They can do everything (for the time being, for the time being). Anatoly Yakunin: biography and family of the general House with cockfights

The favorite journalist of the head of Chechnya, Anastasia Kashevarova, is attacking the Presidential Administration and the alleged daughter of the head of the Operational Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Cello Case Telegram channel draws attention to the publication of the Daily Storm project. This site is financed by Ramzan Kadyrov and edited by Aram Gabrelyanov's employee Anastasia Kashevarova, who has a close personal acquaintance with the head of Chechnya.

According to journalists Kashevarova, Kadyrov's favorite Moscow "President Hotel" was filled with prostitutes, Iranians and "drunk workers from Asia." The publication of Kadyrov and Kashevarova names the alleged daughter of the former head of the Moscow police, the current head of the Operational Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Anatoly Yakunin, the head of the Main Directorate for Housing and Social Welfare of the Presidential Administration Ekaterina Yakunin, as the patroness of prostitutes. UDP is now headed by Alexander Kolpakov. Below, the Ruspres agency, without changes, cites the text of the source about the President Hotel and Kolpakov's department.

If you want to shake hands with the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, attend the birthday party of the deputy head of the FSB, or see Arkady Dvorkovich, then you do not need to make an appointment with them. Life hack: just come and stay at the President Hotel. Drunk tourists, girls with low social responsibility at the level of Leningradskoe shosse, drunken workers from Asia pass next to a string of cars parked in the yard of a secure hotel with the numbers EKH (belonging to the Federal Security Service), AMR (government series), KRA (retinue of Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich).

If someone thinks that we are dividing people into castes here, then we will get ahead of their anger and imagination: no one says that poverty is complete crap, we ourselves are like that, but still the security regime has not been removed from the facility.

Some of the hotel's regulars complain that no one can now guarantee the safety of senior officials.

“The birthday was of one big FSB member, so there were women in bathrobes wandering around. The Chinese lost the child, they rummaged around the hotel, they say that they almost locked themselves in Kadyrov's room, ”says the interlocutor.

Another source of the publication complains that before big deals were made in the lobby bar, high-level informal meetings were held, and “now any Iranian or Chinese can drop by important people (recently they settled tourists from these countries. - note ed.) with a request to take a picture or the question of how to get to a restaurant or a toilet.”

Behind the scenes, they say that such a joke with high-ranking residents and guests of the hotel was pulled by the head of the Main Directorate of Housing and Social Welfare of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation Ekaterina Yakunina, the daughter of the head of the Moscow police, General Anatoly Yakunin. She replaced the old management of the hotel, putting the former young police officers in charge of the "President".

“Everything is being rebuilt. We got the money, we need to master it. Young people came, they are under 30 years old, no respect. I used to come here to drink coffee and hold business meetings, but now I'm ashamed. Passage courtyard, ”says one of the high-ranking Moscow officials.

The regime facility de jure has not ceased to be so, but in fact tourists from Iran, China and other states friendly to us are already settled there, and our correspondent has settled. So the safety of senior officials, including information officials, visiting the once closed hotel, is out of the question. Tourists proudly call it “President Hotel”, and already regular customers affectionately call it “President Motel”.

It seemed that in this way they sent me correctly: it turns out that just such a service

I am walking from the Oktyabrskaya metro station in the direction of my temporary shelter. I go up to a high fence, behind which are luxury foreign cars with thieves' license plates of all stripes. I understand that I came to the address.

To get inside, you need to go through the checkpoint. Passport and a scan of the armor at the ready, as well as a bag for screening - you never know: the institution still has a history, the first persons come. A security guard meets me at the entrance:

"Hello, where are you?"

"I'm visiting you."

The guard asks me to give the last name indicated during the booking on the booking (please note that the passport details are not indicated on the booking) and gives me the go-ahead. No more questions, searches and other prejudices.

The road is open, I stomp past parked Maybachs to the reception. There is no one at the entrance - it feels like there are no service personnel in principle, as well as security. I pass through the empty frame, go up the stairs. The reception desk is in the corner on the right hand side. I didn’t notice her right away, so I rushed past and got straight into a large and bright hall. Surprisingly not crowded: two Chinese women with brochures in their native language, Caucasians at the table drinking tea, a man of Slavic appearance in a suit and several women who happily take pictures on a soap box.

I go to the reception desk, behind it is a girl. At that moment, I felt a strange look. He probably wants to ask what I forgot here, but he cannot do this because I am a client today. I take out a printout of the armor and hand it to her:

“You make 15,300 in two days,” she says.

The money has been given away. In return - a card from the room and a hand gesture towards the elevator. It seemed that in this way I was correctly sent: it turns out, just such a service.

I open the door of the room - it is terribly interesting what I will get for this money, but what I saw disappointed me. Despite the spaciousness and the view from the window directly to the monument to Peter the Great, the room has old Soviet chiffoniers, carpets with strange stains, such as in the common corridors and in the rooms, broken sockets 20 years ago, as well as broken locks in the restrooms. There are two bathrooms in the room, and it will not be possible to close in both. Although the TVs are not tube - and thanks for that. I hope the diplomats get better numbers.

Fortification drove up

Evening of the next day. Around 22:00. I get to the hotel from the Teatralnaya metro station. In order to match the class of the institution I'm going to, I decide to order a presentable foreign car through Yandex.Taxi. A Caucasian is driving a BMW. We are approaching the checkpoint. The road to the car is blocked by a barrier, behind which stands a guard in a cap. He carefully checks the numbers of the car with his list, but we know that these numbers cannot be there for sure. In the end, he decides to go to the car.

"Have the fortification arrived?" - the guard asks, apparently mistaking the Dagestan driver for a Chechen.

