Young banks giving loans with a bad credit history: a list of new banks that do not check CI. Banks that do not check credit history

Nowadays, the services of credit institutions are very popular. Many people turn to banks to apply for a loan. But not everyone has a perfect credit history. The problem is that everything is included in it, even the smallest oversight of the client, such as a single late payment. Not to mention late repayment of debt and other errors. And when the next need to take out a loan arises, problems arise. Since banks, having looked at the client’s payment history, do not risk giving him money. However, there is a way out. There are banks that do not check your credit history.


It should be noted that there are no financial organizations that turn a blind eye to absolutely everything. But there is a list of banks that are lenient about the payment history of their clients. And thanks to this, they are becoming more and more popular.

For example, "Binbank". It is in 12th place in the all-Russian rating of banks. That is, it is included in the top 15 and does not occupy the last place there. The amount of his assets exceeds 1.18 trillion rubles. And over the last month, Binbank increased it by 35.87%! More than 312 billion rubles in 30 days - these data are impressive.

If you urgently need money, then the best option is to apply for a credit card for the required amount at B&N Bank. The organization’s employees do this as quickly as possible; they do not check the client’s payment history. An urgent loan service can also be a way out of the situation. After all, the decision in this case is made in the shortest possible time, during which it is not possible to analyze the client’s history.

"Home Credit Bank"

Listing the banks that we cannot fail to mention this financial organization. Why? At least because it is the leader in consumer lending in our market.

True, you will have to pay for the bank’s “closed eyes” to a bad payment history. Interest payments, of course. The worse the credit history, the higher they are. But you can look at it from the other side - by regularly depositing money to repay the debt and not overdue it, you will be able to “whiten” your payment past.

So, about the rates. If a person who is already a member decides to take out a loan in the amount of 10 to 850 thousand rubles, it will be 17.9% per annum. The minimum period is one year. And the maximum is 84 months. New clients are offered amounts from 30 to 500 thousand rubles at 19.9% ​​per annum. And for a period from 12 to 60 months. For example, if a person takes out 300,000 rubles on credit for a year under such conditions, then in the end he will pay 59,700 rubles as interest.

GE Money Bank

This organization should also be noted with attention when talking about banks that do not check credit history.

The first advantage that GE Money Bank enjoys is the ability to fill out an online application, which is reviewed within 30 minutes. Of course, during this time no one checks the payment history of their potential client. Here's what GE Money Bank offers:

  • No commissions.
  • The more documents are provided, the lower the interest rate will be.
  • Amount - from 20 thousand rubles to a million.
  • The maximum period is 5 years.
  • Possibility of early repayment without commissions.

It is not surprising that this organization was included in the list of banks that turn a blind eye to their payment history. By the way, their most popular service is the provision of instant credit cards. And the name speaks for itself. In general, anyone can borrow money from GE Money Bank - that’s why it’s popular.

"Russian standard"

This organization also belongs to the list called “Banks that do not check credit history.” It also offers an express loan service. The application is reviewed within 15-20 minutes. This time is enough for the bank to decide how much to issue to its client.

The service is available to everyone. After all, in order to use it, you only need to present your passport. But what’s even better is that an express loan can be applied for remotely, through an online service. Only age limits are limited - the client must be a minimum of 23 years old and a maximum of 65 years old.

The amount can vary from 3,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. The minimum period is 3 months. And the maximum is 3 years. The rate is determined individually.

Renaissance Credit Bank

It should be noted with special attention. Do banks check credit history? Such as "Renaissance", no. They offer their clients remote issuance of a credit card with a limit of up to 150,000 rubles. It is only important to provide detailed information about yourself (passport details), your financial condition and work experience. If the representatives of the organization are, in principle, satisfied with everything, the person will receive the card on the same day. By the way, when making an online application, he can immediately indicate the branch where it will be more convenient for him to pick it up.

What about full-fledged loans? The maximum possible loan amount is RUB 500,000. Repayment period - from 24 to 60 months. The rate for “problem-free” clients is 15.9% per annum. For those whose payment history leaves much to be desired - 19.9%. It's good to know that there are several types of services available to people with financial problems. That is why Renaissance is consistently included in various ratings that list banks that do not check credit history. Moscow is the capital, and it is rich in such organizations. But Renaissance, whose headquarters are located there, is especially popular.


