Mortgage savings system for military personnel. Military mortgage to the Russian Ministry of Defense Ministry of Defense mortgage

The state military mortgage program was developed by the competent authorities on behalf of the President of the country. The Federal Law on Military Mortgage (117-FZ) was adopted in 2004. To ensure the full functioning of this system, a structure was specially created, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

After 3 years from the moment of inclusion in the savings-mortgage system, the participant has the right to apply for a loan from a bank for (or a private house on a plot of land). The funds accumulated by this time in the serviceman’s personal account act as a down payment on a mortgage loan. Subsequently, the state monthly transfers 1/12 of the annual savings contribution to repay loan obligations.

The step-by-step process of buying an apartment in a new building or on the secondary market using a military mortgage is as follows:

The serviceman is included in the register of NIS participants (mandatory or voluntary, depending on your military rank, the date of entry into military service and the period of military service under the contract at the specified time). Confirmation of inclusion in the register of NIS participants is a Notice of inclusion in the register with a 20-digit registration number of the NIS participant.

Based on his report, the serviceman is issued the appropriate amount for the purchase of an apartment on a military mortgage (or houses on a plot with a military mortgage), a special bank account is opened. A transaction is being made to purchase a residential property.

Every year the state transfers funds to the serviceman’s account, the amount of which is approved by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year. In 2015 and 2016, payments amounted to RUB 245,880. Military mortgage contribution in 2017 - RUB 260,141. In 2018, the savings contribution was approved in the amount of RUB 268,465.60. In 2019, the amount of savings is RUB 280,009.70. If a serviceman has a loan and bought an apartment using a military mortgage, monthly funds from his personal account are transferred to the bank to repay loan obligations. After the loan is repaid, the funds will again begin to accumulate in the personal account of the NIS participant.

Two options for NIS participants to purchase their own real estate

The state military mortgage program offers military personnel to purchase apartments or houses on the site through two strategies:

  • Applying for a military mortgage - that is, using accumulated funds in the form of a targeted housing loan (CJZ) during military service, and, if desired, apply for a mortgage loan from an NIS partner bank to purchase an apartment or house on a plot with a military mortgage with the desired characteristics.
  • Accumulate funds in a personal account until the right to use them arises; upon the onset of this right, use them, if desired, making up the amount missing to purchase the apartment with your own funds.

How to become a member of NIS and buy an apartment with a military mortgage?

To become a member of NIS, for the most widespread category of the system (sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors performing military service under contract), it is enough to serve in the army for three years and prepare a report on your desire to be included in. The NIS program does not limit the military man in any way: he can buy almost any type of real estate with a military mortgage at his discretion (exception - land without a house).

There are also no restrictions on area. An NIS participant can choose real estate in any region of the country; the program does not in any way tie him to the region of service.

An important positive aspect of the system is the fact that a serviceman having his own housing (or his family members) is not an obstacle to purchasing housing with a military mortgage. This restriction was in effect in the old housing system, which was imperfect in this regard.

If a NIS participant purchased housing not at the place of military service, he retains the right to official housing.

Thus, military personnel who bought apartments in new buildings or a secondary fund with a military mortgage can receive income from renting out their real estate.

Key concepts of the savings-mortgage system

Related materials

Savings contribution - funds that are allocated from the state budget and transferred to the personal savings account of the NIS participant. The size of the savings contribution is reviewed annually by the state. For all NIS participants, its size is the same, regardless of family composition, military rank and other factors.

Personal savings account of NIS participant is a form of analytical accounting that includes information about funded contributions that are regularly received from the federal budget. Also, this form of analytical accounting reflects the amount of income from investment activities. In addition, this account reflects information about the participant, information about his debt and obligations secured by collateral.

Military mortgage for warrant officers, officers - where to start?

Warrant officers and officers today are a mandatory category of NIS participants. That is, for most of them (with rare exceptions) the right to choose the form of security is not provided for by law at all: only NIS is possible.

In this regard, the main task of any warrant officer is (midshipman) or an officer in the matter of their housing provision - to control their timely inclusion in the register by responsible officials of the military unit.

Only timely inclusion can ensure a sufficient amount of funds in the personal account for full security using a targeted housing loan for the purchase of an apartment with a military mortgage or a house on a land plot.

These are funds that are provided to the NIS participant on the terms of returnable gratuitous or returnable use.

Military personnel who want to become members of the NIS, but do not know how to do it, will be helped by “Military Relocation”. We will tell you whether you have the right to a military mortgage, and how best to exercise this right.

