How to get a mortgage or loan to build a house using maternity capital or purchase it? How to get a loan to build a house using maternity capital Loan using maternity capital to build a house from Sberbank.

Maternity capital is a type of government assistance aimed at supporting families who are raising more children.

It must be taken into account that maternity capital is a one-time payment. It may not be given when adopting children of a spouse from a first marriage. But financial support must be paid if the child’s death occurred in the first week of life.

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According to the law, the opportunity to use maternity capital funds occurs when the child reaches, but the exception is cases when it is necessary to repay a loan or contribute to or.

Referring to the debt owed by the Pension Fund, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation put forward a proposal to abolish maternity capital in order to significantly save money.

General terms

The following are entitled to receive maternity capital:

  • a woman (citizen of the Russian Federation) who gave birth to or adopted a second or subsequent children;
  • a man who is the sole adoptive parent of a second or subsequent children;
  • minor children or students up to 23 years old, provided that their parents were deprived of the right to additional state support.

Receipt of family capital is confirmed by issuance. After this certificate has been received, you need to contact a credit institution or bank to transfer capital funds.

The law establishes that it is possible to cooperate only with those organizations that have been operating for more than three years after they have passed state registration

The owner of the certificate needs to confirm with a special document that he received the loan by non-cash transfer of funds to his account.

At Sberbank, it is possible to obtain a loan using two documents. This can be done by proving solvency and availability of funds corresponding to the size of the down payment.

Since the certificate does not prove the solvency of the borrower, there are cases when Sberbank refused loans in which the down payment was maternity capital funds.

Many people have found a way out of this situation by applying for a loan and paying a minimum down payment, and after registration, the debt is paid off using a certificate in order to recalculate the payment schedule and reduce the amount of monthly payments.

Receipt details

To attract bank funds together with family capital, you need to do the following:

  • the first thing you need to do is get a certificate;
  • decide on the use of capital (it can be used both to cover the principal debt and as a down payment);
  • enter into an agreement with the bank;
  • contact the Pension Fund with an application and the necessary documents;
  • wait for the funds to be credited to the account and register ownership of the home.

Features of obtaining a loan using maternity capital:

  • the list of organizations that are willing to cooperate with such a certificate to pay off the debt is limited;
  • These funds cannot be used to cover fines that arose during loan obligations;
  • housing must be registered as shared ownership;

What are the funds spent on?


Housing reconstruction is the carrying out of construction work aimed at improving the quality of housing.

It assumes:

  • change in housing size;
  • changes in technical indicators;
  • strengthening load-bearing structures;
  • replacement of the entire infrastructure of the house;
  • carrying out major repairs.

Carrying out the work on premises does not apply to the reconstruction of housing, and for this purpose it is not possible to receive funds from family capital.

In accordance with the law, all repairs must be carried out independently without the participation of repair companies. Also, after receiving funds from maternity capital, the reconstruction process will be controlled by a special body, which will have to draw conclusions whether the funds were spent for their intended purpose or not.


To obtain a loan to build a house using family capital, you need to apply to a financial institution. It must indicate the required amount for construction and clarify the intended method of its implementation. You must have a copy of the certificate with you. It should be borne in mind that not every financial institution makes such payments.

After the loan is approved, you need to contact the Pension Fund with the following documents:

  • a credit agreement that will indicate the purpose for receiving funds;
  • documents confirming land ownership;
  • building permit.

When building a house, as well as during reconstruction, the entire process must be carried out with one's own hands. If all documents are correctly drawn up and there are no extraneous obstacles, the application will be granted within two months. At the end of the period, the funds will be transferred to the lender's account.

