When do you need to pay for university education? How to get a tax deduction for education

Every semester, students need to pay for their further education at the university. And the question arises: what is the easiest way to pay for training through Sberbank?

There are several payment methods and you can choose any method convenient for you:

  1. Pay for training through the Sberbank cash desk with the help of an operator using the details
  2. Pay for training through a Sberbank terminal
  3. Pay for training remotely via or

It is logical that it is more convenient to use the latter method. To do this you must be. Conveniently, you don’t have to pay a transfer fee (if your institution has a special agreement with Sberbank) and stand in long lines at a bank branch, wasting precious time. And at the end of the operation, if necessary, you can also print a receipt confirming payment for training on your computer through a printer, or you can do this after paying through any ATM.

Sberbank commission for tuition fees

As we already wrote above, if the university has a partnership agreement with Sberbank, then you will not be charged a commission when paying for tuition. If the educational institution does not have such an agreement, then the commission for payment will be 1% of the payment amount.

How to pay for your studies through Sberbank Online: step-by-step instructions

If the whole process is briefly presented, the procedure will be as follows:

a) The university is in the list of the catalog of educational institutions of Sberbank Online

b) The university is not in the list of institutions

  • First you need to find a university using any other details (TIN, BIC, current account number in Sberbank)
  • Select a debit card, fill in additional fields and confirm the operation with the password from SMS

Here you need to find the name of your educational institution - the easiest way to do this is by entering its TIN.

In the next step, you will need to select a write-off card, and also enter the initials of the person who pays for the education.

After entering your full name, the system will ask you to enter your home address and the student's initials.

  • faculty
  • semester
  • contract number
  • amount of payment

How to check payment and not make a mistake

There is a saying: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh.” It may also happen here if you skip the stage of checking payment details. There are a lot of details and therefore, before confirming the payment in the previous steps, please check all the control information: details of the educational institution, student’s initials, faculty, purpose of payment. Give it meaning. Incorrectly entered data will lead to your money being credited to someone else's account and you will be able to return it only if the money has not yet been transferred through the Sberbank transaction center - otherwise you will have to call the technical support of the recipient bank and independently try to resolve this situation by providing documents of the erroneous payment and explaining your carelessness.

Well, the most uncommon case is payment to a “non-existent account” due to an error in the details. Such a payment will not reach the receiving bank and will be returned to your account automatically within 5 business days.


Studying is great, but don’t forget that you need to pay for your education on time every semester. If you do not do this, you may encounter difficulties, including expulsion. Therefore, we advise you not to delay this matter and pay for your studies in advance - this way you will have time in reserve in case of an erroneous payment due to your carelessness. Save your time and pay in the fastest way - through the system.

How to reduce tuition fees? Why are prices for educational services rising? What do you need to do to get a discount? - Most students ask these questions at least once. The editors of the RSSU spoke with the chief accountant Elena Kravtsova and with the head of the Financial Planning, Control and Audit Department Shamil Akhmetov.

Russian State Social University is a university that allows you to get quality education at affordable prices. The average score at RSSU in 2018 is at the level of leading universities, and the price is 15-20% lower.

Nevertheless, the conditional 200,000 rubles per year is a significant burden for the family, and the student wants to ease it.

There are different ways to reduce tuition fees. The most radical of them is transition to a budget.

Budget is a form of education in which the state pays for the student.

An important point: the transition to a budget-funded form of education is possible if there are vacant (free) places in this direction and course. That is, if one of the state-funded students transferred, dropped out, or took an academic leave.

If a student is studying on a contract basis and has no disciplinary sanctions or academic debts, then he can apply for the desired budget place in the following cases:

1. When passing exams for the last two semesters with an “excellent” grade,

2. If the student is an orphan,

3. If the student is under twenty years old, and has only one parent - a disabled person of group I, with an average per capita family income below the subsistence level,

4. If the student lost one or both parents (legal representatives) or a single parent (legal representative) during the period of study.

The decision to transfer a student is made by a special Commission, taking into account the opinion of the chairman of the student council-Senate.

In order for an application to be considered, you must:

1. Submit a motivated application to the faculty dean’s office addressed to the rector,

2. Attach to this application confirmation of compliance with the above points (list above),

3. Attach documents confirming special achievements in studies, creativity, sports (certificates, diplomas),

More information about the rules for transferring from paid education to budget education can be found at.

And you don’t have to overpay. That is pay tuition on time.

The training agreement specifies the terms within which payment must be made.

If the student is already studying at the university, then the fee for each course of study is paid in advance payments:

It also indicates procedure for calculating penalties.

If payment is late, a percentage of the debt to the university is calculated daily, which is 0.1% of the amount. Based on the fact that each direction has different costs, you will have to calculate the amount of debt yourself.

For example, if the tuition fee is 70,000 rubles per semester, then for each day of delay you will have to pay 70 rubles.

