It’s cheaper in the morning: when and in which online banks is it more profitable to change currency. How do banks set exchange rates? Time for setting the exchange rate of the Central Bank

Keep in mind that exchange rates set by the central bank do not change on weekends! In the table below you can see the dollar and euro exchange rates for today, tomorrow and the week ahead. If you are interested in the future fate of currencies, follow the news and monitor quotes updates.

Dollar exchange rateEuro exchange rateRuble's exchange rate
There will be an official course for
01/15/2020 (we will find out via 10 hours)
? ? ?
Current official rate as of 01/14/2020
the best rates in banks
-32 kop.
-23 kop.
went up in price
+ 0.43%
Register and trade on Forex without investment - you will receive starting capital as a gift!
If you trade successfully, you can withdraw your money!
Since the last official exchange rate was determined on January 14, 2020 increased
+30 kopecks
+39 kopecks
fell in price

(oil during this time: -1%)

In the last hour grew up a little
+7 kopecks
increased slightly
+3 kopecks
fell slightly in price

Current exchange rates on the InstaForex exchange

Monthly dollar and euro exchange rate forecast

Exchange rate forecast for December
dateDay of the weekWellMax.Min.WellMax.Min.
06.12.2020 Friday 63.64 64.59 62.69 70.52 71.58 69.46
09.12.2020 Monday 63.51 64.46 62.56 70.41 71.47 69.35
10.12.2020 Tuesday 63.36 64.31 62.41 70.62 71.68 69.56
11.12.2020 Wednesday 63.66 64.61 62.71 71.00 72.07 69.94
12.12.2020 Thursday 63.78 64.74 62.82 71.15 72.22 70.08
13.12.2020 Friday 63.78 64.74 62.82 71.05 72.12 69.98
16.12.2020 Monday 63.82 64.78 62.86 71.15 72.22 70.08
17.12.2020 Tuesday 63.88 64.84 62.92 71.19 72.26 70.12
18.12.2020 Wednesday 64.06 65.02 63.10 71.12 72.19 70.05
19.12.2020 Thursday 63.93 64.89 62.97 70.87 71.93 69.81
20.12.2020 Friday 63.87 64.83 62.91 70.76 71.82 69.70
23.12.2020 Monday 63.86 64.82 62.90 70.81 71.87 69.75
24.12.2020 Tuesday 63.96 64.92 63.00 71.04 72.11 69.97
25.12.2020 Wednesday 63.82 64.78 62.86 71.10 72.17 70.03
26.12.2020 Thursday 63.42 64.37 62.47 70.73 71.79 69.67
27.12.2020 Friday 63.49 64.44 62.54 70.80 71.86 69.74
30.12.2020 Monday 63.89 64.85 62.93 71.11 72.18 70.04
Exchange rate forecast for JanuaryDollar exchange rate forecast for the week and monthEuro exchange rate forecast for the week and month
dateDay of the weekWellMax.Min.WellMax.Min.
03.01.2020 Friday 63.93 64.89 62.97 71.22 72.29 70.15
06.01.2020 Monday 64.21 65.17 63.25 71.36 72.43 70.29
08.01.2020 Wednesday 63.92 64.88 62.96 70.91 71.97 69.85
09.01.2020 Thursday 64.26 65.22 63.30 71.25 72.32 70.18
10.01.2020 Friday 64.29 65.25 63.33 70.97 72.03 69.91
13.01.2020 Monday 64.18 65.14 63.22 70.60 71.66 69.54
14.01.2020 Tuesday 63.62 64.57 62.67 70.07 71.12 69.02

What determines the dollar exchange rate, factors influencing exchange rates

If you are interested in buying or selling euros or dollars, the exchange rate is an important indicator for you every day. Today, both currencies are showing significant volatility. This is primarily due to political factors.

