Compulsory state insurance. Types of compulsory state insurance State insurance

compulsory social insurance is a separate part of the general financial system of the state. Its main distinguishing feature is the targeted nature of the funds created. The development of the financial system of social insurance is an integral function of the social state.

Currently, these funds include: Russian Federation, Russian Federation, (federal and territorial). They are insurance organizations.

Exist two forms of social protection person. First— material support from funds accumulated in budgets of all levels, including local government budgets. This form is called social assistance. It is intended for citizens, mostly disabled, who cannot socially protect themselves on their own. The funds that the state and local governments can allocate for social welfare depend on the taxes collected. With a decrease in budget revenues, the amount of funds allocated for social welfare inevitably decreases.

Second form of social protection of a person from risks - social insurance, i.e., the creation of target funds of funds. This form of social protection is intended for able-bodied citizens who have independent income, but are at risk of losing it in whole or in part. Such a threat constantly exists due to the presence of social risks.

Social risks include: temporary loss of ability to work as a result of illness, need for medical care, occupational disease and disability, loss of work, loss of a breadwinner in the family. In addition, social risks are events that affect the financial situation of people (motherhood and old age).

Social welfare and social insurance are often referred to as social security. In this case, this concept is adequate to the concept of social protection. The concept of “social security” is contained in the current documents of the International Labor Organization in the Russian Federation (part II, chapter 24 “Unified social tax (contribution)”. It is used in the field of legal relations. Legal relations on social security are understood as relations between citizens regulated by legal norms with social protection authorities on issues of assignment and payment of pensions and benefits.

Principles of compulsory social insurance

Social insurance is guaranteed by the state. This means that if there is a shortage of funds to pay statutory benefits, funds must be allocated from. The insured themselves, i.e., employees, participate in the management of compulsory social insurance through their representatives. Compulsory social insurance is based on the joint liability of the insured for individual insurance risks.

It is a system of legal, economic and organizational measures created by the state aimed at compensating or minimizing the consequences of changes in the financial situation of working citizens exposed to social risks.

Compulsory social insurance begins from the moment the employee enters into an employment contract. Consequently, every employee allowed to work is insured. Insurance premiums go to a specialized organization that is an insurer.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Basics of Compulsory Social Insurance” dated June 9, 1999 stipulates insured events, upon the occurrence of which the insured person receives one form or another of material support from the insurer. This support is called compulsory social insurance. (Not to be confused with social security, which is adequate to the concept of social protection!)

The basic principles of compulsory social insurance include:

  • the stability of the financial system of compulsory social insurance, ensured by the equivalence of insurance payments and insurance contributions;
  • compulsory nature of social insurance;
  • state guarantees of respect for the rights of insured persons to protection from social insurance risks;
  • state regulation of the compulsory social insurance system;
  • parity of participation of representatives of workers, employers and the state in the management of compulsory social insurance;
  • mandatory payment by policyholders (employers) of insurance premiums;
  • targeted use of funds;
  • autonomy of the financial system of compulsory social insurance.

It is necessary to distinguish compulsory social insurance from compulsory state insurance, to which persons of certain professions are subject, for example, military personnel, astronauts, donors, and personnel of nuclear installations.

Compulsory social insurance (as opposed to social assistance) has its own financial base, independent of income received by budgets of all levels.

Compulsory state insurance

Compulsory insurance can be in the form of compulsory state insurance carried out at the expense of the budget.

Compulsory personal state insurance established for all employees of tax authorities, police, prosecutors, judges, military personnel of internal troops, citizens called up for military training. Mandatory state property insurance provided for in case of damage caused by destruction or damage to property in connection with the performance of official activities (for example, the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). Insurance compensation for compulsory state insurance is made mainly from budget funds.

Relations regarding compulsory state insurance, where state as an obligatory subject of all financial legal relations acts as insurer of property and personal interests of certain categories of citizens.

Unlike legal relations on compulsory insurance, in relations on compulsory state insurance, one of the parties is always the state or a body authorized by it, and insurance is carried out (for the insured) free of charge - at the expense of the budget.

Which insurance company is better? This question is usually asked by policyholders who are taking out a policy for the first time, as well as those who have had negative experiences with insurance companies. Most often people are interested in the issue of timely payments for insurance cases and reliability, which, in the opinion of many, can be provided by insurance companies with government support.

