Rosselkhozbank - deposits for pensioners, requirements for depositors, conditions for deposits and interest rates. Rosselkhozbank - deposits for pensioners, requirements for depositors, conditions for deposits and interest rates Agricultural bank deposits for pensioners

What banking products Rosselkhozbank offers pensioners today

Rosselkhozbank has a whole line of products for pensioners, which today includes individual deposits on favorable terms and bank cards, as well as loan offers at relatively low interest rates.

Today there are three special deposits for persons of retirement age in the RSHB:

1. "Profitable pension" with the maximum interest rate;

2. "Retirement income" with the possibility of replenishment;

3. "Pension plus" with replenishment and withdrawal without loss of interest.

Who can open pension deposits in the RSHB

Deposits for pensioners in Rosselkhozbank are opened upon presentation of a pension certificate or a document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the establishment and / or appointment of an insurance pension. In special cases, it is also possible to open a deposit by providing a court document on the appointment of a monthly life allowance, if any. But you can do without a pension certificate, especially since the Pension Fund stopped issuing them, replacing them with certificates.

The provision of a document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is not required if the depositor has reached retirement age: for women 55 years old, for men 60 years old, and also if no more than 2 months are left before these years.

BY THE WAY! Elderly people can also apply for a Rosselkhozbank pension card, which allows them to receive additional income in the form of interest accrued on their account balance.

And now let's move on to the actual interest rates and conditions.

What deposits for pensioners are there in Rosselkhozbank today

Elderly people today can choose any of the deposits of individuals of the Russian Agricultural Bank in rubles and US dollars with favorable rates and conditions. And we will begin our review with special pension deposits.

Deposit of Rosselkhozbank "Profitable Pension"

This is a classic deposit that allows the client to invest savings at a high interest rate. But only to replenish the account or partially withdraw money, if they are suddenly needed, is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, you can lose all accrued interest.

A feature of this deposit is also a fairly wide choice of terms for investing money: from 3 months to 4 years. Accordingly, you can deposit funds in the bank for a short period, or you can immediately for several years.

Like all deposits of the Russian Agricultural Bank for pensioners, this deposit has a very low minimum amount - only 500 rubles. But, of course, it makes no sense to open a deposit without replenishment with the amount of 500 rubles. You won't earn anything from it. So it is advisable to give the maximum possible amount to the bank at once. But we must remember that in case of early termination of the deposit agreement, interest is paid at the rate "On Demand".


Term: from 3 months. up to 4 years.
Amount: from 500 rubles.
Refill: no.
Interest payment: at the end of the term or monthly to the account.

Interest rates

Term, days

At the end of the term


See also profitable deposits for pensioners in Sberbank -

The contribution of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Pension income"

This deposit is also opened only upon presentation of a pension certificate. Its main distinguishing feature is the possibility of replenishment. Additional contributions are accepted throughout the term. This is a plus. But debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate are not allowed by the conditions. This is a clear minus.

Of course, if you suddenly need all your savings, then you can terminate the contract with the bank ahead of schedule at any time and withdraw the money. But it is advisable to do this only as a last resort. After all, in case of early demand of the deposit, interest is paid at the rate “On demand”.

So, take the money after the expiration date. And if you forget to do this, the deposit agreement will be automatically extended for the same period.

By the way, if you have a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, you will be issued a free card with the tariff plan "Amur Tiger - card for deposit."


Term: 395, 540 and 730 days
Amount: from 500 to 2 million rubles.
Replenishment: yes.
Expense transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: no.
Interest payment: monthly to the account or capitalization

Interest rate of the "Pension income" deposit

395 days

540 days

730 days

Deposit of Rosselkhozbank "Pension Plus"

This is a pension deposit with the possibility of replenishment, as well as partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest. It is very comfortable. The main thing is to make sure that at least 500 rubles remain on the account. But such freedom of handling money also has its drawbacks - not a very favorable interest rate. So you have to choose - either the ability to withdraw money at any time or high interest rates.

Another feature is the monthly capitalization, which allows you to increase income by increasing the amount of money invested. The possibility of withdrawing interest is not provided separately, since you can already withdraw part of the money, at least once a month, at least every day.

But remember that in case of early withdrawal of all money, interest is paid at the minimum rate "On Demand". So it’s better not to do this, but to leave a minimum balance on the account - 500 rubles.


