Where to get a loan at 65 years old. Where can non-working pensioners get a loan? Where to get a loan for a pensioner

There is an opinion that young or middle-aged people turn to financial institutions to obtain loans. However, in recent years, the number of people of retirement age who want to get a loan for family or business needs has been growing. As a result, the number of institutions where you can get a loan without refusal has increased for both working and non-working pensioners.

Banks offering the best loan rates for pensioners

The amount of funds issued to non-working pensioners, as well as the loan rate, is determined individually by each bank. Below is a rating of institutions where non-working pensioners with the most lenient schedule can get a loan without refusal.

The natural desire of every pensioner who contacts a bank is to receive funds for personal needs under low percentage. An important circumstance is the conditions of the loan program provided. Here are the banks with the best loan rates for pensioners.


It is a leader among credit institutions cooperating with pensioners. It is recognized as the best because it offers one of the most profitable consumer programs “100 thousand rubles at 12% per annum for 12 months.” In addition, others are issued here in amounts ranging from 5 to 300 thousand rubles.

The debt repayment period ranges from 1 to 3 years. The maximum age of pensioners at the time of debt repayment is 85 years. To obtain a loan, only 2 documents are required: a pensioner’s ID and a passport. It is noteworthy that at Sovcombank elderly clients are served without a queue.

Quite simply and quickly you can get cash with a low interest rate of 12.9% per annum and in this credit institution. It successfully cooperates with pensioners, offering them profitable consumer programs. Cash is issued in the amount of 30 to 700 thousand rubles with a payment period of 2-5 years. To receive a loan, you must provide two documents: a passport and a pensioner’s ID.

The decision on the loan after consideration of the application is made quickly and in the shortest possible time. For speed and convenience, it is proposed to fill out a form on the bank’s website. The disadvantage of this program is that at the end of the debt repayment the borrower must not be older than 70 years.


Even in the absence of narrowly targeted consumer programs for pensioners, this financial institution offers loans with sufficient low rates on preferential terms, in particular, to clients who receive their pension here.

Pensioners can receive a loan in the amount of 15 thousand to 3 million rubles at a rate of 13.9% (without collateral). The debt repayment period also varies from 3 months to 5 years. Taking into account the risks, the bank provides loans to people whose age at the time of the last debt repayment will be 65 years. This means that persons under 60 years of age can apply.


Offers a special “Pension” program for elderly borrowers, who will be attracted by a rate of 14% per annum. The loan amount, depending on personal needs, can range from 45 thousand to 1 million rubles. Debt repayment periods also vary from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 3 years.

Applications are processed promptly, and funds are issued just as quickly. The age of persons who can repay the loan debt should not exceed 75 years. Interprombank is an institution where a pensioner with a bad credit history can get a loan without any problems.


This organization offers pensioners various consumer programs for different periods. These can be small loans of 10 thousand rubles, or large loans worth half a million rubles. Minimum bid on loans is only 14.5% per annum. The application, which is processed promptly, can be submitted online on the bank’s website. Here you can use the calculator to calculate and create a convenient payment schedule.

Rosselkhozbank is an organization that provides long-term loans for a period from 1 month to 7 years. People receiving a pension in one of its branches can hope to receive preferential conditions.

Bank Orient Express

Offers soft conditions for consumer programs and low interest rate from 15% per annum. The bank has a reputation for being trouble-free, as it reviews all applications and resolves almost everything positively (even for clients with a bad credit history). It provides loans to elderly people whose age at the time of repayment of the debt will be 76 years. Small loans are issued upon presentation of a passport, and the application is reviewed in no more than 10 minutes. The amount of the loan issued ranges from 21 to 500 thousand rubles.

Post Bank

Created jointly by the Russian Post and VTB 24 Bank, the credit organization actively cooperates with pensioners, providing them with loans without age restrictions. This is the only bank that has thousands of branches, and in each of them funds are issued on favorable terms with a rate of 16.9% per annum.

The amount of the loan issued is a wide range from 20 to 150 thousand rubles. The term, depending on the borrower’s income, can range from one to 3 years. Persons receiving a pension in one of the bank branches are provided with preferential terms lending.

