A document that determines the recalculation of the estimated cost of construction. “Guidelines for the use of reference price reference books for design work for construction (Project)

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ORDER of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 12/30/99 170 ON THE APPROVAL OF METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORGANIZING AND CARRYING OUT CURRENT REPAIRS... Relevant in 2018


5.1. The development of market relations in the system of maintenance and repair of the housing stock predetermined the need to move from traditional formal cost planning to determining the market value (price) of current repairs.

5.2. The cost of current repairs (price) is determined in the form of the estimated cost of work, calculated on the basis of specially developed estimate norms and prices that ensure reimbursement of economically justified costs and profit in the amounts necessary to make tax payments and generate enterprise funds.

5.3. It is recommended to use local branded estimate standards and prices (hereinafter referred to as FSN) for the maintenance and repair of housing stock, developed taking into account local natural and climatic conditions, technical and operational features of the housing stock and approved in the prescribed manner.

FSN must take into account the typical features of carrying out routine repairs: work in buildings in use, the presence of cluttering objects in the work area, small-scale types of work and a significant proportion of manual labor.

5.4. FSN are intended to determine the estimated cost (price) of work, as well as to draw up estimates, estimate calculations and priced inventories of work when forming contract prices under a work contract, making payments for work and services performed between the customer and contractors.

5.5. The customer (the owner, his authorized body, management organization), based on the inventories of work using the Federal Tax Service, determines the costs of routine repairs of the housing stock of the next calendar year.

5.6. Company estimate norms and prices can be used for the purposes of in-production planning and management, which is established by the contracting organization itself.

5.7. The cost indicators of the FSN should be determined in current prices as of the beginning of the planning period (January) with periodic indexing throughout the year.

5.8. At the first stage of calculating the basic estimated cost (price) of current repairs of a specific residential building, the cost of the entire complex of works is determined by element-by-element calculation of the costs of current repairs included in the inventory of works, and their subsequent summation.

5.9. The cost of work is calculated using the Federal Tax Service for the planning period at the current price level at the time of concluding the contract.

5.10. The amount of the basic estimated cost (price) is determined by summing up the cost of repair work and the estimated profit.

5.11. After all calculations have been completed, value added tax is added to the base estimated cost (price) in the amount established by law (except for cases when a municipal order is issued).

5.12. Company estimate standards and prices are recommended and become mandatory for use by both parties only after they are included in the relevant sections of the contract. FSN cannot be used by both the customer and the contractor unilaterally, indisputably.

5.13. The construction, presentation and execution of the FSN must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of VSN 58-88 (r), SNiP 10-01-94. System of estimate normative documents in construction and SP 81-01-94. Set of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-design and design and estimate documentation.

5.14. When developing and implementing the FSN, it is also recommended to use the Methodological provisions for the formation of a system for managing the cost of technical maintenance, maintenance and current repairs of the housing stock of St. Petersburg in the context of the transition to market relations, prepared by the Center for Research and Development in Urban Economy of CJSC Ecopolis (St. Petersburg ).

