The bailiffs arrested the pension card what to do. Can a pension card be arrested?

And it does it in full, i.e. 100%. As a result, many citizens find themselves without means of subsistence, and this is not prohibited by the law of fz 229. Moreover, the bailiff can come to the debtor's home and seize his property, as well as put a ban on leaving the country and a ban on registration actions with movable and real estate. Earlier we wrote what things are subject to arrest, more details can be found here. What steps to take if the bailiff seized the pension and property? You can find out which bailiff is conducting a case against you on the FSSP website, in the section “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings".

Bailiffs have arrested your pension card and you don't know what to do?

Bailiffs have the right to seize part of the amount salary card(no more than 50%).

But at the time of accepting the claim for work, they may not have information about the purpose of the debtor's accounts. The bank informs only about the number of sources of income and the name of the details. Therefore, misunderstandings can occur, for example, when bailiffs seized a pension card. What to do if it was not only blocked, but also debited from the account? By law, only half of the amount that is on the card can be blocked.

Can bailiffs seize a pension?

liability for damages.

caused to health or compensated in connection with the death of the breadwinner - 70%). Thus, you have the right to offer the bailiff-executor other sources for repaying the debt, or insist on compliance with the requirements for the collection of debt repayment of no more than 50% of the funds received on the pension account Money. In Art. 101 FZ "On enforcement proceedings» dated 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ lists the types of income that cannot be levied.

And the court always takes the side of the creditor, obliging the debtor to repay the debt. If it is impossible to repay bailiffs describe the property and foreclose on it at a greatly underestimated value. But most often, as part of enforcement proceedings, bailiffs seize bank accounts of debtors.

Does a bailiff have the right to seize a pension? In accordance with federal law"On Enforcement Proceedings" arrest cannot be imposed on maternity payments, allowances, alimony.

Topic: The right of bailiffs to arrest the account to which the salary, pension, allowance is credited

) A decision was made in absentia or not, this is a temporary zilch. Well, they will cancel the decision on procedural grounds, well, the bank will file a lawsuit a second time. If you received a loan, then whether you want it or not, you will have to repay the debts, and regardless of the name of the bank. It is quite possible that the bank has wound up disproportionate penalties / fines in your absence - adjust the debt under Art.

333 GK. If debts arose consumer credit received in the form of a telephone or a washing machine.

Can a pension card be arrested?

99 of the Law "On Enforcement Proceedings"). A limit has been set for such an amount: no more than fifty percent of the amount of the pension can be withheld from the debtor-citizen. The list of the debtor's income, in respect of which the bailiffs are not entitled to carry out enforcement actions, is contained in Article 101 of the Law "On Enforcement Proceedings". This includes survivor's pensions paid out of the funds federal budget, payments to pensions in case of loss of the breadwinner at the expense of the budgets of the subjects Russian Federation. Regarding the fact of 100% write-off of pensions in the current legislation on foreclosure on funds of debtors-citizens, the following should be noted.

The bailiff-executor in accordance with Art.

The legislator provides a mechanism for regulating the issue, can bailiffs seize an old-age pension? According to general rule, a pension benefit refers to the type of monetary compensation from which funds can be forcibly withheld. But every citizen who encounters such a situation needs to familiarize himself with the procedure and rules for regulating the issue in order to be able to draw a line between a legal decision and official excess of duties.


According to domestic law, bailiffs can impose an arrest, having the following grounds:

  • the presence of credit debt;
  • when there is a significant debt on utility bills;
  • in case of debts for violation of the tax law.

In addition, the law clearly provides for a list of cash benefits and compensation, in respect of which the arrest cannot be imposed. These types of collateral include:

  • accrual of pensions in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
  • social payments;
  • assistance in eliminating the consequences of accidents and disasters;
  • pension payments to a person who cares for a disabled person;
  • targeted assistance that can be used exclusively to pay for travel in public transport or purchase medicines;
  • money that is paid from the budget of the employer, aimed at paying for business trips;
  • alimony charges;
  • various types of assistance for children.

In general, whether a bailiff has the right to seize a pension depends on the amount monthly income. If, when deducting the amount of the debt from the account, the debtor is left with funds not less than living wage, then the arrest of the pension can be made. When after withdrawal required amount residual income is less than the subsistence level, then a smaller penalty is applied. And only those pensions, the size of which is equal to the subsistence level, prohibit the arrest of a pension for debts (on a loan or any other circumstance).