Reasons for trouble-free lending to pensioners

Until recently, banks were reluctant to issue credit loans people who have retired. This was due to age and small income borrowers, lack of guarantors, etc. But the situation changed after the social campaign. research that found that:

  • it is pensioners who receive a stable monthly income in the form of a pension, while younger clients may lose their income as a result of reduction or dismissal;
  • pensioners responsibly evaluate their own financial position, and if its condition is unsatisfactory, they do not try to apply for a loan from a bank;
  • Having received a loan, they show high financial responsibility when repaying the debt.

Important! In any bank, employees accept pensioners out of turn, providing fast and high-quality service.

What documents does a pensioner need to get a loan?

To any pensioner, If you want to get a loan, you should:

  • choose a bank that provides a suitable loan on preferential terms;
  • to know, What documents does a pensioner need to get a loan?;
  • calculate using a calculator the required amount and deadline;
  • submit an application to one or more banks by filling out a form and wait for approval.

For some credit institutions important is:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • availability of permanent registration;
  • residence in the region where the loan is issued.

To make a positive decision influenced by availability:

Up to what maximum age can you get a cash loan?

Research shows that most banks issue loans to non-working pensioners. To minimize the risk of non-refund of funds, each institution introduces various restrictions.

Minimum income. Each credit institution sets a minimum amount pension provision, below which funds are not issued at all or are paid after presentation of a guarantor.

Age. Each bank individually sets the maximum age up to which you can get a cash loan. In some institutions, the age at the time of loan repayment does not exceed 65 years, but sometimes it is 70, 80 years.

Insurance policy. When issuing a loan to persons over 60 years of age, almost all banks require a health and life insurance policy.

If the borrower provides the bank with a guarantor or collateral, it can increase the size of the loan. But in any case, the longest term for lending to pensioners does not exceed 5 years.

Age and health problems are what keep most banks from issuing loans to pensioners, so It is quite difficult to get a loan up to 75 years of age and above.. Even when a bank works with such clients, indicating the maximum age of the borrower, it determines the age at the time of repayment. So, if you are 73.5 years old, the maximum loan period is 1.5 years. It does not matter that the terms of the contract program provide for a conclusion period of up to five years.

The chances of getting a loan are higher for a working pensioner.

Some banks have developed special programs, but specify a mandatory condition - the borrower must work.

There are loan products that are not available to pensioners or are available when high level income: mortgage; other large loans.

5 Russian banks issuing loans on the best terms

There are banks in Russia that agree to work with pensioners. You can contact Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Renaissance Credit, UBRD, VTB 24. However, you need to take into account that programs for issuing loans to non-working pensioners have been simplified, rates will be increased, and the amounts will be small.

But there are better conditions:

  • Sberbank issues loans to working pensioners with a higher limit. This bank It is especially convenient for citizens who receive pensions into its accounts.
  • OTP Bank can issue up to 750 thousand rubles for a period of one to five years. This loan is one of the cheapest thanks to the interest rate of 13.9%.
  • Sovcombank will provide loans to customers whose maximum age does not exceed 85 years on the date of the last payment.
  • Rosselkhozbank issues a loan to pensioners under 75 years of age in the amount of half a million rubles at an interest rate of 15.5% if the client receives a social benefit on the card of this bank.
  • Post Bank also does not refuse borrowers who have retired on preferential terms.

“Pension” from Rosselkhozbank

Rosselkhozbank issues loans to pensioners under 75 years of age without guarantors or collateral. The only security is a penalty for non-compliance with the terms of the loan agreement. However, to obtain approval, it is desirable to fulfill such a condition as personal insurance.

Note! The pensioner will not receive approval if he does not receive a pension into the account of this bank.

The bank sets a relatively flexible requirement for registration; permanent registration in the Russian Federation is sufficient. For pensioners, the offer amount is: minimum - 10,000 rubles, maximum - 500,000 rubles. The final amount depends on the state of credit history, level monthly income borrower. The terms for which money is issued range from one month to five years. Some regional offices increase the loan duration to seven years.

It is worth noting very flexible terms by source of income of the pensioner. In addition to pensions, the following are taken into account:

  • wage;
  • income of individual entrepreneurs;
  • rental income;
  • income generated by subsidiary farming;
  • income from CPC contracts;
  • rewards for intellectual work.

