It is considered 50 days without interest. Credit card "50 days without interest" of Sberbank

The Sberbank credit card issued to citizens of the Russian Federation for 50 days has a grace period, the terms of which consist of 30 days of the reporting period and 20 days of the payment period, respectively. Consider their basic principles and rules of use.

First of all, a credit card is very convenient, if necessary, money is always at hand, there is no need to borrow or postpone the purchase of necessary goods. And if you use it wisely, then it’s profitable: the grace period allows you to manage borrowed funds on a Sberbank credit card completely free of charge for a certain period of time.

Participants salary project the bank prepares loan offers and issues pre-issued credit cards as part of offsite events.

Also, in any branch, you can fill out an application for issuing a personalized credit card and receive it within 8 days. If funds are needed urgently, instant credit cards with a limited range of services are issued on the day of treatment.

The available credit limit is individual in each case, the financial institution sets it based on monthly income client. For users who pay their debts on time, the limit may be increased.

The grace period on a Sberbank credit card is 50 days; within this period, the use of funds is carried out without interest.

IMPORTANT! Interest-free use of bank money is possible only with non-cash payments. When withdrawing cash, a commission is charged, and interest on the loan is charged.

The rules for using credit cards say that if you do not fit into the grace period of 50 days or the grace period, as it is also called, interest is charged on borrowed funds. Further, the principle of operation is similar to a conventional loan, a payment schedule is drawn up to repay the debt in equal amounts.


The advantages of Sberbank credit cards are as follows:

  • automatically revolving credit limit up to 600 thousand rubles;
  • free activation of the Mobile Banking service;
  • SMS-notification about all operations performed on the card;
  • special technology for protecting purchases, including in online stores;
  • grace period for 50 days;
  • obtaining one passport in 2 hours (only available for payroll clients);
  • opportunity to participate in bonus program"THANK YOU";
  • free annual service;
  • Availability special offers for citizens from 18 years old;
  • interest rates from 21.9% to 33.9%.

IMPORTANT! Interest rates depend on the type of card, in most credit cards they are fixed.


Like any financial product, a credit card from Sberbank with a grace period of 50 days has its own "pitfalls":

  1. If you don't receive wages on a Sberbank card, to apply for a credit card, you will need a copy of the work book and documents confirming income.
  2. It is not profitable to withdraw cash, the commission is 3% of the requested amount and cannot be less than 390 rubles.
  3. Many users do not understand how the grace period is calculated and how the fee for the use of borrowed funds is calculated.

How to calculate the interest-free period

The grace period is 50 days and conditionally consists of two stages:

  • reporting period, which is 30 days;
  • payment period, which is 20 days.

IMPORTANT! The starting date of the reporting period starts from the date of receipt of the credit card at the bank and its activation. The payment period is the next 20 days after the end of the reporting period.

If a credit card payment is made on the first day of the reporting period, you can use the funds without interest for 50 days, if on the last day, then 20 days. Expenses incurred on the first day billing period will be reflected in next month's report.

Grace period calculation example. A Sberbank credit card and an envelope with a PIN code were received on March 9. The reporting period runs until April 8th. From April 8 to April 27 - the payment period. Thus, the grace period is from March 9 to April 27.

Payment made on March 9, without additional costs can be repaid within 50 days, March 29 - within 30 days, and, for example,
April 5 - for 23 days.

IMPORTANT! The website of the Savings Bank of Russia has a calculator where you can calculate the dates of debt repayment online.

After the report is generated, the bank sends SMS messages with a notification of the total debt amount, the minimum amount repayment and payment date.

By repaying the entire specified amount, you will avoid paying interest. If there is no possibility to pay, it is enough to pay minimum payment before the specified period, in which case fines and penalties will not be imposed. But the remaining funds will accrue interest.

IMPORTANT! The balance of the debt can be viewed using the Sberbank Online service, or by sending an SMS message to number 900 with the word "DEBT".

