Summary estimate for construction. Estimate for major repairs

Documents that determine the estimated limit of funds - the cost of the full list of works (costs) required to complete all construction projects provided for by the project - are called summary estimates. The prepared calculation contains the estimated cost of not only construction and installation work, but also the cost of purchasing tools, inventory, equipment, as well as other associated costs, including designer supervision, survey work, maintenance of the customer’s service, etc. Draw up a summary estimate ( abbreviated as SSR) is easiest using special costing programs, but MS Excel is often used for this. In any case, the sample presented in the methodological recommendations of the State Committee for Construction of the Russian Federation is taken as a basis.

General provisions defining the content of the summary estimate

The main legal document regulating the procedure for drawing up documentation becomes the Methodology of the State Construction Committee (MDS 81-35.2004), approved and put into effect by Resolution No. 15/1 of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation in 2004 in the current version, which the surveyors are guided by (at the moment, this is - edition 2014).

The general provisions of the Methodology state that the consolidated costs of construction of objects (or their phases) include documents that determine the estimated limit of the funds needed to fully complete all objects under the project.

These same approved documents become the basis for starting financing construction process and determining the capital investment limit. In summary form, recommendations for drawing up consolidated estimates can be presented in the following list:

  1. It is recommended that a consolidated estimate be drawn up and approved separately for production and non-production construction work.
  2. This calculation is made at the current price level. The final decision on determining the price level, which is made when drawing up the SSR, remains with the customer and is recorded in the design assignment. At the same time, in general terms, to formalize the value at the current price level, it is proposed, as an option, to use the base level of 2001, indexed according to current index tables (within the framework of existing recalculation methods).
  3. A consolidated estimate must be generated for the construction as a whole (regardless of the number of general contractors performing construction and installation functions in the project).
  4. The estimated cost of work (costs) performed by each general contractor is entered into a separate statement. Such registration is carried out in relation to the SSR form.

Compilation of SSR by chapters

According to the recommendations of the Methodology, the consolidated estimate includes chapters into which funds for construction (or major repairs) are distributed based on calculations of its cost. In total, there are 12 such chapters - for industrial and civil construction and 9 - for major repairs of communal and socio-cultural buildings, as well as residential buildings. If any chapter provides for the inclusion of a particular object, work (cost), but in fact they are absent, then such a chapter should be skipped without changing the numbers of subsequent chapters.

The next, 10th chapter, in the list of “construction section” is the estimate for the maintenance of customer services (technical supervision), the 11th chapter is the preparation of operating personnel. The penultimate chapter of the SSR for overhaul facilities concerns the calculation of estimates for technical supervision services. The final chapter is the same for both lists. Its contents include designer supervision and design and survey work.

Within the listed chapters, the distribution of works (costs) and objects occurs in accordance with the established industry nomenclature. If there are several types of completed production with several objects for each of them, within the chapter it is allowed to rearrange the work (costs) and objects into sections with a name similar to the name of the production. For certain types of construction and industrial sectors, the names and nomenclature of the chapters of the SSR may change.

As part of the project, a documented SSR is submitted for approval along with an explanatory note. The contents of the note include the following information:

  • about the location of construction,
  • name of the contractor (if known),
  • a list of standards catalogs accepted for drawing up estimates,
  • norms of estimated profit and overhead costs by type of construction (or for a specific contractor),
  • specifics of the definition estimated cost construction work, equipment (including its installation),
  • features of the distribution of funds for construction according to Chapters 8-12 of the SSR and in the areas of capital investments for construction of a housing and civil nature.

In addition, the note lists any other information related to determining the cost of expenses specific to a given construction project, links to decisions of government agencies related to pricing issues and benefits for specific construction.

Summary estimate form: sample and example

To formulate a summary estimate, it is recommended to use sample No. 1, given in the second appendix of the Methodology, which was compiled by the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation. In separate lines it includes the totals for all object estimates without citing the amounts spent to cover limited costs, and the totals for calculations for individual types of costs.

The document contains a link to the numbers of these derivative estimate documents. The cost of each object envisaged by the project is distributed according to the corresponding columns of the form. Columns 4-7 indicate how much the estimated cost is for construction (repair and construction) work (column 4), installation work(column 5), equipment costs (column 6), and other costs (column 7). Column 8 shows the total estimated cost. The summary estimate, an example of which is presented, was compiled in MS Excel according to the specified sample.

The estimated cost is the size Money necessary for carrying out overhaul equipment.

During a major overhaul, the original, high-quality characteristics of the equipment (performance, power, etc.) must be restored. During a major overhaul of equipment, complete disassembly of units is carried out, replacement or restoration of worn parts, assemblies and other structural elements, repair of basic parts, assembly, alignment, adjustment and testing of equipment idle and under load.

The scope and nature of work during major repairs is established in accordance with the list of defects.

Thus, the estimate is drawn up based on the list of upcoming work, the need for parts, components and materials in order to determine the upcoming costs.

The cost estimate for major repairs consists of the following components:

1. material costs (cost of materials, spare parts);

2. labor costs;

3. insurance premiums;

4. overhead costs.

1. To determine material costs, let’s draw up a table

Table 8. Calculation of the cost of materials and spare parts for major repairs


Type of repair work

Unit measurements


Unit price (RUB)

Amount (RUB)

Electric motor




Dismantling and installation coefficient

Total with coefficient

2. Labor costs when carrying out major repairs are determined by multiplying the average hourly tariff rate of a team of repair workers by the labor intensity of the major repair work.

3. Add up hourly tariff rates and divide by 4

(83.62 + 58.49+ 70.70+36.88) : 4= 62.42 (rub./hour) (25)

Labor intensity repair rate is 600 people/hour

600 62.42 = 37453.50 (rub.) (26)

3. Contributions for social needs represent a percentage of insurance premiums in 2012 determined by law (amounting to 30% of labor costs).

Table 9. Distribution of insurance premiums

5. Overhead costs are the costs of maintaining and operating fixed assets, for management, organization and maintenance of production, for business trips, employee training and non-productive expenses (losses from downtime, damage to material assets, etc.). % of overhead costs is determined by the enterprise independently and is calculated from labor costs (25%)

9363.38 RUR (27)

Thus, we present the costs of major repairs and their structure in tabular form.

Table 10. Capital cost structure. repair

Let us determine the ratio of the cost of major repairs to initial cost equipment, which indicates the level of efficiency of repair costs:

1.Capital costs. repair -1,031,520 (rub.)

2. Initial cost of equipment 2383400 (rub.)

* 100% = 43 % (28)

So, carrying out major repairs is economically feasible and profitable, because is less than 50% of the initial cost of a piston compressor unit

Calculation of operating costs

Operating costs consist of 3 parts:

1. Cost of electricity consumed per year

2. Depreciation expenses;

3. Operating costs (lubrication, cleaning, etc.).

1. determine the amount of electricity consumed per year, kWh

where Рср is the average installed power of the mechanism, kW

Tf - actual operating time of the mechanism per year, h

where P is the power of the designed electrical equipment, kVA

Kz - load factor - 0.6;

Kc - demand coefficient - 0.2.

b) Determine the cost of electricity consumed per year, rubles

where C is the cost of 1 kWh of electricity, rub.

2. Determine depreciation charges, rub.

where C is the cost of the mechanism (selected from the capital cost estimate), rub.

On - depreciation rate -11.2%

3. Let's determine operating costs:

where c is the operating costs per 1 kW of power (taken from shop data):

General operating costs for the mechanism:

Eo = 38507 + 266940.8 + 5720 = 311167.8 (34)

State Committee Russian Federation

on housing and construction policy

(Gosstroy of Russia)

The methodological manual is intended to determine the estimated cost of major and current repairs of residential buildings, public utility and social-cultural facilities. The manual includes: examples of drawing up local, object and consolidated estimate calculations using the resource and basis-index method, "Collection of estimate standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures during repair and construction work", "Collection of estimate standards for additional costs during repair and construction work in winter."

Developed by: State Enterprise "Information Research and Production Agency" (INPA) together with the Department for Improving Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction of the State Construction Committee of Russia.

Intended for a wide range of specialists.

The publication and distribution of this Manual at the request of users is carried out by the Information Research and Production Agency (117949, Moscow, GSP-1, B. Yakimanka St., 38a. Telephone: 238-17-55).

Please send suggestions and comments on the content of the Methodological Manual to the address: 117987, Moscow, GSP-1, st. Stroiteley, 8, bldg. 2, Gosstroy of Russia, Department for Improving Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction.


This manual contains general guidelines for determining the estimated cost of major repairs of housing and civil facilities and reconstruction.

Major repairs of residential and public buildings are a special, most complex and labor-intensive type of construction work. The technology of repair and construction work differs significantly from the technology of construction and installation work for the construction of new buildings and structures. These specific features are to a certain extent reflected in pricing and determining the estimated cost of major repairs.

The system of planned preventative repairs of residential buildings and social facilities is a set of interconnected organizational and technical measures for carrying out current and major repairs with a regulated sequence and frequency, aimed at ensuring their operational performance within the current standards for the established service life. Scroll current documents is given in Appendix 3.

Preventive repair consists of systematically and timely work carried out to prevent premature wear of structures, finishing, engineering equipment, as well as work to eliminate minor damage and malfunctions.

Preventive (current) repairs are carried out at the expense of the income of housing maintenance organizations, i.e. due to apartment and rent payments, fees from tenants for operating costs, etc.

The average cost of preventive (current) repairs should be within 0.75-1% of the replacement cost of houses.

Overhaul consists of replacing and restoring individual parts or entire structures and engineering equipment of buildings due to their physical wear and tear.

The frequency of major repairs is determined in accordance with the current instructions for carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance, developed and put into effect taking into account the requirements of the rules and instructions of the relevant state supervisory authorities. Time between repairs and volumes of repairs are established based on the technical condition and design features objects.

The overhaul also includes work that is related in nature to current repairs, but is performed in connection with the overhaul. Major repairs are divided into:

Comprehensive overhaul (CCR), covering the entire building as a whole or its individual sections, which eliminates physical and moral wear and tear;

Selective overhaul (SCR), covering individual structural elements of a building or equipment, which eliminates physical wear and tear.

Comprehensive overhaul (CCR) is the main type of repair.