In a market economy, military personnel are not able to earn money to purchase housing. The savings mortgage system for military personnel (hereinafter referred to as NIS) is designed to correct this situation.

In 2019, most active-duty military members can become automatic or voluntary participants in the program. It allows you to take out a mortgage already in the fourth year of participation and not have to worry about repaying it.

What it is

NIS is a set of activities carried out by several government agencies. These include:

  1. Ministry of Defense.
  2. Federal Directorate "Rosvoenipoteka";
  3. "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" (AHML).

The essence of the program is as follows:

  1. Funds are allocated and transferred from the state treasury to personal accounts
  2. Only military personnel who fall within the established parameters can obtain the right to savings.
  3. Money has a specific purpose, therefore, it can be spent:
    • to buy an apartment or house;
    • to pay off the mortgage.
For information: funds from the account are not transferred to your hands. They are transferred directly to the individual or legal entity selling the property.

Who can join the system

The program is aimed at military personnel. Civilians cannot participate. And the military also cuddles according to certain rules. The following persons will be able to join the NIS program:

  • received officer ranks upon graduation from educational institutions from 01/01/05;
  • entered into a contract for;
  • midshipmen and warrant officers who began service on 01/01/05, after a three-year term;
  • soldiers, sergeants, and sergeants are entitled to participate in a re-contract signed after 01/01/05.

College graduates automatically join the savings system upon receiving their first rank. The lists are prepared by the Ministry of Defense. The remaining soldiers and officers must declare their desire to take part in the program. This is done by submitting a report to senior management.

Attention: relatives of deceased military personnel are provided with preferences related to the provision of money credited to the personal account of the deceased.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Who is excluded from participation?

Receipts to a personal account are terminated for the following reasons:

  • death of a serviceman;
  • the court declared him missing;
  • dismissal from military service;
  • allocation of an apartment (house) at the expense of the state budget.
Hint: personnel changes and career moves do not affect participation in the NIS.

Special conditions

The law allows you to use accumulated money in any locality in the country. This leads to the need to provide the military man and his family with housing at the place of service. These factors are also taken into account in the terms of the program.

They stipulate that participation in the system:

  • does not affect the right to receive official housing;
  • is not related to the ownership of real estate by a military man or his relatives.
For information: state budget funds are also used to create a stock of official housing by relocating from special-purpose camps people who have lost contact with the Ministry of Defense.

How the military is included in the NIS

The rules for registration of participants were approved by government decree No. 89 of February 21, 2005. In particular, the text of the document contains a limiting clause:

  • Only a citizen of the Russian Federation can become a participant in the savings program;
  • the applicant must have a contract with the Ministry of Defense.

Registration is carried out by entering the participant’s data into the register. In 2019, graduates do not need to submit a report. All information will be included in the list automatically, upon submission of the educational institution (after signing the contract).

Attention: there is a different set of measures to provide housing. They are not included in the NIS.

Voluntary applicants are required to write a report to the head of the department. The document is registered in the office and sent to Rosvoenipoteka. After checking the information, the applicant receives a notification that his data has been included in the register and funds are credited to his personal account.

Hint: the first day of participation in the system is the date of submission of the report. Download for viewing and printing:

How money is transferred from the state budget

After the applicant is included in the register, he is sent information about the registration number. This is sent in writing to the address of the military unit indicated in the report. This information is needed for:

  • confirmation of participation in NIS;
  • tracking the accumulation process;
  • planning how to spend money.

Important: transfers are made monthly:

  • in the amount of 1/12 of the contribution established for the current year;
  • starting from the date of submission of the report;
  • for college graduates - from the day of conferring the first title.

Thus, the amount of military savings depends on two factors:

  1. The amount of the annual contribution from the federal budget established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  2. Period of participation in the system.

Savings do not depend on the following factors:

  • number of family members;
  • position, title, etc.
Hint: if you haven’t received a letter with the number, you can find it out in the personnel department. The data must be entered into the serviceman’s personal file.

How and when you can spend money

The procedure for using funds is prescribed by law. Participants in the system receive the right to invest them if certain conditions are met:

Hint: savings are indexed annually. In addition, military personnel are awarded a certain percentage for their use in investment projects.

About the contribution amount

The initial amount is established by law. Thanks to annual indexing, its value increases annually. Thus, in total for 2017, each participant received 260,141.0 rubles.

For information: transfers in previous years are as follows:

  • 2012 - 205.2 thousand rubles;
  • 2013 - 222.0 thousand rubles.

