Payment card "Mir": who needs to use it and when. MIR card: recommendations for an accountant and a memo for employees Federal law on transfer to a world map

From July 1, 2018, the MIR card will become the only payment instrument to which wages of certain categories of employees can be credited.

Just over a year ago, Federal Law No. 88-FZ dated May 1, 2017 “On Amendments to Article 16.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Federal Law “On the National Payment System” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 88) was adopted. And in the summer of 2017, employees of many state and municipal organizations began to actively switch to debit cards of the domestic payment system "MIR". Then the excitement subsided a little and by the summer of 2018 it resumed with renewed vigor, but why? Because from July 1, 2018, the “MIR” card will become the only payment instrument to which public sector employees’ salaries can be transferred.

For whom and why will the “MIR” card become mandatory from July 1, 2018?

Federal Law No. 88 introduced significant changes to the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 N 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”. In particular, it was established that from July 1, 2018, credit institutions can only transfer the following payments to the “MIR” card:

  • salary, remuneration, allowances for civil servants;
  • remuneration of workers (personnel) of state and municipal bodies, institutions, state extra-budgetary funds;
  • government scholarships.

After July 1, 2018, payment cards that are not national payment instruments can be used to receive the following payments:

  • pensions and other social benefits, the implementation of which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is within the competence of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • monthly lifelong maintenance for judges.

However, they will also need to be transferred to the MIR card after the expiration of the specified payment cards, but no later than July 1, 2020.

If you are an employee of a state or municipal organization, be sure to make sure that you have received a card from the domestic payment system “MIR” and provided information about it to the accounting department. Otherwise, after July 1, 2018, the credit institution will have nowhere to transfer wages and will have to. If you are an employee of a commercial structure, then even after July 1 you can receive wages on bank cards of the MasterCard and VISA payment systems.

MOSCOW, May 1 - RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the gradual transfer of state employees and pensioners to Mir payment cards; the document was posted on the official legal information portal on Monday.

Expert: The Mir card is needed for the security of the country's payment systemThe State Duma adopted a law on the gradual transition of state employees and pensioners to Mir payment cards. All banks must ensure that it is accepted by July 1st. On Sputnik radio, financier Viktor Dostov spoke about the advantages of the new card.

The document obliges banks to ensure the acceptance of national payment instruments, that is, Mir cards, in all their devices intended for making payments using payment cards, including ATMs, by July 1, 2017.

From this date, when public sector employees apply to open a new account, which involves the use of payment cards to receive cash payments, banks will be required to issue a “Mir” card.

Public sector employees must be transferred to the Mir card before July 1, 2018. Pensioners will be able to receive Mir cards to replace cards that are not national payment instruments that they currently use upon expiration, but no later than July 1, 2020.

Small businesses that have a annual turnover of 40 million rubles or more must purchase terminals to ensure the ability to pay for goods, work and services using the Mir card before October 1 of the current year.

However, such a requirement does not apply to business entities whose revenue does not exceed 40 million rubles per year. In places where there is no access to cellular communications or public Internet access, the seller is also exempt from such obligation.

The requirements for the mandatory transition to Mir cards will not apply to so-called “one-time” transfers: tax deductions for personal income tax, payments in cash, one-time payments and others.

The law clarifies the criteria for classifying payment systems as systemically and socially important; the period for notification of the Central Bank by payment system operators about an increase in tariffs or the introduction of new tariffs is reduced from 120 to 30 calendar days.

The list of participants in the national payment card system (NSCP) is being supplemented by foreign banks, including national, as well as international financial organizations, which should allow for the expansion of the Mir card acceptance network and the possibility of issuing them abroad. Vnesheconombank is included in the list of NSPK participants as an individual participant.

The document also clarifies that the Bank of Russia's share of participation in the NSPK operator cannot be lower than 50% plus one voting share. In this case, one person or group of persons, with the exception of the Central Bank, does not have the right to acquire more than 5% of the shares of the NSPK operator.

The MIR payment system is a domestic product developed to eliminate the problems of citizens of the Russian Federation when carrying out any transactions related to money.