In addition, significant advantages include:

  • registration without commissions;
  • experience is not required by age;
  • possibility of early repayment;
  • issuing money in a one-time payment;
  • the ability to choose a loan repayment method;
  • moderate penalties.

A significant disadvantage is the borrower's insurance.


They issue loans to pensioners under 75 years of age without guarantors and in branches Ural Bank"UBRiR", which opened hundreds of branches throughout Russia. Borrowed funds for the Pension loan are issued in the following amounts: minimum - 20,000 rubles, maximum - 600,000 rubles. Repayment terms range from one to seven years. Interest rates on loans are set from 15% per annum on an individual basis. Early repayment carried out without commissions.

Note! Registration lasts from 15 minutes, all you need is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a pensioner’s ID.

The amount is transferred to bank card client.

The borrower has the following requirements:

  • permanent place of registration in those regions where the bank has an office;
  • lack of existing loans in PJSC CB “UBRD”
  • the borrower cannot be a guarantor for the obligations of other borrowers of the bank.

This bank does not oblige the borrower to draw up an agreement personal insurance, provide collateral. The terms of the “Pension” product do not require future clients to document proof of income or run their own business.

Renaissance Credit Bank

Renaissance Credit Bank can be chosen as a lender by those who have not reached 70 years of age (at the time of loan repayment).

The loan will be given without collateral, without guarantors and without insurance.

The features of obtaining a loan from this bank are:

  • reduced interest rates for pensioners;
  • only two documents are required for registration (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, additional document optional) without proof of income.

VTB 24

VTB 24 does not special programs for pensioners. However, on a general basis, a working pensioner can get a loan, but you should not count on a large amount and preferential terms.

Note! A non-working pensioner will be refused, since a 2-NDFL certificate or a bank certificate certified by the employer is required as proof of income.

A prerequisite is to have two telephone numbers - your own and a work one (necessarily landline).

Preference is given to borrowers who have property for collateral or solvent guarantors.

There are several types available, but the most popular are consumer loans in cash. There are three types of them in the bank:

  • “Large” – distinguished by its large size maximum size, low interest rate, long loan term;
  • “Fast” - an efficient, simplified registration procedure;
  • “Convenient” - small monthly payment, long loan term.

In 2019, the bank proposed new credit programs, interest rates on some types of loans have been reduced, now you can get a loan at a rate of 18.5% per annum.

The following requirements are put forward to the borrower:

  • age – up to 70 years (at the time of repayment of all debt);
  • Russian citizenship, permanent registration at the office location;
  • work experience – in the last place 6 months and at least a year in total;
  • official, documented income - at least 30 thousand rubles. for Moscow and 20 thousand rubles. for other regions.


Sberbank gives loans to pensioners against a guarantee or against property. With a guarantee, the loan amount can be 5 million rubles, minimum percentage drops to 13.9%.

Registration is carried out without additional fees. The minimum period is three months, the maximum is up to 60 months. The loan is issued only in rubles. The income of the borrower's spouse may be taken into account in the calculation of solvency. An answer can be received within 2 hours if the borrower receives a pension from Sberbank. Otherwise, the response will take up to two days.

Credit calculator

Amount of credit:

Credit term:

months years

Interest rate:

% per year % per month

Repayment scheme

Annuity Classic

One-time commission

Monthly commission

Annual commission

Monthly loan payment:

Monthly commission:

Overpayment in monetary terms:


Loan interest:

One-time commission:

Before issuing a loan to a borrower, any lending institution checks its financial solvency. Citizens who have reached retirement age cannot be called such. At least for banks.

What to do if you urgently need money? Which bank is more profitable to take? Let’s look at a few financial organizations, which will give people of retirement age money on credit.

How to get a loan for seniors?

When submitting an application to the bank, a pensioner must understand which group of borrowers he belongs to. There are only three of them.

The first is the most unattractive group of borrowers from the point of view of banks, which does not have much chance of obtaining favorable loan for pensioners. Citizens in this group have no other financial contributions other than pensions. And they cannot provide any type of property (movable or immovable) for collateral. They also do not have guarantors who could help them obtain a loan. If the bank approves the issuance of money to such pensioners, then the amount, as a rule, does not exceed 30-50 thousand rubles.