It is impossible not to mention it when listing banks that do not check credit history. The list of such organizations always includes Sovcombank.

It's all about the concept. This is the largest private universal bank. And it primarily specializes in providing financial services to people who are underserved. These include pensioners, citizens of small settlements and, of course, clients with a bad credit history. This is even stated in the description of this bank.

And, again, one of the most popular services is express credit. All that is required from a person is a Russian passport, compliance with the age limit (up to 85 years) and 4 months of work experience. True, you can take a small amount - from 5 to 40 thousand rubles.

Where else can you go?

There are several other organizations you can contact. And it’s worth combining them into a list:

  • "Tinkoff" and "Promsvyazbank" (the history is studied, but minor delays and similar shortcomings are not taken into account).
  • "Trust" (you only need a passport).
  • "Prominvestbank" and "ZapsikomBank" (only income certificates are required).
  • "Orient Express" and "Leto Bank" (loyal requirements for borrowers and a minimum of documents).
  • OTR Bank. Does it check history? No, he is new to the financial market and is trying in every possible way to attract clients.
  • (they provide loans of completely different sizes, but to receive a large amount you need official proof of income).

As you can see, even for people with bad payment history there is a way out. And not alone. And which one to use is something that everyone will decide on an individual basis.

One of the aspects of popularizing loans for the population is the difficulty in analyzing the financial capabilities of debt repayment. The result of this is forced collection of debt through the court or with the help of collectors. But even after solving these problems, the need for money may arise. And then you have to look for which banks do not check your credit history before issuing a loan in 2019 in Moscow.

General concepts

Banks can only find out about the degree of trustworthiness of a potential client from his credit history (CI). It directly depends on the fulfillment of financial obligations and contracts. This is not a constant value; the greater the number of positive agreements completed, the higher the chances of obtaining new financing.

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What it is

A credit history is a description of the relationship between a bank or other financial institution and a borrower. If there are no violations of the agreement, only data about the loan is indicated in the database - the period of provision, amount, repayment date. If the client is late, the circumstances are described in detail.

Key points:

The work of BKI is needed only by financial organizations. But their activities are regulated at the state level.

Who does it apply to?

Banks have the opportunity to transmit information about the reliability of any client to fulfill obligations. The exception is the lack of permission for this action from the borrower. Any financial companies whose activities are related to issuing loans and credits can submit data.

About whom information can be posted in the BKI:

  1. Legal entities and individuals.
  2. Those who took out loans or credits.
  3. Those who have consented to the transfer of data.

A deliberate refusal to transfer data to BKI raises suspicions about the trustworthiness of a potential client.

What is regulated

The basic rules and regulations of relations between the parties to the transaction are described in Law No. 218-FZ. It is also the basis for drawing up an agreement on the transfer of data about the creditor. Violation of this law may result in a revision of data in the BKI.

Points to be read:

Main list of organizations

To regulate information flows from various Bureaus, a central catalog was created in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. But it contains only partial data about registered users - the subject code. To obtain detailed information, first make a request to the Central Bank, which provides the coordinates of a specific bank. After this, you can create an application to provide information.

List of main bureaus:

  1. National Credit Bureau.
  2. "United Design Bureau".
  3. Equifax Credit Service.
  4. "KB Russian Standard".
  5. "Interregional MBKI".

Receipt options

Microfinance organizations (MFOs) provide a great chance of receiving money with a bad CI. But recently, banks have also paid attention to such potential clients.

The difference between the offers lies in the interest rates and lending conditions. But in any case, after submitting the application, the CI will be checked, only the probability of a positive decision differs.

Bank interest

Every financial company is interested in a constant influx of new clients. But it is necessary to take into account the degree of their solvency. Therefore, they often offer two ways to get money - microcredit to improve the CI and small loans, but at a relatively high rate.

In this case, the bank receives the following benefits:

  • replenishment of the customer base;
  • increasing loyalty, improving reputation and trust;
  • additional income, but with a high risk of non-refund;
  • formation of a new segment in the financial services market.

However, there are restrictions - it is impossible to get a loan with outstanding obligations, consideration of the case for debt repayment as part of legal proceedings. The same service is not provided to persistent defaulters who are overdue for three or more months.

