objects reaches 38.

According to SPARK-Interfax, in 2013 the revenue of Morton-RSO LLC amounted to more than 16.8 billion rubles, and net profit- only 5 million rubles. The revenue of the entire group in 2013 exceeded 51 billion rubles.

Morton began implementing its first large development projects in the early 2000s, says a source in the company. - First, two houses were built in Shchelkovo, and then our company managed to buy the land of the state farm “Pervoe Maya” in Balashikha near Moscow, on which construction also began.

State Duma Deputy Alexander Khinshtein, who deals with the problems of defrauded shareholders and is familiar with all the leaders in the construction industry, says that Morton is one of the few companies that has not had problems with shareholders. In addition, according to the deputy, the company, as a rule, conducts construction on lands that it purchased in advance at auctions.

Meanwhile, a major scandal is now breaking out around one of these sites, bought by structures close to Morton. The company has planned the construction of a new residential complex“Mortongrad” for 62 thousand people on lands adjacent to the Arkhangelskoye museum-estate. However, environmentalists and defenders of architectural monuments opposed the planned development.

The territory between the Arkhangelskoye and Ilyinskoye estates, where Morton plans to begin construction, has always been considered as a single natural-historical complex and appears in all documents as a protected landscape, said Evgeny Sosedov, chairman of the council of the Moscow regional branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. - It is generally impossible to build anything on these lands, and the new residential complex will not have normal access roads designed for such a number of residents.

In addition, the activist is confident that during the construction of the residential area, Morton will not be able to build sewerage and treatment facilities.

The only place for draining sewage can only be the Moscow River, and the terrain here is such that contaminated water will flow towards Moscow, says Sosedov. - In Balashikha, because of the treatment facilities built by Morton, a scandal has not subsided for several years, and all the sewage actually ends up in the Pekhorka River.

On December 27, 2014, public hearings were held on the project, and it was sent for revision at the request of local residents. Meanwhile, Sosedov is now preparing lawsuits in court. He believes that the project should not be finalized, but cancelled. At the same time, Sosedov himself states that he fears for his life.

The Morton company confirmed that the project is currently being finalized. The company intends to take into account the wishes of residents. In addition, the builders noted that their new project has many supporters. Thus, a petition in support of this project, launched on the Internet, has already collected more than 20 thousand signatures.

Shadow of Serdyukov

“Morton gained a foothold in the Moscow region thanks to connections with the security forces,” says an informed interlocutor. - In the early 2000s, the company worked mainly in Shchelkovo, after receiving contracts from the Ministry of Defense, which were concluded under Serdyukov, the company leaders became close to the entourage of the then governor Boris Gromov, also a native of the Ministry of Defense.

According to the interlocutor, when management changed in the Moscow region, the company had strained relations with the new officials. However, the military again helped to establish relations.

Many market participants have long noted the very close ties between regional officials and Morton management.

Almost not a single Morton event is complete without the support of First Deputy Minister of Construction Complex of the Moscow Region Sergei Pakhomov. “He never forgets to publicly praise the company, although he is well aware of the claims against it from the Ministry of Defense, residents of the region and environmentalists,” the publication’s sources in the Ministry of Defense administration claim.

Back in 2013, the press wrote how Pakhomov set Morton Group of Companies as an example to other market participants for transferring apartments to municipal ownership.

However, the administration considers the main lobbyist for Morton’s interests not Pakhomov, but the vice-governor of the Moscow region, Ildar Gabdrakhmanov - some even call him the eminence grise of the construction complex.

Gabdrakhmanov, like Pakhomov, is a frequent guest at various events, in which representatives of the Morton Group of Companies also take part.

Ildar Gabdrakhmanov oversees the financial and economic block, including construction issues, say interlocutors in the Moscow region government. - Therefore, it is not surprising that the entire flow of documentation related to investment contracts in the construction industry, including Morton projects, passes through it.

According to the interlocutor, now the governor does not approve a single project without Gabdrakhmanov’s approval.

At the same time, he pursues a completely independent policy. One gets the feeling that he considers the regional construction complex his personal fiefdom,” says the publication’s interlocutors.

Another interlocutor recalls that Gabdrakhmanov is by no means new to the construction industry.

While still a State Duma deputy in 2005, he took part in the development of the bill “On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate and on amendments to some legislative acts Russian Federation,” says the official. - And in subsequent years he communicated quite closely with representatives of construction companies.