The advice that those who want to use maternity capital to build a house will need can be divided into the following categories:

Grace period
  • Banking organizations consider young people to be more promising clients. An example is DeltaCredit Bank’s “Mortgage for Young” program. Within its framework, services are provided to young families who only plan to have or adopt children.
  • After the birth of a child, the family receives a grace period that lasts a year. During this period, repayment of credit debt is not required.
Deferment of debt repayment The Young Family program is offered by Sberbank. It provides for an initial payment of 10 to 15%. There is also the possibility of increasing the loan amount using the income of relatives.
General Tips
  • there are ways that give ownership of land, for example, long-term lease or agreement for free use;
  • family capital is intended to improve living conditions, therefore the construction of a country house using certificate funds is impossible;
  • as mentioned above, property acquired using capital funds must be registered as shared ownership of the entire family;
  • after the construction has been completed, a Certificate of Inspection of the finished housing must be submitted to the Pension Fund; on the basis of this Act, the Pension Fund employees will conclude whether the entire amount was spent on housing construction, and if this is not the case, then the borrower may expect a refusal.

Applying for and obtaining a home loan is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. Pre-prepared and correctly executed documents will help you avoid wasting time and nerves.

How much loan can I expect?

The bank always approves the maximum amount that it can issue to the borrower and co-borrowers specified in the application form. However, the loan amount cannot be more than 85% of the value of the property you have chosen.

I was denied a loan. Why? What to do?

The bank does not explain the reasons for the refusal, as this would lead to the disclosure of the borrower assessment system, which is a trade secret. There are potentially about twenty parameters of the borrower and co-borrowers that this system can rely on.

If the bank refuses you, you can reapply for a loan within the period specified in the accompanying text of the refusal. In some cases, you can reapply immediately.

How to increase your chances of getting a mortgage with a small official salary?

For example, you can apply for a loan with a certificate in the bank form instead of a 2-NDFL certificate. An income certificate in the form of a bank is an alternative document that is accepted by the bank as confirmation of the borrower’s income, but in which additional earnings can be taken into account.

I am an elderly person, will they give me a mortgage?

You can take out a mortgage until you turn 75 years old. For example, if you are 65 years old, you can take out a 10-year mortgage.

What if I receive my salary on a Sberbank card?

Salary clients of Sberbank, depending on other loan conditions, may receive additional benefits. At the same time, benefits are available if any of the co-borrowers is a salary client.

· If over the past two months you have had at least one salary deposited onto your Sberbank card or account, you can receive a discount on your rate.

· If you have had your salary credited to your Sberbank card (account) in at least 4 of the last 6 months, you will not need to additionally upload an income certificate and a copy of your work record book.

How can I find out the overpayment on my future loan?

You can see the amount of overpayment by registering in your personal account. After registration, click on the calculation panel and you will see the overpayment diagram in the calculator.

Is it profitable to buy a life and health insurance policy for the borrower?

Life and health insurance in the insurance company Sberbank Life Insurance LLC or other companies accredited by Sberbank allows you to reduce the loan rate by 1%.

Considering the purchase of the policy, you will actually save about 0.5 percentage points on the rate. In addition to saving on the rate, the policy fulfills its immediate purpose - the insurance company will pay the bank the balance of the debt on your mortgage loan upon the occurrence of an insured event (disability or death).

I am a citizen of another country, can I get a mortgage?

Mortgages from Sberbank are issued only to Russian citizens.

Who can be a co-borrower?

Most often, co-borrowers are relatives of the main borrower - spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters. In total, you can attract up to 6 co-borrowers. If you are married, your spouse must be a required co-borrower. Exceptions are possible if a marriage contract is concluded between the spouses.

For example, to increase the chances of receiving a larger amount upon approval, you can attract co-borrowers - participants in salary projects. And when applying for a loan, you can note that you do not want to take into account the solvency of the co-borrower. This will reduce the list of required documents, but may reduce the maximum approved amount.

How to use maternity capital for a mortgage?

You can use maternity capital funds in whole or in part as a down payment when obtaining a mortgage. You can use only maternity capital or the sum of maternity capital and own funds. For the minimum down payment amount, we recommend using the DomClick calculator.

When using maternity capital funds, it is important to agree with the seller on the procedure and deadline for receiving maternity capital funds, since this amount is not transferred from the Pension Fund immediately.

Also, maternity capital funds can be used for early repayment of an existing loan.

What additional costs will there be when applying for a mortgage?