How to purchase a home

The investment algorithm is similar to applying for a mortgage. So, the program participant will have to do the following:

  1. Study the offers of partner financial organizations (the list is on the program website).
  2. Choose a suitable bank.
  3. Order a settlement for the maximum amount, taking into account the lender’s conditions.

Hint: The mortgage is calculated so that the last payment is made by the service member before his 45th birthday.

  1. Choose housing at your own discretion within the amount specified by the lender.
  2. Conclude a preliminary agreement with the seller and conduct an independent assessment of the value of the property.
  3. Sign a loan agreement based on the documents provided (specified in the previous paragraph).
  4. Insure the purchased property.
  5. Conclude a purchase and sale agreement.
  6. Send a package of documents to the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” to organize the transfer of funds to the bank.

Attention: housing is immediately registered as military property. However, until the terms of the transaction are completed, it is jointly pledged by:

  • states;
  • credit organization.

When is it more profitable to invest savings?

Due to the various subtleties of the conditions for using funds, the following must be taken into account:

  1. If you enter into a mortgage agreement after three years of military service, you will have to:
    • remain in the military until at least ten years of service;
    • pay off the loan balance from your own funds in case of early dismissal;
  2. If you wait until 20 years of experience, then:
    • savings are enough for a large apartment;
    • The loan balance will be paid by the budget.

Information: if a serviceman dies in the line of duty (or is declared missing), then relatives receive the right:

  • to receive money from a personal account;
  • to continue loan repayments within the framework of signed agreements.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

The following circumstances are recognized as the undeniable advantages of military savings for apartments and houses:

  • the amount of earthly funds allows you to purchase good housing (credit is provided to defenders of the Fatherland in a larger volume than to civilians);
  • You can buy a house in any corner of the country;
  • the military man is freed from the need to worry about where his family will live after discharge;
  • In addition, he does not spend money from his salary on the purchase of real estate.
Advice: if you wish, you can pay off your mortgage early using your own funds.

The disadvantages include the registration process. It requires collecting a large amount of paperwork. You have to conclude contracts and attract specialists, which is quite difficult without legal support.

In addition, the system participant is required to pay money from his own pocket for:

  • conducting an independent real estate assessment;
  • insurance;
  • real estate and legal services.
Hint: married military personnel must provide the consent of their spouse if they register an apartment as shared ownership.

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A new program to provide housing for military personnel started more than 10 years ago. More than 300,000 military personnel are currently participating. How does this program work and what are its advantages over the old one?

Military mortgage is a preferential mortgage lending system created on a state basis for contract military personnel serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This system, which allows thousands of military personnel to purchase their own housing, significantly increases the prestige of military service and makes it easier to resolve the “housing issue” for many families. Military mortgage was created to replace the old program for providing housing to Russian military personnel.

For reference

FGKU "Rosvoenipoteka" – executive authority that controls the operation of the NIS system. The department is a structural subdivision of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Targeted Housing Loan (THL) – funds that military personnel accumulate during their participation in the NIS, as well as the state’s obligations to repay the mortgage loan.

Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation – the body responsible for the formation and maintenance of the register of NIS participants of the relevant federal executive body.

UNIS – a service that increases efficiency, reduces cash costs from the personal funds of NIS participants when exercising their rights, and also increases the legal purity of the transaction.

The savings and mortgage system, which started in early 2005 and has undergone several changes over more than eleven years of its existence, has provided more than 100 thousand military personnel with their own housing. In total, more than 300 thousand people participate in the program. Any contract serviceman has the right to take part in the NIS, regardless of whether he is already a home owner or not. Repeated participation in a military mortgage is also allowed.

How to become a participant in the program

The following can be participants in a military mortgage:

    Officers are graduates of military universities who entered into a contract in 2005 or later;

    Officers, warrant officers and midshipmen who left the reserve and served for three years from the date of adoption of the law;

    Military contractors who served before the specified date;

    Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and petty officers who entered service (or entered into a second contract) after the start of the program.

To join the NIS, a serviceman needs to write a report addressed to the commander of the military unit, after which the person wishing to do so will be entered into the register of the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Then, a personal savings account will be opened in the Federal State Public Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” (the executive body that controls the implementation of this program) in the name of the new participant, and the serviceman himself will be given (against signature) a notice of inclusion in the register and assigned an identification number.

*TsZhS - Targeted housing loan; NIS - Savings and Mortgage System;

The state transfers annual contributions to an open savings account, which form the savings part of the targeted housing loan (abbreviated as TSL). It is worth noting that the size of annual contributions is constantly growing and from 37,000 rubles transferred in 2005, the amount by 2016 reached 245,880 rubles. After three years of participation in the program, it becomes possible to receive a loan, which is given until the military personnel reach the age of 45.

