What is civil and industrial engineering? Industrial and civil engineering now What applies to civil engineering.

Civil construction is characterized by the construction of non-production facilities and is one of the priority areas of activity of the country's construction complex. Today, the construction of civil and residential facilities is a continuous, socially significant and rapidly accelerating process.

Project documentation must be prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation. When developing design and estimate documentation, it is necessary to detail the decisions made and clarify the main technical and economic indicators.

Civil facilities are designed in accordance with the schemes and planning projects established in the general plan of cities, towns, rural areas.

The civil engineering project contains the following main sections:

  • information about the facility under construction;
  • general plan;
  • technological solutions;
  • organization of the construction process;
  • required working conditions for workers;
  • environmental protection;
  • fire prevention measures.

General contracting company "Construction Industry" successfully implements civil engineering projects in Russia and the CIS countries, constructing both single objects and entire residential complexes with adjacent infrastructure.

This project scope is due to cooperation with "Russian Club of Financial Directors", which includes representatives of the economic elite who are open to mutually beneficial cooperation and are in search of promising projects for investment. Active cooperation with investors is explained not only by its status, portfolio of successfully implemented civil construction projects and reputation State Industrial Complex "Construction Industry", but also by the quality of execution of project documentation provided for consideration by potential investors.

The construction of civil facilities is inextricably linked with social and professional responsibility, since the further operation of buildings must be based on safety and comfort. The projects implemented by the Company strictly comply with the legislation: Urban Planning Code, GOST, SNiP, SanPin and environmental standards. Compliance with generally accepted standards, along with social responsibility, ensures the successful implementation of investment and construction projects.

The design team conducts engineering surveys, implements project development, its approval, and carries out total control over compliance with construction quality and compliance with requirements.

The Company's specialists are regularly recertified and undergo advanced training courses. To make the most profitable engineering, technological and economic decisions, as well as in relation to investment attractiveness, State Industrial Complex "Construction Industry" interacts with the All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Engineers", whose members are active specialists in the field of construction and engineering, engineering theorists.

This cooperation allows us to discuss and find the most effective ways to solve problems set by the Customer, in accordance with accepted regulatory standards and rules, economic efficiency and compliance with the quality standards of the facility being built. The decisions made are submitted to the Customer for consideration, since their application can optimize the budget, which directly affects resource savings during the further operation of the facility. This significantly increases the investment attractiveness of the project and the quality of the civil engineering project itself.

To date State Industrial Complex "Construction Industry" implements civil engineering projects, acting as a contractor, in accordance with the General Territory Development Plan, carrying out state, municipal and private orders. In this case, innovative technologies are used.

Employees State Industrial Complex "Construction Industry" are certified specialists in the field of application of construction equipment, as well as technologies used in the operation of the building. This allows you to carry out installation, assembly and commissioning work on your own, without the involvement of subcontractors, which guarantees quality and personal responsibility for the technical condition of structures and equipment.

Our own material and technical base, destructive and non-destructive testing laboratories allow us to conduct independent engineering surveys, which ultimately ensures the development of effective technical, engineering and design solutions.

Housing and civil construction, capital construction industry, specialized mainly in the construction of non-production facilities of the national economy: residential buildings, dormitories, hotels, trade and catering establishments, schools, educational institutions, medical and children's institutions, theaters, cultural centers, cinemas, clubs, palaces of pioneers, sports facilities, libraries, museums, administrative buildings, consumer services and utilities.

J.-G. With. has great social significance, because it directly affects the improvement of living conditions of the population. Feature of J.-g. With. is complexity. Along with the construction of residential buildings, urban planning tasks are being solved to create a network of educational, healthcare, cultural institutions, public utility and consumer services enterprises, landscaping and landscaping (see. Urban planning ).

As an inheritance from Tsarist Russia, the Soviet state received a housing stock that was insufficient in size, poorly equipped, and significantly destroyed during the First World War of 1914-18. Already in the first years of the existence of Soviet power, the Communist Party and the Soviet state improved the living conditions of workers by relocating them from basements to apartments of the expropriated classes. During the pre-war five-year plans (1929-40), the housing supply for the population remained insufficient, despite the continuously increasing volume of housing construction, since the urban population grew even faster. The housing problem was extremely aggravated by the destruction caused by the Nazi aggressors during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, as a result of which about 25 million people were left homeless in urban and rural areas.

