Characteristics and features of the railway transport network. Brief characteristics of Russian railways

The importance of railway transport Russian railways are the second largest transport system in the world (7%), second only to the United States in terms of the total length of operational tracks. In terms of the length of electrified highways, Russian railways rank first in the world. The Russian Federation currently accounts for more than 20% of the freight turnover and 15% of the passenger turnover of all railways in the world.

The contribution of Russian Railways to Russia's GDP is 2.5 percent. Russian railways consume up to 6% of all electricity produced in the country, or 44 billion kWh per year, and 10% of diesel fuel. Railway transport provides more than 70 thousand enterprises in various industries. In addition to its role as a national transport integrator, railway transport provides employment to more than 1.5 million people.

Characteristics of demand for rail transportation The vast majority of transportation (more than 85%) is interregional or national in nature (travel on more than one of 17 railways) with an average transportation distance of more than 1,400 km. In the structure of shipments, there is a significant predominance of wagonload and group shipments. Wagon transportation retains a consistently high share in the total volume of transportation, and in 2007 it accounted for 65% of wagons from the average daily loading volume. - The 10 largest clients in terms of loading volume provide approximately 32% of the total loading (while the share of the 100 largest clients in terms of loading volume exceeds 70%); - The 10 largest stations by loading volume provide approximately 13% of loading, the next 90 largest stations provide another 38% of loading, while there are a significant number of low-intensity stations.

Reform of railway transport State documents for the development of railway transport for the medium and long term: 1) Program for structural reform in railway transport in the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 384 of May 18, 2001); 2) Target model of the market for railway transport services (approved on May 16, 2007 at a meeting of the Government Commission on the Development of Industry, Technology and Transport); 3) Strategy for the development of railway transport in the Russian Federation until 2030 (approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2008 No. 877 -r); 4) Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 (approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2008 No. 1734 -r).

Privatization of rolling stock As of December 1, 2009, the Russian fleet of freight cars amounts to 981.2 thousand units, of which: - 340.7 thousand or 34.7% of the property of JSC Russian Railways; - 243.7 thousand or more than 24.8% – property of subsidiaries and affiliates of JSC Russian Railways (including Rusagrotrans cars); - 396.8 thousand or 40.5% of other owners. Currently, services for providing wagons for transportation are provided by more than 2,000 owners, most of whom own from several units to several hundred freight wagons. Thus, a fleet of more than 5 thousand cars is owned by only 12 owners, more than one thousand cars - about 90, less than 100 cars - 1,730 owners, and one car - about two hundred.

Subjects of the railway transportation market Persons involved in railway transportation are: owner of public railway transport infrastructure, consignor, consignee, carrier, owner of railway rolling stock, operator of railway rolling stock, forwarder

The owner of public railway transport infrastructure is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has the infrastructure under ownership or other right and provides services for its use on the basis of an agreement. Carries out transportation management activities within the network it owns. General network carrier - a carrier that carries out all types of freight transportation at state-regulated tariffs between all stations of the public network open for freight work under a contract of carriage by rail on a public basis. Owns mainline locomotives, manages the formation of trains and transportation in its own trains on the entire public infrastructure.

Local carrier is a carrier that, in accordance with a license and based on the results of a competition, carries out freight transportation on local sections of the railway network, determined by federal executive authorities in agreement with the owner of the infrastructure. The owner of railway rolling stock is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has railway rolling stock, containers on the right of ownership or other right, and provides this property on the basis of an agreement to the carrier, operator, infrastructure owner, shipper or other persons to ensure transportation and the functioning of the infrastructure.

Operator of railway rolling stock - a legal or natural person who has wagons on the right of ownership or other right, who has entered into an agreement with the carrier (owner of the infrastructure) on monitoring the technical condition and operating conditions and storage of the rolling stock, and participates on the basis of an agreement with the carrier in the implementation of the transportation process using the specified wagons and containers. The rolling stock operator, unlike the rolling stock owner, participates in the transportation process at the stages of planning the provision of rolling stock transportation, determines the directions of movement of empty cars and their storage locations based on technology agreed with the carrier, and ensures the repair and maintenance of rolling stock.