Even when not full repayment the amount of debt, you can continue to pay by card, while the grace period will operate according to the calculation, and payments will fall into the next report.

Interest begins to accrue from the date following the expiration date of preferential use. For partial redemption, usage fee Money the bank is charged on the actual remaining amount.

You can pay off your credit card in the following ways:

  • deposit money through self-service devices similar to debit plastic;
  • transfer by bank transfer from your accounts using the Sberbank Online service or the Mobile Bank service.

Types of credit cards

Credit cards With grace period offered by Sberbank are of several types, which customers choose to use:

  • gold cards;
  • Gift of Life and Aeroflot cards;
  • classic cards;
  • premium cards;
  • youth and instant issue cards.

Gold cards MasterCard and Visa Gold

For most debit users salary card, Savings Bank issues Visa Gold cards with free annual maintenance. The maximum amount of issuance is 600,000 rubles, the fee for use is fixed - 25.9% per annum. Age restrictions: 21-65 years old.

Plastic Visa Gold is issued for three years, and the conditions in force at the time of the contract do not change. One of the disadvantages of this type is that you cannot have several cards on a single account.

The advantages consist of the convenience of replenishing in cash and non-cash, the implementation of transactions through remote services, unimpeded use throughout the world within the payment system.

IMPORTANT! Golden MasterCard cards and Visa Gold are offered by the bank individually to each user.

Podari Zhizn Visa Gold and Aeroflot Visa Gold cards

Podari Zhizn Visa Gold was created jointly with the charitable foundation of the same name to help children with serious illnesses. Assistance is transferred to charity in the form of 50% of the bank's income from maintaining plastic and 0.3% of the total funds of card transactions.

Aeroflot Visa Gold allows you to earn miles and exchange them for tickets and airline bonuses.

Youth cards and instant issuance

Visa and MasterCard Momentum are not nominal, they are issued instantly, within half an hour after the registration of the application. The maximum amount of issuance is 120,000 rubles, the fee for use is 25.9%. One of the drawbacks is the problems with using it abroad.

IMPORTANT! Free annual maintenance is possible if the bank has issued an individual offer and approved the limit in advance.

Youth credit cards are issued with a limit of 200,000 rubles, a monthly service fee of 62.5 rubles and a user fee of 33.9%.

Own funds on a credit card

If the amount of funds on a credit card exceeds the limit, the difference - own funds client. When spent, they are written off first. No interest is charged on use.

IMPORTANT! When withdrawing cash, commission and interest are charged even on your own funds.

The credit system in our country continues to improve. There are more and more different instruments, conditions are becoming more democratic, more convenient, and interest rates tend to fall. Of course, not all areas are seeing inexorable progress. But it can definitely be noted in the field of lending. One example will be plastic from Sberbank, which we will analyze thoroughly in this review. Let's see how to use a Sberbank credit card no interest, what are the requirements for receiving, are there any nuances and pitfalls when calculating the tariff, servicing, cashing out.

The essence of the proposal

This banking structure is not in vain one of the leaders in Russian Federation basically. A huge array of various consumer and target accounts for this organization. In terms of plastics, the offer is also very extensive. There are classic cards, and gold, special cards in the Aeroflot style. And besides, bonuses, which can allow a client to receive up to three million rubles as a one-time loan.

The meaning of credit cards and grace period

First, let's go over the fundamentals a bit. A credit card is a banking instrument that allows borrowers to receive instant loans. And more importantly, such procedures do not need approval. The scoring system does not work, applications are not checked manually. This means that the time is reduced to a minimum parameter, and the possibility of failure is excluded even in theory.
In fact, every time we use this tool and there are no funds in the account, an automatic loan is made. The goods are purchased, the money is transferred to the account of the store or any service. And we still owe the designated amount of funds to the bank itself.

This duty, of course, must be repaid. But what is remarkable, if you do it on time, then no interest is charged, the rate and tariff are absent by definition. Commissions remain, of course, but in most cases they can be leveled.

