School collapse in Murino today. In the residential complex "Novoe Murino" a school built by the Central Distribution Center collapsed

The Vsevolozhsk prosecutor's office began an investigation in connection with the collapse of the floor of a school under construction in Murino. The investigation must determine the true cause of the building's roof collapse and whether federal regulations were followed by appropriate officials.

Work continues on site to clear the rubble on Novaya Street. According to preliminary data, the supplier of low-quality structures may be to blame for the collapse. A subcontractor worker, a compressor unit operator, died. The school, which was supposed to open in a few months, on September 1, is being built by the CDS company. Read more about the emergency in Murino - Vladimir Koptsev.

This afternoon, residents of the New Murino complex heard a terrible roar. It turned out that an entire span of a secondary school being built nearby had collapsed. It was planned to be put into operation by the next academic year.


“Builders should think not only about their own benefit, but about the lives of other people, what conditions they create for them, what they are doing here, because all our houses, look, they are all crumbling. You can see everything is covered in nets. because bricks are falling from above, our entire territory is strewn with bricks.”

Rescuers were immediately called to the scene. They immediately began work on the rubble.

ANTON KLING,Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Leningrad Region:

“Operational services were sent to the scene, including the 94th fire and rescue unit and the operational group of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Upon arrival, it was determined that there had been a partial collapse of the school building under construction, which unfortunately resulted in the death of one person.”

A representative of the development company said that there could have been many more victims. The builders were saved by the fact that they heard the grinding of structures. After the workers ran out of the gym, the roof collapsed in just a few moments.

VLADIMIR KOPTSEV, correspondent:

“Such a roof collapse can occur either due to an error made in calculating the design loads, or if the builders used low-quality metal structures or violated construction technology. The Ministry of Emergency Situations promised to conduct a thorough investigation into the causes of the tragedy.”

Despite the fact that the prosecutor's office of the Vsevolozhsk region has begun an inspection, and construction work has been temporarily suspended, the authorities of the Leningrad region still plan to open the school for the new school year.

Mikhail Moskvin,Deputy Chairman of the Leningrad Region Government for Construction:

“We hope that the company will complete construction by September 1 and put it into operation, since we expect to send children there already. But of course, we will only be allowed into a safe school, which will be checked from all sides.”

True, many residents of Murino were frightened by today’s emergency.


“We have neighbors with whom we communicate well; they wanted to take their children to this school literally in September. But now they say that no, it’s better to go to Grazhdanka at some old school, maybe here. Even if it is completed.”

An operational investigation team and rescuers continue to work at the scene of the collapse. A procedural decision will be made based on the results of the inspection.

Today, May 7, a school under construction on Novaya Street, which is being built between building No. 7, building 3, and building No. 7, building 4, collapsed. Judging by photographs of eyewitnesses, an entire floor of the building collapsed. Eyewitnesses claim that the structures first swayed and then collapsed.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations confirmed information about the collapse of a school on Novaya Street. “Rescuers have arrived at the scene,” the department’s press service reported.

According to the head of the administration of the Murinsky settlement, Valery Garkavy, who arrived at the scene of the incident, a school is being built. “The construction site is fenced off, now we are trying to figure out if there is anyone at the site,” the official said.

The CDS company reported that the supplier of the structures was to blame. The vice-governor assumes that the emergency occurred due to the roof being overloaded with construction materials.

“The roof of the main building and the roof of the school’s sports and assembly halls consist of different elements. The structure above the gym is lightweight. It consists of corrugated sheeting, insulation, insulating layer, screed and soft roof. There may have been too much material lifted onto the roof. Now construction supervision is looking into this,” commented Construction Vice-Governor Moskvin.

The owner of the company told the media that, according to preliminary data, the collapse may be the fault of the structure supplier. “Now we’re figuring it out. Perhaps the designs are of poor quality,” Medvedev commented. According to him, he is aware that a worker died. “I will be able to tell you more detailed information about who died later,” the head of the Center for Disaster Management concluded.

The body of one victim was recovered from the rubble. At first, based on unverified information, the media reported that the deceased was a construction worker. Later, the regional Investigative Committee commented that the driver of the car, which was parked next to the building under construction, died.

