State estimate standard "Directory of base prices for design work in the construction of "transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations". Directory of base prices for design work in construction "Transport enterprises, x

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The government of Moscow
Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow

base prices for design work on gas equipment and gas supply facilities



“Collection of basic prices for design work on gas equipment and gas supply facilities.” MRR-3.2.50-07" was developed by specialists from the State Unitary Enterprise "NIAC" of the Moskomarkhitektura (Dronova I.L., Igoshin E.A.) and OJSC "MosgazNIIproekt" (Glodsky B.A., Skvortsova I.S.).

“Collection of basic prices for design work on gas equipment and gas supply facilities.” MRR-3.2.50-07" is intended to determine the cost of designing gas equipment and gas supply facilities in the city of Moscow.

“Collection of basic prices for design work on gas equipment and gas supply facilities.” MRR-3.2.50-07" was approved and put into effect by order of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow dated July 29, 2008 No. 18-R.


This “Collection of basic prices for design work on gas equipment and gas supply facilities” was developed by a temporary creative team (VTK), consisting of specialists from the State Unitary Enterprise “NIAC” of Moskomarkhitektura and OJSC “MosgazNIIproekt”.

The basis for the development of the “Collection of basic prices for design work on gas equipment and gas supply facilities” is the Moscow Government Decree No. 900-PP dated November 14, 2006 “On the procedure for transition to determining the estimated cost of construction of facilities in the city of Moscow using territorial estimated standards in the price level according to the state as of January 1, 2000."

When developing the “Collection of basic prices for design work on gas equipment and gas supply facilities,” the following regulatory, methodological and other sources were used:

- “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in Moscow. MRR- "(put into effect on December 1, 2006 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 14, 2006 No. 900-PP);

1.4. The base prices of the “Collection” are calculated at the price level as of 01/01/2000, depending on the natural indicators of the design objects (power, heat output), as well as for the object as a whole.

1.5. The base prices of this “Collection” take into account the costs included in the cost price in accordance with the “Methodological recommendations for the composition and accounting of costs included in the cost of design and survey products (works, services) for construction and the formation of financial resources” (approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia on 06.04. 1994) and profit.

Value added tax (VAT) is not taken into account in the base prices of this “Collection”.

1.6. The value of the base prices is clarified by the use of correction factors that take into account the complicating (simplifying) factors of work performance. When applying several correction factors, their values ​​are multiplied, and their product (except for the factor taking into account the reduction in design time and the factor taking into account the type of reconstruction of an existing facility) should not exceed 2.0.

1.7. Bringing base prices to the current level is carried out by applying conversion factors (inflationary changes) to the base cost of pre-design, design and other types of design work for use in the formation of contract prices approved by the Interdepartmental Council on Pricing Policy under the Moscow Government.

When determining the cost of performing work on city order objects, the cost standard for designing city order objects is applied N g/z , established by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow.

1.8. Basic prices are calculated for the “Detailed Project” stage. The distribution of the base price of design documentation, calculated on the basis of this “Collection”, is carried out in accordance with the “Collection of base prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow. МРР-" and is presented in Table 1.

Table 1


Design stage

Share of the cost of main design work
by design stage (in%)

Options for design stages

Project (P)

Working draft (DP)

Working documentation (P)

1.9. The basic prices for design work of this “Collection” take into account and do not require additional payment the costs of design work within the scope of the requirements of regulatory documents (SNiP, MGSN, etc.), including:

Protection of project documentation in examination bodies and approving authorities and making appropriate changes based on their comments;

participation in the preparation of design specifications (excluding technological specifications drawn up by the customer);

Participation together with the customer in carrying out mandatory approvals of project documentation;

determination of the cost and contract price for the design of the facility;

Drawing up a contract for the implementation of design work.

1.10. The basic prices for design work do not take into account and require additional payment for the work and services listed in section 5 of the MRR- (subject to the inclusion of these works in the design assignment), as well as the associated costs given in clause 1.7 of the MRR- The cost of additional design work is determined according to the relevant regulatory and methodological documents on pricing in design or according to the “Methodology for calculating the cost of design and other types of work (services) based on the labor costs of designers”, presented in Appendix 2 to MRR-

1.11. Compensation for costs associated with performing the functions of a general designer or supervising double, triple, etc. subcontracting for civil, municipal and industrial facilities is set at up to 5% within the cost of work entrusted to subcontracting organizations.

1.12. The cost of design work for the reconstruction of an existing facility is determined using an increasing factor of 1.3.

1.13. When crossing metro lines and structures or designing in the zone of a planned or operating metro, as well as when designing in the right-of-way of railways, a coefficient of 1.2 should be applied (to the base price of designing a structure falling within the specified zone).

1.14. The basic price for designing objects in conditions where the building density is less than 30% or there are less than 5 communications in the construction zone is determined according to the tables of this “Collection” with a coefficient of 0.8.

1.15. The cost of work determined in accordance with this “Collection” is the basis for the formation of the contract price.


2.1. The base price for the design work performed depends on natural indicators and is determined by the formula:

C (b) = a + b∙X (2.1)


Ts (b) - the base price of the main design work in prices as of 01/01/2000 (thousand rubles);

a is a constant value, in thousand rubles;

c is a constant value having the dimension of thousand rubles. per unit of natural indicator;

X - natural indicator.

Parameters “a” and “b” are constant for a certain interval of change in the natural indicator.

Values ​​of parameters “a”, “b” and natural indicator “ X » for gas equipment and gas supply facilities are presented in the corresponding tables of Section 3.

2.2. The cost of design work at the current price level is determined by the following formula:



C (T) - cost of work in current prices;

C (b) - base price of work in the price level as of 01/01/2000

of the year;

Product of correction factors taking into account complicating (simplifying) factors and design conditions;

To lane - conversion factor (inflationary change) of the base cost of pre-design, design and other types of design work for use in the formation of contract prices (adopted in accordance with the decision of the Interdepartmental Council on Pricing Policy in Construction under the Moscow Government).