This aspect gradually brings us to another interesting point, that same grace period. Or it is also called the grace period. The essence of this method is that any debt obligations repaid within the period do not have a tariff. How much money he borrowed, exactly how much he gave. That is why the map is called - 50 days. This is the amount of time the bank takes to pay off the debt. If returned financial resources 50 days in advance, there will be no bid.

Why does the bank need it? In fact, this is one of the marketing methods, drawing attention to the product. Moreover, if you violate the deadline, then the tariff begins to operate. And it is worth saying that it is much higher than the standard numbers that we are used to seeing in consumer loans. In addition, the plastic itself needs paid maintenance. These are large sums of money annually. And they also need to be paid once a year.

But in any case, even if you do not take into account the annual calculation prospects, anyone will tell you that the tool is very profitable. The main thing is not to go beyond the grace period.

Grace period calculation

These 50 days are a heterogeneous mass. The first 30 days are reporting period . During this period, we make purchases, gradually approaching the full formation of reporting. You can purchase a product or order a service on any reporting date. It does not matter. But the next 20 days - this is the time of repayment. And you can also pay for your debt on any day of this range.
In other words, if we make a purchase on January 1, then the reporting period is valid until January 30. And the end date of the grace itself can be considered February 19. You can repay the loan at any time. But if you make an additional purchase not on January 1, but say, on January 29, then you will still have to return it no later than February 19. As a result, Sberbank cards with a credit limit no interest are valid for at least 20 days (this is the repayment time) and no more than 50 (this is the total range of reporting and payments).

What factors determine the limits

You can pay in this way within the established limit. It will not be possible to exceed it, the bank simply will not transfer the money. That is, it is a form of denial. Each client has their own rapids, which should be targeted. They are made up of several factors:

  • welfare of the borrower. It is revealed from the indicators of his monthly income. The higher it is, the more loyal conditions the bank provides him. It is logical to assume that a citizen with a high income will be able to pay off his debt with a high probability.
  • Availability of property. This indicator can be said to be unofficial. Banking organizations pay attention to wealth owned by a potential borrower, real estate is considered especially relevant.
  • Loyalty. This factor is already entirely based on a person's credit history. It is kept in a specialized bureau and issued to any banking institution upon request.

Accordingly, it will not work to hide your delays, non-payments, sanctions and fines, as well as outstanding debt obligations.

When issuing a card, the institution considers all the parameters indicated above, on their basis a decision is made on the formation of thresholds. In a simple classic version of plastic, loans are available up to up to 600 thousand rubles. If the client is very trustworthy in the opinion of the organization. But in premium cards you can get up to three million rubles.

These limits may increase over time. The more the consumer uses the possibilities of a credit card, the more he takes loans and repays them on time, the more loyalty to him from the lender. And accordingly, it initiates the expansion of thresholds. After all, it is beneficial for him to work with such a person who does not raise doubts about his decency. Actually, ask for limit increase you can do it yourself. It is enough to visit any branch of the bank, tell the manager about your desire. You will be given an application form, which you will need to fill out according to the sample. And after a thorough analysis, the employee will make an appropriate decision.

Read also:

Is it possible to cash out a Sberbank credit card without interest

This is already much more complex issue. After all, the company's rules strictly regulate the types of targeted purchases that can be calculated on an interest-free basis. If you go beyond them, then an overpayment will be imposed on obtaining an automatic loan. Regular annual rate that fluctuates around the area 25-30% . And it doesn't sound so good anymore. Almost all forms of cashing out, one way or another, relate to these options. That is, they will be accompanied by an interest rate.

Let's take a closer look. The scope of concessional lending includes:

  • Non-cash forms of payment in stores, purchase of goods in retail chains.
  • Payment for the services of various services operating under a public offer agreement.
  • Payment for goods with individual entrepreneurs.

