Mortgage for a young family without payment. How to get a mortgage for a young family, or how realistic it is to get your own home

Young families who live with their parents or in a rented apartment (in which everything belongs to someone else) are divorced twice as often as those who live in their own apartment.

This is an excellent solution for you if you have already created a family or are just planning a wedding, but do not have your own home.

Mortgage programs offered by commercial banks

This is a real option for getting a mortgage for a young family.
offers several mortgage options, one of which is a mortgage with an initial payment in the form of maternity capital.
It's profitable and convenient.

Not the best option is to contact various credit unions and other non-bank lending institutions.
By agreeing to issue a loan without a down payment, they will transfer their risk to the level of the interest rate. If you calculate how much money you will have to pay in the first year, it will be obvious that it is much more profitable to obtain a loan from a bank, even with a down payment.

Mortgage without down payment for a young family is a saving solution for many, and banks, realizing this, sometimes set nets for inexperienced borrowers, hoping to force them to take out a loan on not particularly favorable terms.
They can be discovered by carefully choosing a lender and studying the loan agreement.

Where there might be a catch:

  • The mortgage loan is issued at a meager interest rate (5-7%), but in addition, the bank has established a monthly commission of 2-3%. The cost of this loan will increase by more than 400%, since the commission is usually taken not from the remaining amount, but from the entire amount taken.
  • The bank offers two loan repayment schemes - annuity and standard, assuring you that the first is more profitable. Indeed, it is more convenient to repay the debt every month in equal amounts, but the overpayment with the classic scheme and a long repayment period will be an order of magnitude less than with an annuity. With an annuity scheme, early repayment of the mortgage after even 1/3 of the term has expired is unprofitable.
  • The bank insists that you insure yourself with an insurance company specified by it. The cost of the policy there is guaranteed to be higher. You can ask for an official document stating that the borrower is obliged to insure only with this insurance company, as well as a standard template for a product or loan agreement, or, alternatively, a mortgage agreement, which spells out the risks that must be insured. Often, “insurers” specifically include “additional” items in an insurance policy in order to increase its cost.
  • Pay attention to the amount of fines. Anything can happen over the two or three decades for which the loan will be issued, so be sure to ask what specific penalties the creditor bank will apply to you in such cases.

It is most difficult for young families with a child to purchase and furnish their own apartment, since they do not have acquired capital. Therefore, they often decide to take out a mortgage. It is impossible to take out such a loan in Russia without a down payment almost anywhere. Sometimes existing housing can act as a down payment.

Also available to young families is the following solution to the housing issue: obtain a certificate from the local administration stating that you have the right to improve your living conditions and become a participant in the state program, after which you can take out a mortgage from Sberbank on favorable terms. Thus, the amount of the down payment for Sberbank should be covered by government assistance.

Sberbank mortgage without down payment - conditions

At the moment, it is impossible to take out a mortgage for a young family without a down payment from Sberbank. But you can try to get this starting amount as part of a program for state support for young families. To be able to take out a home loan, at least one person from a married couple must be a maximum of 35 years old. Also, this banking organization has established the following credit conditions:

  • Lending currency – ruble;
  • Interest rate – from 10.5% (in practice, most often the interest rate is from 11.5%);
  • The size of the starting payment is from 20%;
  • Duration – up to 30 years;
  • Repayment scheme – annuity;
  • Damage risk insurance is mandatory.

Life insurance is optional (if refused, the interest rate increases by 1%).

Sberbank mortgage in a new building without a down payment for a young family 2018

How to get a mortgage without a down payment from Sberbank for a young family? To do this, you first need to become a full-fledged participant in the state program appropriately called “Young Family”.

After you are recognized as a needy married couple, and your turn for assistance comes to you, you will need to submit documents to the bank. The state is ready to give you up to 30% of the cost of housing. This is the money that can be used for the down payment. The next condition is that the interest rate will be approximately 11.5%.

If a young family has a child, it will be possible to receive maternity capital. To do this, come with your passport and children’s birth certificate to the Pension Fund of Russia. This money is given out for the second child and today the total amount is 453 thousand rubles, which can also be used as a down payment for a mortgage on an apartment. When using maternity capital, the interest rate is from 12.5%.

