Preferential mortgage for large families. Mortgage for large families from Sberbank Mortgage for large families

Mortgage for large families

Mortgage for a large family is preferential. Currently, banks offer several types of mortgage lending to large families, however, despite the presence of certain benefits, the conditions of these mortgage programs are very strict.

Thus, the down payment for a large family is 30% of the market value of housing. A large family is a family that has three or more children under 16 years of age. For such a family, the total area of ​​the apartment being purchased, and, consequently, its cost is very significant. So it is often almost impossible to find funds for a down payment for a large family.

Due to such unattractive “preferential” conditions of banks, the issue of housing for large families is more successfully resolved at the regional level. Regions offer mortgage lending schemes that provide additional preferential square meters of living space at the birth of each subsequent child.

Thus, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Law No. 7-2176 of October 2, 2008 was adopted “On the provision of social payments to pay interest rates on loans taken out by citizens with four or more children to improve housing conditions.” Within the framework of this law, in accordance with the amendments made on October 6, 2011 N 13-6228, social payments are provided to repay interest on loans.

The right to receive social payments to pay off the interest rate on mortgage loans for the purchase or construction of housing in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are citizens who have and are raising four or more minor children, or who have reached the age of 18 and have been disabled since childhood, as well as full-time students in educational institutions. institutions of all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form, except for institutions of additional education, until the end of their studies, but not more than until they reach the age of 23 years, living in the territory of the region for at least five years.

The size of the social benefit is:

  • 3/4 of the interest rate under the loan agreement, but not more than 1.5 of the current refinancing rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, if the recipient has four children;
  • interest rate under the loan agreement, but not more than 2 current refinancing rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, if the recipient has five or more children.

For large families of the Novosibirsk region with five or more children, with an average per capita income below the subsistence level, a cash payment in the amount of 100,000 rubles is provided for the repair, construction and purchase of housing in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region dated April 23, 2012 No. 197-p "On a one-time cash payment for repairs, construction and purchase of housing for large families with five or more children."

A large family in need of housing can receive a social mortgage in Udmurtia. In accordance with the unique conditions established by the Decree of the Government of the Udmurt Republic of August 12, 2013 N 369 “On measures to improve the living conditions of large families at the expense of the budget of the Udmurt Republic”, for such families the following are provided: preferential loan rate, down payment of 10% from the cost of purchased housing and social benefits provided to large families:

  • When concluding a credit agreement (housing loan agreement) up to 300,000 rubles, but not exceeding the balance of the principal debt under the loan agreement (housing loan agreement).
  • Upon the birth (adoption) of children during the validity period of the loan agreement (housing loan agreement) in the amount of up to 300,000 rubles for each child, but not more than 600,000 rubles in total, and not exceeding the balance of the principal debt under the loan agreement (housing loan agreement).

Social mortgages in the Tula region for large families are implemented within the framework of the Subprogram "Development of mortgage lending in the Tula region for 2014 - 2020" of the state program of the Tula region "Providing quality housing and housing and communal services to the population of the Tula region", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated 11/19. 2013 N 660.

According to paragraph 2 of section - Regulations on the procedure, amount and conditions for providing one-time social payments to certain categories of citizens; one-time social payments are provided to large families (with three or more children) recognized as needing to improve their living conditions in the prescribed manner and having income sufficient to obtain a mortgage housing loan (loan ).

The amount of social benefits provided is set as a percentage of the estimated cost of housing and is differentiated:

  • For large families:
    • having three children - 40 % ;
    • having four children - 50 % ;
    • having five children - 70 % ;
    • having six or more children, - 90 % .

Particularly worth highlighting is the program “Mortgages available to those with many children,” adopted in Chukotka as part of the List of Activities of the subprogram “Social Support for Families and Children” of the State Program “Social Support for the Population of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug for 2014 - 2018.”

Social mortgage in Chukotka for large families provides for social payments for the payment of the down payment when receiving a mortgage loan for the purchase of housing in the amount of 30% of the cost of the purchased residential premises, but not more than 1,000,000 rubles, as well as for monthly partial reimbursement of interest on mortgage housing loans in the amount 50% of the monthly interest payment amount, but not more than 10,000 rubles per month.

Social support for large families for mortgage lending was adopted in 2014 in Altai. The support mechanism provides for the provision of a social payment for the payment of part of the down payment when receiving a mortgage loan by a large family - a member of a housing construction cooperative, with subsequent reimbursement of part of the interest rate on the loan for the construction of an apartment building.

Social mortgages for large families in Mari El are focused on the development of individual housing construction. Here, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mari El dated July 29, 2011 N 226, social payments are provided from the republican budget to reimburse the interest rate on loans attracted by families with three or more children for the construction of an individual residential building.

