Minimum home loan. How to get a loan from Home Credit Bank

Requirements for clients

So that you can easily choose a consumer cash loan from Home Credit Bank, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the requirements for clients. A citizen of the Russian Federation from 22 to 70 years old, who has a permanent source of income, which he can confirm with certificates, can apply for borrowed funds; his work experience at the last/current place of employment must be at least 3 months. In addition, when issuing a loan, Home Credit checks the borrower’s history - if previous loans were in arrears, a new one will most likely be refused.

In 2019, borrowers who can document their solvency or are willing to use valuable property as collateral or a guarantee are more likely to receive a Home Credit loan on favorable terms. Providing liquid assets and guarantees from third parties reduces the risk of non-repayment of money, so the loan approves applications from such clients more readily, and can also provide a loan on favorable terms - with a reduced interest rate.

How to choose the best offer?

The most convenient way to select a Home Loan loan for individuals is to use an online search engine (it is located in the upper left part of the site). In the menu, you can set the parameters of the required loan - its amount, repayment period, select additional conditions, such as the processing time of the application, the use of collateral/guarantee, participation in special programs. The best deals are at the top of the list. Before taking out a loan from Home Credit Bank, compare the various options and choose the best one.

Online application

By clicking on the tab for the offer you like on the Vyberu.Ru website, you will be redirected to the official website of the credit institution. On the right side of the card there will be a “Submit Application” button. By clicking on it, you will find yourself on the page of the bank itself, where you will need to fill out an online form, indicating your personal, including passport, and contact information. Next, you will need to consent to the processing of information and submit a request for review. This is only the first stage to take out a loan from Home Credit Bank - an online application does not mean concluding an agreement, so if you change your mind, you can always refuse. Information about the decision will be sent to you via SMS to the phone number you provide in the application form. If your application is approved, you can apply for a Home Credit loan at any bank branch. You will be able to ask the manager of the organization all the questions you are interested in regarding the terms of loan repayment, including where and when you would like to receive the money. Borrowed funds can be issued in cash at the office or transferred to a bank card. You will have to visit the bank office to sign the agreement in any case, even if you have chosen to have funds credited to your existing account.

Loan repayment methods

To repay the loan, you can use electronic payment systems, ATMs, non-cash money transfers, deposit cash at Home Credit Bank cash desks, as well as at branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post", payment terminals. One of the options for automatic payment may be a transfer through the accounting department at your place of work.

Early repayment

If you plan to repay a consumer loan from Home Credit Bank ahead of schedule, this can be done profitably during the period of payment of the bonus amount. In this case, if you pay off the loan prematurely, the interest rate may be recalculated - and you will save some money. There is no penalty for early repayment of a consumer loan.

The convenient loan calculator will help you calculate until what period the interest rate is repaid, and when the “body” of the loan begins to be repaid (early closure in this case no longer provides any benefit). To use it, click “Detailed calculation” in the loan card. A payment schedule will open taking into account the amount and repayment period of the loan. Monthly payments will be represented in certain shares - in ruble and percentage terms. The diagram shows the Home Credit consumer loan “in cross-section”: you can see what part goes to repay the interest rate and represents an overpayment on the loan.

You can purchase (order) the goods (services) you like, even without large savings, by applying for a Home Credit consumer loan in cash or non-cash form. Let's figure out what conditions Home Credit Bank imposes on its clients, how many years they issue loans, and what nuances you need to know about.

Consumer loans from Home Credit Bank are issued only to individuals and are intended for any purpose (purchase of a car or telephone, building materials, household appliances, travel, etc.). Home Credit Bank does not exercise control over the use of the issued loan.

The loan is issued without providing real or movable property as collateral; no guarantors are required. For documents, you must present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS (optional).

If a consumer loan is issued by a citizen who has stopped working and retired, then in addition to the passport, it is necessary to attach a pension certificate to the application (if it is not available, a certificate of pension accrual).