Mortgage for 30 years without a down payment for a young family

This offer is valid today at Sberbank. The loan can be taken out for a period of up to 30 years. To do this, at least one of the spouses must not reach the age of 35 years. The exact interest rate is calculated taking into account the starting amount paid and the term of the mortgage. It is advisable to have a permanent work experience, especially at your last job. The spouse can act as a co-borrower. The exact interest rate in practice ranges from 11 to 15%.

Mortgage without a down payment for a young family Sberbank or VTB 24

The best options in both banks for young families remain mortgage programs with state support. In this case, the state can compensate about 30% of the entire price of the apartment. Conditions in both institutions remain virtually identical. The interest rate in both cases starts from 11.4%, the maximum period is no more than 30 years. The only difference is the minimum price of the apartment. If at VTB24 you can sign an agreement for 600 thousand rubles, then at Sberbank this amount is half as much - 300 thousand rubles.

Mortgage calculator

We will use the Sberbank mortgage calculator for a young family without a down payment for a specific example. Here are the calculations for this case: the price of the apartment is 5 million rubles, 1 million rubles will be paid immediately (due to state support), the payment period is 20 years.

In practice, it will be possible to take out a home loan using these parameters at 11.4% if your monthly income is about 70 thousand rubles. In this case, the calculator will show that the monthly payment that needs to be made is 42 thousand rubles.

Not many people today manage to save money for an apartment, but thanks to government support, young families can receive a preferential targeted loan for housing. A mortgage for a young family in Moscow is also on the list of state programs to support this category of the population in solving the housing problem, but not every family that wants it can receive it. The conditions for registration and requirements for applicants are prescribed by law.

How has the mortgage for a young family changed in 2019 in Moscow?

Let's start with the fact that this year you can also get a housing loan until you reach 35 years of age; after this age threshold, both spouses lose the status of a young family. Mortgages for young people in Moscow can be issued:

  • if the family does not have its own home;
  • if the family is solvent, i.e. at least one spouse works;
  • secured by existing living space;
  • at a preferential interest rate. In 2019, it became possible to get a mortgage loan in Moscow at 6 percent.

The last point concerns young families with two, three or more children. It is important that children must be born within the period established by the Government of the Russian Federation and this is 2019-2022. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Moscow or another Russian city, the requirement is the same and federal districts at the local level cannot influence the implementation of the new state program.

Mortgage conditions for a young family in Moscow under a new program

The program will be implemented with the help of a number of banks, the list still includes Sberbank, VTB Bank, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, Alfa-Bank and other credit organizations. There are a few nuances that young families should take into account:

  • Moscow banks will require documents about family composition, place of work and salary level, guarantors and security, and the borrower will be “checked” for his credit history. There are no concessions regarding receipt under the new program;
  • if the loan was received earlier, and another child was born from January 1, 2019 onwards, you can submit documents for mortgage refinancing in Moscow and receive a recalculation;
  • the preferential rate applies only to 3-5 years of mortgage payments.

On this portal you can clarify all the details regarding the terms of registration, calculate a mortgage for a young family in Moscow, taking into account the down payment, the cost of housing and other parameters.

Article updated date: 04/15/2019

In terms of solving housing problems, perhaps the most vulnerable are. When young people start a family, they often do not yet have any significant savings. Almost always they are at the very beginning stage of career development with a salary corresponding to this level. If, immediately after marriage, a child is born into the family, then it becomes difficult for young people to simply maintain a decent standard of living. We are not talking about solving housing problems. Even such a popular and widespread instrument today as mortgage lending is largely unavailable to young families.

This is primarily due to the requirement of the vast majority of banks to make a down payment. Previously, the minimum amount of such a contribution was 10% of the housing price. That is, if young people decide to buy an apartment for 3 million rubles, then in order to receive a loan they will need to pay 300 thousand rubles at once. For many, such money is beyond their capabilities. Today, after shock events in the Russian economy and in the global financial market, the minimum initial deposits in many banks have been increased to 20% of the cost of housing. Which has further complicated the process of taking out a loan for young families. However, the solution may be to participate in the “Young Family” social housing program, the subsidy of which can be used in many banks.

The most favorable conditions are offered by the largest Russian bank Sberbank. In addition, there is a special offer for young families, allowing them to take out a mortgage on preferential terms. How and under what conditions is it issued? Sberbank "Young Family" and we'll talk further.