Term: 395, 730, 1095 days.
Amount: from 500 rubles to 10 million rubles
Replenishment: yes
Debit transactions with the same interest rate: are provided subject to maintaining a minimum balance of 500 rubles.

Interest rate of the "Pension Plus" deposit

395 days

730 days

1095 days

Rosselkhozbank deposit calculator for pensioners: calculate income

The online deposit calculator of the Russian Agricultural Bank for individuals will help you calculate income depending on the interest rate and term. It allows you to find out the profitability, taking into account capitalization, replenishment and withdrawal of funds from the account.

Deposits of individuals of Rosselkhozbank without benefits for pensioners

Pensioners can open in Rosselkhozbank not only special deposits for the elderly, but also other deposits of individuals, which today may turn out to be even more convenient and profitable.

1.Deposit of Rosselkhozbank "Profitable"

This deposit involves receiving a high percentage even with a small amount of money. Can be opened through remote service channels. If you have an account of 50,000 rubles or more, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan.


Amount: from 3,000 Russian rubles / 50 US dollars / 50 euros;
Term: from 31 to 1460 days;
Replenishment: no;
Expenditure operations: no;
Interest payment at choice: at the end of the term or monthly, to the account or capitalization.

Interest rate

2.Deposit "Reliable Future"

Opening this deposit is possible with the simultaneous acquisition of an investment life insurance policy (ILI) by one of the insurance companies - partners of the bank. The amount of the ILI policy must be equal to the down payment on the deposit.


Amount: from 50,000 rubles
Term: 180 and 395
Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: not provided;

Interest rates

Amount/ Term

180 days

395 days

3.Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Investment"

The investment deposit of Rosselkhozbank for individuals provides an opportunity for clients, including pensioners, to receive income both from the money placed on the deposit and through investments in mutual funds. When opening a deposit, a free card is issued with the tariff plan "Amur Tiger - card for deposit".


Term: 395 and 730 days;
Amount: from 50,000 rubles / 1,000 US dollars;
Replenishment: not provided;
Debit transactions with preservation of interest: not provided;
Interest payment: at the end of the term.

Interest rates

up to 1.60% per annum in US dollars.

See also 10 profitable deposits in reliable banks of Russia - an overview >>

4.Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Amur Tiger"

This is a standard term deposit of individuals from the Russian Agricultural Bank with a monthly interest payment on a card with the Amur Tiger - card to deposit tariff plan.


Term: 395, 540 and 730 days.
Amount: from 50 thousand rubles.
Refill: no.
Expense transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: no.
Interest payment: monthly to the account of the card with the tariff plan "Amur tiger - card to deposit".

Interest rate

395 days

540 days

730 days

Replenished deposits of Rosselkhozbank

Pensioners can arrange deposits of individuals with the possibility of replenishing the account in Rosselkhozbank. Their interest rates are somewhat lower, but you can save money by saving them to an account in a reliable bank.

5.Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Replenished"

The deposit of individuals of Rosselkhozbank is suitable for pensioners who want to accumulate funds for a specific event or date. It can be opened through remote service channels (in this case, the interest rate on the deposit will be higher). If there is a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan.


Term: from 91 to 1095 days
Amount: from 3 thousand rubles / 50 dollars or euros.
Replenishment: yes.
Minimum additional contribution: 3,000 Russian rubles / 50 dollars or euros.
Expense transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: no

Interest rate

See also the most profitable replenished deposits today - overview >>

6.Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Save up for a dream"

This deposit of individuals from Rosselkhozbank with preferential early termination will be of particular interest to pensioners who plan to purchase real estate or a car on credit. If 90 percent of the deposit amount is directed to the down payment on a mortgage or a car loan issued in Rosselkhozbank, then if the deposit is demanded ahead of schedule, interest is not lost.

If there is a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan.


Deadline: 730 days.
Amount: from 3,000 Russian rubles / 100 US dollars or euros.
Replenishment: yes.
Minimum additional contribution: 3,000 Russian rubles / 100 USD or EUR.
Expense transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: no.
Interest payment: monthly capitalization.