Principles for choosing an insurer

Most often, the choice of a company is influenced by subjective reasons, such as: the proximity of the insurance company’s office, the cost of the insurance policy, the competence of the employee or insurance agent. Some of these factors may be important in each individual case, but are not decisive. The main thing is the reliability of the insurance company and the ability to fulfill obligations under the policy. And this can be done with a greater degree of probability by insurance companies with government support. This means that even during a crisis the insurer is able to make all payments. You can also conduct your own analysis, based on reviews of insurance companies, their ratings, and studying official websites. To your own analysis, it is worth adding recommendations from friends and relatives about their experience of cooperation. Today there are more than a hundred companies on the insurance market. Therefore, it is quite difficult to make a choice. To help you make your choice, there are independent rating agencies, insurer associations, etc., which publish annual and quarterly ratings based on an analysis of the financial condition and volume of reported but not settled payment cases. You can safely trust this information.

Insurance company ratings

External factors, such as: the size and change of assets and equity, authorized capital, total insurance premium;

Does the company belong to some important stable market segments (associations), the company’s reputation, brand recognition and price, obligations to supervisory authorities, insurance portfolio;

Management (owners, their financial indicators, whether the company is affiliated with companies from other industries, what is owned, risk management, attitude towards improving the quality of management, information infrastructure, existence of contracts with audit firms, access to these reports);

Geography of market presence (branch network).

Insurance business: insurance portfolio (its stability, types of insurance, risk percentage, reinsurance obligations);

Client base (structure of the client base, renewals, share of main clients, percentage of terminated contracts, percentage of active insurance agents);

Reinsurance (reinsurance of risks, their size, reliability of reinsurance policy);

Financial indicators (current liquidity ratio, large payments, fulfillment of obligations on them, availability of loans from the company, equity, accounts receivable);

Profitability and loss ratio (loss ratio, percentage of business expenses in the overall collection of insurance premiums);

Investment policy (investment objects, investment portfolio, its profitability, percentage of affiliates and subsidiaries).

The methodology for assigning a rating, taken as an example from the EXPERT RA agency, is presented in order to make it clear how difficult it is to objectively assess the condition of a company. Those. Ratings based on word of mouth are valid, but they are subjective. Reviews are also a relative indicator; they are often ordered or written on a wave of indignation, since among the clients there are both constantly satisfied and dissatisfied policyholders. It is extremely difficult to calculate the percentage of real reviews and custom ones yourself.

List of insurance companies with state participation

The best insurance company is the one you can trust. Passing information by word of mouth may be productive, but not in this case. As mentioned above, the reliability of a company is quite difficult to assess. But still, based on the conclusions of the rating agencies, we present a list of Russian insurance companies with state participation: VTB Insurance, ROSGOSSTRAKH, SPJSC RESO-Garantiya, SOGAZ insurance group, AlfaStrakhovanie insurance group, Yugoria.

"VTB Insurance"

The insurance group was founded in 2000. It is a systematic organization and the largest in Russia. It has 114 branches in different cities of Russia. Standard & Poor's, a well-known American rating agency, assigned it a long-term financial strength rating of BB+. This is the highest figure among domestic companies. "EXPERT RA" assigned the highest rating A++ to the VTB Insurance group. The company has licenses for all insurance products available on the market. Disadvantages: Long claims settlement time. Summarizing the reviews about the company, we can say that conflict situations are rare, the company is reliable, but the insurance products are expensive. However, policyholders will prefer this company, especially those who have had negative experiences with other insurers.


Long-lived and the largest state insurance company, or rather, a group of organizations. Many people turn to this company for a policy, because the network is very developed, and agencies are represented even in remote places. "EXPERT RA" gave an A++ level rating. It has licenses for all types of insurance services; in the regions, to a greater extent, the insurance portfolio consists of motor risks, i.e. MTPL policies. Due to monopolization in remote locations, agents often imposed additional insurance policies. After appeals to the Antimonopoly Committee, Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company's license to provide insurance under MTPL policies was temporarily revoked. In reviews you can often read about extremely long waits for payments, refusals to pay without reason, especially under compulsory motor liability insurance, but the court in this case is always on the side of the insured. They also write about the unreasonably underestimated damage assessment of this Russian insurance company with state support. The only plus in the reviews is a huge branch network and a large number of insurance agents.

SPAO "RESO-Garantiya"

It is also a systemically important company, founded in 1991. The policy is based on agency sales and agents with balanced insurance portfolios. It has more than 800 branches and more than 20 thousand agents. The number of clients - both legal entities and individuals - is more than 10 million.