And here percent will be assigned at the following activity:

  • Receive cash in any currency.
  • Payment of various online services, which are recognized as playable. Casinos, bookmakers, sweepstakes and even sites for the sale of gaming items. That is, everything that involves risk and excitement. And also walks on the brink of legality.
  • Transfers to various services, settlements in the global network, electronic wallets. These are Yandex Money, WebMoney and other mechanisms.

In other words, the question of how to withdraw cash from a Sberbank credit card without interest is practically unresolvable. You can only withdraw your own funds, but even in this case, a significant withdrawal fee will be assigned. Moreover, even if the operation is performed through an ATM or a branch of the lender itself. This is how the banking system works. For such processes, it is better to always have a second card with you - debit.

Sberbank credit card terms "50 days without interest", requirements for the recipient

It should be understood that a credit card does not give the user the opportunity, in general, to bypass the approval procedure as such. It’s just that it is single, it spreads immediately to all subsequent loans that will be committed.

To obtain the card itself, you will need to pass a check, you need to meet certain criteria, as well as provide a certain list of documents.

The requirements are the following:

  • The recipient must be at least 21 years of age.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Having a permanent income.
  • Work experience of at least a year in general, as well as in the last place for more than six months.
  • Credit history without any dark spots. These include delays, payment delays, outstanding obligations, sanctions and fines.

Documents to take with you:

  • Identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. And on the territory of our country, only one is recognized as such - a passport. Anything else cannot identify you personally.
  • Certificate in the form 2-NDFL, informing about the amount of tax deductions.
  • The second photo document. For example, a driver's license.
  • In special cases, when a person claims special conditions - documents of ownership of real estate.

Do not be afraid of outwardly inflated requirements.

Credit cards with a grace period of 50 days can be issued in 2020 both in Russian banks, working with state support, and in commercial ones. Credit cards with an interest-free period are very popular today - various conditions are being developed with the possibility of providing flexible conditions to borrowers.

Terms of credit cards with a grace period of 50 days

Credit cards assume the absence of interest only if the banking product is used correctly. Credit card 50 days without interest can be issued without commission. At the same time, the grace period is divided into two stages: settlement and payment. When the first one ends, an extract is sent to the client, in which it is indicated:

  • the amount of the debt;
  • the size of the minimum payment;
  • final settlement date.

If the client has made the minimum payment, then interest is charged on the balance of the debt. If all the conditions of the grace period are met, then additional amounts are not charged.

Which banks give credit cards with an interest-free period of 50 days?

It is easy to get a credit card at Sberbank, VTB Bank, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank.

Depending on the terms and conditions provided and the policy, the grace period may extend beyond non-cash transactions. If a credit card with a 50-day grace period is used to withdraw cash, additional fees may apply.

How to find and apply for a credit card with a grace period of 50 days?

The easiest way is to apply online for a credit card. In this case, the bank quickly checks the information. A potential borrower receives a response by phone or mail. Credit cards with an interest-free period of 50 days can be obtained on more loyal terms. They apply if the client has already received a loan, a salary card has been issued.

Our website contains all the relevant information. You can choose the best view for shopping, traveling, receiving medical care and other purposes.

Plastic products from Sberbank of Russia are distinguished by favorable conditions, ease of registration and a high degree security. This article will focus on credit cards with an interest-free limit of up to 50 days.

How long is the grace period for Sberbank credit cards?

Sberbank credit card has a grace period of 50 days. this rule refers to any type of loan product issued by the bank. Such a period allows the holder to use borrowed funds for 50 days without interest. In other words, the client can pay with a credit card at retail outlets, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, salons, gas stations, etc., but he must pay off the debt that has arisen before the expiration of the grace period (50 calendar days). Only in this case, the loan provided will be free.

If the consumer is unable to return the funds to the card within the prescribed period, then a certain percentage will be charged on the debt that has arisen (depending on the type of Sberbank card).

Which one to issue?