In the post-war period, the country's destroyed housing stock was restored. However, the development of industry caused a further increase in the urban population. If in 1913 it made up 18% of the country's total population, in 1940 - 33%, then in 1959 - 48%. In this regard, in 1957, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution “On the development of housing construction in the USSR,” which put forward the task of achieving a significant increase in the housing stock in the shortest possible time and determined the ways and methods of developing mass housing construction. The decision on family occupancy of apartments in residential buildings under construction instead of communal occupancy was important. The scale of housing construction has increased sharply. If in 1951-55 in the USSR 6052 thousand apartments with a total area of ​​240.5 million were commissioned. m 2, then in 1.956-60 11,292 thousand apartments with an area of ​​474.1 million were built. m 2. The Soviet state allocates huge capital investments to create non-productive fixed assets. Only on the construction of residential buildings, institutions of science, culture, art, and education in the 8th Five-Year Plan of 1966-70, an average of about 23% of all capital investments was spent annually. Since 1966, an average of over 100 million units have been put into operation. m 2 total usable area of ​​dwellings per year (in 1970-106 million m 2), which makes it possible to improve the living conditions of approximately 11 million people annually. The housing stock in cities and towns has grown significantly (from 421 million. m 2 in 1940 to 1529 million m 2 in 1970). In 1970, state and cooperative enterprises and organizations (including collective farms) opened 3,795 schools with 1,581 thousand student places, preschool institutions with 484 thousand places, and hospital institutions with 70 thousand beds. In 1970, state and cooperative enterprises and organizations opened 10.5 thousand stores and 4.4 thousand public catering establishments.

The capital of the USSR, Moscow, has changed and grown beyond recognition during the years of Soviet power. At the beginning of 1971, its housing stock increased almost 6 times. Residential buildings with a total area of ​​more than 90 million were built. m 2. The layout, landscaping and landscaping of the city have been significantly improved. The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR approved in 1971 a new General Plan for the Development of Moscow.

Huge scale of J.-g. With. became feasible thanks to industrialization of construction, based, in turn, on typification buildings, unification And standardization construction products, as well as the development and specialization of the construction industry and the building materials industry. The use of standard projects in housing construction in 1970 reached 93.5% of its total volume, and in cultural and domestic construction - 85.7%. Industrialization of J.-G. With. was accompanied by the development of large-block and large-panel construction. Industrialization Zh. With. created opportunities for organizing a single technological flow, starting from the manufacture of building structures and parts and ending with the construction of buildings. Based on the combination, new complex industrial and construction enterprises emerged - house-building factories (DSK). DSK's product is a ready-to-move-in residential building.

Much attention is paid to the quality of J.-g. With. The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted in 1969 a resolution “On measures to improve the quality of housing and civil construction,” which obligated design and construction organizations to improve the quality of housing and civil engineering. pp., to improve its design by ensuring the development and application of standard house designs, varying in architecture, number of floors and length. Apartments should be appropriate to the demographic composition of the families, be varied in size and comfortable, with large utility rooms and amenities. Planning of capital investments in housing construction and its technical and economic assessment should be carried out based on the cost indicator 1 m 2 the total area of ​​residential buildings, and not just the living area. As the income of the population grows, housing cooperative construction is developing.

Based on the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 1, 1962 “On individual and cooperative housing construction” and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 19, 1964 “On the further development of cooperative housing construction”, cooperative and individual housing construction were granted a number of benefits (see. Housing and construction cooperative ). In 1970, housing construction cooperation commissioned 7.7 million. m 2 total area of ​​residential buildings; The commissioning of residential buildings in cities and rural areas by workers and employees at their own expense and with the help of state credit in 1970 amounted to 13 million. m 2 total area.

Along with massive J.-g. With. unique buildings and structures were erected in the USSR, such as Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov on the Lenin Hills, complex of sports facilities of the Central Stadium named after. V.I. Lenin in Luzhniki, the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the All-Union Television Center and the television tower in Ostankino, a complex of high-rise residential and administrative buildings on Kalinin Avenue (Moscow), the Lenin Memorial Center in Ulyanovsk, the Yubileiny Sports Palace and the Oktyabrsky Cinema and Concert Hall "in Leningrad, a complex of buildings in Artek (Crimea), the Palace of Pioneers in Kyiv, etc.