It is possible that it was Gabdrakhmanov’s support that allowed Morton to pursue an aggressive development policy and actively open new projects in the Moscow region. So in February 2014, the Morton group announced its intention to invest about 40 billion rubles in the construction and reconstruction of water supply and treatment facilities in 23 cities in the Moscow region. Two months after this, the company and the government of the Moscow region signed an agreement on the implementation of an investment project worth 9 billion rubles in the Naro-Fominsk region - the Grad house-building plant.

It is interesting that in recent years the vice-governor has declared quite modest income: Thus, in the 2013 declaration, he indicated an income of 3.6 million rubles (his wife earned 1.8 million rubles). In 2011, as a State Duma deputy, he declared even less: 1.9 million rubles of personal income.

This does not prevent the official from vacationing at the most expensive resorts. Yes, in the past new year holidays journalists spotted him in St. Moritz, Switzerland.

According to journalists, not without the support of the vice-governor of the Moscow region, the Morton company was included in the list of systemically important organizations in Russia.

Most likely, it was he who lobbied for the decision to include Morton among the systemically important enterprises, says a source in the Moscow Region administration.

One of his former fellow deputies, recalling Gabdrakhmanov’s work in the Duma, notes that he was considered one of the most influential lobbyists in parliament.

If you look up the statistics of that convocation, you can see that most of the bills introduced by him successfully passed all three readings and were adopted, he says.

What about without Yevtushenkov?

In addition to the Morton company, which was involved in a criminal scandal, other companies with “criminal histories” were included in the list of enterprises that can count on state support. For example, according to government sources, a whole discussion broke out in the Cabinet of Ministers around the advisability of including AFK Sistema on the list, because its owner Vladimir Yevtushenkov is still a suspect in the theft case.

The case of theft in 2002–2006 of shares of JSC ANK Bashneft, the Ufa Oil Refinery and the Bashkir Petrochemical Company for more than 200 billion rubles was initiated in April 2014. The reason for this was the testimony of the former senator from Bashkiria Igor Izmestyev, who was sentenced in 2010 to life imprisonment for murder, terrorist attacks and other serious crimes.

According to him, Ural Rakhimov, the son of the ex-president of the republic Murtaza Rakhimov, was involved in the theft of the assets of the fuel and energy complex of Bashkiria. The defendants in this case are also the head of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov and influential businessman Levon Airapetyan.

At the end of October 2014, the Moscow Arbitration Court granted the request of the Prosecutor General's Office to return shares of the Bashneft company to state ownership. Representatives of AFK Sistema considered the demands of the Prosecutor General’s Office to be unlawful, explaining this by the fact that the transaction to purchase shares itself was legal. Claim of the Prosecutor General's Office against AFK Sistema and its subsidiary company Sistema-invest's request for the return to state ownership of almost 123 million ordinary and more than 6.1 million preferred registered shares of Bashneft was satisfied in full.

In December 2014, Vladimir Yevtushenkov’s house arrest was lifted, and he himself even took part in a meeting between Vladimir Putin and representatives big business. However, the theft case has not yet been closed.

If the economic situation worsens, the state will be saved not by MTS, but by Yevtushenkov’s companies associated with the military-space industry,” explains the interlocutor. - Therefore, despite the disagreements, AFK Sistema remained on the list of the Ministry of Economic Development.

Remobilization of ChelPipe

There is another strategic enterprise on the lists of the Ministry of Economic Development - the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (ChTPZ), the main shareholder of which, billionaire from the Forbes list Andrei Komarov, is accused, along with lawyer Vladimir Shibanov, of commercial bribery. According to investigators, they tried to give a bribe of $300 thousand to auditors of the specialized FSUE Promresurs, who at the end of 2013 carried out a comprehensive on-site inspection of the enterprise in the field of mobilization training. Komarov wanted the auditors to destroy the mobilization plan for 2011 and soften the audit results.

According to auditors, ChTPZ illegally received about 1.8 billion rubles from the budget by including in its mobilization capacity a plant for the production of large-diameter pipes called “Vysota 239”, launched in July 2010.

Mobilization preparation is a set of measures aimed at transferring the Armed Forces and state infrastructure to a martial law. It is carried out according to a specific plan approved by the country's leadership. In peacetime, mobilization capacities can be used partially, in full (but not in the main production) or mothballed. However, the facility and equipment must be kept in full readiness in case of war: money is allocated for this from the budget of the company itself, but until 2013, businessmen had the opportunity to demand reimbursement from the budget of 20% of the cost of maintaining the facilities. In 2010, ChTPZ returned about 10 billion rubles from the treasury on this basis.

Komarov was born in Chelyabinsk, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering in 1990, immediately after graduation he worked as the chief engineer of Spetsmetallokonstruktsiya CJSC, in 1992–1996 he headed enterprises selling metal products: Segment, Taganay Metal Verke, and was the general director of JSC Griff GmbH" - the Moscow representative office of the German corporation Griff GmbH.