In addition, depending on the technical condition of buildings and structures, their layout and degree of improvement, the following repair work may be carried out:

Major repairs, which mainly involve the replacement of engineering equipment systems;

Selective major repairs, in which necessary urgent work is carried out that cannot be timed to coincide with the next scheduled repair, including repairs of the roof, facade, and engineering equipment;

Emergency repairs are carried out to eliminate the consequences of sudden accidents and structural damage caused by natural disasters;

Security and maintenance repairs are carried out in dilapidated buildings that cannot be demolished in the near future.

Reconstruction of residential buildings includes redevelopment of residential buildings with changes in the main technical and economic indicators (number and area of ​​apartments, construction volume and total area).

During reconstruction, based on the prevailing urban planning conditions and current standards, superstructures, extensions, additions, increasing the level of engineering equipment, including the construction of external networks, can be carried out, as well as measures can be taken to improve the architectural expressiveness of buildings and landscaping of territories.

Reconstruction also means changing the purpose of a building (for example, converting an administrative building into a clinic).

The main document characterizing the technical condition of the building and reflecting the need for major repairs is technical certificate, compiled for each building and land plot.

Technical documentation for major repairs and improvement of residential and public buildings is prepared by a design organization that has the right and license to carry out such work.

Major repairs are carried out only according to approved projects and estimates. If the nature of the repair work does not require the production of working drawings (replacement of the roof, repair of facades, etc.), it is allowed to finance major repairs according to approved estimates or assessed inventories of work.

Project documentation for major repairs must include:

Design assignment from the customer;

Conclusion of the design organization and the customer on the technical condition of the building;

Technical report on the engineering and geological conditions of the building site;

General plan for the development of the site;

Floor plans and sections;

Plans, sections of load-bearing structures;

Facades with blind areas;

Working documentation for engineering equipment;

Explanatory note;

Basic provisions for organizing work (overhaul organization project) - for complex overhauls.

The capital repair organization project (CRO) must include:

Capital repair schedule;

Construction master plan;

List of quantities of basic repair, construction, installation and special works;

List of requirements for basic building structures, materials and equipment;

Schedule of requirements for basic construction machines;

Worker requirement schedule;

Explanatory note.



To determine the estimated cost of major repairs of enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues, estimate documentation is drawn up, consisting of local estimates, local estimate calculations, object estimates, object estimate calculations, estimate calculations for individual types of costs, consolidated estimate calculations of construction costs, cost summaries and etc.

Local estimates are primary estimate documents and are compiled for certain types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for general site work based on the volumes determined during development working documentation(RD) or working drawings.

Local estimates are also prepared for certain types of work and costs for buildings and structures or for general site work, if the scope of work and costs have not been finally determined and are subject to clarification, as a rule, on the basis of the RD.

Local estimates for major repairs are compiled on the basis of:

Tasks for the development of design and estimate documentation;

Results of mechanical inspection of buildings;

Inventory of work for major repairs of the facility;

Active estimate standards and indicators for types of repairs, as well as free (market) prices and tariffs for industrial and technical products and services.

The cost determined by local estimates (estimates) includes direct costs, overhead costs and estimated profit (planned savings).

Local estimates (estimates) are prepared, as a rule, according to the forms recommended by the State Construction Committee of Russia.

Object estimates combine data from local estimates for the object as a whole and are estimate documents on the basis of which free (negotiable) prices for construction products are formed.

Object estimate calculations combine data from local estimate calculations and local estimates for the object as a whole and are subject to clarification, as a rule, on the basis of RD.

Consolidated estimates of the cost of major repairs of enterprises, buildings and structures (or their queues) are compiled on the basis of object estimates, object estimates and estimates for individual types of costs.

Cost summary is estimate document, which determines the cost of major repairs of enterprises, buildings, structures or their queues, if the repair of a group of houses and houses with built-in premises is envisaged. In this case, external networks common to a group of houses can be identified as a separate type of work.

A cost summary can combine two or more summary cost estimates for major repairs.





When drawing up estimate documentation for major repairs of housing and civil facilities, general rules are applied capital construction principles of estimated pricing.

In market conditions, the cost of repairs is determined by the investor (customer) and the contractor on an equal basis in the process of concluding a construction agreement (contract) for major repairs of buildings and structures.

The price of each repair item is determined by an estimate (evaluated by an inventory of work), compiled according to the standards, tariffs and prices established for major repairs.

When drawing up estimates (calculations) for the investor and contractor on an alternative basis, the following basic methods for determining cost can be used:



Basic - compensation.

The resource method of determination is the calculation in current (forecast) prices and tariffs of resources (labor, machines and mechanisms, materials, products and structures, energy resources, vehicles) necessary for the implementation of the design solution. The specified resources are allocated from the design materials, various regulatory and other sources.

The base-index method for determining the cost of major repairs is based on the use of a system of current and forecast indices in relation to the cost determined at the base level - estimated prices ah, effective from January 1, 1991.

It is permitted, by agreement of the parties concluding an agreement (contract) for the overhaul of facilities, to use the estimate and regulatory framework put into effect on January 1, 1984. At the same time, local estimates and local estimates compiled in the estimated norms and prices in force since January 1, 1984 are brought to the basic level by applying indices approved for the relevant sectors of the national economy in 1990.

The basic compensation method is the summation of the cost calculated at the basic level of estimated prices and the additional costs determined by calculations associated with rising prices and tariffs for resources.

The estimated cost of a major renovation consists of direct costs, overhead, and estimated profit.

Direct costs take into account the cost of remuneration of workers, materials, products, structures and operation of construction machines.

Overhead costs take into account the costs of repair and construction (construction and installation) organizations associated with the creation general conditions production, its maintenance, organization and management.

Estimated profit (planned savings) is the amount of funds required to cover individual (general) expenses of repair and construction (construction and installation) organizations that are not included in the cost of work, and is a standard (guaranteed) part of the cost (price) of construction products.

The calculation of the indicated amounts when preparing local estimates (estimates) without dividing into sections is carried out at the end of the calculation (estimate), after the total of direct costs, and when forming by sections - at the end of each section and as a whole according to the estimate (estimate).

When drawing up estimate documentation, 3 main pricing bases are currently most often used: the first (main) - using national collections of estimate standards and prices for repair and construction work (SNiR-91), the second - using departmental standards of the former Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR and the third - using the estimate and regulatory framework developed for the city of Moscow.





To draw up local estimates using the resource method (see example No. 1), it is recommended to use collections of estimate standards and prices for repair and construction work (SNiR-91). These collections were first developed for use in Russia in 1991 for the preparation of estimates for the overhaul of social facilities by all organizations, regardless of their departmental affiliation. For the first time, for these purposes, a “Collection of estimated norms for the construction of temporary buildings and structures during repair and construction work” (Appendix 1 of this manual) and a “Collection of estimated norms for additional costs during repair and construction work in winter” (Appendix .2 of this manual).

List and numbers

collections of estimate standards and prices for

repair and construction work (SNiR-91)

(Approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated July 23, 1992 No. 176)

General provisions for the application of estimate standards and prices for repair and construction work.

51. Excavation work.

52. Foundations.

53. Walls.

54. Floors.

55. Partitions.

56. Openings:

section 1 "Windows";

Section 2 "Doors".

57. Floors.

58. Roofs, roofs.

59. Stairs, porches.

60. Furnace work.

61. Plastering works:

section 1 "Interior plastering";

Section 2 "Plastering of facades";

Section 3 "Miscellaneous plastering works".

62. Painting work:

Section 1 "Interior painting";

Section 2 "Painting of facades";

Section 3 "Painting of metal surfaces".

63. Glass, wallpaper and tiling works:

Section 1 "Glass works";

section 2 "Wallpaper work";

Section 3 "Facing works".

64. Stucco works.

65. Internal sanitary works:

section 1 "Water supply and sewerage";

section 2 "Central heating";

Section 3 "Ventilation";

section 4 "Gas supply";

Section 5 "Equipment of boiler rooms and heating points".

66. External engineering networks:

section 1 "Plumbing";

section 2 "Sewerage";

section 3 "Heat supply";

Section 4 "Gas supply".

67. Electrical installation work.

68. Improvement:

section 1 "Roads and passages";

Section 2 "Yard buildings and fences".

69. Other repair and construction work.

Collection of additions and changes to estimated standards and prices (SNiR-91) for repair and construction work (issues 1, 2, 3, 4).

4.1. Determination of direct costs

resource method

When drawing up estimate documentation using the resource method, the most labor-intensive is the allocation of resource indicators, incl. on labor costs, operation of construction machines and mechanisms, consumption of building materials, products and structures. The obtained data is compiled into a local resource statement, which is the basis for drawing up a local resource estimate (see example No. 1).

4.1.1. Labor costs

According to the current legislation, the contractor and the customer have the right to independently, based on agreed calculations, determine, as part of the free (contractual) prices for construction products (works, services), the amount of funds for remuneration of workers engaged in the main activity, with these costs included in the cost of production (works, services) ) in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services), included in the cost of products (works, services), approved by resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.92 No. 552 and 01.07.95 No. 661 and Standard Methodological Recommendations on planning and accounting for the cost of construction work (approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on December 4, 1995 No. BE-11-260/7 in agreement with the Ministry of Economy of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia). When determining the amount of funds for wages, you should use statistical reporting 5-z (in 1996, 5-z (construction)). Statistical reports No. 1-t, 3-should not be used to determine the amount of funds for wages, because these data do not correspond to the above documents (see letter of the State Statistics Committee dated February 2, 1996 No. 12-0-14/31).

In accordance with these regulatory documents, the costs included in the cost price under the item “Costs for workers’ compensation” reflect all costs for remuneration of production workers (including workers who are not on staff) and line personnel when they are included in the site employees (teams) engaged directly in construction work, calculated according to accepted standards construction organization systems and forms of remuneration.

This article also reflects the costs of remunerating workers who move construction materials and equipment within the work area, that is, from the on-site (site) warehouse to the place where they are put into use.

This article does not reflect the remuneration of workers in auxiliary production, maintenance and other farms of a construction organization, workers involved in the management and maintenance of construction machinery and mechanisms, workers engaged in non-capital work (including work on the construction of temporary buildings and structures) and other work, carried out at the expense of overhead costs (improvement of construction sites, preparation of the construction site for delivery, and others), as well as remuneration of workers engaged in loading, unloading and delivery of materials to the on-site warehouse, including their unloading from vehicles at the on-site warehouse.