Management structure of JSC Russian Railways Passenger transportation Department of Passenger Services Federal Passenger Company Central Suburban Passenger Company Freight transportation Department of Marketing of Freight Transportation and Tariff Policy Center for Corporate Transport Services Infrastructure Department of Capital Construction Department of Tracks and Facilities Central Directorate of Traffic Management

SUBSIDIARIES OF JSC "Russian Railways" ENGAGED IN FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION First freight company Second freight company Trans. Container Rail. Trance. Auto Russian Troika Refservice Russian Railways Logistics

Basic legal acts of railway transport Civil Code of the Russian Federation Law “On Natural Monopolies” Law “On Federal Railway Transport in the Russian Federation” Law “On Peculiarities of Property Management of Railway Transport” Law “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation” Law “On Freight Forwarding Activities”

Contract of carriage In accordance with Article 25 of the Charter, when presenting cargo for transportation, the shipper must present a railway consignment note for each shipment of cargo drawn up in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of goods by rail. The specified invoice and the receipt issued on its basis to the shipper confirming the conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods. In accordance with the contract for the carriage of goods, the carrier undertakes to timely and safely deliver the goods to the destination railway station in compliance with the conditions of its transportation and hand it over to the consignee; the consignor undertakes to pay for the carriage of the goods.

Package of transportation documents The transportation document - railway consignment note (GU-27) consists of four sheets: sheet 1 - original consignment note (issued by the carrier to the consignee); sheet 2 - road manifest (several copies) for the carrier and participants in the transportation process, including at least two additional copies for each infrastructure involved in the transportation of goods - one for the entrance railway station located in this infrastructure, the second for the exit station from the infrastructure ); sheet 3 - the spine of the road manifest (remains with the carrier); sheet 4 - receipt of cargo acceptance (remains with the shipper).

Delivery of cargo to the station Before presenting the cargo for transportation, the consignor must present the completed consignment note to the station to obtain permission (visa) to import the cargo, occupy the rolling stock and load it. Cargo is delivered to the public areas of stations by the shipper using a pre-filled consignment note on the days stipulated by the carrier’s visa.

Cargo delivery time Cargo delivery time includes the time required to perform operations related to the departure and arrival of cargo, the transit time of cargo and the time established for performing operations along the route, as well as the time that allows you to increase the delivery time in the presence of circumstances provided for by the transit time. of cargo depends on the distance, speed of transportation, type of shipment and is determined based on daily mileage standards. Td = Distance/mileage rate + NCO + Tadd

Norms for non-commercial operations and additional operations Cargo delivery times, calculated based on daily mileage norms, increase by: – 2 days - for operations related to the departure and arrival of cargo; – 2 days - when transporting goods in small shipments and in containers at a distance of up to 1000 km and 3 days - over 1000 km (for their accumulation and sorting at cargo sorting platforms and container points); – 1 day - when cargo departs from the railway stations of the Moscow and St. Petersburg hubs or when cargo arrives at the railway stations of these hubs, as well as when cargo transits through these hubs; – 1 day - in the case of border, customs, sanitary epidemiological, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of state control at the border checkpoints of the Russian Federation; – 1 day for each infrastructure when transporting goods involving several infrastructures.

Daily mileage rates Freight speed: For wagonload shipments, the travel rate is from 110 (for a distance of up to 200 km) to 420 km/day (for a distance of over 5000 km); For container and small ones: from 75 to 300 km/day. High speed: For wagonload shipments, the travel rate is from 110 (for a distance of up to 200 km) to 450 km/day (for a distance of over 5000 km); For container and small ones: from 90 to 3600 km/day. Routes - 550 km/day

Types of cargo shipments (consignments) 1. A wagonload shipment is considered to be a cargo presented for transportation using one railway consignment note, the transportation of which requires the provision of a separate wagon. 2. A consolidated wagon shipment is considered to be cargo of different names presented one by one to the same consignee. 3. Container shipment is considered to be cargo presented for transportation one waybill at a time, the transportation of which requires the provision of one container. 4. A small shipment is considered to be cargo presented one waybill at a time, the transportation of which does not require the provision of a separate wagon or container. 5. A group shipment is considered to be a cargo presented for transportation one waybill at a time, the transportation of which requires the provision of more than one wagon, but less than a route shipment. 6. A route shipment is considered to be cargo presented for transportation one waybill at a time, the transportation of which requires the provision of wagons in quantities corresponding to the standards established for routes by weight or

Operations along the route: reception and delivery of cars at technical stations, inspection of trains and cars in a commercial sense, accounting for the transfer of cars, containers, equipping refrigerated sections, processing of autonomous refrigerated cars, sorting of small shipments and containers, checking the position of oversized cargo, delivery and reception from other types of transport of goods transported in direct mixed traffic, customs inspection at border stations, registration of customs transit, customs declarations, etc.