To obtain a profitable loan for pensioners, participants in the second group must have any type of property (movable or immovable) to provide it as collateral. In this case, the amount that the bank can lend increases significantly. To confirm your pension, you will also need to provide a certificate from the pension fund about the amount of monthly payments.

Participants in the third group can count on the most favorable loan for pensioners. We are talking about those who are ready to document their earnings. Prerequisite: The loan must be repaid before reaching age 75.

Why do banks refuse loans to older people?

The main reason why banks do not want pensioners as their borrowers, sadly, is life expectancy. In Russia, for women it ranges from 72-75 years, and for men - 57-62. In other words, the bank rightly fears that the loan will not be repaid on time, and instead of a profit, a loss will be received. It is rare that any elderly person can provide expensive property as collateral or bring guarantors who meet the bank’s conditions.

Which banks cooperate with pensioners?

Of course, it cannot be said that older people are completely unable to take out a bank loan. There are about 200 financial institutions that are ready to issue loans to pensioners. You can also take out a loan from a consumer credit cooperative (CPC), or from a microfinance organization (MFO). True, in the last financial institution annual interest can be simply huge and reach 700%.

Let's look at banks that lend money to older people at reasonable rates, and also find out whether it is possible to get a profitable loan for pensioners from Sberbank.


This bank can offer its future pensioner borrowers the most profitable loan products with varied interest rates. The height of the annual loan fee depends on the period for which the funds are taken, as well as on the amount of collateral. The documents required to obtain a favorable loan for pensioners are standard. This is an ID card and pensioner's ID.

To obtain a mortgage from Sberbank, a pensioner must have a highly paid position and significant collateral assets.


This bank issues loans to two categories of pensioners: working and non-working. If the borrower is able to provide collateral, the interest rate will be 15% per annum. If there is no property suitable for collateral, the rate may be increased by 10-12 points. The amount given to the pensioner will be calculated individually for each case. In some situations, the loan can reach 100,000 rubles.

Documents other than a pension card and an identity passport may require a personal insurance agreement for the borrower. This is one of the banks that offers the most favorable loans for pensioners.


This bank is focused on working with borrowers with limited financial capabilities. These include medical and educational workers. Sovcombank also provides loans to working and non-working pensioners. The requirements for documents are minimal: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a pension certificate. No type of guarantee is required. The amount of cash that a bank can provide to a pensioner borrower ranges from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles, and the annual interest will be 26-30%. The final amount that a pensioner will receive depends on his ability to fulfill his financial obligations.

Borrowers who can apply to this bank must not be over 84 years of age. And perhaps there will also be a need for registration individual contract insurance. Sovcombank is one of the most acceptable banks for retirees.


Consumer credit cooperatives, unlike banks, prefer to work with pensioners, considering them the most responsible borrowers. Pensioners take a more thoughtful approach to choosing a loan.

Almost every PDA has pension program for older people, the conditions of which are sometimes more favorable than for ordinary clients. The interest rate is preferential and often lower than for working borrowers. It is possible to borrow up to 10,000 rubles without resorting to a guarantee. But if the borrower wants to increase the amount, a guarantee will be required. Pensioners or family members of the borrower can act as guarantors. He himself, having a loan from the CCP, can act as a guarantor.

There is no need to provide a certificate from the pension fund about the amount of payments; it will be enough to show a pension certificate if the amount does not exceed the threshold of 35,000-40,000 rubles.

The loan is issued for a maximum of 2 years, but the borrower can repay it early. In this case, you will not have to pay a fine.

Every pensioner must join the CCP and pay entrance fee. In some cooperatives the contribution is 50-100 rubles, and this amount It is quite possible for everyone. When applying again, each pensioner can count on easier terms of cooperation.

Through such programs, lending institutions show their retired borrowers that retirement does not mean life is over. And that even with a small pension, you can afford a large purchase.

Each elderly borrower needs to decide for himself which loan is the most profitable for pensioners. They must choose which institution is best to contact: a bank, a CCP or another credit institution.

Sovcombank up to 85 years old12% Design! UBRD up to 7 years17% Design! Home Bank up to 1 million rubles7,9% Design!

Unfortunately Alfa Bank , does not issue loans to pensioners under 75 years of age without guarantors

Microloan for Pensioners

If you need small amount in a short time, a microloan for pensioners is just what they need!