The legality and all the subtleties of the operation of this payment system are regulated by law 161 Federal Law. Let's look at the essence of this legislative document, and also figure out what the advantages of the MIR national payment system are and who can use it.

I would immediately like to clarify that in Law 161 Federal Law of June 27, 2011 there is no clear indication of the name of the PS.

But due to the fact that currently there is only one national PS operating in the Russian Federation - MIR, it is worth considering this legislative document specifically within the framework of using the MIR system.

Federal Law 161-FZ regulates the legal and organizational foundations of the national payment system. Based on Articles 161 of the Federal Law, the procedure for the provision of payment services of various kinds, the activities of the subjects of this PS are regulated, and the requirements for the implementation of the implementation of the system and control over compliance with all requirements of the law 161 Federal Law itself are determined.

Law 161 Federal Law on the payment system addresses the following aspects:

  1. Chapter No. 1 contains general information about the bill itself. The subject of regulation of 161 Federal Laws is discussed here, as well as the basic concepts that are used in this document.
  2. Chapter No. 2 contains data on the procedure for providing payment services. Description of all operating schemes of the national payment instrument: transfer of funds, cash withdrawal, electronic transfers, etc.
  3. Chapter No. 3 – subjects of the domestic payment system and requirements for their activities. In this section of Law 161 Federal Law on the national payment system, you can find information regarding the subjects of this PS and the requirements for their activities. That is, Chapter 3 of Law 161 Federal Law determines who can provide such services.
  4. Chapter No. 4, No. 4,1 – requirements for the organization and performance of the payment system. PS rules, participants, recognition of the PS as valid, etc. Chapter 4.1 discusses the main aspects of the national payment card system.
  5. In Chapter No. 5 you can find information on how supervision of compliance with the requirements of Law 161 Federal Law on the national payment system should be carried out.
  6. Chapter No. 6 contains information on the procedure for the entry into force of this document.

This is exactly what Federal Law 161 of June 27, 2011 on the national payment system looks like with all the amendments. The bill itself was submitted for consideration on June 14, 2011, and on June 27 it was approved by the Federation Council.

The purpose of creating a national PS

The idea of ​​creating a domestic payment system arose immediately after the sanctions imposed on the work of some international-category payment systems came into force.

The development of an internal PS allows you to freely use payment cards and conduct various types of financial transactions without fear that they will also fall under international sanctions.

In addition, the main goals and objectives of creating a domestic PS, which is currently the MIR system, are the following aspects:

  • providing reliable money transfer services through domestic payment instruments;
  • increasing the level of trust of Russian citizens in non-cash payment methods;
  • creation of a national payment space that does not depend on foreign organizations;
  • bringing the national payment instrument to the international level.

Who is obliged to switch to PS MIR

According to Law 161 Federal Law of 2011, 2 categories of citizens of the Russian Federation are required to use the domestic payment system:

  • pensioners;
  • public sector employees - employees of budgetary institutions, students, etc.

The rest of the citizens of the Russian Federation do not have to switch to this type of banking services - this is optional.

Advantages of the MIR payment system

Among the biggest advantages of using the national PS MIR are the following privileges:

  1. Independence. Unlike international payment systems, the operation of the MIR PS does not depend on political and economic external factors. Payment transactions using MIR cards, in accordance with Federal Law 161, are safe, and holders of these banking products always have uninterrupted access to funds. The situation on the global political arena and the work of international PSs in no way affect the financial stability of the MID system.
  2. Safety. Due to the fact that MIR cards were created taking into account the advanced achievements of domestic developers, its security is at a high level.
  3. Simplicity and speed of registration/switching to a new payment instrument.
  4. Benefit. Thanks to the loyalty program, MIR cardholders can, when paying for goods and services, receive back up to 20% of the money spent.