Operations for the arrival and unloading of goods Reception of loaded wagons and transportation documents at the destination station, Registration of arrived goods, Notification of consignees about the arrival of cargo and the time of delivery of wagons and containers for unloading Unloading, registration and labeling of unloaded goods Storage, paperwork and delivery of goods

Tariff structure Tariffs include: - fees for the mileage of loaded and empty cars - fees for the use of infrastructure - fees for initial and final operations - other fees and charges for the transportation of goods and infrastructure services performed by Russian Railways, indicated in the Tariff Manual. Price list No. 10 -01. Tariffs for the transportation of goods and infrastructure services performed by Russian railways (Tariff Guide No. 1) Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation

Differentiation of tariffs The rate for movement operations (B) is set taking into account the loading of the car, the distance of transportation, the empty run of the cars and other factors depending on the type of shipment and the type of car. Tariffs are differentiated according to the conditions of cargo tariffication into three tariff classes: first, second, third. Correction factors are established for each class. Correction factors have also been established for export-import transportation.

Extract from Part 1 on transportation 2. 4. General procedure for determining the fee for the transportation of goods 2. 4. 1. When determining the fee, the following actions are performed: 2. 4. 1. 1. According to Tariff Guide No. 4, the tariff distance is determined ... 2. 4. 1. 2. The type of shipment of the cargo presented for transportation is established (carload, group, route, container, small, combined carload.... 2. 4. 1. 3. The ETSNG position for this cargo and the weight of the cargo accepted for calculating fees are determined … 2. 4. 1. 4. From the tables given in Appendix 5 of this Tariff Manual, the number of the tariff scheme for this type of shipment is determined, as well as the correction factors to them given in Appendices 3 and 4 of this Tariff Manual; 1. 5. Based on the calculation tables given in Part II of this Tariff Manual, the transportation fee is determined….

Extract from Part 1 on infrastructure 4. 3. General procedure for determining fees for services for using the Russian Railways infrastructure 4. 3. 1. When determining fees for services for using the Russian Railways infrastructure, the following actions are performed: 4. 3. 1. 1. Sections are established routes...(electrified and/or non-electrified). 4. 3. 1. 2. According to Tariff Manual No. 4, the tariff distance is determined... 4. 3. 1. 3. The type of car and locomotive (electric locomotive or diesel locomotive) is established. 4. 3. 1. 4. The cargo code and its weight, as well as the tariff class of the cargo are determined... 4. 3. 1. 5. Taking into account the parameters specified in subparagraphs 4. 3. 1. 1 - 4. 3. 1. 4 ...payment for services for using the Russian Railways infrastructure is determined according to the tariff schemes given in the Classifier of tariff schemes... 4. 3. 2………. . 4. 3. 3. Correction factors for tariff schemes are determined, indicated in tables No. 3 and 4 of Appendix 3

Classifier of tariff schemes The classifier shows tariff rates for initial-final (A) and movement (B) operations for each tariff scheme. The classifier is the basis for automating board taxation using a computer. The shipping fee (P) is determined based on the classifier according to the following relationship: P = A + B. L, rub.

Accepted notations A – rate for initial-final operations, rub. per shipment (wagon, ton, container); B – rate for movement operations, rub. per shipment-km (car-km, ton-km, container-km); L – average belt distance of transportation, km.

General procedure for determining the fee for the transportation of goods When determining the fee, the following actions are performed: 1. According to Tariff Guide No. 4, the tariff distance from the railway station of departure to the railway station of destination is determined. 2. The type of shipment of the cargo presented for transportation is established (carload, group, route, container, small or combined carload), the type and affiliation of the car, container, locomotive 3. The ETSNG position for this cargo is determined, and for carload, group, route shipments - tariff class of cargo; 4. The number of the tariff scheme for this type of shipment is determined, as well as correction factors for them. 5. The transportation fee is determined.

Online tariff calculations "Railway Tariff" program of the Alta Company - "Railway Tariff" Software Calculation of railway freight charges "Alta-SWH ​​PRO" Temporary storage warehouse "Alta-TS" Customs warehouse "Broker accounts" Payment for brokerage services "Report" Customs report broker "Alta-PTS" Vehicle passport "Alta-Waybill" Shipping documents "Alta-Invoices" Mini-office of the sales department "Alta-Logistics Foreign Economic Activity" Purchasing logistics of the enterprise "Alta-Manager" Customs terminal manager

Railway track A railway track is a complex structure consisting of an upper and lower track structure. The superstructure includes rails, sleepers, rail fastenings, and ballast prism. The substructure includes the subgrade and artificial structures (bridges, pipes, overpasses, etc.). The standard rail length in Russia is 12, 5 or 25 meters, however, at present, on interstation stages and station tracks, the so-called jointless track is used - welded strands of rails, reaching 800 meters or more in length. The distance between the rails, measured between the inner edges of the rail heads , is called the gauge. Different countries have different track widths, for example, in the Russian Federation -1520 mm. In foreign Europe (excluding Spain and Portugal) - 1435 mm, in China and Iran - 1435 mm, in India and Pakistan - 1676 mm. The permissible slope of the railway track is very insignificant and cannot exceed 12% in sections with diesel traction or 15% in sections with electric traction

Construction of the railway track 1 - drainage ditch; 2 - eyebrow; 3 - curb; 5 - ballast layer; 6 - slope; 8 reserve

Turnout switch. A device used to transfer rolling stock from one track to another. To connect railway tracks with each other, turnouts are used, which, due to their design, create continuity of the rail track and allow rolling stock to move from one track to another. Most turnouts are controlled centrally, from an electrical centralization station (EC). Previously, switches were manually moved by switch post attendants at the direction of the person in charge of shunting or train work.