In addition to having sufficient reasons, the bailiff must have documentary grounds for arrest. The FSSP can make an arrest if the following documents are available:

  • court decision to freeze accounts;
  • pension fund application;
  • targeted executive order.

There are several significant nuances associated with the imposition of restrictions on the use of pension funds at the request of NPFs. In particular, this concerns the ability of the organization to independently withdraw funds, but if we are talking about paying a pension in a larger amount, which was allowed through the fault of employees, then these funds cannot be withdrawn.


So, the Law says that on account of debt on a loan or other circumstance, it is in the power of bailiffs to arrest 100% of the income that comes to a pension card (including Sberbank). But there is a difference in the amount of the arrest of pension card funds. When only pension accruals come to the accounts, the amount of the withdrawn money cannot exceed 50% of the total amount of income. Imposing a 100% arrest on the entire amount is possible only when other types of income come to the card.

There are several options for deploying events:

  • by a court decision, the bank may freeze the card with all the money in the account without the possibility of further use of the funds until the full payment of the debt (including the loan);
  • bailiffs removed the entire amount from the account;
  • arrested only half of the pension accruals on the card.

In the latter case, the bailiffs seized the income in accordance with the rules that the Law fixes. A full withdrawal of money is not legal, and therefore the debtor must contact the bank institution to obtain the appropriate certificate that the financial account is used exclusively for transferring benefits to pensioners. This certificate may become the basis for the return of half of the withdrawal amount. The same situation is with the freezing of accounts.

Important! The maximum amount for which a cash account has been arrested cannot exceed 70%. Whereas the minimum deduction is 20% of the total amount of income.

The law fixes that a pension (but not a pension card) can be arrested by a bailiff in maximum size in such cases:

  • in connection with the available evidence of harm to health;
  • if property is seized due to a criminal offense;
  • when they imposed a restriction on the use of money because of the harm to families without a breadwinner.

Can a pension be seized if it is received without the participation of financial institutions? When a pension is received at the post office, you can be calm about your money, since no one can arrest such types of pension income. But this does not mean that the debt (for a loan or other reasons) cannot be paid. Its collection will be carried out in other ways provided by the Law.

Loyal conditions

The question often arises whether a pension can be arrested in smaller size. The law fixes the possibility of charging smaller payments. What can be done to reduce the percentage of reimbursement? If the bailiff service seizes the only income in the form of a pension, and without this money the person will not have a means of subsistence, then there are grounds for reducing interest rate. The service also makes a discount due to the fact that a disabled person is on hold.

In order to make a reduction in the amount of the payment, you need to contact the person who arrested the property and accounts directly. Can bailiffs refuse to grant a petition. Of course they can, but this is not a reason to stop. You need to go to court. The third option is to enlist the help of a pension fund. A positive resolution of the issue will help reduce the penalty to approximately 25%.

Plastic carrier

If a pension card has been frozen, then this is a clear basis for filing a complaint. A bank card is not a means of saving money, but an opportunity to use them. And if the accounts are frozen, then there is no need to block the card. Therefore, there are all grounds for filing a complaint with the institution of the court.

Specific examples

Special pension benefits include assistance for the disabled. So, this type of accrual is protected from all kinds of penalties and withdrawals of parts of the money. The same applies to the possibility of arresting a pension on a loan. Therefore, noticing that part of the money was transferred in favor of paying off debts, you need to react immediately.

Knowing that no one can freeze a disability pension account, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate claim in court. Together with the application, a certificate from the pension fund on the grounds for transferring the benefit is sent, as well as an extract from the bank regarding the intended use of the financial account, namely to receive a disability pension.

Do Sberbank have the right to allow the arrest of accounts without prior notice to the debtor? Employees of a financial institution must not inform a person about the freezing of accounts. This is a direct responsibility of the FSSP. As for the bank, they are obliged to fulfill the requirement of the bailiff service, if there is a documentary basis for that.

Recently, a phenomenon often occurs when bailiffs arrest debit, salary cards and because of overdue debts. The reasons why a client's case is transferred to the jurisdiction of the judiciary may be different. Most likely received statement of claim about the need to repay the debt.

