Migcredit - loan repayment. Instant loan - procedure and procedure for early repayment Form for early repayment of a loan instant loan

Today, the most popular microfinance organizations offer a variety of loan products with annuity payment types that require weekly repayment in equal installments. It is noteworthy that in the first half of the term of using the loan, most of the payments go to repay the accrued interest, and the rest goes to close the principal amount of the debt. With such a scheme early repayment will not bring the expected savings. The difference in the amount will be negligible because interest is paid first.

At the same time, MFIs are completely reluctant to agree to early repayment of a microloan. And in most cases they are forced to pay the main part of the debt and interest calculated for the entire period, and not for the actual time of using the money. Know that this is illegal, even if this moment was specified in the microloan agreement. You can demand recalculation of interest on the repayment date by appealing the new amendments to Art. 809 and 810. According to these changes, any microfinance organization is obliged to recalculate interest if the borrower intends to repay the debt ahead of schedule, and who has declared his desire in writing, no later than 30 days in advance.

Remember that a clause of the contract, initially contrary to the law, is considered illegal, invalid. It can be challenged in court, of course, if you do not mind the time.

Early repayment of a loan in the MFO "People's Treasury"

Within 14 days from the date of receipt of the loan, the borrower has the right to repay the loan without prior notice to the lender. Interest in this case will be charged for the actual period of use of the money. That is, if you want to repay the loan after 10 days, then pay interest for 10 days, and not for the entire period for which the loan was calculated.

After 2 weeks of using borrowed funds, you can repay the loan ahead of schedule with recalculation on the date of return. To do this, you need to notify the company of your intention in writing, no later than 10 days before the date of the expected return of the entire amount.

It is noteworthy that in the microloan agreement itself there is only one short mention of the early repayment of the debt. There is no information about penalties or commissions in the contract.

Early repayment of a microloan in Nanofinance

In case of full or partial early repayment, the borrower shall notify his intention by any convenient way: by phone hotline, your personal manager, etc. The borrower is informed of the amount to be paid. The payment must be made no later than the due date of the second planned payment, after notifying the company of early repayment. In this case, you do not need to write an application or notify the company for a certain period. You can pay off the debt ahead of schedule on the same day, as you inform the manager about it.

Early repayment of a microloan at Home Money

To repay the debt ahead of schedule in the Home Money Company, the borrower must write an application indicating the exact date of payment of the remaining amount of the debt. The application is written 7 days before the date of the next payment. For example, the next payment must be made on October 10, which means that on October 3 you must call your personal manager or call the hotline and inform about your desire to repay the microloan ahead of schedule. You will immediately be called the final amount with the recalculation of interest on the day of the proposed repayment. On the same day, the manager will come to your home with an application form for early repayment, which you need to fill out.

According to the agreement in the Home Money company, the borrower can repay the debt ahead of schedule only after 26 weeks of using the loan, which in principle contradicts the legislation of the Russian Federation. If desired and possible, this clause of the contract can be challenged in court.

A little calculation: Let's imagine that you took a microloan in the amount of 20,000 rubles for 39 weeks (9 months). The weekly payment will be 1,069 rubles, and the total amount to be returned at the end of the term will be 41,691 rubles. If you want to repay this loan early, after 26 weeks the total amount with recalculation of interest will be 38,250 rubles. As you can see, the amounts for 6 and 9 months are practically the same. This is all connected with the same annuity scheme, when the main part of the weekly payment amount is interest, and not the principal amount.

Early repayment of a loan at MigCredit

In order to make early repayment of the resulting debt, the borrower must notify the company of his intention 28 calendar days before the date of the proposed repayment. This can be done by sending a written statement of the desire to repay the loan ahead of schedule. Early repayment the debt is paid only on the date of the next payment under the microloan agreement and in accordance with the schedule. You cannot repay the loan on other days.

From the date of receipt of the written notice, the lender must, within 5 working days, calculate the amount of principal and interest for the actual term of using the loan. After that, the manager of the company must inform the borrower of the final amount to be repaid, which the client must pay on the date indicated by him in the application for early repayment. In case of partial early repayment, the borrower has the right to receive a new payment schedule at the company's office.

If the borrower has not received an application for early repayment of the loan, and he paid the amount exceeding the next payment, the balance of funds will be written off in the next payments according to the schedule.


Summarizing the above. Any MFI will resist early repayment. It will either take interest from you in advance or force you to warn 10 days in advance. And interest at this time will drip. I advise you to think three times before contacting the MFI. Getting money is easy, but paying off debts is not easy.