The cost of these types of work (services) is determined according to the relevant standards. The cost calculation procedure is the same and provides for the possibility of using three methods.
1. Depending on the natural indicators of objects (NPO) design according to directories of basic prices with subsequent indexing.
2 As a percentage of the estimated cost of construction in current prices according to reference price reference books.
3. By preparing a cost estimate based on the labor costs of workers performing design work.
Normative base
The main regulatory documents for determining the cost of design work are reference price reference books (BPR). Currently, it is possible to use directories in three price levels: as of 01/01/2001 (SBTs-01), and as of 01/01/1995 (SBTs-95) and as of 01/01/1991 (SBTs-91).
Modern directories of basic prices for design work for construction (SBC-01) have been published since 2003. The prices of newly issued directories are set depending on the nuts-and-bolts indicators of objects or as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction.
A similar procedure was adopted in the SBC-95 reference books, published in 1994-1999. Standards for determining the cost of design work as a percentage of the cost of construction at current prices were proposed in 1994. This happened in conditions of high inflation rates. Their use made the work more expensive; this was beneficial for design organizations and did not satisfy customers.
The price guide for design work for construction (SC-91), published in the period 1988-1990, established cost indicators for work depending on the natural indicators of design objects.
The prices of the newly issued reference price reference books, established depending on the NPO, cancel the prices contained in the relevant sections of the Price Book STs-91. The introduction of reference price reference books, set as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction, Fie provides for the abolition of the relevant sections of STs-91, but the use of Documents of a later edition is preferable.
The list of current reference books of basic prices for design work for construction is given in the appendix. 19. The SC and SBC include:
main provisions indicating the list of works [and costs accounted for and not accounted for in this collection;
base prices for design work by chapter (type of object);
tables of the relative cost of developing project documentation. When determining base prices using reference books, you should be guided by
also relevant methodological documents:
when using SBTs-01 - General guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work for construction", approved. Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 07.08.02 No. 102;
when using SBC-95 - “Explanations on the use of price collections and reference books of basic prices for design work for construction * - recommended by the State Construction Committee of Russia, 1999;
when applying STs-91 - “Temporary recommendations for determining base prices for design work for construction in market economic conditions, taking into account inflationary processes?” (Appendix No. 1 to the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 17, 1992 No. BF-1060/9).
The procedure for using reference price reference books
The procedure for using reference price reference books is established by the relevant Instructions of the State Construction Committee of Russia. They contain the main provisions adopted during the development of SBC-0 I, and the procedure for determining the cost of completed work, taking into account factors affecting their labor intensity.
Basic prices in the directories are determined in accordance with the composition of the project documentation, the procedure for its development, coordination and approval, established in SNiP 11-01-95. Prices include all costs for the development of project documentation and profit, excluding value added tax. The prices take into account additional costs associated with the participation of the design organization in approvals of the project in state and municipal authorities and its protection in inspecting and approving authorities, including the production of demonstration materials (except for models).
The base prices do not take into account a number of costs associated with additional or special studies that go beyond the scope of the facility design assignment. These include:
and development of design solutions in several options, with the exception of variant studies to select the optimal design solution;
survey and measurement work at facilities subject to reconstruction, expansion, and technical re-equipment;
development of detail drawings of metal structures (DM) and process pipelines; design documentation for custom-made equipment; working drawings and special
auxiliary structures, devices and devices when designing objects with particularly precise structures and methods of work;
development of construction and installation works (CEP) projects and design documentation for the construction of temporary buildings and structures for the needs of construction organizations;
design of automated enterprise control systems (APCS) and technological processes (APCS);
development of sections of the project “Engineering and technical measures for civil defense and protection from emergency situations” (ITM GOChS) and “Protection from environmental impacts>:> (EIA);
solutions for monumental and decorative design of enterprises, buildings and structures and interior design.
If any of the listed works is undertaken to be performed by the organization designing the construction project, this must be specifically stipulated in the contract and paid according to estimates and calculations drawn up in accordance with the relevant standards.
The base prices do not include and are reimbursed by the customer the costs of business trips, including administrative personnel, if they are directly related to the design of the facility.
The “Guidelines” contain recommendations for taking into account and assessing factors affecting the complexity of design work by applying correction factors:
with the mock-up design method - 1.05 at the “project” stage and 1.1 at the “detailed design” and “detailed documentation” stages (in the absence of such coefficients in specific reference books);
during construction in queues, the cost of developing detailed designs for enterprises and structures is determined according to the prices of reference books, based on the main indicators of each queue separately. In this case, up to 20% of the cost of developing a working design (without working documentation) or a design for all subsequent Phases is added to the cost of designing the first phase of construction;
Q the cost of linking standard projects is determined according to directory prices with a coefficient of 0.35; when making changes to standard projects - with a coefficient of up to 0.7;
p the price of developing design documentation for the construction of objects classified as unique and experimental is determined according to reference books g using a coefficient of 1.5 to the cost of those types of work that become more complex;
Q if the project provides for the installation of imported equipment used for the first time by the design organization, then a coefficient of up to 1.3 is applied to the cost of types of design work that become more complex in connection with this (as agreed with the customer);
Q When constructing enterprises, buildings and structures in difficult natural conditions, the following correction factors are applied to the cost of design work: Factors complicating design Coefficient Permafrost, subsidence, swelling soils, karst and landslide phenomena, location of the construction site above mine workings, in flooded zones, etc. . 1.15 Seismicity: 7 points 1.15 8 points 1.2 9 points., : 1.3 ?
If there are two or more complicating factors, coefficients are applied for each factor.
In "Instructions-?" it also contains recommendations on the procedure for determining the cost of developing design documentation for construction abroad:
the cost of implementing projects, detailed designs and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is determined by reference book prices using coefficients of 1.2, respectively; 1.04 and 1.0;
additionally, coefficients are applied that take into account the influence of complicating factors: No. Complicating factors Coefficients for the cost of developing a draft working documentation, working draft 1. Translation into a foreign language of text materials, technical documentation, inscriptions on drawings 1.1 1.05 2. Translation into a foreign language Russian language for materials from a foreign customer 1.03 1.03 3. Double check of calculations, drawings and specifications, calculations of the volume of work, estimate documentation and other design materials. Increased requirements for the preparation of design documentation 1.2 1.1 4. Application of foreign norms and standards for materials and equipment, performing structural calculations based on them 1.15 1.2 5. Development by a design organization for the first time of projects using equipment and materials purchased in countries of the customer or supplied from third countries 1.3 1.3 b. Differences in the parameters of frequency of current and voltage, within the permissible limits of their fluctuations (to the cost of designing electrical equipment, power supply, low currents, instrumentation, and, if necessary, other sections) 1.1 1.05 7. Features of the tropical climate (dry or humid) 1 ,15 1.1 No. Complicating factors Coefficients and costs of developing a project of working documentation, working design 8. Additional requirements for design documentation during the construction of facilities on a contractual basis, including the preparation of specifications for equipment and materials of temporary import 1.1 1 ,1
The prices of the reference books take into account the cost of preparing project documentation in 4 copies issued to the customer. The cost of design products issued at the request of the customer in excess of the specified quantity is paid additionally.
When the design time is reduced compared to the standard, in agreement with the customer, it is recommended to apply increasing factors to the cost of design work:
when the period is reduced by 1.2 times - to 1.1;
1.4 times - up to 1.2;
2 or more times - up to 1.4.
The costs of design organizations associated with their implementation of the functions of a general designer and supervision of design work transferred to subcontract are determined in the amount of up to 2% of the cost of subcontracted work and are paid additionally by the customer.
Determining the cost of design work depending on the natural indicators of design objects
The price for developing project documentation (P) is calculated using the formula:
C = (o + v x.V) x К11И1 x К ы x И1ші1ія/
where a and b are constant values ​​for determining the interval of the main indicator of the designed object;
X is the main indicator of the designed facility in accepted units of measurement: 1 me of the construction volume of buildings, km of the length of utility networks, etc.; K, is the general pricing coefficient for project development;
- general coefficient for complicating factors; I is the current index of changes in the base cost of completed work.
The coefficients used in determining the cost of design work are divided into pricing and those taking into account conditioning factors.
Price-forming coefficients include coefficients that establish the distribution of the base cost by type of construction, design stages, sections of the project, individual objects and types of work. When calculating the cost of a project, pricing coefficients are multiplied and give the overall coefficient K^.
Base prices in 1995 and 2001 directories. set to develop the project in two stages: Design and Working Documentation. The distribution of the base price by design stage is given in the “Basic provisions” section of each collection. For example, when designing housing and civil construction projects, the following distribution is recommended: Project (P) - 30%, Detailed documentation - .70%, Detailed design - 85% of the total base price for the development of design documentation. If it is necessary to develop a preliminary design, the base price is determined at no more than 15%. !
The cost of developing design documentation for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, workshops, buildings and structures is determined by reference prices based on the value of the main indicator, the designed object, which should be achieved as a result of its reconstruction, technical re-equipment, using a coefficient of up to 1.5 , established by the design organization in agreement with the customer.
The cost of developing technical documentation for major repairs of building structures of buildings and structures is determined according to the corresponding reference book of basic prices.
If it is impossible to use the specified directory, the cost of work can be determined using the corresponding directories of basic prices for design work for new construction conditions with a coefficient of up to 0.5, depending on the volume of work.
Factors that complicate design and methods for taking them into account, recommended in the “General Guidelines,” are discussed above. It is possible to clarify and supplement them in the General Provisions for individual reference books, as well as in the notes to the appendices;. the price tables contained in them.
For example, the general explanations of the Directory of Basic Prices for Housing and Civil Construction Projects contain the following recommendations:
1.6. The base price for designing an object in difficult conditions of inclusion of the object in the environment (object in a historical environment, in a protected landscape area, in complex confined areas, etc.) is determined by agreement with the customer using a coefficient of up to 1.2 to the architectural part of the project .
1.8.1 The base price for the design of combined or interconnected buildings and structures, as well as buildings with built-in premises for other purposes, if this combination, interlocking or incorporation is not provided for by the standards for their design, is determined by summing up the prices for the design of combined or interlocked individual buildings and structures, and also the main building and built-in premises.
In this case, the base price for designing the main building is accepted with a coefficient of 1, and the total cost of buildings connected to it or built-in premises is accepted with a reducing factor as agreed with the customer.
1.9.1 The basic price for designing buildings with enclosing and load-bearing structures made of monolithic concrete or volumetric blocks is determined by applying a coefficient of 1.4 to those sections whose development is more complicated.
The share of the cost of the design documentation section at any of the three design stages is taken in accordance with the table of the relative costs of developing design documentation.
If you need to calculate the cost of designing a complex or type of work, for example, pile foundations, the proportion of this type of design work in the relevant part of the project (in this case, the architectural and construction part) is determined by the design organization, based on the labor intensity of the work (in our example, 20 x 0.6 = 12%), and agreed with the customer.
When determining the cost of design work from reference books, in the presence of several complicating factors and in connection with this the application of several coefficients greater than one, the overall increasing coefficient K^ is determined by summing their fractional parts and one. When determining the price using several coefficients less than one, the overall reducing coefficient is determined by multiplying them. If increasing and decreasing coefficients are used simultaneously, the total increasing and total decreasing coefficients are first determined in the order indicated above, which are then multiplied.
Inflation indices for the cost of design work are set quarterly by the State Construction Committee to the base prices of 01/01/2001 and 01/01/1995. For the fourth quarter of 2007, the indices were set at 2.39 and 18.4, respectively. The latter index also applies to denomina on 01/01/1991, since during the transition from them to prices on 01/01/1995, the index 1000 was adopted, which after the denomination of 1998 turned into 1. Prices given in reference books of basic prices, known in 1994-1997, should be reduced by 1000 times, that is, instead of the unit of measurement “million.” rub. accept “thousand rubles.”
Below are examples of basic prices for design work for the construction of residential buildings (Table 3.22). A table is given of the relative cost of developing project documentation (according to SBC-01) (Table 3.23).
Determination of prices for design work depending on the estimated cost of construction
In a number of reference books of basic prices for design work in 1995, including for housing and civil construction, prices are set as a percentage of the total cost of construction in current prices:
where C is the price of design work in current prices; C - construction cost in current prices;
i is the percentage of the price of design work, taken according to the reference table, depending on the cost of construction in base prices and the category of complexity of the object (Tables 3.24, 3.25).
In SBC-95, the cost of construction is indicated in prices as of 01/01/1991; in SBC-01 - in prices as of 01/01/2001.
Since in construction there are basic prices as of 01/01/2000, the “General Guidelines” recommend using a coefficient of 1.38 to recalculate the cost to the price level as of 01/01/2001.
Table 3.22. Residential buildings No. Name of the design object Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design documentation, thousand rubles.
a s 1. 1-storey residential building with outbuildings m3 275.558 0.017 2. 2-storey residential building with outbuildings " 320.717 0.017 3. 3-storey residential building with outbuildings " 347.290 0.011 4. 4-storey residential building with outbuildings buildings " 368.947 0.011 5. 5-story residential buildings " 502.848 0.011 b. b-10-storey residential buildings " 820.224 0.011 7. 11-13-storey residential buildings " 916.896 0.014 8. 14-16-storey residential buildings " 1162.264 0.041 9. 17-20-storey residential buildings Notes:
The cost of developing standard designs for block sections with end facades and a stroller section is determined based on the prices of residential buildings.
When determining the base design price, the volume of the building is determined without taking into account the volumes of the technical floor, attic and underground.
Examples of calculating the cost of design work based on the Directory of basic prices for design work.
Determine the cost of developing design documentation (in two stages) for the construction of a residential building in St. Petersburg.
The residential building is 12-storey, monolithic, built into the existing buildings of the historical part of the city. The construction volume of the building is 32,240 m;>.
Option 1
The calculation is carried out according to the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction. Objects of housing and civil construction. - M., 2003
Option 2
Calculation of the price of design work as a percentage of the cost of construction, compiled according to the Directory of basic prices for design work. Objects of residential and civil construction, 1994 (SBC-95).
Calculations are drawn up in a form according to sample 2p (MDS 81-35.2004, appendix 2). Table 3.23. Tables of the relative cost of developing project documentation (as a percentage of the price)
Tables of relative costs are given for the following design stages: project (Non-working design (RP); working documentation (P).
Residential buildings, outbuildings, hotels, dormitories, boarding houses 1= c z: Table number, item number g b
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a Protection of the natural environment 1. Iab/kіlDi. Residential buildings up to 10 floors P 57 - - 3 E 2 2 - 3 10 i 9 10 R 60 _ _ in 6 7 3 _ - 4 - - 12 - RP 58 - - 7 b b 3 - - 4 2 i 11 d 2. Table. 1 lp. Residential buildings with more than 10 floors P 59 - - 2 g 2 2 - 3 10 i 9 10 7-10 R 60 - - v b 7 3 - - 4 - - 12 - RP 5V - - 7 b 6 3 _ 2 i 11 2 3. Table. 2 Hotels,
lady P 50 6 1 g 2 2 - - 3 10 i 9 10 Р 53 6 2 в 5 7 3 _ - 4 - - 12 - РР 51 b 2 7 5 b 3 - 4 2 i 11 2 Table 3.24. Percentages of base prices for housing and civil construction projects
No. Cost of construction in 1991 prices, milli rubles. Based the price of design work on the total cost of construction in 1991 prices, % Complexity categories I II III IV V 1 0.5 4.80 6.19 - - - 2 1 4.37 5.64 6.42 - - 3 2 3 .93 5.19 5.96 7.05 - 4 3 3.51 4.53 5.71 6.79 7.85 5 4 3.39 4.36 5.52 6.55 7.58 b 5 3, 26 4.20 5.33 6.31 7.32 7 6 3.20 4.13 5.24 6.21 7.19 8 7 3.15 4.06 5.15 6.10 7.07 9 8 3.09 3.99 5.06 5.99 6.95 10 9 3.02 3.92 4.95 5.88 6.83 . 11 10 2.97 3.84 4.87 5.79 6.71 12 20 2.76 3.50 4.54 5.38 6.26 13 30 2.55 3.13 4.21 4.97 5, 82 14 40 2.33 2.85 3.86 4.58 5.29 15 50 2D6 2.79 3.57 4.23 4.90 . 16 60 2.11 2.72 3.47 4.13 4.78 17 70 2.06 2.65 3.38 4.03 4.67 18 80 2.01 2.58 3.30 3.92 4, 56 19 90 1.96 2.52 3.21 3.85 4.45 20 100 1.91 2.46 3.13 3.72 4.34 21 150 1.86 2.39 3.04 3.61 4.22 22,200 1.81 2.32 2.95 3.51 4D0 23,250 1.75 2.26 2.86 3.41 3.89 24,300 1.70 2.20 2.79 3.31 3.86 25 350 1.65 2.14 2.71 3.20 3.74 26,400 1.60 2.07 2.62 3.09 3.63 27,450 1.55 2.01 2.53 2.99 3.51 28,500 1.50 1.93 2.45 2.89 3.40 29,550 1.45 1.87 2.37 2.79 3.28 30,600 1.40 1.83 2.29 2.69 3, 16 31,650 1.39 1.81 2.28 2.67 3.13 32,700 _ 1.79 2.27 2.66 3.12 33,800 - - 2.26 2.65 3.11 34,900 - - - 2.64 3.10 35 1000 and more - - - 2.63 3.09 Table 3.25. Nomenclature of residential and civil engineering objects
N2 item Name of the design object Characteristics of the design object Complexity category of the design object I I Ш IV V 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 3 2.2. Garden houses, temporary (summer) residential buildings + 2.3. Dormitories and shelters With shared kitchens and bathrooms + With bathrooms in the rooms and a developed public part + 2.4. Multi-storey residential buildings For municipal construction For non-municipal construction 2.5. Low-rise detached houses + and blocked urban-type houses (up to 4 floors) + 2.6. Mansions, villas, terraced residential buildings and urban-planning particularly significant multi-storey buildings and complexes + 2.7. Special residential buildings for the disabled and the elderly + 2. Residential buildings, hotels 2.1. Outbuildings and auxiliary buildings at the house + 2.2. Garden houses, temporary (summer) residential buildings 2.3. Dormitories and shelters With shared kitchens and bathrooms + With bathrooms in the rooms and a developed public part + 2.4. Multi-storey residential buildings For municipal construction + For non-municipal construction +
Table 3.25 (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 b 7 a 2.5. Low-rise detached and semi-detached urban-type houses (up to 4 floors) + 2.6. Mansions, villas, terraced residential buildings and urban planning especially significant multi-storey buildings and complexes + 2.7. Special residential buildings for the disabled and the elderly + thousand rubles.
Table 3.26. Estimate for design work Sample No. 2p
Appendix to (agreement, additional agreement, work order) Estimate for design (survey) work
Name of the enterprise, building, structure, design stage, floor, type of design
or survey work
Residential building, project + working documentation
Name of the design (survey) organization
Name of the customer organization No. Characteristics of the enterprise, building, structure or type of work Numbers of parts, chapters, tables, percentages, paragraphs and points of instructions for the section of the Collection of basic prices for design and survey work for construction cost calculation..
¦¦¦¦ - xK.
(o + ex)J
volume of construction and installation work%
or quantity x price Cost 1 3 4 5 1. Residential 12-storey monolithic building.
Construction volume 32,000 m3 Reference price guide, 2003 (916.896+ 0.014x32,000) x x (1 + 0.2 x 0.597 +0.4 x x 0.627) x 2.39 4469.08 thousand rubles.
table 1.7. General provisions, clause 1.6, K1 = 1.2 for the architectural part (specific weight 0.597) VAT x 18% = 804.43 clause 1.9, Kg = 1.4 for the architectural and construction part and PIC (specific weight weight 0.627) Total including VAT 5273.51 thousand rubles.
1 2 3 4 5 2. Residential 12-storey monolithic building. The estimated cost of construction in current prices (excluding VAT) is 136,610 thousand rubles. Directory of basic prices for design work, 1994, table. 3, paragraph 2.4 - IV category of complexity. Table 3, paragraph 3, 4 Estimated cost of construction in prices as of 01/01/1999 6,959 136610- " - 100
The residential building is 12-storey, monolithic, built into the existing buildings of the historical part of the city. The construction volume of the building is 32,240 m;>.
= 9506.69 thousand rubles.
136610 58.16 = 2348.87 thousand rubles. VAT-187a- = 1711.2 thousand rubles.
58.16 - construction cost index. Percentage of the base price of design work Total including VAT RUB 11,217.8 thousand.
7.05 - (7.05 - 6.79) 0.349 = 6.959%
Explanations for calculations. ¦І According to the table. 1, clause 7 SBC-01 are determined: a - 918.896 thousand rubles. and в = 0.014 thousand rubles.
Pricing coefficient (0.3 + 0.7) =1.
The calculation is carried out according to the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction. Objects of housing and civil construction. - M., 2003
In accordance with clause 1.6 of the General Provisions for the SBC, when designing an object in a historical environment, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied “to the architecturally-strict part of the project.” The share in accordance with the table of the relative cost of project development: at the project stage - 59%, working documentation - 60 for the project as a whole - 59.7%.
In accordance with clause 1.9 of the General Provisions to SBC-01, the base price for designing buildings with enclosing and load-bearing structures made of monolithic concrete is determined by applying a coefficient of 1.4 to those sections whose development is becoming more complicated - that is, to architectural and construction and PIC. Share of sections: 0.3 (60 +0)07 = 63%.
The overall complexity factor is 1 + 0.2 0.6 + 0.4 0.63 = 1.37.
2.39 - inflation index for the fourth quarter of 2007.
Based on the cost of construction of a residential building in October 2007 prices, the price for developing project documentation is calculated.
A comparison of the cost of design work according to the first and second calculations indicates that in SBC-95 either the percentage of the cost of design work was overestimated, or the indices for design work significantly lag behind the indexation of construction and installation work 18.4 and 58.16.
Determining the cost of design work based on labor costs
In the absence of standard indicators of basic cost, it is allowed to determine the individual price of design work by calculating it on the basis of labor costs. It is recommended to determine them either according to standard labor intensity standards adopted in the design organization, or based on the number of performers and the time of their work in days.
When calculating the cost of design work, specialists are guided by the Methodological Recommendations on the composition and accounting of costs included in the cost of design and survey products (works, services) for construction, and the formation of financial results,” M., 1995.
The grouping of costs for design and survey work includes the following expense items:
labor costs for production personnel;
unified social tax,
depreciation (wear and tear) of fixed production assets;
materials and services;
travel expenses;
survey costs; ; .
expenses associated with the use of electronic computer technology;
other direct costs;
The cost of design and survey work includes profit - 15% - An estimate is drawn up according to f. Salary, the sample is given in MDS 81-35.2004 (Table 3.27). In the cost of design work, the main share is occupied by the cost of remuneration of production personnel (30-40%); in this example - 41.2%.
Table 3.27. Estimate for design work Sample No. Salary
Appendix to agreement No.
from 2007
Estimate No. 29-P
for design work on power supply of the administrative building Name of the design organization CJSC "NPP..."
Name of the customer organization SPb TUP No. List of work performed Performers Number of man-days Average wages for 1 day Salary (total) Number Position 1 Information preparation and collection of initial data for design 1 Manager. development 3 1250 3750 1 Beg. projects, groups b 1125 6750 Ved. will perform 10,833.33 16,666.6 2 Electrical calculations 1 Manager. development b 1250 7500 1 Beg. projects, groups 12 1325 13 500 Ved. performer 18,833.33 29,999.88 3 Development of diagrams, drawings 1 Manager. development 9 1250 11 950 1 Beg. projects, groups 12 1125 13 500 Ved. executor 20,833.33 33,333.2 4 Coordination of design solutions 1 Manager. development 3 1250 3750 1 Beg. project, groups 5 1125; 6750 2 Ved. performer 10,833.33 16,666.6 Total wages 163,416.28 Unified social tax 0.26 42,488.23 Other direct costs 0.3 49,024.88 Total direct costs 254,929.39 Overhead costs 0.35 89,225.29 Total cost 344,154.68 Profit 0.15 51,623.2 Rub.