2.3. The cost of design work at the current price level for objects of the city order is determined by the following formula:


where N g/z - standard for the cost of designing city-ordered objects.


5. When designing individual electrical protection elements, their base price is determined as a percentage of the base price of one electrical installation:

Control point - 0.7%;

Electric jumper in the ground - 1.4%;

Valve jumper -3.1%;

Insulating flange connection - 0.9%;

Passive protection - 3%.

6. When designing several electrical installations as part of one project, the base price is calculated based on the total number of electrical installations being designed.

Table 3.8

Lightning protection


If it is necessary to provide lightning protection for gas distribution centers with an area of ​​more than 60 m2, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the base price.


4.1. The contract price for design work is formed taking into account the mutual interests of the partners on the basis of the base price, adjusted using correction factors.

4.2. Along with the main works, the contract price takes into account:

a) the cost of additional work and services;

b) the cost of related work.

4.3. The conditions for the formation of the contract price, in addition to those listed, include an additional payment for fulfilling the special requirements specified in the contract.

4.4. The contract price is determined by the following formula:

C dog = C pr + C extra + C sop(4.1)


Ts dog - negotiated price for design products;

C pr - the estimated cost of the main design work;

With additional - the cost of additional work and services;

C sop - the cost of associated expenses.

4.5. The concluded contracts for the implementation of design work may provide for allowances (surcharges), incl. for reducing the design time period (in the case where the need to reduce the design time period is provided for by an administrative document of the Moscow Government; in special cases, the need to reduce the design time period may be provided for in the design assignment) in the amounts specified in table 4.2.1 MRR- 06.


Annex 1
Recommended distribution of the relative cost of main design work by sections of project documentation

An object








Gas equipment for consumers without GRU


In-shop GRU with regulator


Cabinet-type hydraulic fracturing (SRP), binding


Hydraulic fracturing with regulator



Reserve-reducing device (RRD)






Metal chimneys for AIT




AIT for heat supply of a single-family or semi-detached residential building, industrial building

Gas well

Crane unit


Regasification station

Automobile gas filling station

Tank installation


Electrical protection installation against corrosion (cathodic, electrical drainage)

Lightning protection of gas distribution centers, gas distribution stations


The base price of design work for hydraulic fracturing is calculated using the formula and is:

C (b) = a + b∙X = 97.10 + 0.716×100 = 168.70 thousand rubles.

Additional work is calculated based on paragraph 1 of the notes to the table as a percentage of the base price and amounts to:

Suspended transport: C (b) = 168.70×5% = 8.435 thousand rubles.

Service area: Ts (b) = 168.70 × 5% = 8.435 thousand rubles.

Supports in the regulatory hall: C (b) = 168.70×5% = 8.435 thousand rubles.

Fencing: C (b) = 168.70×10% = 16.87 thousand rubles.

Landscaping and landscaping C (b) = 168.70×3% = 5.061 thousand rubles.

Since the hydraulic fracturing unit is designed with metering units, a coefficient of 1.3 is applied to the base price in accordance with paragraph 3 of the notes to the table.

Cost of main design work in current prices (as of III

= 168.70 × 1.3 × 2.438 × 0.61 = 326.15 thousand rubles.


K per = 2.438 - conversion factor (inflationary change) of the base cost of pre-design, design and other types of work in the design of III quarter of 2007 to prices of 2000 (Appendix 2 to the minutes of the meeting of the Interdepartmental Council on Pricing Policy in Construction under the Moscow Government, protocol No. MS-3-07 dated March 26, 2007);

N g/z = 0.61 - the standard cost for designing objects of the city order for 2007 (according to the letter of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow dated March 14, 2007 No. DPR/7-2/5-197).

Cost of additional design work in current prices (as of III quarter 2007) is:

With additional(t) = (8.435 + 8.435 + 8.435 + 16.87 + 5.061)×2.438×0.61 = 47.24 thousand rubles.

C (t) = 326.15 + 47.24 = 373.39 thousand rubles.

2. Determine the cost of designing chimneys with the following initial data:

3 pipes with a diameter of 400 mm and a height of 25 m are designed;

Spatial grid 21 m.

City order;

The base price parameters for this object are given in the table. The base price of design work for the first chimney is calculated using the formula and is:

C (b) = a + b∙X = 5.5 + 25.0×0.673 = 22.32 thousand rubles.

The base price of design work for the second and third chimneys is calculated based on paragraph 9 of the notes to the table using coefficients of 0.7 and 0.5, respectively:

second pipe:

C (b) = 22.32×0.7 = 15.62 thousand rubles;

third pipe:

C (b) = 22.32×0.5 = 11.16 thousand rubles.

The basic price of a spatial grid is also calculated using the formula and is:

C (b) = a + b∙X = 53.80 + 21.0×0.173 = 57.43 thousand rubles.

Cost of design work in current prices (as of III quarter 2007) for the city order is determined by the formula and is:

For chimneys:

= (22.32 + 15.62 + 11.16)×2.438×0.61 = 73.02 thousand rubles.

For a spatial lattice:

C solve(t) = 57.43×2.438×0.61 = 85.41 thousand rubles.

The total cost of design work will be:

C (t) = 73.02 + 85.41 = 158.43 thousand rubles.

1.1. The state estimate standard "Directory of basic prices for design work in the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations" (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) is intended to determine the cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations.

1.2. When using this Directory, you should be guided by the use of Directories of basic prices for design work in construction, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2009 N 620 “On approval of Guidelines for the use of directories of basic prices for design work in construction” (registered by the Ministry Justice of the Russian Federation March 23, 2010, registration N 16686, Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities, 2010, N 16) (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).

1.3. Basic prices in this Directory are set depending on the natural indicators of the designed objects: power, capacity, volume, length and others.

1.4. This Directory contains prices for individual design of objects consisting of a complex of buildings and structures, as well as individual elements of the complex.

