How much can you earn on YouTube for views: real numbers. How much can you earn on YouTube How much do you get on YouTube for 1000 views

Today I will try to answer the question as reliably as possible: how much they pay for 1000 views on youtube. I will take into account absolutely all the nuances and subtleties on which the earnings of youtubera depend. Looking ahead, I will say that youtube only pays for commercial views.

What is commercial viewing?

A commercial view can be called a view in which the user does at least one of the following actions:

If a channel guest likes to watch ads very much and presses several blocks at the same time, then Youtube can count only one, or maybe two. Who's lucky 🙂 I'm serious.

In addition, advertising is divided into reserved and purchased (from the auction). The first involves reserving video placements through a YouTube sales representative or through the use of DoubleClick MediaVisor. The price of the second is determined at the AdWords auction.

If your channel is not yet as popular as you would like, I advise you to promote it with the help of one verified site . I advise you to try - high-quality promotion.

How is earnings on Youtube calculated?

If the user did not skip the ad and watched it to the end, or visited the advertising site in the video, then such an ad will be counted. There is one condition (on an advertising site, a person must stay at least some time). If he went to an advertising site and left after a couple of seconds, then such a click may not be counted.

How much does Youtube pay for clicks on ads in different countries?

I'm sure people who already know that advertising in different countries costs differently. Unfortunately, Ukraine, Russia and most other CIS countries cannot boast of adequate prices for this advertisement. That is why English-language channels have an advantage over channels that are conducted in Russian or Ukrainian.

An ad viewed in the US will cost 4-10 times more than an ad clicked by a resident of any of the CIS countries. You can write videos in English, although there is a nuance there - where advertising is more expensive, there is more competition.

What makes money on Youtube?

Topics, seasonality, channel popularity - these are the components on which earnings on youtube will depend.

In this regard, I have 3 theses:

- business channels can bring in many times more income than humorous youtube channels;

- at the beginning, middle and end of the year, Youtube puts up ads that are completely different in price. Moreover, there is a time of stagnation on Youtube - usually it is the end of the year, when advertisers have already spent their entire advertising budget. At this time, the income on the Youtube channel may drop significantly;

How much does youtube pay for 1000 views?

This is the most common question that worries a novice blogger and an experienced Youtube channel owner. I will answer with numbers from the statistics of one of my channels. So, with 1,000,000 views, I have an estimated number of commercial views of 322,144 and an income of about $1,100. Not so much, agree?

Of course, Youtube has its own conventions, each of which can affect the amount of earnings on Youtube. For me personally, it helps to earn more (with its help, I managed to increase profits by another $ 600).

However, I would like to say that Youtube pays very little, very… Alas. The only thing left is to work on the channel and get at least 10,000 views a day. So far I have about 2000 views in 24 hours.

YouTube video hosting is familiar to every Internet user. It is used by millions of people: here you can not only watch countless videos, but also post original videos on your YouTube channels yourself. And although most people perceive YouTube as a purely entertainment resource, for the owners of many popular channels, it is a source of stable and high income.

In this article, you will find out how much 1 000 000 views on youtube and how much money is needed to buy back 1 million real views.

In addition, we will tell you about 4 sources where you can buy inexpensive views in such a large amount.

By the way, be sure to check out how much can you earn per 1000 views if you connect to Youtube affiliate program, or to one of the partner networks that advertise in video. So you can easily calculate the approximate profit - if you buy views cheaply and earn more on advertising than you spend on video seeding.

We call this technique video traffic arbitration.

What YouTube pays for

YouTube is developing very rapidly and actively uses advertising: it is logical to assume that a lot of money is involved here. So what do you need to do to start making money using YouTube? How much is 1.000, 10.000, 1.000.000 views on this channel worth?

Far from this topic, people do not always understand what kind of income it is? What is sold on YouTube and who pays for it? How much work do you need to get good results?

Channel owner earnings is 68% of the cost paid by the advertiser for the same views or clicks; the rest is YouTube commission. Below we will consider what types of advertising on YouTube exist, how exactly they are paid, as well as other options for making money on this resource.