Company Loan amount Online application
Loan-ExpressUp to 15,000 rub.Design!
MoneyMan without refusalUp to 80,000 rub.Design!
OneclickmoneyUp to 9000 rub.Design!
MonezaUp to 10,000 rub.Design!
Zaimer without refusalup to 30,000 rub.Design!
Ezaim without refusalup to 30,000 rub.Design!
GreenmoneyUp to 15,000 rub.Design!
WebBankerUp to 15,000 rub.Design!
Until payday without refusalUp to 100,000 rub.Design!
eCabbageUp to 30,000 rub.Design!
Loan-ExpressUp to 15,000 rub.Design!

Loan Calculator

Calculate monthly payment and overpayment on the loan


  • Interest rate – from 12% per annum
  • Amount – from 5,000 to 300,000 rubles
  • Duration – from 1 to 3 years
  • Age at the time of return – up to 85 years

The best bank that issues loans for pensioners with 12% per annum. The age of a pensioner can reach 85 years, the loan is also issued to a pension certificate. The bank works with both working and non-working pensioners.

"OTP" Bank

  • Interest rate – from 11.5% per annum
  • Amount – up to 1,000,000 rubles
  • Duration – up to 5 years
  • Age at the time of return – up to 65 years

Another profitable bank, which issues loans to non-working pensioners in Moscow and other cities of the country. According to the bank’s terms, you must be no more than 65 years old, the loan amount is up to 1,000,000 rubles at 12.5% ​​per annum. When registering, bring your passport and pension certificate with you.

Renaissance Credit

  • Interest rate – from 11.3% per annum
  • Amount – from 30,000 to 700,000 rubles
  • Duration – from 2 to 5 years
  • Age at the time of return – up to 70 years

Up to 70 years of age, Renaissance Credit Bank will easily give you a decent amount, and on the day you apply. All you have to do is come to the bank branch with two documents (passport, pension card) and pick up the cash.

Bank "Orient Express"

  • Interest rate – from 15% per annum
  • Amount – from 25,000 to 500,000 rubles
  • Duration – from 1 to 5 years
  • Age at the time of return – up to 76 years

Not a bad choice for those over 75 years old. Don’t be afraid of high interest rates, even if the overpayment will be higher, but the bank will high degree issuing loans.

What documents are needed to obtain a loan?

As a rule, at the time of application, only a passport and pension certificate are required. Sometimes they ask for a SNILS number, and in exceptional cases, a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the amount of pension paid for the last month.

Until what age can you get a cash loan?

Almost all banks set a maximum age for the borrower, and we are always talking about the age at the time full repayment debt. In Sberbank this bar is at the level of 65 years, in Rosselkhozbank - 75 years, in Sovcombank - 85 years. The only place where there are no age limits is Post Bank.

Where can a pensioner with a bad credit history get money?

To begin with, you should contact commercial banks With highest chances for approval of the application. Such organizations include Vostochny, Renaissance and Sovcombank. The second way is to take out a loan secured by real estate.

Bank, loan Min. bid Max. sum Online application
OTP Bank
"Consumer loan in cash"
10,5% 750,000 rub.Design!
“For everything about everything”
11,9% RUB 1,300,000Design!
« Cash loan at 12%"
12% 100,000 rub.Design!
Renaissance Credit the best option
“More documents – lower rate”
9,9% 700,000 rub.

A small amount of money for a short period of time can be borrowed very quickly from a microfinance organization. Most likely, they will not refuse to issue a loan, but they will give it under terrible conditions - up to 2% per day.

It is generally accepted that pensioners in Russia are an insolvent and low-income category of the population, and therefore few banks issue loans to people on well-deserved retirement. Interest rates on loans to pensioners are installed individually, depending on credit organization and personal characteristics of the borrower. Traditionally, consumer loans to pensioners are issued without additional collateral, but in some cases the lender can hedge their bets and request a guarantee individual or mortgage of real estate.

Loan to pensioners

In order for a pensioner to obtain a consumer loan, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document confirming the assignment of a state pension are sufficient. To document the amount of your pension, a certificate from Pension Fund Russian Federation – the borrower usually draws it up independently. Depending on the income received and the size of existing liabilities (if any), the bank makes a decision and issues a loan for pensioners with a low interest rate.