What affects the exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro:

  • decisions made by diplomats within the framework of international cooperation. Yesterday Angela Merkel announced her readiness to reach an agreement with Russia - the euro fell slightly against the ruble. Tomorrow Donald Trump will release a new package of sanctions - the dollar exchange rate will skyrocket. Therefore, if you want to play on the currency exchange or make money by buying/selling currencies, you need to follow political news;
  • economic situation in the country and in the world. Yes, even economic changes within Russia affect the position of the ruble, and, accordingly, the exchange rate of foreign currencies to it;
  • decisions of the Central Bank. It is known that at the beginning of the aggravation of relations with Europe and the United States, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation tried to balance the jumps in exchange rates against the ruble using its own resources. Today, the volatility of the dollar and euro has decreased slightly, and the system of containment of the Russian banking network played a significant role in this.

Previous rate forecasts

We all remember the times when the dollar exchange rate did not exceed 35 rubles, and the euro remained at the level of 39-45 rubles. Unfortunately or fortunately, these rates have not appeared on display boards in banks and exchange offices for several years. Below is our forecast of exchange rates a few days before the rapid fall of the ruble. This information is presented just like that, as a keepsake...

Dear visitors to the site “Currency Rate Forecast for Tomorrow”, please note that the forecast for the dollar and euro exchange rates is given for informational purposes only and cannot be regarded as a guide to action! We are not responsible for the accuracy of these forecasts, because... exchange rates depend on a huge number of factors and even the most experienced trader, broker, financier (yes, in general, anyone) will not be able to predict the exchange rate for tomorrow, for a week or for a month with 100% accuracy!

What is currency and exchange rates?

Currency and money are synonyms (). Currency can be foreign or Russian. The Russian currency is the ruble, which is the only legal tender that must be accepted at face value throughout Russia. Foreign currency includes banknotes in the form of banknotes, treasury notes, as well as coins that are in circulation and are legal means of cash payment in the territory of the relevant foreign state. It should be noted that currency can be not only cash, but also non-cash, that is, existing not in the form of banknotes or coins, but in the form of entries in bank accounts.

Currency can be convertible or non-convertible. Convertible is a currency that can be exchanged for another without special permission from any government authorities. Thus, the US dollar, Japanese yen, euro and some others are freely convertible - these include the Russian ruble.

But in order to exchange one currency for another, you need to know its exchange rate, in other words, its price. An exchange rate is the price of a country's currency expressed in another country's currency. In other words, currency is a commodity like any other, and it can be purchased at a set price. Rubles can be bought for US dollars, euros, yuan, and vice versa. And for each currency used as a means of payment for another currency, a certain exchange rate is established.

Wherein dollar exchange rate or euro exchange rate, and any other currency can be either official (fixed and floating) or unofficial. The official exchange rate for the national currency is set by the government, usually represented by the central bank, for a certain period, for example, a day, and is used in official calculations. The unofficial rate may differ from the official one in settlements between ordinary citizens or legal entities at their own discretion.

A fixed rate is an officially established relationship between currencies. Thus, a fixed exchange rate between the dollar and the ruble was used in the USSR; it was established by the State Bank of the USSR. For example:

  • on January 1, 1924, the exchange rate of $1 was equal to 2.20 rubles;
  • on January 1, 1936, the exchange rate of $1 was equal to 1.15 rubles;
  • on January 1, 1937, the exchange rate of $1 was equal to 5.04 rubles;
  • on January 1, 1961, the exchange rate of $1 was equal to 0.90 rubles.

Interestingly, in the early 1990s, there were several types of exchange rates in parallel:


Official fixed (established by the State Bank of the USSR and used for official settlements);


Commercial (was established on November 1, 1990 based on the ratio of 1.8 rubles per $1 and was used for settlements on foreign trade operations, foreign investments in the USSR and Soviet investments abroad, as well as non-trade settlements carried out by legal entities (Presidential Decree USSR dated October 26, 1990 No. UP-943 " "));


“Tourist” (was introduced on July 24, 1991 by the State Bank of the USSR at the level of 32 rubles per $1, this type of rate lasted only five months and was used along with the official fixed rate for the purchase of currency by individuals (Telegram of the State Bank of the USSR dated April 1, 1991 No. 135/91 " ").