The procedure for calculating the amount of funds for wages for accounting in estimates and in free (negotiable) prices for construction products (works, services) depends on the method for determining the estimated cost of construction and installation work, the availability of initial information in a certain construction and installation organization, as well as statistical data.

Recommendations for drawing up such calculations are given in paragraph 1 of the appendix. 5 “The procedure for determining the cost of construction and free (negotiable) prices for construction products in the conditions of developing market relations” (letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 12-349).

4.1.2. Costs of operating construction machines

The costs of operating construction machines are determined based on data on the time of use (standard requirement) of the necessary construction machines (in machine-hours) and the corresponding price of one machine-hour of their operation.

The need for construction machines can be determined by:

Based on the allocation and summation in the local resource list or in the local resource estimate (estimate) of resource indicators for construction machines used at the site (during the performance of work), with a comparison of the results obtained with the data of the construction organization project (CMP), agreed with the contractor;

But according to the PIC agreed with the contractor.

The procedure for isolating and summing up resource indicators for construction machines is given in the Methodological Recommendations (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 10, 1992 No. BF-926/12).

The calculation of the cost of construction machinery costs is carried out at the current (forecast) level - based on information about the current (forecast) prices for the operation of construction machines.

Information on current prices for the operation of construction machinery can be obtained from contracting construction and installation organizations, mechanization trusts (departments) or other organizations that have construction equipment at their disposal.

The current level of estimated prices for the corresponding type of construction machines can be determined on the basis of the basic price level given in the Collection of estimated standards and prices for the operation of construction machines (SNiP 4.03-91), by direct calculation of the required resources or taking into account the corresponding indices for various cost items for individual construction machines and mechanisms.

4.1.3. Estimated cost of material resources

The cost of material resources is determined based on the standard need for materials, products (parts) and structures (in accepted physical units of measurement: m3, m2, t, etc.) and the corresponding price for the type of material resource.

The standard need for material resources can be determined on the basis of allocation and summation in local resource statements or in local resource estimates (estimates) of resource indicators for materials, products (parts) and structures used in the construction of the facility (performing work), with the selection of the most appropriate for users of the options given below.

The total cost of costs for material resources is calculated at the current level - at the actual cost of materials, products and structures (taking into account transport, supply and marketing allowances, procurement and storage costs). It is allowed to use statistical reporting in Form 9-ks.

The determination of current prices for material resources for a specific construction project is carried out on the basis of initial data received from the contractor.

The form of cost calculation (statement) of current estimated prices for materials, products and structures may be different. It is recommended to make calculations based on cost elements (selling price; procurement and storage costs; transportation costs, supply and sales allowances, etc.).

The labor costs of workers, the duration of operation of construction machines, and the consumption of building materials can be taken into account in estimates based on the initial data of contractors agreed with the customer.

4.2. Determining the amount of overhead costs

Overhead costs are the amount of funds intended to reimburse the costs of contractors associated with the creation of general conditions for construction production, its organization, management and maintenance.

Overhead rates are developed in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for calculating the amount of overhead costs (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 30, 1992 No. BF-907/12) taking into account changes and additions to them (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 13, 1996 No. VB-26/12 -368).

Industry-wide integrated standards for the main types of construction or types of work carried out by construction and installation organizations;

Individual standards for a specific organization.

The final decision on the choice of option for calculating the amount of overhead costs is made by the customer (investor) and the contractor.

4.3. Determination of estimated profit

Estimated profit is the amount of funds required to cover individual (general) expenses of contracting organizations for the development of production, the social sphere and material incentives for workers.

The estimated profit is determined in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for determining the amount of estimated profit in construction when forming free prices for construction products (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 30, 1992 No. BF-906/12).

Individual standards for a specific contractor.

The costs associated with the development of the production base are, as a rule, carried out at the expense of the contractor's profits.

The main source of financing for the construction of production facilities is depreciation charges, which remain entirely at the disposal of contractors.


expenses incurred at the expense of the profit provided for

in the contract price of construction products

I. Common costs for all repair and construction (construction and installation) organizations (standard profit)

1. Expenses for paying income tax at the rate established by law.

2. Costs for production development.

2.1. Modernization of equipment, reconstruction of fixed assets.

2.2. Partial replenishment of own working capital.

3. Costs of material incentives for employees.

3.1. Material aid employees, incl. free of charge for down payment for cooperative housing construction and partial repayment loan.

3.2. Carrying out health and recreation activities not directly related to the participation of workers in the production process.

4. Costs for the development of the social sphere.

4.1. Organization of assistance and free services educational institutions.

II. Costs associated with the infrastructure of the construction and installation organization, reimbursed from the funds provided for in the chapter "Other work and costs" of the consolidated estimate calculation the cost of major repairs not included in the balance sheet of repair and construction (construction and installation) organizations as the cost of contract work

6. Costs of financing the construction of housing and other non-production facilities.

7. Costs for the construction of new production facilities.

4.4. Object estimate calculations (estimates)

Object estimates (estimates) (see example No. 2) are compiled for objects as a whole by summing up the data from local estimates (estimates). They are compiled at one price level: basic or current (forecast).

The object estimate calculation, as a rule, determines the estimate limit for the corresponding object as part of the project, and the object estimate determines the cost of the object as part of the working documentation.

In order to determine full price object necessary for settlements for work performed between the customer and the contractor, at the end of the project estimate, the following funds are additionally included in the cost of repair and construction work determined at the current price level to cover limited costs:

To increase the cost of work performed in winter, temporary buildings and structures and other costs provided for in the chapter “Other work and costs” of the consolidated estimate of the cost of major repairs;

A reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs, provided for in the consolidated cost estimate, in the part intended to reimburse the contractor’s costs, the amount of which is determined by agreement between the customer and the contractor. The reserve is included only if calculations are made based on a fixed contract price for repairs of the facility.

Cost standards for temporary buildings and structures and for additional costs associated with work in winter for capital repair projects are given in Appendices 1 and 2.

If the cost of an object can be determined from one local estimate, then an object estimate is not drawn up. In this case, the role of the object estimate is played by the local estimate, at the end of which funds are included to cover limited costs in the same order as for object estimates.

Following the result of the object estimate calculation (estimate), return amounts are shown for reference, which are the result of return amounts defined in all local estimate calculations (estimates) related to this object.

It is recommended to draw up an object estimate according to uniform rules in accordance with the “Procedure for determining the cost of construction and free (negotiable) prices for construction products in the conditions of developing market relations”, regardless of the method of drawing up local estimates and regardless of the price level at which local estimates are drawn up.

4.5. Summary estimate of the cost of major repairs

Consolidated estimates of the cost of major repairs of buildings and structures (see example No. 3) are documents that determine the estimated limit of funds required to fully complete all work provided for by the project. A consolidated cost estimate approved in accordance with the established procedure serves as the basis for opening financing.

For capital repair projects, as part of the consolidated estimate, it is recommended to distribute funds into the following chapters:

1. Preparation of major repair sites.

2. Main objects.

3. Objects for auxiliary and service purposes.

4. External networks and structures (water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply, etc.).

5. Improvement and landscaping of the territory.

6. Temporary buildings and structures.

7. Other work and costs.

8. Technical supervision.

Chapter 1 “Preparation of major repair sites” includes funds for the following work and costs:

Relocation of residents from houses under renovation, relocation and reconstruction of utility networks, communications, structures, paths and roads, etc.;

Compensation for the cost of demolished (moved) buildings and plantings belonging to state, public, cooperative organizations and individuals (owners on private property rights);

Costs associated with issuing technical specifications and project approvals.

The cost of preparatory work is determined on the basis of project volumes and current prices.

The amount of funds included in Chapter 1 should also take into account the cost of work necessary to place temporary buildings and structures on the prepared territory.

Chapter 2 “Main objects” and chapter 3 “Ancillary and service objects” include the estimated cost of construction products according to object estimates.

Chapter 4 “External networks and structures (water supply, sewerage, heat supply)” and Chapter 5 “Improvement and landscaping of the territory” include the estimated cost of objects, the list of which corresponds to the titles of the chapters.

Chapter 6 “Temporary buildings and structures” includes funds for the construction and dismantling of title temporary buildings and structures.

The amount of funds for temporary buildings and structures can be determined:

According to the standards given in the Collection of estimated standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures during repair and construction work, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated July 23, 1992 No. 176 (Appendix 1);

According to calculations based on PIC (POR) data, in accordance with the required set of title temporary buildings and structures.

Funds are included in columns 4, 5 and 8.

Chapter 7 “Other work and costs” includes funds:

For additional costs when carrying out repair and construction work in winter - from the total cost of work for chapters 1-6 according to the Collection of estimated standards for additional costs when carrying out repair and construction work in winter, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated July 23, 1992 No. 176 (Appendix 2) in columns 4, 5 and 8;

For reimbursement of various other costs not taken into account by current estimated standards - in columns 4, 5 and 8.

The procedure for determining the amount of funds for other work and costs is given in the List... (see page 44).

Chapter 8 “Technical Supervision” includes funds for the maintenance of the customer’s apparatus, determined in accordance with Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 11, 1997 No. 18-14 and Methodical manual according to the calculation of costs for the service of the customer-developer, recommended for use by letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 13, 1995 No. VB-29/12-347.

To perform design work (services);

To conduct an examination of design and estimate documentation.

The cost of design work for major repairs is determined at negotiated prices. At the same time, to guide the participants in the investment process, the Russian State Committee for Construction and Construction brings to their attention quarterly information on the state of prevailing prices on the market for design products.

The cost of the examination of projects is determined in accordance with the Procedure for determining the cost of work for the examination of feasibility studies and projects for major repairs of enterprises, buildings and structures on the territory of the RSFSR, approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Marxstroy of the RSFSR dated October 1, 1991 No. 136, with subsequent amendments and additions to it (letter from Glavgosexpertiza Russia dated March 25, 1993 No. 24-13-4/82).

The consolidated estimate of the cost of construction includes a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and expenses, intended to reimburse the cost of work and expenses, the need for which arises in the process of developing working documentation or during major repairs as a result of clarifying design decisions or conditions for major repairs for objects (types) works) provided for in the approved project. This reserve is determined from the total of chapters 1-9, but not more than 2 percent for social facilities and 3 percent for industrial facilities and is shown as a separate line with distribution in columns 4-8.

Part of the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs provided for in the consolidated estimate in the amount agreed upon by the customer and contractor may be included in the fixed free (contractual) price for construction products. When making payments between the customer and the contractor for the actual volumes of work performed, this part of the reserve is not transferred to the contractor, but remains at the disposal of the customer.