There are several factors that affect the possibility of making a profit.

The main factors that affect the possibility of making a profit

  • number of ad views and ad clicks. If a person, while watching a video, watched the ad to the end, the viewing is considered commercial and paid by YouTube. If you pressed the button "skip"- not paid. For another type of advertising, only clicks on advertising links are counted.
  • cost per view or click. YouTube sets this price independently, depending on the subject of the channel, its audience and other factors. For example, foreign traffic may be paid more than Russian-language traffic.

Additional factors

  • Thematic direction of your channel. The price of each advertising click depends on the topic: topics such as business, medicine, construction are considered “expensive” and are paid better than humor. On the other hand, it can be much easier to attract a lot of users to a humor channel than to a construction channel.
  • Number of video views per month. The more views you have, the more you will earn. Although the views themselves are not paid, their number is usually proportional to the number of ad views on your channel.
  • Audience. If you are watched only by schoolchildren or pensioners, that is, people with low purchasing power, ceteris paribus, this channel brings less profit than a channel that is predominantly watched by businessmen or at least ordinary people of working age. Again, the country of residence of your subscribers matters, as advertising costs more in the US and Europe. For this reason, Western YouTubers earn more than their counterparts from Russia and the CIS.
  • Number of subscribers. YouTube also pays nothing for subscribers, but the channel rating is determined precisely by this indicator. And then, subscribers, unlike casual visitors, are your “army” that will return to the channel and watch your videos more or less regularly, thereby ensuring the income of the channel owner.

YouTube is becoming a global information machine. It offers payment for content that is in demand and of high quality. And he really pays for it.

Types of ads on youtube

  • Instream. One of the most popular types of advertising, which takes into account the number of views of ad inserts before the video. Almost all users of this channel see such ads: before the start of the video, a commercial is played, which can be turned off after 5-10 seconds from the start of viewing.
  • overlay- it "leaves" under all videos in the form of a banner located at the bottom of the video. These ads are not paid for by YouTube video hosting. Payment will be charged only if a person clicked on it, went to the site provided by the advertiser and stayed there for a while. If, having entered the advertiser's website, the user immediately left it, the YouTube channel is not paid for this, no matter how many such visits there are.
  • Order advertising directly from the advertiser. In this case, earnings do not depend on YouTube itself in any way - you directly negotiate the amount and receive it from the advertiser. Someone shoots full commercials, others make small advertising inserts in their video, another option is to use the advertiser's symbols (a cap, a mug with a logo), or put advertising links in the description under the video.
  • Email distribution. Quite an exotic way, but it can also be used. Subscribers leave their addresses to the owner of the channel - you can send letters to these addresses advertising a particular product or service.
  • Placing banners on your page. This method also has little to do with YouTube. But from the channel you can lure people to the desired page of your site, and place partner banners there. Payment can be calculated for every thousand impressions or for clicks.
Grow your YouTube channel wisely: Learn how to promote your YouTube channel and earn from it $10,000

The cost of 1000 and 1000,000 views

Here there is a dependence on the thematic direction of the channel. If the theme is quite common, the number of advertisers grows, and the price also increases. In simple terms, the wider the subject of the channel, the higher the cost per click.

There is no answer to the question of how to calculate the cost of a thousand views - there is probably some calculation algorithm, but YouTube does not disclose it. Some manage to earn a dollar for a thousand, others more.

The average revenue per thousand impressions is from one to four dollars.

The amount is insignificant, but if the channel has more than 10 thousand subscribers, monthly earnings can be decent.

Along with the popularization of YouTube, services began to appear that help collect statistics on their channels in one place. Including financial. For example, the SocialBlade service can show profit from any channel. Foreign bloggers, judging by the statistics, receive $ 250-4,000 for 1,000,000 views

If you enter the name of the channel in the search bar in SocialBlade, the service will calculate the approximate amount of earnings. Here are the statistics that SocialBlade gives out on the channel of the most famous YouTuber in the world, the Swede PewDiePie, who has:

  • more than 57 million subscribers on YouTube,
  • 217 million views in the last 30 days
  • The total number of video views of all time is 16 billion.
  • Monthly income - from 54 to 868 thousand dollars.