Credit programs

Most BKIs have been operating for more than 14 years. During this time, a large base of potential borrowers was formed who, for objective reasons, were unable to make payments on time and thereby ruined their credit history. Some banks use this provision to create new service packages.

The most attractive of them:

Name Conditions
"Sovcombank" improvement of credit history, amount – 4,999 rubles. or 9,999 rub. Financing period – from 3 to 9 months, rate – from 33.3% per year
"Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development" program – “Credit without certificates”. May be issued with a bad CI, but subject to repayment of all debts more than 30 days ago. The maximum amount of financing is 200,000 rubles, the annual rate is from 11% to 60%. Application review period: up to 15 minutes
HomeCreditBank the amount varies from 10,000 to 1 million rubles, the minimum rate is 12.5%. Maximum financing period – up to 7 years

Some banks provide individual financing programs to regular customers who have a deposit or salary card. The conditions depend on the required amount, term and CI.

Express loan

A larger range of lending services is offered by microfinance organizations. Their activities are regulated by the Central Bank of Russia, data about each is entered into a special register. It is possible to submit an application online; a certificate of income is not required. Also, to obtain express loans, a good CI is not a prerequisite.

Features of these financial products:

Also, in case of delay, you can agree to extend the loan period and reduce the financial burden. The only “minus” of cooperation with MFOs is the high rate. Therefore, it is recommended to take loans in an amount of no more than 20,000 rubles. and for a period not exceeding 3-4 months.

Loan from a private person

Issuing funds for the purpose of generating income is the prerogative of banks, microfinance organizations and credit cooperatives. An individual cannot provide money to another person or organization on the basis of additional interest.

Earning income in this way is prohibited by law. It is necessary to register a legal entity with a certain type of activity.

But any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to lend money under the following conditions:

  1. Draw up a receipt or agreement.
  2. Indicate clear return deadlines.
  3. If the above condition is not met, in addition to the principal amount, the debtor is obliged to pay a fine in the amount of the Central Bank key rate (clause 2 of Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Such agreements are characterized by high risk for both one and the other party. Therefore, it is worth considering other options for receiving funds.

Microloans online

They are provided by microfinance organizations, but unlike express loans, the range of financing is much larger, and the maximum period can be 2 years. But for loans in the amount of 50,000 rubles. You will need to provide an official certificate of income, and in rare cases, collateral. For clients with poor CI, the chances of receiving large loans are slim.

Tips for choosing microcredit programs:

To attract potential clients, many microfinance organizations offer to issue the first loan on preferential terms - at 0%. The amount does not exceed 10,000 rubles, the return period is up to 1 month. For many borrowers, this is the best way to solve temporary financial difficulties.

    • List of banks and interest
  • 3. Tips for getting a loan with a bad history
  • 6. Earn money by taking out a bank loan

Everyone knows that if a person has poorly established himself as a conscientious loan payer, sooner or later he will have to face a refusal to issue a loan or a loan from banks. Several ways will help you cope with this difficult task, which you can learn about in this article, one of which is banks that do not check the credit history of their clients. However, there are other ways out of this situation.

1. Check your credit history

Of course, the best way is to pay off outstanding loans as quickly as possible and turn to banks that are less strict about the client’s “past” or completely turn a blind eye to these aspects.

Almost all financial institutions began checking credit histories only in 2008. Previously, banks gave loans to almost everyone and they were not afraid of the possibility of not repaying the loans on time. But, as you might have guessed, at this time there were a lot of scammers who took out loans and disappeared.

Banks began to suffer large losses, which forced them to think about checking the credit histories of clients to whom loans were issued, which over time eased the situation somewhat.

In order to reduce the risk of non-payment of loans, the Credit History Bureau was created. There is a case-story of every citizen who took out a loan at least once in his life. The shelf life of the file is about 15 years.

What kind of credit history is there - excellent, very good, good, average, "poor"

The main parameters that guide the Credit History Bureau:

  1. Gross violation. Partial or complete non-repayment of the loan.
  2. Average violation. Systematic delay in payments.
  3. Norm. Short-term delay in payments (up to 5 days).

Any person can be susceptible to such violations. And there are many reasons for late payment. There is also simple inattention, for example, the payer has not read the agreement well or deposits money into the wrong account. Or tragic coincidences.

There are also frequent cases of technical problems when money arrives much later than the appointed day. In addition, the bank may not immediately notice the delay and notify the client already too late.