Depending on the type of property and the selected set of services, when applying for a loan you will need to pay:

· Evaluation report – from 2,000₽ depending on the region and appraisal company (required for assessing the collateral);

· Insurance of the collateral (for the purchased apartment) - directly depends on the size of the loan;

· Life and health insurance of the borrower (not mandatory, but reduces the loan rate) - directly depends on the size of the loan;

· The state fee for registering a transaction in Rosreestr is 2,000₽ at independent registration or 1,400 ₽ for electronic registration instrations (this is an additional service and is paid separately);

· Renting a safe deposit box and paying for access to it (when buying a secondary home for cash) or paying for a secure payment service - from 2,000₽ .

The cost of services is approximate. Check the exact cost on the websites of the relevant services.

Which is better: new building or resale?

As a rule, an apartment or apartment in a new building is purchased directly from the developer, while a resale apartment is purchased from the previous owner.

No one lived in the new building before you, the price per square meter is less than that of an apartment of the same class in the secondary market, there are promotions from developers, more modern layouts, however, you will not be able to quickly register at your place of residence, the elevator and gas will not be turned on until Most of the residents will not move in; most likely, they will have to wait for the development of infrastructure and the completion of repairs from the neighbors.

As a rule, you can move into a secondary property and register immediately after purchase; the infrastructure around it is already developed, however, most likely you will have to be content with a standard layout, worn-out communications, and you will need to check the legal purity of the property and the parties to the transaction.

What is the processing time for a loan application?

Review of the application does not exceed two days, but most clients receive approval on the day of application.

How does the process of obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank through DomClick work?

Depending on the type of property and other parameters, the process of obtaining a mortgage may vary.

However, the first stage is the same for everyone - submitting an application for a loan. To apply, calculate the loan using the DomClick calculator, register on the website, fill out the form and attach the necessary documents. Review of the application does not exceed two days, but most clients receive approval on the day of application.

If you have not yet selected a property, you can start doing so immediately after receiving approval from the bank, when you find out the maximum loan amount for you.

When the property has been selected, upload the necessary documents in your DomClick account.

Within 3-5 days you will be informed about the approval of the property you have chosen. You can choose a convenient date for the transaction, which is carried out at the Sberbank mortgage lending center.

The last stage is registration of the transaction in Rosreestr. Congratulations, you're done!

Why register on DomClick?

After registration, you will have access to a consultant’s help in the chat and a borrower’s questionnaire. Registration allows you to save your data so that you can return to filling out the application at any time. After receiving loan approval in the borrower’s personal account, you will be able to communicate with your manager, send documents to the bank online and receive the services necessary to obtain a mortgage.

How do I find out the bank's decision?

Immediately after consideration of your application, you will receive an SMS with the bank's decision. A bank employee will also call you.

Maternity capital is a very significant measure of financial incentives for families of Russian citizens who have a second or subsequent child, starting in 2007. By 2016, the initial social payment was repeatedly indexed, and today its size exceeds 450 thousand rubles. This money allows many families to solve the housing problem and expand their living space.

Although it is impossible to cash out this measure of incentives for families with children, there are many ways to exercise the right to dispose of these funds. In particular, certificate holder families have the right to receive a loan to build a house using maternity capital or to repay a previously issued loan. In this article, we will look at the intricacies of this procedure and tell you what documents may be required in order to transfer this social benefit to receive or repay a loan.

How to get a loan to build a house using maternity capital?

In order to apply for a loan to build a house using maternity capital as part of the down payment, you should send a written request to a bank or any other financial institution with a request to provide the required amount of funds. In it you will have to indicate how much money you want to receive and how exactly you plan to implement it. You must also submit a photocopy of the mother’s certificate to the bank.

It is worth noting that not every credit institution makes such payments. As a rule, for loans for the purpose of constructing a residential building using funds from social support measures, people turn to Sberbank of Russia or VTB 24 Bank.