Help for long-term construction. No St. Petersburg

The 700-seat school in Murino, whose gymnasium roof collapsed, was supposed to be put into operation by September, said Vice-Governor for Social Policy Nikolai Yemelyanov. A standard school design was developed by the Central Design Bureau and included in the list of the Ministry of Construction at the request of the building block of the Leningrad Region government.

“According to the schedule, this school for 700 places should have been commissioned by September 1. Naturally, today we are concerned that the delivery date may be delayed,” Emelyanov commented on the emergency situation. According to him, educational institutions are no longer being built under this project in the Leningrad region.

The school project was developed by the development company CDS. It was included in the list of standard projects of the Ministry of Construction by the building block of the Leningrad Region government.

According to the construction vice-governor, all work on the construction of a school in Murino has been stopped until the reasons for the collapse of the structures are clarified. “Specialists from the state construction supervision of the region inspected the site: according to preliminary data, the collapse occurred during work on the roof. The company refers to low-quality metal structures, but technological violations when pouring the roof cannot be ruled out. Finding out the reasons and conducting an examination will take at least two weeks, after which a decision will be made either to dismantle the structures located under the gym or to restore them,” the official said.

In the village of Murino in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region, part of a school under construction collapsed. As reported by the Investigative Committee, a man who was in a car near the building died. "Life" writes that rescuers are preparing to clear the rubble, under which there may be people.

According to preliminary data, the developer (Center for Shared Construction, CDS) was supposed to commission the school in three weeks, and classes were supposed to begin there on September 1.

All photos: 47news

“Currently, an operational investigation team is working at the scene of the incident to establish the identity of the deceased and other circumstances of the incident,” the Investigative Committee clarified.

Rescuers from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Leningrad Region continue to clear the rubble<...>The collapse of the school occurred this afternoon in the New Murino residential complex on Novaya Street. The construction of the facility is being carried out by the CDS company.

As 47news learned, the floor in which the school’s gym was supposed to be located collapsed.

According to the vice-governor of the Leningrad region, Mikhail Moskvin, the collapse occurred due to the roof being overloaded with building materials. The head of the TsDS company, Mikhail Medvedev, said that the supplier of metal structures may be to blame for the collapse.


The school is part of the New Murino residential area under construction. Due to its absence, as local media reported in January, the residential complex could not be put into operation. The complex’s website states that “the final completion date for the New Murino residential complex is the 3rd quarter of 2017 (that is, by this time all the complex’s facilities will be completed).” “The exact date will be determined closer to the completion of construction. The construction schedule for residential buildings includes the parallel construction of a school and two kindergartens,” the website says

In Murino, six construction companies will pool their money to build a school for 1,000 students. The developers signed a corresponding agreement. The amount of investment is 800 million rubles. It was schools that became a stumbling block in relations between the region and developers in the Vsevolozhsk region. Previously, the regional government suspended the issuance of permits for the commissioning of several high-rise buildings at once. And the shareholders of the Desyatkino complex (also located in the Vsevolzhsky district of Leonobasti) found themselves under the threat of eviction, since the regional Gosstroynadzor revoked the company’s permission to put the building into operation after the issuance of keys began. By the way, the Desyatkino developer was among the signatories of the agreement for the construction of the school. According to the plan, six schools should be built in Murino. In addition, there is an acute shortage of kindergartens. That is why the governor gave developers an ultimatum - to build social facilities, roads and the necessary infrastructure at the same time or ahead of the construction of residential complexes.

Leningrad regional television company, February 8

May 8, 11:48 Following the collapse, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Part 2 of Article 216 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of safety rules during construction work, resulting in the death of a person through negligence). The deceased, as stated by the department, was an employee of an organization that rented a car with a compressor. He was 55 years old.

According to 47news, the man’s name was Yuri Trofimov, he left behind a wife and two children (they are 29 and 31 years old, respectively), and he worked for the individual entrepreneur Yuri Kuznetsov. The main activity of this individual entrepreneur is “rental of construction machinery and equipment with an operator.” At the time of the collapse, he was presumably sleeping in a car parked next to the school and did not hear how all the workers were evacuated.

Video of the moment of the collapse.

The school building collapsed five kilometers from St. Petersburg, in the village of Murino, Leningrad Region. Builders blame the supplier of metal structures, regional authorities blame the builders, experts advise checking the foundation. Before the collapse, the roof swayed for 10 minutes and then collapsed.