It happens that a person thinks that he has closed his loan, and a few pennies turn into significant amounts over the years. To prevent this from happening with money matters, you need to be extremely careful and remember that you will still have to pay the bank.

As for the best way out of this situation, this is, of course, to pay off outstanding loans as quickly as possible and turn to banks that are more loyal to the client’s “past” or completely turn a blind eye to these aspects.

  • We recommend reading -

It will be extremely problematic to take out a loan if you have had items in your credit history such as conflicts with the bank and the bank security service. If the matter came to court or agencies for collecting loans - debt obligations, then your affairs are very bad.

For banks that provide loans to their clients with a less-than-ideal (“damaged”) credit history, several points that you must comply with are fundamentally important.

  • Repayment of all loans (no one will go into details, the fact of repayment is important);
  • Cooperation with banks is welcome (friendly). You cannot hide and not answer calls from the bank, this only makes the situation worse. It will also be a plus if you actively participated in solving the problem;
  • If problems arose for valid reasons, then what corrective measures were taken by you and whether solutions were found when repaying the loan and closing it;

2. Which banks in our country do not check credit history?

You need to immediately understand that there are no banks that do not check your credit history as a borrower. Almost all credit institutions do all this. Now we will talk about banks that are not so critical of this when making a decision on issuing a loan or credit.

The most loyal banks in this regard at the moment are young banks that pursue a policy of attracting clients. Therefore, you need to first of all pay your attention to them.

Other banks can also meet you halfway, but you just need to be prepared for the fact that the bank will issue you a loan at increased interest rates and strict conditions in order to reduce its risk from cooperation with you to a minimum.

To correct a bad impression at the bank, you need, at a minimum, to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the agreement and weigh the pros and cons of this decision. If you still firmly decide not to deviate from your intended goal, then here are several banks that are likely to cooperate with you.

List of banks that do not check credit history. Read the agreement carefully before receiving a loan!

List of banks and interest

  • Home Credit Bank;
  • Probusinessbank;
  • Get Money bank;
  • Binbank;
  • Russian Standard Bank;
  • TKS Bank;
  • Baltinvestbank;
  • Avangard Bank;

I would like to separately consider two banks:

  • Bank Renaissance Credit. You can get a loan from this bank from 30,000 to 500,000 rubles. and more The interest rate is 19.9%, which is very good if you have a bad credit history. Repayment terms range from 6 to 45 months (it all depends on the economic situation, so find out more from the banks themselves). A loan can be issued based on two documents.
  • Sovcombank. Issues loans in cash, and often to persons who have a bad credit history. All applications are considered, as a rule, within 5 minutes online. The maximum loan amount is 750,000 rubles.

It should be noted that the list of such banks is systematically updated, but you are already familiar with the main characteristics of these banks.

As for VTB24 and Sberbank (About lending in Sberbank secured by real estate), if you have long delays in payments (more than 180 days), the likelihood that such banks will approve a new loan or loan is very small.

You also need to understand that the interest at which the bank will give you a loan, in your case, will be very high - up to 20-30% per annum.

Remember that a bank is not the last financial (credit) institution where you can get money. Now there are a lot of different organizations that can provide microloans.

  1. Leave applications to several banks, because... Getting to the right one right away can be problematic. Typically, banks create reserves in case borrowers fail to fulfill their obligations, so they may agree to issue funds to several “problem” clients.
  2. If the bank has already refused you, send your request again - they may reconsider the decision.
  3. Full repayment of previous loans. This condition is mandatory when obtaining a new loan. Ideally, you should have no debts on loans and credits, as well as debts on utilities, taxes and alimony.
  4. Evidence of your integrity. You can take out a small loan first and pay it off quickly. According to Russian law, you can do this the very next day.
  5. Secured loan. Some banks may offer you a loan secured by your real estate or guarantee. This service will cost you much more. The cost of services of a real estate appraiser, insurance, etc. will be taken into account.

Banks struggling to survive

2018 and 2019 have been and will be difficult for many. The crisis did not spare banks either. And if for large banks with millions of clients this period went almost unnoticed, then for their less popular colleagues it was a difficult time. Now some banks hold on to each borrower, so they can be more understanding of your situation. Of course, the interest rates will be high, but you will be able to get the money. Here are some of them.

Tinkoff ALL Airlines Tinkoff. Credit Systems.

