Premium banking services. Experts named the best banks for premium services

The research company Frank Research Group has published an annual ranking of premium banking services. Who is among the best?

What was assessed

Premium banking is intended for those who have already outgrown the mass category, but still do not reach the level of the Private Banking service. According to FRG, "premium" includes people with a monthly income of more than 200 thousand rubles and total assets from 2.5 million to 10 million rubles, according to the study "Premium banking: 2015" published today.

Banks are actively developing this segment of the business - there are quite a lot of such clients and they are a good source of raising money in a crisis. According to the head of the study, Frank Research Group expert Lyubov Prokopova, premium customers form up to 40-60% of the income of retail banking services. “At the same time, during the crisis, the income of the segment remained at the same level,” the expert adds. Banks also confirm this. “About 40% of PSB's retail business income is generated by this segment,” says Gleb Narozhnykh, Development Director for the Wealthy Clients segment at Promsvyazbank.

In Russia, the market for premium banking services began to take shape in 2009. Then the largest private banks presented their products: Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank and UniCredit Bank. Prior to that, only Citibank was actively engaged in premium clients. “In 2002, he offered Citigold to clients,” Prokopova recalls.

In 2011, large state-owned banks, Sberbank and VTB24, entered this market. A couple of years later, the others followed suit. Now 19 of the 25 largest banks (Frank RG rating) have their own program of premium services for private clients in terms of assets. It was these programs that FRG tried to evaluate in its study.

How was it evaluated

Frank RG divided research into the premium service segment into several stages. First, the experts collected all the information from open sources - the official websites of banks and the responses of call centers. The collected information was checked by secret buyers - potential customers. Two legends were adopted. First: a married man, 23 years old, no children, with a total capital of 4 million rubles. Second: a woman, 30 years old, married, two children. Her fortune is 3-4 million rubles. Mystery shoppers evaluated a number of criteria. Among them: comfort in the general and premium service area, marketing materials, the work of a personal manager.

The collected information was checked in banks. Next, the experts interviewed 35 existing clients of seven rating banks to determine the importance of certain criteria. Based on the answers, each of the criteria (and there were 101 in total) was assigned a weight and a score (from 0.5 to 2 points). The scores of mystery shoppers were taken into account separately.

When calculating the final score, the weights of the assessments were distributed as follows. The majority (73%) was occupied by points for banking services and privileges. Experts considered the most important of them offers for premium bank cards (20%), service conditions (13%) and non-banking privileges (11%). The latter included travel insurance, escort and transportation of valuables, and additional consultations. Also, an important share in the final assessment was occupied by investment opportunities (10%). Mystery shopping points "cost" the least - 6%.

“In this segment, the most important thing is the service, not the products,” said Aleksey Skobelev, CEO of Markswebb Rank & Report. However, according to the described methodology, it is not entirely clear what exactly the company evaluates, he believes.


According to the results of the study, Raiffeisenbank with the Premium Banking program came out on top. Among the advantages, experts noted the best package of non-banking privileges on the market, a good offer for premium cards and a high score from a mystery shopper.

The second place, with a lag of 4 points, was taken by the "Maximum" service package from Alfa-Bank. Separately, Frank RG noted the possibilities of investment services and the best options for premium cards. VTB24 is only one point behind Alfa-Bank. His Privilege package received the highest score for the loyalty program. The line below is Promsvyazbank. Fifth place was shared by Sberbank and Citibank. The first FRG singles out as the absolute leader in terms of the number of ATMs and branches, and the second - as the owner of an excellent investment service offer for premium customers.

As noted by Lyubov Prokopova from Frank RG, the top five have been consistently at the top of the market in recent years. “One can single out only Promsvyazbank, which presented a good product this year and became one of the best,” says Prokopova.

In addition to the main rating, Frank RG has compiled an additional rating based on surveys of market participants. Of the 19 surveyed banks, 11 gave their ratings to competitors' programs. The leader, according to market participants, was Alfa-Bank. Raiffeisenbank took second place. Sberbank with the Sberbank Premier program is on the third line. Fourth and fifth lines, respectively, were occupied by VTB24 and Citibank.