The record low value of the official dollar exchange rate was recorded on February 13, 1991 - its official rate was 0.54 rubles. Such a low official dollar exchange rate lasted until June 24, 1992, reaching by that time only the level of 0.56 rubles.

Already on July 1, 1992, the official dollar exchange rate was set at 125.26 rubles. for $1 and began to grow sharply, reaching an amount of 414.50 rubles by January 1, 1993, and 1,247 rubles by January 1, 1994. By January 6, 1995, the dollar to ruble exchange rate increased to 3,623 rubles, and by January 5, 1996, to 4,461 rubles, reaching a value of 5,960 rubles by the end of 1997. for $1, after which the ruble was redenominated a thousand times in Russia.

However, even after this, the dollar/ruble exchange rate continued to grow steadily, showing sharp rises in 1998 and 2014. A certain stability and even some periodic depreciation of the dollar could be observed from 2000 to 2013. As of December 9, 2014, the US dollar exchange rate was set at 53.31 rubles. for $1. If compared with previous, non-denominated rubles, it corresponds to the rate of 53,310 non-denominated rubles per $1. Thus, for the period from July 1, 1992 to the present, the value of the ruble against the US dollar has fallen 424 times.

Currently, Russia uses a floating exchange rate, which involves the use of a market mechanism of currency regulation to set exchange rates. At the same time, it changes under the influence of supply and demand.

The Bank of Russia is responsible for establishing official exchange rates in relation to the ruble (Article 53 of the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ ""). However, an ordinary citizen cannot come to the Bank of Russia and buy or sell currency at the official rate. Moreover, the Bank of Russia does not undertake any obligation to buy and sell currency at the official rate. In fact, citizens can only purchase currency from commercial banks at an unofficial rate, and the price of the currency is usually overpriced - after all, the commercial bank makes a profit from this transaction.

Therefore, it is believed that citizens are not recommended to “play” with exchange rates (at least in the short term, without being able to save money for years in advance), since they are always forced to buy currency more expensive and sell it cheaper than at the official rate, practically always losing on this difference.

Dollar rate for today and euro rate for today

Most Popular exchange rates that interest Russians almost every day are dollar and euro to ruble exchange rates. Unfortunately, the ruble has fallen sharply against these currencies recently. According to many analysts, this was a consequence of Russia's domestic and foreign policies. Currently, the fall of the ruble continues and it is completely unclear at what level it will stop.

Of course, such a decline cannot but affect the well-being of ordinary Russians. Since prices in stores rise following the increase dollar and euro exchange rates(since many goods are purchased abroad for foreign currency), the purchasing power of the income received by citizens falls proportionally. And if an employee at the beginning of 2014 could buy with his salary in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. goods worth the equivalent of about $920, now the purchasing power of his wages has fallen to about $565, ​​that is, almost half. Of course, Russians are very worried about this situation.

As a result, most citizens monitor daily dollar exchange rate for today And euro exchange rate for today, depending on which of these currencies seems more important to them. But few people know exactly how this rate is set.

The fact is that dollar exchange rate for today set by the Bank of Russia the day before. In fact, every day the dollar exchange rate for tomorrow is set. Official US dollar to ruble exchange rate calculated and established by the Bank of Russia based on quotes from the interbank domestic foreign exchange market. From April 15, 2003 to establish official dollar exchange rate weighted average is used US dollar exchange rate at the auctions of the Unified Trading Session of Interbank Currency Exchanges with the settlement deadline “tomorrow”, as of 11:30 a.m. on the day of trading (Information from the Bank of Russia dated April 14, 2003).

Thus, dollar rate for tomorrow is set by the Bank of Russia daily (on weekdays) at 11:30 a.m. of the trading day based on the average value of its value at exchange trading.

The same way, euro exchange rate for today was established by the Bank of Russia yesterday, but using a different algorithm. Euro exchange rate for tomorrow is determined not directly, by the average value at auctions at a certain time, but on the basis of the already established dollar exchange rate for tomorrow, taking into account the quotation of the euro against the US dollar on international currency markets and on the interbank domestic foreign exchange market.