The amount that the bank can issue is 700,000 rubles. Interest rate 23.9%, for a period of 3 to 24 months.


Amount up to 1 million rubles. Interest rate from 28%, for up to 60 months.


Amount 300,000. Interest rate from 16 to 30%, for a period of 3 to 24 months.

MTS bank

Amount 250,000. Interest rate from 34.9 to 59.9%, for a period of 3 to 6 months. (How to borrow money from MTS on your phone)

It should be borne in mind that each bank has its own idea of ​​bad credit history. For many, and even most banks, one-time delays are not an indication of a serious reason for refusing a loan. Some banks tolerate delays of up to a month or even do not take them into account. A bad credit history can definitely be defined as a borrower’s history in which there is an outstanding loan.

In addition, some banks employ professional psychologists who identify the true reasons for past late payments. In this case, it is very important how you got into such a situation, what the circumstances were. Was it a stupid mistake and a vicissitude of fate, or did it happen only because of your irresponsibility? After working with a client, psychologists determine his reliability in this regard.

For such cases, banks have a special type of insurance with a high interest rate of up to 80% per annum.

4. Decision if banks refuse to take out a loan

What to do if banks refuse to issue a loan

In this case, it is possible to use the credit card service. When a credit card is issued, banks usually check the customer’s data rather superficially, since the application is processed within a day. Or they may even turn a blind eye to some of the troubles that arose during the inspection. But it is worth remembering that the interest rate on such a credit card can reach 29% or more. Typically, obtaining such a credit card is due to the customer’s desire to increase his rating among debtors. And if the loan on such a card is repaid on time, then very soon the bank will be able to issue such a client a regular credit card.

You should always remember that there is no single credit bureau in our country (Russia)! Therefore, one or another bank may not cooperate with the bank account that contains this information about your past.

If your situation has become completely hopeless and you cannot get a loan from any bank, you can always open a deposit account and save money into it every month. In this way, you will be able to improve your reputation in the institution and after 3-4 months you will be able to improve the situation. Perhaps after a few days the bank will agree to the loan.

5. Is it possible to refuse a credit history check?

Yes it is possible! But then you definitely won’t get a loan. According to Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152 “On Personal Data”, the processing of personal information of any citizen of Russia is possible only with written consent. The banker will ask why you are unwilling to give him this kind of information? And then you will definitely be refused a loan.

Other loan options

You can also get money from a private person, but you can only turn to this option if you have been refused by all of the above organizations. Nowadays, there are many fraudulent individuals and organizations. It is best to contact already proven places, where your relatives or friends have already taken out loans.

It is also important to understand that information about banks (interest rates, terms, etc.) that check or do not check credit history is always changing. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select a bank before taking a loan.

Remember that now even a small omission or error can cost you a lot. Don’t make mistakes and try to improve your situation so as not to have similar troubles in the future, especially since we have already introduced you to banks that do not check your credit history.

A bad credit history is not a death sentence. It all depends on what caused the negative entries to appear in it. Which banks do not check the credit history of their clients? There are no such people, but there are those who issue loans, even if it is not ideal.

Credit history is a reflection of loans and advances that have ever been received and repaid or not repaid by the borrower. It is recorded at the creditor bank and then transferred to the Credit History Bureau (BKI). There it becomes available to other banks.

Credit history reflects the terms and payments of previous loans and borrowings

If the loan was overdue or unpaid, this information becomes known to all banks in full detail:

  1. On what terms was the loan issued, when the interruptions in payments began.
  2. How did the borrower pay?
  3. What loans he has not yet repaid and other information.

The borrower may refuse to transfer data to the BKI, but this risks the fact that not a single bank will issue a loan.

All currently operating credit institutions and banks have access to the BKI database and use the information presented there for their own purposes.

Banks are attentive to the client’s credit history. On the one hand, bankers want to minimize risks. After all, if the loan is not repaid, they lose money. On the other hand, they do not intend to lose a paying client, even with a bad CI.

In what cases can it be damaged?

Banks do not seek to ruin the credit history of their clients. But sometimes there are situations when the borrower’s CI deteriorates precisely due to the fault of bank employees. Cashiers may make a typo, an incorrectly specified date due to a computer glitch - all this can lead to the payment being accepted late or the date on the accounting documents being entered incorrectly. Overdue for more than 5 days – and you are guaranteed a bad credit history. But most often, a damaged CI is a consequence of the actions of the debtor himself.