The reason for the arrest may be arrears in utility bills. Bailiffs have the right to seize part of the amount of the salary card (no more than 50%). But at the time of accepting the claim for work, they may not have information about the purpose of the debtor's accounts. The bank informs only about the number of sources of income and the name of the details.

Therefore, misunderstandings can occur, for example, when. What to do if it was not only blocked, but also debited from the account?

By law, only half of the amount that is on the card can be blocked. But the problem is that the bailiffs are in the dark about the amount of funds in the account and sometimes block more funds than they should. For this reason, the bank client generally loses the opportunity to somehow use the card.

For many debtors, the fact that the account is blocked comes as a big surprise, because the bank is not obliged to notify customers, even if the bailiffs have arrested the pension card. What to do in order to return the possibility of receiving social benefits? They are accrued monthly and, in case of problems with the removal of the blocking, additional difficulties may arise with the payment of the loan.

To solve this problem, you should first of all contact the bank. You need to request a document confirming the fact of the arrest (if the amount on the card was blocked on account of the debt and not due to other circumstances) and its reason.

After clarifying all the circumstances at the bank, you must make an appointment directly with the bailiff who imposed the arrest. All information can be clarified in advance by contacting the information service of a state institution or independently studying on the FSSP website.

It is necessary to demand from the bailiff documents on the resolution of office work for study. In order to correctly interpret all the points, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer, who will not be difficult to find (you just need to create a request on our website, within a few minutes you will be contacted for further work).

It will be necessary to verify the legitimacy of all the charges brought, therefore, qualified legal assistance is needed. After that, in order to remove the arrest from all accounts, you will need to draw up an application addressed to the head of the FSSP department. As proof of the target orientation of the details, it will be necessary to collect the following documents: a certificate of transfer of pension funds to this current account, a document from the place of work on the timely payment of tax fees.

No more than 50% of the total amount can be withheld from the debtor's card, however, there are exceptions. According to the amendments in the second part of this article of the law, the restriction is removed from debtors for the payment of alimony, as well as everything related to judgments concerning payments for the caused damage (moral, material).

After providing all the documents, the arrest will be lifted within a few days (from 3 to 10, depending on the bank's working hours and internal rules). It is useful to have an additional card just for such cases. If you set up in advance the automatic transfer of part of the funds to an additional card, then there should be no problems with the withdrawal of funds and timely payments on the loan.

If, after providing all the necessary documents, the arrest was not removed from the card, part of the amount was not unblocked, then you can apply to higher authorities (these include the prosecutor's office, senior bailiff). Then you need to apply to the court.

As you understand, there are different nuances in this matter, in order to correctly solve this problem, you can leave an application to receive qualified legal assistance. A lawyer whose competence includes resolving such issues will help you with advice, as well as tell you how to correctly draw up Required documents to higher authorities.

There is a legal procedure that allows you to collect debt from any person, including a pensioner. Such law enforcement practice is carried out by the Bailiffs Service (SSP), acting on the basis of decisions of the judicial authority. The law imposes restrictions on deductions from the income of a pensioner in favor of third parties. We will analyze in what order and from what amounts legal deductions are made in 2019-2020.

Grounds for withholding part of the pension

The arrest by bailiffs of pensions is an official event. For its implementation, it is necessary to issue an appropriate act, the basis for the seizure is a writ of execution .

The debt can be collected from the recipient of the pension through the court:

  • an individual (alimony, for example);
  • legal entity (causing damage);
  • state bodies and extra-budgetary funds, including including Pension Fund Russia (FIU).

Debts are collected by force under the following conditions:

  • the citizen refuses to pay the amounts on his own;
  • the debt is legally recognized.

These rules are fully applicable to pensioners. The procedure for collecting debts arising for various reasons is described in Law No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”. In particular, article 101 of this act contains a list of income exempt from deductions in favor of third parties.

Important: the pension does not appear in the list of income that cannot be levied. Download for viewing and printing:

Documents for compulsory deduction of money

Paragraph 1 of Article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 provides documents that are the basis for the forced deduction of amounts from insurance or funded maintenance. These include:

  • an executive act if the defendant does not pay the loan, utility services or alimony;
  • PFR decision in case of unreasonable overpayment of budgetary funds.
Attention: there is a procedure for appealing against decisions taken by state bodies. It should be used by those who consider debt illegal. Download for viewing and printing:

About overpaid pensions

Particular attention should be paid to cases of overpayment from the budget of the Pension Fund. They occur for two reasons and lead to different consequences for the recipient of the "extra" money:

  1. Overpayment can be formed through the fault of the pensioner. This happens when information about a change in life circumstances is not submitted in due time, entailing excessive charges.
  2. The fund itself can pay more than it should be (specialist's mistake).