Licenses for more than 100 types of insurance. Priorities: OSAGO, VHI, mortgage insurance. The Standard & Poor's agency assigned a BB rating. The generalized reviews are due to the fact that the company bases its activities on the work of agents, and therefore the reviews are mostly negative due to the incompetent work of specific agents.

Insurance group "SOGAZ"

Systemically important company. It ranks second in Russia in terms of insurance premium collections. The group includes both domestic and foreign insurance companies. More than 15 million individuals and 45 thousand legal entities have SOGAZ insurance policies. One of the areas is sponsorship activities (the company is the official insurer of all KHL championships). Just as with Rosgosstrakh, there were also reviews about the imposition of additional policies to MTPL policies, the refusal to issue a policy without concluding another one - for life or property insurance of individuals. The advantages in the reviews include prices for CASCO policies. The disadvantages, as in all large companies, speak only of the human factor in the work of specific agencies and branches.

State insurance company "Yugoria"

"Yugoria" has been operating in Russia for a long time. This company offers all standard insurance services.

According to statistics, the organization has a reliability rating of A. It happens that it drops to B++. Accordingly, this stands for "Reliable" and "Acceptable Reliability". Which isn't too high. It is for this reason that people do not trust Ugoria too much. Many people are skeptical about organizations with such a rating. This means that there are certain shortcomings that do not allow the company to work with 100% quality.

Insurance group "AlfaStrakhovanie"

Founded in 1992. The company's policy is aimed at meeting the needs of corporate clients for insurance products. The company is one of the largest insurers. Also has licenses for more than 100 different types of insurance. A fairly decent insurance portfolio, more than 450 thousand companies and 25 million individuals have AlfaStrakhovanie SG policies. The international agency Fitch Ratings assigned a rating at the BB level. The company is also very reliable. The reviews, like all companies, talk about late payments and poor service, and specifically and unreasonably low payments when settling losses. They also note veiled conditions in voluntary insurance policies, which appear when an insured event occurs and the company applies for payment.

The list of health insurance companies with state participation includes a certain number of organizations. Here are some of them: MAKS-M, ROSNO-MS, SOGAZ-Med, Rosgosstrakh-Medicine LLC, Capital Medical Insurance CJSC, etc.


The article is of a review nature; each person must subjectively decide which company to choose, based on his analysis or the positive experience of his friends or relatives with a particular company. But in any case, we must keep in mind that delays in payments for insurance claims are a normal occurrence in all insurance companies, including state-owned ones, the main thing is that they will pay in any case.

By the way, for more detailed and accurate information, you can refer to the Unified State Register of Insurance Business Entities. Data from the state register of insurance companies will help the common man navigate the insurance market.

Let us consider the state insurance system using the example of its mandatory form.

Compulsory state insurance was created for a specific purpose - to provide financial assistance to insured persons in the event of insurance risks. Responsibility for the timely calculation and transfer of insurance premiums lies with policyholders with whom insured Russian citizens have an employment relationship.

When an insured event occurs, the insured person must contact the Social Insurance Fund and document the need to receive funds from the state.

The main purpose of state insurance is to provide social security to people who have an employment relationship with their employers. When calculating wages, insurance premiums are withheld, which are transferred to the settlement accounts of social insurance funds within the time limits established by law. Working-age Russian citizens can count on help from Social Insurance funds in the event of insured events defined by Federal Law. On the territory of the Russian Federation, state social insurance is represented by:

  • - Social Insurance Fund;
  • - Pension Fund;
  • - Compulsory health insurance fund.

State social insurance forms its policy as follows:

  • - does everything possible to ensure that partnership relations exist between the state insured persons and policyholders;
  • - forms and uses, if necessary, various target funds;
  • - carries out prevention of social risks;
  • - creates funds (and finances them), funds from which cover current costs associated with the payment of benefits; carries out work aimed at increasing the standard of living for all categories of Russian citizens who are not participants in the labor process;
  • - carries out work in the system of reproduction of labor resources.

Currently, the following types of state government operate in Russia. social insurance:

  • - for temporary loss of ability to work by the insured person;
  • - health insurance;
  • - from industrial accidents and occupational diseases;
  • - for pension insurance of Russian citizens who have an employment relationship with policyholders.

On the territory of the Russian Federation the following applies:

  • - Voluntary insurance. Both insured persons and insurers, as well as Russian citizens who independently provide themselves with work, can take part in this type of social insurance. Non-state insurance companies can act as insurers, and therefore the state is not responsible for making payments between them and the insured persons.
  • - Compulsory insurance. Participants in this type of insurance are all Russian citizens (except for non-working disabled people and people in prison) who work in the education sector, as well as on the basis of: labor agreements, contracts under which work is performed or services are provided.