Several factors influence your credit history.

The borrower cannot always soberly assess his financial capabilities. Taking out more loans than you can pay. He is forced to either contact the bank to have the debt restructured, or wait for the bailiffs to take away the property acquired through the loan. At the same time, the borrower is not always guilty to the extent that it is customary to blame him. Delay can be triggered by loss of job (income), an aggressive advertising campaign by the bank, when they try to “foist” a loan by any means, or the borrower’s inexperience in financial matters.

How to check your CI

Anyone who has taken out a loan at least once in their life can check their credit history. To do this, you need to contact the BKI by sending a written request; a sample can be obtained. The document must be certified by a notary and sent by mail.

Information is provided free of charge once a year. A repeated request will cost 450 rubles.

Why do you need a personal credit history check? It is advisable for the borrower to know what is written in this document, at least in order to soberly assess his chances of receiving a loan in the future.

There is always a chance of getting a loan with bad credit history

How to increase your chances of getting a loan with a bad CI

To increase your chance of getting a loan from a bank, you should follow some recommendations from experts in the field of lending. If you have problems with CI, the situation can be corrected by taking the following steps:

  1. Send applications to several banks at once. Not every institution issues loans to “problem” clients. Many organizations pursue a conservative monetary policy and do not seek to take unnecessary risks. In addition, banks are required to create reserves for loans issued. They may not have the amount at the right time.
  2. If you have already been rejected by a bank, submit your application again. They may reconsider the decision. Perhaps the first time they did not have the funds to create a reserve or they had other instructions from their managers.
  3. Pay off previous debts. Even if you took out a loan a long time ago, and the statute of limitations has long expired, despite this, the loan must be repaid and closed. Also, you should not have debts on utility bills, alimony, fines, or taxes.
  4. Prove your integrity. Take out a small loan and pay it off quickly. You can carry out several operations in a row so that when checking your CI, the lender has a positive attitude towards you.
  5. Secured loan. Apply for a loan secured by property: a car or an apartment. You can use funds deposited in the bank as collateral.
  6. Find a guarantor. You can take out a loan with a guarantee, but only if you have a friend who, knowing you, will agree.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated or supernatural about getting a loan with a bad CI. If you are in dire need of money, you can risk your property. But it should be borne in mind that the conditions will be completely different than with a good credit history.

Under what conditions can a bank issue such a loan?

If there were no outstanding loans, then the bank is more likely to agree to issue a loan. However you will have to:

  • look for guarantors;
  • pledge valuable property: an apartment or a car;
  • prove your solvency;
  • make additional insurance contributions;
  • provide a bunch of documents;
  • The interest rate for such clients is higher, and additional payments may be charged.

Bankers understand perfectly well that a borrower with a “tarnished” reputation, if he urgently needs money, will agree to any conditions. But it’s still better to take out a loan from a bank, and not from semi-criminal establishments offering quick money at exorbitant interest rates.

It is worth carefully studying the conditions for obtaining a loan for people with a bad credit history.

Which banks do not check credit history, are there any?

If you think that there are banks in Russia that do not check the credit history of a potential client, then you will be disappointed. All currently operating banks check the credit history of borrowers. The question is not that they check it, but how they treat it. What significance do certain entries in it have for them?

If the credit history was damaged due to a mistake by bank employees or there was a delay, but the amount of the debt was paid in full, then the bank is more likely to issue a loan.

Monetary policy in private banks is more democratic than in public banks. The younger and smaller the credit institution, the more its managers are interested in issuing loans. After all, interest on loans is the most profitable source of their income. Below is a list of banks that do not particularly carefully check credit information and where you can get a loan, even if the borrower’s reputation is slightly “tarnished”:

  • Sovcombank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Russian standard;
  • Rus-Bank;
  • Tinkoff;
  • BinBank;
  • Renaissance Credit;
  • OTP-bank;
  • Citibank;
  • Home Credit Bank.

This is an incomplete list, as there are many such banks. In almost every region there are local banks that are not too critical of their potential clients. Internet banks can also issue a loan if your credit score is poor. They have appeared recently and they really need a large customer base.

Features of such lending

Each bank has its own programs designed specifically for such clients.