After the loan is approved, you need to go to the Pension Fund at the official registration address and express a written request to send a certain part or the entire amount of maternity capital to repay the loan for building a house. In order for the upcoming transaction to be approved, you will have to collect a number of documents, namely:

  • a loan agreement, the text of which must necessarily indicate the purpose of receiving the borrowed money - for the construction of a residential building on a plot of land located at a specific address;
  • title documents for this land;
  • permission to erect a residential building;
  • an obligation certified by a notary office to allocate shares in the constructed house to the owner of the certificate, his legal spouse and each child individually.

In addition, if the construction of the house will not be carried out by the family’s own resources, but with the involvement of a contractor, you will additionally have to provide a copy of the contract with this organization.

If the submitted documents contain comprehensive information, and the planned transaction does not violate the rights of any family members, your application will be granted. A maximum of 2 months after this, the money will be transferred by the Pension Fund authorities to the account of the financial organization.

In exactly the same way, it is allowed to use the amount of maternity capital to repay a loan for the construction of a residential building taken out earlier. In both cases, you do not need to wait for the child to turn three years old - you are allowed to exercise your right immediately after receiving a family certificate.

You can take out a loan to build a house using maternity capital from any bank, since the law allows combined forms of financing. In this case, the MSC amount can be spent directly on the construction of a new building, but also on repaying a loan or interest in favor of the bank. We will analyze the nuances of lending for these purposes, and also evaluate the conditions of a preferential mortgage when repaying it with MSC funds.

How to build a house according to MSK

All permitted areas for spending maternity capital funds are fixed in Federal Law No. 256-FZ, including improving living conditions for families. One of the possible improvement options is the construction of their own house - citizens can build it on their own, or use the services of contractors. Let us highlight the general rules for disposing of MSC for these purposes:

  • if the amount under the MSK certificate is not enough to fully pay for materials and construction work, it is allowed to use your own savings or borrowed funds;
  • You can use MSC funds for construction only when the child reaches the age of 3 years (if the maternity capital is used to repay the loan, this rule does not apply).
  • payment occurs only upon confirmation of the volume of work performed and prices - for this an estimate must be drawn up, even if citizens decide to do without a contractor;
  • the acquisition of a plot of land for construction or the payment of its rent is not compensated by maternal capital.

Immediately after the birth of the child, you can receive funds to pay for the house only if you pay off the loan and interest. To pay for the services of a construction company or to build on your own, you need to wait until the child with whom the MSK certificate was issued turns 3 years old.

Allocation of funds from the budget under the maternity capital program can occur in three different ways:

  1. in favor of the bank that issued a consumer or mortgage loan for housing construction;
  2. in favor of the construction organization that has entered into a contract for the construction of a house - payment can be made both before the start of work and after its completion, 100% of the balance of the capital is transferred immediately;
  3. in favor of family members holding an MSK certificate - money is allocated in two equal parts, 50% before the start of actual construction (according to the submitted estimate), the second 50% after their completion.

Please note that maternity capital can be used not only for the construction of a new building, but also for the repair or reconstruction of an existing house. For example, if a family decides to increase the living space of a house through reconstruction, funds from the budget are also transferred for such construction work.

Requirements for the house being built

Maternity capital funds will be allocated based on citizens’ applications, and the submitted documents will be checked at the Pension Fund of Russia. To avoid a negative decision on your application, you must comply with the following requirements for building a house:

  • the object must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the land on which construction is carried out must belong to family members (or one of them) either by right of ownership or under a lease agreement;
  • the housing being constructed must be intended for permanent residence of citizens, be suitable for use, and have no more than three floors - this is confirmed by the design documentation and the act of putting the facility into operation;
  • the applicant must have construction permits - a municipal resolution, a reconstruction permit, a construction project, an estimate.

These requirements must be met for any construction option, including when using loan funds. The inspection will be carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia within a month. If the decision is positive, the money will be transferred over the next 10 days.