“No, I'm taking a guest,” the driver says, pointing with his thumb at the back seat of the car.

Meanwhile, I stick my head between the front seats and ask to be let through, holding a white card in my hands. As it turned out later, I showed the security guard a pass from work, it’s just that he was also white, mixed up in the dark. Without further questions, we are allowed into the territory. And after all, they didn’t even look at the salon. As in the daytime, there is no one at the front door.

“I can do without porters, the main thing is not to get carried away. The number is only for a couple of days, ”I thought, and somehow opened the massive door.

The time was approaching half past ten, I felt weak, I completely forgot about dinner. There are three establishments listed on the hotel's website. Bar "Aurora" is under renovation, "Yakimanka" is closed, only Barin, located on the 14th floor, remains. However, at the very top of the hotel, disappointment awaited me. It turned out that at that moment Ramzan Kadyrov was received there, and you can only taste local treats in your room. But he noted an important detail: the “President” has a cool anti-alcohol system, mini-bars in all rooms are locked, and beer is brought to the room without an opener.

Frequent guests

We managed to visit the same Barin restaurant only in the evening of the next day. The fact is that the hotel provides a wide range of services: it rents out premises for weddings, corporate parties, graduations for schoolchildren and much more, so sometimes getting into local establishments can be quite problematic.

To brighten up loneliness, he invited a girl. They already knew me at the checkpoint, so they didn’t ask for a card - a friend just followed. As it turned out, anyone can be taken into the mansions: even a harem of girls, even radical Islamists. There are no problems with security - it simply does not exist. Or she is busy with something else.

We are sitting with a friend in a large bright room. Despite the fact that the interior gives off fakery, it is quite comfortable to be here, if not for the noisy company of Asians at the next table. As the administrator of the establishment later told me, they are quite frequent guests at the "President".

“Oh, you know, I noticed that they drink a lot and drink mostly the most important thing to appease. But burping and grunting is normal for them: what to do is the mentality, ”the hotel employee complains.

It was decided to spend the rest of the evening on Bolotnaya. The club heart of Moscow is located directly opposite the President Hotel, a fairly convenient location. To be honest, that night remained in my memory in fragments. I remember: we burst into the hall with friends, I try to get on the elevator buttons, there is noise again, we go along the corridor, I fall into bed. In the morning I wake up to the chiming of bells, there is no one in the room, the night guests retired long before I woke up.

It was the last night in the FGUP hotel. For the two days that I had a chance to live here, I still could not understand what is the prestige of this place, where all the security is located, and why “five stars” hangs on the sign at the entrance to the hotel.

The wind of change

It turned out that all the latest changes in the work of the "President Hotel" are connected by its employees with a new responsible person in the Administration of the President of Russia.

This structure has a special unit called the Main Directorate of Housing and Social Welfare, which is responsible for the full life cycle of a modern Russian official: provides him with official housing, organizes sanatorium treatment for him, reserves places on trains, planes and hotels, and even organizes funeral services.

GUZhiSBO can perform these functions easily and without unnecessary red tape - all the necessary resources are already there, they have been given at their disposal: 13 recreation complexes, including Snegiri, Dagomys and Bor, two rest houses - Tuapse and Valdai , as well as two hotel complexes - "Golden Ring" and the same "President Hotel".

Free access to the hotel, the opportunity to spill tea in the corridor on a government official and the lack of proper security at the President Hotel - all this began with the arrival of Ekaterina Anatolyevna.

There is nothing shocking in Mrs. Yakunina's income declaration beyond what we are used to seeing in a modern Russian official: an apartment of "non-Shuvalov" footage - 142 square meters (it seems ridiculous, but civil servants take such), a dacha - 307 "squares", two parking spaces. The spouse also has acceptable real estate - not one of those small spaces that Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko recommends for students: two apartments of 120.9 square meters each.

In the SPARK-Interfax database, we managed to find two women with the same basic data as the head of the GUZhiSBO.

The first Ekaterina Anatolyevna was a co-owner of a company from the city of Biysk, Altai Territory, a retail company that had not shown signs of life for two years.

The second Yakunin is much more like an official from the Presidential Administration. She is a member of the Audit Commission of the Rossiya Hotel Complex in Ufa. Behind the high-profile name, very similar to the official state one, is a very specific private business, namely, the Azimut hotel chain. These hotels with a red and white globe logo can be found throughout Russia - from Moscow to Sochi.

The Azimut hotel chain belongs to billionaire Alexander Klyachin (66th in Russia and 1567th in the world according to Forbes).

This once humble MSU geography graduate capitalized on the progressive M&A market in the 1990s and 2000s (some people use a different definition instead - "raider takeover", but we won't do that).

The most famous takeover attempt from Alexander Klyachin is a mass buying operation in the middle of zero shares of a large metropolitan developer - the Mospromstroy company (among its facilities are the Government House of the Russian Federation, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Victory Memorial on Poklonnaya Hill, the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the sports complex " Olympic"). The specifics of the operation was that Mospromstroy was a closed joint stock company, and in order to find out the names of the owners of the company, it was necessary to make some efforts.

But the task was not unsolvable. The unknown company "Interbranch Legal Consulting Bureau" managed to gain access to the register of shareholders of "Mospromstroy". To find out how this happened, the prosecutor's office even opened a criminal case under the article "Illegal business".

After this leak, Mospromstroy shares began to be actively bought up by market participants, including the Nerl company associated with Alexander Klyachin. However, a full-fledged capture of the construction giant still did not happen, since the presence of a criminal case forced everyone to be extremely careful.

Why do we remember this story?