198 Chapter 3. Drawing up local estimates for construction and other work
Table 3.27 (end)
No. List of work performed Performers Number of man-days Average wages for 1 day Salary (total) Number Position Total 395,777.88 VAT 0.18 71,240.02 Total with VAT 467,017.9 Compiled
Engineer estimator
Ch. engineer
Draw up a local resource list for the installation of columns and laying of beams in a one-story industrial building according to GESN-2001-07. "
Make local estimates for the installation of 100 rectangular columns in foundation cups using the example of GESN 07-01-001-5 using the resource method, according to TER and FER.
Compile a comparative table of local budget indicators and analyze the results.
Test questions
L The most accurate costing method is:
a) according to consolidated standards;
b) base-index;
c) resource;
d) resource index.
Initial data for compiling a local resource statement:
a) resource consumption rates;
b) design data;
c) collections of GESN and design data;
d) collections of standard indicators and design material.
Sources of prices for construction resources:
a) collections of STS, SSTS;
b) various information publications and catalogues;
c) sources specified in the contract.
The main reasons hindering the widespread use of the resource method of budgeting:
a) high labor intensity of work; 1. b) the absence of many resource consumption standards;
c) labor intensity and lack of coding for new materials.
Reasons for the low share of funds for labor costs in the estimated cost:
a) low labor costs;
b) norms and prices of labor costs;
c) statistical data on wages;
d) level of assessment of the workforce.
The aggregated standard (%) of overhead costs for housing and civil facilities for all industries is accepted in the amount of:
a) 106;
b) 95;
c) 110;
d) 112.
The starting material for drawing up estimates for repair work is:
1) work project, 2) design documentation, 3) defect list, 4) design project:
a) 1 + 2;
b) 3 or 4;
c) 2 or 3;
d) 4.
Costs for carrying out commissioning work as part of the consolidated estimate and their determination:
a) are not included;
b) turn on;
c) are included in idle work on the basis of estimates as part of Chapter 9 of the consolidated estimate.
.9. Name the regulatory documents used to determine the cost of design work:
a) unit prices;
b) directories of basic prices;
c) collections of estimate standards.
Yu. What determines the percentage of the price of design work?
a) from the cost of design work;
b) on the category of complexity of the object;
c) from the design stage.
Control questions
Initial data for drawing up local estimates (estimates).
Modern methods of budgeting. "G;
The initial basis for compiling a local resource list.
In what cases is the resource method of drawing up local estimates used?
The essence and basis of the base-stdex method of preparing estimates. j
Conditions for the use of FER in the regions (territories) of the Russian Federation.
What territorial adjustment factors and to what costs are they taken into account in the basic price level as of 01/01/2000 according to the FER for Sanisg-. St. Petersburg?
In what cases are indices used for elements of direct costs for a full range of works by type and for construction as a whole?
When are indices used for direct cost elements by type of work? .
The order of numbering of local estimates and rounding of numbers in them.
Distinctive features of FER and TER.
What did the preparation of local estimates for brickwork of walls using the resource method, according to FER and TER, show?
Is there any interest in comparing local estimates?
What is the purpose of enlarged estimate standards and in what cases is it advisable to use them?
Name the main types of modern consolidated estimate standards.,
What costs do the territorial aggregated prices for structures and types of work UR-2001 St. Petersburg contain?
What is the difference between consolidated and individual prices for structures and types of work?
How is a local estimate calculated using aggregated prices?
How are overhead costs and estimated profit determined in estimates based on aggregated unit prices?
What cost structure is included in the list prices for buildings and structures?
The cost of which objects can be determined using modern price lists for buildings and structures?
What is the purpose of the Integrated Indicators of the Basic Cost of Construction for Similar Objects (UPBS-2000) and in what cases are they used?
How to determine the cost of building a facility using UPSB-VR at the current price level?
What requirements should be followed when selecting an analogue project?
How to “process?” estimate documentation for an analogue facility to determine the cost of construction of the designed facility?
By what methods is the cost of design work determined? 1What costs for the development of design documentation are taken into account in reference price books? What's not included?
What is meant by pricing factors?
Name the factors that complicate design.
What is the procedure for establishing inflation indices for design and survey work; relative to what price level?
How is the category of design complexity determined?
What is the significance of relative cost tables in project documentation?
What costs make up the cost of design and survey work?
What is the procedure for determining the cost of design work based on labor costs?