In total, the Bank of Russia sets daily rates for 34 foreign currencies - all of them are available on its official website, and the rates of the US dollar and euro can also be found on the GARANT.RU portal.

At the request of RBC, the analytical agency Markswebb Rank & Report found out which online banks are best for changing currency. Agency employees studied the buying and selling rates of currencies in the 20 largest online banks with the largest number of users.

For three days (April 22, 25 and 27), in the morning and evening, analysts collected data on exchange rates to understand: which banks have the minimum difference between the purchase and sale prices of dollars and euros. The smaller this difference (or, as financiers say, the spread), the less the bank rate differs from the exchange rate of the currency. This means that losses during foreign exchange transactions are also smaller.

Where to change

The smallest difference between the purchase and sale prices - and therefore the best rates - is with the Tinkoff Bank Internet bank. The average spread for transactions with dollars, according to the results of measurements by Markswebb Rank & Report, was 68 kopecks, and for transactions with euros - 77 kopecks. In other words, the rates of this bank deviate from the exchange rates by about 35 kopecks. one way or the other.

For example, on the morning of April 22 at 11:37 a dollar on the Moscow Exchange cost 66.12 rubles. Tinkoff Bank at that moment offered clients to buy dollars at 66.40 rubles and sell them at 65.75 rubles. The difference with the exchange rate was 28 and 37 kopecks, respectively. The spread shown in the table essentially shows the loss in rubles when buying and selling $1 at the same time.

​At Tinkoff Bank, the system itself automatically buys in real time exactly as much currency as the client needs, says Daria Ermolina, the bank’s communications director. That's why spreads are so tight, she adds. Tinkoff Bank is obviously working to attract those who play a little in the foreign exchange market or simply often buy currency - for travel or savings, adds Alexey Skobelev, CEO of Markswebb Rank & Report.

Home Credit, Otkritie and Uralsib banks also have favorable rates. In all of these organizations, the difference between buying and selling currency in the morning and afternoon is less than one ruble. The largest spreads, and therefore the most unfavorable rates, are at MDM Bank (5.1 rubles on the dollar and 6.1 on the euro), Promsvyazbank (4 rubles in the morning and 5 rubles in the evening for both currencies) and Sberbank (3 .84 for the dollar and 4.1 for the euro).

How much is this in money? If you purchased $1,000 in the MDM Bank Internet office on the morning of April 22, you would have to pay 2,000 rubles. more than in the Internet banking of Tinkoff Bank.

“Sberbank is one of the largest banks in Russia, and it is important for us to provide the required volume of supply to our clients in a timely manner without losing the quality of service, despite external factors,” the Sberbank press service commented on the policy of foreign exchange operations. “Sberbank can afford to make money from a large, unsophisticated mass of clients,” responds Skobelev from Markswebb Rank & Report.

In turn, MDM Bank, as part of its integration with Binbank, will soon revise the exchange rate policy on conversion operations, notes the press service of this bank. All parameters will be identical to those used by Binbank: that is, morning spreads will be approximately 2 rubles. for dollars and euros.

When to change

Markswebb Rank & Report measurements were taken twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, after the stock exchange closed. Obviously, buying currency through online banks in the morning is much more profitable - for 14 out of 18 banks (2 out of the 20 largest online banks do not allow you to change currency online), the difference in buying and selling rates grows in the evening. The spread widens the most at Citibank (from 3.35 rubles to a record 7.41 rubles in dollars) and Home Credit (from 0.77 rubles to 4.81 rubles in dollars). His evening courses are comparable to ranking outsiders.

For a client, this means this: if he buys $1,000 at Citibank in the evening, he will lose about 2,000 rubles compared to the same transaction in the morning. Home Credit Bank will have approximately the same losses between morning and evening currency exchange, although in general it is more profitable than Citibank for such transactions. For the rest of the twenty banks, the difference between morning and evening spreads averages 1.3 rubles. - which is equivalent to a loss of 650 rubles. with a one-time exchange of $1000.