It is impossible to determine the specific amount of earnings on YouTube, but in order to earn decent money on this resource, you need to get at least a million views within a month.

Youtube affiliate program

To start earning on views, you need to connect to the affiliate program of the channel. This can be done if the channel has existed for at least 10 days and at least 5 videos have been uploaded to it.

You can activate monetization in the "Creative Studio" of your channel, by joining the YouTube Partner Program

How to increase your income on YouTube?

Remember that any success is a combination of many factors.

  1. High quality and interesting content. Do good quality video choose interesting subjects.
  2. Regularity. Videos should be uploaded regularly, preferably at least 2-3 times a week.
  3. Optimization. invent original titles and write descriptions for the video.
  4. Advertising and promotion. Without them, you will spend a lot of time before you get at least the first thousand subscribers.
  5. Choice of subject. The more profitable topics you choose, the more revenue you can get from the channel in the future. On the other hand, you must understand this topic, and it must be interesting to you yourself - without this, you will not be able to post interesting videos.
  6. At least sometimes shoot long videos (from 10 minutes or longer) and make small commercials.

Video seeding: how to buy a lot of views for little money

Sometimes channel owners need to get a lot of views on their videos. In this case, views can be bought - this is called video seeding. There are several options for video seeding:

Do you want to know how to get your channel to the top without paid advertising? get a jet 🚀 plan to launch your YouTube money machine on your own and others' videos!

You need to understand that sometimes the cost of such video seeding can be more than the potential earnings from YouTube.

And if the moderators of the service suspect cheating, they can turn off monetization or block the channel altogether.

This method can be good at the initial stage when you need to collect a certain number of views / subscribers in the first weeks or months of the channel’s existence in order to facilitate the promotion of the channel in the future, because people are extremely reluctant to subscribe to newly created channels. If you want to use video seeding to earn money, it is important to carefully calculate your expenses and compare them with the amount of earnings from YouTube.

If you want to know more about making money on YouTube and other ways to make money online, here you will find the most useful information. 50 ways to make money online

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Making money on Youtube attracts beginners with its accessibility, since video hosting provides the capabilities of its site absolutely free. As soon as you attract an interested audience to your channel and achieve a certain popularity, you can monetize views. All beginners are probably interested in specific numbers, how much Youtube pays for 1000 views.

It is impossible to say the exact amount. It all depends on the popularity of the channel and many other factors, as well as on the type of advertising:

  1. Own or someone else's product (CPA affiliate program);
  2. Self-placement of advertising of the customer;
  3. Automatic advertising system, that is, affiliate programs of the Youtube service.

Bloggers are paid money not by the Youtube service itself, but by advertisers for viewing or clicking on ads. That is, the owner of the YouTube channel receives income only for commercial views, during which the user saw an advertisement or clicked on it.

And although income on Youtube is a purely individual issue, we will try to give specific examples so that you can roughly navigate how much you can earn on your channel.

What does earning per 1000 views depend on?

To be specific, Youtube does not pay for views. Bloggers get paid by advertisers for getting viewers to their sites by clicking on an ad, as well as for watching short ads that can't be skipped. The Google search engine pays the authors of channels on whose videos ads are shown, a percentage of the advertisers' payment through its Youtube service.

  1. Country of impressions;
  2. Channel theme;
  3. Number of impressions.

A country

The country where the ad is shown is very important. In countries where the economy is well developed, advertisers are richer, and there is much more competition, so manufacturers have to pay large sums for advertising in order to be more noticeable and better than competitors, and to sell goods in the required quantities.

Huge competition leads to high price tags for clicks on advertisements. The more expensive the customer places the ad, the higher and more often it will be shown on YouTube.

Sometimes the cost of one click in certain topics in such developed countries as Switzerland, Norway, the USA and others reaches more than a dozen dollars.