Today, May 7, in the afternoon in the village of Murino, which is located five kilometers from the Ring Road, the second floor of a school under construction for 700 places collapsed. The facility was supposed to be put into operation at the beginning of the summer, and in the fall the educational institution was supposed to accept its first students.

A video posted on the Internet shows how suddenly part of the roof of a building on Novaya Street between residential buildings collapses, ceilings break, and walls fly down onto parked cars. Cameras from a nearby house captured the collapse.

It is known that the construction of the school building was carried out by the construction company TsDS as part of the development of the New Murino residential area. Note that CDS is one of the largest construction companies in the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg.

Emergency Situations Ministry employees arrived at the scene and found the body of the deceased while clearing the rubble.

According to the Vice-Governor of the Leningrad Region, Mikhail Moskvin, who is in charge of the construction block, the second floor of the school, where the school’s gym was supposed to be located, collapsed. “The roof of the main building and the roof of the school’s sports and assembly halls consist of different elements. The structure above the gym is lightweight. It consists of corrugated sheeting, insulation, insulating layer, screed and soft roof. There may have been too much material lifted onto the roof. Now construction supervision is looking into this,” Moskvin told the 47news portal.

The head of the construction company TsDS, Mikhail Medvedev, told the publication that the supplier of the structures may be to blame for the collapse. “Now we’re figuring it out. Perhaps the structures are of poor quality,” said the head of the construction company.

According to the construction plans, the school for 700 places was supposed to be put into operation in June, and in September the educational institution was supposed to accept its first students. It is known that the standard project for the construction of the facility was developed by the construction company itself, and the building block of the Leningrad Region government included it in the list of standard projects of the Ministry of Construction.

Residents of a house located near the school are confident that one of the reasons for the collapse of the building was non-compliance with work regulations - the school was built at night. However, a representative of the construction company said that construction work is carried out strictly according to regulations, until 23:00. He also drew attention to the fact that only finishing and landscaping work was carried out at the site.

The company also said that the roof structure began to oscillate 10 minutes before the collapse. At this time, the evacuation of workers was announced. However, a collapsed wall covered the Gazelle, in which the compressor unit operator was located. According to preliminary data, he fell asleep at the wheel and did not hear the workers leaving the construction site.

Experts suggest that the cause of the collapse should be sought in the foundation of the damaged building. “I watched the video of the school collapse. Judging by the way the structures have developed, it's a matter of foundation. It is necessary to look at who carried out the engineering surveys and carried out geological exploration of the Murino soils. Today we have big problems with this in the region,” said Lev Kaplan, vice-president of the St. Petersburg Union of Construction Companies.

In the meantime, owners of cars damaged in the school collapse are advised to record all the facts in photographs and videos, so that they can later present them when considering a claim for damages. According to preliminary data, about 10 cars were damaged during the emergency.

Later, Vice-Governor of the Leningrad Region Mikhail Moskvin, explaining that according to preliminary data, the collapse occurred during work on the roof, stressed that all construction work on the site had been stopped until the reasons for the incident were clarified.

“The company refers to low-quality metal structures, but technological violations when pouring the roof cannot be ruled out. Finding out the reasons and conducting an examination will take at least two weeks, after which a decision will be made either to dismantle the structures located under the gym or to restore them,” the official noted.

Let us note that Murino is the most rapidly developing settlement in the Leningrad region. According to official data at the end of last year, 27 residential complexes from 17 developers were being built here. The approximate population is estimated at 50 thousand people. At the same time, there is only one school for 1,224 places in the village, which was opened last year, and three kindergartens.

In general, there are about 18 thousand children on the waiting list for kindergartens in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region, which includes Murino. At the same time, preschool and school educational institutions under construction cannot satisfy the demand of new residents of the Leningrad region for facilities - permission to build new high-rise buildings is issued faster than consent to the construction of necessary social facilities.

So it is with the collapsed school in Murino - now it is unknown how long the children will study in another school, which is located in a neighboring village, 10 kilometers from the village.

The roof of the school gym in Murino swayed for a couple of minutes. The workers were saved by lunch, and the inspection team was lucky from management. Then everything collapsed and crushed the sleeping man. The investigator is preparing for a criminal case. If this had happened in the fall, the news would have been full of arrests and personnel decisions.