Requirements for clients

Individuals who meet the following requirements can obtain a consumer loan from the Russian bank Home Credit:

  • Age. From 22 to 64 years (the maximum age is determined at the time of full repayment of the debt);
  • Official employment. The length of service with the last employer must be at least 90 days;
  • Permanent registration. If the borrower is registered in the subject of the Russian Federation where the bank branch is located, then there will be no problems.

Before making a final decision on applying for a consumer loan, determining its size and interest rate, Home Credit Bank specialists request information from the BKI about the citizen’s credit status.

A damaged credit history (credit history) is a basis for refusing to issue a loan to individuals. What can ruin your credit history? Several other unpaid loans, delinquencies and litigation with other creditors.

Credit programs

By contacting Home Credit Bank, you can get not only a pos loan, but also a consumer loan for personal needs. There is no need to inform the bank in advance about the purpose of spending the funds. You decide for yourself how and what to spend the money on.

Today Home Credit Bank offers two loan products that differ in terms of provision:

Note! A special offer from the credit institution is valid for deposit holders and reliable borrowers - they are provided with a consumer loan at the minimum rate.

Verified borrowers include citizens who previously took out a consumer loan from Home Credit Bank and paid it off on time without delays. If you are a Home Credit salary card holder, then the lending conditions will be many times more favorable. To select a program, we recommend using an online calculator.

How to get a loan in 3 steps?

To apply for a consumer loan from Home Credit, you don’t need to collect a large set of documents and wait several days for a response; you just need to follow 3 simple steps:

1) Fill inonline application and click the “Complete” button.

You must specify:

  1. full name,
  2. email address (if available),
  3. date of birth,
  4. passport details,
  5. Mobile phone number.

Note! By submitting an application for consideration, you consent to the processing of the entered information, as well as making a request in your name to the BKI (Credit History Bureau).

2) Find out what decision Home Credit Bank made(it is displayed instantly), and if you have received approval, then select the most suitable lending conditions at a time convenient for you.

3) Wait for the money to be transferred. You will receive funds on the same day you use online banking.

The main thing is to provide reliable information when filling out the online form, since the entered data without visiting the office influences the decision to issue a consumer loan. An SMS message with a verification code will be sent to the specified phone number.

Debt repayment methods

The credit organization Home Credit offers not only simple conditions for obtaining a consumer loan, but also simple conditions for repaying debt. The loan taken out is repaid in equal payments, with interest paid first and then the principal.

Please note that once during the term of the loan agreement, the bank management agrees to change the date of the monthly payment. An excellent opportunity for those who are paying off several loans at once.

Debt repayment methods:

  • Through the official website of Home Credit Bank using a personal or credit account (Internet banking);
  • At cash desks located in branches of credit institutions (offices are located in absolutely all constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
  • When transferring wages (you must submit an application to the accounting department at your place of work);
  • Other methods are using cash-in ATMs and through the cash desks of other banks, but a commission may apply.

In addition to the listed methods, the borrower can use electronic payment systems and Russian Post services to transfer payments to repay a consumer loan.

Consumer loans are the optimal solution for financing individuals. The need for money appears often, and it is not always possible to borrow it from friends and relatives. Home Credit Bank offers consumer loans. Reviews show that people there have optimal conditions for borrowing money. You just need to familiarize yourself with the requirements and features of the transaction.

Consumer loans help meet people's everyday needs. They are issued against goods and in cash, and are also transferred to bank cards. They are issued in many banks in the country.

About the bank

The bank began to actively develop on the Russian market in 2004, when branches were opened in many regions of the country. Each branch has the opportunity to obtain loans and borrowings. Moving from the principles of operation of MFOs, the institution entered into a regular banking structure, due to which the scope of its activities expanded. Since 2007, the bank, which has a license, began to attract free finance from the population by opening deposits. This is how auto and mortgage lending began to develop.

During the crisis, which peaked in 2009, the programs of many banks were closed, but Home Credit still issued loans to ordinary citizens. This brought great success to the institution. After the crisis, this banking holding company became one of the largest. Now his clients are legal entities and individuals.