Interest rate

Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank with partial withdrawal of funds without loss of interest

This deposit for individuals may be of particular interest to pensioners, as it allows them to freely manage money in a bank account: replenish the deposit and withdraw money, if necessary, without loss of profitability. In this way, it is similar to the Pension Plus deposit, but it has its own characteristics.

7.Deposit of Rosselkhozbank "Comfortable"

The Rosselkhozbank deposit can be useful for pensioners who are used to planning their expenses. Can be opened via Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. If there is a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan.


Term: from 91 to 730 days.
Amount: 10,000 Russian rubles / 150 USD or EUR.
Replenishment: provided no later than 30 calendar days before the end of the deposit term.
Minimum amount of additional contribution: 5,000 Russian rubles / 100 USD or EUR.
Debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: provided subject to the preservation of the minimum balance.
Interest payment: monthly to the account or capitalization.

Interest rate

8 .Savings account deposit

This is a new financial product that is becoming more and more popular among the Russian population. This is a kind of electronic wallet. It can be replenished, you can withdraw money up to 0, but it will still be valid, and indefinitely. Until you close.

The peculiarity of the savings account in the RSHB is that the accrual of interest is carried out daily on the balance of funds on the account as of the beginning of the business day. Here is the interest payment monthly on the last working day of the month by crediting the amount of interest due to the account.

Interest rates

Conclusions: what is the most profitable contribution of the Russian Agricultural Bank for pensioners

On this page, correspondents of the Business Information Agency ​​reviewed the deposit programs of the Russian Agricultural Bank for pensioners and ordinary individuals. Which one is the most profitable?

If we consider only special offers for pensioners, then the choice is not great. Remember, there are only three of them. But they cover almost the entire spectrum of customer needs.

1. "Profitable pension" has a high interest rate and a wide choice of terms for investing money;

2. "Retirement income" gives the client the opportunity to replenish his bank account;

3. "Pension Plus" allows you to freely use money: replenish and withdraw funds without losing interest.

Now let's compare their profitability with the same amount and term of investing money. We will invest 100,000 rubles for 395 days and see which contribution is more profitable.

Accordingly, if you need the maximum percentage, then it is better to open a “Profitable pension” deposit. Of course, it will not work to replenish the account and partially withdraw money without losing income, but the percentage is very profitable. In addition, you can choose the appropriate term and method of paying interest.

About the bank

If there is a sum of money in the house that can be set aside. It is worth thinking about making it profitable. With Rosselkhozbank, this is easy, especially if you are a pensioner. Having a certificate in hand, here you can make a deposit that will make a profit every month. What is the contribution and under what conditions, we will consider below in the article.

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About the bank

Rosselkhozbank is one of the largest and most reliable among those who support the agricultural industry today. 100% of the bank's shares are in the hands of the state. Established in 2000 with the aim of developing lending in the field of agriculture, the development of agricultural areas in Russia.

Today is a universal bank that allows here:

  • carry out fund transfer operations;
  • making a deposit at interest;
  • paying bills, etc.

Also here you can find profitable offers on deposits for pensioners, the military. A high interest rate and the convenience of such deposits will allow you to multiply the accumulated funds several times.


Here, for pensioners, proposals for deposits are aimed, first of all, at increasing the funds that have been set aside. And this solves the main problem that worries most older people.

Turning here, you get the following

A contribution for a pensioner can be in foreign currency or in rubles. It does not matter. But it is worth remembering that the interest accrued on the deposit will be saved only if the account retains the minimum irreducible amount on the deposit (500 rubles). If the pensioner needs to pay the deposit ahead of schedule, then the interest is paid at the rate

"On demand" in the currency in which the deposit was made. The “On Demand” payment assumes an interest rate of 0.1% per annum, which should not be forgotten and arguing with the bank about a small percentage is pointless if you withdraw funds ahead of the time for which the deposit was calculated.

What Rosselkhozbank offers deposits for pensioners

The most advantageous offers for those who can provide a pension certificate when making a deposit at RosselkhozBank include the following.