Who Uses Premium Banking Services

The user profile, according to Frank Research Group, looks like this: a man with a higher education, the average age is 42 years. For the most part, these are married residents of megacities with children. The average monthly income, according to market representatives surveyed by Frank RG, for such a client starts from 150 thousand rubles in Moscow and 70 thousand rubles in the regions. These figures are also confirmed by banks. “This is a manager of a large company or government agency or a business owner whose monthly income is from 125 thousand rubles. in the regions and from 180 thousand rubles. in Moscow,” expands the scope of Gleb Narozhnykh from Promsvyazbank. For Raiffeisenbank, the bar is even higher. “Clients of a premium bank are people with a monthly official income of 300,000 rubles or more,” says Roman Zilber, head of the department for working with small businesses and premium clients at Raiffeisenbank.

With the PRIME service package you become a member of the UniCredit Prime Club 7 preferred clients. UniCredit Prime Club is an individual approach, competence and efficiency in solving your financial issues.

Conditions for free use of the PRIME 8 service package:

  • with an average monthly balance of 3,000,000 rubles
  • with an average monthly balance of 1,500,000 rubles or more and purchases with ruble cards from 150,000 rubles per month
  • with an average monthly balance of 1,500,000 rubles or more and receipts on a ruble card from 150,000 rubles per month

If the average monthly balance or the amount of transactions decreases, the fee for using the PRIME service package is 3,000 rubles per month.

1 Package of premium banking services PRIME.
2 The Bank pays remuneration on a monthly basis, during the month following the reporting one. The maximum amount of remuneration for spending in restaurants and entertainment is 10,000 rubles, for other purchases it is not limited (the total remuneration for the main and additional cards is calculated). The full list of categories for accruing cashback is in the Rules for servicing bank cards of AO UniCredit Bank with the possibility of paying remuneration for using the card.
3 Enter.UniCredit Internet Bank.
4 Mobile application Mobile.UniCredit.
5 When withdrawing cash from an ATM of a third-party bank, a fee may be charged from the client in accordance with the conditions of this bank.
6 One free visit per month for each million rubles of average monthly balances with UniCredit Bank in the previous month, but no more than 10 free visits during a calendar month. When visiting a business lounge to check a card, an amount equivalent to 1 USD is temporarily blocked. After the verification is completed, this amount will be released (usually within 10 business days).
7 Club of privileged clients UniCredit Prime Club.
8 Balances on current accounts and deposits opened with UniCredit Bank are taken into account as average monthly balances, including the amount of insurance premiums under contracts for investment and accumulative life insurance programs from IC Ingosstrakh-Life LLC and IC Ergo Life LLC concluded in Bank since August 28, 2017, and funds in the accounts of investment funds managed by TKB Investment Partners (JSC), which were purchased from the Bank. Purchases are understood as transactions for payment for goods, works and services in trade and service enterprises, including on the Internet, made with the main and additional ruble cards and reflected on the account for the calendar month. Income includes funds received by transfers from other banks, including from the card of another bank to the card of JSC UniCredit Bank, as well as intra-bank transfers from the accounts of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Premium banking services at Promsvyazbank

In recent years, banks have begun to actively develop the direction of premium services. It is a relatively new segment in the banking sector and began to form in 2010. Until this year, only Citi-Bank offered premium services, offering premium cards. The rest of the banks singled out only the mass and VIP segments.

The share was divided in proportions of approximately 95% and 5%, respectively, while in the masses there were clients who were slightly below the VIP level, and in the VIP there were clients who were not ready to pay for individual service. Therefore, the idea arose to highlight the middle level between mass and VIP service. That was the premium level. Let's take a closer look at what premium service is, what are its advantages, what privileges a client can receive, compare the terms of service at VTB 24 and PSB

What is premium service?

This is a type of banking service, when the client is offered cooperation on more favorable and comfortable terms with additional privileges. Its formation began in 2010. Then Alfa Bank, VTB 24 and Sberbank entered the market with their products. Gradually, other banks began to catch up.

The bank's desire to transfer customers from the mass segment to the premium segment is based on a simple logic: many customers have a good income and can afford to pay more for more comfortable service conditions. They actively use banking products that bring the bank a good income from commissions (high category cards, investment products, insurance, etc.) and want to get more privileges from this. The most important thing is that there are more such clients than VIPs, and you don’t need to look for them separately - it’s enough to analyze the mass flow and select the right people.

At the moment, the main sales of premium products go to the already formed customer base (up to 80%). The remaining 10-20% are formed by "recruits". By offering existing customers more favorable conditions and additional bonuses, banks are transferring mass customers to more expensive services. This model of formation of the premium segment takes place if the client agrees to pay more.