State social program “Young Family”

Members of two-parent and single-parent families who are under 35 years of age can apply for housing subsidies under the “Young Family” social program. At the same time, candidates for assistance must need improved living conditions. For example, if they live in the same living space with other families, in a communal apartment or in rented housing, without owning their own home. Also, those families where each person has less than 15 square meters of living space can become participants in the program.

The subsidy is provided for the purchase of housing and is approximately 30 percent of the average cost of housing in the region where program participants live. If children appear in the family, then a certain percentage of the subsidy is added for each child (usually about 5% depending on the municipality). It is worth noting that in each region the conditions of this program may differ both in terms of requirements for applicants and in terms of the possibilities for using funds. Sberbank allows you to use housing subsidy funds within the limits established by the terms of the program.

Mortgage promotion for young families from Sberbank

In addition to the fact that young families will be able to use their housing certificates when obtaining a mortgage loan for an apartment, it gives them the opportunity to obtain a loan at a reduced interest rate. After the Central Bank of Russia raised the key refinancing rate to 17% per annum, many banks (including Sberbank) raised rates on housing loans by an average of 3-6 percent. And if previously the average mortgage interest rate at Sberbank was 12.5 percent, today this figure is 15.5 percent. However, young families (where spouses have not reached 35 years of age) can get a mortgage loan at 10.2% per annum.

As part of this promotion, borrowers can use loan funds to purchase housing in the secondary or primary real estate markets. In this case, the loan terms will be as follows:

  1. loan currency - rubles only;
  2. interest rate - from 10.2%;
  3. loan term - up to thirty years;
  4. down payment - from 15-20%;
  5. compulsory insurance against the risks of damage and loss of the collateral;
  6. loan repayment scheme - annuity.

At the same time, the bank gives the opportunity to take out this loan for those applicants who cannot officially confirm their own employment and income level. Which is convenient for those families whose members work informally or have a stable part-time job. For those borrowers who are not salary clients of Sberbank, the interest rate will be increased by 0.5%, and clients who refuse to insure their life and ability to work will be able to take out a loan at a rate increased by another 1%. In addition, the amount of interest will be affected by the amount of the down payment and the loan term.

Mortgage without an initial loan from Sberbank for a young family: requirements for applicants

To become a home loan owner, borrowers must meet several criteria:

  • be in the age category from 21 to 35 years inclusive;
  • enter into an officially registered marriage (civil marriage is not suitable);
  • be on the waiting list to improve living conditions;
  • have a stable material income;
  • live permanently in the same apartment/house.

You will also need to prepare a certain package of documents:

  • passports of both spouses, as well as the same documents of all co-creditors (if they are involved in the transaction);
  • marriage certificate;
  • notification of the birth of children, if the couple has them;
  • information about where applicants with certificates are registered;
  • photocopies of employment contracts or books;
  • notifications of receipt of income (if there is no Sberbank salary);
  • a certificate stating that the spouses are participating in a program from the state for obtaining housing.

If you want to take out a home loan secured by existing real estate, you will need to present all documents confirming ownership.

How to get a mortgage for a young family without a down payment from Sberbank

In order to receive a loan as part of the promotion, you must go through the following steps:

  1. filling out an application form and collecting the required package of documents;
  2. submitting a package of documents to the nearest Sberbank branch;
  3. waiting for a decision on issuing a loan within 2-5 business days;
  4. selecting a property and preparing a package of documents for it for submission to the bank;
  5. transfer of documents to the department to verify the legal purity of the property;
  6. signing a loan agreement, insurance agreement and execution of other documents;
  7. obtaining a loan and transferring funds to the seller, re-registering ownership of the home in your name.

We should not forget about such an important point as insurance. Without its registration for the selected housing, you will not be able to get a loan. This point is regulated by law. It is also worth noting both title insurance and that which is issued for human life and health. These options are not mandatory; the bank cannot force you to use such services.

If a young couple has children

Married couples without children are also offered to take out a mortgage loan without a down payment. But having a son or daughter will only provide additional advantages.

For example, families with small children are offered favorable terms for deferred payments. This offer is valid until the child is over 3 years old.