Railway stations Railway stations: a) passenger; b) cargo; c) sorting; d) district police officers; e) intermediate (including sidings and passing points). At each of these categories of stations, operations related to the transportation of passengers, cargo and luggage can be carried out. 3. Depending on the volume of complexity of work, railway stations are divided into extracurricular, I, II, IV and V classes.

Sorting hump There is a sorting hump at every station where trains from cars of different directions arrive. At these stations, cars from one train are placed into another depending on the destination station of the goods that are in the cars. The sorting hump is used for such rearrangement (sorting) of cars. This is an elevated area in the station with several paths leading to it. The train being pushed onto the hill is uncoupled. The cars, having reached the top of the hill (also called the hump), roll down from it under the influence of their own gravity onto the sorting tracks, where new routes are formed.

Rolling stock Rolling stock can be: traction - these are locomotives (diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, steam locomotives), electric trains, diesel trains and non-traction - cars (passenger, freight), as well as special rolling stock. A train is a formed and coupled train of cars with one or more operating locomotives or motor cars, having installed signals.

Freight rolling stock Russian Railways have a powerful fleet of modern domestic locomotives - electric and diesel locomotives, with a capacity of 3 to 8 thousand kW. They carry out almost the entire volume of freight and passenger transportation, including 77% with electric and 23% with diesel traction. The average technical speed of freight trains is 47 km/h, passenger trains are 60 km/h. The average weight of a freight train is 3583 tons gross.

Locomotives A locomotive (French locomotive from Latin loco moveo - move from place) is a vehicle intended for use on the railway. The locomotive has its own power plant (engine) and is used to move non-self-propelled cars. Based on the type of power plant, locomotives are divided into: Steam locomotives (steam engine); Diesel locomotives (internal combustion engine – diesel); Gas turbine locomotives (a locomotive with a gas turbine engine. Gas turbine locomotives almost always use electric transmission); Electric locomotives (a non-autonomous locomotive driven by electric motors installed in it and receiving electricity from an external power grid through traction substations and a contact network); Based on the type of service, locomotives are divided into freight, passenger and shunting.

Transport, after the mining industry, agriculture and manufacturing, is a sphere of material production. Products usually cannot be produced and consumed unless they have undergone transportation. Unlike other industries, transport does not produce new products. The product of transport is the movement itself, the transportation of passengers and goods.

Rail transport is most suitable for mass transportation and operates regardless of the time of year and atmospheric conditions, which is especially important for Russia with its different climatic zones.

In terms of freight turnover, railway transport ranks first (80% of the total volume), and in terms of passenger turnover it accounts for 40%.

Railways have relatively low transportation costs and high speed of cargo delivery. In the total amount of expenses there is a relatively high proportion of expenses that have little dependence on the size of the movement (repair of buildings, structures, tracks, maintenance of administrative and technical personnel). It accounts for about half of the total operating costs. All this determines the high efficiency of using railways with a significant concentration of freight traffic.

Transporting goods by rail over relatively long distances is more economically profitable than over short distances, which is explained by the high proportion of costs that do not depend on the distance of transportation and increase their cost over short distances. This includes the costs of initial and final operations, including supplying cars to loading and unloading places and cleaning them, carrying out cargo operations, etc.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the creation of the CIS, the activities of the railway administrations of the CIS countries began to be coordinated by the Railway Transport Council, created in 1991, in whose work the Baltic countries also participate.

The railway network of the Commonwealth countries operates according to a unified train schedule, a unified train formation plan, and unified safety rules. The freight wagon fleet is also common, although each country owns a corresponding part of the fleet. A system of mutual settlements between CIS countries for the use of cars that are not their property has been developed and introduced.

The main railway network is connected by a continuous track with the railway tracks of industrial enterprises. At enterprises with a large volume of cargo arrivals and departures, railway tracks are available not only at warehouses for raw materials and finished products. They have a fairly large track development, their own freight and even marshalling stations, means of mechanization of loading and unloading operations, wagons, locomotives and other devices.