Lending terms

OTP-Bank, Leto Bank, Orient Express Bank

These are young banks that do not have many clients. Therefore, they are interested in issuing loans to a wide range of people. They need to “build muscle” for additional funds. And not only at the expense of interest on loans, but also at the expense of potential investors. They offer simple and quick loan processing, even if there are negative entries in CI at high interest rates and commissions. Be prepared for the fact that the rate can be 37% or higher.

Renaissance Credit

Opportunity to receive up to 500 thousand rubles. in debt at an interest rate of 18.9% -32.5% per annum. For term loans the rate is set at 28.5% per annum. The size of the bet depends on how badly the CI is damaged. To obtain a loan, you will have to provide collateral, a guarantee or a large package of documents. What papers will need to be included in it depends on what caused the bad credit history.

Russian standard

Getting a loan is very easy. It may even seem that this is a bank that does not check credit history at all. They treat their clients so trustingly. Money can be received in cash or using a credit card.

Citibank, Sovcombank, Bank Trust

With a bad CI you can get up to 450 thousand rubles. In order to receive a larger amount, you will have to provide a certificate of income. The minimum rate will be 26% per annum. You can apply for a loan at the branch or online.

PromsvyazBank, Tinkoff and Home Credit

Simple conditions for obtaining, one passport is enough, but the interest rate is very high - more than 37%, and together with commissions and insurance payments it can reach up to 79%.

When reviewing the information presented in the table, you should assume that conditions may change over time. Your region may have different terms or rules. However, this does not change the fact that even with a bad CI you can get a loan.

Banks that are useless to contact if your CI is bad

In private banks, the chance of getting a loan is much higher than in public banks.

If your credit history contains unflattering entries, contacting Sberbank and VTB24 is useless.

These are two of the most reputable and stable establishments that have been operating for a long time and have already survived more than one economic crisis. The conditions for granting a loan are very strict.

A good credit history is important, but even if negative entries appear on it, it is still possible to get a loan. However, we should not forget that only those who had arrears but repaid the loan can receive it. The rates on such loans are much higher. They may be required to provide a deposit or a large package of documents.

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Just 5-6 years ago, banks were of little interest to the reputation of clients when issuing loans. Only the passport and income certificate were important. Today, even a borrower with a good salary can be refused if his credit history contains data on past delays. Banks check the credit history of potential clients to minimize financial risks. Therefore, to obtain a loan, borrowers who have failed need to look for a bank that is willing to take risks.

Credit Bureau

The bank transmits information about the delay in payment 2-3 days after the repayment date. No more than a day is allowed for technical delays; all other delays will be charged to the borrower’s account. The fact that the client does not pay his debts will be remembered not only by the bank that issued the loan, but also by all other credit institutions in the country, including microfinance ones.

Banks giving loans without checking credit history

There are no banks that are not at all interested in the client’s credit history, but some lenders are loyal to past mistakes and are ready to give the borrower another chance. These are new banks that attract as many clients as possible, banks that offer high interest rates and credit organizations that require an extended package of documents.

Banks that do not check credit history 2016

In 2016, clients of Renaissance Credit, Russian Standard, Trust, Tinkoff, Proinvestbank, and ZapsibcomBank banks have a high chance of receiving a loan. All of them offer loans even to clients with a damaged reputation, but require a solid list of documents confirming solvency, collateral, guarantee, or offer loans with high interest rates.

Small banks that don't check credit history

For a borrower who has been refused a loan by large financial institutions, it makes sense to turn to newly opened or small credit institutions. They strive to attract clients and are willing to take risks. Credit unions and microfinance organizations often help borrowers with a bad credit history. But the interest rates on loans here are higher than in regular banks.

Features of issuing a loan without checking your credit history

In some cases, a cash loan may be issued to a borrower without checking a credit history. Issuing a loan without checking a credit history implies an individual approach to a client with a reputation as a conscientious borrower. In this case, the borrower must inspire confidence in the credit institution by one of the following points:

  • the presence of collateral, that is, sufficient security for the loan;
  • having a long work experience in the same workplace;
  • stable social status and working age;
  • official confirmation of your performance.