The fact is that Ekaterina Yakunina, before officially moving under the wing of the Azimut hotel empire, worked in the long-suffering Mospromstroy (although it is not known what position she held there).

Another remarkable fact about the personality of the head of the Main Directorate of Housing and Social Welfare: she is the full namesake of the daughter of the ex-head of the metropolitan police, Anatoly Yakunin (according to the information of the hotel staff with whom we managed to talk, this is not just a coincidence of names; it is no coincidence that the fact that many former metropolitan police officers managed to successfully find employment in the President Hotel).

In the correspondent's room, in addition to the menu and rules of the hotel, a brochure recommending the spa at the Copernicus Residential Complex took pride of place. Spa salon of Linda Guseva - a close friend of Tina Kandelaki. Just one more little touch.

The daughter of the former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow privatized an apartment in an elite building on Ostozhenka, which her father received from the authorities of the capital under a social lease agreement.

The former chief police officer of Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin, is now settling in a new office in the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All checks on the general, including his income and expenses, have already ended. The inspectors were very interested in the apartment of the Yakunin family in a club house in the most expensive district of Moscow - on Ostozhenka. The market value of such an apartment is estimated at 200 million rubles - you can’t buy it with one salary. However, the documents were executed flawlessly: the general received this housing under a social lease agreement from the Moscow mayor's office, and then privatized it for his daughter. The Moscow Property Department even resisted privatization, so the general's family received permission through the courts. Yakunin is registered in an elite apartment, and his daughter, an official, lives there with a young and successful husband, the deputy prosecutor of the Kuntsevo district, whose career after the wedding suddenly went up.

We can say that General Anatoly Yakunin's life was a success. After nervous and restless work of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, now he can relax in the chair of the head of the Operational Directorate in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In his family, everything is also fine: his wife works in a large company, 29-year-old daughter Ekaterina - in the structures of state power, her young husband Vadim Filippov - in the Moscow prosecutor's office. Young people live like real oligarchs. Back in the spring of 2013, Ekaterina Yakunina became the owner of an apartment on the Golden Mile - that's what they called Ostozhenka in Moscow, the most prestigious area, where the cost of housing has long been measured in hundreds of millions of rubles.

House with cockfights

This apartment had an interesting fate. In the spring of 2012, the then head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, General Vladimir Kolokoltsev, was appointed Minister of the Interior of Russia. His old office at 38, Petrovka, was idle for a short time without an owner. He was soon taken Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novgorod Region Major General Anatoly Yakunin. The new chief police officer of Moscow needed somewhere to live with his family, and the city authorities did not stint. Yakunin received a three-room apartment in the Ostozhenka 11 residential complex at the address of the same name. The Moscow government received this apartment from the developer - the well-known Austrian construction company Strabag SE.

The elite complex appeared on the site of an old building in which Shustrov's tavern "Dovecote" used to be. At the end of the 19th century, this institution became famous for illegal cockfights, which were attended by merchants. The old building was demolished in 2007 to make room for the construction of Ostozhenka 11.

This is a six-storey house of exclusive design. It has only 40 apartments. It is lined with three types of rare stone, which was brought from Germany. The walls overlooking the courtyards are partly lined with grappa wood, which is stronger than mahogany and resistant to bad weather. The glazing is such that there is always a lot of light in the apartments, and the penthouses offer an excellent view of the city center. From the upper floors you can see the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Across the street is the Multimedia Art Museum.

The owners of apartments and their guests are met by security and administrators. The transition to the elevators is made in the form of bridges. The interior of the entrance resembles the palaces of the Renaissance.

Yakunin's apartment is located on the fourth floor. It has two bedrooms, four toilets and two bathrooms. Its market value is estimated at 200 million rubles. In 2013, when the general acquired this apartment, he earned 2.6 million rubles according to his income statement. His wife - 4.1 million. If the spouses decided to buy such an apartment on their own at the market price, then with a family budget of 6.7 million they would have to save up for an apartment for almost 30 years.

For a general and an apartment it’s not a pity

In December 2012, General Yakunin entered into a social tenancy agreement for this apartment on Ostozhenka with the Moscow government represented by the housing policy department.

Almost immediately, Yakunin's daughter turned to the Moscow authorities for permission to privatize this apartment. The Department of Housing Policy refused her on the grounds that she had not yet been registered as the property of the city, a law enforcement source said. - In order to quickly resolve this issue, officials advised Ekaterina Yakunina to go to court, because the right to free privatization formally expired in March 2013 and it was not clear whether it would be extended again or not.

If the Russian government did not once again extend the free privatization, then the general's family, like millions of other families, would have to buy apartments from the state at the full market price.

Ekaterina Yakunina listened to the advice of wise officials. Two months later, in February 2013, the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow decided the issue of privatizing the apartment in favor of Yakunin's daughter. The issue of the term of free privatization played a decisive role: the court indicated this as one of the arguments in its decision. "The court considers that the plaintiff, who lives in the apartment provided to her and wants to acquire it as a property in the order of privatization, cannot be held responsible for the untimely registration of property rights by Moscow," the reasoning part of the court's decision says.

Thus, on legal grounds, Moscow's property lost an asset worth about 200 million rubles. In this situation, there is no one to ask: the key decision was made by the court, and the officials did not appeal against it.

Apartment with an area of ​​148.1 sq. m has been featured in Yakunin's declaration since 2013, but in 2014 it shrank by almost 6 sq. m. In fact, we are talking about the same apartment. Just 148 sq. m it turns out, if you count with the summer premises - a loggia.

Anatoly Yakunin himself is now registered in this apartment, - said the source.

Ekaterina Yakunina also received a parking space in the parking lot of an elite house, worth about 3 million rubles.