For large families there is also the opportunity to use regional maternity capital(RMK), both for the down payment and for paying off mortgage debt, which makes mortgages more realistic for such families. This is especially true for regions with a very significant size of the RCC. Regional maternity capital is assigned in the vast majority of regions of Russia at the birth of the third child, when the family acquires the status of “large”.

More information about regional legislation establishing maternity capital in the regions can be found on our portal "Maternity Capital" in the section "Regional maternal capital and social support for large families" in the region of your residence.

Since the state in 2019, as before, supports the social direction of lending to improve the demographic situation, mortgages for large families in Moscow are a preferential lending program. Families with three or more children can take out such a loan in Moscow. As for Moscow families, they can additionally receive a number of benefits at the regional level. Let's consider this.

Federal mortgage for large families in Moscow

The program has been in effect since 2005 and is implemented on a first-come, first-served basis based on the application principle. A mortgage in Moscow for families with many children is a strict list of requirements and special conditions for registration and issuance:

  • subsidy amount -35% of the total housing price (no more);
  • the preferential mortgage is partially repaid with a subsidy, which is transferred to the account of the bank that issued the loan;
  • you can apply for an 18% discount on the loan amount if, after receiving the subsidy, another child was born in the family;
  • Housing loans for families with many children in Moscow are issued without taking into account the 30 square meters purchased by the state. meters of living space.

How to get a mortgage for large families in Moscow?

To begin with, a family with three minor children (or more) must confirm their status as needing improved living conditions (documents are issued by local authorities). In addition, the size of the apartment in which the family lives must comply with the standard - 18 m² per resident.

Preferential loans to large families in Moscow can be sent to:

  • for the purchase of housing from the municipal fund;
  • for housing construction (new building);
  • to purchase an apartment on the secondary market.

Moscow banks implement programs with the following conditions:

  • period: 20-30 years;
  • down payment: up to 20%;
  • rate: 7-11%;
  • the opportunity to use maternity capital;
  • deferment of payments for a year at the birth of a child is a new law at the federal level.

Which Moscow banks issue mortgages to large families

The website presents all banks and mortgage programs in table form. Not all of them issue preferential loans. Sberbank, VTB-24 and several others cooperate with the state.

Mortgages for large families in one of the segments of the federal program to provide the population with affordable housing. Among the ways for large families to obtain housing through mortgages today are not only specialized bank programs, but also rules adopted at the level of federal subjects on subsidies, preferential interest rates, etc.

Implementation of a program to provide affordable housing

Unfortunately, the draft federal law on mortgages on preferential terms for large families has remained a draft. The 30-year loan term, government payment of 18% of the cost of housing, reduced rates and other benefits detailed in this project were not implemented. However, the absence of a relevant federal law does not mean that the legislator is ignoring the problem of shortage of housing for large families.

At the federal level

The all-Russian program is called “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation.” It is voluminous and includes not only preferential mortgages, but also the development of the rental housing market, the construction of economy-class houses, and bringing the housing stock in line with the needs of population groups that need special protection (including large families). However, this program does not have specific rules for so-called direct housing action.

Decree of the Russian Government “On some issues of the implementation of the program “Housing for the Russian Family” dated 05.05.2014 No. 404 (this is a subprogram of the main federal program) is more specific. It establishes a list of persons who can participate in this program. This includes parents of three or more children.

This formulation seems more correct than simply indicating a large family. After all, in Russian law there is no concept of large families; moreover, the idea of ​​the number of children in a large family varies in different regions of the Russian Federation. The most common option is with three or more children, however, the legislation of the Republic of Ingushetia, for example, considers parents of five or more minor children to have many children (Article 22 of the Law of the Republic of Ingushetia “On Family Protection...” dated November 29, 1999 No. 27-RZ).

At the regional level

So, all details of a preferential mortgage are regulated by laws and other acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Moreover, not all of them have benefits for large families for the purchase of housing. The fact is that this is a fairly expensive program for the budget, and some administrations hope to fulfill the tasks of the federal program by other methods. For example, using the same rental housing.

Don't know your rights?

In addition, assistance to large families can be provided not only through programs addressed directly to parents of three or more children, but through the already well-known “Affordable Housing for Young Families” scheme or other regional preferential mortgage schemes. There are also some restrictions. Thus, in Moscow, housing ownership at state expense (receipt of a subsidy) is granted to those in need who were registered before 2005. The housing problems of the rest are supposed to be solved with the help of social rent and free use.

The usual criteria for selecting citizens to participate in the preferential program are:

  • the person’s need for improved housing conditions (usually confirmed by a document confirming that he is registered with the local government, but there are also specific requirements for the number of square meters per person, the availability of amenities, and the technical condition of housing);
  • recognition of a low-income family;
  • the age of parents is up to 35 years (for the “Young Family” program);
  • permanent registration in a given subject of the Russian Federation for a certain period (usually several years).