His career at ChTPZ began in 1996, when he was appointed there to the position of deputy director. In 2003, he became chairman of the board of directors of the ChTPZ group and until 2005 was a member of the board of directors. In September 2005, he was elected as a representative of the Chelyabinsk region in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Komarov acquired shares of ChTPZ in 1996, when he became deputy general director of the plant. From 2000 to 2010 he was a member of the Federation Council Committee on natural resources and environmental protection. He ranks 138th in the Forbes ranking with a fortune of $750 million. The media once reported that Andrei Komarov was friends with the sponsor of the Right Sector, the current governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region, Igor Kolomoisky, repeatedly going on joint vacations with him. Rumor has it that Kolomoisky helped Komarov solve a number of problems and save the oil business; in addition, they were often seen together in the hectic hours of luxurious leisure, which the pipe magnate often indulged himself with.

According to ChTPZ official representative Anna Levitanskaya, the case against their main shareholder is still under investigation.

State support will be provided not to the shareholder, but to the enterprise that employs thousands of people, says Levitanskaya. - Our production has a special status, and being on the list has nothing to do with criminal cases.

An even more mysterious story unfolds around Geotech Holding CJSC, the largest Russian company in the field of onshore seismic exploration. The president of Geotek is the co-chairman of Business Russia, former first deputy head of the Komi Republic Nikolai Levitsky.

According to SPARK-Interfax, CJSC Geotech Holding owns CJSC Geotech VBK, the chairman of the board of directors of which is Mikhail Golubev.

At the end of last year, Golubev was detained by FSB officers on suspicion of fraud and theft of 800 million rubles from Sberbank of Russia. Also, criminal cases are being investigated against him under Art. 145 (“Non-payment wages"), 201 ("Abuse of official powers") and 174 ("Legalization Money obtained by criminal means") of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

However, the executive director of Geotech Holding CJSC Denis Cherednichenko said that their holding has nothing to do with Geotech VBK.

- Geotech Holding sold Geotech VBK and all drilling companies back in October 2011. The buyer was Mikhail Golubev with a group of some comrades,” explains Cherednichenko. “We don’t know what they did next and we have nothing to do with Golubev’s affairs.”

Alexander Valerievich, the compensation fund for shared construction, the law on the creation of which was recently adopted by the State Duma, and on July 25 it was approved by the Federation Council, as is known, will begin to function in the fall. What is the fate of “POVS developers” in this regard? How will it continue to work?

Until all its obligations are fulfilled, the Company will exist, and then the future fate of the NPO “POVS Developers” will be decided general meeting its members.

- When will this happen?

Approximately in three years, when the majority of the Company's insurance contracts expire.

As the media report with reference to you, today “POVS Developers” has insured over 2 thousand objects under more than 73.5 thousand insurance contracts; the members of the Society are more than 450 largest developers from 58 regions. How much money has POVS developers accumulated? And in this sense, how do you compare with other insurance companies working for Russian market civil liability insurance in construction?

POVS Developers has accumulated about 4.5 billion rubles, other insurance companies have accumulated much less.

- And to be more precise?

Let's say, from the reports of the Central Bank we see that such large insurance companies as RINKO and Respect have about 1 billion rubles.

I cannot help but ask you about the new law on the compensation fund for shareholders. Many developers appear on our portal, most of them criticize it. And a number of experts say that developers now face a difficult choice: to continue to engage in housing construction or leave the market, and, according to their forecasts, many will leave. How many developers do you suppose will be forced to leave the market?

I think it’s about fifty-fifty: half will go, half will stay.

- Which development companies will mainly remain on the market: large, small, medium-sized?

It seems to me that the middle peasants have the greatest chance of staying: they have more equity and less debt.

Developers claim that with the introduction of transfers to the compensation fund in the amount of 1.2%, their costs will increase significantly. Do you agree with this?

I think that the compensation fund is not the worst thing that is included in this law. Yes, expenses will certainly increase, but only slightly. Because today, insurance interest rates for normal companies (that is, not for those who are mainly involved in money laundering, but there are also such on the market) fluctuate in the amount of 1-1.5%.

Other factors lead to a significant increase in construction costs: the need to have funds in the current account in the amount of 10% of the estimated cost of construction; inability to finance the purchase land plots due to credit funds; the inability to fund the purchase of land plots using funds from the sale of preschool buildings, etc. These things increase the cost of construction much more.