Working with individuals

Home Credit specializes in lending to individuals. There are several directions, so clients can choose any program they need:

  1. Quick receipt of funds. For example, you need money for everyday needs, but there are no personal funds. Then “quick money” lending will help eliminate this problem.
  2. Apply for a loan for education, treatment, farming, or purchasing housing. The debt will take several years to repay.

There are 2 types of loans for current needs:

  1. For goods. An agreement is drawn up, which specifies monthly payments. Such loans are issued at Eldorado.
  2. Cash secured by property.

Lending terms

To obtain a loan, you need to contact Home Credit Bank. A consumer loan, the terms of which are acceptable to people, is issued very quickly. You can apply online or by phone. The application must indicate:

  2. Date of birth.
  3. Telephone.
  4. Email.

It is necessary to tick the box indicating the client’s consent to the processing of personal information, as well as receiving information from the BKI. The decision to issue a loan is made by Home Credit Bank. The consumer loan calculator will help the client calculate approximate payment amounts, but exact data can only be provided after the application has been processed.

Home Credit Bank has a loan calculator. A consumer loan should be issued after it has been calculated. It is important for the client to know about the conditions, rates, and monthly payments.


To apply for a loan, you must provide a passport. Men under 27 years of age will need a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office or a military ID. Additionally, another document may be required:

  1. For a car.
  2. International passport.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. Insurance policy.

To apply for a loan, the client must provide a document of solvency. It could be:

  • a copy of the account statement, which shows income and expenses for the last 3 months;
  • original PTS;
  • a foreign passport confirming travel within the last year;
  • medical insurance;
  • CASCO insurance policy.

Offers from the bank

Home Credit Bank offers several programs. A consumer loan can be issued using any of them:

  1. "Big money." Issued up to 500 thousand rubles at 19.9%. The application is considered within 5 days. Loan term - up to 60 months.
  2. "Pensioner". Up to 150 thousand rubles are provided at 19.9%. The contract is valid for up to 48 months.
  3. Refinancing. It is possible to receive up to 500 thousand rubles at 19.9%. The maximum period is 60 months.

There may be individual offers that Home Credit Bank provides to regular customers. Loans for consumer needs are provided in rubles. Their conditions are detailed in the contract.


Requirements may vary depending on the program. But usually clients need to have Russian citizenship, registration, and a permanent source of income. Loans are issued to citizens aged 18-68 years.

Preference is given to clients with a positive credit history, as well as those who contact the bank more than once. Requirements may differ for each program, so you should check them on the bank’s website or office.


To obtain accurate information on the transaction, you should contact Home Credit Bank. A consumer loan, the interest rate of which may vary for each client, is usually issued from 19.9%. The rate will be individual for each borrower. To find out, you should contact Home Credit Bank. A consumer loan, the interest on which is specified in the contract, is issued quickly.

How long does it take to process an application?

You can get a loan in a short time. To submit an application, it is not necessary to contact Home Credit Bank. A consumer loan is issued by submitting an application online. It is considered for up to 5 days, but usually within a short time. If the decision is positive, then you can visit the bank to sign the agreement.

Loans for goods

Consumers can get a loan for household appliances if they contact large stores. They are also provided for mobile devices, travel vouchers, and furniture. The bank's cooperation with many organizations helped it expand the range of goods that can be issued for a loan.

The registration process lasts about 0.5 hours. The client is offered a term from 3 to 60 months, and the loan amount can range from 1.5 to 850 thousand rubles. To apply for a loan, the borrower must have a stable income and at least 6 months of experience.

Repayment of a debt

You can return funds in different ways to Home Credit Bank. A consumer loan is usually paid for using:

  • bank cash desk;
  • terminals;
  • Russian Post;
  • electronic systems “Contact”, “Rapida”, “Eleksnet”;
  • accounting from work;
  • bank card.