Following the summary estimate of the cost of major repairs, refundable amounts are indicated that take into account the cost of:

Materials and parts obtained from dismantling temporary buildings and structures in the amount of 15% of the estimated cost of temporary buildings and structures (with a depreciable part of the cost) regardless of the construction period;

Materials and parts obtained from dismantling structures, demolishing and moving buildings and structures, in the amount determined by calculation;

Furniture, equipment and inventory purchased for furnishing residential and office premises for foreign personnel carrying out installation supervision of equipment;

Materials obtained through incidental mining.

The refund amounts given after the summary estimate calculation are shown for reference and are added up:

From the results of refundable amounts in object (local) estimates (estimates);

From the total (based on the results of on-site and local estimates and estimates) balance sheet (residual) value of equipment dismantled or rearranged within the existing reconstructed or technically re-equipped enterprise.

Value added tax (VAT) is shown as a separate line after the summary estimate.

Law of the Russian Federation “On Value Added Tax” (dated December 6, 1991 No. 1992-1), Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Some Changes in Taxation and in the Relationships of Budgets of Different Levels” (dated December 22, 1993 No. 2270, paragraph 14) and State Instructions tax service The Russian Federation "On the procedure for calculating and paying value added tax" dated October 11, 1995 No. 39 (with subsequent amendments thereto) stipulates that for construction, construction and installation and repair organizations the object of taxation is the volume of construction, installation, repair, design work performed - survey, restoration and other works.

When drawing up estimate documentation for new construction (expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment operating enterprises, buildings and structures), regardless of whether it is carried out by contract or on an economic basis, funds should be included in the consolidated construction estimate to cover these costs. The amount of these funds is accepted in the amount established by law Russian Federation, from the final data on the consolidated estimate for construction and is shown in a separate line (in columns 4-8) under the name “Funds to cover the costs of paying VAT”. At the same time, in the specified final data and when drawing up local and site estimates (estimates), in order to avoid double counting, VAT on the cost of materials and structures, equipment, as well as on transport and other types of services should not be taken into account.

Design and survey work, major repairs, reconstruction and restoration work housing stock, as well as work on the construction of external networks and structures for water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply and social facilities are subject to value added tax in accordance with current legislation.


main types of other work and costs in production

repair and construction work and reconstruction

Name of works

Chapter 1. Preparation of major repair sites

Removal of residents

Issuance of technical specifications and approval of the project

Chapter 6. Temporary buildings and structures

Temporary buildings and structures

Determined on the basis of estimated standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures during repair and construction work (Appendix 1 of this manual), they can also be determined by calculation based on PIC data (title buildings and structures).

Chapter 7. Other work and costs

Additional costs when carrying out construction and installation work in winter

Determined on the basis of estimated norms of additional costs when carrying out repair and construction work in winter (Appendix 2 of this manual).

Costs of transporting workers of repair and construction organizations by road

Calculation at current prices is made if there is a justification for the PIC, calculation is made based on actual costs based on accounting documents.

Costs associated with sending contractors' employees to construction sites

The calculation is made at the level of current prices, if there is a justification for the PIC, based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.26.92 No. 122 “On the norms for reimbursement of travel expenses” and the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 07.27.92 No. 61 “On changing the reimbursement norms travel expenses taking into account changes in the price index" taking into account subsequent letters.

Funds for reimbursement of costs associated with contributions to the formation of road funds (including tax on road users)

The tax on highway users is accepted in the amount of 2.5% of the cost of contract (construction and installation) work performed; tax rates can be increased by local administrations. Tax from owners of motor vehicles and tax on the acquisition of motor vehicles are accepted by calculation in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 1991 No. 1759-1 (columns 7, 8).

Costs of paying transport tax

Accepted in the amount of 1% of the wage fund in accordance with clause 25 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 1993 No. 2270 (gr. 7, 8).





The collections found greatest use in the period before 1991 and in the system of the former Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR. They were also used by other ministries, subject to their distribution, recorded by the relevant order of the ministry or department.

Currently, the use of BPER-84 is allowed when drawing up local estimates in organizations where the continuity of the former Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR is preserved.

According to the “Procedure for determining the cost of construction and free (negotiable) prices for construction products in the conditions of developing market relations” (letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 12-349), local estimates compiled according to VRER-84 are recalculated to the 1991 price level using corresponding indices.


departmental district unit prices

for repair and construction work (VRER-84)

(developed by the Giprokommunstroy Institute, approved

by order of the former Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR dated October 24, 1986 No. 458)

1. Excavation work.

2. Foundations.

3. Walls.

4. Floors.

5. Floors.

6. Partitions.

7. Openings.

8. Roofs and roofs.

9. Stairs and porches.

10. Furnace work.

11. Plastering works.

12. Glass and wallpaper works.

13. Facing works.

14. Painting work.

15 Central heating and ventilation.

16. Water supply and sewerage.

17. Various works.

18. Improvement.

19. Electrical installation work.

20. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.

21. Linen works.

22. Bringing materials and products obtained during dismantling of structures and engineering equipment into a condition suitable for further use.


changes in the estimated cost of repair and construction work for the reconstruction and repair of residential buildings, public utility facilities, social and cultural facilities and other facilities

(Approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the RSFSR dated 08.10.90 No. 68)

Name of object type

Index of changes in the cost of repair and construction work

Major renovation of residential buildings

Major repairs of public utility facilities

Major repairs of social and cultural facilities

Major repairs of other facilities

Current repairs of residential buildings, public utilities, social and cultural facilities and other facilities

Reconstruction of residential buildings, public utilities, social and cultural facilities

* Notified by letter of the State Construction Committee of the RSFSR dated October 09, 1990 No. 15-156/6 for use in recalculating the estimated cost of objects moving to 1991 and starting again in 1991, and performing planned calculations by all organizations, regardless of departmental subordination.

Indices for changes in estimated costs are applied to the amount of direct costs, taking into account overhead costs and planned savings. Refundable amounts are recalculated using the appropriate index for changes in the estimated cost of repair and construction work.

These indices are used when determining the estimated cost of reconstruction, major repairs and routine maintenance of facilities National economy listed in the List... (see p. 52).

Below is a complete list of objects for which the above indices are used when determining the estimated cost of repairs.


objects for which, when determining the estimated cost

repair indexes are applied

Name of object types

Name of sectors of the national economy

(according to the all-Union industry classifier 175018)

Types of buildings and structures

Residential buildings


Residential buildings, dormitories.

The standards take into account:

adjacent territory, all types of engineering equipment and networks (before connecting to the highway), included in the book value of buildings




The standards do not take into account:

city ​​electric transport, city main utility networks and structures on them, city roads and driveways

Consumer services for the population

Laundries, dry cleaners, service houses, bathhouses, other industry facilities

Social and cultural objects

Health, Physical Education and Social Security

Hospitals, clinics, holiday homes and boarding houses, pharmacies, sports facilities, other sub-sectors and industry facilities

Public education

General education schools, boarding schools, vocational schools, pioneer homes, universities, technical schools, kindergartens, nurseries, orphanages


Cinemas, theaters, clubs and cultural centers, libraries, museums

Lending and state insurance

Buildings (premises) of banks, savings banks, state insurance


Buildings (premises) of government bodies, courts, notary offices, public order and defense agencies

Party and public organizations

Buildings (premises) of party, Komsomol, trade union organizations, DOSAAF, boards of societies for the deaf, blind, etc. public organizations

Other objects

Buildings (premises) of trade, catering, communications, local economy and local industry

Increasing coefficients to the estimated cost of construction during the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing production facilities, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee and the USSR State Planning Committee dated April 10, 1986 No. 43/62 and have lost their significance in market conditions, are not applied at the basic price level.

Additional costs of contractors associated with complicating work conditions during the reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures can be reimbursed in local estimates drawn up on the basis of PIC and PPR, by applying the appropriate coefficients provided for in General provisions on the application of estimate norms and prices.

When using the costing and regulatory framework introduced on January 1, 1984, the maximum overhead costs approved by the relevant ministries and departments for use from January 1, 1984 can be applied. At the same time, the norms of overhead costs for major repairs of buildings and structures performed by contract construction and installation organizations are accepted in the amounts established for these organizations for construction work.

When determining the estimated cost of repair and construction work at the basic level, planned savings are taken into account in the amounts established for organizations for use from 01/01/84, taking into account the procedure for their application in force in the same year: for major repairs, for which, when drawing up estimates and paying for completed work, departmental or republican estimated norms and prices are applied, the estimated cost is determined taking into account planned savings approved by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR for repair and construction organizations.


overhead costs and planned savings for repair and construction

organizations when determining the basic cost

At base 1984 yen

The maximum rates of overhead costs for repair and construction organizations of the system of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR (towards estimated direct costs) were approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR 10/19/84 No. 455 in the amounts:

For organizations of the Main Directorate of Repair and Construction Organizations - 14.2%

For other organizations - 11%

Norms of planned savings for repair and construction organizations of the system of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR (to the total amount of estimated direct costs and overhead costs) are established by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated October 19, 1984 No. 455 in the amounts:

New construction - 6%

Major repairs - 2.5%

Based on departmental regional unit prices for repair and construction work (BPER-84), only local estimates can be compiled. The preparation of object and summary estimates is carried out in the manner adopted for the preparation of estimates based on SNiR-91.



Estimated documentation for repair and construction work of residential buildings in Moscow is developed in accordance with the “Regulations on the organization of major repairs of residential buildings in Moscow” MGSN 301.01-96, approved by order of the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government dated March 12, 1996 No. 223-RP.

The base cost in 1984 prices is determined on the basis of the Collection of citywide unit prices for repair and construction work for the city of Moscow, developed in the standards and prices of 1984, approved by the decision of the executive committee of the Moscow City Council dated 02.02.88 No. 164 and put into effect in February 1988.

Composition and numbers of sections of the collection

citywide unit prices

for repair and construction work for Moscow

A common part.

Section 1. Excavation work.

Section 2. Foundations.

Section 3. Walls.

Section 4. Floors

Section 5. Floors.

Section 6. Partitions.

Section 7. Openings.

Section 8. Roofs and roofing.

Section 9. Stairs and porches.

Section 10. Furnace work.

Section 11. Plastering works.

Section 12. Glass and wallpaper works.

Section 13. Cladding works.

Section 14. Painting works.