Olga, do not mislead people, you, apparently, are a person of interest. You do not need to refer to the contract, you need to understand that the rights of the borrower are violated by this MFI in a rude manner. I myself encountered such a problem and I will write what to do in this situation (I won’t be surprised if my message is not published or deleted).

Steps for early repayment of a loan in MigCredit (applicable to any MFI that tries to deny you this right):

1) You have the right to report early repayment of a microcredit at least 10 calendar days in advance (part 6 of Article 12 of the Federal Law No. violation of your rights). And you must notify in any written way (sending a letter by courier, by mail of the Russian Federation with notification), and not necessarily in person, as required by Mig Credit. If anyone needs a sample of filling out an application for early repayment of a loan at an MFI, I can send it, since Mig Credit refuses to provide such a form remotely.

2) Recalculate how much debt, including interest and penalties, if any, should be by the date of early repayment of the loan (i.e. calculate the number of days from the date of conclusion of the contract to the day of the planned repayment and multiply by interest rate per day for the loan specified in the agreement). Loan amount Interest on the loan for the used period Penalties for late payment, if any - The sum of all payments that have already been made = Amount to early repayment. You should definitely reflect your calculations and the amount in the application so that Mig Credit understands that you are not a sucker and you know perfectly well how much you owe, because. shows the practice of Mig Credit you will calculate the amount greater than the real balance.

3) After 10 calendar days after notification of Mig Credit (keep in mind that the date of notification will be the date of receipt of the letter, and not the date of its sending), transfer the amount calculated by you to the Mig Credit account with the wording in the purpose of payment "Early return of funds and interest for the time of actual use of money under the microloan agreement No. ___ dated ___, concluded between citizen ___ and the microfinance organization MigCredit LLC. At this stage, all your obligations to the MFI are considered fulfilled.
It is also worth considering that within 10 days after receiving the notification, Mig Credit will most likely object and convince you that you are wrong - and you owe them more, and everything is framed incorrectly, and contradicts the contract that you signed - do not worry and declare them that write a complaint to the territorial authority Federal Service By Financial Markets Russian Federation(FFMS). It is they who control the activities of MFIs. If this does not work, then do not waste time, feel free to write a complaint to the territorial office of the Federal Financial Markets Service at your address. And, of course, a postal receipt, or an agreement with a courier service for the delivery of a letter, as well as receipts for the transfer of funds, everything must be kept, like the apple of an eye, for 3 years.

Good luck! And also I wish all of us not to get into such hopeless situations when you have to turn to such a crook for money!

It is not possible to repay the loan early. The consultants are incompetent and incompetent. To close the loan ahead of schedule, first you need to call the office of the company (definitely during business hours), then, girls with a sweet voice just tell you that you need to write an application by e-mail and start dictating the address (this is just some kind of madhouse), then the application is considered within TWO.

working days (and the interest is still dripping) and only then you can close it, but you need to check the mailbox in time to find out the amount for early repayment. In a word, OFFICE FOR EARNING MONEY. I applied to other MFIs, on the first call they say the amount and within 5 minutes I transfer the money to their account.

All loans are closed. But in MigCredit, they will spoil your nerves from the beginning and stretch out more money.
In general, I wrote a complaint to the reception of the Central Bank ...

Mig Credit": reviews of employees and customers

"MigCredit" today is considered one of the most popular MFIs in Russia. At the moment, she has acquired her own full-fledged network of branches and offices.

Today, there are representative offices of the microfinance organization in more than 25 cities of the Russian Federation.

They can be found in Tula, Moscow, Volgograd, Kazan, Astrakhan, Ryazan, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg and other regions. According to preliminary data, the company does not plan to rest on its laurels, therefore, the long-term plans of the MFO include further expansion of the network's sphere of influence.

Instant loan early repayment

In accordance with the requirements h. 2 Article. 18.1. federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" LLC "MigCredit" brings to the attention of an indefinite circle of persons the Regulation on the processing and protection of personal data. determining the policy regarding the processing of personal data, and information on the implemented requirements for the protection of personal data.

A microfinance organization is obliged to guarantee the observance of secrecy about the operations of its borrowers.

What are the conditions for early repayment at the Mig Credit MFI?


The Federal Law "On Consumer Loans" establishes the right of the borrower to repay the debt within 14 days from the date of receipt of the loan without a written notice to the lender, with payment of interest for the actual period of use of the money. If the MFI refuses to accept funds when the client pays the debt ahead of schedule, motivating its refusal by the fact that it did not receive a written notification, then the actions of the organization in this case will be illegal.

Early repayment of a microloan

What do we always urge clients of microfinance organizations and other companies that issue various kinds of loans to?