Many methods allow you to deposit funds without commission or with minimal fees. To repay the loan ahead of schedule, you must contact Home Credit Bank. The consumer loan will be closed after the application. You need to find out the balance that needs to be paid. This can be done either at the bank or by phone. If you repay early, the client will be able to save on interest, since the amount will be recalculated without taking them into account.

Online repayment

A credit account is considered similar to the personal account of other banking organizations. With its help, you can pay off your debt without leaving your home. The service will be activated automatically when you sign the contract and specify your phone number.

No passwords are needed to visit your personal account. You can visit it after receiving money. The service will be convenient for people who live far from self-service machines. All the necessary information about the transaction is indicated there.

If you are planning to travel abroad, it is advisable to make several payments to your account in advance. The funds will be written off within the period specified in the agreement. But in case of early repayment, you must contact the bank.

Each client has a single account. If there is an overpayment on one loan, the remaining funds are transferred to pay for another. Many clients contact the bank more than once. A client with a positive credit history will have a greater chance of having his application approved, as well as if more than 6 months have passed since the last loan was issued.

Pros of the bank

Home Credit Bank has the following advantages:

  • fast processing;
  • flat rate;
  • no collateral or guarantors are required;
  • funds are issued without commissions;
  • the client has the opportunity to choose the repayment date;
  • several payment methods;
  • insurance connection.

You can find a large number of positive reviews about the bank. Many clients trust this institution and obtain favorable loans from it. Borrowers are satisfied with the absence of commissions, as well as reasonable rates. It is enough to pay the debt on time, and then the bank will offer favorable terms of cooperation.

Advantages and disadvantages of consumer credit

Before applying for a loan, you should evaluate the pros and cons of such a transaction. Due to the following advantages, consumer loans are chosen by many people:

  1. Stability. Clients can be confident in the establishment as it has been operating for many years.
  2. Available rates. They are determined by the type and term of the loan, and also depend on the collateral.
  3. Early payment service. There are no fees or penalties for early deposits.
  4. There are no hidden fees.
  5. The terms of cooperation are simple.
  6. The loan calculator allows you to calculate your interest rate and monthly payment based on your income.
  7. Continuous assistance to clients via telephone helpline.

But consumer lending also has its downsides. Not everyone is provided with large amounts, since everything depends on income. A consumer loan is a simple way to purchase a necessary item or service. But a considerable amount is overpaid for this. Therefore, you need to think carefully before signing a contract.

Updated 08/22/2019

Lending allows you to solve current financial problems, while in recent years the position of banks towards borrowers has become much more loyal, which allows you to take out consumer loans quickly and without unnecessary problems. When deciding how to apply for a loan and how to get money as conveniently as possible, many potential borrowers are increasingly choosing the option of working online, without visiting the offices of banking organizations. Home Credit Bank is a reliable and time-tested company, where you can apply for a loan quickly and with a minimum package of documents. Let's look at how to get a loan from Home Credit Bank, what documents are needed for this, and what the personal offer for regular customers affects.

How to get loans from Home Credit Bank for those who are already clients of this organization? The first thing you need to do for cash at Home Credit is to check if you have a personal offer from the company. You can check its availability or verify its absence using the “My Credit” service or using Internet banking.

If there is such an offer from HomeCredit Bank, you can receive it without visiting the office (by submitting an online application via the Internet)!

To do this, you must agree to the service in your personal account, after which a bank employee will call the specified phone number to clarify the details. To receive a cash loan, you will need your passport details, but the registration will take place remotely, using your personal account. You can get a loan using an instant transfer to a Home Credit bank debit card, bank debit or current account of another financial institution.

For new clients

People who were not previously clients can also get a loan from Home Credit Bank. In this case, the loan can also be approved via the Internet at the first stage, however, it will be possible to receive a cash loan only after visiting the office with the necessary package of papers. In addition, Home Credit Bank can issue a loan the old fashioned way: at the time the client directly contacts the company’s office with the necessary package of papers.