Almost half of the length of Russia's main railway lines (40 thousand km) is electrified. 76% of freight turnover is carried out by electric traction. Electrified lines have a number of advantages compared to diesel-powered lines: higher train speeds, more economical operation due to savings in oil fuel, and a higher level of compliance with environmental requirements.

63 thousand km are equipped with automatic blocking and dispatch centralization.

There are standard track lengths for receiving and departing trains at stations of 850, 1050 and 1250 m. An urgent problem is lengthening the receiving and departure tracks on a number of main lines to 1750-2500 m.

Specifics of the organization railway transport finance based on the peculiarities of its economy, organization of production and management, determined by the business process.

Transport as a sector of the economy has the following features:

Ø transport products do not have a material form: transport does not produce new products, but only moves goods and products created in other sectors of the economy;

Ø transport does not own the subject of its labor - the goods being transported, it belongs to the senders and recipients of the goods;

Ø prices for transport products are based on tariffs for freight and passenger transportation;

Ø the following units of measurement of transport products are used: ton-kilometers, passenger-kilometers, reduced ton-kilometers, tons of cargo sent and the number of passengers;

Ø transport products cannot be accumulated by putting them into reserve, therefore transport cannot operate without a reserve of locomotives and cars, and must also take into account road capacity;

Ø transport does not create or add anything material to the goods being transported. This leads to the peculiarity of the circulation of means of labor - goods fall out of the formula for the circulation of capital T in the form of a thing, since the production process itself is sold on transport, i.e. transportation;

Ø transport costs do not include raw materials, the cost of which is very significant in industrial enterprises;

Ø is characterized by uneven use of vehicles throughout the year (i.e. the presence of “seasonal peaks”).

Transport products, i.e. the beneficial effect of moving goods and people, like industry, has a commodity value, in the process of implementation of which a surplus product is created by the labor of transport workers. Therefore, the greater the volume of transportation that is objectively necessary for society, the higher the share of transport in national income, which goes towards consumption and accumulation for expanded reproduction.

The production process in transport consists of the following stages. This is, firstly, loading cargo into rolling stock (boarding passengers); secondly, the movement of goods and passengers between points of departure and destination; thirdly, unloading of goods from rolling stock (disembarkation of passengers) at the destination. Each of these elements of the transport process, in turn, consists of a number of operations carried out during the preparation, organization and execution of transportation. Thus, loading cargo includes work and costs for preparing cargo for shipment, sorting it by recipients and destinations, loading it into rolling stock (vehicle), securing, lashing, weighing or counting piece goods, and preparing transport documentation. To move cargo, the type of rolling stock is selected, the route is determined, traffic safety and cargo safety are ensured, vehicles are refueled with fuel and lubricants en route, control of the movement of rolling stock and compliance with the traffic schedule is ensured. Unloading of cargo includes such operations as familiarization of the consignee with shipping documents and the cargo’s compliance with them, weighing or recalculation of cargo, identification of damage or loss of cargo, preparation for unloading and unloading itself.

The efficiency of the transport process and its continuity largely depend on the consistency of the duration of each element over time. During transportation, elements of the transport process for each unit of rolling stock are constantly repeated. This circumstance determines the cyclical nature of the transport process. The cycle duration is the sum of the time spent completing all elements of the transport process. Reducing the duration of this cycle is a common factor in increasing labor productivity in transport and reducing transportation costs.

To meet the increasing demands for transportation work in the presence of seasonal peaks, it is important to plan appropriate transport reserves in the form of reserve carrying capacity. The rapid development of transport links is due not only to seasonal peaks in transportation work, but also to the fact that, unlike other sectors of the economy, the construction of new and development of existing transport routes is associated with long periods of research and design, the creation of appropriate industrial and construction capacities and the preparation of material and financial resources.

Railways are the main link in the transport system of the national economy. Reliable operation of the industry is a necessary condition for maintaining a single economic space and the integrity of the state, carrying out economic reforms, and expanding international economic relations.

Compared to other sectors of the economy (including other modes of transport), railway transport has significant features. Its effectiveness is due to general technology. This allows you to coordinate the efforts of many participants in the transportation process, manage operational activities throughout the entire railway network, and achieve compliance with uniform requirements for the organization and safety of work.

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Rail transport is a type of land transport in which the transportation of goods and passengers is carried out by wheeled vehicles along rail tracks.

The main mode of transport in the Russian Federation is railway. It accounts for more than 80 and about 40% of the total volume of freight and passenger traffic, respectively, carried out by public transport. Railways, being the main transport system of the Russian Federation, are of extremely important state, economic, social and defense significance. They are required to timely, high-quality and fully satisfy the transportation needs of the population, shippers and consignees.

Railway transport plays a primary role in transportation. Railways connect all regions and districts of our huge country, which has a territory of 17.8 million km, and in conditions of insufficient good roads, they ensure the transportation needs of the population and the normal circulation of industrial and agricultural products.