If a family decides not to wait until the child turns three years old to receive MSC funds, they can apply for a loan at any banking institution. In order for the Pension Fund department to make a positive decision on the transfer of funds, the following requirements must be met when applying for a loan:

  1. borrowed funds must be issued by the bank under a targeted loan agreement - for the construction or reconstruction of housing, mortgage lending;
  2. an agreement with the bank can be drawn up even before the birth of the child, which allows you to receive an MSK certificate - immediately after the birth of the baby, you can draw up maternity capital and repay part of the loan and interest with it;
  3. money to repay loans and interest is not given to citizens in cash, but is sent to a bank account to pay off debt obligations;
  4. there should be no arrears on the loan - this fact is reflected in a certificate from the banking institution, which the applicant submits to the Pension Fund department.

Is it possible to repay a consumer loan if it was actually spent on building a house? The law prohibits such disposal of maternal capital; the loan agreement must state the purpose of issuing borrowed funds. Pension Fund employees do not have the right to check what exactly the money received on the loan was used for. Therefore, the only option for receiving funds in such a situation would be to complete construction and apply for payment of MSC in the general manner.

Does the size of the interest rate on a loan affect the positive or negative resolution of the issue in the Pension Fund? Citizens and the bank determine the terms of the loan independently - Pension Fund employees do not have the right to refuse to dispose of maternity capital, even if the agreement includes an increased interest rate.

Please note that the state allows young families to get a mortgage at preferential interest rates (in 2020 - at 6%) in accredited banks (Sberbank, VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank and other banking institutions). To use MSC funds as efficiently as possible. follow our recommendations:

  • after applying for a loan, apply for a preferential rate of 6% - the state will compensate the bank for the difference between the contractual and preferential interest rates;
  • a mortgage benefit of 6% applies for the first six months, at which time there is no point in applying for loan repayment using maternity capital;
  • after 6 months, submit an application to the Pension Fund on a general basis - the money will be used to repay the loan balance and interest.

When applying for MSC funds allocated for the construction of a house, it does not matter whether the house is completed or the work is at the initial stage. The very fact of obtaining a targeted loan from a bank is important.

In addition to repaying the debt and interest on the loan, maternity capital funds can be used to pay the down payment on the loan. This option is not applicable if the construction of the house begins from the zero stage. However, if the loan is issued with the condition of payment for unfinished construction (for example, if there is a foundation on a land plot), the capital will legally be used to offset loan obligations.

Let's consider the procedure for contacting Pension Fund institutions to repay a loan using maternity capital.

Having the MSK certificate and a valid loan agreement in hand, the family can apply to the local Pension Fund department with an application for the disposal of budget funds. Documents can also be submitted through the MFC system, but they will still be checked by Pension Fund employees. Here is the set of documents you need to submit to the Pension Fund:

  1. application for the disposal of maternal capital - it is filled out and signed by the owner of the MSK certificate or a representative by proxy;
  2. general passports and birth certificates for all family members;
  3. Marriage certificate;
  4. original MSK certificate;
  5. documents confirming the legality of the construction of the house - a construction permit, a commissioning certificate, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  6. title document for a land plot for construction - an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, a certificate of title, a lease agreement, etc.;
  7. a valid loan agreement with a confirmed purpose - construction or reconstruction of housing;
  8. a certificate from a banking institution about the current loan balance and interest, as well as the absence of debt (an outstanding current payment is not considered a debt);
  9. details of a banking institution for transferring funds to MSK.

The application must indicate how much money needs to be used to repay the loan and interest. The fact is that a family can use maternity capital for various purposes, including educational services, replenishing the mother’s pension account, etc. The owner of the certificate can determine the amount of transfers for these purposes. For example, you can use 300 thousand rubles to repay a loan, and the rest will be used later to pay for your children’s education.

One month is given to review the application and submitted documents. If Pension Fund employees have no complaints regarding the submitted documents and information, a positive decision is made on the transfer of budget funds. The applicant is notified of this in writing or through the government services portal.

The law allows 10 days for the transfer of funds to the bank; the owner of the certificate is also notified of this in writing. If, after disposing of the funds to repay the loan, the remainder of the capital remains, it can be used according to the general rules - you need to submit a new application and provide supporting documents.