To submit an initial application for a consumer loan, you must fill out a small electronic form in which the person taking the loan must indicate personal data, passport data, information about work and the parameters of the proposed loan. After submitting the application, a preliminary decision will be made on it, after which a representative of the financial institution will contact the potential client.

Conditions for lending money

A cash loan from Home Credit Bank can be issued on the basis of several loan programs, which will differ in the proposed interest rates, documents required to obtain and maximum limits.

If we talk about the maximum and minimum possible parameters, then existing clients can receive a loan from 10,000 to 1,000,000 rubles (1 million rubles), while the most favorable rate will be only 7.9%(current information as of August 2019). Having taken the money, it must be returned within a period of one to 5 years. As for new clients, amounts from 30,000 to 500,000 rubles are available to them, and the rate will be slightly higher (the highest is 24.8%. For clients with a bad credit history, a small salary, existing loans, etc.). Since the maximum amount is lower than for regular customers, the repayment period is slightly different, ranging from one to five years.

What is important is that the service of early loan repayment, both full and partial, is available for all categories of borrowers. This allows you to count on the initial connection of the most comfortable monthly payment, which will make it possible to always pay your debt without delay. At the same time, if there are available funds, the borrower will be able to repay part of the principal debt or pay the bank in full without any penalties or restrictions.

Required documents

This question can also be answered differently for new and returning customers. The latter, in order to receive money under the offer, will need a passport and SNILS; pensioners must additionally prepare a personal pension certificate.

You can get a cash loan WITHOUT income certificates! At the moment, Home Credit Bank offers one of the most advantageous offers on the consumer lending market and operates in all major cities of Russia.

To receive the minimum amount, new clients will also need a passport and one of the required documents to choose from, which may include the same SNILS, as well as an international passport, driver’s or pension license. To obtain a loan for larger amounts, new clients and existing borrowers who do not have an offer from the bank will have to additionally provide documents confirming solvency - this package is discussed individually.

Requirements for the borrower

It is worth saying that, in comparison with other banks, Home is quite loyal to potential borrowers, without making too strict demands on them. Thus, a citizen of the Russian Federation who has a residence permit in any of the regions where the bank has representative offices or at least lives in the locality where he receives a loan can count on receiving financial assistance. Age also matters: only persons aged 22 to 70 years.

Another mandatory requirement is to have a permanent source of income. In most cases, it will not be necessary to officially confirm it, however, clients with a stable income and, moreover, officially employed people have a much better chance of having their application approved.

The main thing is not to try to deceive the bank regarding your financial situation. Despite the fact that employment certificates are not required here, it is easy to check the availability of income - you just need to check the data with the Pension Fund of Russia database, which will be available to the credit institution thanks to the consent to the processing of personal data and the provided SNILS number.

Flexible and loyal attitude towards borrowers are the main advantages of Home Credit Bank. The process of borrowing money is also attractive, as it is simplified as much as possible for existing clients: having a personal offer allows you to get a loan without leaving your home.

HKFB offers convenient and profitable loan programs to individuals.


  • A new client, applying for a loan, can count on an amount from 30,000 to 500,000 rubles at 14.9% - 25.6% per annum, for a period of 12 to 60 months.
  • For regular customers, the loan amount has been increased and ranges from 10,000 to 850,000 rubles, the loan period is 12 – 84 months with a similar interest rate. Proof of income is not required.

HCFB does not exercise control over the intended use of issued funds. Loans are provided only in Russian rubles. The application review time is minimal and usually does not exceed two hours.

For “purchase of goods” Home Credit

Today, HKFB offers its clients the opportunity for targeted lending in partner stores (in 2017: 44 large chain stores and many small ones) that have entered into a cooperation agreement with the bank.

You can apply for a trade loan for household appliances, furniture, interior items, electronics, tourism services and other products within the framework of the following programs:

  • loan without overpayment;
  • preferential loan;
  • loan with overpayment.