How to buy real estate

The procedure for purchasing a home using a military mortgage should begin by obtaining a certificate of entitlement to receive a civil mortgage loan, which the serviceman receives three years after registration in the program. To obtain a certificate, you must submit a report to the unit headquarters. Then, with the certificate in hand, the program participant can choose the housing that suits him and contact the bank that deals with military mortgages. An account is opened for the participant in the bank, to which funds from the savings account are transferred. This amount is intended for the down payment. After this, a tripartite agreement is concluded and signed. Participating parties: military personnel, bank and Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka". All that remains is to conclude a loan agreement with the bank - and you can buy a home.

Since 2015, the period for registering a purchase and sale agreement has been reduced; now it is carried out within 5 days. For those who do not need to urgently purchase housing, there is an alternative to a loan - long-term savings with investment.

What are the advantages of the NIS compared to the old housing program?

The military mortgage program has several obvious advantages:

    You can acquire your own housing soon after starting your contract service;

    It is possible to purchase real estate even if the participant himself or other family members already have some kind of housing;

    The participant can choose real estate in any region;

    A serviceman reserves the right to a service apartment in the event that the newly acquired housing is located at a distance from the place of service;

    You can pay off your mortgage early.

Another significant advantage of the new program is that the amount of contributions received into the savings account is the same for everyone, regardless of rank and position. Likewise, the size of the loan does not depend on the income of the program participant, because the loan is repaid from the state budget.

Advantages and disadvantages of a military mortgage

It must be admitted that the new program has many advantages, but the disadvantages are insignificant. In addition to the advantages already listed, the advantages include the fact that a military mortgage allows military personnel who do not have their own funds to buy real estate. Although the borrower can use his savings if there is a desire to purchase more expensive and prestigious real estate, or in order to increase the down payment. A significant advantage is also the interest rate of the loan under the program. It is much lower than for a conventional mortgage.

The disadvantages include the fact that the maximum loan size is 2.4 million rubles. This amount may not be enough to purchase real estate in large cities. Also, program participants should be aware that military mortgage benefits apply only to military personnel. In the event of early dismissal without good reason, the serviceman will have to return the amount of the TLC to the state, and repay the bank loan from his own funds. In addition, the bank will no longer provide a loan at a preferential interest rate, but will charge the participant additional interest payments, based on the rate that was in effect at the bank at the time of signing the agreement.

Military mortgage menu:

Most military families have to live in rented apartments or houses for several years. Despite the fact that the activities of military personnel often involve traveling, they are still interested in purchasing their own housing. The government of our country has developed a special savings mortgage system (NIS) for the military, which provides significant assistance in purchasing housing on favorable and preferential terms.

Concept of NIS

It has been operating in the country for a long time. It was developed by order of the President of the Russian Federation and gives military personnel and their families the right to purchase their own housing through a targeted loan, even at the very beginning of their service.

The essence of the program is that every employee has the right to write a report, and 3 years after submitting such a document, he can receive a preferential loan for housing. The main advantage of the program involves paying off the debt not from personal funds, but from government authorities, including the Ministry of Defense.

In 2018, the NIS program can be used exclusively by military personnel who are able to pay a down payment from their family budget at a minimum rate of 10% of the total cost of the loan.

A prerequisite for participation in the savings mortgage system for the military is the targeted portion of federal subsidies. Based on them you can buy:

  • private home ownership;
  • housing in a new building or on the secondary market;
  • communal apartment for the total area of ​​the premises;
  • townhouse or cottage.

Important! The purchase of a land plot within the framework of the savings mortgage system is not provided for and does not correspond to its intended purpose. The exception is a private house with a plot.

An initial fee

So that the military man does not have to save funds on his own, a personal current account is opened, into which funds are received within 3 years. In the future, the amount of savings is transferred as a down payment.

Who is entitled to a military mortgage?

Military mortgages are not available to all employees. You can receive funds to purchase your own home:

  • employees dismissed for health reasons;
  • those who changed their place of service;
  • have served for 3 years or more;
  • military whose units were disbanded.

Attention! Employees working in the Armed Forces and who do not have military status cannot qualify for participation in the mortgage program. Exceptions are employees transferred to civilian work for reasons beyond their control.

Rules for obtaining NIS

Before taking part in the program, which is voluntary, you need to take into account the nuances and features.