Currently, Sberbank offers customers several loan products with an interest-free period of 50 days. Make out the look that suits you best. Check out the terms:

Mastercard classic:

  • issued for 3 years
  • interest rate from 27.9% per annum,
  • limit up to 300,000 rubles,
  • grace period of 50 days.

Advantages - availability, low maintenance cost (from 0 to 750 rubles per year), cashback up to 5%.

Golden Mastercard- different favorable conditions:

  • limit up to 600,000,
  • overpayment percentage from 17.9%,
  • service price - from 0 to 3,000 rubles,
  • grace period of 50 days.


  • refund up to 10% of the purchase price,
  • annual rate - from 21.9%,
  • an attractive bonus program
  • grace period of 50 days.

MasterCard Standard- allows you to make purchases around the world. Other conditions:

  • interest - from 23.9% to 27.9% per year,
  • grace period of 50 days.

Aeroflot Classic Visa- provides Aeroflot miles for purchases made with the card.

  • rate of 23.9% - 27.9% per annum.

Visa Gold Aeroflot- bonuses in the form of miles for purchases, the percentage of overpayment from 23.9% to 27.9% per year.

Premium Signature Aeroflot:

  • 2 miles for every 60 rubles spent,
  • limit up to 3 million rubles,
  • annual rate of 21.9%.

classical Visa Classic"Gift a life":

  • 0.3% from each purchase is deducted to a charitable foundation for helping seriously ill children,
  • interest after 50 grace days - 23.9% - 27.9% per year.

Terms of use of a Sberbank credit card for 50 days

Sberbank credit cards with a free period of 50 days are available for registration to all interested citizens of Russia. the main thing is to meet the requirements established by the bank. Clients must meet the following criteria:

  • be between the ages of 21 and 65 (Sberbank credit cards are not issued from the age of 18!);
  • reside in Russia and have a permanent residence permit;
  • have a permanent job.

Of the documents, the client must provide a Russian passport with a seal of address registration and a certificate of income (2-NDFL).

How to pay a credit card during the grace period?

You can return the debt to the card, both through the bank's cash desk and using an ATM. But this must be done within 50 days so that no interest on the loan is accrued. In this case, no commission will be charged for the service. another mandatory condition is a monthly deposit of more than 5% of the spent limit into the account.

Can I withdraw cash from a credit card?

Yes, but only through an ATM! And you should know that in this case the interest-free period (grace) does not apply. The withdrawn funds will be credited with the percentage specified in the contract. Plus, you will pay a fee for withdrawing money from a credit card (4.5%).

Transfers via the Internet or SMS from any Sberbank credit card are not possible!

Grace or, in other words, "grace" period implies free use financial resources bank within credit limit. Simply put, a client who borrowed from Sberbank may not pay interest on the loan. It is this scenario that is guaranteed by a financial institution, but for this you need to learn how to use a Sberbank credit card correctly, and even better, be able to correctly calculate the grace period.

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To reap the benefits of the desired bonus that the benefit provides, you need to resort to the right calculations. And customers of banks, as a rule, do not particularly strive to count. As a result, users, especially initial stage, a number of problems arise. The reason for this is not only laziness, but also an advertising definition, which is not a hoax, but in fact has significant differences from what happens in reality.

The essence and nuances of the grace period

It is generally accepted that the free period for Sberbank cards is 50 days. This is not entirely true. By the way, the situation may be similar to the practice of other credit institutions. 50 days is the period indicated in the advertisement. Its countdown starts right from the beginning of the payment period. The reality is that, according to its rules, a preferential term for a client can be from 20 to 50 days (the maximum indicator is used for PR) from the moment the purchase is made. Every month there is a procedure for generating a report on a credit card. She ends the pay period. So, this period may not coincide and often does not coincide with the beginning of the month, since the date of activation of the card is taken as the starting point. You need to remember that:

  1. The reporting period is 30 days, which are allotted for credit acquisitions. As soon as it comes to an end, a payment report is generated that fixes the amount of spending.
  2. Grace (interest-free) period really covers 50 days, which in total consist of a 30-day reporting period and a 20-day payment term.