A gift of fate

A couple of years ago, Ekaterina married Vadim Filippov, then an ordinary employee of the prosecutor's office of the Kuntsevo metropolitan area, and took her husband's surname. Now the general's daughter has already submitted papers to the relevant authorities with a request to re-register all documents for a new surname.

After marrying the general's daughter, the young prosecutor's career magically went uphill: in a year, from an ordinary employee, he rose to the rank of first deputy district prosecutor. Now he is a 1st class lawyer. The young Yakunin-Filippov family also owns an apartment in a new building in the Vnukovo district.

[, 10/20/2016, "The Ministry of Internal Affairs refused to comment on information about Yakunin's apartment for 200 million": The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not comment on information about the privatization of the apartment of the daughter of the former head of the Moscow police Anatoly Yakunin. The department for interaction with the media reported that they were not authorized to comment on this information, and in principle they did not know what was being said.

The official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Irina Volk, was also unavailable for comment - sidebar]

Officials spoiled by the housing issue

Experts say that for officials and for ordinary citizens in Moscow, the same rules apply for concluding a social lease agreement.

According to the law of the city of Moscow, an ordinary family of three, which includes spouses, is entitled to a two-room apartment with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m per person, - explained the president of the Guild of Real Estate Lawyers Oleg Sukhov. - To conclude a contract of social employment, a person still needs to have certain criteria. Namely - the poor and officially defended in the queue. In Moscow, this line stretched for 25 years.

As of the summer of 2016, more than 74,000 families were in line for free housing in Moscow alone. This number is regularly decreasing: until recently there were 200,000 families in the queue.

However, there is still a special category of people to whom housing is allocated according to separate regulations: presidential decrees, government decrees. They are given apartments by the feds or local authorities - depending on the specific norm of the law.

High-ranking officials and members of their families use similar schemes to solve the housing problem at the expense of the state.

In 2012, First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Gorovoy filed a lawsuit against the Department for the Operation of the Housing Fund of the Presidential Administration with a demand to transfer ownership of a service apartment on Michurinsky Prospekt to him. To move to Moscow, a high-ranking official issued a donation of his living space in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in favor of the state, and in return received an elite apartment in the capital under a social lease agreement in the White Swan residential complex, which he wanted to own. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2013, Gorovoy, who became Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the summer of 2011, together with his wife owned an apartment of 158.6 square meters. m, and the total annual family income amounted to almost 10 million rubles. The cost of an apartment in the residential complex "White Swan" is 160 sq. m exceeds 80 million rubles, and a 166-meter three-ruble note costs almost 90 million rubles.

In 2014, he was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison Stanislav Balyukin, who, thanks to fictitious employment contracts, was able to get seven service apartments with his accomplices.

In the same 2014, the prosecutor of Syktyvkar demanded the court to oblige Anatoly Kisel, director of the GKU "Center for Ensuring the Activities of Justices of the Peace", to return to the ownership of the Republic of Komi a service apartment of 104 sq. m, which was illegally obtained by him and privatized for his grandson. The court ultimately upheld the prosecutor's claim.

Pavel Kochegarov

The daughter of the former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow privatized an apartment in an elite building on Ostozhenka, which her father received from the authorities of the capital under a social lease agreement.

The former chief police officer of Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin, is now settling in a new office in the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All checks on the general, including his income and expenses, have already ended. According to Life, the controllers were very interested in the Yakunin family's apartment in a club house in the most expensive district of Moscow - on Ostozhenka. The market value of such an apartment is estimated at 200 million rubles - you can’t buy it with one salary. However, the documents were executed flawlessly: the general received this housing under a social lease agreement from the Moscow mayor's office, and then privatized it for his daughter. The Moscow Property Department even resisted privatization, so the general's family received permission through the courts. Yakunin is registered in an elite apartment, and his daughter, an official, lives there with a young and successful husband, the deputy prosecutor of the Kuntsevo district, whose career after the wedding suddenly went up.

We can say that General Anatoly Yakunin's life was a success. After the nervous and restless work of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, now he can relax in the chair of the head of the Operational Directorate in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In his family, everything is also fine: his wife works in a large company, 29-year-old daughter Ekaterina - in the structures of state power, her young husband Vadim Filippov - in the Moscow prosecutor's office. Young people live like real oligarchs. Back in the spring of 2013, Ekaterina Yakunina became the owner of an apartment on "Golden Mile"- that's what they called Ostozhenka in Moscow, the most prestigious area, where the cost of housing has long been measured in hundreds of millions of rubles.

House with cockfights

This apartment had an interesting fate. In the spring of 2012, the then head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, General Vladimir Kolokoltsev, was appointed Minister of the Interior of Russia. His old office at 38, Petrovka, was idle for a short time without an owner. He was soon occupied by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novgorod region, Major General Anatoly Yakunin. The new chief police officer of Moscow needed somewhere to live with his family, and the city authorities did not stint. Yakunin received a three-room apartment in the Ostozhenka 11 residential complex at the address of the same name. The Moscow government received this apartment from the developer - the well-known Austrian construction company Strabag SE.

The elite complex appeared on the site of an old building in which Shustrov's tavern "Dovecote" used to be. At the end of the 19th century, this institution became famous for illegal cockfights, which were attended by merchants. The old building was demolished in 2007 to make room for the construction of Ostozhenka 11.

This is a six-storey house of exclusive design. It has only 40 apartments. It is lined with three types of rare stone, which was brought from Germany. The walls overlooking the courtyards are partly lined with grappa wood, which is stronger than mahogany and resistant to bad weather. The glazing is such that there is always a lot of light in the apartments, and the penthouses offer an excellent view of the city center. From the upper floors you can see the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Across the street is the Multimedia Art Museum.