Currently, the procedure for forming the estimated cost is determined by the Methodological Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation, developed by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Gosstroy of Russia and the Interregional Center for Pricing in Construction and the Building Materials Industry of the Gosstroy of Russia, introduced in effective from July 1, 1999.
These methodological recommendations are mandatory for use by all enterprises and organizations carrying out construction using budget funds and targeted extra-budgetary funds, and for construction projects financed from the organizations’ own funds, they are advisory in nature.
The basis for determining the estimated cost is:
. project and working documentation (drawings, statements of quantities for construction and installation work), specifications and statements for equipment; basic decisions on the organization and order of construction; explanatory notes to design materials);
. the current estimate and regulatory framework, put into effect on January 1, 1990 (it is also possible to use estimate standards and prices of 1984). In the absence of the necessary estimate standards, as well as for specialized construction projects, individual estimate standards can be used.
The estimated cost of construction in accordance with the technological structure of capital investments and the procedure for carrying out the activities of construction and installation organizations is determined by the following elements:
. construction works;
. installation work;
. costs for the acquisition (manufacturing) of main and auxiliary technological equipment, furniture and inventory;
. other costs (design, survey and research work, training of operational personnel, maintenance of the customer-developer service).
In practice, construction and installation works are combined into one item when calculating the estimated cost.
The estimated cost of construction and installation work is determined by adding direct costs, overhead costs and planned savings.