In Russia and the CIS countries, business owners and consumers are not so rich, and the competition is not so high as to put sky-high price tags on advertising. At the same time, the interest rate on the cost of a click, paid to the authors of the videos, is the same regardless of the country of display. Accordingly, the earnings of foreign channels are many times higher than those of Russian-speaking ones.

  1. Norway: $14.16 per 1000 views;
  2. Australia: $11.01;
  3. Switzerland: $10.58;
  4. US: $10.32;
  5. Netherlands: $8.7;
  6. UK: $8.42;
  7. Germany: $7.66;
  8. France: $7.44;
  9. Sweden: $7.43;
  10. Canada: $6.79.

Here is the full list of countries with 1000 impressions on YouTube:

Please note that your income does not depend on the choice of the country in the channel settings. Earnings are influenced by the audience, the location of the viewers and their parameters.

To earn a lot on a YouTube channel in Russia, ad impressions from Google Adsence alone will not be enough. You need to become a really popular blogger and negotiate advertising directly with customers - the income from such advertising is much higher and you get the entire amount, not a percentage, as is the case with Youtube affiliate programs.

In rich countries, far from the most famous YouTubers live well even at the expense of views alone.


Another important factor, since the price for viewing ads depends on the solvency of the audience. One of the “poorest” niches is entertainment, because viewers who love to watch funny videos about cats and other similar content rarely respond to advertisements. For this reason, the cost of a click is small, and usually does not exceed $1 per 1K views. If your channel is not very popular in this topic, then you will not be able to achieve large earnings.

Number of impressions

They depend directly on the number of channel subscribers and how much the viewers are interested in the video. The number of views affects the number of commercial impressions, and the number of clicks on advertisements depends on impressions.

The more popular the channel, the larger the permanent audience and the more uploaded videos, the higher the income on Youtube.

Read also

12 ways to make money on YouTube

Video blogging (vlogging) has become so popular that even elementary school students have successfully entered this niche. And we can see hundreds of stories where vlogger children earn more than both parents combined.

Examples of earnings of Russian-speaking bloggers

The table above shows a rough picture of the earnings of YouTube channels in different countries, but these are all average figures. Consider specific examples of bloggers from Russia and find out their earnings.

Based on the socialblade service - a service where you can find out the approximate income of any YouTube channel. In a special field, simply enter the name of the channel, after which a large number of channel parameters will be displayed: the number of subscribers, views, rating in the country, and so on. But the most interesting thing is the monthly and annual income of the channel. Let's see how much famous Russian bloggers earn:

Nastya Ivleeva:

    3.3 million subscribers;

    Variation in monthly income: $969-$15.5K;

    Range of annual income: $11.6K-$186K.

Yuri Dud:

    6.36 million subscribers;

    Range of monthly income: $5.6K - $89.4K;

    Annual income spread: $67K - $1.1M ;

Yury Khovansky:

    4.03 million subscribers;

    Monthly income spread: $2.2K - $34.6K ;

    Income spread for the year: $26K - $415.2K .

Oblomoff :

    3.79 million subscribers;

    Variation in monthly income: $5.6K - $89.7K;

    Annual revenue spread: $67.3K - $1.1M .

Vanzai :

    2.83 million subscribers;

    Variation in monthly income: $7.8K - $124.9K;

    Range of annual income: $93.6K - $1.5M .

Approximately so many get one of the most popular Russian youtubers. But you must understand that this is earnings solely for viewing YouTube affiliate ads. There are other ways to earn money, which I wrote about above, and for such rating bloggers, they are the main source of income.

Real stories of earnings on Youtube

It is much more interesting to see real examples that bloggers themselves talk about.

Alex Chaplinskiy:

The author of this channel shared information about his income on Youtube. He showed that in the old version of Youtube-Studio there is a section where the average cost of 1000 views is indicated, which depends not only on the channel and its subject, but even on the videos within the same channel:

These figures will vary depending on the selected period. So, if someone writes that YouTube pays $1.5 for 1000 video views, then know that this is an average statistical value for the previous period of time. There is no fixed rate here.