Bottom line

Summarizing all of the above, let's make a small conclusion:

  1. Law 161 Federal Law on the national payment system is a tool that allows you to use the domestic banking system, which is independent of foreign companies and sanctions.
  2. Currently, the only state-type PS is the MIR system.
  3. According to this Federal Law 161, the MIR card, or rather the system itself, must be used by all state and municipal enterprises. The main users of the MIR PS are pensioners and public sector employees.
  4. The main advantages of the national payment system MIR are independence, convenience, comfortable conditions of use, as well as the availability of loyalty programs that allow you to save money spent on paying for goods and services.

The law on the MIR card for public sector employees is another step towards the financial independence of the Russian Federation!

From July 1, new employees and those whose old card had expired began to receive new bank cards from the Russian MIR system. Other employees must receive new cards by June 30, 2018. To prevent an accountant from making a mistake when switching to a card, we have prepared an article. It will help you figure out when it is better to transfer salaries to the MIR card and what needs to be done for this. And at the end of the article we will answer the most pressing questions from employees.

What payments to transfer to new cards

Not all funds are credited to the MIR payment card, but only those indicated in a limited list.

Let's list them:

  • employee salaries;
  • salary of civil servants;
  • state scholarships: academic, social, President of the Russian Federation, Government of the Russian Federation, etc.;
  • pensions and other social benefits from the Pension Fund.

Perhaps in the future, officials will expand this list in agreement with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This is stated in the subparagraphs "z", "And" paragraph 6 of article 2 of Law No. 88-FZ.

The card is not needed for those who receive remuneration under a civil contract with a government agency.

What needs to be done to switch to a new payment system

In fact, the actions of an accountant when switching to a MIR card are the same as when opening cards of an international payment system. First, you need to clarify with the founder the time frame within which the institution must make the transition. Since he can set deadlines that differ from the general ones. See the table for general deadlines for switching to a new payment card.

Table. Deadlines for switching to the MIR card



Deadline for switching to the MIR card

1. Remuneration of civil servants.
2. Salaries of employees of state and municipal institutions, bodies, extra-budgetary funds.
3. State scholarships

Account opening date

Pensions and other social benefits

Account opening date

Employees are then notified of the transition to the new payment system. To do this, the manager issues an order, and the accounting department issues notifications to employees. The order indicates the name of the bank on whose behalf the card will be issued, the terms of transition and issuance of cards. Next, you should contact the bank with which the institution has an agreement on the salary project, and conclude an additional agreement with it. It sets tariffs for servicing MIR cards.

On a note:

If there are errors in the register, for example, passport information is incorrect, bank employees will return it for revision. But only for those positions that contain inaccuracies

The next step is for the accounting department to compile a register of employees for issuing payment cards. It can be generated in your accounting program. For example, in 1C “Salaries and Personnel” the necessary document is located in the “Payments” section - “Documents of exchange with the bank”. For each employee, you need to check personal information: passport details, address, last name, first name, patronymic. The finished register should be downloaded and transferred to the bank. If an institution uses a client-bank to exchange documents with a credit institution, the register can be transferred through it. When the cards are issued, you need to agree with the bank specialists at what time and in what order the cards will be issued to the staff. For example, this will be done during the working week on the territory of the institution. If one of the employees fails to receive the card on time, he can pick it up at the bank branch himself.

It is necessary to collect statements from employees that they are asking to transfer all payments from the institution to the specified personal account (see sample). This will avoid further disagreements about the method of transferring payments. It is also desirable that the collective agreement of the institution or employment contracts with employees indicate that wages are transferred by the employer in non-cash form. Because of the new cards, the personal accounts of employees will change. The accountant will have to change the settings in the program and create new personal accounts for all employees. When employees switch to MIR cards, it will be easier for an accountant to prepare applications for salary transfers. After all, when making payments to international bank accounts, you must indicate the details of the recipient bank: its name, BIC, correspondent account and client account numbers. Direct payments to MIR cards allow you to make payments using only one detail - the payment card number.

Sample. Employee statement

What happens if you don’t issue a card on time?

The employer is obliged to pay wages in full on the days specified in the labor and collective agreements. But if one of the employees does not switch to the MIR card, the money that the institution transfers to another card will be taken into account by the bank as unidentified receipts. Therefore, the accountant will need to withdraw money from the personal account and issue the salary through the cash register.