And what will happen to the mechanism for completing the construction of problem objects of defrauded shareholders at the expense of the funds of strong developers, to whom the entities will compensate for the corresponding costs? land plots within the framework of priority regional investment projects? According to experts, new law will completely destroy such a mechanism: after all, it is obvious that since the developer will not have the right to carry out the construction of several objects, then he will not be able to undertake the completion of long-term construction. Your opinion?

It must be said that this scheme, although it was present on the market, was not widely replicated, but, by the way, we in Morton also worked on it in the Moscow region, completing the construction of problem houses. Now this will be a competence compensation fund, whose management claims that they will solve these problems.

Well, let them decide. And we, for our part, can only hope that they will do it better.

The head of the relevant committee of the State Duma, Nikolai Nikolaev, in a recent interview with our portal, assured that the law should help solve the problem of defrauded shareholders, of which there are 150 thousand in the country. Do you share such optimism?

Of course, I don’t share it. So we put the problems of shareholders on one side of the scale. The figure of 150 thousand has not been confirmed by anyone. This is a kind of virtual quantity that is named at different levels, but is not confirmed by facts.

Alexander Ruchyev / photo courtesy of Osnova Group of Companies

We know that the bankruptcy rate among developers is one of the lowest in the industry. And the insurance mechanism that was introduced at one time actually worked for some insurers such as “POVS developers” or the Military Insurance Company. And if the regulator monitored insurance companies operating in this market more closely, this mechanism would develop successfully.

But in our country, unfortunately, this is the custom: instead of the path of evolution, we always choose the path of revolution. Instead of evolving, developing and achieving good results, every time we set up a global experiment: what if it works? And in this case: what if the number of defrauded shareholders becomes smaller? Why will it become smaller?

We must not forget that the vast majority of defrauded shareholders did not act within the framework of 214-FZ, which they prefer to keep silent about...

Certainly. This is a legacy of what came before. From my point of view, the law will lead to the fact that a large number of developers, as I have already said, simply will not be able to work and will be forced to leave the market.

And what consequences will this cause for the industry - I emphasize: not for shareholders, but for the industry? How many unemployed will there be, how much will the revenue of enterprises in the construction complex fall, how many bankruptcies will there be in this complex due to the inability to ensure the utilization of their enterprises?

If we put on the other side of the scale the economic effect of this story, which no one considered, then it will certainly outweigh the effect of defrauded shareholders, whose problems many regions are successfully solving today, and the number of such citizens is decreasing from year to year.

And we will see in a few years how this next bold revolutionary experiment will end.

- And how do you think it will end?

I think that the industry, which was the locomotive of the country’s development, pulled behind it a huge number of enterprises, provided many jobs in the contracting industry, in related industries - so, this industry, apparently, will move into a different stage, which will definitely not be a stage of turbulence development.

Well, perhaps such a task is on the agenda.

By the way, about the task. Many developers say lawmakers are simply aiming to force developers to think about finding other sources of financing for their projects. Meanwhile the market banking products for project financing is not developed. But if the authorities want to change public policy In such an actively developing area as housing construction, developers emphasize, it is necessary not only to calculate the consequences of the planned changes, but also to offer stable working new models. Do you agree?

You are asking the right question. Indeed, why destroy a really working mechanism that has already survived three crises? And the state did not pour huge amounts of money into this mechanism. On the contrary, there was an evolution of enterprises; unscrupulous developers, such as Social Initiative, Stroymetresurs, SU-155, left the market, and those developers who knew how to work and were able to fulfill their obligations remained on the market.

Now, after the adoption of this law, we can say that development will move to a new state. We will see in three years whether the construction complex will be able to adapt to the fact that the volume of shared construction will decrease.

Do you admit that those developers who are mainly engaged today shared construction, will be forced to switch to selling finished housing?

No, it's unlikely.

-Where will they get the money?

The fact of the matter is that the volume of construction will be reduced, and authorized banks will have the opportunity to finance this construction.

- That is, everyone will work within the framework of project financing?

Of course, there is simply no other option left. Now, in order to build, you will have to buy land with your own money, put 10% of the estimated cost of construction into the developer’s bank account and credit it to authorized bank Construction and installation work This will be 100% bank project financing.

As a result, prices will rise and supply will fall. But, I repeat, we will see the correctness of certain forecasts only in three years. Then let's sum it up.

- Alexander Valerievich, thank you for the frank conversation!

The conversation was conducted by Mikhail IVANOV / ERZ

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Where does the Morton Group of Companies, its former president Alexander Ruchev, invest the proceeds from the sale of the largest developer in Russia?