Section 15. Central heating.

Section 16. Water supply and sewerage.

Section 17. Miscellaneous work.

Section 18. Improvement.

Section 19. Electrical and low-current devices.

Section 20. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures during major renovations of buildings.

Section 21. Stucco works.

Section 22. Bringing materials and products obtained during dismantling of structures into a suitable condition.

Section 23. Repair of prefabricated buildings.

The unit prices take into account the costs of performing a set of works provided for by the elemental estimate standards for repair and construction work (ESNr), approved by order of the former Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR dated April 17, 1986 No. 203.

Each section of the collection contains a technical part, which provides general instructions on the procedure for applying unit prices and rules for calculating the volume of work, amendments to prices containing coefficients, premiums or discounts to prices or their constituent elements, and the conditions for their application. The technical part (or as part of the prices themselves) shows the consumption standards for materials not taken into account in the prices, and the procedure for determining their estimated cost.

Unit prices take into account the normal conditions for carrying out repair and construction work in buildings emptied of residents, as well as furniture and other items.

If the project for organizing a major or other type of repair reflects the specific conditions for the production of repair and construction work, then the appropriate amendments given in the technical parts of the sections of the Collection, as well as coefficients to the norms of labor costs, wages and standards of machine operation (including wages workers servicing machines) given in paragraph 6 of the “General Guidelines to SNiP IV-2-82”.

The cost of erecting new structural elements in buildings and structures being repaired should be determined according to the prices of the corresponding sections of the Collection of citywide unit prices for construction work for Moscow using correction factors: to the norms of labor costs and wages - 1.15, to the cost of operating machines - 1.25.

The maximum rates of overhead costs and standards of planned savings for repair and construction organizations of the Moscow City Executive Committee were approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated November 5, 1987 No. 421 in the following amounts:


Glavmosremont - 17.3%

Glavmoszhilupravlenie - 16.2%

Glavmosdorupravlenie - 9.1%

Other organizations of the Moscow City Executive Committee - 14.3%

Planned savings for these organizations - 6% of the total amount of estimated direct costs and overhead costs.



Work on major repairs of residential buildings can be carried out either by contract or on our own.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 740), the rules on contracts apply to major repairs of buildings and structures construction contract, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

The main functions of the customer and contractor when performing major repairs by contract:

the customer transfers the approved design and estimate documentation to the contractor within the established time frame, ensures timely financing and payment for the work performed, vacates the residential building from residents in necessary cases during repairs, ensures the safety of the building for the period before transfer to the contractor, transfers the vacated repair object according to the act to the contractor, provides technical conditions for temporary connection to engineering communications for the period of work, carries out technical supervision of the work, supplies special materials, products and equipment that are the responsibility of the customer, accepts the completed work packages, organizes designer supervision of the work and presents the renovated building to the acceptance committee;

the contractor accepts the object for work from the customer, carries out the repair of the building on his own in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation or the contract price within the established period with proper quality of the work performed, ensures the safety of the building elements during the work, bears responsibility for the decrease or loss of strength , stability, reliability of a building, structure, promptly eliminates deficiencies and defects identified during the production of work and acceptance, delivers the repaired object to the customer, and participates in the work of the acceptance committee.

The customer has the right to make demands related to the inadequate quality of the work result, provided that it is identified within the time limits established by Article 724 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If there is no warranty period established for the result of the work, claims related to defects in the result of the work may be submitted by the customer within two years from the date of delivery of the results of the work.

If the warranty period provided for in the contract is less than two years and defects in the work result are discovered by the customer after the expiration of the warranty period, but within two years from the date of acceptance of the work results, the contractor is liable if the customer proves that the defects arose before the delivery of the work result to the customer .

The statute of limitations for claims brought in connection with inadequate quality of work performed under a contract is one year.



Financing and settlements for major repairs of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities are carried out in the manner established by regulatory documents.

Sources of financing for capital repairs of residential buildings are:

For municipal housing maintenance organizations - budget funds, own funds these organizations, investor funds and other funds;

For self-supporting departmental housing maintenance organizations - depreciation deductions, funds from the fund for social and cultural events and housing construction, other means;

For housing construction cooperatives and privatized housing stock - the building owner’s own funds, as well as funds in the form of subsidies from the budget.

Payment for work performed by the contractor is made by the customer in the amount stipulated in the contract, within the time limits and in the manner established by law or the contract.

According to Articles 711 and 746 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the contract does not provide for advance payment for the work performed or its individual stages, the customer is obliged to pay the contractor the agreed price after the final delivery of the work results, provided that the work is completed properly and within the agreed time frame.

The contractor has the right to demand payment of an advance payment only in cases and in the amount specified in the law or the contract.

More information on this topic HERE.

Features of determining the estimated cost of capital/current repairs and reconstruction of buildings and structures

POS, POKR - Projects for organizing major repairs should be developed with the aim of increasing the efficiency and quality of repairs through the rational organization of repair and construction work, ensuring their timely completion with the least expenditure of labor and other types of resources, as well as putting into operation completed capital repairs of objects within the established time frame.

POS, POKR - Major repair projects should serve as the basis for resolving issues of organizational and technical preparation and implementation of repairs, distribution of costs for repairs and repair and construction work (commercial construction products) by calendar periods (quarters, months), taking into account the requirements for the duration of repairs and provision of backlog and should be taken into account when justifying estimated cost of repairs.

PPR - Work Projects should be developed in order to ensure optimal organization of repair and construction production through the use of the most effective methods for performing repair and construction work, helping to reduce their cost and labor intensity, reduce the duration of repairs and the timing of certain types of work, increase the degree of use of construction machinery and equipment, and improve quality works, as well as ensuring safe working conditions and preserving the natural environment.

Carrying out major repairs without an approved project for the organization of major repairs and a project for the execution of workProhibited.

The most complete definition and correct interpretation of the terms " major renovation", "reconstruction", "expansion" see the link: Official terms and definitions in construction, architecture and housing and communal services.

The document defining the procedure for reconstruction, major repairs of buildings for social, cultural and communal purposes is VSN 58-88r, approved by order of the State Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning under the USSR State Construction Committee dated November 23, 1988 No. 312. The procedure for carrying out major repairs industrial buildings and structures is set out in the “Regulations on carrying out planned preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures” (MDS 13-14.2000), approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 29, 1973 No. 279.

The classification of major repairs is given in accordance with the “Instructions on the composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation for major repairs of residential buildings” (MDS 13-1.99), put into effect by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 17, 1999 No. 79.

It is necessary to accurately determine the types of major repairs. Failure to correctly name the estimate documentation for major repairs by type leads to conflict situations when checking the correct application of estimate standards, accrual of limited costs, and allocation of costs to accounting, calculation and payment of taxes. For example, during a comprehensive overhaul of a facility, estimate documentation for the repair of external utility networks and landscaping of the courtyard area, i.e. of everything that is within the so-called “red lines” of the development of the facility, all of it will be included in the consolidated estimate of the cost of major repairs and, therefore, the standards for limited costs will be applied according to the corresponding tables, as a comprehensive major repair of the building as a whole. But if the same external engineering networks and landscaping are repaired as independent objects (according to the third type of capital repair), then the standards for limited costs will be different, characteristic only of the third type of capital repair.

The procedure for financing, planning and determining the cost of reconstruction and major repairs varies significantly.

Reconstruction carried out at the expense of capital investments, the source of which is mainly the own funds of enterprises, formed through depreciation charges and net profit; Sometimes it is possible to allocate budget funds.

Major renovation financed from the current (working) funds of enterprises and organizations - owners of buildings and structures. The costs of major repairs are written off as the cost of products (works, services).

If under the project name "Major renovation" If reconstructive measures are carried out, then the tax authorities, having discovered this during audits, consider it a fact of concealing profits from taxation and apply penalties to customers.

Therefore, projects should be checked for compliance with changes in object parameters.

At reconstruction the profile of the enterprise's activities, production volumes, product range, purpose of buildings, their volumes and areas, capacity, throughput, etc. may change.

At major renovation buildings, their basic parameters must remain unchanged.

The procedure and features of the application of federal unit prices for repair and construction work during major repairs are given in MDS81-38.2004, and during reconstruction they are given in MDS81-36.2004. In accordance with these documents, Instructions for the use of TERr-2001 and TER-2001 have been developed. When drawing up estimate documentation for major repairs of residential buildings, you should use the “Instructions on the composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation for major repairs of residential buildings” (MDS 13-1.99).

Features of drawing up estimates for the reconstruction and major repairs of buildings and structures are associated with the need to use not only the regulatory framework for repair and construction work, but also collections of estimate standards and unit prices for construction and installation work.

When drawing up estimate documentation for major repairs, you should first of all apply the prices (standards) intended for major repairs, i.e. prices (standards) of the corresponding collections TERr (FERr)-2001, GESNr-2001. Disassembly (dismantling) work not provided for in them, but encountered during major repairs of buildings, is assessed according to the collection TER (FER)-2001, GESN-2001 No. 46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures.” In the absence of the necessary prices (standards) and in this collection for the dismantling of structures, the costs of these works should be taken into account in the estimate documentation according to the corresponding unit prices of the collections TER (FER)-2001 and the GESN-2001 standards for the installation (arrangement) of structures without taking into account the cost (consumption) ) material resources. At the same time, the following coefficients should be applied to the costs and wages of construction workers, to the costs of operating construction machines and vehicles:

a) when dismantling prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures - 0.8;
b) the same, prefabricated wooden structures -0.8;
c) the same, internal sanitary installations (water supply, gas pipeline, sewerage, drains, heating, ventilation) - 0.4;
d) the same, external networks of water supply, sewerage, heat and gas supply - 0.6;
e) the same, metal structures - 0.7.

Coefficients for the cost of dismantling (dismantling) prefabricated reinforced concrete, concrete and metal structures are established from the condition of their dismantling (dismantling) in in an unsecured state, freed from embedding in walls and other structures, as well as from welding or other fastening with other structural elements.

The costs of dismantling or removing structures from their working position, freeing structures from fastening and removing loads, as well as subsequent installation are not taken into account in the prices of the FER-2001-46 collection. In cases where, during the dismantling (disassembly) of concrete, reinforced concrete or metal structures, there is a need for scaffolding to support the dismantled (disassembled) structures during their dismantling (disassembly), directly in local estimates according to the prices of the collection FER-2001-09 “Metal structures" takes into account additional work on installation and dismantling of supporting scaffolding.