In addition, always CAREFULLY read the contract that they sign.

Sometimes, seemingly fulfilling all their obligations under loan agreement and even having repaid it ahead of schedule, the borrowers find themselves in a rather delicate situation, while, without knowing it themselves, violating the agreement.

A microfinance organization is not entitled to apply to a borrower who is individual, including to individual entrepreneur, ahead of schedule fully or partially returned microfinance organization microloan amount and notifying the microfinance organization in writing of such intention at least ten calendar days in advance.

penalties for early repayment of a microloan.

As you may have noticed, the rules are different for everyone, so you need to carefully read the loan agreement, because even early repayment of a microloan can turn into a very unpleasant situation. So read the materials of our website MZNK .RU and be “savvy” in matters related to microcredit.

How to pay off a loan early

Such as writing an application for early repayment of a loan, receiving an official calculation and correct, we emphasize, correct early repayment of a loan.

Now think about how much free cash the banks get nationwide. One can only guess about the exact figures, but it becomes clear that these are very, very large numbers. Early repayment of the loan.

Early repayment of a microloan of the Federal Law “On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations” on limiting the activities of a microfinance organization.

A microfinance organization is not entitled to apply to a borrower who is an individual, including an individual entrepreneur, who has fully or partially returned the microloan amount to the microfinance organization ahead of schedule and has previously notified the microfinance organization of such intention at least ten calendar days in advance.

A cursory look at the reviews on the forums gives the impression that the specialists of Mig Credit apply for loans online faster and better than when the applicant comes to the office in person. The probable reason - the human factor is naughty.

And not necessarily far from the capital. A certain borrower from Nizhny Novgorod reports that it is impossible to read even SMS messages from managers without laughing - they are so illiterate.

Think, everyone who enters here!

There are complaints about the slow execution. Or the fact that after the signing of the contract by the borrower, instead of money, they sent him an SMS with a loan refusal.

But Tatyana from Saratov, on the contrary, reports that the loan process took only 15 minutes. But at the same time, I had to indicate the numbers of as many as 8 (!) Phones (of which 5 are third parties).

The love of telephone numbers is not abstract. Many complain that already on the day the loan is repaid, the collectors of Mig Credit call all the numbers in the borrower's questionnaire!

Although, for example, a borrower from Krasnodar sincerely thanks for the speed of obtaining a loan: the application filed in the afternoon was considered by the evening. The next morning, the customer had the money in her hands.


Infrequent posts are left by those who believed the advertisement that the loan rate in Mig Credit is 2% per day. In reality, they were charged 2.8% -2.9% per day.

“Do not try,” seasoned users of MFI services reassure such. “It’s the same in other microcredit organizations.”

"Preschedules" do not like

There are complaints about the inconvenient payment schedule. Usually - once every two weeks, but the date is not fixed, but floating. For example, the first payment is on the 30th, but the second is not in two weeks, but on the 9th of the next month.

Maybe Mig Credit simply adjusts the receipt of contributions from borrowers to its own payments (for gas, electricity, water, salaries to employees, etc.)?

Do not rush to pay off the loan ahead of schedule. Save if not money, then nerves

Those who decide to repay the loan ahead of schedule should negotiate with the manager. He will easily promise to give an answer in 2 days (or in a month!) So do not rush to “do good”!

But this is not the main problem. The “fence” on the Internet is replete with posts of those who repaid the loan ahead of schedule, but then it turned out that something was not marked or registered, and now a penalty is charged on the borrower! And he has a spoiled credit history! And explanations with MFI managers take weeks or months! For example, they promise to delete a record of a loan delinquency in the BKI database only after six months!

Experienced advice: early repayment of a loan at Mig Credit is an extra headache. Pay on time and everything will be OK.

"Mig Credit": reviews of debtors

MFIs work hard with debtors. They call to work. A personal manager comes to the house and threatens to take the case to court or list the property. Or tells the neighbors what a low person you are, a scoundrel and a thief. It happens. Not with everyone, but the facts on the forums are given.

In the hands of collectors, "Mig Credit" transfers the debtor in 3-6 months - if it was not possible to knock out the debt on its own. Works with the agencies "Primokollekt" and "National Collection Service" (NSV).

Primocollect is registered in Ukraine. In the Russian Federation, it has only an office in Moscow. Due to limited opportunities, he pesters with calls and letters with unrealistic threats to take away property without trial or send him to jail. But there are also employees in the organization who are ready to agree on an amicable debt restructuring.