Ssmr = PZ + NR + PN.

Direct costs include the cost of paying workers; cost of materials, parts and structures; operating costs of construction machinery and mechanisms. Costs are determined directly by direct invoice based on physical volumes for structures, types of work and estimated standards and prices.
Estimated labor costs (Zot) are determined based on the labor intensity of the work (T, man-hours), determined according to standards; average monthly wage of 1 worker (Zmes, rub.) and average monthly number of hours (t, hours/month):

Zot = T x Zmes / t

The estimated cost of material resources is determined based on data on the standard requirement for materials, parts and structures in physical units of measurement (Pm) and the corresponding prices for this type of material resources (Tm):

Зм = Σ(Рм x Цм).

The estimated costs of operating construction machinery and equipment are determined based on data on the time of use of the necessary machines in accordance with current standards (in machine hours) and the price of 1 machine hour of operation of the machines. To determine the price of 1 machine hour, you can use the formula:

Tsmash.-hour. = (Zed + Zgod + Zekspl) x China,

where Zed is one-time costs per 1 machine hour; rub./machine-hour;
Zgod - annual costs per 1 machine hour; rub./machine-hour;
Zexpl - operating costs per 1 machine-hour; rub./machine-hour;
Knr is a coefficient that takes into account the overhead costs of departments and bases for the operation of construction machines.
Non-recurring costs take into account the cost of moving machines from a base to a construction site or from one construction site to another. They also include the costs of installation, dismantling, loading and unloading of relocated machines, as well as the costs of using installation equipment.
Annual costs correspond to depreciation charges.
Operating costs include wages of workers involved in operating and maintaining machines, costs of electricity, fuel, lubricants, maintenance and repair of temporary rail tracks and a number of other costs.
Overhead costs in construction include the costs of managing and maintaining the contract and are associated with providing the necessary conditions for the functioning of the construction production process. When determining the estimated cost, overhead costs are calculated indirectly based on:
1. industry-wide integrated standards for the main types of construction;
2. overhead cost standards for types of construction and installation work;
3. individual overhead costs for a specific organization.
The amount of planned savings can be determined on the basis of an individual standard for a particular organization or recommended industry-wide standards in the amount of 50% of workers' compensation or 12% of the amount of estimated direct costs and overhead costs.
Construction estimate documentation includes local and site estimates. Local estimates are compiled for certain types of construction and installation work; they group data into sections according to individual elements of the building (structure), types of work and devices. The grouping order must correspond to the technological sequence of work and take into account the specific features of individual types of construction. For buildings and structures, it is advisable to divide them into an underground part (the so-called “zero cycle” work) and an above-ground part.
Previously, we pointed out the need to organize cost accounting for construction and installation work in the context of individual technological complexes. In this regard, we consider it advisable, when drawing up local estimates at the stage of design and construction planning, to group information about the estimated cost into sections corresponding to the selected technological complexes. This grouping will allow for rapid analysis of deviations of actual costs from estimated costs that arise during the implementation of the contract.
Object estimates are compiled by summing up the data from local estimate calculations and represent information on the full estimated cost of the object necessary for making payments between the customer and the contractor. Additionally, the estimate for the facility indicates the amount of funds to cover limited costs, including:
. for the increase in the cost of work in winter, the cost of temporary structures and other costs in the corresponding percentage of the total of each type of work or the total of construction and installation work according to all local estimates;
. part of the reserve for unforeseen expenses, in the amount agreed between the contractor and the customer.
When determining the estimated cost, the investor (customer) and the contractor can use various methods, the choice of which in each specific case depends on the terms of the contract and the general economic situation (Fig. 1.9).