If the employee does not receive his salary within the stipulated period, the unpaid amount will have to be deposited on the last day of payment.

On a note:

All payments using the MIR card are carried out by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This means that they are under state protection

An employee can complain (on the website onlineinspection.rf) to an employer who strongly recommends switching to a specific bank’s salary project. For example, when a manager threatens to deprive a disobeying employee of his bonus. So give employees the right to choose. That is, an employee can choose a bank in which to open a MIR card.

Even if you do not use sanctions, but force employees, they can send a complaint to the territorial body of Rostrud. And then sanctions cannot be avoided.

What benefits will employees receive?

Some banks offer cards with free service. For example, RNKB offers to open and maintain a card for free. Sberbank turned out to be not so generous: the cost of service in the first year will be 750 rubles, in subsequent years - 450 rubles.

For the convenience of users, we launched geolocation on the portal “Network for accepting and servicing national payment cards MIR” ( Here you can see the location of the nearest card service points. According to this resource, there are 193 ATMs in St. Petersburg.

One of the disadvantages of the card is that it is only available in rubles and is valid only on the territory of Russia. Although some banks are already issuing co-branded cards together with international payment systems, which work as cards of two payment systems. These are MIR - Maestro and MIR - JCB cards.

Taken from the magazine for practitioners about taxes and accounting "Accounting in Education"

The provisions of the law apply to the payment of salaries to employees of state and municipal institutions, pensions and scholarships

Moscow. 1st of May. website - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that establishes the obligation of banks to use only national payment instruments when carrying out transactions on the accounts of individuals receiving cash payments from the budget of the Russian Federation or state extra-budgetary funds.

The provisions of the law apply to payments of salary, salaries of employees of state and municipal institutions, pensions and scholarships. Card servicing for pensioners will be free. From July 1, 2017, Mir cards will be issued to all citizens who apply to open a new bank account in order to receive payments from the budget. Other citizens will have to receive a Mir card before July 1, 2018. For pensioners, the deadline for receiving the card is July 1, 2020.

The law retains the opportunity to receive these payments in cash or to bank accounts not linked to cards. The amendments also do not apply to individuals receiving personal income tax deductions and irregular payments. At the same time, the government retains the right to establish, in agreement with the Central Bank, a list of other payments for which there will be a requirement to transfer them to the Mir card.

The law on the National Payment Card System (NSPC) establishes the provision that the Bank of Russia's share of participation in the authorized capital of the NSPK cannot be lower than 50% plus one voting share. In the current version of the law, this possibility is provided subject to the preservation of the special right of the Bank of Russia to participate in the management of the NSPK. The amendments also reduce from 10% to 5% the share of shares of the NSPK operator, which can be acquired by one person or group of persons.

The law also obliges sellers whose annual revenue from sales of goods exceeds 40 million rubles to ensure acceptance of Mir cards. This obligation will begin after October 1, 2017.

In addition, the law reduces the period for notification of the Bank of Russia by payment system operators about the introduction of new tariffs or an increase in tariffs from 120 to 30 days. In addition to the notification, the payment system operator will have to provide justification for the changes.

The law also introduces a number of changes regarding the regulation of relations in the payment industry. In particular, it is proposed to replace the absolute criteria of the systemic and social significance of payment systems with relative ones. This is due to the fact that absolute criteria do not take into account “external” factors: industry and seasonal activity, exchange rate fluctuations, the authors of the document note in the explanatory note.

The document expands the list of participants in the National Payment Card System to include foreign banks, foreign national (central) banks and international financial organizations. In addition, it is planned to include Vnesheconombank in the list of NSPK participants. “This will ensure the expansion of the network for accepting Mir cards and the possibility of issuing them abroad,” said the explanatory note to the document.

Banks, according to the law, will have to ensure the acceptance of Mir cards in all their technical devices intended for making payments, including ATMs, no later than July 1, 2017.

In addition, the law regulates the amount of commission on Mir cards. It is assumed that it should not exceed the amount of commission charged by the bank for payment cards of payment systems of a similar type, type of product.