Basalt fittings, battery of the future and freon-free air conditioning. RBC found out where the proceeds from the sale of the largest developer in Russia, the Morton Group of Companies, are invested by its former president Alexander Ruchyev. Early Sunday morning, April 13, 2014, people were pulling up to the bus in the center of Moscow. They were treated to an excursion as part of the Russian Character educational program. The program was financed by the largest Russian developer, Morton Group of Companies, and was personally supervised by the president of the group of companies, Alexander Ruchyev.

That day, the bus took tourists to the Narkomfin house and the house of Konstantin Melnikov, where a lecture was held on the iconic objects of Russian constructivism.

Not long before, no one was allowed into Melnikov’s house: half of the property was bought by the co-owner of the PIK Group of Companies, Sergei Gordeev, in 2003, and the house itself found itself at the center of the conflict between his heirs. Interest in the Russian avant-garde and Russian culture in general in the mid-2000s became the basis for mutual sympathy between Gordeev and Ruchev.

And at the end of September 2016, they entered into a high-profile deal. The president of Morton, Ruchev, sold the business to Sergei Gordeev. According to media estimates, the transaction amount could range from 45 billion to 165 billion rubles. Morton has seven shareholders, but the controlling stake belongs to Alexander Ruchev, RBC’s source assures.

On the one hand, Gordeev got a good asset: in 2015, Ruchev’s company built 1 million square meters. m of real estate and received 59.2 billion rubles. revenue (the company did not disclose profit for 2015). Morton is currently building 5.3 million square meters. m of housing in Moscow and the Moscow region, and its land bank allows the construction of another 8 million sq. m. m. On the other hand, all this real estate will have to be sold in a stagnant market. And Morton’s net debt in 2016 increased 1.5 times, to 22–24 billion rubles: the company was actively buying land for development.

“I'm tired of the development business as it is today. When there are no challenges, work is not interesting,” Alexander Ruchev told RBC.

The entrepreneur is a former graduate of the Physics and Technology Institute, where, in particular, the elite of the Russian IT business came from. During his studies, Ruchev also tried his hand at high-tech startups, but then focused on building standard high-rise buildings. Now the time has come for tempting innovations. Basalt fittings, a battery of the future, an air conditioner without freon and even a co-working space for makers (people who make complex things with their own hands) - these are now the projects of Alexander Ruchev.

Scandalous leader

Morton was founded by former Phystech students in the mid-1990s, and the developer became a market leader during the 2008–2009 crisis due to dumping and a contract with the military. Then Morton won an auction for the construction of 24 panel houses on the territory of a former military unit in Balashikha. The contract amount was 17 billion rubles, the customer was the treasury enterprise RUZKS. The large-scale construction was accompanied by a criminal case. According to media reports, the deputy head of the RUZKS branch, Sergei Emelin, threatened companies building housing for the military with problems and demanded 0.75% of the amount of work performed. Emelin was accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale (information about the bribe-giver was not disclosed), and was later sentenced to 4.5 years.

Cooperation with the military continues to this day - almost a third of Morton's mortgage transactions come from military mortgage. Thus, in 2015, Ruchev’s company sold about 5 thousand “mortgage” apartments worth more than 20 billion rubles, a third of the volume were apartments with a military mortgage.

Almost all major Morton construction projects were accompanied by scandals. In particular, the company, while rapidly developing housing in the Moscow region, did not always have time to build the necessary infrastructure.

“Help save our birch grove in Northern Kuchino, 160 trees have already been cut down, and squirrels and squirrels are running away from chainsaws. The police confiscate chainsaws from workers, but they come from Morton with new ones,” wrote publicist Anatoly Batashev, a resident of Zheleznodorozhny, where Morton built the first stage of the Severnoye Kuchino residential complex, in his blog. In 2010, there was freezing rain in the Moscow region, many trees died. The Balashikha administration signed a document allowing tenant companies or land owners to carry out sanitary felling and cut down dead wood. The birch grove was recognized as dead wood, which provided Morton with the right to cut down. This is not the first conflict in Kuchino related to Morton. In 2011, despite rallies and active protests from residents, Morton erected four 17-story buildings on the site of the unfinished school.

An equally large scandal erupted during the construction of the Mortongrad Ilinskoye-Usovo residential complex, where the company planned to build houses of different heights - from 7 to 17 floors. Members of the public chamber of the village of Ilyinskoye calculated that this would increase the number of residents by more than 60 thousand people, and launched violent protests. Morton had to give in, but not fundamentally: the number of floors in the new buildings was reduced to nine, the number of future residents to 50 thousand.