Development of sections “Environmental Protection Measures”, “Civil Defense and Emergency Prevention Measures”, “Industrial Safety”;

Development of an automated accounting and management system for energy consumption (ASUE, ASKUE), an integrated energy consumption system (IASUE), an automated dispatch control and management system (ASUD), integrated dispatch systems (UDS), operational remote control (ODC), engineering systems monitoring system (SMIS) ), monitoring systems for engineering structures (SMIC), crisis management systems (CSMS).

1.7. The base price for the development of pre-project documentation "Justification of investments in the construction of facilities" is determined according to the prices of the Directory using a reduction factor in accordance with the labor intensity of the work. The size of this coefficient to the prices of the Directory established for the entire complex of design work (design documentation + working documentation) is up to 0.2.

1.8. The cost of developing the section “Environmental Protection Measures” (“List of Environmental Protection Measures”), if it is necessary to develop it in accordance with the customer’s specifications, is determined additionally in the amount of up to 10% of the total design cost.

If work is carried out to assess the environmental impact of a capital construction project (EIA) as part of the design documentation on the basis of current legislation and on behalf of the customer, their cost is determined additionally in the amount of 4% of the total design cost.

1.9. The cost of developing sections of project documentation “Civil defense measures and emergency prevention”, “Industrial safety” for the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations is determined additionally according to table No. 5 of the state estimate standard “Directory of basic prices for design work in the construction of “Trunk Line Facilities” pipeline transport of oil", approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2012 N 229 (recognized as not requiring registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation letter N 01/59780-YuL dated June 27, 2012) (hereinafter referred to as SBCP 81- 2001-08).

1.10. The base price for the development of design and working documentation for the dismantling of objects and structures not related to reconstruction and major repairs, in the case of this documentation being carried out on a separate order from the customer, is determined according to the prices of this Handbook for the design of sections, the development of which is necessary during dismantling, using the coefficients: up to 0.35 - for the linear part of objects and up to 0.2 - for on-site objects and structures, taking into account the ratio of the labor intensity of design work for an object under conditions of new construction and the development of documentation for the dismantling of a similar object.

1.11. The basic price of design using standard (reusable) design solutions and standard technical solutions is determined according to the prices of this Directory using a reduction factor from 0.2 to 0.8, set by the customer.

1.12. The base price of this Handbook takes into account the provision to the customer of design and working documentation on paper in the amount of four copies.

The cost of copies of design and working documentation issued to the customer in excess of the specified quantity is determined in addition to the base price based on the prices for replication of the development organization.




DEVELOPED BY FSUE "CENTRINVESTproject" (Puliko V.I., Turenskaya M.A., Lvova N.A.) jointly with OJSC "Institute "Nefteproduktproekt" (Taube O.B., Lopatina O.I.).

REVIEWED by the Office of Construction Programs of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy).

INTRODUCED by the Office of Construction Programs of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy).

ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on January 16, 2006 by the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy) by letter dated January 12, 2006 No. SK-31/02 in agreement with JSC AK Transnefteproduct dated November 29, 2004. No. 12-16/1891.

IN REPLACEMENT of the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction "Transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations" ed. 1996, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 03/07/96 No. 18-20.



Chapter 1. Transport of petroleum products

Table 1 Linear part of the main oil product pipeline

Table 2 Bends from the main oil product pipeline

Table 3 Pumping stations

Table 4 Oil products loading point

Table 5 Underground pipeline crossings across railways and roads

Chapter 2 Storage of petroleum products

Table 6 Petroleum product bases

Table 7 Reception points for the collection of waste petroleum products

Chapter 3 Gas stations

Table 8 Gas stations

Chapter 4 Regeneration of waste petroleum products

Table 9 Waste oil products regeneration point

Chapter 5 Individual structures outside the construction complex

Table 10 Individual structures outside the construction complex



1.1 The Directory of basic prices for design work for construction (hereinafter referred to as the “Directory”) is recommended for determining basic prices for the purpose of subsequent formation of contract prices for the development of design documentation for the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations.

1.2 Basic prices in the Directory are set depending on the natural indicators of the designed objects (power, length, etc.).

1.3 When using this Directory, you should take into account the General instructions for the use of Directories of basic prices for design work for the construction of ed. 2002 (hereinafter referred to as the "General Guidelines").

1.4 The price level contained in the tables of the Directory is established as of 01/01/2001.

1.5 The prices of the Directory, in addition to the work listed in clause 7 of section 1 of the General guidelines for the use of Directories of basic prices for design work for construction, do not take into account:

River crossings with a length in the riverbed part of over 30 m;

Overground laying of utility networks;

Construction of a circular passage around a railway overpass for unloading and loading of petroleum products;

Mooring structures and shore protection;

Dispersive wastewater outlets;

Communication nodes;

Transformer substations with a voltage of 6/10 (10/6) kV, as well as a voltage of 6-20/0.4 kV with a capacity of over 2x630 kV;

Distribution and sectioning points with voltage 6-20 kV;

Linear network automation of power supply systems;

Control rooms and means of technological control of power supply;

Electrical calculations for the selection of reactive power compensation means;

Diesel power plants;

Telemechanization and industrial television;

Land reclamation;

Fishery conservation measures.

1.6 When developing estimates using the resource method, it is allowed to apply an increasing factor of up to 1.5 to the cost of developing the “Estimate Documentation” section by agreement with the customer.

The maximum value of the increasing coefficient when drawing up estimate documentation (using software) is applied if there is no centralized data bank in the region on the cost of resources to take into account the additional costs associated with its formation.

1.7 The base price for developing the Justification for Investment in the Construction of Facilities is determined at the prices of the Directory using a reduction factor in accordance with the labor intensity of the work.

The size of this coefficient to the prices of the Directory established for the entire complex of design work (project + working documentation) is up to 0.2.