In the first case, deductions are made from the pension in the prescribed manner:

  • calculate the amount of debt to the budget;
  • draw up a schedule of deductions based on the amount of debt;
  • monthly underpay a certain amount, sending it back to the budget.

In the second case, the person is not to blame for anything, the overpaid funds from the allowance are not withheld.

Important: if the pensioner debtor dies, then the heirs will be responsible for his obligations (Article 1175 Civil Code RF). Download for viewing and printing:

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Under what circumstances is the arrest of the account by bailiffs

According to the existing procedure, the debt should receive an official status. It is determined by the document of the body that has the appropriate competence under the letter of the law. So, to impose sanctions on the accounts of a citizen has the right:

  • PFR and some others.

The procedure for collecting money involves a certain preliminary work with the debtor. With the latter, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Claims are reported in writing:
    • under the signature at personal contact;
    • or a letter with delivery notification;
  2. it is proposed to repay the debt on a voluntary basis;
  3. issued a warning about possible punitive measures.
Important: it is illegal to deduct part of the funds from a person's retirement account without proper warning.

Which accounts are subject to seizure

Restrictions regarding sources of income subject to arrest are contained in Article 101 of Law No. 400-FZ. In particular, these include:

  • all types of state benefits;
  • payments for the maintenance of children;
  • pensions granted in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
  • burial allowance;
  • compensation to the victim in the course of radiation disasters;
  • reimbursement for the purchase of medicines.

With regard to old-age pensions, the said paragraph reads as follows:

Types of income that cannot be levied:

9) insurance coverage on compulsory social insurance, with the exception of the old-age insurance pension, the disability insurance pension (taking into account the fixed payment to the insurance pension, increases in the fixed payment to the insurance pension), as well as funded pension, urgent pension payment and disability benefits...

Thus, pensioners are obliged to fulfill obligations in any case. That is, there are no restrictions on their income. An exception is the portion of income necessary to provide the recipient and his dependents with food. It is calculated in the amount of the subsistence minimum (PM) established for the region (Article 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

For reference: most citizens are charged with a pension content that does not exceed the amount of PM. It is brought to its level by making a social supplement.

The arrest is imposed on any account of the debtor, including pension. The same rule applies to bank cards. After all, they are just a financial instrument for servicing the corresponding account opened banking institution for client.

Important: when stopping transfers of pension content until the full payment of debts, a further amount is charged from the citizen by seizing property. Exceptions are listed in articles 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Can a disabled person's pension be arrested?

Debt payments are levied on all types of pensions:

  • social;
  • for state support.

Among the exceptions is only a payment for the loss of a breadwinner. Consequently, a disabled person can also be forced to return the funds.

However, there are accruals that cannot be arrested. These include:

  • money from the state budget that compensates for harm to health;
  • monetary compensation to people injured in the line of duty;
  • :
    • relatives of the dead;
    • affected by man-made disasters;
    • care for children with disabilities or an elderly person who has stepped over the threshold;
  • allowance for .
Attention: the received alimony is also not subject to arrest.

How are pensions deducted?

Bailiffs are engaged in legal paperwork relating to the debt obligations of citizens.
They operate on the basis of law and regulations. Their logic is as follows:

  1. The received executive document is analyzed. On its basis, a decision on the commencement of enforcement proceedings is issued within three days.
  2. A copy of the last document is sent to the debtor. In this case, the bailiff has the right:
    • take measures to search for a person on their own;
    • contact law enforcement for help.
  3. The decision contains the following information:
    • the amount of the amount to be repaid;
    • the terms in which it can be transferred on a voluntary basis;
    • list of actions to take in case of failure.
  4. A copy of the decision is sent to the organization that accrues income to the debtor.
Attention: Article 64 of Law No. 229-FZ gives the bailiff the right to seize the property of a person who refused to comply with the decision.

If a person is not able to pay the obligations, then such measures are taken.