The owners of apartments and their guests are met by security and administrators. The transition to the elevators is made in the form of bridges. The interior of the entrance resembles the palaces of the Renaissance.

Yakunin's apartment is located on the fourth floor. It has two bedrooms, four toilets and two bathrooms. Its market value is estimated at 200 million rubles. In 2013, when the general acquired this apartment, he earned 2.6 million rubles according to his income statement. His wife - 4.1 million. If the spouses decided to buy such an apartment on their own at the market price, then with a family budget of 6.7 million they would have to save up for an apartment for almost 30 years.

For a general and an apartment it’s not a pity

In December 2012, General Yakunin entered into a social tenancy agreement for this apartment on Ostozhenka with the Moscow government represented by the housing policy department.

Almost immediately, Yakunin's daughter turned to the Moscow authorities for permission to privatize this apartment. The Department of Housing Policy refused her on the grounds that she had not yet been registered as the property of the city, a law enforcement source told Life. - In order to quickly resolve this issue, officials advised Ekaterina Yakunina to go to court, because the right to free privatization formally expired in March 2013 and it was not clear whether it would be extended again or not.

If the Russian government did not once again extend the free privatization, then the general's family, like millions of other families, would have to buy apartments from the state at the full market price.

Ekaterina Yakunina listened to the advice of wise officials. Two months later, in February 2013, the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow decided the issue of privatizing the apartment in favor of Yakunin's daughter. The issue of the term of free privatization played a decisive role: the court indicated this as one of the arguments in its decision. "The court considers that the plaintiff, who lives in the apartment provided to her and wants to acquire it as a property in the order of privatization, cannot be held responsible for the untimely registration of property rights by Moscow," the reasoning part of the court's decision says.

Thus, on legal grounds, Moscow's property lost an asset worth about 200 million rubles. In this situation, there is no one to ask: the key decision was made by the court, and the officials did not appeal against it.

Apartment with an area of ​​148.1 sq. m has been featured in Yakunin's declaration since 2013, but in 2014 it shrank by almost 6 sq. m. In fact, we are talking about the same apartment. Just 148 sq. m it turns out, if you count with the summer premises - a loggia.

Anatoly Yakunin himself is now registered in this apartment, - a source told Life.

Ekaterina Yakunina also received a parking space in the parking lot of an elite house, worth about 3 million rubles.

A gift of fate

A couple of years ago, Ekaterina married Vadim Filippov, then an ordinary employee of the prosecutor's office of the Kuntsevo metropolitan area, and took her husband's surname. Now the general's daughter has already submitted papers to the relevant authorities with a request to re-register all documents for a new surname.

After marrying the general's daughter, the young prosecutor's career magically went uphill: in a year, from an ordinary employee, he rose to the rank of first deputy district prosecutor. Now he is a 1st class lawyer. According to Life, the young Yakunin-Filippov family also owns an apartment in a new building in the Vnukovo district.

[Life.Ru, 10/20/2016, "The Ministry of Internal Affairs refused to comment on information about Yakunin's apartment for 200 million": The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not comment on information about the privatization of the apartment of the daughter of the former head of the Moscow police, Anatoly Yakunin. The department for interaction with the media reported that they were not authorized to comment on this information, and in principle they did not know what was being said.
The official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Irina Volk, was also unavailable for comment. - Inset]

Officials spoiled by the housing issue

Experts say that for officials and for ordinary citizens in Moscow, the same rules apply for concluding a social lease agreement.

According to the law of the city of Moscow, an ordinary family of three, which includes spouses, is entitled to a two-room apartment with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m per person, - explained the president of the Guild of Real Estate Lawyers Oleg Sukhov. - To conclude a contract of social employment, a person still needs to have certain criteria. Namely - the poor and officially defended in the queue. In Moscow, this line stretched for 25 years.

As of the summer of 2016, more than 74,000 families were in line for free housing in Moscow alone. This number is regularly decreasing: until recently there were 200,000 families in the queue.

However, there is still a special category of people to whom housing is allocated according to separate regulations: presidential decrees, government decrees. They are given apartments by the feds or local authorities - depending on the specific norm of the law.

High-ranking officials and members of their families use similar schemes to solve the housing problem at the expense of the state.

In 2012, First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Gorovoy filed a lawsuit against the Department for the Operation of the Housing Fund of the Presidential Administration with a demand to transfer ownership of a service apartment on Michurinsky Prospekt to him. To move to Moscow, a high-ranking official issued a donation of his living space in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in favor of the state, and in return received an elite apartment in the capital under a social lease agreement in the White Swan residential complex, which he wanted to own. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2013, Gorovoy, who became Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the summer of 2011, together with his wife owned an apartment of 158.6 square meters. m, and the total annual family income amounted to almost 10 million rubles. The cost of an apartment in the residential complex "White Swan" is 160 sq. m exceeds 80 million rubles, and a 166-meter three-ruble note costs almost 90 million rubles.

In 2014, Stanislav Balyukin, an employee of the Russian Ministry of Defense, was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison, who, thanks to fictitious employment contracts, was able to get seven service apartments with his accomplices.

In the same 2014, the prosecutor of Syktyvkar demanded the court to oblige Anatoly Kisel, director of the GKU "Center for Ensuring the Activities of Justices of the Peace", to return to the ownership of the Republic of Komi a service apartment of 104 sq. m, which was illegally obtained by him and privatized for his grandson. The court ultimately upheld the prosecutor's claim.