Chapter 1. Transport of petroleum products

1.1 This chapter provides basic prices for the design of the linear part and structures of main oil product pipelines.

1.2 The base price for designing the linear part of main oil product pipelines is determined for designing it in one line, and branches from main oil product pipelines - in two lines (the length of the branches is taken along the length of the route).

1.3 Basic prices for the design of main oil product pipelines and branches are established for pipelines with operating pressure up to 100 kgf/cm 2 (9.8 MPa).

1.4. The base prices contained in this chapter do not provide for the pumping of solidified petroleum products.

1.5 The base price for the design of main oil product pipelines and branches along the route of the existing pipeline is determined according to the prices of the corresponding table with a coefficient of up to 1.1.

1.6 When designing oil product pipelines for pumping aviation fuels to airports, the following coefficients are applied to the base prices:

from 0.1 to 0.8

million tons/year



St. 0.8



2 Railroad petroleum products loading point, loading volume, million tons/year

from 0.1 to 2.0






2 Note

- The base prices of paragraph 2 of the table do not provide for the loading of petroleum products into tank trucks.

Table 5 Underground pipeline crossings across railways and roads Unit of measurement of the main indicator: object





1 Underground passage of the pipeline through railways and roads, length of the protective casing (casing), linear. m

from 20 to 60



2 linear m

- If there are several underground passages on the highway, the base price of each passage is determined separately.

Chapter 2 Storage of petroleum products

Table 6 Petroleum product bases

Name of the design object

Constant values ​​of the price of development of design documentation thousand rubles.




Design stages as a percentage of price

1 Railroad petroleum product depot, capacity, thousand m 3

from 1 to 5



thousand m 3



" 20 " 50



" 50 " 80



" 80 " 100



" 100 " 160



" 160 " 300



" 300




5" 20



2 Water petroleum product base, capacity, thousand m 3



" 20 " 50



" 50 " 80



" 80 " 100



" 100 " 160



" 160 " 300



" 300



2 - from 1 to 10


Table 6 Petroleum product bases

10" 20

Name of the design object

Constant values ​​of the price of development of design documentation thousand rubles.




When designing underground (buried in the ground or covered with soil) tanks, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to prices.

Table 7 Reception points for the collection of waste petroleum products

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object



1 Reception point for the collection of waste petroleum products, cargo turnover, thousand tons/year



from 2 to 5

thousand tons/year



Table 6 Petroleum product bases

10" 20

Constant values ​​of the price of development of design documentation thousand rubles.




Chapter 3 Gas stations :

When designing a gas station with capacity measured by the number of car refuelings per day, the following prices are applied:

The base price of design work for the construction of gas stations for cars owned by citizens, without maintenance and washing points, is determined according to paragraph 1 of Table 8.

Table 8 Gas stations



Gas stations

The base price of design work for the construction of gas stations for cars owned by citizens, without maintenance and washing points, is determined according to paragraph 1 of Table 8.



1 General use, throughput, vehicles/hour

from 100 to 170




2 For servicing passenger cars owned by citizens (with a maintenance point and wash), throughput, cars/hour

Table 6 Petroleum product bases

10" 20

Name of the design object

Constant values ​​of the price of development of design documentation thousand rubles.




3 With connection to oil product wire, throughput, cars/hour from 135 to 170 Chapter 4 Regeneration of waste petroleum products

Table 9 Waste oil products regeneration point

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object



1 P

regeneration pointSeparate structures outside the construction complex

Table 6 Petroleum product bases

10" 20

Constant values ​​of the price of developing project documentation thousand rubles b.

Constant values ​​of the price of development of design documentation thousand rubles.




1 Semi-automatic loading station for light petroleum products, number of paired loading devices, pcs.

Table 7 Reception points for the collection of waste petroleum products




2 Lightning protection of tank farms with a capacity, thousand m 3

from 1 to 30

thousand m 3





" 50



30 to 50

3 Tank farm for light petroleum products with above-ground tanks, capacity, thousand m3



from 5 to 10



" 50 " 80



" 80 " 150



" 150




3 Tank farm for light petroleum products with above-ground tanks, capacity, thousand m3



from 5 to 10



" 50 " 80



" 80 " 150



" 150



10" 50

5" 20



4 Tank farm for oils and dark petroleum products with above-ground tanks, capacity, thousand m3



5 On-site process pipelines of oil depots with tank farm capacity, thousand m 3





6 Railway unloading and loading devices of oil depots and railway loading points (one-sided), length of the unloading and loading front, m



from 12 to 84



7 Railway unloading and loading devices of oil depots and railway loading points (double-sided), length of unloading and loading front, m:

from 48 to 180




180 to 360

8 Pumping tank farms for pumping petroleum products, capacity, m 3 /hour

from 600 to 2400



m 3 /hour



" 330 " 1330



" 1330



9 Electrochemical corrosion protection of the linear part of main oil product pipelines and branches from them, protected surface area, thousand m2

from 0.5 to 80



thousand m



" 24 " 75



" 75




80" 330

10 Electrochemical corrosion protection of oil depots, pumping stations and other sites, protected surface area, thousand m2



from 4.8 to 15.6



" 7 " 20



" 20




15.6" 24

11 Blocking pipeline, length, km

up to 2



2 to 7


1 When designing a blocking pipeline with two or more threads, the base price for designing the second and subsequent threads is determined additionally according to the prices in the table with a coefficient of 0.4 for each additional thread over one.

2 For pipelines for oils and dark petroleum products, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the prices in the table.

3 The prices of points 3 and 4 of the table do not take into account the cost of designing reinforced concrete walls for tank farm embankments.


2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens' appeals. The Ministry ensures objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Review of electronic appeals is free of charge.

4. In accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the relevant body or the relevant official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered if:
- absence of the applicant’s surname and name;
- indication of an incomplete or unreliable postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- absence of punctuation marks in the text, presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Information about the personal data of applicants is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and presented to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections “for residents” and “for specialists”

State estimate standard


1. General Provisions

1.1. The state estimate standard "Directory of basic prices for design work in the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations" (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) is intended to determine the cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations.