According to the CEO of Markswebb Rank & Report, explaining the difference between evening and morning courses is not difficult. “Banks are tied to the exchange, which has operating hours. There is no trading at night or on weekends, and in the evening trading volumes are minimal,” he says. If a client gives an order to buy or sell a currency during non-working hours of the exchange, this is a risk: the next day the rate may change sharply, and the bank will not be able to make money on this operation or even incur losses, notes Skobelev. Therefore, many banks include these risks in evening rates, significantly increasing the difference between purchase and sale rates, he concludes.

At the same time, for four banks - Sberbank, Alfa Bank, Avangard and MDM banks - the spread does not change at all depending on time. At Russian Standard Bank, judging by Markswebb Rank & Report estimates, the changes are minimal: 0.02 rubles. on transactions with the dollar, and its spreads on the euro are generally unchanged. At VTB24, the spread when buying euros is also the same in the morning and evening. “We do not offset the risks of providing non-market quotes by widening spreads, like a number of competitors,” explains Dmitry Orlov, director of treasury at VTB24 bank.

Exchange rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are updated every day, affecting the cost of goods and individual service items. The living conditions of Russians and the accessibility of various areas of social life depend on them. There are many factors that influence indicators; knowing them helps you make the right decisions.

Why do we need the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation?

The exchange rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for today and tomorrow are given on our website: the information is duplicated immediately after updating the information on the official website of the Central Bank of Russia. This information is important for banks - depending on the adjustments, commercial rates change both up and down. Information is important:

  • international commercial companies;
  • entrepreneurs interacting with foreign partners;
  • representatives of various government departments to formulate policies;
  • ordinary citizens to determine the most appropriate time for transactions with money.

Many ordinary people make purchases in foreign online stores in order to save money. Knowledge of official data on purchases and sales allows you to exchange currency in a timely manner and make a purchase with maximum benefit for yourself.

How is the exchange rate set by the Central Bank?

The Central Bank exchange rate for today was set yesterday based on the results of the interbank exchange. First, the official exchange rate of the American currency in relation to the Russian one is determined. Official data for other foreign money in relation to the ruble are calculated using the previous indicator. Quotes on other international currency markets are also important. It is taken into account that official rates are set on a daily or monthly basis.

On the exchange itself, quotes are determined by the market: according to indicators that arise between supply and demand. This indicator is influenced by the following factors:

  • economic;
  • social;
  • political and others.

The value of foreign money rises when demand outweighs supply. In the opposite situation, it falls.

What time is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation exchange rate set for tomorrow?

The official exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for tomorrow is set at 11.30 Moscow time, but their publication is delayed. By three o'clock in the afternoon, the information is usually already in the public domain.

How to convert currency using a converter at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation?

The site contains a currency converter that allows you to convert one currency to another online. You can set the required unit, specify a certain amount of money for exchange. Information will immediately appear in the window located nearby. It is possible to immediately familiarize yourself with the official data or make calculations taking into account data for any other number from the archive. The service is convenient to use before visiting a bank branch, as it allows you to instantly get results.

In the last couple of years, the movement of the ruble exchange rate has been similar to the American races. In such situations, experts always recommend not to panic. But when it comes to personal savings, it is somehow difficult to remain calm. Especially for the faint of heart, has prepared five tips on how to profitably change currency.

1. Change large amounts

If the street sign of an exchange office promises a good rate, this does not mean that it will actually be possible to convert currency profitably. The preferential rate can only apply to large amounts. Therefore, before buying/selling, you must definitely ask the cashier at what rate your transaction will be processed.

Most often, banks give discounts for transactions from $5,000-10,000, says Vladimir Kushchev, head of the treasury risks and transfer pricing department of VTB 24.

“In large banks, the exchange rate on the display board is usually set based on one unit of currency. The described practice is more typical for “gray” exchangers,” comments Stanislav Makarov, head of the corporate conversion and regional development department of B&N Bank.

2. Change in the morning or afternoon from Monday to Friday

The best time to buy currency is during the daytime on weekdays. “This is due to the exchange’s work schedule and other features of internal processes,” explains Stanislav Makarov from B&N Bank.