The daughter of the former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow privatized an apartment in an elite house on Ostozhenka, which her father received from the authorities of the capital under a social contract

The former chief police officer of Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin, is now settling in a new office in the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All checks on the general, including his income and expenses, have already ended. According to Life, the controllers were very interested in the Yakunin family's apartment in a club house in the most expensive district of Moscow - on Ostozhenka. The market value of such an apartment is estimated at 200 million rubles - you can’t buy it with one salary. However, the documents were executed flawlessly: the general received this housing before the social lease agreement from the Moscow mayor's office, and then privatized it for his daughter. The Moscow Property Department even resisted privatization, so the general's family received permission through the courts. Yakunin is registered in an elite apartment, and his daughter, an official, lives there with a young and successful husband, Deputy Prosecutor Kuntsevo, whose career after the wedding suddenly went up.

We can say that General Anatoly Yakunin's life was a success. After a nervous and restless job as the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, now he can relax in the chair of the head of the Operational Directorate at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In his family, everything is also fine: his wife works in a large company, 29-year-old daughter Ekaterina - in the structures of state power, her young husband Vadim Filippov - in the Moscow prosecutor's office. Young people live like real oligarchs. Back in the spring of 2013, Ekaterina Yakunina became the owner of an apartment on the Golden Mile: that's what they called Ostozhenka in Moscow - the most prestigious area, where the cost of housing has long been measured in hundreds of millions of rubles.

House with cockfights

This apartment had an interesting fate. In the spring of 2012, the then head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, General Vladimir Kolokoltsev, was appointed Minister of the Interior of Russia. His old office at 38, Petrovka, was idle for a short time without an owner. He was soon occupied by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novgorod region, Major General Anatoly Yakunin. The new chief police officer of Moscow needed somewhere to live with his family, and the city authorities were not stingy. Yakunin received a three-room apartment in the Ostozhenka 11 residential complex at the address of the same name. The Moscow government received this apartment from the developer - the well-known Austrian construction company Strabag SE.

The elite complex appeared on the site of an old building in which Shustrov's tavern "Dovecote" was located. At the end of the 19th century, this institution became famous for illegal cockfights, which were attended by merchants. The old building was demolished in 2007 to make way for the construction of Ostozhenka 11.

This is a six-storey house of exclusive design. It has only 40 apartments. It is lined with three types of rare stone, which was brought from Germany. The walls overlooking the courtyards are partly lined with grappa wood, which is stronger than mahogany and resistant to bad weather. The glazing is such that there is always a lot of light in the apartments, and the penthouses offer an excellent view of the city center. From the upper floors you can see the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Across the street is the Multimedia Art Museum.

The owners of apartments and their guests are met by security and administrators. The transition to the elevators is made in the form of bridges. The interior of the entrance resembles the palaces of the Renaissance.

Yakunin's apartment is located on the fourth floor. It has two bedrooms, four toilets and two bathrooms. Its market value is estimated at 200 million rubles. In 2013, when the general acquired this apartment, he earned 2.6 million rubles according to his income statement. His wife - 4.1 million. If the spouses decided to buy such an apartment on their own at the market price, then with a family budget of 6.7 million they would have to save up for an apartment for almost 30 years.

For a general and an apartment it’s not a pity

In December 2012, General Yakunin entered into a social tenancy agreement for this apartment on Ostozhenka with the Moscow government represented by the Department of Housing Policy.

Almost immediately, Yakunin's daughter turned to the Moscow authorities for permission to privatize this apartment. The Department of Housing Policy refused her on the grounds that she had not yet been registered as the property of the city, a law enforcement source told Life. - In order to quickly resolve this issue, officials advised Ekaterina Yakunina to go to court, because the right to free privatization formally expired in March 2013 and it was not clear whether it would be extended again or not.

If the Russian government did not once again extend the free privatization, then the general's family, like millions of other families, would have to buy apartments from the state at the full market price.

Ekaterina Yakunina listened to the advice of wise officials. After 2 months, in February 2013, the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow decided the issue of privatizing the apartment in favor of Yakunin's daughter. The question of the term of free privatization played a decisive role: the court indicated this as one of the arguments in its decision. “The court considers that the plaintiff, who lives in the apartment provided to her and wants to acquire it as a property in the order of privatization, cannot be held responsible for the untimely registration of property rights by Moscow,” the reasoning part of the court decision says.

Thus, on legal grounds, Moscow's property lost an asset worth about 200 million rubles. In this situation, there is no one to ask: the key decision was made by the court, and the officials did not appeal against it.

Apartment with an area of ​​148.1 sq. m has been featured in Yakunin's declaration since 2013, but in 2014 it shrank by almost 6 sq. m. In fact, we are talking about the same apartment. Just 148 sq. m it turns out, if you count with the summer premises - a loggia.

Anatoly Yakunin himself is now registered in this apartment, - a source told Life.

Ekaterina Yakunina also has a parking space in the parking lot of an elite house, worth about 3 million rubles.

A gift of fate

A couple of years ago, Ekaterina married Vadim Filippov, then an ordinary employee of the prosecutor's office of the Kuntsevo metropolitan area, and took her husband's surname. Now the general's daughter has already submitted papers to the relevant authorities with a request to re-register all documents for a new surname.

After marrying the general's daughter, the young prosecutor's career magically went uphill: in a year, from an ordinary employee, he rose to the rank of first deputy district prosecutor. Now he is a 1st class lawyer. According to Life, the young Yakunin-Filippov family also owns an apartment in a new building in the Vnukovo district.

Officials spoiled by the housing issue

Experts say that for officials and for ordinary citizens in Moscow, the same rules apply for concluding a social lease agreement.

According to the law of the city of Moscow, an ordinary family of three, which includes spouses, is entitled to a two-room apartment with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m per person, - explained the president of the Guild of Real Estate Lawyers Oleg Sukhov. - To conclude a contract of social employment, a person still needs to have certain criteria. Namely - the poor and officially defended in the queue. In Moscow, this line stretched for 25 years.