If a student has difficulties, he can contact the centralized dean’s office and write a statement. The dean's office will transfer it to the accounting department, which will help the student calculate his overdue payment.

Another way to pay less is to take a tax deduction.

Tax deduction- This is a way to return some of the money for training.

Parents, guardians and siblings can receive a tax deduction if they pay for their child’s education.

Important point: in the agreement on the provision of paid educational services and in payment documents one of the listed persons must be indicated. If the child pays for the education (no matter whose money), then a tax deduction cannot be made.

How much can you get thanks to the tax deduction?

You can get a deduction of 120,000 rubles per year for your own training. That is, the maximum amount of deduction for education that can be refunded is 15,600 rubles.

The deduction for the education of one’s own or wards’ children is 50,000 rubles per child per year. 13% from 50,000 rubles - 6,500 rubles.

In order to receive a deduction you must:

1. Fill out the 3-NDFL tax return at the end of the year in which tuition was paid.

2. Obtain a certificate from the accounting department at the place of work indicating the amounts of accrued and withheld taxes for the corresponding year in form 2-NDFL.

3. Prepare a copy of the agreement with the educational institution.

4. Prepare copies:

a) Certificate confirming the form of study,

b) Child's birth certificate,

c) A document confirming guardianship or trusteeship (if payment is for a child under guardianship),

d) A document confirming relationship with a brother or sister.

5. Prepare copies of payment documents (checks, cash receipt orders, payment orders, etc.).

6. Provide a completed tax return with copies of documents to the tax authority at your place of residence.

If it was not possible to transfer to the budget, then you can try to get discount on tuition.

Conditions for price reduction:

1. If the student is an employee or relative of an employee of the RSSU,

2. If the student is a volunteer at RGSU,

3. If a student shows good academic results,

4. If the student is a master of sports, winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiads.

More details on the procedure for granting discounts can be found at.

Well, there is one more question that worries many students: why are tuition prices increasing?

Every year, prices for goods and services rise in the country, which leads to an increase in inflation. The Education Law provides for the right to increase the cost of education at the rate of inflation, which is fixed in the country's budget for the next financial year.

The university uses various resources (water, electricity) that are necessary to maintain the buildings in good condition. And due to inflation, these resources become more expensive.

To compensate for costs, it is necessary to optimize costs and attract additional income.

An increase in income items means raising prices and attracting more applicants. Optimization - implementation of energy efficiency programs, optimization of the number of administrative personnel, improving the quality of the property complex in order to reduce costs.

Text: Polina Razumovskaya

1. Why can’t I find myself in the lists?

First of all, make sure you are looking for yourself in the right lists.

And finally, if you have just submitted your documents, they might simply not have time to add you to the list.

2. Is it possible to pay for training monthly?

Yes, from the second semester of study, RosNOU students can pay monthly. To apply for monthly payment, you must write an application to your dean’s office. If the application is approved, the student will have to pay the established monthly amount + 0.07% of the remaining payment amount accrued daily (since in this case the student is actually taking out a loan from the university).

With each month paid, the amount of the penalty decreases, as the amount of debt decreases. For example, if the tuition fee is 48,000 rubles per semester, and the student signed an application and pays 8,000 rubles monthly, the amount of his penalty for the semester will be approximately 3,100 rubles.

3. Can I apply for a budget if my score is below the passing grade for last year?

Passing scores are often confused with two other categories: minimum and average. Let's figure it out.

Average scores are a simple statistical indicator (the scores of all applicants for the previous academic year are added up and divided by the number of people).

Passing scores show the lowest number of points with which the applicant entered the budget last year. This year's passing score will be formed only after the end of receiving documents. It may turn out to be the same as last year, or it may be higher or lower - it depends on many factors: the number of applicants, Unified State Examination results, the number of budget places, and so on.

Passing and average scores are given to make it easier for applicants to assess their chances of admission, but they do not affect admission.

Only the minimum scores are critically important for an applicant: if an applicant does not score the minimum number of points established by the university based on the Unified State Examination results (or on the university’s internal tests), he cannot enter the university even on a paid basis.

Therefore, if an applicant’s scores do not reach last year’s passing scores, but are still above the minimum, he still has a chance for the budget.

4. I enrolled as a paid student and they didn’t take the original from me. Why?

Nowadays, only those entering on a budget leave the original documents with the admissions committee.

5. How to get a place in a dormitory?

After the applicant receives an agreement on the provision of paid educational services or a receipt from the admissions committee about the original submitted, he can go to office 801 and write an application for a place in the dormitory. After the order for enrollment, the distribution of places occurs: the first to receive guaranteed places are those admitted on a budget basis, then full-time students admitted on a paid basis, and so on.