Banks set their rates based on trading quotes on the currency exchange, which is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, before leaving for weekends or holidays, banks are aware of the risk that upon returning from them they will have to replenish their foreign exchange reserves after selling to clients on non-working days at an increased rate.

Credit institutions follow the same logic with evening and morning courses. “On the stock exchange, the bulk of trading takes place in the first half of the day. Therefore, at this time, the bank sets a narrow spread (difference) between its rate and the exchange rate,” notes Vladimir Kushchev. “This applies not only to the purchase of cash currency, but also to transactions through the Internet bank.”

The difference in rates, according to him, depends on the sharpness of exchange rate jumps. In 2012-2013 it was not so significant, but today you can save significantly if you change currency on a weekday.

3. Change via online banking

Not in all, but in many banks, rates in the Internet bank are more favorable than for cash transactions at the cash desk. This is explained simply: firstly, the bank does not need to spend resources on physically delivering money to the branch, plus this process does not waste the time of bank employees. For the same reason, credit institutions are ready to offer higher rates on deposits opened remotely.

Secondly, it will be faster and more convenient for the bank to change the exchange rate on the Internet in the event of sudden fluctuations in the foreign exchange market, rather than in its branches. “This way it reduces its currency risk and can afford to charge a smaller spread. He doesn’t have to worry that the market will suddenly break through his rate and they will have time to buy a lot of currency from him at a price that is unprofitable for the bank,” explains Vladimir Kushchev.

So before you go to the bank to buy or sell currency, it is better to find out whether it would be more profitable to do it online. At the same time, the rate in the Internet bank may be more favorable than the rate at the cash desk, or maybe vice versa, warns Stanislav Makarov. This may be due to the fact that the rate in the Internet bank is the same for the whole of Russia, but in branches it differs depending on regional specifics.

Before purchasing currency in your personal account, it is a good idea to make sure that the bank undertakes to carry out the transaction at the rate that was in effect at the time of submitting the application.

“The operation must be confirmed. And the order must indicate the rate at which the conversion will take place,” says Vladimir Kushchev, head of the treasury risks and transfer pricing department of VTB 24.

4. Exchange on the Moscow Exchange

The exchange rate is always more attractive, and you can react very quickly to sudden changes. Citizens can gain access to trading through a brokerage company by opening a brokerage account with it and transferring money to it. In other words, you will have to visit the office with your passport once. But after that it will be possible to quickly submit applications for the purchase or sale of currency through a trading terminal (a special Internet system).

For intermediary services from brokers, you will have to pay a commission, but a small one. “Usually this is hundredths of a percent,” says Sergei Alin, deputy director of the analytical department of the Okay Broker investment company.

To these costs you need to add a commission for withdrawing currency from a brokerage account - up to approximately 1-1.5% of the amount. However, if you choose a broker who is part of financial groups that include their own banks, then, according to Sergei Alin, the commission in this case will be minimal, it is often up to 0.1%.

Another limitation is that the minimum amount for buying or selling on the exchange starts at $1000.

Currency on the exchange is traded in terms of “today” (TOD) and “tomorrow” (TOM). It is more logical and profitable for a private individual to buy currency using TOM payments. “This is a more popular (that is, liquid) instrument, as it allows you to operate with more current rates. If you see an analytical review mentioning the course, then know that we are analysts and always focus on TOM,” clarifies Alin.

In general, according to his advice, it is better to buy currency in portions if you are not sure of the trend. Having bought $1000, you need to wait a week or two and watch the market, then buy another $1000, and so on. “Very often, this tactic allows you to save both nerves and money. It happens that the dollar is at its maximum, it seems that the collapse of the ruble will inevitably continue, but that was not the case, the market took it and turned in the opposite direction,” warns Sergei Alin.

5. Change at the beginning of the year.

An option for those who exchange currency for long-term purposes. Some experts point out that at the beginning of the year, as well as in October, the ruble is worth more.

“There is no hard schedule for the weakness and strength of the ruble. However, the ruble often meets the end of the year in bad shape, and shows attempts to strengthen in the middle of spring and autumn. Accordingly, purchasing foreign currency for long-term savings is more justified during these periods,”