Railway transport plays a leading role in the Russian communications system; railways are best suited for mass transportation. They operate day and night, regardless of the time of year and atmospheric conditions, which is especially important for Russia with its different climatic zones. Railways are a universal mode of transport for transporting all types of goods in inter-district and intra-district traffic.

Features of this type of transport, its advantages over others:

1. Configuration and capacity of passenger transportation and cargo.

2. Ability to transport almost all types of cargo.

3. High carrying and throughput capacity.

4. Relatively low cost of transportation.

5. Regularity of transportation regardless of the time of year, time of day and weather.

6. Relatively high speed of movement.

7. Delivery of passengers and cargo to any point in the country.

8. Less impact on the environment.

9. Less energy consumption of transportation work.

10. Possibility of construction on any land territory, using bridges and tunnels.

Despite the fact that in many indicators (such as freight turnover, traffic intensity, etc.) Russian railways are not inferior to or even ahead of railways in other countries, the sector is in need of reform.

“The main problems of the railway system are an ineffective regulatory system, lack of competition, high wear and tear of infrastructure and rolling stock and lack of sufficient investment, as well as high social costs.

Railways are the largest state monopoly in Russia. The railway industry, according to various estimates, has from 4% to 15% of all fixed assets of production in the Russian economy, employing 1.22 million people. Rail transport is generally profitable, although passenger transport (and especially commuter transport) is unprofitable. Losses from passenger transportation are covered by income from cargo operations. The main consumers of railway services are producers of bulk cargo (coal, building materials, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, etc.). Their demand for rail transport services has low elasticity, and the average distance for transporting these goods is so great that shippers have virtually no other alternative: road transport turns out to be too expensive for transportation over such distances, and water transport can compete with rail only on some routes and only during the navigation period."

Prospects for the development of informatization of railway transport in Russia.

The Russian transport strategy until 2025 determined the main directions for the development of railway transport. It is envisaged to create conditions under which the following investment projects will be implemented:

1.creation of a unified information space for interaction between transport complex management bodies and clients of the transport services market;

2.creation of a system of logistics centers and information support for transportation in international transport corridors;

3.creation of the State information resource of the transport complex of the Russian Federation;

4.creation of a system for collecting and processing statistical information on the transport complex.

From a technical point of view, high requirements for the efficiency of transportation management create the need for a higher level of informatization. Information technology today is not just a means of supporting management, but one of the most important elements of transport infrastructure. From the category of auxiliary tools, they have become core technologies and have a significant impact on improving the transportation management process.

The integration of domestic railway transport into the global transport system places additional demands on the development of information technologies and, at the same time, opens up additional opportunities.

The new technology for filing applications for the transportation of goods, developed by SFTO specialists together with other departments, will expand the range and increase the level of service for shippers.

Railway transport is an integral part of the unified transport system of the Russian Federation and, in interaction with organizations of other types of railway transport, is designed to meet the needs of individuals, legal entities and the state in a timely and high-quality manner.

1. Calculation of composition mass

The task is to select such a mass of the train that ensures uniform movement of the train on the design rise with the design speed and with the design traction force.

The specific resistance to movement of a locomotive is found by the formula:

Where U is the speed of the locomotive

2. Checking the length of the train for placement on station tracks

The length of the train should not exceed the useful length of the station's receiving and departure tracks.

Useful length station track - part of the full length of the track on which rolling stock is installed without compromising the safety of traffic on adjacent tracks. The useful length can be limited by limit posts, output or shunting signals, turnouts and stops (the beginning of filling the ballast prism of the stop).

Full Length :

a) through - the length of the path between the ends of the points of the turnouts limiting this path;

b) dead-end - the length of the path between the end of the point of the junction arrow and the stop.

Standard path length - 850m, 1050m, 1250m.

The length of the train is determined by the formula:

Where is the length of the train

Locomotive length

Number of locomotives

10 - installation reserve

The length of the composition is determined by the formula:

Where is the length of the car

Number of cars

4. Problem on the radius of curvature of a path


Ten is missing 1, which means the control sign is 1

6. Schedule. Graphic elements

Schedule- this is the basis for organizing the management of the transportation process.

Train schedule.

Train No. 134


Train No. 11


Train No. 197



Kurgan Pass.






Bulaevo - 1


7. Train diagram

Composition of the composition - This is a scheme in which passenger carriages are included according to the category of carriages required for the carriage of passengers.

1) Fast train No. 134

Direction: Penza - Vladivostok

Travel time: 6 days 16 hours 57 minutes

The train layout includes cars: P, K, SV, VR, KR, Pl .