6. If I didn’t pass the budget, can I transfer to it while studying?

Yes you can. Subject to the student's good academic performance and availability. During the 2014/15 academic year, 40 RosNOU students switched from paid to budget.

7. Can I submit documents by email or regular mail?

Documents can only be submitted by regular mail. There is no need to notarize copies (unless it is a translation from another language). Please note that for each direction you need a separate set of copies of documents and an application for admission to study at the ANO VO “Russian New University” (see “Official documents of the admissions committee”).

When submitting documents in person, an application for admission to study at the ANO VO “Russian New University” is filled out at the admissions office.

12. What does priority mean in applicant lists?

An applicant applying for several directions must choose which one is more interesting and indicate priority from 1 to 3 (or from 1 to 9, if in each direction he is considering the possibility of enrolling full-time, part-time or part-time).

The highest priority is 1, the lowest is 9.

This year, each university could choose whether to take into account priority when enrolling (for example, if an applicant is applying for two budget programs at once). RosNOU chose “not to take into account”, so the priority is only information for applicants, helping to calculate the chances for the budget.

13. If I don’t qualify for the budget, do I automatically get paid?

Automatically - if, when filling out the application, you indicate that you are ready to apply for a paid one if it does not fit into the budget. Just indicate the priority next to the phrase “for places within the framework of the CCP” and opposite the phrase “for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.”

Cost of education

Tuition fees in the 2019-20 academic year for each year of enrollment (course) for the OP “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”

1 course

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

Tuition fee per year, rub.

440 000

406 770

379 652

338 433

Tuition fee per semester, rub.

220 000

203 385

189 826

RUB 169,221 50 kopecks

How to pay for training

Payment for training can be made online - to pay you need to go through and follow the instructions. Department code 02.26.
To pay, you need to know the contract number and full name. student. If you do not know the contract number, you can find it out in advance from a specialist in the educational office (see contacts below).
If it is convenient to pay at the bank, then it is recommended to make the payment at Sberbank branches (Moscow) and (Moscow), in this case no bank commission is charged.
You can find receipt forms and samples to fill out by clicking on.
If payment is planned through Sberbank, please indicate this separately when requesting a payment notification, because A separate form of receipts has been introduced for Sberbank.

Terms and confirmation of payment

Payment deadline for the first semester of the 2019-20 academic year is until August 25, 2019

Payment deadline for the second semester of the 2019-20 academic year is until February 20, 2020

Confirmation of payment is required
Original payment documents must be provided to the administrator of your course or sent scanned or photo copiesimmediately after payment on(only for students of the educational program "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science").

Please, do not violate the terms of the contract, pay for training within the terms specified in the contract in such a way that by the specified date the payment amount has already been received.

Special payment terms

Applications requesting special payment arrangements may be submitted no later than three weeks prior to the due date for the transfer of advance tuition payments (listed above in the Payment Due Dates and Confirmation section).
If you have good reasons for receiving an installment/deferment in payment of tuition, you must promptly contact the academic office with an application addressed to the dean of the faculty, in which you must indicate the reason for providing the installment plan.

Deferred payment is provided only when registering maternity capital and paying by.

Procedure and information about paying for education from maternal family capital (MSC):

  1. The training contract must be issued to the student’s mother as the customer under the contract. If the admission contract was concluded for the father or the student himself, it must be reissued. To do this, the student 1) submits to the educational office an application for renewal of the contract in connection with a change of customer and 2) provides a copy of his mother’s passport (a scan is accepted by email), her phone number and her email address.
  2. It is necessary no later than 2 weeks before the deadline for payment under the contract (August 25 and February 20) to go to the training office and 1) provide a copy of the certificate for MSK and an application for deferment, 2) inform the exact date when the funds will be transferred to the settlement NRU HSE account (it needs to be clarified with the pension fund - PF). Until this date, the student will be granted a deferment.
  3. A specialist from the educational office prepares an additional agreement (DS) for payment of tuition from MSK funds and submits it to the student and his mother for signing.
  4. After the signed copies of the DS are transferred to the training office, a specialist from the training office prepares their certified copies, which can be obtained along with certified copies of the license, state certificate. accreditation and contract within 3 working days.
  5. Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the documents, the student is obliged to provide the educational office with a copy of the notification receipt indicating that the Pension Fund has accepted the application for the disposal of MSK funds.
  6. If, within the period before which the installment plan was granted, funds do not arrive from the Pension Fund to the University’s current account, the student is obliged to pay for tuition at his own expense no later than 10 working days.
  7. If funds are not credited to the account after 10 working days, the University has the right to suspend the provision of services and initiate termination of the contract for violation of the Internal Regulations.