1.2. When using this Directory, you should be guided by the Guidelines for the use of Directories of basic prices for design work in construction, approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2009 N 620 "On approval of Guidelines for the use of Directories of basic prices for design work in construction" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2010#, registration N 16686, Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, 2010, N 16) (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).

1.3. Basic prices in this Directory are set depending on the natural indicators of the designed objects: power, capacity, volume, length and others.

1.4. This Directory contains prices for individual design of objects consisting of a complex of buildings and structures, as well as individual elements of the complex.

1.5. The price level contained in the tables of this Directory is established as of January 1, 2001, excluding value added tax.

1.6. The base prices of this Directory in addition to the work listed in paragraph 1.3.6. Section I of the Methodological Instructions, the following works and services are not taken into account and require additional payment:

River crossings with a length in the riverbed part of over 30 m;

Overground laying of utility networks;

Construction of a circular passage around a railway overpass for unloading and loading of petroleum products;

Mooring structures and shore protection;

Dispersive wastewater outlets;

Communication nodes;

Transformer substations with a voltage of 6/10 (10/6) kV, as well as a voltage of 6-20/0.4 kV with a power of over 2x630 kVA;

Distribution and sectioning points with voltage 6-20 kV;

Linear network automation of power supply systems;

Control rooms and means of technological control of power supply;

Electrical calculations for the selection of reactive power compensation means;

Diesel power plants;

Telemechanization and industrial television;

Land reclamation;

Costs associated with the participation of the design organization, on behalf of the customer, in the selection of a site (route) for construction;

Development of sections "", "", "Industrial Safety";

Development of automatic gas and powder fire extinguishing systems;

Development of an automated accounting and management system for energy consumption (ASUE, ASKUE), an integrated energy consumption system (IASUE), an automated dispatch control and management system (ASUD), integrated dispatch systems (UDS), operational remote control (ODC), engineering systems monitoring system (SMIS) ), monitoring systems for engineering structures (SMIC), crisis management systems (CSMS).

1.7. The base price for the development of pre-project documentation "Justification of investments in the construction of facilities" is determined according to the prices of the Directory using a reduction factor in accordance with the labor intensity of the work. The size of this coefficient to the prices of the Directory established for the entire complex of design work (design documentation + working documentation) is up to 0.2.

1.8. The cost of developing the section "Environmental Protection Measures" (""), if it is necessary to develop it in accordance with the customer's instructions, is determined additionally in the amount of up to 10% of the total design cost.

If work is carried out to assess the environmental impact of a capital construction project (EIA) as part of the design documentation on the basis of current legislation and on behalf of the customer, their cost is determined additionally in the amount of 4% of the total design cost.

1.9. The cost of developing sections of project documentation “Civil defense measures and emergency prevention”, “Industrial safety” for the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations is determined additionally according to table No. 5 of the state estimate standard “Directory of basic prices for design work in the construction of “Trunk Line Facilities” pipeline transport of oil", approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2012 N 229 (recognized as not requiring registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation letter N 01/59780-YuL dated June 27, 2012) (hereinafter referred to as SBCP 81- 2001-08).

1.10. The base price for the development of design and working documentation for the dismantling of objects and structures not related to reconstruction and major repairs, in the case of this documentation being carried out on a separate order from the customer, is determined according to the prices of this Handbook for the design of sections, the development of which is necessary during dismantling, using the coefficients: up to 0.35 - for the linear part of objects and up to 0.2 - for on-site objects and structures, taking into account the ratio of the labor intensity of design work for an object under conditions of new construction and the development of documentation for the dismantling of a similar object.

1.11. The basic price of design using standard (reusable) design solutions and standard technical solutions is determined according to the prices of this Directory using a reduction factor from 0.2 to 0.8, set by the customer.

1.12. The base price of this Handbook takes into account the provision to the customer of design and working documentation on paper in the amount of four copies.

The cost of copies of design and working documentation issued to the customer in excess of the specified quantity is determined in addition to the base price based on the prices for replication of the development organization.

Additional copies of design and working documentation issued to the customer on electronic media are authentic design and working documentation made on paper.

At the same time, documentation executed on electronic media can be considered an original if it is confirmed by an electronic digital signature in accordance with Federal Law of April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, April 11, 2011 ., N 15, art. 2036).

1.13. The recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation for the construction of linear facilities (as a percentage of the base price) is given in Tables No. 11 and No. 12 of this Handbook.

1.14. The recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation for industrial facilities (as a percentage of the base price) is given in tables No. 13 and No. 14 of this Handbook.

2. The procedure for determining the base price of design work

Chapter 2.1. Transport of petroleum products (to tables NN 1-5 of this Handbook)

2.1.1. This chapter provides basic prices for the design of the linear part and structures of main oil product pipelines.

2.1.2. The basic price for designing the linear part of main oil product pipelines is determined for designing it in one line, and branches from main oil product pipelines - in two lines (the length of the branches is taken along the length of the route).

2.1.3. Basic prices for the design of main oil product pipelines and branches are established for pipelines with operating pressure up to 100 kgf/cm 2 (9.8 MPa).

2.1.4. The base prices contained in this chapter do not provide for the pumping of solidified petroleum products.

2.1.5. The base price for designing main oil product pipelines and branches along the existing pipeline route is determined according to the prices of the corresponding table with a coefficient of up to 1.1.

2.1.6. When designing oil product pipelines for pumping aviation fuels to airports, the following coefficients are applied to the base prices:

To the prices of table 1 - 1.05;

To the prices of table 3, point 1 - 1.20;

To the prices of table 3, point 2 - 1.25;

To the prices of table 4, point 1 - 1.15.