The resource method is the calculation in current (forecast) prices and tariffs of resources (cost elements) necessary to implement the design solution. When drawing up estimates, natural meters of the consumption of materials and structures, the time spent on operating machines and equipment, the labor costs of workers are used, and the prices for these resources are taken current (i.e. at the time of drawing up the estimates). Using this method allows you to determine the estimated cost of an object at any point in time.
The resource-index method involves the additional use of price indices for resources used in construction.
The base-index method is based on the application of a system of current and forecast indices in relation to the construction cost determined at the base level. To bring current (forecast) prices to the level, the base cost of the object for individual lines of the estimate and each element of the technological structure of capital investments is multiplied by the corresponding index for the industry (sub-industry), type of work, followed by summing up the results of the estimate.
The basic compensation method is the summation of the cost calculated at the basic level of estimated prices and additional costs associated with rising prices for the resources used in construction, with clarification of these calculations during the construction process depending on the real change in prices.
As another method for determining the estimated cost, information on the cost of previously constructed or designed similar facilities can be used.
It should be noted that price formation is determined by the organizational form of construction.
When direct bilateral contracts are concluded between the customer and the contractor, the price determined in the contract is formed on the basis of the estimated cost calculated by the designer on behalf of the customer in agreement with the contractor. All deviations from the estimate that arise during the construction process are regulated by the parties, each of which has opposing interests. The contract, as a rule, provides for all the necessary conditions for changing the estimated cost, reimbursement of unforeseen expenses, etc., therefore, if it is drawn up correctly, the contractor's risk remains a minimal disadvantage of this practice - the possibility of inflating the estimated cost, and, consequently, the price of the object.
When carrying out turnkey construction, the price of construction products is determined unilaterally, since the functions of the customer are performed by the contractor. In this case, the price formation will be directly influenced by the availability of construction financing from investors; if the sources of financing are fully or partially budgetary funds and extra-budgetary funds, then the estimated cost is determined in strict accordance with the requirements of the Methodological Recommendations of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation. The amount of profit that the contractor will receive can be increased by the amount of savings used for construction in relation to the estimate.
However, construction financing is most often carried out from the own funds of organizations or individuals. In this case, the contractor may seek to inflate the price, believing that the higher the price set, the greater the profit will be made.
As a rule, this concerns housing construction; the general contractor leading the construction of a residential building acts as both a customer and, partially or fully, an investor at the same time. At the stage of construction of the facility, funds from individuals or legal entities can be raised on the basis of equity participation. Prices, in this case, are determined by the contractor, but in a competitive environment they must be influenced by supply and demand.
When concluding direct bilateral contracts between the customer and the contractor, the estimated cost is formed by agreement between the two parties. In this case, the contractor’s risk depends mainly on objective factors. As a rule, in practice there is an overestimation of the estimated cost on the part of the contractor either at the design stage or during the construction process.
The vast majority of experts argue that the current system of estimated pricing and regulation in construction is outdated and leads to significant distortions in the cost indicators of construction and installation work.
However, according to Volkov B.A., Yanygin V.Yu. and others, “in the current conditions, the creation of a full-fledged analogue of the estimate documentation that existed during the planned economy is, in principle, impossible for a number of reasons. The first of them is free pricing of resources, as a result of which any modern directory loses its freshness after just six months and becomes practically unusable after a year due to constant changes in market conditions. The second reason is that over the past time, construction technology has partially changed, new machines, building materials and structures have appeared. These changes have affected different organizations to varying degrees.” Therefore, like any system of standards, the new estimated standards would be of an average nature, but at the same time they may be of little use for the conditions in which a particular company has to work.
The main tool for optimizing prices is bidding, as an organizational form of construction that allows you to create competitive conditions when placing an order. Trading is widely and actively used in international practice and has recently become increasingly widespread in the Russian Federation. The experience of tendering shows that, other things being equal, the contract price based on the results of the tender is inversely related to the number of tenderers. In most cases, the contract price for construction, which is determined as a result of competition between contractors, subcontractors, suppliers of equipment and structures, turns out to be on average 5-30% lower. Bidding allows customers to select the most advantageous offers both in terms of price and other commercial and technical conditions. It should be noted that when switching to a bidding system, construction organizations that have a higher level of management organization, use advanced technologies, and practice a more flexible pricing policy receive real incentives for development. It is quite obvious that the lower the price offered by the contractor, the greater the chances of the construction organization to win the bid. However, underpricing, in turn, can lead to losses. To avoid this situation, managers must have information about the maximum level of price reduction, the size of possible unexpected losses, etc.
When deciding to bid, the contractor must determine the contract price at which it will sell its future products. In this case, you should calculate several price options: from “relaxed” to “hard”. The contract price may be based on the estimated cost, calculated using aggregated indicators.

01/30/2009 A new “Procedure for determining the cost of construction and repair work” was approved

In order to improve the system for determining the cost of work carried out on the territory of Turkmenistan, the President of Turkmenistan signed Resolution No. 000 dated January 1, 2001, according to which the “Procedure for determining the cost of construction and repair work” was approved.
This Procedure came into force on January 1, 2009.
This Resolution also notes that the Resolutions of the President of Turkmenistan dated January 1, 2001, no longer apply. No. 000 “On determining the cost of work in the construction industry” and dated 01.01.2001. No. 000 “On improving the calculation of the cost of construction and installation works of water management facilities.”

Approved by resolution President of Turkmenistan for No. 000 dated January 30, 2009

ORDER determining the cost

The procedure for determining the cost of construction and repair work (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) establishes the conditions for pricing in the field of construction for all participants in the investment process carrying out construction, reconstruction and major (current) repairs of objects at the expense of public funds and bank loans in the national currency of Turkmenistan.

I. Determination of the cost of construction and installation works, reconstruction and major repairs to forecast the volume of government capital investments

Determination of the cost of construction and installation works, reconstruction and major repairs (hereinafter referred to as construction work) in current prices at the stage of forecasting the volume of government capital investments is carried out using indices of changes in current prices for capital construction and major repairs (Appendix) to the base level.
The base level is taken to be the cost of construction work determined according to the estimated norms and prices introduced on January 1, 1984 (hereinafter referred to as the basic level of estimated norms and prices). For design and survey work for objects financed by state centralized capital investments, as well as funds from budgetary organizations, the base level is taken to be the cost of design work determined according to estimated standards and prices introduced on January 1, 1987.
The ratio of base prices to national currency is conventionally accepted as 1:50.

II. Determining the cost of construction work
The cost of completed construction work in current prices is determined on the basis of the basic level of estimated norms and prices using the resource index method:
- material costs - resource method;
- costs of wages and operation of construction machinery and mechanisms - by the index method.
Overhead costs and planned savings are accepted according to the maximum standards established by this Procedure to determine the cost of work at current prices.
Costs for temporary buildings and other work included in the scope of construction and installation work are also determined by the resource index method in the manner established for construction work. Costs for other work not included in the scope of construction and installation work are determined by the index method.
The cost of unforeseen work and expenses is determined according to the standards adopted in the design and estimate documentation in base prices, taking into account their recalculation to the corresponding indices.

Payroll preparation
The amount of funds for wages as part of direct costs in current prices is calculated on the basis of the estimated wages determined at base prices, using the following formula:

where I is the amount of funds for wages;
Ih - the total value of the basic salary of construction workers for the object (part of it) at the basic level of estimated norms and prices;
G is the wage index in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure.

Calculation of costs for the operation of construction machinery and mechanisms
The cost of operating construction machinery and mechanisms at current prices (including the wages of the working personnel servicing these machines and mechanisms) is determined as the product of their estimated cost, calculated at the basic level of estimated norms and prices, by the index established by Appendix No. 1 of this Procedure.

Calculation of costs for material resources
The cost of material resources in prices valid for the current period is determined based on data on the regulatory need for materials, products, parts and structures in accepted physical units of measurement and the corresponding price for a specific type of material resource, which consists of its wholesale price, the cost of containers, packaging, markups of supply and sales organizations, transportation costs, loading and unloading operations and procurement and storage costs in accordance with the waybill and invoice.
The standard need for material resources is determined on the basis of data from design estimates and general production standards for the consumption of materials in construction.

Overhead costs for general construction work are calculated as follows:
- for construction, installation and repair work from the amount of direct costs in accordance with Appendix No. 2 of this Procedure;
- for installation and special construction work from the amount of direct costs or the amount of funds for remuneration of workers of the main production according to the estimate in accordance with Appendix No. 3 of this Procedure.

Planned savings

The planned savings rate is set at 15% of the amount of direct costs and overhead costs.
Direct costs for calculating overhead costs and planned savings include:
- wages and costs of operating machines and mechanisms determined by the index method in accordance with this Procedure;
- material resources calculated in prices valid for the current period, taking into account transport costs and procurement and storage costs determined in accordance with this Procedure.