2) Passenger train № 301

Direction: Minsk - Adler

Travel time: 1 day 16 hours 33 minutes

The train layout includes the following cars: P, B, K, Pl, VR, KR.


The travel document consists of 3 slips:

2010 - passenger coupon

2011 - control coupon

2012 - cashier coupon

Every slip has its own color, 9 degrees of protection. The number contains 2 letters and 13 numbers.

1 line:

Train number: 134; Graphic thread: YE

Car number: 19; Car type: compartment

Price: 1426.4 rubles; Number of people - 1

2nd line:

Route: Chelyabinsk - Omsk - Pass. ; Station code: (2040000 - 2044700)

3rd line:

Place: 15; service mark: "SZD"

4th line:

Series and form number: PN028339; Security code: MT1

Number of documents: 2 in queue

Ticket purchase date: 01/30/14; Purchase time: 14:46

Line 5:

Passport number and series: PN7512024376; Passengers: Gazizova=Zh.A / Shchukina=T.G

Line 6:

Total cost of the ticket.

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    thesis, added 05/13/2015

    Transport as a special sphere of material production. Its structure and meaning. The level of development of railway transport in Russia compared to other countries. Predominant freight flows of the main highways. Placement of railway transport.

    course work, added 05/02/2009

    The history of the emergence and development of railway transport, its role in the transport system. Main technical and economic indicators of the work of Ukrainian railways. Technical and economic characteristics and design of a Hopper-cement car.

    test, added 12/12/2010

    Railway transport is a component of the productive forces of society, its role in the country's economy; advantages, characteristics of placement; main cargo and cargo flows. Problems of development of railway transport in the Russian Federation in a market economy.

    test, added 11/25/2011

    Principles of organizing the work of railway transport, its importance in the state economy and the main directions of development. Problems of railway transport in Russia at the present stage, the need for investments and the scope of their application.

    course work, added 10/04/2009

    Features of the current situation of railway transport in Russia, prospects for its functioning. General characteristics of the development process of this type of transport. Life path and contribution to the development of transport science of Pavel Petrovich Melnikov.






by discipline

"General transport course"

on the topic of:

"Railway transport,

its features and main indicators,

impact on the environment,

development prospects"

Completed by: TL-103

Krasnokutskaya A.A.

Checked by: assistant

Tselishchev D.V.

Transport is the most important sphere of social production. It serves as the material basis for the division of labor in society and carries out a diverse connection between production and consumption, industry and agriculture, mining and manufacturing industries, and economic regions. Rail transport occupies an important place in the structure of transport. Its use in society is ubiquitous, so a general understanding of the economy in general and transport in particular would be incomplete without mentioning railway transport.

This essay aims to show the place and role of railway transport in the unified transport system, the main indicators of the performance and technical equipment of railway transport, the problems and prospects of its development, as well as its impact on the environment.

The prototype of a railway (railway) is rail (wooden, stone) tracks, along which heavy loads were transported in ancient times. In the 15th century In the mines of England, Ireland, and later France and Russia, cast iron rails began to be used for transportation with horse and rope traction.

The first steam locomotive was built in 1804 by Richard Trevithick, who in his youth knew James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine. However, iron in those years was too expensive, and cast iron rails could not support a heavy machine.

In subsequent years, many engineers tried to create steam locomotives, but the most successful of them was George Stephenson, who in 1812-1829. not only proposed several successful designs of steam locomotives, but also managed to convince the mine owners to build the first railway from Darlington to Stockton, capable of supporting a steam locomotive. Later, Stephenson's steam locomotive "Rocket" (Fig. 1) won a specially arranged competition and became the main locomotive of the first public road Manchester-Liverpool. In 1830 the railway from Liverpool to Manchester was opened; in the same year the first railway in the USA was put into operation. In Russia, in 1834, a factory railway was built in Nizhny Tagil, on which the steam locomotives M. E. and E. A. Cherepanov worked. The first public railway in Russia, St. Petersburg - Pavlovsk - Tsarskoe Selo, was put into operation in 1837. In 1851, the construction of the largest double-track highway St. Petersburg - Moscow was completed at that time. 272 large structures and 184 bridges were erected on this road. Russian engineers and scientists P.P. Melnikov, D.I. Zhuravsky, N.O. Kraft and others participated in its creation. By the end of the 19th century. railway lines were built: Moscow - Kursk (1868), Kursk - Kyiv (1870), Moscow - Brest (1871), Tashkent - Krasnovodsk (1899) and others. In 1891-1904, the Great Siberian Route was built from Chelyabinsk to Vladivostok.