Loans for pensioners

Which banks issue loans for pensioners? Among the most loyal banks that issue loans for pensioners The following organizations can be distinguished:

To apply for loans, pensioners require a minimum package of documents, so the application is reviewed as quickly as possible.
The presence of guaranteed payments allows banks to set lower interest rates on loans and offer a wide range of lending programs (including mortgage loans, car loans). Traditionally, the lender enters into loan agreement subject to the conclusion of an insurance contract.

Loans for non-working pensioners

Loans for non-working pensioners can also be obtained in Russian banks. Confirmation of income is a document from the Pension Fund; a certificate in Form 2 - Personal Income Tax is not required in this case. However, loans for non-working pensioners are, as a rule, consumer loans in a small amount and for a short period.

Banking products are developed for each category of citizens separately. This allows the institution’s staff to take into account all the features and specific aspects and make the programs as beneficial as possible for the population. Today, retirees can also get a loan to make their dreams come true. This article will discuss the programs of the largest Russian banks for providing loans to citizens of retirement age.*

Cash loan for pensioners: features

When considering a client’s application for a loan, the following types of pensions may be taken into account:
  • old age;
  • on disability;
  • for length of service;
  • social benefits for persons under retirement age.

In addition, it is considered additional income borrower, if it is documented:

  • salary from place of work, including bonuses;
  • private practice;
  • maintaining personal subsidiary farming etc.

Pensioners are a rather risky category of borrowers for banks, so banks often ask for a loan guarantee.

Sberbank: cash loan for pensioners

Developed at Sberbank special offer for pensioners – “Golden Years”. As part of this program, citizens receiving a pension can take advantage of profitable loan products. If the pension is transferred to an account opened with Sberbank, preferential conditions apply.

Clients can count on the following loan programs:

  • Credit card.
  • Loan for any purpose.

When applying for a loan on the website, the rate may be reduced by 3%. The interest depends on the volume of obligations: the larger the amount, the cheaper the loan.

You can submit your application electronically on the bank’s website.

  1. The client fills out the proposed form (personal, passport data, income level).
  2. A preliminary decision comes in the form of an SMS to your phone.
  3. The borrower visits the branch and signs the agreement.
  4. The pensioner receives funds on the day the documents are signed.

Cash loan for pensioners at Home Credit Bank

At Home Credit Bank, as part of a cash loan for pensioners, an amount in the range of 10–400 thousand rubles is available. The loan is provided in rubles for a period of 6–60 months. The interest rate can be from 27.9%.

The maximum age of the client at the time of debt repayment should not exceed 68 years. But if there is a good credit history with this institution, the borrower can use the loan until he reaches 70 years of age.

The loan is issued without collateral or guarantors, the repayment date is selected taking into account the borrower’s preferences. There is no issuance fee.

Comparative table of loans from the reviewed banks

The interest rate does not always tell the client about the actual cost of the loan. Therefore, it is best to find out from each institution what fee you will have to pay monthly. This way you can adequately assess your financial capabilities and choose the best option.

The table shows an example of the cost of the loan, based on the loan amount of 100,000 rubles, the contract period is 12 months. When entering data, the online calculator automatically selected an interest rate, which did not always coincide with the minimum stated on the website.

Package of documents for obtaining a loan for pensioners

Each bank has its own requirements for the package of documents and the procedure for processing individual papers. Therefore, the borrower should clarify full list at the institution where he plans to take out a loan. Information can be found at the branch, on the website or by calling the hotline.

The borrower may be required to provide the following documents:

  • passport (it is replaced by a military serviceman’s or sailor’s ID card);
  • second document (passport, driver’s license, TIN, insurance policy health insurance, documents for vehicles or real estate);
  • documents confirming employment and income level (for working pensioners);
  • guarantor's passport (if a guarantee is provided).

In most banks, employees ask the pensioner to provide only a passport and pension certificate. If there is additional income, confirmation of the amount of profit received is also necessary. The income certificate can be presented in the 2-NDFL format or in the bank form. The same package of documents is required from the co-borrower as from the client himself.

What pensioners need to know when applying for a bank loan