2.1.7. The base prices of tables NN 1 and 2 of this Directory do not take into account the design of:

Underground passages of pipelines through railways and roads;

Tunnels for laying oil product pipelines in mountainous areas;

Suspension bridges over various obstacles;

Emergency recovery points;

Production service base;

Structures to ensure travel along the route and access to it (roads, bridges, culverts, embankments, etc.);

Telemechanics devices necessary for the functioning of the automated process control system.

2.1.8. The base prices of Table No. 1 of this Handbook provide for the design of only the linear part and do not take into account other structures of the main oil product pipeline, the base price of which is determined additionally according to the corresponding tables of this Handbook.

2.1.9. When simultaneously designing an oil product pipeline in two or more lines along the entire length of the pipeline, the base price for designing the second and subsequent lines is determined additionally at the prices of Table No. 1 of this Handbook with a coefficient of 0.4.

2.1.10. When designing the second and subsequent lines not along the entire length of the main oil product pipeline (loopings), their base price is determined additionally according to the prices in Table No. 1 of this Handbook with a coefficient of 0.4 based on the total length of these lines (loopings).

2.1.11. When designing a single-thread branch, a coefficient of 0.7 is applied to the prices in Table No. 2 of this Handbook.

2.1.12. When designing a branch with three or more threads, the base price for designing the third and subsequent threads is determined additionally according to the prices in Table No. 2 of this Handbook with a coefficient of 0.4 for each additional thread over two.

2.1.13. For branches from an existing oil product pipeline, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the base prices of Table No. 2 of this Handbook.

2.1.14. When designing several branches as part of a main oil product pipeline, the base price of each branch is determined separately.

2.1.15. When designing several pumping stations as part of one main oil product pipeline, the base price of each station, determined according to Table No. 3 of this Handbook, is accepted separately.

2.1.16. The base prices for head pumping stations take into account the design of tank farms.

When designing tank farms at intermediate pumping stations, their base price is determined additionally according to the prices in Table No. 10 of this Handbook.

2.1.17. When designing pumping stations on existing oil product pipelines, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the base prices determined according to Table No. 3 of this Handbook.

2.1.18. The base prices of tables NN 3 and 4 of this Directory do not take into account the design of:

Telemechanics devices necessary for the functioning of the automated process control system;

Central dispatch service.

2.1.19. When determining the base price for designing facilities according to paragraph 2 of Table No. 4 of this Handbook, it is necessary to take into account that the prices do not take into account the design of systems and devices for loading petroleum products into tank trucks.

2.1.20. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 5 of this Handbook, it is necessary to take into account that if there are several underground passages on the route, the base price of each crossing is determined separately.

Chapter 2.2. Storage of petroleum products
(to tables No. 6, 7 of this Handbook)

2.2.1. When determining the base price for designing objects according to Table No. 6 of this Handbook, it is necessary to take into account that when designing underground (buried in the ground or covered with soil) tanks, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to prices.

2.2.2. Table No. 6a of this Handbook shows the composition of buildings and structures included in oil depots for which base prices are determined in Table No. 6 of this Handbook. The percentage distribution of the complex base price given in Table No. 6a of this Handbook can be specified by agreement between the designer and the customer, depending on the labor intensity of the design work and the specifics of the design of a particular capital construction project.

Chapter 2.3. Gas stations
(to Table No. 8 of this Handbook)

2.3.1. When designing a gas station with capacity measured by the number of car refuelings per day, the following prices are applied:

2.3.2. The base price of design work for the construction of gas stations for cars owned by citizens, without maintenance and washing points, is determined according to paragraph 1 of Table No. 8.

2.3.3. The base price for the design of buildings and structures combined or interlocked with a gas station, as well as gas stations with built-in premises for other purposes, is determined by summing up the prices for the design of individual buildings and structures combined or interlocked, as well as gas stations and built-in premises.

In this case, the base price for designing a gas station is accepted with a coefficient of 1, the cost of buildings or built-in premises connected to it is accepted by agreement with the customer with a reduction factor of up to 0.8 and 0.5, respectively, from the base price of their design, determined according to the relevant Directory of base prices.

Chapter 2.4. Regeneration of waste petroleum products (to Table No. 9 of this Handbook)

2.4.1. The basic cost of waste oil product regeneration points includes the design of installation ventilation systems and oil product heating systems.

Chapter 2.5. Separate structures outside the construction complex (to Table No. 10 of this Handbook)

2.5.1. When designing a blocking pipeline with two or more threads, the base price for designing the second and subsequent threads is determined additionally according to the prices of Table N 10 of this Handbook with a coefficient of 0.4 for each additional thread over one.

2.5.2. For pipelines for oils and dark petroleum products, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the prices of Table N 10 of this Handbook.

2.5.3. The prices of paragraphs 3, 4 of Table No. 10 of this Handbook do not take into account the cost of designing reinforced concrete walls of tank farm embankments.

3. Basic prices for the development of design and working documentation

Table No. 1. Linear part of the main oil product pipeline


Linear part of a main oil product pipeline with a diameter of up to 500 mm, length, km

from 10 to 200

over 200 to 800

over 800 to 1100

Table No. 2. Bends from the main oil product pipeline

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation

Design stages as a percentage of price


Branch from the main oil product pipeline, length, km

from 0.10 to 60

over 60 to 120

Table No. 3. Pumping stations

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation

Design stages as a percentage of price


Main pumping station, pumping volume, million tons/year

from 0.1 to 0.5

million tons/year

over 0.5 to 2.0

over 2.0 to 5.0


Intermediate pumping station, pumping volume, million tons/year

from 0.1 to 0.5

million tons/year

over 0.5 to 2.0

over 2.0 to 5.0

Table No. 4. Oil products loading point

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation

Design stages as a percentage of price


Petroleum products loading point for automobiles, loading volume, million tons/year

from 0.1 to 0.8

million tons/year


Railroad petroleum products loading point, loading volume, million tons/year

from 0.1 to 2.0

million tons/year

Table No. 5. Pipeline underground passages across railways and roads

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation

Design stages as a percentage of price


Underground passage of the pipeline through railways and highways, length of the protective case (casing), l. m