Rice. 2 Steam locomotive Su-250-64

At the end of the 19th century. Railway junctions began to form, marshalling stations were created (Petersburg-Sortirovochny, 1878), and hump yards (Rtishchevo, 1893). At the end of the 19th century. - early 20th century in Russia, many scientists and engineers worked to improve the technical means of railways. The first experiments in the use of electric traction were carried out (1876) by engineer F.A. Pirotsky; A.P. Borodin created the world's first laboratory for testing locomotives (1882); telephone communication was used to regulate train traffic by P. M. Golubitsky (1884); Y. N. Gordeenko at the end of the 19th century. successfully implemented blocking and centralized control, arrows and signals. Russian scientists N. P. Petrov, N. A. Belelyubsky made a great contribution to the development of technology and science in railways, and in Soviet times V. N. Obraztsov, G. P. Perederiy, M. P. Kostenko, B. N. Vedenisov, D. D. Bizyukin, A. P. Petrov, A. V. Gorinov and many others, as well as inventors F. P. Kazantsev, I. K. Matrosov, I. O. Trofimov, F. D. Barykin et al.

The operational length of Russian railways by 1917 was 70.3 thousand km. Transportation was carried out in two-axle cars with hand brakes. Steam locomotives, which were inefficient for that time, were operated; mainly staff devices and telegraphs were used to control the movement of trains. During the years of Soviet power, enormous changes occurred in the technical equipment and organization of traffic on the railways of the USSR. In 1924, the world's first diesel locomotive with a capacity of 1000 hp was built. With. The electrification of railways, which began in 1926, was part of the GOELRO plan. Since the 30s. Intensive technical re-equipment of the railways of the USSR is being carried out. After the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945, 65 thousand km of railway tracks, 13 thousand bridges, 4100 stations were restored. The development of railways in the post-war years was associated with their reconstruction: the massive introduction of progressive types of traction (electric and diesel), the construction of heavy-duty cars equipped with automatic brakes and automatic coupling, the laying of more powerful rails, the introduction of mechanization devices, automation, telemechanics, and advanced means of communication.

The operational length of railways in the world is over 1,300 thousand km (1968), in the USSR - over 135 thousand km (1970). The length of the world's electrified railways is about 120 thousand km (1968), including about 34 thousand km in the USSR. The US railway industry is characterized by the use of diesel locomotive traction (over 99%). In European countries, especially in France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and Switzerland, part of the railway is electric. Diesel traction is widely used. In the 60s The speed of passenger trains has increased. So, the maximum speed on the Tokyo - Osaka railway is 210 km/h, Paris - Lyon and Moscow - Leningrad - 160 km/h, etc. And in Great Britain in 1973, when tested on a high-speed line, the train reached a speed of 230 km/h.

In 1974 In the USSR, construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline with a length of over 3,200 km was resumed. In 1974-75. A single-circuit automatic guidance system for a commuter train was tested on the Moscow and Oktyabrskaya Railways. Over the years, the speed of trains increased: in 1978 in Great Britain on the London-Glasgow line the train reached a speed of 315 km/h, and in 1981 in France on the Paris-Lyon line the high-speed train TGV reached a speed of 380 km/h. In 1988, in Germany, a maglev train of the Transrapid system reached a speed of 482 km/h. In 1989, in France, the Alstom TGV train reached a speed of 482.4 km/h. In 1990, in France, on a high-speed line, the TGV train reached a speed of 515.3 km/h.

In 1980, the Los Angeles-Las Vegas high-speed line was built in the United States, along which Maglev-type trains (maglev with a linear electric motor) run. In 1081, Japan completed the formation of a nationwide network for high-speed transport - the Shinkansen. In 1987, the governments of France and Great Britain approved a project for laying a tunnel under the English Channel, the idea of ​​which was first expressed in the early 19th century; one of the projects belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte.

In 1988, railway tunnels were built in Japan between the islands. Honshu and Fr. Hokkaido under the Tsugaru Strait is 54.85 km long, of which 23 km are directly under the strait at a depth of 100 m below the bottom and 240 m from the surface of the water.

In 1990, in the USSR, a new generation of automatic guidance systems for freight trains began to be developed for railway rolling stock, which take into account significant fluctuations in the mass of the train. The Moscow Railway has begun introducing an improved automatic guidance system for commuter trains based on a microcomputer.

In 1991 The International Union of Railways began the creation of a pan-European high-speed network, the formation of which took place in the 70-80s, with subsequent expansion and inclusion of Russia, the countries of Eastern Europe and Asia. In the same year, the Academy of Transport of the Russian Federation began operating, and in Germany the operation of the ISE train began, which in its experimental version reached a speed of 406.9 km/h; on the new lines Hanover - Würzburg and Mannheim - Stuttgart and on 6 rebuilt sections, a maximum speed of 200-250 km/h was achieved.