A criminal case was opened regarding the deforestation of 1.2 hectares of the Losiny Ostrov national park, and the activities of Morton were investigated by the Accounts Chamber, but this did not stop the company from developing aggressively. “Development is a tough business, not everyone manages to maintain a balance,” shrugs an RBC interlocutor from Ruchev’s circle.

Patron 2.0

“Alexander realized long ago that the development potential of Russian development is extremely low, hence the boredom and accumulated fatigue,” says an RBC source.

An important detail: Alexander Ruchev is a devout man, as evidenced by participants in the construction market who are well acquainted with him. In the office of the former head of Morton there are many icons - in cabinets, on the table and even on the windowsill. Ruchev founded the White Cross charity foundation to help restore churches and monasteries; he dreams of opening a boarding school with an emphasis on religious education and building spiritual support centers in residential areas.

Perhaps Ruchev began to prepare a springboard for himself for a new business back in 2012, when the Russian Technical Society (RTO) was created. The head of the RTO, Yuri Vasiliev, claims to RBC that it was in this structure that Ruchev’s “sovereign” idea of ​​inheriting the ideas of Russian industrialists was embodied.

“To connect generations of scientists with common work based on faith and morality” - with this slogan the Russian Technical Society quotes the main values ​​of the Imperial Russian Technical Society, created in 1886. Members of that society were the world's leading scientists and capitalists - Nobel, Mendeleev, Morozov, Yablochkov. They were engaged in research, dissemination of technical education, support of industry and philanthropy, and with the obligatory support of faith in God.

For example, construction in close proximity to Ruchev’s alma mater, Physics and Technology Park, looks like a form of support for technical education, but this is clearly not philanthropy: Morton built it with budget funds. A park with an area of ​​more than 30 thousand square meters. m cost the state 415.8 million rubles. Despite the fact that the official opening took place in May 2015, there are no working residents in the technology park yet.

Exporter and innovator

End of May 2015. It's 30 degrees Celsius on the streets of Cairo, but it's cool inside a historic building in the center of the Egyptian capital. Among the almost thousand participants in the Russian-Egyptian business forum “Russia-Egypt Trade and Industrial Dialogue” is the head of Morton, Alexander Ruchiev. His company participated in a tender to develop the concept of one of the buildings of the New Cairo complex. Ruchev lost the tender (second place among 40 participants), but acquired useful contacts in Egypt. He plans to build a line here for the production of composite reinforcement, mesh based on basalt fiber and climate control equipment capable of operating in extremely hot climates without freon.

Egypt is far from the only market, of interest to Ruchev. By 2017, the businessman also plans to launch factories for the production of innovative building materials from composites in the UAE and Brazil. “Negotiations on projects in India, Indonesia, Brunei, Mongolia and Vietnam are in an active phase,” says RBC Ruchiev. He often complained that innovations were not in demand in Russian construction; now he seriously hopes to sell innovative materials abroad.

Yuri Vasiliev claims that a team of scientists from RTO managed to develop a technology that makes it possible to make reinforcement from basalt: first, the material is pulled out, crushed and processed, turning it into threads that are wound on bobbins. The products are already supplied to the countries of Europe, Asia and the Persian Gulf, and are purchased by private construction companies. "When stretched new material three times stronger than metal,” says Vasiliev.

Production is located at two sites of the Galen plant, a Morton asset that was not included in the deal with PIK. Galen is a joint project between Morton and Rusnano; in April 2016, Chubais’ team sold 40% of the asset to Morton. The company's revenue last year amounted to 183 million rubles, the loss was 14 million rubles. The volume of investment in production in Vorsino, which was launched in early summer 2016, amounted to 700 million rubles. Clients include Kirovgazinvest and DSK-1.

The defense industry is still in the sphere of interests of the ex-developer. RTO production structures in Chernogolovka near Moscow produce power units using hydrogen-air elements and energy systems for drones and robotic systems. These batteries provide up to three to five times an increase in flight or operating duration and five times greater energy intensity than conventional batteries, Vasiliev assures.

Startup Hunter

Relations with authorities is one of the key competencies of a successful developer. In the field of innovation, Alexander Ruchev also acts together with the state - with the Russian Venture Company (RVC).

According to Gulnara Bikkulova, director of the innovation markets department at RVC, RTO and Morton are partners in the SmartCity track of the Generation S competition, the goal of which is to search for new projects and technologies. “They are actively involved in working with startups, in mentoring and resource support for aspiring entrepreneurs,” says Bikkulova.

“It happens that certain technological solutions are so interesting to us that we prefer to turn potential competitors into business partners,” adds head of RTO Yuri Vasiliev.