Housing, cultural and community construction is being carried out on a large scale in rural areas. In accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 12, 1968, “On the streamlining of construction in rural areas,” work has begun on the design, planning, and development of central estates on state and collective farms, and comprehensive experimental and demonstrative rural housing developments have been carried out. With. Cooperative and individual construction of workers, office workers and rural intelligentsia, as well as housing construction at the expense of public funds of collective farms and at the expense of collective farmers, is increasingly developing.

In accordance with the Directives of the 24th Congress of the CPSU according to the five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1971-75, it is planned to build residential buildings with a total area of ​​580 million using all sources of financing. m 2. To build, at the expense of the state, preschool institutions for more than 2 million places, secondary schools for at least 6 million places; complete the provision of centralized water supply to the urban population, build water pipelines in 700 cities and workers’ settlements; expand the construction of hotels, campsites and other facilities to serve tourists. J.-G. program With. ensures an increase in the well-being and culture of the Soviet people.

In other socialist countries, the main costs of housing construction are carried out by the state and cooperative organizations.

In capitalist countries, housing construction is carried out mainly by private individuals or their associations. see also Housing issue.

Lit.: Materials of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, M., 1971; Promyslov V.F., Development of industrial construction in Moscow, M., 1967; Rodin Yu. M., Housing construction in the USSR, M., 1970; Construction in the USSR 1917-1957, M., 1958.

B. Ya. Jonas.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978

Project design bureau " Monolith» carries out complex construction of civil facilities in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation.

The company's professional and technical resources allow us to carry out work throughout the entire technological cycle - from excavation work to commissioning of the facility.

The principles of our work are based on the use of modern and innovative technologies and materials, a professional approach and responsibility.

The main traditional areas of construction of civil facilities of PKB Monolit in Moscow are turnkey construction of multi-apartment residential buildings and complexes, shopping centers, office buildings, kindergartens, swimming pools, sports complexes, etc.

Turnkey construction of houses

The construction of any building includes a whole range of works. Quite often, they fall on the shoulders of different companies, which leads to a lack of synchronization and, accordingly, to the appearance of defects. The Monolit design bureau undertakes all necessary work, providing turnkey house construction services. In this way, all specialists act harmoniously and complete the process much faster.

Construction of residential buildings and complexes

First of all, this is of particular importance in the construction of residential buildings and complexes. Rapid population growth requires the emergence of new areas for living. If the work is entrusted to the team "PKB "Monolit", then everything is performed at the proper level and in compliance with all requirements.

Construction of office buildings

Last but not least is the construction of office buildings. At the moment, more and more people are opening their own businesses and need personal (preferably not rented) premises. Therefore, the Monolit design bureau often receives tasks for the construction of just this type of structure.

Nowadays industrial and civil construction is in great demand. Many people do not even know what differences these terms have, so it is necessary to consider them in more detail. A large number of companies are engaged in this work because they completely specialize in it. But you need to check whether the masters have permission and experience so that this activity is carried out accordingly.

Types of services

Industrial and civil construction allows us to provide the following services:

  • drawing up a feasibility study;
  • creation of construction projects;
  • carrying out construction and installation work;
  • commissioning of the building.

These types of work are important during construction. But before using these services, you need to know the definitions of these concepts.

Civil Engineering

It represents the area of ​​construction in which various non-production facilities are erected. These include libraries, educational institutions, theaters, hospitals, sports complexes, residential buildings and administration buildings.

Industrial and civil engineering have an important social role. But the first type of work improves people's quality of life. Its important feature is complexity. The construction of houses takes place along with the solution of urban planning issues in the field of cultural institutions and improvement.

Now one of the profitable areas is the construction of commercial buildings. Medium and small office space is in demand. Usually these buildings are erected using modern materials and technologies. Civil engineering is necessary for the improvement of the population.

Industrial engineering

This is the area of ​​construction and restoration of buildings that are classified as industrial. Industrial construction and civil engineering are similar. But the goal of the area under consideration is to complete a complete list of works. Thanks to them, enterprises are put into operation and reconstructed.

Industrial facilities have different purposes. Construction of this type takes into account the requirements for objects. Only certified companies whose professionals have extensive experience can carry out such work.


A production complex is a network of enterprises united by a technological process. They work to ensure that the company obtains as much economic results as possible. The main elements of the complex are the buildings. These include administrative buildings and warehouses.

The production complex may include infrastructure facilities. These include pumping stations, boiler rooms, electrical substations, and employee rest areas. Industrial complexes are classified as the industrial sector. Only experienced employees are used for work.