41 thousand viewers are subscribed to the blogger's channel. From October to March 2019, the average monthly income of the channel was $50:

November and December turned out to be the most profitable - around $70. At the time of publishing the statistics, March had not yet passed, but the blogger reported that he earned $49 that month.

Artem Kuznetsov:

Shared information about how much he earns on his YouTube channel and blogger Artem Kuznetsov:

The channel has 89.7 thousand subscribers. The first thing I would like to draw attention to is that from August 8 to September 4, 2019, the number of views on the channel increased.

Previously, every day his videos were watched by 6-7 thousand viewers, but within a month their number increased to 19 thousand views on the peak day. Accordingly, this also affected the viewing time: it used to be about 17 thousand minutes, and over time it has risen to more than 50 thousand minutes. The average viewing time also increased from 2 minutes 38 seconds to 3 minutes 35 seconds.

Well, what interests you the most is the estimated income. Daily payments increased from 570 rubles to 4089 rubles:

At the same time, the activity of the viewers has increased on the channel, which is manifested in the number of comments, subscribers, reposts, “Like” and even “Dislike” ratings. The growth of the last parameter is not as high as the other positive indicators, and is associated only with an increase in user activity:

The updated analytics shows that for the selected period, the number of video views on the channel amounted to 325.3 thousand:

The estimated daily income of Artem Kuznetsov's channel in September 2019 was about $60:

And here is how much Artem Kuznetsov earned from his Youtube channel from April to September 2019 and which videos brought the most profit (September had not yet ended at the time of publication of the data):

Marina Mogilko:

A well-known YouTube blogger not only in the Russian-speaking segment, but also in many English-speaking and other countries. The example is extremely interesting, since Marina Mogilko has 3 channels, each of which is aimed at an audience from different countries.

Using her example, you will see how much the income of channels on Youtube differs depending on the audience that views them:

  1. ChannelMarina Mogilko. Created for Russian-speaking viewers. 1.05 million subscribers;
  2. ChannelSilicon Valley Girl. Aimed at an English-speaking audience. Marina talks about doing business in the USA. 283 thousand subscribers;
  3. International channellinguamarina 1.71 million subscribers.

How much does each channel earn?

The Russian-language YouTube blog is viewed by about 1.5 million viewers per month. The price of 1000 video views varies around $2.74:

For every 1,000 video views on a business channel in the US, Marina received $3.85. For 1 month, the number of views reached 623.1 thousand, the channel's income amounted to $2,398. As you can see, the English-speaking audience is one and a half times more expensive than the Russian-speaking one:

As for the international channel, which is viewed by viewers from different countries, its statistics are as follows:

In April, Marina earned $3,230. The price per 1,000 views for that period was $4.73. And this is not the most profitable month. For example, in December and January, earnings exceeded $ 7,000:

The fact is that the income from the international channel is directly affected by the solvency of the audience. If the video is more relevant to viewers from wealthy countries, then the earnings will be corresponding. If the content is more about the problems, for example, the inhabitants of India, then the income is much less.


As you already understood, it is impossible, without having yet created a channel on Youtube and without knowing its indicators, to say exactly how much it will earn per 1000 views. Income depends directly on the solvency of viewers.

Income is not fixed for one channel. The cost of 1000 views is different for each video. This also directly depends on the primary audience watching the video.

It is possible to earn good money on Youtube channels and they may well be the main source of income. The above are real examples and these are only AdSense monetization revenues. But there are also other ways to earn money: direct advertising through direct cooperation with customers, reviews of goods and services, and other methods of advertising for which you will receive a full payment, and not just a percentage.

There are quite a lot of people who have their own YouTube channel and constantly upload new videos. The topics of their videos are different. But the question of how much you can earn on YouTube for views is asked by the majority. What is the real income?

Who makes money on YouTube

Users involved in creating and publishing their own videos can be divided into six main categories.

