How to get a Metro card for an individual. How to get a Metro card for an individual Copy of a metro cash carry client card

METRO Cash and Carry supermarkets differ from most stores in that you cannot just get into them. It is necessary to obtain a METRO customer card. We will consider all the ways to do this, as well as whether this store is interesting to the average person, in this article.

What is the advantage of METRO stores

The main advantage of METRO is that not everyone can easily get into this store; accordingly, there are always few customers in it, even before major holidays. It is also important that METRO stores are open around the clock (at night there are breaks in the cash registers). METRO has products that are not available in other stores, as well as a very decent selection of strong alcoholic drinks and meat.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. METRO is positioned as a wholesale store, that is, most of the products presented are sold in packages. And this is not suitable for everyone.

  • Why do they take photographs when replacing/receiving a Metro customer card?
  • What are the prices in METRO stores?

    As in any chain supermarkets, prices in METRO are average for the market. That is, something is cheaper than, for example, in Globus or Auchan, something is more expensive.

    How to get a METRO card

    The METRO card is issued only to legal entities, that is, companies. Also, to receive cards, it is enough to be an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). One company or individual entrepreneur can receive no more than 5 customer cards. The full list of documents is presented on the METRO official website and varies slightly depending on the type of company.

    For example, for an individual entrepreneur, you must provide a completed form from the METRO website, a power of attorney, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a copy of the individual entrepreneur’s passport.

    How to buy a METRO card

    On the Internet you can easily find sites where METRO cards are sold. The cost of issuing one card is about 1,500 rubles. However, we do not recommend that you use the services of such sellers, and we intentionally do not provide links to them.

    How to get to a METRO store without a customer card

    At the entrance to the METRO store you can get disposable card. For this you only need a passport. Using such a card, you can independently evaluate the assortment and prices in this store and decide whether you need a permanent card. However, please note that you can’t get a one-time card everywhere and not always. Before going to a specific store, check by phone whether they offer such a service.

    Also, you can easily visit METRO with one of your friends or relatives who has a card. Two people can enter the store together with the card holder. But nothing stops you from going into the store several times with two other people.

    If you have any questions, our experts are always ready to help you!

    In 1964, METRO Cash & Carry was founded in Germany. Just four years later, in 1968, the Cash & Carry concept became popular far beyond Germany. Today, the main owners of METRO GROUP are German entrepreneurs, who own about 60% of the voting shares.

    It would not be superfluous to note that METRO GROUP is present in 31 countries of the world (2,200 shopping centers), and employs more than 225,000 people. In addition, the store is included in the list of one of the largest national trading companies all over the world, and over the past year its sales reached 63 billion euros. It's no wonder why METRO GROUP is so popular. True, the only drawback is that you can’t get into the METRO store without a card, but, no matter how strange it may sound, ordinary customers, not legal entities or private entrepreneurs, still somehow manage to visit this shopping center .

    How to get to the METRO store without a card?

    1. So, it would be useful to offer several options that will help you easily get into the territory of this giant store, which every day organizes all kinds of promotions for its regular customers. So, trick No. 1: if your friend already has a card for this shopping center, feel free to ask to be his travel companion. Let it be known that METRO customers have the right to be accompanied by up to two assistants. At the checkout you will be given one receipt and only then you can give your friend the money for your goods.
    2. You shouldn’t hope that you can just come in with someone else’s card, even if it’s issued to your spouse or parents. According to the rules of visiting the shopping center, this is prohibited. But, this rule will not apply if, along with someone else’s card, a power of attorney from the M-2 card holder is provided at the entrance. It is important to remember that such a power of attorney is valid only for one visit, in other words, it is a one-time use.
    3. What you need to get to the METRO store without a card is to carefully follow the news on the official website or pay attention to the billboards in your city. Thus, several times a year, METRO GROUP organizes something like an Open Day: for three days in a row, anyone can visit the store and pay for the purchased goods without presenting a card. In addition, these days there are considerable discounts, and therefore it would be a sin not to pay attention to such an event.
    4. This option is a little similar to the first, but here you need, first of all, to rely on the lady. The plan is this: at the entrance to the shopping center, we match up with a complete stranger or say that we got out into the car, and the wife was inside the store with the card. Of course, another problem immediately arises: “How can I pay at the checkout, since I need to present my METRO customer card?” In this case, we turn on all our masculine charm and in line at the checkout we ask, we beg the girl in front to help you out. So, when your product is considered like hers, do not forget to pay for it and sincerely thank the stranger.

    How can I get to the METRO store with a card?