Back to the nineties

If you have to deal with NSV, then do not believe the tales that collectors are now bent down, and they will not come home to you with bats, as in the distant 90s. They'll just come. The Network even describes a case of beating a neighbor of a borrower, whom the collectors failed to catch.

Like, to know who she's dealing with?

Collectors "Mig Credit" may invite you for a walk back to the nineties

But there is an argument against NSV. This enterprise is listed as an ordinary trading company. She does not have a collection license. And if the workers of this company go beyond what is permitted, then write a request to the Service bailiffs. Collectors without a license are just bandits.

But not all NSV employees are animals. And if you received an SMS like: “Prepare money! Aslan went to you! - it makes sense to get acquainted with "Aslan". If you give him some money (preferably, at least within the limits of the loan) and explain that you won’t have more even under the iron, then he can go forward and forgive the fine. Or give a respite until "either the shah forgets, or the donkey dies."

And for such options, Mig Credit customers thank on the forums ...

In MigCredit, early repayment of long-term microcredits is possible in 2 cases: within 14 days after receiving a loan without notifying the lender, or at any time during the loan, but with prior notice to the company 28 days before.

The client must come to the office and write a special application 28 days before the date of the proposed repayment. The organization will consider the client's application and report the answer, as well as the required amount to be repaid 5 days after receiving the application from the borrower. You can repay a short-term loan early at any time during the 29 days of lending without prior notice and waiting.

When can I repay a loan in Migcredit ahead of schedule?

According to Art. 11 353-FZ "On a consumer loan", the borrower can repay the loan ahead of schedule at any time by notifying the lender at least 30 days before the planned repayment date, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.

In the MigCredit loan agreement on long-term lending, there is a clause on the deadline for submitting an application for full early repayment. It is 28 days. You can repay the loan ahead of schedule only on the next scheduled payment date. Therefore, the client needs to calculate everything in advance and write an application not just 28 days, but 28 days before the date of the next payment on the loan according to the debt repayment schedule in the company. It is worth recalling that borrowed funds here you need to repay in equal installments every 2 weeks.

This means that if the borrower wants to return the money ahead of time, he can do this at any time, but must first notify the company 28 days before the repayment date.

If the client received a loan 2 weeks ago and wants to return it, he can exercise this right without prior warning to the lender. Within 14 days after receiving a loan from MigCredit, the client can return the money at any time by simply contacting the office credit institution.

On the spot, the client must ask to calculate the interest for actual use in cash at the time of application. After the announcement of the amount, the borrower can deposit money at the office cash desk or in any other convenient way. It is best to do this at the box office, where you can immediately receive a document that confirms the repayment of the debt and the absence of claims from the microfinance organization.

If the client wants to repay the short-term microloan ahead of schedule, which the company provides for a period of 3 to 29 days, he can do this at any time without prior notice. Interest will be recalculated on the spot, and the client will only need to make a payment in the specified amount. Thus, the loan will be closed ahead of schedule in full.

How to notify MigCredit about the desire to repay the loan ahead of schedule?

If the borrower decides to repay the loan ahead of schedule, he must notify the lender in advance. There is only one way to do this - to write an application at the office of a credit institution. On the spot, the office employee will provide an application form for early repayment in MigCredit, which the client will need to fill out and sign.

Notifying the company over the phone will do nothing. This is an informal appeal, on the basis of which the organization will not begin to calculate the amount due on the specified date, etc.

The only way to notify the lender of your desire to repay the loan ahead of schedule is to write and submit an application.

How to find out the amount of the final payment by the time of repayment?

In fact, the borrower has several ways to find out the amount due on the specified date of the proposed early repayment of the microcredit. The first and easiest of them is to call the MigCredit hotline at free number: 8800-1000-609. The contact center works according to the schedule from 8:00 to 21:00 Moscow time and receives calls from any point in Russia from mobile and landline numbers (free of charge for the caller).

During a telephone conversation with the operator, the borrower can ask for the amount to be repaid on any date specified by him. Having made an approximate calculation, an employee of the organization will report the amount of the final payment for full early repayment.

The second option to find out the amount of debt for a certain date is to wait until the company considers the application for early repayment and informs the borrower of the payment amount itself. This usually happens within 5 days of receiving the application.

The third option is to write a letter with a request to calculate the final payment on a specified date to the company's email address at: [email protected] This option is most convenient for customers who live at a considerable distance from the city where the financial institution operates.

How to calculate the early repayment in Migcredit yourself on a specified date?

In MigCredit, an annuity type of interest calculation. This means that the client repays the loan in equal installments according to the debt repayment schedule. The frequency of payments is 2 weeks.