Difficulties in obtaining a loan due to bad credit history

According to statistics, about 87% of the adult population of the Russian Federation has a bad credit history associated with late payments or failure to repay a debt to a credit institution. Many banks often refuse potential borrowers due to their bad credit history. Refusal for a new loan due to a damaged credit history is especially likely if the credit history has been damaged by fairly severe violations. Such violations include gross non-compliance with the terms of the loan agreement, failure to repay the loan on time, as well as ongoing legal proceedings to collect the unpaid debt. Problems with the frequency of payments on a previous loan can also lead to a refusal to issue a new loan. If a positive decision is made to issue a loan, banks usually impose increased requirements on borrowers with a bad credit history in order to protect themselves.

Pros and cons of lending with bad credit history

Having a credit history is a plus in most cases. Often, credit institutions may refuse a borrower a first loan in the absence of any (positive or negative) credit history. Thus, having information about any loans is in itself a plus. But in most cases, a damaged credit history creates additional obstacles when obtaining loans. The main disadvantage of a negative credit history is the low probability of receiving a loan on favorable terms. For unscrupulous borrowers, banks set more stringent requirements - a shorter loan term, a higher interest rate, the presence of collateral or guarantors. If you have a bad credit history, you should not hope for favorable conditions for obtaining a new loan.

Why do banks check credit history?

Almost any bank checks the credit history of a potential borrower before issuing a loan. Such a check is carried out by a credit institution in order to protect itself from a potentially unscrupulous borrower who may not repay the loan. During a credit history check, all information about all the borrower’s loans is checked - both previously repaid loans and existing ones. In addition, the names of the banking institutions that issued the loans, the total number of history check requests, and the presence or absence of overdue loan payments are checked.

The ideal potential borrower for any bank is a client with an impeccable history. Such a client is a borrower with a large number of closed loans, without any fines or sanctions, who paid all installments on time in strict accordance with the agreement. You should also keep in mind that early repayment of a loan is not a plus in the eyes of the bank - it is better if there were no preliminary loan repayments in your credit history. If the borrower had a one-time delay in making a loan payment, this will not affect the credit history in any way. A one-time late payment does not spoil your credit history.

How does the borrower behave?

Insolvent borrowers with a bad credit history can choose several strategies. After the next loan payment is overdue, an unscrupulous borrower may disappear and decide that the bank has “forgot” about him. However, this is not so - the bank will definitely charge a fine or transfer the case to a collection agency or to court, where legal proceedings to collect the debt will begin. There is also a positive scenario - a borrower who cannot cope with payments can cooperate. In this case, the credit institution can accommodate the client and restructure the remaining payments.

In 80% of cases, a credit institution refuses to issue a new loan to a borrower with a bad credit history. There are several options for taking out a loan for a borrower with a bad credit history:

  1. Prove your solvency. If a loan was overdue in the past due to financial insolvency, you need to convince the bank of your ability to pay a new loan. To do this, you need to provide information about your existing property (apartment, dacha, car or other property) and confirm your stable social status (availability of a permanent income and place of work).
  2. Prove your innocence. If the credit history was damaged through no fault of the borrower, this should be proven and your good reputation restored. For example, present a certificate from a hospital or evidence of a transport delay or a malfunction in the payment system.
  3. Delete a negative credit history by writing a corresponding application to the Central Catalog of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. However, such a solution does not guarantee success, since a borrower without a credit history is not the most attractive client for the bank.

How to reduce the verification period?

If you have applied for a loan and want to speed up the pace of its processing, you should under no circumstances refuse to check your credit history. Such a decision will almost certainly minimize the chances of receiving. In order to shorten the verification period and speed up the decision-making process, credit history documents should be provided to the bank. Such documents can be requested and obtained in advance from the Credit History Bureau (BKI). Of course, the bank will not believe the papers solely and will still double-check them to make sure the information provided is correct. However, this will take much less time than checking your credit history from scratch, initiated by the bank itself. There are no other legal ways to speed up the decision to issue a loan.

When is history not checked?

Credit history is checked by almost all large and medium-sized credit institutions that have an agreement with the regional Credit History Bureau. Before initiating a review of a potential client, the banking institution must obtain the written consent of the borrower. However, some categories of credit institutions may omit this stage when deciding to issue a loan. For example, a bank where the borrower already has payroll services can issue a loan without additional credit history check. Also, small and recently operating credit institutions can issue loans without checking the history.

Advice from When looking for a bank that does not check your credit history, use online resources for monitoring lending conditions.