Deposit type Deposit terms
Fabulous PercentageAllows you to deposit an amount of 3,000 rubles into your account at 9 - 13% per annum. There are no payments before the end of the term and additional contributions. You can deposit money for 540 days.
pension plusIt opens for 365 or 730 days, the interest rate is 8.35 and 8.85%, respectively. You can deposit at least 500 rubles. it is possible to replenish the contribution and capitalization of interest.
ClassicalThe minimum amount is 3000 rubles. It is possible to deposit funds for 31 days or 1460 days. The rate is 7.15 - 10.3%. Interest payment either monthly or at the end of the term of the deposit.
CumulativeThe minimum deposit is 3 thousand, the opening time is 91 days - 370 days. Replenishment is possible, but not less than 3 thousand rubles. The rate is 8.85%.
ManagedAn amount of 10,000 rubles is required for a deposit. Validity 180 - 370 days, rate 8.10 per annum. It is possible to withdraw funds up to the minimum balance, as well as replenish the contribution.

Video: Contribution with a growing rate

How to open

By contacting RosselkhozBank, deposits for pensioners become income and benefit for an elderly person and his relatives, since it is possible to open a deposit for a minor child on behalf of a pensioner.

You can open a deposit here by doing the following::

  • apply to any bank branch with a request to open a deposit for a pensioner;
  • present a pension certificate or any other document that confirms the life-long maintenance of you by the state (payment of pensions by a medical board, by court order);
  • if a woman aged 55 and a man aged 60 apply, only a passport is needed to make such a deposit (or if they have less than 2 months left before reaching retirement age);
  • read all the terms of the contract, which is signed when making a deposit;
  • sign an agreement;
  • deposit funds into the account;
  • get an agreement with the bank on hand.


The interest rate for a deposit in this representative office can be very different. It all depends on the type of contribution that the pensioner wants to make.

It is important not to forget that the interest on demand is 0.1% per annum.

Everyone here has the right to choose for themselves the most advantageous option according to the interest rate, which will be charged depending on the period for which the funds are deposited in the bank. Note that the interest rate does not depend on the amount you invest. The dominant and determining is only the term, which differs depending on the type of deposit.

Interest accrual

Having made a deposit in any bank, everyone wants to calculate what he should receive and how much interest is charged. In RosselkhozBank there is a capitalization of interest on a monthly basis. That is, the interest for deposits from pensioners is accrued every month, the profit from the deposit grows.

Capitalization is a convenient feature that allows you to increase the initial amount put into the bank. It looks like this - the interest is charged from the beginning on the first amount, then it is added to the initial amount and the second interest is charged on the increased amount.

  • indicate the amount you invest in the bank;
  • the annual interest rate that you know according to your deposit;
  • the period for which you place a deposit and sign an agreement;
  • periods of capitalization in accordance with the agreement and conditions of the bank.

By entering this data, you instantly receive an answer and decide which type of attachments to choose.


The fear of investing money today in most cases is due to the fact that clients are not guaranteed payments. That is, anything can happen to the bank, and the client who has invested his funds is left without money, because the bank simply does not have the funds to pay.

Rosselkhozbank has deposit insurance. What does this mean? There is a special service that insures all funds invested in the bank. Even if difficult times come in the bank, this service is obliged to return a certain amount to depositors.

It is important to remember that the insurance amount is written in the contract, and this is another condition why you should read it carefully before signing it.

That is why RosselkhozBank is one of the most reliable funds to trust him. They care about their customers and their reputation.


To contact the bank, whether you want to get a loan or put money at interest, you should go with a package of documents. Only for some operations you need more of them. But in order to put the amount on a deposit to a pensioner in RosselkhozBank, you do not need to have a large number of certificates with you.

After presentation of these documents. A deposit is immediately made according to the type chosen by the client.


In Russia, the taxation of deposits is regulated by law. The tax rate is removed from the interest that is accrued on the deposit. The bank withdraws 35% automatically during the calculation of interest (if interest is accrued monthly, then taxation occurs monthly).

But not all interest rates from the bank are subject to taxation. In the event that the bank offers a deposit rate higher than 13.25%, then the depositor will lose the amount in accordance with the deposit taxation law. If the bet is less, then there is no loss.

If the deposit in a Russian bank is in foreign currency, then, at a rate above 9% per annum, the depositor gives the state 35% of the difference.

How to replenish the deposit

Deposits for pensioners in Rosselkhozbank can be replenished and not. But the most profitable option "Pension Plus" is therefore better, as it is replenished.