The main objectives of state social insurance are as follows:

  • - provide reliable protection to Russian citizens (insured persons);
  • - creation of conditions (both legal and economic) for individuals who have labor relationships with commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs, as well as for citizens of the Russian Federation who independently provide themselves with work so that they can earn their insurance rights;
  • - creation of mechanisms (managerial, organizational and legal) to ensure accounting of insurance premiums, payment of benefits, pensions and other material incentives; informing payers of insurance premiums and persons applying for benefits about the rules for calculating insurance premiums, as well as the concept of their rights and obligations.

The subjects of state social insurance are:

  • - insured persons. This category includes Russian citizens who have an employment relationship with employers (state enterprise, commercial company, individual entrepreneur);
  • - insurers. This category includes legal entities and individuals providing work to citizens living on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • - insurers. This category includes all bodies implementing state social insurance.

In 2016, the employer pays insurance premiums in the amount of 30% of the employee’s salary:

  • - Pension Fund (PFR) - 22%;
  • - Health Insurance Fund (FFOMS) - 5.1%;
  • - Social Insurance Fund (FSS) - 2.9%.
  • - insurance against accidents sustained at work - from 0.2% to 8.5%. state insurance employer contribution

Citizens of the Russian Federation who fall under the state social insurance program can receive, in addition to pensions and bonuses and additional payments to them, various benefits:

  • - paid in connection with loss of work;
  • - allocated for burial;
  • - allocated to women registering for pregnancy (in Russian medical institutions);
  • - paid at the birth of children; assistance to families who have minor children under the age of one and a half years.

When entering into an employment relationship with a commercial organization or individual entrepreneur, Russian citizens will be subject to state social insurance. A single social contribution will be deducted from their salaries on a monthly basis, so that in the event of an insurance risk, the insured persons will be able to count on state assistance.

Social insurance unites groups of people, protecting not only the insured persons, but also their family members, providing legal settlement of all issues.

Thanks to such state assistance, Russian citizens have the opportunity to realize their freedom and responsibility.

In the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Compulsory Social Insurance”, the legislator not only defines this type of insurance as a system of measures carried out by the state in order to compensate citizens for various types of social consequences associated with the occurrence of social insurance risks, but also notes the need for state management of the compulsory social insurance system. Public administration is entrusted to the Government of the Russian Federation, which creates insurers that provide compulsory social insurance.

Mandatory social insurance funds are federal state property, and insurers carry out their operational management.

Along with state control over the compulsory insurance system, trade unions also have the right to exercise trade union control over the use of compulsory social insurance funds.

The state guarantees the stability of the financial system of compulsory social insurance. Thus, if there is a shortage of funds for social payments in this system, the Government of the country must, when developing the draft federal budget for the next financial year, provide subsidies in amounts that will ensure the necessary payments for compulsory social insurance. At the same time, the legislation provides for the possibility of investing temporarily free funds of compulsory social insurance only under the obligations of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The compulsory form of insurance is distinguished by the following 2 principles:

  • a) compulsory insurance is established by law, according to which the insurer is obliged to insure the relevant objects, and policyholders are obliged to make due insurance payments. The law provides:
    • - list of objects subject to compulsory insurance;
    • - volume of insurance liability;
    • - level or norms of insurance coverage;
    • - the procedure for establishing tariff rates or the average sizes of these rates with the provision of the right to differentiate them locally;
    • - frequency of making insurance payments;
    • - basic rights of insurers and policyholders;
  • b) the validity of compulsory insurance regardless of the payment of insurance payments. In cases where the policyholder has not paid the due insurance premiums, they are collected in court. In the event of loss or damage to the insured property that is not paid for by insurance premiums, insurance compensation is subject to payment with deduction of debt on insurance payments. Penalties will be charged for insurance payments not made on time.

Voluntary insurance is when a contractual relationship is voluntarily concluded between the policyholder (individual or legal entity) and the insurer (insurance organization), which determines the protection of the property interests of the policyholder upon the occurrence of specified insured events at the expense of the insurer. The insurer's funds (insurance funds) are formed from insurance premiums paid by policyholders and the insurer's funds.