The story of the Perm company TECCO is typical. In just a few years, three scientists were able to build a company with a capitalization, according to expert estimates, of $50 million. The Permians came up with a technology for cooling and ventilation without freon - running water is used instead. Professor of the Department of General Physics at MIPT Vladimir Bulygin confirms that “the principle of operation does not contradict physics,” but draws attention to the fact that the consumption of running water also entails costs.

“The savings on energy are significantly higher than the cost of running water, and besides, this is the only air conditioner in the world that can operate directly from a solar battery,” Vasiliev from RTO disagrees. Potential clients of TECCO are in countries where in the summer it is necessary to cool not only premises, but also the air on the streets (for example, this is done at bus stops under awnings) - India, UAE, Malaysia. Among Russian clients- Russian Railways, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Aeroexpress, Moscow Metro.

Today RTO is not only the main investor, but also the future owner of TECCO (the deal has not yet been closed). One of the founders of TESSO, Dmitry Goryachev, says that he sees Ruchevo as a congenial partner: “He, like me, is not interested in technologies that have already worked for ten years and will work for the same amount of time. This is the business of the past, we are interested in creating breakthrough ideas.”

Maker support

Makers are people who, using modern design tools, create complex things with their own hands - from furniture to a car. They are often cheaper than their industrial counterparts. First, the object is designed on a computer display in the form of a 3D model, and then it is produced independently or printed on a 3D printer.

There are many making laboratories in the United States.

In February 2017, the world's largest maker center, Open Workshops, will appear in the capital's technopolis Moscow. The ideological inspirer and investor of the project is RTO Alexander Ruchyev. Of course, here, too, Ruchev acts with state support - the partner in the project is the RVC Intrafund, the volume of investments is not disclosed by the parties.

2.5 thousand m will accommodate 15 workshops with a variety of equipment, another 1.5 thousand m are intended for “show technologies”. At the same time, up to 350 people will be able to work in the “Open Workshops”, and up to 2 thousand people will be able to study monthly.

Attract visitors to your maker center former owner Morton is planning in an unusual way: one of the workshops will be led by Fedor Konyukhov. This year, with the financial support of Ruchev, Konyukhov became the third traveler in the world to make a successful flight around the world in a hot air balloon in 11 days.

Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov before the start of a round-the-world flight in a Morton hot air balloon.
Photo: Pavel Vanichkin/TASS

Even in this little detail, Ruchev repeats the logic of the Imperial Russian Technical Society - pre-revolutionary innovators also flew in balloons. Whether Ruchev’s new projects will be able to “take off” is unknown, but developing them is clearly more interesting to him than building up the Moscow region.

So says Ruchev

"I believe in God. There are prophecies that Russia will rise. The Prophet Ezra said that the last country where the Lord will rest is the country of the eastern pagans.”

“Until my fourth year, I didn’t take business seriously. I thought that it would end and spaceships would again roam the expanses of the Universe.”

“The company’s strategy has been drawn up for ten years. And God grant that it doesn’t have to be changed. So that the country in which we live develops at a rapid pace, so that the Russophobia that has gripped the world comes to naught. So that we, as a great people, can withstand these turbulent times and become even stronger. So that the word “Russian” sounds in the world with admiration, and not with fear.”

“Money for the sake of money is not an idea that can be exciting and will lead you to some kind of final success, to a successful end to your earthly life. We see that we have a lot of asocial billionaires who come to a bad end.”

“We are friends with everyone! In fact, there are not so many of us Russians, 140 million. 7% are engaged in business. Officials - 15%. That is, the field of business activity is not so large, naturally, we all know each other and communicate.”

Victoria Kostoeva

The former president of Morton sold his business out of boredom. And now, in order not to get bored, he invests his assets in the creation of new innovative technologies and in young entrepreneurs.

Recently it became known that the long-term confrontation between the groups of the Peak company and the Morton company has ended. Ruchyev Alexander Valerievich sold his business to Sergei Gordeev. The amount from such an undoubtedly successful transaction, according to experts, varies from 45 billion rubles to 160 billion rubles.

Sergei Gordeev really got a tasty morsel, only for last year Morton has built a million square meters. m of living space, the revenue from which amounted to 60 billion rubles. But as they say, everything has back side, so the company’s debt almost doubled this year, as the company was actively involved in purchasing land plots in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The head explains such a shocking decision by the fact that he is tired of the real estate market in the form in which it exists in Russia. They say that there are no worthy competitors, and he is bored with his work.

Now a successful businessman is looking for himself in new guises. Interests of Ruchyev A.V. now attracting startups, breakthroughs in science and makers.