When determining the costs of installing structures after removal from the working position, the GESN standards of Part 9 apply coefficient 0.65, taking into account cost reduction due to the elimination of preparatory work and large-scale assembly.

In the presence of fixed structures, additional costs associated with punching and sealing grooves, niches of sockets in existing structures into which dismantled (disassembled) structures are fixed, as well as cutting of embedded parts or elements of metal structures to which they are welded, should be taken into account additionally in local estimates based on design decisions or survey reports.

The technical parts of the collections contain instructions on the procedure for applying prices, rules for determining the volume of work and coefficients that take into account the performance of work under conditions different from those accepted in the prices of this collection. Each collection must be used taking into account the instructions for the use of unit prices common to collections of this type of work.

The costs of replacing structures not provided for in TERr (FERr)-2001, GESNr-2001, but encountered during repair and construction work, are determined in the following order:

  • dismantling of structures - according to the collections TER (FER)-2001, GESN-2001 No. 46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures”;
  • installation of new structures - according to the corresponding prices of the collections TER (FER)-2001, GESN 2001 for construction work.

When dismantling equipment, the value of the specified coefficient depends on its further use.

  • Thus, if further use of the equipment is expected after its long-term storage, a coefficient of 0.7 is accepted,
  • without the need for storage - 0.6.
  • This provision also applies to work on dismantling the cable with its subsequent installation along a new route (rerouting); equipment is not subject to further use (intended for scrap) with disassembly and cutting into parts - 0.5;
  • the same, without disassembling and cutting - 0.3;
  • if the dismantled equipment is not subject to further use, then when disassembling and cutting it into parts, a coefficient of 0.5 is adopted;
  • and without disassembling and cutting - 0.3.

The specified coefficients do not apply to the cost of material resources taken into account during the installation of equipment. The consumption of material resources actually used during equipment dismantling is taken into account additionally when drawing up a local estimate for dismantling (in fact, for similar types of work).

When determining the estimated cost of equipment dismantling by applying reduction factors to the installation cost (without taking into account the cost of material resources), only those types of work that were not included in the work and taken into account in the standard (price) for the installation of this type of equipment can be additionally taken into account. The standards (prices) for the installation of lamps take into account the installation of brackets and the connection of lamps; therefore, when determining the cost of dismantling lamps, dismantling the brackets and disconnecting the lamp from the network are not additionally taken into account.

The norms of the table 46-02-007 provides for the execution of work with a volume of masonry in one place of up to 15 m3. For large volumes of masonry, GESN Part 8 “Structures made of bricks and blocks” should be used. In cases stipulated by the project, when it is necessary to bond the new masonry with the old one, the punching of the grooves should be further standardized.

The standards of Collection 46 for punching and drilling holes during new construction may be applied in exceptional cases in accordance with the established procedure.

Norms compilation 46 for dismantling individual structural elements, punching and sealing openings, holes, slots and grooves are not subject to adjustment depending on the grade of concrete, type of brick and grade of mortar in concrete, reinforced concrete and stone structures.

Norms compilation 46 for dismantling concrete, reinforced concrete and stone structures provide for work in separate places using manual mechanisms and devices (jackhammers, etc.). Costs of dismantling structures in another way should be determined by calculations and calculations in accordance with the project.

In accordance with clause 4.7. “Methods for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” (MDS 81-35.2004) work performed during the repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures, similar to technological processes in new construction (including the costs of constructing new structural elements) and not taken into account in the GESNr- 2001 (FERr (TERr)-2001), should be normalized (determined) according to the corresponding norms (prices) of GESN (FER, TER) (except for the norms (rates) of the collection of GESN (FER, TER) No. 46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures” ) for construction work using coefficients:

  • to labor costs (wages) of construction workers -1.15;
  • to the costs of operating machines (including labor costs (wages) of drivers) - 1.25.
PM clause 1.46.24. The costs of constructing new structural elements in reconstructed buildings and structures, regardless of the conditions of work, should be determined according to the relevant GESN (except for GESN part 46) using the coefficients:
        • to labor costs of construction workers - 1.15;
        • machine operating costs - 1.25.

The indicated coefficients are averaged and are intended to adjust the cost part of the norms (prices) for construction work in connection with a change in the method of carrying out work in reconstructed or repaired buildings and structures. The scope of work for “repair of buildings and structures” is given in clause 3.8. MDS 81-35.2004.

If the construction (repair) organization project justifies cramped conditions for dismantling work, then the recommended coefficients for workers' compensation and machine operating costs also apply to loading work. For the costs of transporting structures from dismantling, construction waste, etc. beyond the construction of the facility, as well as the costs of unloading these materials outside the construction site (major repair site), the above coefficients do not apply.

These coefficients do not apply when using the collections TERm-2001 (FERm-2001), GESNm-2001 and TERp-2001 (FERp-2001), GESNp-2001.

In accordance with clause 3.4. MDS 81-38.2004 and clause 4.7. MDS 81-35.2004 when performing work in existing buildings and structures similar to processes during new construction, it is possible to simultaneously apply coefficients of 1.15 and 1.25 with coefficients taking into account the conditions of work and complicating factors given in Appendix 3 to these instructions and in Appendix 1 to Methodology MDS 81-35.2004.

Unit prices and standards for repair and construction work take into account the following complicated conditions for performing work: dispersal of work volumes, limited possibilities of using high-performance mechanization equipment, increased costs of manual labor on intra-building transport and transport of materials in the work area, etc., but without taking into account external complicating factors (according to clause 1.4 of the instructions to TERR , FERR). If the conditions listed in Appendix 3 to MDS 81-38.2004 are met, appropriate increasing coefficients are applied to labor cost standards, wages for construction workers, time standards and costs for operating machines (including labor costs and wages for workers servicing the machines).

Table norms GESN 46-02-009 for beating plaster is set taking into account the following thickness of the plaster layer:

  • simple plaster -14 mm;
  • improved plaster -17 mm;
  • high-quality plaster – 22 mm.

When beating plaster of greater thickness, costs should be increased in proportion to the change in the thickness of the plaster layer.

The standards of Section 3 of GESN Part 46 take into account the costs of making grooves in brick and concrete structures. When punching grooves in gypsum partitions (large-panel, small-piece tongue-and-groove, etc.), the standards for labor costs and operation of construction machines are in Table. GESN 46-03-0 11 “Punching grooves in brick walls” the coefficient k = 0.5 should be applied.

When punching openings with jackhammers that do not ensure that the punched openings are made in the designed dimensions and in straight lines, assign the dimensions of the openings:

  • in concrete and reinforced concrete structures - with a widening of 10 cm in each direction, followed by the installation of a monolithic frame of the openings, bringing the dimensions of the openings to the design ones;
  • in brick walls and partitions - with a widening of 25 cm (per 1 brick) in each direction, with the creation of a vertical groove, followed by bricking to the design dimensions.

When punching holes for pipelines, air ducts, metal structures, etc. jackhammers, the hole sizes should be 1.5 times larger than the design ones in order to ensure installation and straightening of structures. Upon completion of installation and straightening of pipelines, air ducts, metal structures, etc. all junctions around them must be sealed with concrete.

When making sockets for installation of structures in walls, the dimensions of the sockets should be 2 times larger than the cross-section of the structures being mounted, and the depth should be 2 times larger than the length of support of these structures - in order to ensure installation and straightening of structures, unless otherwise provided by the design. Upon completion of installation and straightening of structures, all junctions between the mounted structures and existing structures are sealed with concrete.

Coefficients that take into account the conditions of work and complicating factors are included in local estimates when performing construction (repair) work in accordance with the project for organizing a major overhaul, PIC, POKR or project for the production of work agreed with the customer. In the event that the customer cannot submit a project for organizing a major repair, the main provisions for the organization of work should be reflected in the explanatory note to the estimate documentation, adhering to the requirements of the “Instructions for the development of projects for the organization and projects for the production of work on major repairs of residential buildings” (VSN 41-85 (R)).

There are also features in determining overhead costs and estimated profits for major repairs and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

  • The procedure for applying all coefficients to the NR and SP standards.
  • The procedure for applying reduction factors to the standards for overhead costs (OPR) and estimated profit (SP).

The consolidated standard of overhead costs for major repairs of residential and public buildings is established by MDS 81-33.2004 in the amount of 95% (MDS 81-34.2004 in the amount of 109% for regions of the Far North and 100% for areas equated to regions of the Far North).

When using overhead cost standards in estimates for types of construction or types of work for repair and construction work carried out in an economic way, it is necessary to apply a coefficient of 0.6 to the amount of overhead costs.

Overhead costs for major repairs of buildings and structures for industrial purposes are accepted according to the standards for the corresponding type of construction.

In estimates for repair and construction work, compiled according to working drawings and for payments for work performed, overhead costs are calculated using standards for types of work linked to the relevant collections GESNr-2001, TERr (FERr)-2001 in accordance with Appendix 5 of MDS 81-33.2004 and MDS 81-34.2004 and GESN-2001, TER (FER)-2001, GESNm-2001, TERm (FERm)-2001 in accordance with Appendix 4 of MDS 81-33.2004 and MDS 81-34.2004.

In accordance with Article 8 of the Law of February 25, 1999 No. 39-FZ “On investment activity in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments,” relations between subjects of investment activity are carried out on the basis of an agreement and (or) contract concluded between them in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Civil Code Art. 740 provides for a construction contract; other forms of interaction, including economic construction, are not provided for in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Hence, economic method in construction should be considered as a type of contracting with the involvement of a subject in the performance of work legal entity. Estimated profit is not included in the free (negotiable) price of a household or construction contract, since individual entrepreneurs According to the documents of the Federal Tax Service, they do not incur expenses associated with taxation of profits.

When accruing limited costs in the local estimate for repair and construction work, the amount of funds for title temporary buildings and structures for major repairs of housing and civil facilities should be determined according to the “Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures” GSNr-81-05-01- 2001 table 1.

When drawing up estimate documentation for major repairs of industrial buildings, reconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, reconstruction of housing and civil facilities, the amount of funds for title temporary buildings and structures should be determined according to the “Collection of estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures” (GSN-81-05-01-2001)) with a coefficient of 0.8 applied to them.

According to clause 12 of the technical part of GSNr 81-05-02-2001, additional costs when carrying out repair and construction work at sites in winter industrial construction should be determined according to the standards of Section I of Table. 4 GSP 81-05-02-2001 with a coefficient of 0.8. This provision applies to major repairs of main pipelines.