Today, many people take out loans to build their own home and carry out renovations.

Oddly enough, budget money can be spent on repairs, since there are special loan programs for this, which are called “mortgages”.

It is this law that clearly states the conditions for its application and sanctions for misuse of budget funds.

However, repairs are not on this list, so it cannot be used for this purpose. But some banks found a loophole in the law and They issue a loan to build a house using maternity capital under the guise of a mortgage.

Then you need to provide the bank employee with the necessary documents.

The standard package includes a passport, income certificate, a second identity document, documents for the property, which will be collateral for the entire period of the contract.

After submitting the documents, the bank sets a date for issuing funds. Depending on the possibility of issuing money, it can be provided to the client in cash in a safe deposit box or it can be transferred to a current account.

In many cases, money is given in installments. However, the client cannot use them independently.

It is necessary to bring invoices and other documents that confirm the need to purchase any materials necessary for construction. The bank independently transfers money to the organization’s current account.

You can find out more about how to take out a loan for maternity capital.

Loan for building a house using maternity capital

Many banks provide money for the construction of a house, where maternity capital is used as a means to partially or fully repay the loan.

For example, Gazprombank, UniCredit Bank, and Sberbank issue loans for building a house using maternity capital. The conditions for obtaining a loan are similar and they are as follows:

  1. Loan term up to 30 years.
  2. The loan amount is up to 8 million rubles (in some banks this amount can be significantly higher).
  3. Issuance of a loan at one time or in part.
  4. Annuity payments.
  5. Security in the form of collateral and guarantors is required.

It is worth noting that lenders are willing to lend money for the construction of a country house, but the interest rate is slightly higher, since the risks of a financial and credit organization are higher.

To obtain such a loan, the same documents are required as when purchasing an apartment.

But additionally, you will need a land purchase and sale agreement, a permit for the construction of an individual residential building, an estimate and a design for the future home.

Let's consider the terms of a loan to improve housing conditions using maternity capital from Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, UniCredit Bank.

comparison table

Name of the bankThe name of the programConditionsRequirements
Sberbankcountry estateAmount from 300 TR, down payment 25% or more, loan term of 30 years, rate from 12.5% ​​per annum.
VTB 24Mortgage with state supportAmount from 600 TR, down payment 20% or more, loan term of 30 years, rate from 11.5% per annum.A passport and a second document, a certificate of income are provided optionally, registration, citizenship of the Russian Federation, security deposit. Attracting guarantors and co-borrowers.
GazprombankTarget mortgage loanAmount up to 30 million rubles, down payment 15% or more, loan term up to 30 years, rate from 12.5% ​​per annum.Passport and second document, income certificate, registration, Russian citizenship, deposit. Attracting guarantors and co-borrowers.
UniCredit BankTo the cottageAmount up to 15 million rubles, down payment 50% or more, loan term up to 30 years, rate from 13% per annum.Passport and second document, income certificate, registration, Russian citizenship, deposit. Attracting guarantors and co-borrowers.

Also similar. However, not everyone provides it specifically for construction. Most often, it is no different from a regular mortgage. In this case, not the loaned object, but the existing real estate is accepted as collateral.

Maternity capital is significant financial support from the state for a young family that decides to have more than one child. But buying an apartment is definitely not enough. But it’s possible. Read about whether and how to use maternity capital to buy an apartment on our Internet portal.

Registration procedure

After receiving approval of the loan application, it is necessary to select a land plot where a residential building will be built.

Having selected a plot, you must provide documents to the bank to verify it.

If the experts do not mind, then the next step should be to obtain permission for individual development.

After the entire package of documents is in the bank, you will be given the money in a lump sum or in part. In some cases, it is possible to receive money in cash.

Thus, today you can take out a mortgage not only to purchase a property on the secondary market. It is possible to take out a loan against maternity capital to build a house on your own or get money to improve the local area.

It is also possible to carry out renovations in an existing apartment. Since the loan program is called “mortgage,” the client can use maternity capital funds for early repayment. In some cases, maternity capital is used as a down payment.