Table No. 6. Petroleum product bases

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation

Design stages as a percentage of price


Railroad petroleum product depot, capacity, thousand m 3

over 5 to 20

over 20 to 50

over 50 to 80

over 80 to 100

over 100 to 160

over 160 to 300


Water petroleum product base, capacity, thousand m 3

over 10 to 20

over 20 to 50

over 50 to 80

over 80 to 100

over 100 to 160

over 160 to 300

Table No. 6a. Composition of buildings and structures included in the complex base price of a tank farm

Composition of buildings and structures included in the complex base price

Percentage of the comprehensive base price for the development of design and working documentation

Preparing the construction area

Main production facilities

Main pumping station

Booster pumping station

Reservoir Park

Process pipelines

Chamber for receiving and launching ball separators

Scraper receiving and launching area

Flow meter platform on main pipelines with an overpressure protection unit with tanks

Flow meter platform in blocking pipelines

Pressure regulator block box

Block box for pumping out and collecting leaks with tanks

Site for dirt filters

Automation of tank farm production processes

Automation of production processes of a pumping station

Automation of tank farm fire extinguishing

Objects for auxiliary production and service purposes

Administrative and amenity complex

Repair and maintenance unit

Foam concentrate warehouse

Oil storage unit

Block for auxiliary production and service purposes

Cable storage shed

Site for welding and hot work

Car wash overpass

Fuel dispensing point

Piece cargo warehouse

Warehouse for storage of fuels and lubricants

Fire station for 2 vehicles

Energy facilities

Shelter No. 1 (block boxes: ShchSU-2, relay protection panels, supply and booster fans, compressor room, operator room)

Transformer substation

On-site networks up to 10 kV

Security and floodlighting

Grounding and lightning protection

Electrochemical protection against corrosion

Diesel power station

Transport and communication facilities

Garage complex

Open parking for cars with heaters

Canopy for vehicles and construction machinery

Covering driveways and areas

On-site communication networks

Fire alarm

On-site radio networks

External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage

On-site industrial and utility water supply networks with structures

On-site fire-fighting water supply networks with structures

Mortar lines

Fire pond

Fire pumping station

Fan cooling tower with pumping units and recycling water supply pipelines

On-site networks of industrial and storm sewerage

Shelter No. 2 (block boxes for on-farm water supply pumping stations)

Facilities for treating wastewater contaminated with petroleum products

Explosive wastewater pumping station

Treated wastewater pumping station

Additional sedimentation ponds for post-treatment of wastewater contaminated with petroleum products

On-site networks of wastewater contaminated with leaded petroleum products

Facilities for treating wastewater contaminated with leaded petroleum products

Pumping station for wastewater contaminated with leaded petroleum products

Wastewater pumping station for post-treatment

Wastewater tertiary treatment facilities at ozonation plants

On-site domestic wastewater networks

Domestic waste water pumping station

Facilities for biological treatment in aeration tanks

Pumping station for purified industrial, storm and domestic wastewater to the waste disposal site

Boiler room

Fuel economy of the boiler room

On-site heating networks

Condensate collection and purification station

Improvement and landscaping of the territory

Vertical layout

Fencing, landscaping, landscaping

Construction of an impervious clay screen in a tank farm

The railway petroleum products depot also includes: a railway discharge rack for light petroleum products; front for draining oils and dark oil products from the railway. tanks; pumping station for draining light and dark oil products from railways. tanks; paraffin and bitumen collection points.

The composition of the water base of petroleum products also includes: technological pipelines of berth structures; blocking pipelines; onshore pumping station for emptying pipelines; pumping station for intra-base pumping; premises for personnel servicing the berth; passages and platforms to the pier; fire-proof approaches to the pier; fire water supply on the pier; grout pipeline on the pier; water intake at the pier; water supply pumping station 1st lift; leaded wastewater sewerage networks at the berth; blocking pipelines of leaded wastewater drainage networks from the berth to the oil depot; station for pumping leaded wastewater from the pier to the oil depot.

Table No. 7. Reception points for the collection of waste petroleum products

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation

Design stages as a percentage of price


Reception point for collection of waste petroleum products, cargo turnover, thousand tons/year

thousand tons/year

Table No. 8. Gas stations

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation

Design stages as a percentage of price

Public gas stations, throughput, cars/hour

from 100 to 170


Gas station for servicing passenger cars owned by citizens (with a maintenance point and wash), capacity, cars/hour

from 100 to 170

Gas station with connection to an oil product pipeline, throughput, cars/hour

from 135 to 170

Table No. 9. Regeneration point for waste petroleum products

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation

Design stages as a percentage of price


Regeneration point for waste petroleum products, cargo turnover, thousand tons/year

from 1.0 to 4.8

thousand tons/year

Table No. 10. Individual structures outside the construction complex

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation

\thousand rub.

Design stages as a percentage of price


Semi-automatic loading station for light petroleum products, number of paired loading devices, pcs.


Lightning protection of tank farms with a capacity, thousand m 3

over 30 to 50


Tank farm for light petroleum products with above-ground tanks with a capacity

over 10 to 50

over 50 to 80

over 80 to 150


Tank farm for oils and dark petroleum products with above-ground tanks, capacity, thousand m 3

over 10 to 50

over 50 to 80

over 80 to 150


On-site process pipelines of oil depots with tank farm capacity, thousand m 3


Railway unloading devices of oil depots and railway loading points (one-sided), length of unloading front, m