Domestic construction

The construction of industrial and civil facilities in Russia is an important sector of the economy. It accounts for about 3% of the country's GDP. Every year this area allows us to generate income and also improve people’s living conditions. Industrial and civil construction enterprises are needed to employ many people.

The industry in demand is residential construction. It is actively developing in densely populated regions of the country. These include Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don. Large cities especially require a lot of housing as the population is constantly growing.

Getting an education

This profession is considered one of the most in demand in the world. People constantly need housing, cultural and industrial buildings. You can get an education in many universities in the country. The profile is intended for those who want not only to learn urban planning, but also to implement their plans in projects. In this job, knowledge of computers and information technology is desirable, since you have to work a lot with computer-aided design of structures and buildings.

When a bachelor's degree is issued, graduates can work in large enterprises that engage in construction design and reconstruction of facilities. Students are taught theory and practice, and are taught to perform their work professionally.

Bachelors in this profile receive general education. During their studies, students are taught to do research work. After training, graduates can get a job in engineering at a construction company. They have the right to continue their studies in master's and postgraduate studies.

Thus, the construction of industrial and civil buildings is a popular industry. With it comes an improvement in infrastructure and an increase in people's living standards. This is also necessary to improve the economy.

Civil engineering is the oldest and one of the most versatile industries. Every structure that we see around us today is a creation of civil engineering. This article will explain what civil engineering is and what it consists of.


Civil engineering is the oldest and wide-ranging engineering discipline among all fields of engineering. Issues of planning, design and construction of buildings and various structures are discussed here. From huge dams to high-rise buildings, from suspension bridges to offshore drilling platforms, it's all civil engineering.

History of civil engineering

The use of civil engineering dates back to ancient times. Most of the Seven Wonders of the World, including the Egyptian Pyramids, were created by impeccable civil engineering personnel. After all, how can one ignore the majestic architecture of Rome or the unique design of the great Eiffel Tower?

Relevance of civil engineering

Civil engineering is the most diverse industry. Technically speaking, civil engineering is the creator of the entire world of infrastructure. Structures such as tunnels, dams, sewers, bridges, highways, canals, industrial plants, residential buildings, railway lines, airports and so on all come under the category of civil engineering. Additionally, as the world's population increases, technology becomes more advanced and the need for improved infrastructure increases around the world. Civil engineering continues to serve these needs in all areas and aspects of human life.

The need for infrastructure development is growing by leaps and bounds in every sector. In order to concentrate and effectively manage the construction process in each sector, these areas of civil engineering have been divided into various sub-disciplines. This means that, based on applications, the civil engineering stream has been divided into several branches to make the construction process simpler and more manageable. Some of the main branches of civil engineering are: bridge engineering, mechanical engineering, construction, mechanical engineering, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, transport engineering, geodesy and others.

It is best to order geodetic work from real professionals who have specialized geodetic equipment, for example, on the website http://ksgeoprom.ru/geodezicheskie-raboty.htm. Geodesy is an integral stage of construction, which allows, with the help of instruments, to determine the position of an object on the earth’s surface, its shape, size, and to give a comprehensive and comprehensive assessment of the natural and technical characteristics of this object.

An ideal construction process would involve construction specifically right from planning to maintaining the structure even after its completion. Civil engineering professionals who perform these functions are involved in the construction process. They plan, design and analyze every part in the structure before starting the construction process itself. The designs of all parts of the building, along with the exact technical specifications, are drawn up on drawing sheets before the construction process begins. A study is made of the various forces that can act on each corner of the building and, based on this, subsequent changes are made in architecture and design. Even in a tiny corner of the planned structure, the magnitude of stresses and deformations that may occur when the structure is built or while still in the process of formation is carefully checked. In addition, structures are also adjusted for deviations due to wind, seismic activity, or natural disasters. These tolerances are built into the building to withstand the forces of nature and thus remain intact.

Thus, civil engineering is the creation of reliable structures with a guarantee of durability. Moreover, with increasing awareness regarding renewable energy sources, their application in civil engineering has also increased. In addition, to preserve the natural environment from ever-growing industrial production, a systemic protection called environmental engineering was created. Some of these applications include various methods for purifying polluted air and water, harnessing solar energy, generating fresh water, harnessing water and wind energy, and protecting the marine environment.

Civil engineering is becoming more and more diverse with an increasing number of applications. In addition, guidelines for building structures are also becoming more stringent, emphasizing issues such as human safety and resistance to natural and man-made disasters.