Scandals surrounding the construction site

Let's return to the history of the appearance of the Morton company on the real estate market. Being a graduate of the Physics and Technology Institute, Ruchev A.V. in the 90s he founded a company together with classmates. The company became famous in 2008, when, during the crisis, it managed to win a tender for the construction of 24 residential buildings on the territory of a former military unit. The customer of the construction was the Regional Department of the Customer Capital Construction(RUZKS). However, this deal became known more from the initiation of a criminal case. The deputy head of the RUZSKS branch, Sergey Emelin, repeatedly threatened construction company“problems” and demanded from them a certain share of the amount of work performed. However, Emelin himself became a defendant in a criminal case for receiving especially large bribes and was sent to prison for 4.5 years. It should be noted that the conclusion of that transaction influenced the fate of the company. Since a third of Morton's transactions are military mortgages.

Cooperation with the military continues to this day - almost a third of Morton's mortgage transactions are military mortgages. Thus, in 2015, Ruchev’s company sold about 5 thousand “mortgage” apartments worth more than 20 billion rubles, a third of the volume were apartments with a military mortgage.

By the way, the conduct of business by Mr. A.V. Ruchyev. can be described as very tough. Most construction work was literally surrounded by scandals and criminal cases.

So, during the construction of the Mortongrad-Ilinskoye-Usovo complex, in which it was planned to build 17 storey houses, the company faced discontent from residents of the area. This number of floors meant an increase in the number of residents by 60 thousand people, which naturally did not suit anyone. The company was forced to give in to the citizens and reduce the number of floors to 9, and the number of neighbors decreased to 50 thousand people.

But for the fact that Morton cut down an entire hectare of the Losiny Ostrov park, a criminal case was opened.

If we do not note the fact that businessman from Ruchyev A.V. He came out quite aggressive, the entrepreneur himself is a rather devout person. His colleagues have repeatedly noted the large number of icons and church utensils in his office. Also Ruchiev A.V. founded the White Cross Foundation to help churches; all money collected went towards the restoration of the church.

Innovation in Egypt

But now the entrepreneur’s attention has been attracted to the foreign market. So, at the end of spring last year in Egypt, Mr. Ruchev participated in a tender for the development of the construction of the “New Cairo” complex. However, the businessman failed to win, but managed to make new acquaintances. Thus, Ruchiev A.V. decided to create a production in Cairo of a material that will be created on the basis of basalt, with the help of which it will be possible to build in such unbearable heat. But even this is the conquest international market not finished. It is also planned to open factories for the production of new materials in the UAE and hot Brazil by the end of next year.

Experts from the Russian Technical Society claim that they have managed to create a technology for producing reliable reinforcement from basalt. The interesting production table is located on the territory of the Galen plant, which belongs to A.V. Ruchev (the plant was not included in the deal with Gordeev). "Galen" was a project created between Rusnano and Morton; later Chubais would sell 40% of the assets to A.V. Ruchev.

Looking for new ideas

As you know, to become successful with the state you need to make friends. According to this principle, Ruchiev A.V. cooperates with the Russian Venture Company.

Morton is a partner of RVC and participates together with the company in the search for new startups and young talents who will also offer new technologies.

The head of RTO, Yuri Vasiliev, notes that sometimes the company even offers partnerships to businessmen, so that new and interesting competitors do not appear on their path.

An example of such a partnership is the story with the Perm company TESSO. Scientists really managed to surprise businessmen; they created a ventilation system that no longer required freon, but only needed running water. However, experts note that water costs will cost the same price as buying freon for an air conditioner.

However, the head of the RTO does not think so, so the technology is planned to be offered to colleagues from India, Malaysia and, of course, the UAE. But in Russia the clients are Russian Railways and the Moscow Metro.

Well, now RTO plans to buy such successful partners. Negotiations on the deal are still ongoing.

A huge do-it-yourself construction project.

In addition to innovation, the head of Morton also provides his support to a new direction that came to us from America, Maker. These are a kind of sculptors in the world of technology who, using the latest technologies, create projects with their own hands.

At the beginning of 2017, the largest center for makers, “Open Workshops,” will be opened in the Technopark. Naturally, the initiator of this project is Mr. A.V. Ruchiev. , here he is helped by Interfund of the RVC company. The complex’s sites will feature various “technical show programs,” as well as 15 workshops for makers to work.

But to the marketing part of the project Ruchev A.V. approached thoroughly, the person attracting visitors is the famous traveler, Fyodor Konyukhov.

Such a radical change in the field of business is amazing. However, for whatever idea Ruchev A.V. he didn’t take it upon himself, he succeeds in everything. According to the entrepreneur himself, the strategy of his company is written out, and 10 years ahead.