As of the summer of 2016, more than 74,000 families were in line for free housing in Moscow alone. This number is regularly decreasing: until recently there were 200,000 families in the queue.

However, there is still a special category of people to whom housing is allocated according to separate regulations: presidential decrees, government decrees. They are given apartments by the feds or local authorities - depending on the specific norm of the law.

High-ranking officials and members of their families use similar schemes to solve the housing problem at the expense of the state.

In 2012, First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Gorovoy filed a lawsuit against the Office for the Operation of the Housing Fund of the Presidential Administration, demanding that he transfer ownership of an office apartment on Michurinsky Prospekt. To move to Moscow, a high-ranking official issued a donation of his living space in the Krasnodar Territory in favor of the state, and in return received an elite apartment in the capital under a social lease agreement in the White Swan residential complex, which he wanted to own. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2013, Gorovoy, who became Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the summer of 2011, together with his wife owned an apartment of 158.6 square meters. m, and the total annual family income amounted to almost 10 million rubles. The cost of an apartment in the residential complex "White Swan" is 160 sq. m exceeds 80 million rubles, and a 166-meter three-ruble note costs almost 90 million rubles.

The village of Veshki near Moscow, located just outside the Moscow Ring Road, is a convenient access road along the Altufevskoye Highway, just two kilometers from Moscow, and has been known for the scope of cottage construction for a decade. And now in Veshki, or rather, in that place, which is marked on the map as the “Valley of the Zveronozhka River”, construction equipment rumbles with might and main.

The largest mansion is built of red brick. At the sight of a stranger with a video camera, the workers abandoned their tools: someone hid in the forest, someone - in a construction shed - apparently, they received the correspondent NT for the FMS inspector who arrived to check the availability of registration and work permits.

“You’d better go to the foreman,” a tanned head that appeared in the doorway of the change house immediately advised.

The foreman was found in a foreign car with Ukrainian numbers.

“Who is building here?”

“General,” the foreman replied.

Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich ( head of the Moscow police department.NT). He comes here every two weeks, ”the foreman explained, before his car was dusted in an unknown direction.

house on a grand scale

The closest neighbors of General Yakunin turned out to be a submarine commander and a Siberian businessman, whom, as it turned out, NT, local police wanted for non-payment of child support.

The general himself is building a house on a grand scale, for centuries. “Here, the lining is 450 square meters, everything is expensive, one brick costs 70 rubles, 400 cubic meters were spent on the basement of only one concrete,” one of the hard workers who came out of his “shelter” said the details of the estimate. He estimated the total cost of construction by eye at "thousand five hundred dollars, plus the price of the land." The scale is normal by Veshkin's standards, the worker made it clear: "There, the neighbor submariner lined up for the same money."

According to an extract from Rosreestr, a plot of land called "Zveronozhka Valley" was originally intended to "accommodate a consumer service facility." But in 2009, trucks suddenly appeared here and in four years covered the valley with a two-meter layer of soil.

Then this land became the property of the Dalnie Veshki dacha non-profit partnership (DNP) established in Mytishchi, which leased the land until 2060 at a price of 690 rubles per year.

The general himself is building a house on a grand scale, for centuries. “Here there are claddings for 450 “squares”, everything is expensive, one brick costs 70 rubles, it took 400 cubic meters for the basement of only one concrete”

Myron from Transcarpathia

The construction of the mansion of General Yakunin is carried out by M-2 LLC with a legal address in the Rumyantsevo business park on Kievskoye Highway. The owners of the company are Russian Marina Makarova and a citizen of Ukraine, 61-year-old Miron Kastran.

Ms. Makarova, originally from Pyatigorsk, positions herself as a hereditary architect, conducts seminars on Russian architecture and took part in the work on large objects in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions.

According to SPARK, the “hereditary architect” Makarova, together with the youngest son of Kastran, Evgeny, established LLC Proektstroyservis in 2014. The director general of the newly formed structure at that time was Alexander Kudimov, who was wanted for beating a minor Muscovite. By the way, 14 more commercial structures have been issued on Kudimov's passport.

According to the Ukrainian builders, they have never seen Ms. Makarova herself in Veshki, and Miron Kastran and his son Evgeny are directly in charge of the construction.

Castran father, as I found out NT, was born in Western Ukraine, back in the early 1990s, together with the citizens of Slovakia, registered the Euro-Karpaty partnership in Uzhgorod.

In 2001, under the patronage of the then Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation Nikolai Aksenenko, the Ukrainian company started building a sports complex in Minvody. In two years, the brigade completed about half of the volume of construction and installation work, but at the beginning of 2002 Aksenenko fell into disgrace: he was accused of misuse of non-budgetary funds of the Russian Railways, of fraud with apartments, and the Prosecutor General's Office counted the total damage to the state at 11 billion rubles. Without waiting for the initiation of a criminal case, Aksenenko went to Germany for treatment, where he soon died. Financing for the construction of a sports complex in the Mineralnye Vody was, of course, stopped - the unfinished facility, in which about 250 million rubles were invested, is now abandoned.

Soon the name of Castrana Sr. appeared in the founding documents of Rozkishni Budinki Ukraina (Luxury Houses of Ukraine) company. Its assets include the construction of an elite residential complex on the "Ukrainian Rublyovka" - in the village of Kozin near Kiev, where the family residence of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is located. In addition to Castran, the leadership of Luxurious Houses included Sergei Ponomarenko, a Muscovite, well known among Russian builders of luxury real estate. So, on the website of the Moscow company "Luxury Design" you can find out that Mr. Ponomarenko built several luxurious villas and palaces in Barvikha, Istra and Domodedovo with the participation of French, Italian and German consultants.