Procedure and information about applying for installments:

1. An application for installment payment is accepted no later than 2 weeks before the payment deadline (August 25 and February 20);

Payment for studies through the multifunctional service Sberbank Online is a new offer from the largest banking institution in the Russian Federation. Every student studying on a contract basis knows that timely payment is a guarantee of further studies. And everyone knows the simple truth that a student never has enough time. Therefore, it is worth finding out how to pay for your studies through Sberbank Online.

Example of payment for English courses: stages 1 and 2

To pay using this method, you first need to find out whether the educational institution accepts online payments. Most often, universities in the regions are not connected to the system. Before making a transaction, you should register in the service, having first received your own identifier. In most cases, this service is activated from the moment the card is issued. You can obtain an identifier for registration through the terminal after issuing a check, where the necessary information is indicated.

Example of payment for English courses: stages 3 and 4

You can connect yourself. To do this, you need to go to the website of the banking institution and click on the “Registration” option. The login will be the card number, the one-time password will be sent via SMS. After confirming your login, you completely change your ID. After completing all the steps, go to your Personal Account.

Example of payment for English courses: stages 5 and 6

Now let’s look at how to pay for your studies through Sberbank Online step by step, if the university is on the service list:

  • Select the “Transfers and Payments” section in the menu;
  • a page with a list of services will appear;
  • select “Education”;
  • select the desired category of establishment;
  • your region of residence will be indicated on the page;
  • if the university is located in another region, then click on the line “Show results without region”;
  • the services provided by the establishment will appear in the window;
  • select what you need (study fees);
  • The recipient bank details will appear automatically;
  • fill in the sender’s personal data (full name, passport details, residential address);
  • in the “Additional Information” section, indicate the parameters that identify the payment (student’s full name, faculty, course, group, period);
  • check the entered data;
  • indicate the card to be written off;
  • indicate the required amount;
  • click “Continue”;
  • confirm payment with a code received from SMS;
  • if the operation was successful, its status will appear “Completed”;
  • print the payment document for presentation to the university.

It is worth paying attention to one point regarding tax deductions. In this case, the payer must be the one who will file the declaration with the tax service. It is his data that is entered into the payment document. In this case, a document with a “wet” seal is provided to the service. It will be placed on a printed receipt at a banking institution. When applying, you must have your passport with you.

If, when searching on the service, your university or technical school is not in the list, then payment can be made using arbitrary details. You can do this as follows:

  • After logging in, select the “Translations” section in the menu;
  • in the section click on “Organization transfer”;
  • then fill in the details of the recipient bank yourself:
  • indicate the bank account, BIC and INN;
  • select a card to write off;
  • continue filling out the remaining details - KBK, KPP and OKTMO;
  • indicate the details of the payer and the student (filled out in the same way as in the previous version);
  • verify data using an agreement with the university;
  • make a payment by confirming the operation with the code from SMS.

What data is needed for payment?

When paying for training through the Sberbank Online service, a number of data will be required to carry out the operation correctly.

Please note that errors when entering data may be the main reason why your payment may go “nowhere”. Therefore, be especially careful when entering data.

All required data is divided into two groups: the details of the recipient himself and the personal data of the sender, in this case the student.

Recipient data requested by the banking institution:

  • payee's bank;
  • name of the recipient (educational institution);
  • current account number;
  • TIN;
  • BIC.

When filling out a payment document, the sender must provide the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the sender (in full);
  • sender's address;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the student;
  • name of the faculty and group number;
  • indication of the period for which payment is to be made (per semester - write “first”, “second”, monthly - name of the month);
  • identifier;
  • Course of Study;
  • payment amount in accordance with the agreement with the university.

Commission for paying for studies through Sberbank

Payment for studies without commission at Sberbank is possible only if the educational institution has entered into a service agreement with the banking institution. In all other cases, the commission fee will be 1% of the amount of funds transferred.

How to check payment and not make a mistake

The biggest trouble for a student is an unpaid semester. If there is no enrollment in the university accounting department, the student faces serious trouble, including expulsion. But sometimes situations arise when a student made a payment transaction, but the money never arrived in the educational institution’s bank account. This can happen if:

  • errors were made when filling out the details of the receiving bank or in the personal data of the payer (even the slightest mistake will cause the payment to “hang”);
  • The university has changed its details;
  • The educational institution's account is closed for various reasons.

It is worth noting that if the card details are entered incorrectly, or for some other reason, the non-credited payment will be returned after 5 days to the sender’s account, but without the commission paid. The only way out is to contact a banking institution and write a statement indicating all the necessary corrections. The sending bank will send a letter to the receiving bank with clarifications, and the transaction will be counted. But time will be lost.

The best advice to avoid making mistakes in filling out a payment document is to carefully fill it out just once, make sure that the payment has gone through, and create a template.


Student time is the most wonderful time. In order not to overshadow it with unnecessary problems, when paying for a contract form of education, it is necessary to make payments on time and in full. The most economical and fastest way to pay for training is to carry out the transaction through Sberbank Online.