Alternative to down payment

If there is no down payment, and it is not possible to get a loan without it, you can use a certain trick and take out a loan for the required amount of money from Sberbank or another financial institution. Just when you decide on this option, keep in mind that the family must have enough financial resources to repay both loans - both that which was drawn up for the down payment and that which will have to be paid on the mortgage.

Using maternity capital instead of a down payment

To make the first payment (or some specific part of it), you can use maternity capital funds. To apply for a loan using this principle, you should consider several rules:

  • Only someone who has a mat certificate can apply for a loan. capital;
  • It will also be necessary to register the entire shared property of the spouse for the applicants (when the debt is closed - children), indicate the share of each of the declared owners.

If clients have a certificate for maternity capital, the bank will make an auxiliary loan agreement, which will then simply be closed with financial proceeds from the maternal capital allocated to the family. capital.

More than one mortgage agreement is signed with lenders:

  • the first consists of the sum of mat. capital;
  • the second - from the remainder of the total housing price.

When the apartment is purchased, you will need to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by submitting an application for the transfer of material funds. capital towards closing the loan in accordance with the first agreement drawn up.

Sberbank offers special lending conditions for young families, but provides loans only for 80% of the cost of housing. Let's figure out how to get a mortgage without a down payment from Sberbank for a young family.

Mortgage under the “Young Families” promotion

The “Young Families” campaign allows married citizens under 35 years of age to take out a mortgage on preferential terms. Lending is carried out under the loan product “Purchase of finished housing”.

As part of the Promotion, the Bank offers a reduced interest rate, which does not depend on the loan term.

Features of the program

Before applying for a mortgage from Sberbank, potential borrowers should carefully study its terms. The most important points:

  • interest rates start from 10.75%;
  • the required age to obtain a mortgage under the program is from 21 to 35 years;
  • The loan amount starts from 300 thousand rubles and is issued for a period of up to 30 years;
  • The loan is repaid in equal amounts every month;
  • The required length of service at your last job to obtain a mortgage is more than six months.

The maximum loan amount depends entirely on family income (according to the rules of the promotion, the applicant’s spouse must be a co-borrower if the family is complete).

However, the program contains a minimum down payment requirement of 20%. What to do if you don’t have your own funds or don’t have enough of them? There are three options.

Use of maternity capital

To make a down payment (or part of it) on a mortgage, you can use funds from maternity capital. Requirements for obtaining a mortgage loan for capital:

  • The holder of the maternity capital certificate must personally apply for a mortgage;
  • It is imperative to register the common shared property of the borrower’s spouse (after closing the debt - and the children) indicating the share of each owner.

If you have a certificate for mother capital, the bank will make a separate loan agreement, which will subsequently be closed with money from mother capital.

Two loan agreements are signed with the lender: the first for the amount of maternity capital, the second for the remaining cost of the residential premises.

After purchasing an apartment, you must contact the Pension Fund branch with an application for the transfer of maternity capital funds to pay off the mortgage under the first agreement.

How to get a mortgage for a young family without a down payment under the federal program “Young Family”

Until 2020, young families can receive a subsidy of 30% of the cost of housing.

Conditions for receiving:

  • the age of the spouses must be less than 35 years;
  • the area of ​​available housing per family member should not exceed the norm established for the region (they may vary throughout Russia);
  • the family must meet the bank's requirements to obtain a mortgage.

The subsidy amount is 30% (for a family with children - 35%) of the cost of housing, calculated based on the area standards approved by the program and the cost per square meter of housing according to the Ministry of Construction.

Obtaining additional credit for a down payment on a mortgage

You can take out a mortgage without having the funds to pay the down payment, but by taking out an additional loan for this amount by contacting Sberbank or another lender. The main condition for such a deal: family income must be enough to repay two loans.

Registration procedure

To apply for a mortgage at Sberbank you must:

  1. Fill out an application at a Sberbank branch.
  2. You must wait for a decision on your application (on average, the procedure takes up to 5 days).
  3. Prepare documents for mortgaged property and provide them to bank employees.
  4. Sign a loan agreement and register a bank account to transfer funds to the seller.
  5. Conclude a deal with the seller and register the rights to the property in Rosreestr.
  6. Register the mortgage and insure the collateral.

After completing all the above steps, the borrower will become the owner of the property. It will be considered encumbered by a mortgage until the loan amount is fully repaid.