During complex overhauls of objects, when heating of buildings for finishing work and other special work is carried out by a contracting organization, as in new construction, the costs of the difference in the cost of thermal energy and additional costs for drying buildings (if according to the PIC or PPR) can be additionally taken into account drying is required) using the same method as for new construction (see section II, chapter 2 of GSN 81-05-02-2001).

As a result of dismantling at major repair (reconstruction) sites, the following are formed: construction waste, secondary raw materials (scrap metal, firewood, crushed brick), materials and structures suitable for reuse, the so-called returnable materials.

Accounting for construction waste and return of materials from dismantling in the estimate documentation

If the garbage was generated from dismantling structures, the cost of paying for coupons for the disposal of construction waste in a landfill and the quarterly fee for environmental pollution during waste removal are paid additionally. Removal of technological waste and its disposal is paid for at the expense of the contractor's overhead costs. The cost of placing construction waste in landfills is determined by household waste processing enterprises. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/07/95 No. 239 “On measures to streamline state regulation of prices (tariffs)” government regulation Only the cost of processing (disposal) of household waste is subject to payment.

In accordance with the Regulations on the customer during the construction of facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated June 8, 2001 No. 58, the customer is obliged to inform the contractor of the established places for the removal of soil, garbage, materials from dismantling and cutting of plantings that are unsuitable for recycling, based on from the location of which the costs of removing waste and unusable materials are determined. If the customer cannot provide a place for garbage removal, then he must agree to the removal of garbage and unusable materials and their processing by specialized organizations in landfills at the rates of these organizations. Based on these data, the distance for removing soil and construction waste from the construction site is determined.

In the process of dismantling (dismantling) buildings or structures or individual structural elements, as well as during construction, installation and repair work, returnable materials are generated, returnable materials with a residual value - scrap metal and firewood or construction waste.

Refunds from the sale of materials and products obtained during disassembly, and the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition should be additionally provided for in local estimates. These costs also include the costs of delivering materials to testing laboratories and back, loading and unloading operations, the cost of materials testing and certification.

It is possible that before the start of repairs or construction (reconstruction), there is uncollected waste at the construction site. In this case, the costs of waste collection are taken into account in the estimate documentation on the basis of an act signed by representatives of the customer, operating and design organizations, as well as the contractor, if it has already been determined, and then approved by the investor or customer. The act indicates the amount of garbage and its danger class.

In this case, based on the data from the report, the estimator draws up a local estimate, which takes into account the costs of developing waste and loading it into a vehicle, transporting it to a storage location or landfill, as well as in column 7 (other costs) - reception and processing fees garbage in a landfill. These costs are taken into account in Chapter 1 “Preparation of the construction site” of the consolidated construction cost estimate.

Costs associated with the demolition or dismantling of buildings and structures are taken into account in Chapter 1 “Preparation of the construction site” of the consolidated construction cost estimate.

The costs of placing and neutralizing construction debris and waste are determined by an estimate based on the list included in Section 8 “List of Environmental Protection Measures” (Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA) explanatory note To project documentation, and certificates (calculations) from the enterprise about the cost of their placement and neutralization.

All waste, including construction waste, is divided into five classes according to the degree of impact on the environment:

Class I - extremely dangerous;
Class II - highly dangerous;
Class III - moderately dangerous;
IV class - slightly dangerous;
Class V - practically non-hazardous waste.

The classification of waste into hazardous classes for the natural environment is carried out by calculation or experimental method in accordance with the “Criteria for classifying waste into hazardous classes for the natural environment” established by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

Sanitary rules for determining the hazard class of toxic production and consumption waste - SP, clause 2.1 divide waste into four classes according to the degree of impact on humans and the environment:

Class 1 - extremely dangerous;
Class 2 - highly dangerous;
Class 3 - moderately dangerous;
Class 4 - slightly dangerous.

As a basis for calculating the costs of disposal of construction waste generated at a construction site, a corresponding list is compiled as part of the project documentation.

Federal Classification Catalog of Waste (FKKO), approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 2002 No. 786.

For those wastes that have not yet been included in the FKKO, the hazard class is determined by the calculation method in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation No. 511 dated June 15, 2001.

Payment for the services provided for the placement, processing and disposal of construction waste is taken into account in the estimate documentation, as a rule, on the basis of a calculation compiled by an enterprise engaged in the placement and disposal of construction, industrial and other waste.

The presence of a list of construction waste generated at the construction site and its quantity, as well as the cost of a unit of measurement for its placement and disposal allows us to determine the corresponding costs, which in the estimate documentation are classified as other costs (column 7), and are taken into account in Chapter 9 “Other work and costs » summary estimate of construction costs.

Construction waste is also generated during construction, installation or repair work:

  • from dismantling buildings and structures, their individual structural elements or engineering and technological equipment, as well as from punching openings and openings;
  • from that part of the materials that cannot be used in the process of work (concrete mixture or mortar hardened in vehicles, fragments of bricks, small blocks and other wall materials, etc.), as well as difficult to eliminate losses and waste (end waste, trimming materials in the manufacture of long parts (products) or when cutting materials due to the non-multiplicity of the dimensions of the structures with the dimensions of the materials used (plates, sheets, etc.). The specified waste materials, as a rule, are taken into account by state elemental estimate standards;
  • from packaging, props and non-returnable containers used during the transportation of materials and equipment (classification of containers as returnable or non-returnable is determined by the terms of the agreement (contract) for the purchase of inventories);
  • as a result of servicing construction workers - household waste.

The costs of dismantling (dismantling) buildings and structures, their individual structural elements or punching holes are determined according to the collection of standards and prices No. 46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures.”

The tables of standards in section 06 “Dismantling of residential and public buildings” of the collection GESN-2001-46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures” provide 2 methods for dismantling buildings and structures:

  • with preservation (element-by-element disassembly)
  • without preserving suitable materials (collapse).

The method of disassembly is determined by the construction organization project.

When applying standards 1 and 2 of Table 46-06-009 “Complex dismantling of buildings,” only the costs of dismantling heating systems, hot and cold water supply can be additionally taken into account.

When determining the costs of removing materials from dismantling buildings and structures, engineering and technical equipment or individual structures, as well as from punching openings and holes, the estimator must take into account the data from paragraph 4.11 “Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for repair and construction work” (FERR- 2001) MDS 81-38.2004.

“FERR takes into account the costs of horizontal and vertical (lowering through a window in trays) movement of waste and materials from dismantling in buildings and structures (at a distance of up to 80 m) to the place of their storage within the construction site of the facility at a distance of up to 50 m from buildings and structures.

Vertical transport of waste obtained during dismantling and repair of structures is taken into account for buildings up to 15 m high.

If the buildings being renovated are of a higher height, the estimator should take into account the additional costs of vertical transport.

FERR does not take into account and must be paid separately (in cases where this is due to the requirements for the work or the conditions of their production) the costs of packing garbage into bags, the cost of bags and lowering the garbage manually on a stretcher or in bags.”

The costs of packing waste into bags should be determined according to the EniR collection No. 1 “In-building transport work", § E 1-19-1-a with a coefficient of 1.8, which takes into account the work of two workers when packing garbage into bags, or according to timing data.

In the case when the actual distance for garbage removal, confirmed by the PIC or POKR, exceeds weighted average total 80+50 m, taken into account by FERr-2001, the cost of its additional movement within the construction site should be included in the estimate documentation. When the estimator calculates the actual distance of carrying garbage (reduced to horizontal), it is necessary to take into account that when lowering garbage from the floors or roofs of a building, 8 m should be added to the actual length of the distance traveled for each meter of descent.

The volumetric mass of construction waste should be taken as averaged dense body structures according to the following standards:

  • when dismantling concrete structures - 2400 kg/m3;
  • when dismantling reinforced concrete structures - 2500 kg/m3;
  • when dismantling structures made of brick, stone, beating plaster and facing tiles - 1800 kg/m3;
  • when dismantling wooden and frame-fill structures - 600 kg/m3;
  • when performing other disassembly work (except for work on dismantling metal structures and engineering and technological equipment) - 1200 kg/m3.

The mass of dismantled metal structures and engineering and technological equipment is taken according to design data.

The volume of construction waste from the dismantling (destruction) of concrete and reinforced concrete structures is significantly greater than the volume of these structures in dense body and therefore the volumetric mass of garbage was taken to be 1800 kg/m3.

In cases where in the estimate documentation the mass of construction waste is taken according to the volume of dismantled reinforced concrete structures in a dense body, then the costs of transporting construction waste should also be calculated based on the mass of structures in a dense body - 2500 kg/m3.

The costs of loading construction waste and materials unsuitable for further use, resulting from the dismantling of buildings, structures and equipment, into a vehicle and its removal from the construction site to a storage site or landfill are determined according to current tariffs and are taken into account in local estimates.

Based on the above data, the estimator draws up a local estimate, which takes into account the costs of loading waste into a vehicle, transporting it to a storage location or to a landfill, as well as in column 7 (other costs) - fees for receiving and processing waste at the landfill. Transportation costs should be taken into account in local estimates in column 9 “Operation of machines” without highlighting driver remuneration.

In cases where structures, materials and products obtained as a result of dismantling or demolition of buildings and structures are recognized as suitable for reuse, then local estimates indicate their return value at the price of possible sale (determined by market conditions and limited only by the value of the similar cost of a new one). material or product), minus from these amounts the costs of bringing them into a condition suitable for reuse and delivery to places of storage or sale. The cost of returnable packaging included in the cost of equipment and other material resources is taken into account in a similar manner.

The amount of refundable amounts at the stage of preparation of project documentation can be determined by expert assessment the customer, reflected in the design assignment or initial data for the development of estimate documentation.

All returnable materials received at the facility are the property of the customer (facility owner) and are used by him for their intended purpose.

Refundable amounts of received materials from dismantling temporary water supply pipelines, gas pipelines, etc. shouldb be determined on the basis of an act in which the condition of the materials from disassembly should be established, the amount of inevitable losses when dismantling the pipeline. The cost of pipes when dismantling a temporary pipeline should be taken at the average selling prices prevailing in the region, minus the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition for reuse and delivery to storage areas. Based on established practice, refundable amounts that take into account the cost of materials from dismantling temporary pipelines are about 80% of the cost of materials for their installation.