    Well, if the conversation turned to how to get to the shopping center Without a card, we can’t help but mention how to get one. To do this, you, as a legal entity or private entrepreneur, need to fill out the registration form on the website, submitting the necessary documents.

    Metro Cash & Carry is a chain of hypermarkets originally from Germany. In 2018, the company has more than 2,200 retail outlets in 31 countries. Such popularity and demand can be explained simply: reasonable prices and high service. But there is also a minus - you can only get into the chain’s stores with a special card, and many Russians are interested in how to get a Metro card to an individual.

    METRO Cash & Carry

    For more than 50 years, the company has been successfully developing and covering territories different countries peace. In Russia, the chain's shopping centers appeared in 2000. Small wholesale sales have attracted the attention of Russians representing different categories:

    • legal entities (organizations and enterprises);
    • individual entrepreneurs;
    • representatives of cafes and restaurants;
    • military units;
    • notary offices;
    • bar associations;
    • peasant farms;
    • foreign companies carrying out legal activities in the Russian Federation;
    • individuals.

    The main advantages of Metro stores that attract customers are:

    • a wide range of;
    • affordable prices;
    • a large number of ongoing promotions;
    • convenient location of retail outlets;
    • good service.

    In small wholesale chain shopping centers you can purchase products from different product groups:

    1. Products.
    2. Technology and electronics.
    3. Automotive products.
    4. Paper and paper products.
    5. Everything for repairs.
    6. Toys.
    7. Stationery.
    8. Cosmetics and household chemicals.
    9. Office interior.
    10. Crockery and accessories.
    11. Professional equipment.
    12. Garden and dacha.
    13. Sports and recreation.
    14. Household products.
    15. Business gifts.
    16. Pet supplies.
    17. Books and hobbies.
    18. Clothes and shoes.
    19. Accessories.

    Obviously, such shopping centers attract many customers and the main question for many is how to get a Metro customer card for an individual.

    Rules for visiting shopping centers

    Until recently, only legal entities or individual entrepreneurs could enjoy the right to enter the trading floors of the chain’s stores. The main condition was the presence of a special card, which was issued upon provision of a certain package of documents confirming the legal status of the applicant. In 2018, the situation changed and ordinary citizens can also make purchases at Metro subject to the following conditions:

    1. Availability of a client card. A special pass document is issued in the name of a specific citizen. It is impossible to get into the store using someone else’s card, but each pass holder can take up to 3 accompanying people with him to the store.
    2. Urgently contact the center administration if the card is lost or damaged.
    3. The store management reserves the right to cancel the card and terminate cooperation with the client if the pass is used by third parties.

    How to make a card to the Metro store

    Despite the fact that a client card can be issued to an individual, indirect participation is necessary legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Each organization cooperating with Metro has the right to issue passes to the chain’s stores for five of its employees. However, proof of official employment is not required. That is, if the buyer has an acquaintance with an entrepreneur or some connections in an institution with access to the network, he can express a request for assistance in obtaining a special card.

    Important! This scheme is absolutely legal and allows ordinary citizens not only to freely visit small wholesale shopping centers, but also to choose convenient way registration of a client card.

    Online application

    This option is the most convenient and popular among new network clients. Before ordering a permanent pass to small wholesale chain stores, the buyer has the right to issue a guest pass. According to this document, a citizen has the right to access shopping centers and can make purchases. To obtain it you will need:

    1. Go to the official website of the company www.
    2. Choose yours locality or region. This is important, since in different cities promotions for new clients are held at different times, under different conditions.
    3. Go to the "Promotions" section.
    4. Select the menu item “Guest card for everyone”.
    5. Fill out a short guest questionnaire. You will need to provide your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, email address and mobile phone number.

    Healthy! The guest card is not a discount or discount card. It does not provide any additional benefits to the client other than access to the shopping center and the opportunity to shop.

    In the mall

    If the buyer is located near the store he is interested in, he can apply for a permanent or guest card. This will take a little time, but will allow you to take advantage of all the benefits of a small wholesale network.

    Applying for a permanent Metro card

    If the buyer is an employee of the company or has simply agreed with familiar entrepreneurs already registered in trading system"Metro", he will need the following documents to issue a card:

    • a completed and certified application from the employer - confirms that the applicant is an employee of a company or individual entrepreneur already cooperating with Metro;
    • identification document.

    After submitting these documents, the responsible employee of the shopping center draws up personalized card and transfers it to the client.

    Registering a guest card "Metro cash and carry"

    In most stores in the chain, you can get a one-time guest pass to explore and make purchases. The visitor simply needs to present a passport. The card is produced in a matter of minutes, and upon exit it is handed over to a security guard or other authorized person.