You can do this as follows:

  • decide whether you want to replenish in cash or non-cash;
  • come to the bank branch;
  • present an identity document and a deposit agreement, where the account is indicated;
  • if you replenish in cash, then deposit funds to the cashier and that's it;
  • when replenishing by non-cash, it is worth transferring funds from another account in this or a third-party bank, transfer funds from a bank that allows you to open an account for transfer.

How to withdraw funds

In order to withdraw funds, it is enough to use the card at an ATM. Provided that you do not want to close the account, your deposit has an interest withdrawal service. If the withdrawal is not provided, then the opportunity to use the funds will be only at the end of the deposit period.

It is also possible to withdraw funds at the cash desk of any bank branch, if it is more convenient for you.

How to close

To close the treasure, you should also contact the bank branch. But remember that early closing lowers the interest rate.

If the deadline has already come up, and you do not want to renew, then:

  • apply to the bank with an application for closing;
  • indicate the deposit account you want to close;
  • specify where to transfer the rest.

Rosselkhozbank offers the execution of time deposits - savings (replenishment and partial withdrawal are not available), accumulative (replenishment of the main account is allowed) and expense-accumulative (an increase in the principal amount and partial withdrawal of money is available). Any individual can open a deposit under the above programs. The minimum amount of the initial deposit amount is 3,000 rubles/100 dollars. or euro. The term of a savings deposit is up to 3 years, a savings deposit is from 1 month to 4 years. Interest capitalization applies.

Rosselkhozbank has developed a special savings deposit program for persons of retirement age. The deposit can be made only in Russian rubles, the minimum amount is 500 rubles. It is allowed to open a deposit in the name of a minor child.

Existing customers of the Bank, who are owners of the Premium package of services, can open a savings, accumulative or savings deposit with increased interest. Deposit term - from 1 month to 3 years (savings - up to 4 years). The starting size is 1.5 million rubles. (or equivalent amount in foreign currency). Savings deposit can be placed in rubles, the rest also in dollars and euros.

In addition to the 3 programs mentioned above, holders of the Ultra service package can open deposits (savings / savings / savings and savings) on more comfortable conditions: increased interest, the initial deposit amount is 500,000 rubles. Registration of any type of "Ultra" class deposit is possible in rubles, dollars and euros. The term of deposits is from 3 months to 3 years. Also, clients of the "Ultra" category can open an expense-saving deposit in Russian rubles with the highest percentage, the starting amount of which is 50,000 rubles. (for a period of up to 1 month with the possibility of up to 10 extensions).

Features of deposits. Rosselkhozbank allows you to open a deposit both in your own name and in the name of a third party (Profitable), including in favor of a minor child (Pension Plus). Most of the Bank's programs provide for the possibility of making deposits in national and foreign currencies (US dollars and euros), however, some deposits can only be opened in rubles. Rosselkhozbank deposits have the following features:

  • The amount of the rate depends on the parameters of the deposit, as well as on the method of its registration (when placing remotely, a lower percentage applies);
  • It is possible to prematurely terminate the contract and return the money without loss of interest - the amount of profit will depend on the actual period of the money in the account (available as part of a savings deposit, provided that at least 90% of the funds from the deposit are used to make the initial payment on a mortgage / car loan at the Bank). In case of early withdrawal of the full amount of funds under other deposit programs, interest is recalculated under the terms of a termless deposit;
  • For some programs (both for the Bank's clients and for any individuals) there are no restrictions on the maximum deposit amount;
  • The Bank provides persons who are not clients and open a deposit in the amount of 50,000 rubles or more with a card with the Amur Tiger tariff plan (an additional fee for issuing and maintaining the card is not charged);
  • For most programs, the depositor has the right to choose the method of accruing interest (to a separate card account or to the principal amount with further capitalization), as well as the frequency of their accrual (monthly or lump sum, at the end of the deposit term);
  • The depositor can issue a power of attorney in the Bank to perform the main set of actions on the deposit, as well as a testamentary disposition regarding the money kept on the deposit.

How to make a deposit? You can open a deposit in Rosselkhozbank in the following ways:

  • At the Bank's office. To conclude a deposit agreement, the client must have an identity document with him: a general passport, an identity card of a Russian serviceman (military ID), a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (form N 2P);
  • Remotely - using Internet banking or mobile banking. It is not possible to place a deposit remotely for all programs of the Bank. When placing a deposit remotely, the Bank sets a reduced interest rate on it.