The main task of the bank here is to provide quality service and convince the client to pay for it. If you can find a balance point between the cost and income of the client, then premium service turns into a stable business. The average net profit per one such client reaches an average of 50 thousand rubles a year. Now the expectations and requirements of customers are growing every day. If in 2014, according to statistics, every second expressed satisfaction with premium service, then in 2015 - only every fourth.

Premium service features.

  • Premium clients form up to 60% of the profit from the retail business.
  • The segment is in the process of formation and development.
  • Service takes place at the personal manager.
  • Dedicated zone of increased comfort for customers.
  • Separate telephone line for faster resolution of questions and problems.
  • Personal assistance in planning the client's finances.
  • Deposits and loans on special terms.
  • Access to investment financial instruments.
  • Program of privileges, discounts.
  • Non-banking services (legal support, travel programs, increased bonuses for purchases, access to airport VIP lounges, etc.), loyalty programs, service privileges.

Thus, the most attractive criteria for a client who wants to join a premium service is the availability of additional options that are not available to the mass segment, but not as expensive as in the private service. This applies to higher deposit rates, accrual of interest on card balances, the ability to use high-level cards free of charge (if there is an Nth balance), or on a paid basis, the ability to withdraw funds without commission at other ATMs or emergency withdrawals abroad, for example , in case of loss of the card, preferential conversion rate for currency exchange, increased cash-back, insurance for those traveling abroad, money transfers on preferential terms, etc.

Premium service in PSB.

Promsvyazbank introduced its Orange Premium Club program at the end of 2014. Thanks to her, according to the results of 2015, he managed to enter the top ten banks in the Premium segment. The program is a set of proposals for servicing wealthy clients and their family members. The peculiarity of the service is that it takes place in specially equipped rooms with increased comfort. These negotiation clients can use both financial matters and personal business meetings. The Premium PSB program includes:

  • Priority card: increased limit up to 2 million rubles, grace period up to 55 days, additional 1 platinum or 2 gold cards to the main account for a client or family, emergency issue of a new card or cash worldwide in 24 hours, free internet services bank and sms.
  • A new format of service in individual offices with a personal manager.
  • Availability of emergency services, including support in cases of loss or damage of the card abroad. A new card or cash up to $5,000 will be issued within 24 hours.
  • Protection program for travelers and their families (up to 4 children) in the amount of up to 100 thousand euros.
  • Concierge: you can get up-to-date information, book tables in restaurants, tickets, hotel rooms, organize a trip, enjoy privileges and discounts, receive invitations to private events, and so on.
  • Access to investment programs: mutual funds, trust management.
  • Special lending conditions: increased amounts, no guarantee, reduced term for consideration of applications, preferential conditions for early repayment.
  • Currency exchange on favorable terms at a special rate.
  • Access to individual bank safes: a separate room, the ability to book visit times, favorable rates and discounts, various terms and sizes.

Comparison of VTB and PSB premium services.

Consider the main points:

ConditionsVTB 24PSB
Availability of a personal managerYesYes
Service cost subject to special conditions
Without compliance with special conditions
For free
6000 r. per quarter
For free
2800 r. month
Minimum account balance1.5 million rubles2 million rubles
The minimum amount of transactions per month on the card75 thousand rubles50 thousand rubles
Availability of additional services:
Card Protection
Traveler Protection
Investment Services
Insurance programs
Personal terms of deposits
Yes for everyoneYes for everyone
Availability of a dedicated service areaYesYes

Thus, the terms of premium service for VTB and PSB have differences and similarities. The advantage of VTB is its developed network of branches, which PSB cannot boast of. If in the capitals this factor is not very important, then in the regions VTB is definitely the leader. Both banks are betting on improved service, personalized service and a package of privileges. When choosing between these two organizations, you should focus on the level of your income, ease of service and the set of those services that you can use when applying for a Premium package.

In the face of fierce competition, banks come up with new features to increase customer loyalty to their products: they develop mobile applications, promote online banking, and create bonus programs. Today we will focus on the last point: we will figure out what bonus offers the largest Russian banks are implementing.