If the local estimate accepts the installation of a sheet piling without taking into account the turnover of piles, and the sheet piling is removed, then the volume of return of sheet piling steel is taken into account in the amount of 85% of the mass of sheet piles to be removed.

The percentage of yield of suitable stone for determining its return value according to the norm and price 03-008-1 of the collection (part) No. 27 “Highways” is approximately recommended to be taken at 60%. The actual yield of suitable stone for further use is determined at the site of work and is documented in the appropriate act.

The possibility of reusing materials from dismantling water supply and sewerage networks is established by an agreement between the customer and the contractor.

Refunds from the delivery of scrap metal are taken into account by excluding from the scrap metal acceptance price established by the Vtorchermet database the costs of loading and delivering scrap metal from the construction site to the scrap metal collection point.

The amount of asphalt concrete scrap or crumbs obtained as a result of dismantling the asphalt concrete pavement is determined at the work site and is documented in the appropriate act. When determining refundable amounts, one should additionally take into account the costs of loading it, if it is not taken into account by the price for disassembly, and transportation of asphalt concrete scrap to a recovery or asphalt concrete plant.

A similar procedure takes into account the cost of secondary raw materials (firewood, crushed stone, etc.) obtained as a result of dismantling or demolishing buildings.

The return cost of dismantled heating boilers in local estimates should be taken into account conditionally at the rate of at least 30% of the selling price for the types of boilers being dismantled. This requirement is given in paragraph 1.23 of the collection of prices No. 46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures.”

  • PM clause 1.46.19. Costs for dismantling heating boilers when dismantling heating systems according to standard 2 table. 46-06-003 are not taken into account and should be determined additionally according to the relevant GESN. The return cost of dismantled heating boilers in estimates should be taken into account conditionally at the rate of at least 30% of the selling price for the types of boilers being dismantled. When calculating for work performed, the return cost of dismantled boilers and the costs of removing them from the dismantling site should be determined according to the act of the customer and the contractor, depending on the possibility of further use of the boilers.

If it is impossible to use or sell materials from dismantling or associated mining, their cost is not taken into account in the refund amounts.

Refundable amounts are not excluded from the results of the local estimate (estimate), the object estimate (estimate) and the summary estimate of the cost of construction.

Refunds from the sale of materials, parts, equipment and production and business equipment received from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures on the customer’s balance sheet are determined by calculations that take into account the sale of these materials and parts at the current price level (minus the costs of bringing them into a suitable condition and delivery to storage locations).

The agreement (contract) establishes the contractor's responsibility for receiving returnable materials in the volume and range specified in the design documentation, as well as the procedure for their use.

Materials from the dismantling of non-title temporary structures are taken into account on the basis of free-form internal acts approved by the management of the contracting organization.

The costs of cleaning up construction (technological) waste generated during the period of work (hard-to-remove losses and waste, non-returnable containers and household waste), loading and transporting it to a landfill or to a recycling site are included in the costs of organizing work on construction sites, which are included in composition of overhead rates (clauses 11 and 12 of section II of appendix 6 to Methodical instructions on determining the amount of overhead costs in construction - MDS 81-35.2004 and MDS 81-34.2004). Consequently, they are not subject to additional accounting in the estimate documentation.

Letter No. 10-466 of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 28, 1999 clarified that “accounting for the costs of disposal of unusable soil and waste transported to a landfill is not provided for by current regulatory documents.” Payment for the services provided for the placement and processing of construction waste and dismantled materials unsuitable for further use at the sites of a specialized organization is taken into account in the estimate documentation in column 7 (other costs).

The volumes of construction waste and other construction waste and their hazard class are taken according to the regulations for the management of construction waste, which should be part of the project documentation.

Major repair project

A project for organizing a major overhaul or its individual solutions can be developed by specialized design or design and technological organizations (Orgtekhstroy, Orgtekhremstroy, etc.) at the expense of funds for design and survey work transferred to these organizations.

The project for organizing a major overhaul must be agreed upon by the project customer with the general contractor with the participation of subcontractors and, if necessary, with special supervisory authorities.

The starting materials for developing a capital repair project should be:

  • engineering survey materials for a major overhaul project (technical inspection);
  • materials of district planning schemes (projects), master plans of cities and settlements;
  • basic decisions on the use of building materials and structures, means of mechanization of repair and construction work, agreed with the general contractor, as well as data on the use of sources and the procedure for ensuring repairs energy resources, water, temporary engineering networks and communications, as well as local construction materials;
  • breakdown of the repaired facility into queues (complexes);
  • information on the conditions for providing the repair facility with workers and on the possibility of using existing premises and buildings for the period of repair;
  • data on the availability of production and technical base of contracting organizations, opportunities and conditions for its use;
  • information about the availability of inventory of mobile or prefabricated industrial and household premises at contractor organizations;
  • data on the planned and actual average annual (average monthly) production of construction machines, vehicles, workers of contractors at similar sites;
  • data on the possibility and timing of vacating residential buildings from residents and tenants (during renovations with the resettlement of residents).

The specified source materials must be provided by the customer and the general contractor to the design organization developing the capital repair project within a time frame that ensures its timely development.

Repair and construction project

The work project must be developed on the basis of an assignment issued (approved) by the customer of this project and including initial data on the scope and timing of the project development.

When determining the composition and content of work projects, the specifics of their implementation should be taken into account depending on the type of major repairs, the need to perform special work to strengthen, fasten and replace structures, the variety and conditions of construction processes.

The work project must be developed by a general contracting organization. If necessary, more detailed design development issues of the production of special work performed by specialized subcontractors, these organizations must, in development of the relevant sections of the project for the production of work of the general contracting organization, develop projects for the production of special types of work.

For complex objects, by order of contracting organizations, work projects can be developed by specialized design or design and technological organizations (Orgtekhstroy, Orgtekhremstroy, etc.).

The development of work projects should be carried out at the expense of the contractor's overhead costs.

The total costs of reconstruction or major repairs are determined in the summary estimate. This document is drawn up in the form of Appendix 4. All costs are grouped in 12 chapters.

Chapter 1. Preparation of the construction site (work on diversion, clearing of the territory, demolition of buildings, drainage of the territory, and other costs). The amount of these expenses is taken as a percentage of the cost of expenses ch. 2-3 in column 4: for industrial construction - 3-4%, for housing and civil construction - 1-2%.

Chapter 2. Main construction objects. To determine costs for Ch. Table 2 uses data from the object estimate and indicators of the share of the cost of equipment and other costs in the cost of work (Appendix Table 5). The cost of equipment installation is assumed to be 15% of the cost of the equipment.

Chapter 3. Objects for auxiliary and service purposes (for example, in housing and civil construction these are the costs of garages, sheds, etc.)

The amount of these costs is taken as a percentage of the corresponding columns of Chapter 2: for industrial construction - 15%, for housing and civil construction - 4%. The data is entered in columns 4-8.

Chapter 4. Energy facilities (costs for the construction of transformer substations, high-voltage lines, electrical cable networks, compressor lines, low-current device lines)

The amount of expenses is determined as a percentage of the amounts of chapters 2 and 3 of the consolidated estimate: for industrial construction - 12%, for housing and civil construction - 4%. The data is entered in columns 4-8.

Chapter 5. Transport and communications facilities (costs for the construction of railways, roads, garages, etc.).

The amount of expenses is determined as 5-8% of the corresponding columns for chapters 2-3. The data is entered in columns 4-8. If such objects are not developed, then a dash is placed in columns 4-8 of Chapter 5 of the consolidated estimate.

Chapter 6. External networks and structures of water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply (costs for external networks of gas supply, water supply, heat supply, sewerage, treatment facilities, etc.)

The amount of expenses is determined as a percentage of the amount of chapters 2-3 of the consolidated estimate: for industrial construction - 25%, for housing and civil - 10%. The data is entered in columns 4-8.

Chapter 7. Improvement and landscaping of the territory (landscaping, installation of sidewalks, architectural design, etc.).

The amount of these expenses is determined as a percentage of the amount of chapters 2-3 of the consolidated estimate: for industrial sites - 3.5%, for territories of housing and civil complexes - 4%. The data is entered in columns 4 and 8.

Chapter 8. Temporary buildings and structures (costs for the construction of temporary production, warehouse, administrative, sanitary buildings).

The costs of this chapter are determined as a percentage of the amount of chapters 1-7 of the consolidated estimate (Table A1.4) according to columns 4 and 5 (Appendix 4).

Chapter 9. Other work and costs (additional costs when performing work in winter; costs associated with the mobile nature of work; costs of transporting workers to the place of work, etc.).

Additional costs when carrying out work in winter are determined as a percentage of the amount of chapters 1-8 in columns 4, 5 (Table A1.5). Costs for the following points of Chapter 9 are taken as a percentage of the total of Chapters 1-8 according to the sum of columns 4, 5 of the consolidated cost estimate: mobile nature of the work - 3.7-5%; lump sum wages -2.2%; transportation of workers to their place of work - 2.5%. The obtained data is entered in columns 7, 8.

Costs are accepted in the amount. 1%of total cost according to chapters 1-9 of the consolidated estimate in column 8 and are included in columns 7 and 8.

Chapter 11. Training of operational personnel.

Costs for this chapter are calculated only for industrial construction in the amount of up to 1% of the results of chapters 1-9 of the consolidated estimate in column 8 and are recorded in columns 7 and 8.

Chapter 12. Design and survey work, designer's supervision (costs of designing a complex or facility, survey and research work related to design).

Costs are determined as a percentage of the construction cost in column 8 for chapters 1-9: for industrial construction - 3 and 5%; for housing and civil purposes - 1.5 and 3%, for standard and unique objects, respectively. The data is entered in columns 7, 8.

After the total for 12 chapters of the consolidated estimate, a separate line shows the amount of the reserve for unforeseen work.

The fund reserve is determined as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction, i.e., of all the above accrued costs: for industrial buildings and structures - 3%, for residential buildings and public buildings - 2% .

At the end of the summary estimate of construction costs, the results are summarized (Appendix 4).

Following the summary estimate of construction costs, the following is indicated:

Refundable amounts (cost of materials and parts obtained from dismantling temporary buildings and structures in the amount of 15 % from their estimated cost in column 8);

Funds to cover the costs of paying VAT (the amount of value added tax) are accepted in the amount of 18% of the final data for the consolidated estimate for construction and are shown as a separate line in columns 4-8.

Related information.