For example, in Moscow, family assistance can be provided by issuing a subsidy for the payment of a mortgage loan or participating in shared construction of economy-class housing (it will be half the market price).

Preferential mortgage at the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML)

You can take out a preferential mortgage from AHML - the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. It is engaged in refinancing and standardizing the procedure for issuing mortgage loans. You can get a mortgage loan under preferential rules from the agency's partner banks.

AHML does not have a specialized program for large families. But the presence of several children is a reason to reduce the interest rate on some existing programs. The programs are not permanent, so before contacting the agency, it is recommended to study the latest information on the official website.

The principle of lending through AHML

AHML programs work as follows. The agency enters into an agreement to purchase a certain amount of mortgage debt from partner banks. Banks, in turn, must provide loans on the terms of AHML standards. I must say, these are very loyal standards. Just look at the interest rate: on average, for different offers it is about 9%. It is quite possible to obtain a mortgage according to the AHML standard: the agency has more than 1,000 partners throughout the country - banks and credit organizations.

Thus, the issue of mortgage benefits for large families is decided by each subject of the federation and each bank to the best of its ability. However, given the long duration of the federal program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utility services to citizens of the Russian Federation,” one can hope that the federal legislator will show more attention to this problem and oblige regional authorities to develop specialized mortgage programs for this category of the population.

Providing decent housing for large families is one of the important components of Russian social policy. Social mortgage is expected to play a significant role in this issue, the program of which was developed at the state level and supplemented by various regional mortgage lending schemes.

Imperfection of social mortgage

A preferential mortgage for large families developed at the central state level makes it possible to receive preferences for purchasing housing on credit. Various commercial banks, ensuring the implementation of the state program of preferential lending, offer many directions for providing mortgages for large families.

Despite this, the issue of providing housing for large families can hardly be called resolved.

The problem is, first of all, that a large family needs to independently resolve the issue of the down payment, which sometimes reaches 30% or more of the cost of housing. Of course, we are not talking about a small apartment, 30% of the cost of which is not such an unaffordable amount, but about housing with a large area where a family of 5-7 people or more could live comfortably. 30% of the cost of such housing is already a substantial amount, practically unaffordable for most large families.

Understanding the current situation, state social services in 2018 continue to resolve the issue of affordable mortgage housing.

Preferential mortgage for large families

Many commercial and government structures at the regional level, without waiting for help from above, have developed quite acceptable schemes providing mortgage benefits to large families.

Thus, real assistance in purchasing housing is provided by banking institutions and mortgage agencies, for example, Sberbank of Russia, AHML, etc.

Mortgage from AHML

The most favorable conditions for preferential mortgage lending to families with many children are offered by the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML), which provides a whole range of advantageous offers:

  • lending rate for mortgages with state support – from 6%;
  • when buying housing in a new building – from 9.9%, on the secondary market – from 10.25%;
  • the down payment is from 15% (when using maternity capital);
  • the calculation of loan repayment is carried out in such a way that the family’s monthly payment is no more than 50% of the total income of all working family members;
  • deductions from the interest rate are provided for large families;
  • assistance program (mortgage loan restructuring) for families with one or more minor children.

Mortgage of Sberbank of Russia

Of no less interest is mortgages for large families from Sberbank (minimum rate - 6% per annum). To facilitate lending to young families (up to 35 years of age), the bank’s management has developed a special scheme that makes it possible to attract other persons acting as co-borrowers. According to this scheme, a young family with many children can attract up to six co-borrowers when applying for a mortgage. This greatly facilitates the financial fate of a young family and facilitates the very possibility of obtaining the bank’s consent to provide a mortgage.

In addition, Sberbank provides an additional benefit to a young family - a deferment of loan repayments for up to five years in the event of the birth of another child.

Today, even more attractive mortgages for large families are being developed, and I would like to hope that in 2019 Sberbank will be pleased with a new loan assistance program.

It should be noted that real assistance and profitable mortgages for large families have been developed by many banking, commercial and government agencies at the regional level.

Pay attention to other benefits and payments for large families.

Advantageous mortgages for large families at the regional level

To accommodate large families (those with more than three children), the regional leadership is developing and implementing many different programs to make it easier to resolve the housing issue.

Moreover, the preferences provided by many social services at the regional level apply to both urban residents and large families living in rural areas. In some regions of Russia, mortgages are provided to large families in the form of assistance in purchasing land for housing construction.

To improve living conditions in some regions, one-time cash payments are provided for the purpose of repairing or expanding living space.

In most regions, mortgages for large families are provided from special regional maternity capital. The creation of such an account at the regional level greatly facilitates the solution of the housing problem for many large families.