The terms and amount of the loan depend on the chosen bank partner, the purchase price and the client’s solvency. Typically, the loan amount varies from 30,000 to 500,000 rubles, in some cases it can reach 800,000 rubles. Maximum term: 4 years (48 months).

The amount of overpayment depends on the chosen lending scheme, for example, on a preferential basis, with early repayment within 6 months, the overpayment will be 0%. Interest rates for “purchase of goods” at the bank vary from 7.28% to 34.9% per annum.

Detailed loan terms can be found

Before applying, go to the bank’s official website and calculate the approximate overpayment using a loan calculator. Just move the slider through the loan parameters and you will find out the payment amount, term and overpayment.

But it’s worth considering that the default loan calculator uses minimum rates, which are rarely used in practice.

Requirements for clients

When applying for a cash loan, the client must meet the following parameters:

  • age from 22 to 64 years inclusive;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent registration in the region where the application is submitted;
  • stable income;
  • positive credit history.

For obtaining a trade loan, the age limits have been expanded: from 18 to 75 years inclusive. The remaining requirements are similar.

Package of documents

A loan for consumer needs at KCFB can be obtained without certificates and guarantors, providing only a passport.

If necessary, the bank will ask pensioners for a pension certificate or a certificate of the amount of the established pension, for the rest - SNILS, foreigner or driver's license.

Loans on special offer

To receive a special offer from HKFB and take out a loan on favorable terms, you need to have an impeccable credit history with the bank or apply for a cash loan at 17.9% on the bank’s website. After making several payments on time, the credit institution will begin sending SMS and letters with increasingly favorable lending conditions.

It’s convenient to keep track of special offers on the bank’s official website or in your personal account.

Methods for applying for a loan

You can get a loan using only a passport, without providing income certificates to the HCFB: by visiting a bank office, or by contacting the hotline.

Personal visit

The nearest bank office will suit you. Provide the loan officer with your personal information and provide the necessary documents. If the loan is approved, sign the agreement and application. The bank will transfer the money to your account on the same day.

Through the Internet

It is convenient to get a loan online. You must fill it out on the bank’s official website and receive a prompt decision.

In the form you must indicate:

Wait for a phone call from a manager who will tell you in detail about the terms of the loan and the rules for repaying the debt. In order to sign the agreement, you will have to visit the bank office.

By phone

Applying by phone is convenient for those who do not have access to the Internet or have difficulty filling out an application on their own. It is enough to contact the credit agent by phone +7- 495- 785-82-22 and provide your passport details. Next, follow the operator’s instructions.

How to pay and arrange early repayment?

Free depositing funds towards the loan payment:

  • branches of other banks (no more than 5 working days);
  • branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" (no more than 7 working days);
  • in the offices of cellular communications representatives, for example, Svyaznoy, MTS, etc.;
  • at the service points “Zolotaya Korona”, “Eleksnet”, “CONTACT”.

In addition to the above methods, the client can contact the accounting department at his place of work to fill out an application to transfer part of his salary to pay off the debt.

Home Credit Bank welcomes early repayment, but in order to do everything right, a number of conditions must be met:

  • check the amount of debt on the payment day at the bank’s call center;
  • write a statement of intention to pay off the entire debt early;
  • pay the debt in a way convenient for you.

Debt restructuring

If life difficulties arise and it is impossible to repay a consumer loan on schedule, contact the bank without waiting for the debt to form. The bank, as a rule, cooperates and arranges debt restructuring in one of the following ways:

  1. If the delay is small (1-2 payments) or has not yet occurred, the bank will enter into an additional agreement with the client to extend the loan term.
  2. If the delay is long, the bank will not change the terms of the loan agreement, but will only suspend the accrual of fines for six months, and the client, in turn, must regularly contribute the amounts feasible to him to repay the loan.

Restructuring may be denied if:

  • the client has already used such a service before;
  • the loan has already been transferred to collectors or to the court.

Debt restructuring is a new loan with more favorable terms. Using the newly received funds, the client will be able to fully repay the debt to other banks.