    Advice! Before going to the nearest Metro Cash & Carry center, you need to make sure that this store offers a same-day service for issuing guest passes.

    Alternative methods

    If a citizen really wants to get into the chosen store, but does not have the opportunity to officially register a Metro customer card, there are several alternative options:

    1. Buy online. On different sites, such a service can cost from 500 to 2000 rubles. Registration of a card is quick, but it’s easy to fall for scammers and lose your own money.
    2. Issue a special power of attorney for the visit. This is appropriate in cases where the card owner is a spouse or other close relative.
    3. Ask to be accompanied. Each card holder has the right to take 2-3 people with him to the shopping center. If one of your acquaintances or friends has a special card, the issue can be resolved easily. The most relaxed citizens can find a guide to the Metro Cash & Carry store right at the entrance or in the nearest parking lot.

    Visiting METRO Cash & Carry stores is always a holiday. Every Russian needs to visit the chain’s shopping centers at least once in order to personally appreciate all the benefits of cooperation and the benefits of shopping.

    Everyone knows that shopping in the Metro stores of the Cash and Carry wholesale chain, which is owned by German entrepreneurs and is the property of the Metro Group, is profitable. But in order to be able to purchase products and goods there at wholesale prices, you need to have a client card. The desire to save money is a serious motivation, so it is not surprising that many are interested in the question: how to get a Metro customer card? Indeed, how can you become a client of this trading network and purchase food and industrial goods at wholesale prices?

    Who can become a Metro client?
    Considering that Metro is a small wholesale chain and you can only buy goods there in packages, it is logical to assume that cooperation with these stores is beneficial mainly for small retail outlets, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. This is actually true. And that is why restaurants, cafes, small shops, hotels, medical centers, production complexes and any companies in general, regardless of their field of activity.

    Partnerships with Metro will allow you to profitably purchase not only food or alcoholic drinks for restaurants, but also cutlery, textiles, dishes, household appliances, stationery, office furniture, Consumables for offices, hotels and other organizations. This means that it will be possible to ensure the normal operation of an enterprise or office without unnecessary expenses, as well as replenish the shelves of your retail outlet.

    Cooperation is formalized by a special agreement, and then the individual entrepreneur or representative of the legal entity is issued a client card, which can be used to make bargain purchases for the enterprise. It doesn’t matter how purchases are made: on an ongoing basis or from time to time.

    Can ordinary people become METRO customers?
    As for ordinary people who are not representatives of companies or individual entrepreneurs, then they can make purchases using a one-time pass (temporary card), which is issued to the buyer when visiting a store on the basis of his passport, and then withdrawn at the checkout after payment for purchases.

    Necessary documents for obtaining a client card
    A customer card is issued immediately (you can get a Metro customer card at any nearest Cash & Carry shopping center) and completely free of charge when provided necessary documents. The package of documents provided for issuing a card depends on the status of the potential client. Let's look at exactly what papers must be provided:

    • Representatives of Russian companies provide a form filled out and certified with the company seal “ General terms purchases”, as well as a copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number, a copy of the order appointing the head of the organization (or a copy of the protocol general meeting shareholders), a copy of the Charter (or its page indicating legal address), a power of attorney on behalf of the head of the organization in the name of the employee responsible for procurement. You also need to fill out a client registration form.
    • Individual entrepreneurs must fill out the “General Conditions of Purchase” form and certify it with their seal, as well as provide a copy of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) certificate, a copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number, a copy of the passport (the first page and the page with registration), a power of attorney for the employee responsible for the purchase of goods (if, of course, there is one available). If the entrepreneur makes purchases himself, then a power of attorney is not needed. In addition, you need to fill out a client registration form.
    • Representatives of foreign companies must provide certified copies of the regulations on the representative office (or branch) of the company and the protocol on the appointment of the head of the parent organization, as well as a power of attorney addressed to the head of the representative office and a notice of tax registration. It is important that all documents bear a clear seal of the representative office and a legible signature of the principal. In addition, you will need a notarized power of attorney for a specific employee who will be involved in procurement. You also need to fill out the “General Conditions of Purchase” form and the customer registration form on the METRO website.
    • Representative offices of foreign states (diplomatic missions) must provide copies of the tax registration certificate, TIN, a document that confirms the accreditation of the ambassador or attorney, a power of attorney addressed to the employee responsible for purchases, and also fill out a client registration form. It is important that all documents have the original seal and a legible signature with a transcript of the person who certified them.
    If you decide to get a Metro customer card, make sure that all the official papers necessary for its registration are drawn up correctly and have all the necessary details, seals and signatures. Then the card registration process will go quickly and without problems.