If you want to independently calculate the amount of early repayment at one time or another, it is quite simple to do this. To do this, you need to open the debt repayment schedule, which is attached as an application to each loan agreement. Among others, it will have 3 main columns:

  1. payment date
  2. Amount of payment
  3. The rest of the main part of the debt

Under the terms of MigCredit, you can repay a loan only on the date of the next payment, so the calculation of early repayment will be as simple as possible. To do this, you need to add the amount of the payment on the specified repayment date and the balance of the debt on the same day. It can be done using the formula:

X — Amount of early repayment

A - payment on the loan 28 days after writing the application

B - The balance of the principal debt in this payment

For example, the next payment date 28 days after filing an application for early payment will take place on 09/07/2014 according to the above debt repayment schedule. The payment amount on this day will be 1,340 rubles, and the balance of the principal debt will be 26,255.17 rubles. Calculate the amount of early repayment by substituting the known values ​​into the formula:

X = 1340 + 26255.17 = 27595.17

The procedure for early repayment of a long-term loan by steps

The first thing the borrower needs to do is to choose the payment date according to the schedule so that it is no earlier than 28 days later. Next, you need to calculate the day when you need to write and present an application. On the specified day, you need to come to the MigCredit branch with a passport and inform the employee about your desire to repay the loan ahead of schedule.

Within 5 working days after receiving such an application, the creditor must report the exact amount and date of repayment. Usually this happens by phone or by SMS notification. Sometimes the client is invited to the office and informed personally. On the specified day, the client must pay the entire amount of the payment, for early repayment.

If the borrower has not paid the amount for early repayment on the specified date, he will have to re-write the application and wait 28 days.

If on the payment date for early repayment the client has paid an insufficient amount, it will be written off against the partial early repayment of the debt. Therefore, the borrower needs to be as careful as possible when repaying early.

Procedure for early repayment of a short-term loan

In order to close a short-term loan ahead of schedule, the client needs to know the amount of debt payable on the current date. This can be done by calling the hotline or contacting the office of the creditor company. The current repayment amount will also be displayed in personal account borrower on the website of the organization.

Having learned the exact amount for early repayment, the client will have to pay it in full on the same day, using any convenient repayment method, except for an interbank transfer. As soon as the money goes to the microfinance organization, the loan will be closed ahead of schedule. You do not need to write an application for early repayment or wait a certain number of days.

What are the ways to deposit money into the account for early repayment?

Early repayment of the loan is carried out by any means that involve instant crediting. Do not forget that the client must necessarily repay the loan on the day of the next payment, no later. To do this, you can use any convenient method:

  • In the office of a credit institution. This is the most reliable way for early payment. Immediately after the payment, the client can take a certificate from MigCredit about full repayment debt and the absence of any claims from the bank.
  • In the salons-shops Svyaznoy. Payment is credited instantly and without commission. To pay you need to know the contract number.
  • Cash through the system transfers Contact. The payment is processed instantly, and the money is credited to the account without commission.
  • Terminals Cyberplat, Eleksnet - instant crediting, no commission for the operation.
  • Terminals payment system QIWI. Enrollment is instant, there is no commission.
  • An interbank transfer from a bank account is the longest method of crediting a payment, which you should not choose. Money goes from 1 to 5 working days, there is a commission, which will depend on the tariffs of the credit institution in which you have an account / card.
  • Instant online payment via the Internet using bank card. To do this, you need to select online payment in your personal account, enter the card details, confirm the payment. There is no commission for the operation, and the money is credited instantly.
  • Cash through the Leader transfer system - instant crediting, no commission.

As practice shows, the most convenient and popular way from the point of view of borrowers is repayment in Svyaznoy communication stores or using online payment by card.

Advantages and disadvantages of early repayment in MigCredit

Full early repayment in MigCredit has a number of advantages that are hard to argue with. These include:

  1. Early removal of various encumbrances, credit obligations - a psychological factor
  2. Early repayment helps save money on unpaid interest.

Early maturity in MigCredit also has its disadvantages:

  1. The need to give advance notice of the desire to repay the loan
  2. You need to specifically calculate 28 days before the date of payment and go write an application on a certain day
  3. There are no alternative ways to apply for early repayment, making it difficult for a person on a schedule to do so.
  4. There is no sense in early repayment in MigCredit, especially in the later stages. Payments are distributed in such a way that during the first half of the loan repayment, almost 85-90% of the payment consists of interest accrued for the entire term. Thus, in the first months, the client does not pay the real amount of the principal debt, but accrued interest for the entire period that he has not yet used. This is one of the biggest disadvantages of the annuity type of payments for the borrower and a big plus for the credit institution.