Types of voluntary insurance: life insurance; accident insurance, medical insurance (continuous health insurance); health insurance in case of illness; railway transport insurance; land transport insurance (except railway); air transport insurance; insurance of water transport (inland marine and other types of water transport); insurance of cargo and luggage (luggage); insurance against fires and natural disasters; property insurance (other than provided for in paragraphs 5 - 9); insurance of civil liability of owners of ground transport (including carrier liability); liability insurance for air transport owners (including carrier liability); liability insurance for water transport owners (including carrier liability); insurance of liability to third parties (otherwise than provided for in paragraphs 12 - 14); loan insurance (including the borrower's liability for non-repayment of the loan); investment insurance; financial risk insurance; legal expenses insurance; insurance of issued guarantees (guarantees) and accepted guarantees; medical expenses insurance; other types of voluntary insurance.

Thus, state insurance was created for a specific purpose - to provide financial assistance to insured persons in the event of insurance risks. Responsibility for the timely calculation and transfer of insurance premiums lies with the policyholders with whom the insured persons have an insurance relationship.

In developed countries, in market conditions, public insurance often acts as a way to provide assistance in conducting various types of economic activities, protecting against particularly dangerous and specific risks (military risks, especially in wartime, nuclear and space risks, credit, investment risks). In conditions of a state monopoly on insurance (for example, in the USSR), there is only state insurance.

Under state insurance national insurance) in some countries is also understood as a system of forming, at the expense of taxes and insurance fees, special monetary funds intended to finance unemployment and sickness benefits, as well as state pensions for long service.

State insurance can be carried out in compulsory and voluntary form.

State insurance in the USSR

In the USSR, state insurance was a system of union-republican bodies (State Insurance Administrations of union and autonomous republics, territories, regions, city and district insurance inspections) providing insurance coverage to the population, collective farms, and cooperatives according to uniform rules through the USSR State Insurance.

The state monopoly on insurance in the Soviet Union was secured by the regulation on the State Insurance of the USSR, approved by the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on September 18, 1925.


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State insurance is a set of measures aimed at the formation of insurance funds

The funds accumulated in the funds are used to compensate for material damage to the property and health of participants as a result of the occurrence of insured event.

The participants of the system are Individuals and legal entities making contributions to the insurance fund. Russian legislation defines most types of state insurance as mandatory.

Fund income at the same time, not only can they be formed due to contributions from participants, but also through subsidized funding from the federal budget, as well as investing free capital.

The types and features of state insurance in Russia will be covered in this material.

State property and life insurance

In accordance with a number of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, compulsory state insurance is subject to valuable property and lives of law enforcement officers and military personnel.

In this case, the administration of specialized insurance funds is carried out government agency, which is subordinate to a specific participant in the system.

Social insurance

On territory of the Russian Federation social insurance is an integral component of the state system social support of the population.

The funds, whose assets are formed from mandatory contributions from citizens, are used to insure Russians against negative changes in their financial situation.

As insurance in this case These include pensions, targeted social benefits and payment for treatment of workers. Depending on the sources of income generation and focus on certain categories of the population, state social insurance is divided into several subspecies, each of which will be discussed below.

Pension insurance

Participation in the pension insurance system in Russia is mandatory for every able-bodied employee. A fund whose assets are formed primarily from employee contribution account, is used to provide citizens who have reached retirement age.

The amount of pension savings of each participant in the insurance system closely correlates with the amount of insurance contributions from the place of work.

In addition to mandatory payments, participants in state pension insurance can optionally contribute additional funds to the fund in order to increase personal savings.

The main types of social security are considered pensions related to reaching a certain age, becoming disabled and losing a breadwinner.

Health insurance

Another type of state social insurance is medical insurance. The funds accumulated in the fund are used to pay for medical services provided to system participants who have made at least one contribution. The costs are borne by the insurance organization servicing the specific policy.

Voluntary social insurance

Along with compulsory types of social insurance, there are also voluntary. At their request, working citizens of the Russian Federation can insure themselves against temporary loss of ability to work due to receiving work injury or going on maternity leave.

Similarly, workers can voluntarily insure themselves against occupational diseases.

Drivers' civil liability insurance

Citizens of the Russian Federation who own a vehicle or are authorized to drive it must insure your civil liability.

Registration of an MTPL policy allows drivers to count on receiving compensation for damage to their car and health in the event of an accident.

This type of insurance is not state-owned, but many citizens regard it as such due to the mandatory nature of issuing a policy. However, the administration of drivers' liability insurance funds is handled by private organizations.

Additional funding for public insurance?

Most public insurance funds are additionally financed for budget account. The size of subsidies for the coming year is approved at the government level.

Also, government bodies administering insurance funds have the right, in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation invest accumulated free funds.