The building of a school under construction on Novaya Street in Murino collapsed at 12:53. The educational institution is almost completed and is located between the third and fourth buildings of building No. 7 in the New Murino residential complex of the CDS company. School classes were supposed to start on September 1.

Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived at the scene. 55-year-old Yuri Trofimov, a compressor unit operator, died. He fell asleep in the Gazelle and did not hear the workers running away from the school construction site. According to eyewitnesses, before the collapse. Trofimov worked for individual entrepreneur Yuri Kuznetsov. According to 47news, the deceased worker is survived by two children and a spouse. Trofimov moved to St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 2000s from the Novgorod region. We were unable to contact his employer.

Construction Vice-Governor Mikhail Moskvin immediately answered the call from 47news. “The roof of the main building and the roof of the sports and assembly halls of the school consist of different elements. The structure above the gym is lightweight. Perhaps too much material was lifted onto the roof. Construction supervision is now looking into this,” the official said and added that all construction work. “Finding out the reasons and examining them will take at least two weeks, after which a decision will be made either about the structures located under the gym or about their restoration,” the official answered us.

The owner of the TsDS company, Mikhail Medvedev, already half an hour after the collapse, told 47news that, according to preliminary data, there may be a . Allegedly, there are doubts about their quality.

The general state of confusion did not work in favor of the riot police explosives experts. Immediately after the roof collapsed, attention was drawn to an abandoned suitcase in the school building. Explosive technicians from the Russian National Guard arrived at the scene. But before their arrival, the call was canceled.

According to CDS employees, there could have been more victims if not for the lunch. 47news interlocutors noted one more detail - at the time of the collapse there was an inspection at the construction site. “There was a construction director with his retinue, a general director of the contractor with his assistants. Naturally, there was also a gym in the tour plan,” noted an interlocutor at the company.

Local residents naturally reacted to the emergency on social networks.

“I live on the 27th floor in a house next to a school. The house suddenly shook violently, a roar was heard. I looked out the window, saw dust, heard the screams of workers,” Aigul Islamova, a resident of Murino, told 47news. “The first thought was that now our house will collapse, but everything turned out okay. In general, workers were screaming below, running inside the playground near the school,” she, among others, reported on the VKontakte social network. Someone blamed the builders for being in a hurry and working even at night. However, the TsDS press service insists.

Vice-Governor for Social Policy Nikolai Yemelyanov said that the timing of commissioning of the educational institution may be shifted. “According to the schedule, this school for 700 places should have been put into operation by September 1. Naturally, today we are concerned that the completion date may be delayed,” commented Emelyanov. According to him, educational institutions are no longer being built under this project in the Leningrad region. Already in the evening, Emelyanov said that if the school is not put into operation by September 1. Children enrolled in it.

Meanwhile, the regional committee of state construction supervision reported to 47news that it was planned to check the results of the construction of the above-ground part of the school at the end of May. According to preliminary data, .

Vice President of the St. Petersburg Union of Construction Companies Lev Kaplan spoke after watching the video. “Judging by the way the structures have developed, it’s a matter of the foundation. We need to look at who carried out the engineering surveys and carried out geological exploration of the Murinsky soils. Today we have big problems with this in the region. The market is full of hacks,” Kaplan noted.

By the way, the only one who did not react publicly to the incident was the head of the Vsevolozhsk district administration, Andrei Nizovsky. He did not pick up the phone when the journalist called. Although, on this day they even answered us at the All-Russian Society of Motorists. They advised car owners who were caught in the rubble.

On May 7, the Investigative Committee of the Leningrad Region is collecting materials to initiate a criminal case. Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladlen Aksenov held a video meeting. Lieutenant governors and officials of lower rank immediately spoke with 47news and none of them asked to contact in the prescribed manner. But the last one will be found only after carrying out the most complex technical examinations. Of course, a person died, but, probably, they are all thinking about something else.

If this had happened at 12:53 four months later, when there were 700 children at the school, then by the time this material was written, searches would have already taken place in the office of the developer, and several people would have been detained by the Investigative Committee. And the federal authorities would be forced to at least somehow reassure parents through personnel reprisals at the regional level.

Evaluation of information

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