III. Calculation of the cost of construction work
Settlements between customers and contractors for completed construction work are carried out for the actual volumes of work completed, calculated at the basic level of estimated norms and prices in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation and recalculated to their cost in the current period, taking into account the provisions of Section II of this Procedure and reflected in the act on form F-2.
Selling prices for materials, with the exception of those used in construction work carried out at the expense of state centralized capital investments and funds from budgetary institutions, are determined on the basis of a protocol for agreeing on a contract price between the supplier and the consumer. Transportation costs for transporting materials to the facility's warehouse are calculated at negotiated prices.
For objects financed by state centralized capital investments and funds from budgetary institutions, the following prices are accepted:

A) for local building materials and products (non-metallic building materials, cement, slate, glass, asphalt, ready-mixed concrete, ceramic bricks)

prices approved by the Ministry of Economy and Development of Turkmenistan;

b) for construction products produced in Turkmenistan, not specified in paragraph “a” (metal structures, reinforced concrete products, windows, doors, etc.)

prices approved by manufacturers and agreed upon by the Ministry of Construction of Turkmenistan (the approval procedure is determined by the Ministry of Construction of Turkmenistan independently);

V) for construction materials and products purchased on the domestic market

market prices registered by the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Statistics;

G) for construction materials and products imported from abroad

prices determined in the Contracts, registered at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan (including customs and exchange expenses);

d) for transport services

prices determined in accordance with the price list approved by the Ministry of Economy and Development of Turkmenistan;

e) for construction materials and products imported into the territory of Turkmenistan as payment for exported electricity and natural gas

prices approved by the Commission on Commodity Supplies for the export of natural gas and electricity under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

In the absence of supporting documents, the cost of transport services, loading and unloading operations, procurement and storage costs for building materials and metal structures is taken from the current cost of material resources in the following amounts:
- transport services - 3%,
- loading and unloading operations and procurement and storage costs:
- for building materials - 2%,
- for metal structures - 0.75%.
Expenses for temporary buildings and structures and unforeseen work are accepted according to the standards established by the basic prices. These expenses are included in the act in Form F-2, taking into account the fact that the specified work was actually completed and confirmed by the customer’s service. If the costs for temporary buildings and structures and unforeseen work exceed the standards established for base prices, the actual costs must be justified with relevant documents.
The cost of major repairs that are not classified by the scope of work as mandatory state examination, in accordance with the standards established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, is determined on the basis of assessment defect reports agreed upon with the design institute and replacing the project and estimate.

IV. Customer costs. Equipment
When forecasting, the cost of the equipment provided for by the project (installed and not requiring installation) is determined as the product of its cost in base prices by the index according to Appendix No. 1. In mutual settlements with suppliers, the cost is determined at the ex-place price in accordance with the submitted documents.
The actual cost of the equipment to be paid consists of the purchase price of the equipment from the supplier, transportation and procurement and storage costs, which should not exceed 3% and 1.2%, respectively, of the actual cost of the equipment.
The costs of pre-installation inspection of equipment, carried out on the basis of a defect report agreed upon by the customer and the contractor, are included in the cost of the equipment and are financed from the reserve for unforeseen work and costs remaining at the customer’s disposal.

Design and survey work, state examination and designer's supervision
The cost of design and survey work and state examination (except for design and survey work on objects financed by centralized state capital investments, as well as by institutions financed from the budget) is determined in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
The cost of design and survey work for objects financed by state centralized capital investments and funds of budgetary organizations is determined at base prices using the index specified in Appendix No. 1.
When developing new projects that do not have basic developments and standards, by agreement of the parties, the cost of design and survey work can be determined by labor costs with the inclusion of overhead costs in the amount established for the previous six-month, annual periods, but should not exceed 100% of the basic salary key personnel.
Planned savings when designing construction projects and facilities financed from state centralized capital investments and funds from budgetary organizations are set at 15%, for others - by mutual agreement of the parties, but not higher than 30%.
Construction supervision costs are determined based on actual labor costs, including overhead costs in the amount established for the previous six-month period.
The costs of designer's supervision for objects financed by state centralized capital investments and funds of budgetary organizations are determined as the product of the established standard from the estimated cost in base prices by the index established in Appendix No. 1 for design and survey work.

Funds for the maintenance of the customer’s directorate (hereinafter referred to as the directorate) are provided for in the consolidated estimate for the entire construction period at base prices in the established amounts based on the estimated cost.
For objects financed from budgetary funds, the costs of maintaining the directorate are determined according to the standards established for base prices, using the index specified in Appendix No. 1. If there are insufficient funds for the maintenance of the directorate, additional funds are determined in agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Development of Turkmenistan based on calculations based on the reporting data of the directorate, where other costs, except for wages and state social insurance payments, should not exceed 10% of the salary of the main employees.
During construction carried out at the expense of other sources of financing, calculations for the maintenance of the directorate are determined on the basis of a contract between the customer and the contractor.
Directorates that have procurement bases and carry out procurement and warehouse work, the costs of these works are included in the cost estimate for the maintenance of the directorate. In this case, the cost estimate is paid from the general funds allocated for financing the facilities.
In order to economically spend public funds allocated for the construction of facilities, the following requirements must be met:
the number of staff of the customer - developer should not exceed the calculated headcount indicators according to Appendix No. 4;
wages must be determined in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan.
To determine the costs of maintaining the directorate during the construction of mixed investment objects (at the expense of budget funds and the own funds of organizations, enterprises and other legal entities and individuals), calculations are carried out in a similar manner, observing the proportions of spending budget allocations and investors’ own funds.

construction and repair work

changes in current prices for capital construction and major repairs to the base level

Name of works


Construction and installation work in all industries (except for water construction facilities, highways, utility networks and transport pipelines)


Construction and installation work at water management facilities

Construction of utility networks and transport pipelines, including oil and gas pipelines

Construction of highways

Major repairs, major repairs of highways

Drilling work

Design and survey work

Other work not included in construction and installation work

Operational work


Operation of construction machinery and mechanisms (except for water management facilities)

Operation of construction machines and mechanisms
(for water management facilities)

to the Procedure for determining the cost
construction and repair work

Limit rates for overhead costs for construction, installation, repair and construction work

Name of contractors

As a percentage of direct costs

I. Construction and installation works

For enterprises, organizations and institutions :

Ministry of Water Resources of Turkmenistan

Ministry of Construction of Turkmenistan

Concern "Turkmenenergogurlushyk"

State concern "Turkmenavtoyollary"

Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan

Ministry of Communications of Turkmenistan

State concern “Turkmenneftegazstroy”

Association "Turkmenobahyzmat"

Other contractors, regardless of form of ownership

II. Repair work

All contractors, regardless of ownership

to the Procedure for determining the cost
construction and repair work

Limit rates for overhead costs for installation and special construction work

Name of works

Overhead percentage

From the amount of funds for wages of workers in the main production

From the amount of direct costs

Installation of equipment

Installation of radio television and electronic equipment

Laying and installation of communication networks

Laying and installation of long-distance communication lines

Electric installation work

Signaling, centralization, blocking and communication devices on railways

Construction of aircraft landing aids and air traffic control systems at airfields

Installation of metal structures

Internal sanitary works

Underground mining and capital works in industries

Drilling and blasting works

Drilling work on water

to the Procedure for determining the cost
construction and repair work

The number of employees of the customer-developer, depending on the volume of capital investments for the year

The volume of capital investments for the year in base prices, excluding value added tax
one thousand manats

Number of employees

1. Intermediate numbers of numbers, if necessary, are determined by interpolation.
2. The number of staff of the customer-developer with an annual volume of capital investments exceeding 3 million manats increases by one for every 60 thousand manats of investments above the specified amount.