Railway unloading devices of oil depots and railway loading points (double-sided), length of unloading front, m:

from 48 to 180

over 180 to 360


Pumping tank farms for pumping petroleum products, capacity, m 3 /hour

from 600 to 2400


Electrochemical corrosion protection of the linear part of main oil product pipelines and branches from them, protected surface area, thousand m 2

from 0.5 to 80

over 80 to 330

over 330 to 1330


Electrochemical corrosion protection of oil depots, pumping stations and other sites, area of ​​protected surface, thousand m 2

from 4.8 to 15.6

over 15.6 to 24

over 24 to 75


Blocking pipeline, length, km

over 2 to 7

over 7 to 20

Name of objects

Explanatory note

Right-of-way design

Environmental protection measures

Construction estimate

Other documentation

Civil defense and emergency prevention measures

Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial constructions

Name of objects

Technological solutions

Constructive decisions

Artificial constructions


Electricity supply

Water supply and sanitation

To Table No. 1 Linear part of the main oil product pipeline

To Table No. 2 Branch from the main oil product pipeline

To Table No. 4 Underground passage of the pipeline through railways and roads

To Table No. 10 On-site process pipelines of oil depots

To table No. 10 Blocking pipeline

Name of objects

Explanatory note

Right-of-way design

Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial constructions

Buildings and structures included in the infrastructure of the facility

Construction organization project

Project for organizing demolition (dismantling) work

Environmental protection measures

Fire safety measures

Construction estimate

Other documentation

Civil defense and emergency prevention measures

To Table No. 1 Linear part of the main oil product pipeline

To Table No. 2 Branch from the main oil product pipeline

To Table No. 4 Underground passage of the pipeline through railways and roads

To Table No. 10 On-site process pipelines of oil depots

To table No. 10 Blocking pipeline


* - is assessed additionally;

Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial constructions

Name of objects

Technological solutions

Constructive decisions

Artificial constructions


Electricity supply

Water supply and sanitation

Communication, alarm, automation

To Table No. 1 Linear part of the main oil product pipeline

To Table No. 2 Branch from the main oil product pipeline

To Table No. 4 Underground passage of the pipeline through railways and roads

To Table No. 10 On-site process pipelines of oil depots

To table No. 10 Blocking pipeline

Name of objects

Explanatory note

Architectural solutions

Construction organization project

List of environmental protection measures

Fire safety measures

Construction estimate

points 1, 2

points 1, 2

points 1, 2

To table No. 8 gas stations

points 1, 2, 3

points 3, 4

points 6, 7

points 9, 10


* - is assessed additionally;

** - documentation for this section is not being developed;

To Table No. 13. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing the subsection “Information about engineering equipment, about networks of engineering support, a list of engineering activities, the content of technological solutions”

Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions

Name of objects

Power supply system

Water supply system

Drainage system

Gas supply system

Technological solutions

To table No. 3 Head pumping stations

To Table No. 3 Intermediate pumping stations

To table No. 4 Oil products loading point

points 1, 2

To Table No. 6 Petroleum Product Databases

points 1, 2

To Table No. 7 Reception point for collection of waste petroleum products

points 1, 2

To table No. 8 gas stations

points 1, 2, 3

To table No. 9 Waste oil products regeneration point

To table N 10 Semi-automatic loading station for light petroleum products

To table N 10 Lightning protection of tank farms

To table N 10 Tank farms

points 3, 4

To table N 10 Railway unloading devices of oil depots and railway loading points

points 6, 7

To table N 10 Pumping tank farms for pumping petroleum products

To table N 10 Electrochemical protection

points 9, 10


* - is assessed additionally;

** - documentation for this section is not being developed;

Name of objects

Explanatory note

Scheme of planning organization of a land plot

Architectural solutions

Constructive and space-planning solutions

Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions

Construction organization project

Project for organizing demolition or dismantling work

List of environmental protection measures

Fire safety measures

Measures to ensure access for people with disabilities

Requirements for ensuring the safe operation of capital construction projects

Energy efficiency measures***

Construction estimate

Other documentation. Civil defense and emergency prevention measures

To table No. 3 Head pumping stations

To Table No. 3 Intermediate pumping stations

To table No. 4 Oil products loading point

points 1, 2

To Table No. 6 Petroleum Product Databases

points 1, 2

To Table No. 7 Reception point for collection of waste petroleum products

points 1, 2

To table No. 8 gas stations

points 1, 2, 3

To table No. 9 Waste oil products regeneration point

To table N 10 Semi-automatic loading station for light petroleum products

To table N 10 Lightning protection of tank farms

To table N 10 Tank farms

points 3, 4

To table N 10 Railway unloading devices of oil depots and railway loading points

points 6, 7

To table N 10 Pumping tank farms for pumping petroleum products

To table N 10 Electrochemical protection

points 9, 10


* - is assessed additionally;

** - documentation for this section is not being developed;

*** - Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used.

To Table No. 14. Recommended approximate relative cost of developing the subsection “Information about engineering equipment, networks of engineering support, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions”

Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, list of engineering activities, content of technological solutions

Name of objects

Power supply system

Water supply system

Drainage system

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heating networks

Communication networks, signaling, automation

Gas supply system

Technological solutions

To table No. 3 Head pumping stations

To Table No. 3 Intermediate pumping stations

To table No. 4 Oil products loading point

points 1, 2

To Table No. 6 Petroleum Product Databases

points 1, 2

To Table No. 7 Reception point for collection of waste petroleum products

points 1, 2

To table No. 8 gas stations

points 1, 2, 3

To table No. 9 Waste oil products regeneration point

To table N 10 Semi-automatic loading station for light petroleum products

To table N 10 Lightning protection of tank farms

To table N 10 Tank farms

points 3, 4

To table N 10 Railway unloading devices of oil depots and railway loading points

points 6, 7

To table N 10 Pumping tank farms for pumping petroleum products

To table N 10 Electrochemical protection

points 9, 10


* - is assessed additionally;

** - documentation for this section is not being developed;

Table No. 15. List of abbreviations used in the Directory


Decoding the abbreviation

Gas stations

Automated control systems

Automated process control systems

Automated supervisory control and management system


Automated energy metering system

Civil defense and emergency situations

Integrated Energy System


Unified dispatch system

Assessment of the impact of a capital construction project on the environment

Engineering structures monitoring system

Engineering systems monitoring system

Crisis management system

Central control center