"Harry Potter's Castle"

According to the Ukrainian media, Myron Kastran was an assistant to the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions Sergei Kivalov, and according to his order, he allegedly built a 4-storey mansion in Odessa with a tennis court and a pier for yachts, popularly nicknamed "Harry Potter's castle". Officially, the building is owned by the International Humanitarian University, but Odessans mention the "castle" as the residence of the deputy Kivalov. He, under President Viktor Yanukovych, enjoyed considerable influence in power structures. After the change of power in Kyiv, Kivalov again went to the Verkhovna Rada - from the Opposition Bloc.

On August 30, 2015, Maidan activists stormed the "Harry Potter Castle" and found, among other things, portraits of the deputy Kivalov himself, Stalin's busts and chess pieces with golden pieces.

Now employees of the Main Department of the Fiscal Service of Ukraine ( analogue of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.NT) conduct an audit of the financial and economic activities of the "International Humanitarian University" and find out with what funds the pompous building was built.

Officially, the building is owned by the International Humanitarian University, but Odessans mention the "castle" as the residence of the deputy Kivalov

Meanwhile, Mr. Kastran, who apparently lost lucrative contracts after the change of power in Ukraine, did not lose heart: as indicated on the website of M-2 LLC, in addition to the country house of General Yakunin, he erected several mansions for officials in the Odintsovo district, a club hotel in Nalchik and a new educational building of the Russian University of Cooperation in Mytishchi near Moscow.

Servant from the Oryol

Kastran's current employer is General Anatoly Yakunin, head of the Moscow police department, a native of the Oryol region, where he rose from a district inspector to the head of the criminal police of the regional police department. For many years, criminal authorities, corrupt officials and policemen held power in the Oryol region, and only one family was considered untouchable - the governor Yegor Stroev, who even bought his socks at the expense of the state budget. In 2007, the future head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, headed the Oryol police: 74 criminal cases were initiated against high-ranking policemen, officials and businessmen close to them, and, in the end, Stroev was dismissed ahead of schedule.

Kolokoltsev did not forget the executive Yakunin: having headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2012, he recommended to Putin that Orlovets be assigned to Moscow. True, according to a source NT in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, conflicts allegedly began among the generals, and Yakunin was often noticed on Staraya Square, in the waiting room of Putin's old colleague in residency in the GDR, Yevgeny Shkolov, who now oversees all Russian security officials.

One way or another, over these few years, General Yakunin managed to settle well in the capital. According to the income statement for 2015, he himself earned 2,221,501.67 rubles, and his wife Irina, who works as the head of the Department of Social Development and Corporate Culture at Rosneft Oil Company, earned 9,715,556.27 rubles. The family owns an apartment in Moscow (142 sq.

The general's daughter, 29-year-old Ekaterina Yakunina, in April 2016, by Putin's decree, was appointed head of the Main Directorate for Housing and Social Welfare of the Presidential Administration, whose tasks include operational management of the activities of the President Hotel, the Golden Ring Hotel and Federal State Unitary Enterprise " President Service.

Other neighbors

As already mentioned, Russian officials and security officials have chosen the elite Veshki for a long time. Here are the mansions of the former head of the Internal Security Service of the Prosecutor General's Office Valery Naniya, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the ZAO Moscow Andrey Puchkov, the plots of the former FSB general Filimon Sinyakov and several employees of the central office of the National Charitable Foundation (NBF), created in 1999 on the initiative of Vladimir Putin and is the largest grantee from the government of the Russian Federation. (The main backbone of the NBF employees are people from the KGB-FSB, the supervisory board includes Patriarch Kirill, businessmen Vagit Alekperov, Mikhail Fridman, Viktor Vekselberg, Oleg Deripaska, and others.)

And quite recently, Alexander Makarov, head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security (GUSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, acquired expensive real estate in the village.

Moreover, if the outlines of the future mansion of Anatoly Yakunin are not yet completely clear, then the house of the special officer is not just his house, it is his fortress: massive gates, a high stone fence, surveillance cameras everywhere. At the same time, judging by the declaration for 2015, General Makarov earned 3,150,645 rubles, and his wife has no sources of income.

NT sent an official request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on which, in fact, "shishi" the head of the ministerial "special" lined up. Soon the standard answer came: "Family savings and money received as a loan from the bank."

But, perhaps, more than others, the huge mansion, recorded in the name of a relative of the former deputy director of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) Denis Naumchev, is striking in scale and scope: a 2-storey house with columns looks more like a railway station or an administrative building, which could well fit the entire administration Mytishchi region. Rumor has it that Naumchev was also going to build a personal chapel, but the neighbors were very indignant, and the construction had to be postponed.

However, now Mr. Naumchev has completely different concerns: he is a defendant in a criminal case on the embezzlement of funds allocated for tax inspectorates in Crimea, and is hiding in France.

P.S. While working on this material, the editorial office received several calls from the capital's police headquarters. At the other end of the wire, they asked to remove the publication, motivating this, in particular, by the fact that if criminal authorities find out the place of residence of the head of the central office, they will blow up his house. I had to listen to the accusations of the ordered nature of the article. Finally, Anatoly Yakunin himself invited the author of the material to Petrovka-38. During the meeting, he said that he was ready to account for every penny invested in a country house, and send a cost estimate to the editorial office. And in general, they say, due to lack of money for construction, he even had to sell his favorite BMW motorcycle.

The situation is understandable - it happens. However, at the time of the release of this publication, the editors did not receive the promised estimate.