Bonuses, cashback and miles

In general, there are 3 types of bonus programs:

  1. In the first case, the client receives bonuses for active use of a bank card, paying with it in supermarkets, pharmacies, etc. Bonuses are credited to the account, converted into rubles, and in the future they can be used to pay for purchases in partner stores (or receive a discount).
  2. The cashback program assumes that percent from the money spent is returned to your card.
  3. Co-branded loyalty programs stand apart: they combine two brands, for example, Aeroflot and Sberbank. By purchasing a co-branding card, for every N rubles spent, you get miles, which can later be exchanged for real tickets for a dream trip.

Review of bonus programs

Top 10 credit institutions by assets, published on the Banki.Ru portal. Let's take a look at their bonus offers.

"Thank you" from Sberbank

  • at an ATM;
  • in Sberbank Online Internet banking;

When paying with a card in partner stores, you will receive from 0.5% of the purchase price to your bonus account, while 1 bonus is equal to 1 ruble. The list of partners is published on the official website of the program, in some cases the amount of bonuses from purchases can reach up to 30%.

Accumulated bonuses can pay up to 99% of the cost of goods in companies and online stores participating in the program.

"Thank you" applies to all types of cards, but there are also special offers, for example, an increased percentage on the Youth Card.

"My bonus" from VTB Bank of Moscow

The My Bonus program from VTB Bank of Moscow is designed only for credit cards and works like Cash Back: every month a part of the cost of purchases is credited to your account.

You can connect to the program at a bank branch or contact the 24-hour Customer Support Service by phone. Bonus categories are selected every three months:

  • air and railway tickets;
  • car repair / washing and others,

for purchases in which you receive from 3 to 10% of their value.

"Collection" VTB24

The number of bonuses accrued by VTB24 under the Collection program varies depending on the card package (Classic, Gold) and its type (debit or credit). To receive 1 bonus, you need to spend from 23 to 50 rubles.

To become a member of the bonus program:

  • the cardholder must register on the site;
  • get access to your personal account;
  • enable the program through an ATM.

The accumulated bonuses can be exchanged for rewards: the catalog of goods available for order is posted on the program website.

With the help of bonuses, you can purchase financial and insurance products of the bank, certificates, household goods and even pet supplies.

"We are on our way" with Gazprombank

Gazprombank is implementing a loyalty program called "On Our Way" - by and large, this is co-branding in cooperation with Gazpromneft LLC.

When you pay for gasoline or purchase goods at a gas station using a Gazprombank-Gazpromneft card, bonuses are credited to your account depending on the status of your card: from 3 to 5 bonuses for every 100 rubles.

Subsequently, the accumulated bonuses can be exchanged for a discount when buying fuel or goods at a Gazpromneft gas station (1 bonus = 1 ruble).

Harvest at Rosselkhozbank

The bonus program of the Russian Agricultural Bank is quite young (it appeared in September 2016) and has the atmospheric name Harvest.

When paying for purchases with a credit card 1.5% of the cost returned to your account in the form of points.

To connect to the loyalty program, you need to contact the contact center or the nearest office with an ATM. When issuing a Travel Card, an increased accrual of bonuses is provided.

What is in FC Otkritie

As such FC Otkritie Bank does not have a bonus program– they work on Visa Bonus and Visa World of Privilege systems. Paying with these cards, you get discounts in partner stores. More details on the bank's website.

Cash Back at Alfa-Bank

Appeared in the Alfa-Bank product line - the bank returns 10% off gas stations and 5% from bills in restaurants and cafes.

Depending on the package of services, you can receive from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles per month, while the amount spent must be at least 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. The site also regularly publishes special offers and promotions for cardholders.

"MKB Bonus"

The MKB Bonus program from Moscow Credit Bank is available when you connect an annual service package (you can do this online or at a bank branch). The scheme is the same: we pay for purchases with a card - we get part of the cost back to the account.

The points received are converted into rubles, they can be used to pay for up to 100% of purchases in partner stores and airlines.

PSBonus from Promsvyazbank

The last bank in our review is Promsvyazbank and its PSBonus program. You can become a member in the Internet bank, office or by phone.

When paying for purchases with a card, you become the owner of bonus points based on 15 rubles = 1 point.

Points can be used for the following purposes:

  • discounts when making payments online;
  • payment for bank services and commissions;
  • transfer to another person;
  • donation and transfer in rubles.


Thus, we see that the bonus programs of banks are gaining popularity and are becoming more and more profitable for customers. This encourages non-cash payment, which, let's be honest, has already become a favorite - it's convenient, easy and safe. And with bonus programs and cashbacks, it is also profitable.