  1. The first category of YouTubers are altruists. They work for free. They initially do not seek any earnings. Such channels can be called “non-commercial”.
  2. The second category of YouTube users are minimalists. They do not seek profit, but they will not refuse the opportunity to get at least something. On average, such users receive tens of dollars per month.
  3. The third category is people who purposefully make money on YouTube. They do not just upload videos with some frequency, but try to find some ways to promote them. Their average earnings are hundreds of dollars, that is, it is already comparable to the average salary.
  4. The fourth category is users who receive about a thousand dollars a month. In fact, these are more successful people from the previous category.
  5. The fifth category is represented by top video bloggers. Their salary on YouTube is measured in thousands of dollars. They are professionals in their field. Unique quality content constantly appears on their channels. The number of subscribers on such channels starts from one hundred thousand.
  6. And finally, the sixth category is the most successful owners of their own YouTube channels. Their videos have millions of views. These people are incredibly popular in their native country or even in the world. Here the main role is played not even by commercials, but by the names themselves. If an elite, world-famous YouTuber publishes even a poorly filmed video, it will still gain millions of views. The income of such people reaches one hundred thousand dollars.

Earnings on YouTube for views

The age of the Internet makes people active users of the global network. There is no such person who has not heard of YouTube. This site is the largest video service that millions of users from all over the world visit for free every day. Why is the video content that can be seen on YouTube so interesting?

Here, each person, at his request, receives a whole selection of videos of different genres and different specifics. Moreover, this video sequence never ends, and for the user there is a great opportunity not only to learn useful information, but also to have fun. The authors of the stories at this point receive a small bonus from the site for the fact that his work was in demand.

If you find out how much they pay today for 1000 views on YouTube, then perhaps the authors of the video will come in the ranks.

The site is becoming more popular every day, and in connection with this, the amount of money that passes there is increasing. But for many, the unresolved question is how to earn income through views? What exactly needs to be done to make money from YouTube? And how much reward can you expect using this service?

YouTube video features

There are some key points that determine how much you pay for watching YouTube videos:

  • plot theme;
  • number of impressions per month;
  • the popularity of the videos;
  • user activity and other indicators.

Basically, the amount of money earned depends on the subject of the video and the number of views. But with a huge number of impressions, the topic does not matter. The site is a source of various information and a great place to make money on advertising. Today, more than 100 million channels are open, in addition, more than a billion impressions are registered on the site every day. And he is ready to pay money for good and popular videos. If you wondered how much 1000 user views on YouTube cost, then we will give small numbers as an example.

For a thousand impressions of a YouTube video, on average, you can earn $ 2 - $ 5.

The amount of payment depends directly on the subject and the number of impressions. In general, this is a small figure, but at the same time, if the channel has 100 thousand subscribers or more, the amount per month will be decent.

How much can you earn from YouTube per million impressions?

Thinking logically and knowing how much YouTube actually pays (about $2 for every 1,000 views), we can calculate that $2,000 is paid for a million. In fact, everything is not so and the exact amount for 1 million impressions cannot be calculated.

Advertising activity, certain topics and the presence of subscribers - this is not the whole list of parameters that YouTube pays for. Even considering this situation, if you show the video about a million times, you can get about $ 1,000. And this figure is also approximate.

You can go to the service and see how much some popular foreign blogger receives. His earnings range from $250 to $4,000. With all this, the audience of the channel and their demand for a particular product are very important.

In order to receive money on views, you need to connect to an affiliate program. Each new user can activate channel monetization.


Thus, we found out how much the YouTube service pays for 1000 views. But it is worth remembering that working with YouTube is not only an exciting activity, but also an opportunity to be financially independent.

How much can you earn on YouTube for 1000 views in Russia

Probably, there is no longer a person in Russia who has not visited the above resource at least once. There you can always find an interesting video on almost any issue.

But not everyone is ready to say with confidence how much you can specifically earn by creating a Youtube channel for 1000 views. This is the question we will try to answer exhaustively in this article.

How to make money on YouTube

Currently, many people are actively working on the Internet with the help of special services and affiliate programs. Basically, income is received for users clicking on advertising links from popular pages.

The same is true on YouTube. The more subscribers a certain channel has, the more actively advertising is placed there and, accordingly, more often people react to it.