Closing the deposit and withdrawing funds. The client can close the deposit in Rosselkhozbank ahead of schedule - at the same time, according to the terms of most programs, interest is recalculated in accordance with the rate of a termless deposit. If the amount payable upon early termination of the deposit exceeds 100,000 rubles. (equivalent in foreign currency), the depositor is obliged to submit to the Bank a written notification of the planned return of funds.

In the absence of demand from the side of the depositor, the deposit (for most programs) is automatically extended on the terms of the primary contract. To return the money, the client must contact the Bank's office at the end of the contract. Refunds can be made both in cash and non-cash.

Many pensioners who have savings prefer to keep them in trusted banks. One such institution is the Russian Agricultural Bank. All 100% of its shares belong to the state. The bank accepts various types of deposits. Some of them are aimed only at pensioners, others are available to all individuals.

Rosselkhozbank for pensioners

Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) is a universal bank and offers various types of pension programs for savings. They can be:

  • with the possibility of replenishment;
  • with partial withdrawal (while maintaining the minimum balance);
  • with the capitalization of interest (i.e., the addition of accrued interest to the "body" of the investment);
  • with the transfer of interest to the depositor's account in this bank;
  • without limiting the maximum amount;
  • with prolongation;
  • in different currencies: rubles, EURO or US dollars.

Conditions for deposits

RSHB deposits are provided to the public on certain conditions. Before you open a deposit account (d / s), you need to study the information about the available offers of the bank. The investor needs to pay attention to:

  • annual return;
  • period of the program;
  • minimum down payment;
  • maximum size limit;
  • currency d / s;
  • the possibility of withdrawing funds;
  • additional services and bonuses (for example, preferential termination of the contract, a free card as a gift, etc.).

For convenience, you can use the online calculator located on the official website of the RSHB and calculate the estimated investment according to certain parameters. There is another option - a personal visit to the bank branch. In this case, the RSHB employee will talk about the available banking instruments and prepare the necessary settlement schemes so that you can make the most useful investment.

Requirements for depositors

There are certain requirements for retired investors. They may be:

  • Any individuals (even a minor child) with a pension certificate, a PFR form on the establishment of an insurance pension or a court document on the appointment of a monthly life allowance.
  • Women over 55 and men over 60. In this case, no pension certificate is required.

Amount and term of the deposit

Deposits in Rosselkhozbank for pensioners can be made for a period of 31 to 1460 days. The bank also opens d / s "On Demand". Some financial investments can be extended. You can open a d / s with an amount of 500 rubles. (“On demand” - from 10 rubles). Investments under programs for pensioners are limited to a maximum amount of 1-2 million rubles. Other types of investments available to all individuals are limited to 10,000,000 rubles. On some d / s, you can place savings without limiting the number of the latter.

Interest rates

Interest rates at Rosselkhozbank for pensioners are varied. The profitability of d / s "On Demand" is fixed - 0.01%. Specialized pension programs (“Pension Income” and “Pension Plus”) have some of the highest rates compared to similar offers from competing banks – 5.9%. Profitability of other deposits from 0.5% to 7.3%. The Bank has the right to change the interest rate unilaterally.

Deposit in the Russian Agricultural Bank "Pension Plus"

"Pension Plus" is one of the main targeted savings offers of the RSHB for pensioners. The deposit is provided in rubles on the following terms:

  • Interest rate - 5.9%.
  • The investment period is 395 or 730 days.
  • Interest is capitalized on a monthly basis.
  • The maximum investment amount is 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Prolongation can be made automatically on the same terms on which the deposit was valid before.
  • In case of early closing of the investment, interest is accrued at the rate of the On Demand program.

Deposit “Retirement Income”

A deposit in Rosselkhozbank for pensioners "Pension income" is possible on the following conditions:

  • Interest rate - 5.9%.
  • The investment term is 730, 540 or 395 days.
  • Interest is paid monthly on the last day of the month and at the end of the program term. The pensioner chooses whether this will happen by transferring interest amounts to his account in the RSHB or by capitalization.
  • The minimum amount of the first installment is 500 rubles, the same amount is the minimum balance.
  • Replenishment is possible: the minimum additional deposit is 1 r.
  • The maximum investment amount is 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Prolongation can be made automatically on the same conditions on which the deposit was valid before.
  • In case of early termination of an investment, interest is accrued at the rate of the On Demand program.
  • Debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate cannot be made.
  • As a bonus, a free card is offered with the tariff plan "Amur Tiger - card to deposit" when opening a d / s in the amount of 50,000 rubles or more.