When drawing up estimates (calculations), the following methods for determining cost can be used:




    basic compensation ;

    based on enlarged estimate standards, incl. a data bank on the cost of previously constructed or designed analogue facilities.

At resource method cost determination is carried out by calculating in current (forecast) prices and tariffs for resources (cost elements) necessary for the implementation of the design solution. Calculation is carried out on the basis of the need for materials, products, structures expressed in natural meters, data on distances and methods of their delivery to the construction site, energy consumption for technological purposes, operating time of construction machines and their composition, labor costs of workers. The specified resources are allocated from the design materials, various regulatory and other sources.

Resource index method provides for a combination of the resource method with a system of indexes for resources used in construction.

Basis-index method determining the cost of construction is based on the use of a system of current and forecast indices in relation to the cost determined in the basic price level.

At various stages of the investment process, a system of current and forecast indices is used to determine the value at the current (forecast) price level.

To convert the base value into current (forecast) prices, the following indices can be used:

To items of direct costs (per complex or by type of construction and installation work);

To the results of direct costs or the full estimated cost (by types of construction and installation work, as well as by sectors of the national economy).

The index consists of integers and two decimal places.

To link unit prices to local construction conditions, it is allowed to develop and apply territorial coefficients to federal unit prices (FER-2001).

Bringing current (forecast) prices to the level is carried out by multiplying cost elements or totals of the base cost by the corresponding index, followed by summing up the results in the corresponding columns of the estimate document, while in order to recalculate the cost of operating machines to the appropriate price level, it is recommended to use the index for operating machines, and to remuneration of machine operators, included in the cost of operating machines - index for labor remuneration.

At method of using a data bank on the cost of previously constructed or designed objects cost data on previously constructed or designed similar buildings and structures is used.

4.4. Local estimate calculations (local estimates)

Local estimates for certain types of construction and installation work are compiled based on the following data:

    parameters of buildings, structures, their parts and structural elements adopted in design decisions;

    the scope of work accepted according to the bills of quantities;

    nomenclature, quantity of furniture, inventory taken from custom specifications, statements;

    current estimated standards, as well as market regulated prices and tariffs for products

Local estimates can be prepared :

1. for buildings, structures:

    for construction work,

    for special construction work,

    for installation and purchase of equipment;

2.for general site works:

    to a vertical layout,

    for the installation of utility networks,

    for improvement of the territory, paths, roads;

    on small architectural forms.

In local estimate calculations, data is grouped into sections according to individual structural elements of buildings, types of work and devices. The grouping order must correspond to the technological sequence of work and take into account the specific features of individual types of construction.

Local estimates may contain the following sections:

1. For construction work:


    foundations and walls of underground parts;

  • ceilings, partitions;

    floors and bases;

    covering and roofing;

    filling openings;

    landing stairs;

    Finishing work;

    various works

2 ) . For special construction work:

    foundations for equipment;

    special grounds;


3). protective coatings;

      For equipment installation:

      acquisition and installation of technological equipment;

process pipeline;

    The cost determined as a result of the local estimate includes:

    direct costs


estimated profit.

Direct costs included in local estimates (estimates) are accepted:

when determining the estimated cost of work at the basic price level:

according to Federal Unit Prices (FER-2001), Industry Unit Prices (OER-2001), Territorial Unit Prices (TER-2001)

when determining the estimated cost of work using the resource (resource-index) method, calculation is carried out in current (forecast) prices for the main types of resources used in construction.

Overhead costs are standardized as a percentage of the estimated costs of paying workers (builders and machine operators) as part of direct costs.

– consolidated standards for the main types of construction;

It is advisable to use aggregated overhead cost standards for the main types of construction to develop investor estimates and at the stage of preparing tender documentation when conducting contract bidding.

When using aggregated overhead cost standards for types of construction, overhead costs are accrued at the end of the estimate (calculation) after the total of direct costs.

– consolidated standards for types of construction, installation and repair work;

Overhead cost standards for types of construction and installation work should be applied at the stage of developing working design and estimate documentation, as well as when paying for work performed.

Accrual of overhead cost standards for types of construction, installation and repair work is carried out for work packages.

– individual standards for a specific construction and installation or repair and construction organization.

Individual overhead rates for contractors are determined on the basis of the estimated costs required to manage, organize and maintain the construction process, and must take into account the actual conditions of a particular construction project.

Estimated profits are normalized as a percentage of the estimated costs of paying workers (builders and machine operators) as part of direct costs.

The amount of estimated profit is determined from the wage fund (payroll) of workers based on:

    industry-wide standards established for all performers of work used in the preparation of investor estimates;

When determining the estimated cost of construction and installation work, the industry-wide standard of estimated profit is 65% of the amount of funds for wages of workers (builders and machine operators) and is used to perform general economic calculations in the investment sphere.

The industry-wide standard for estimated profit as part of the estimated cost of repair and construction work is 50% of the amount of funds for remuneration of workers (builders and machine operators).

It is more expedient to use industry-wide standards of estimated profit for the development of investor estimates, feasibility studies of projects and determination of the initial (starting) price of the subject of the competition during contract bidding.

    standards for types of construction and installation work used in the preparation of local estimates (estimates);

When determining the estimated cost of construction and installation work at the stage of developing working documentation and making payments for work performed, estimated profit standards for types of construction and installation work are applied.

    individual standards for a specific contractor (with the exception of construction projects financed from the federal budget).

In cases where the conditions of work differ from those accepted in the average standards and the profit calculated on the basis of industry-wide standards does not cover the costs of the contractor in agreement with the customer - developer, it is recommended to develop and apply an individual standard of estimated profit (with the exception of construction projects financed from federal budget).

Accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit when preparing local estimates: without dividing into sections (done once at the end of the estimate); when formed by sections (at the end of each section).

The cost of work in local estimates (estimates) as part of the estimate documentation can be given in two price levels:

When applying the resource (resource-index) method, the following resource indicators are identified as initial data for determining direct costs in local estimates (estimates):

    labor intensity of work (person-hours) to determine the wages of workers performing the relevant work and servicing construction machines;

    time of use of construction machines (machine-hours);

    consumption of materials, products (parts) and structures (in accepted physical units of measurement: m3, m2, t, etc.)

To highlight resource indicators, GESN-2001 and design materials (as part of projects, RD) on required resources can be used, including:

    statements of material requirements (hereinafter - VM) and consolidated statements of material requirements (hereinafter - SVM), compiled separately for structures, products and parts (specifications) and for other building materials necessary for the production of construction, special construction and installation works on the basis of state elemental estimate standards;

    data on the labor costs of workers and the time of use of construction machines, given in the section of the project “Construction organization” (in the construction organization project - POS, in the work organization project - POR or in the work execution project - PPR).

To determine the estimated cost of work using the resource method, it is recommended to use local resource sheet forms and local estimates.

The resource method is the most labor-intensive, but allows for maximum calculation accuracy. Drawing up resource estimates for large objects with a large range of resources is possible only with the use of a computer and special programs.

The difficulty is :

1. the need to set prices for 1000 resource materials;

2. it is difficult to take into account increased tariff rates when performing work with difficult and harmful working conditions;

3. difficulties arise when calculating the average level of work according to the estimate or section;

4. calculation of drivers' OT through labor costs.

The use of the resource method is effective in the case of a limited number of works with a small range of resources.