So that customers can easily understand the essence of their benefits and make the right calculations, a special assistant service works on the Sberbank website. His mission is to assist in the calculation of the period of interest-free lending and show examples of savings on interest.


Preferential credit card of Sberbank card was activated on March 21, 2015. The period for generating the report will begin on the 22nd of the current month. It is also a grace period, which is 50 days and ends on May 11, 2015. - the date of payment, before which the entire amount of the debt must be returned to the bank in order not to pay interest.

On March 24, the client makes a purchase in the amount of 65.780 rubles. We round the amount up to 66 thousand and do the calculation. We get: a grace period, lasting 48 days and savings on interest in 2083.07 rubles.

On March 29, a user of a preferential Sberbank card spends another 35 thousand rubles on purchases. The grace period, therefore, will be 44 days, and the savings will already be 3095.67 rubles. The date of full settlement will remain the same: May 11, 2015.

Having made the correct calculations, the user can use the following scheme for working with a credit card:

  • card activation;
  • current purchases within a month;
  • accounting for the limits of the credit limit;
  • receipt of an operational countdown for the payment period at the end of the procurement month;
  • search for the total amount of debt repayment and its date.
  • debt repayment.

It is noteworthy that a 50-day period may also occur when repaying a loan. To do this, you will have to spend the entire amount from the card on the very first day from which the payment period starts. With the final expenditure of funds on the last day of the payment period, the preferential term will be no more than 21 days.

Timely return of credit cash within the grace period: myth-making.

Many customers who own preferential Sberbank cards are sure that when withdrawing cash from an ATM, a return is required during the grace period. This, in their opinion, will avoid percentage dependency. This approach is fundamentally wrong.

Sberbank, like many other credit institutions, does not take into account the nuances of turnover. Banknotes withdrawn from an ATM immediately run up credit interest (in Sberbank they are 24%). Do not forget about the commission fee charged for withdrawing funds from a credit card (3%), regardless of the ownership of the ATM.

The grace period of 50 days applies ONLY to non-cash transactions and is counted from the report date (card opening date).

Conclusion: Don't fall into stereotypical traps. Borrowed money on a preferential card should be returned on time, focusing on the date indicated in the report. Only with this approach will the interest fee be excluded.

Minimum card payment

If there is no way to repay the loan on time, then you should not worry. For such incidents, credit cards are just created. The client is free to use borrowed funds by paying the rate stipulated in the contract (according to classic map– 24%). It is only recommended not to forget about the timing of making the minimum payments (for Sberbank, this is 5% at the end of the payment period). This option is relevant for the entire period of repayment of the debt, subject to careful observance of the terms of the contract. The lack of receipts in the bank, even, will entail the accrual of penalties and growth interest rate up to 38% per annum.

Advice from experienced Sberbank clients: it is enough to carefully study the features of using a credit card and follow what is indicated in the reports, then the grace period for lending on a Sberbank card will be an excellent help in solving pressing financial problems.

Answers to popular questions

Question: how to transfer money from a credit card to Sberbank to a Sberbank card?

Answer: money can be transferred by anyone convenient way via Internet banking, ATM, mobile bank. But keep in mind that transferring money is equivalent to withdrawing cash, so you will have to pay interest for such an operation.

Answer: the credit limit can be increased if it is not the maximum for a particular type of card. The bank can automatically 20 - 25%, or you can submit the appropriate application yourself. To increase the credit limit, the following conditions must be met:

  • The client has been actively using the credit card for more than 6 months;
  • The card holder has a good credit history, does not allow ;
  • Changed conditions that affected previously established by the bank limit (for example, income increased, a loan was repaid in another organization, and so on).

Question: how to withdraw money from a Sberbank credit card without commission