Profitable deposits of Rosselkhozbank for individuals in 2019

Pensioners have the right to open any kindergarten, and not just specially designed for this age category. They can make investments under existing programs in Moscow and other Russian cities where there are branches of the RSHB. In 2019, Rosselkhozbank offers the following line of profitable deposits for individuals (the data is presented in the form of a table):

Name of the deposit

Terms for deposits:

Discovery online

Accrual and payment of interest

Validity (in days)

Minimum down payment


Maximum amount

Maximum bet

Expense transactions with the preservation of the interest rate

Additional features

"European" (increased rate)

at the end of the period

not provided

not limited

no automatic renewal

"Profitable" (increased rate)


monthly or at the end of the term;

capitalization or to the account

31, , 1460

3000 RUR or 50 USD

not provided

not limited

6.7% - RUR, 2.9% - USD

automatic renewal is limited;


at the end of the period

50 000 RUR or 1 000 USD

not provided

not limited

7.3% - Russian rubles, 2.85% - US dollars

automatic extension is not provided;

free card when opening an investment for 50,000 rubles. and more;

the program is available when purchasing a share (s) of mutual investment funds managed by RSHB Asset Management LLC

"Amur tiger"

monthly and at the end of the period to a dedicated free card

not limited

extension under the same conditions

Refillable" (increased rate)

91, 180, 270, 395, 455, 540, 730, 910, 1095

3000 RUR or 50 USD

5.85% - Russian rubles, 2.6% - US dollars

automatic renewal is possible, but limited;

free card with an investment of 50,000 rubles. and more

"Save for a Dream"

monthly capitalization

3000 RUR or 100 USD

10,000,000 rubles or $300,000

4.9% - Russian rubles, 2.4% - US dollars

automatic renewal under the same conditions;

in case of early closure, interest is calculated for the actual time the money is held, subject to certain requirements

"Comfortable" (increased rate)

monthly: capitalization or to the account

91, 180, 270, 395, 455, 540, 730, 910, 1095

3000 RUR or 150 USD

yes, up to 30 calendar days before the deadline

10,000,000 rubles or $300,000

4.35% - Russian rubles, 1.85% - US dollars

yes, while maintaining an irreducible minimum investment

the irreducible minimum of funds is determined by the client and does not change during the entire period

"Poste restante"


Russian rubles, EURO, US dollars

10 rubles, 5 EUR or 5 US dollars

No limits

yes, up to the minimum balance: USD 5,
5 EURO or 10 r.

additional contributions are made both in cash and non-cash

How to open a deposit in Rosselkhozbank

You can open a d / s in the RSHB both online and in any branch of this institution. In the first case, this happens remotely in a special mobile application or on the official website of the institution (Internet bank). It is also possible to make an investment through an ATM of the Russian Agricultural Bank, a cash receipt will serve as confirmation of the operation. To open a deposit during a personal visit, you need:

  1. Choose the best type of investment, taking into account the conditions for its provision.
  2. Write an application for a deposit.
  3. Provide the bank employee with an application and a basic package of documents.
  4. Conclude an agreement with the RSHB.
  5. Deposit to d / s a ​​certain amount of money, noted in the agreement with the bank. After the receipt of money, the deposit is considered placed.
  6. Open an additional account to receive interest on the investment (if it is in the conditions of the selected program).

List of required documents

When applying for a d / s, pensioners provide the following documents:

  • Passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Application for investment placement;
  • Pension certificate (does not need to be provided to women 55 years of age, men - 60 years old, and individuals 2 months or less before the appointment of an old-age pension);
  • PFR document on the appointment (establishment) of an insurance pension (if necessary);
  • Form on the appointment of a monthly life allowance from the courts of the Russian Federation, which are part of the country's judicial system (if necessary).