  1. A military man has the right to choose housing in any region of his choice.
  2. The average loan rate varies from 11 to 12.5% ​​per annum.
  3. The maximum loan term is 20 years.
  4. Military personnel over 25 years of age can receive mortgage funds.
  5. The entire mortgage must be closed before age 45.

In addition to the above list, it can be noted that the bank offers much more favorable conditions for military personnel with extensive experience.

How to get money for a loan

As soon as 3 years have passed after submitting the application, a personal account is opened. After which the employee can contact a banking institution to draw up a mortgage agreement for the selected apartment. The initial payment must be made from the employee’s personal current account, further payments are made from the treasury without the participation of the citizen.

Important! A military man can purchase an apartment at the expense of the state worth no more than 1 million 400 thousand rubles, which above this amount the citizen must pay from personal funds.

Advantages of NIS in comparison with civilian conditions

Below is a comparative table in which you can consider both the advantages and disadvantages of preferential conditions:

NIS for the military Standard mortgage for citizens of the Russian Federation
Only military personnel according to the specified NIS criteria have the right to receive Concludes any resident
The maximum established cost of housing is 2.4 million. If this amount is not enough, you can add from your own money. The loan amount is regulated by the bank, depending on the age and financial condition of the payer.
The loan is paid by the Ministry of Defense, so the apartment is pledged to it. The housing is pledged to the organization.
The waiting period has been increased due to possible delays in the transfer of money. The mortgage is issued very quickly.
The originals of the necessary documents are provided to the financial institution several weeks before the conclusion of the contract. The originals are transferred after execution of the contract solely for making photocopies.
Registration of the deed of sale and purchase takes no more than 7 days. Registration of the agreement can take about 30 days.

Despite the minor drawbacks, we can safely conclude that the terms of NIS are much more favorable than a conventional mortgage.

An important advantage is the fact that all state banks work with the military mortgage program. But, unfortunately, not a single banking institution sets the down payment rate less than 10%.

The owner of the mortgage is only the serviceman for whom it is registered. Family members have no rights to this property.

You can use your savings only after a 3-year waiting period has passed, which precedes entry into the program. In addition, federal funding may be unstable, causing the amount in the escrow account to accumulate longer than expected.

Questions and answers

I am a participant in the savings mortgage system program at the age of 47 and have served for more than 10 years. How can I spend the accumulated funds?

Since banks, under the terms of the Military Mortgage program, take into account the age of the borrower on the day the contract ends, which should not exceed 45 years, they will refuse you a loan.

If the amount of accumulated funds allows you to buy housing, then you can use this option. But if there is not enough money, there are a number of factors when you can use the accumulated funds:

  1. Dismissal under a preferential clause (age, serious family problems, poor health).
  2. Recognition as unfit for military military commission.

In addition, in the above circumstances, additional funds are provided, which can be calculated using the formula.


Today, military personnel have a special savings-mortgage system that allows them to purchase housing in a relatively short period. This system is called Rosvoenipoteka, the functioning of which is ensured by the federal state government institution “Federal Administration of the Accumulation and Mortgage System of Housing for Military Personnel,” created under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2006.
The creation of the savings and mortgage system was facilitated by the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 N 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel”, which was developed on the basis of the transition from January 1, 2005 to the savings and mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel, taking into account market conditions for the development of the country's economy by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development with the participation of the Russian Ministry of Defense and other interested federal executive authorities.
With the advent of Rosvoenipoteka, it became possible to transfer the state’s obligations to military personnel in the housing sector from in kind (providing an apartment) to cash, and also expanded the ability of military personnel to independently make decisions on the choice of place of residence, the quality and size of purchased housing. The main goal of Rosvoenipoteka is the opportunity for military personnel to acquire housing ownership using mortgage lending instruments at any time after three years of participation in the savings-mortgage system, without waiting for the end of their service life, as well as the choice of location and size of housing.
To achieve this goal, Rosvoenipoteka solves the following tasks:
1. Accounting for savings for housing in the personal savings accounts of participants;
2. Registration and issuance of targeted housing loans to participants of the savings and mortgage system;
3. Information and explanatory work on the functioning of the savings and mortgage system;
4. Informing participants about the housing market;
5. Providing savings for housing to participants in the savings-mortgage system after the right to use them arises.
The official website of Rosvoenipoteka provides detailed information about this savings and mortgage system in the form of programs, questions and answers, and memos for NIS participants. To go to the site, you must go to the following address: On the main page of the site you can find such tabs as: main, NIS participant, question and answer, programs, institution, contacts.