Rosselkhozbank ⭐⭐⭐ in 2020 offers a new “Profitable Pension” deposit with a maximum interest rate of up to 7% per annum. We will analyze who can issue it, and what are the conditions for raising funds.

What is remarkable about the new contribution of Rosselkhozbank

First of all, perhaps, the fact that he is a pensioner. The bank already has 2 pension deposits. These are “Retirement Income” and “Pension Plus”. Now a third one has appeared - “Profitable Pension”. Let's first talk about the new product, and then compare it with existing ones.

Judging by the name, this is a modification of the “Profitable” deposit, intended for persons of retirement age.

The minimum deposit amount is very small and amounts to only 500 rubles. This is quite justified, because it is designed for older people who do not have much free money.

Terms of placement - 91, 180, 270, 395, 455, 540, 730, 910, 1095 and 1460 days. That is from 3 months to 4 years.

Pros and cons of the "Profitable pension" deposit

MINUSES . Replenishment of the deposit is not provided. So you need to immediately give the bank a larger amount.

Debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate are also not provided. So, giving a large amount to the bank, especially for a long time, you need to be sure that you will definitely not need this money all this time. After all, if you want to take at least some of them, then the deposit agreement will have to be terminated and all accrued interest will be lost.

Only those who receive a pension on the RSHB card can issue it.

PROS . The advantage of the “Profitable Pension” deposit is that the client can choose the method of paying interest: monthly or at the end of the term.

By the way, the value of interest rates also depends on this choice.

What else needs to be said before talking about the profitability of the deposit? Yes, the size of the rates does NOT depend on the method of making a deposit (online or in the office), as well as on the amount of invested funds. All this can be attributed to the merits of the new offer of Rosselkhozbank for pensioners.

Well, now about the rates.

Interest rate of the "Income Pension" deposit

Interest payment

At the end of the term



See deposit rates for pensioners in Sberbank -

Let's take a closer look at the rates

So, the highest percentage (7% per annum in rubles) can be obtained if you invest for 4 years with the payment of all income at the end of the term.

This, in fact, is the main difference between this pension deposit and the basic “Profitable” deposit, which, at the same time, gives a slightly lower rate of 6.7% per annum. The rest of their differences are minor.

It must be assumed that it was precisely because of this figure of 7% per annum with a term of 1460 days that this deposit was conceived. This is its main feature and benefit.

But another proposal from Rosselkhozbank allows you to get the same 7% per annum. Namely, the New Year's campaign "Lock your income", which runs until December 31, 2019. Only for shares, 7% per annum is given when investing funds from 10,000 rubles for a period of 1095 days (3 years).

See the conditions of the New Year's deposit-2020 at Post-Bank -

What is more profitable - the "Profitable pension" deposit or the "Fix your income" campaign?

The initial data is as follows:

  • Profitable pension deposit - 7% for a period of 4 years.
  • Promotion "Lock your income" - 7% for a period of 3 years.

What to choose? Probably no one can answer this question for sure. Today, when rates in banks tend to a minimum, both offers seem equally profitable.

The question must be put differently. Isn't it dangerous to invest today for a long period of time (3-4 years), even at such a high 7 percent per annum?

After all, it is very difficult to say what will happen to the economy of our country in 3, and even more so in 4 years. It is problematic to think for such a long time.

If the country's economy develops according to the current scenario, then by investing money at 7% for 4 years, you can get a good profit.

And if another crisis happens, inflation explodes, the Central Bank will be forced to raise the key rate again, interest on deposits will increase, as in 2014-2015... One can only hope that this will not happen again...

What is the conclusion? I would say that both offers are equally profitable, but investing is a bit scary.

Comparison of pension deposits of Rosselkhozbank

At the beginning of the review, I promised to compare the pension deposits of the Russian Agricultural Bank with each other.

Retirement income

up to 5.80%

  • Interest payment: Monthly to account or capitalization
  • Term: from 395 to 730
  • Replenishment: yes
  • Withdrawal: no

pension plus

up to 5.60%

  • Interest payment: Monthly capitalization
  • Term: 395, 730, 1095
  • Replenishment: yes
  • Removal: yes

Description of the contribution on the RSHB website -

Income pension

up to 7.00%

  • Interest payment: At the end of the term or monthly to the account
  • Term: from 91 to 1460
  • Refill: no
  • Withdrawal: no