Home page of the official website of Rosvoenipoteka

The main page of the site provides information about: the procedure for obtaining a certificate, the procedure for inclusion in the NIS register, exclusion from the NIS register and repayment of the certificate of life, credit programs.
Also on the main page of the official website of Rosvoenipoteka you can see a map of construction projects and the regulatory legal framework. In its activities, NIS is guided by Federal laws, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
On the website you can also find out about changes in lending conditions, the signing of new agreements with the Ministry of Architecture of various regions, and a meeting of the Council on investing savings for housing for military personnel. All current news is presented on the main page of the site in the “Current News” section. News from past months can also be viewed on the website in the “News Archive” section.

Current news from Rosvoenipoteka

More informative on the Rosvoenipoteka official website is the “NIS participant” tab. This tab includes detailed information about inclusion in the NIS, issuing a certificate, purchasing residential premises, purchasing residential premises without using a mortgage loan, the procedure for exclusion from the NIS register, removing encumbrances from residential premises, a list of documents with samples.

NIS participant

The procedure for inclusion in the register of NIS participants is a series of mandatory operations that all military personnel who wish to purchase housing must undergo. Thus, if there is a reason for including a military personnel in the register of NIS participants, the official responsible for the implementation of the NIS in a military unit (hereinafter referred to as the responsible official) draws up a list of data for including the military man in the register in the form according to Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure for the implementation of savings and mortgage housing support system for military personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and submits it for signature to the head of the personnel body of the military unit and the commander of the military unit.
The basis for the exclusion of a military personnel by the federal executive body, in which military service is provided for by federal law, from the register of participants is:
- his dismissal from military service;
- exclusion of him from the lists of personnel of a military unit in connection with his death or death, recognition of him as missing in the manner prescribed by law, or declaring him dead;
— fulfillment by the state of its obligations to provide a military serviceman with residential premises during military service (with the exception of residential premises of a specialized housing stock) in another manner provided for by regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget.

Exclusion of NIS participants from the Register

Rosvoenipoteka official website helps military personnel find answers to their questions about mortgages using the “Question and Answer” tab. By opening this tab, you can view typical questions and answers on the NIS: about inclusion in the NIS, issuing a certificate, purchasing residential premises, repaying a loan, removing encumbrances from residential premises, dismissal from military service. If after viewing all categories of questions, the answer to your question has not been found, then you have the opportunity to ask your question. Moreover, I would like to note that only an authorized user of the site, that is, a military personnel, can ask a question.

Questions and answers on the official website

On the website you can view information about loan programs using the “Loan Programs” tab. Here you can find information about mortgage lending programs for NIS participants of various banks. All information is presented in the form of a table indicating the interest rate, type of payment, down payment, loan term, early lending. Using a mortgage calculator, you can calculate the maximum amount online for programs with an annuity payment. The “Loan Programs” tab includes not only information about loans, but also insurance programs, as well as online insurance.

Current lending programs

You can find out detailed information about the savings and mortgage system Rosvoenipoteka on the official website. The website has a tab “Institution”, which includes information about: management, branches, trust management, Council for investing savings for housing for military personnel. In this tab you can also see the “Information Disclosure” section, which contains the results of the functioning of the savings and mortgage system over the past years. A number of measures are aimed at combating corruption, which are also outlined in this tab.
Using the “Institution” tab, you can view the constituent documents that guide NIS, and here you can also find the details and vacancies of the institution.

Establishment of Rosvoenipoteka

Contact information can also be found on the official website of Rosvoenipoteka. To do this, you need to open the “Contacts” tab, which contains: the address of the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka”, work schedule, telephone numbers. At the same time, the administration warns in advance that due to the large number of telephone calls simultaneously entering the Institution, telephone lines may be busy for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to use other forms of communication: requests in your personal account or the Institution’s e-mail.

Contacts Institutions

To receive an official response from the Institution, you must send a written request to the postal address of the Institution or submit a question through the electronic reception of the head of the Institution on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The period for consideration of applications will not take more than 30 days from the date of registration with the Institution. Appeals sent to the Institution through this website or via e-mail from the electronic mailboxes of indirect persons are not considered by the Institution as official appeals. Thus, responses to such requests are of an advisory nature.

Electronic appeal from a serviceman

The information posted on the official website of Rosvoenipoteka is for informational purposes only. Therefore, for a more detailed and accurate study of the NIS, it is necessary to contact the specialists of the Rosvoenipoteka Federal State Institution.