Layouts of apartments in modern new buildings. Typical apartment layouts

It is believed that panel houses they lose to monolithic and brick ones due to the lack of free layouts, poor sound and heat insulation and monotonous facades. But due to the cheapness and high speed of construction, Moscow has been built up with panel houses since 1947. Now, according to the chief architect of Moscow, Sergei Kuznetsov, about 40% of new buildings in the city are of panel type.

Last year, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin approved improved standards for typical housing. This is how new series of panel housing construction appeared - the embodiment of the ideas of officials and architects about a comfortable city. Their appearance was preceded by the modernization of house-building plants and the development of architectural concepts. The Village decided to find out how the new panel houses differ from previous projects. To do this, we visited the plant, where they make panels for new houses, went to the experimental quarter and talked with architects.

New panels

Typical houses can be assembled as a large constructor. The parts are block sections - compartments from several apartments. They are ordinary, rotary, latitudinal, and the configuration of the house depends on how they are arranged. The main requirement of the Moscow authorities for new buildings is the ability to combine different block sections and use a different set of apartments on the floor.

Other details of the designer are colors. A variety of facade solutions is another point of improved standards. In addition, the height of the ceilings has been increased to three meters in the new houses and an entrance for people with limited mobility has been equipped.

The first floors in new houses are non-residential, they are intended for street retail - shops, cafes, consumer services, public spaces. Finally, there will be somewhere to place the infrastructure, which is traditionally lacking in the quarters of panel high-rise buildings, the designers say.

Approval of the architectural council of Moscow passed only five proposals from house-building plants, of which two - the DOMRIK and DOMKAD series - are produced at House-Building Plant No. 1 (DSK-1).

House-building plant

At the Krasnopresnensky ZhBK plant of Domostroitelny Kombinat No. 1, which occupied 19 hectares immediately behind the Third Ring, we are met by chief engineer Igor Anatolyevich Pavlov. The first thing we see is a "miniature exhibition", which contains one panel from each typical house made on DSK-1. It’s hard not to recognize your house in them, the house opposite and many other houses, which are full in every district.

If we imagine the panel as a sandwich, then it consists of several layers: cladding, reinforced concrete, insulation and again reinforced concrete. The layers are connected by a discrete reinforced concrete connection - for this, a cutout is made in the insulation, into which the reinforcement is inserted. This way, no gaps are formed between the layers, which makes the panel more energy efficient. The outer layer of the panel can be tiled, smooth or embossed. The inner surface must be processed for further wallpapering.

The pallet with concrete moves on the conveyor, and in ten operations the panel is ready. Production begins with molding, then the tile is laid. Each color of the tile, and there are only 26 of them, has its own marking. Under the uniform rattling of the conveyor on which reinforcing parts are made, the chief engineer lists the colors as if he were painting a watercolor: sorrel, apricot, azure, turquoise, heavenly...

After the tile, concrete pavers lay concrete, insulation is placed on it, and concrete again. The last operation is finishing: an apparatus that imitates the movement of a skier levels the concrete surface. The entire conveyor panel passes in 19 minutes, and then goes to heat treatment, where it dries for several hours. After processing, the panel is ready to go to the construction site.

Separately, a reinforcing shop operates at DSK-1, where frames are made on a conveyor and manually. They are especially proud of the machine that automatically bends the reinforcing parts that are needed for discrete communication. DSC produces 440,000 panels per year. Elevator shafts, roof panels, flights of stairs and landings are also being built at the plant.

How do new houses differ from each other?


The standard ceiling height in new homes is 2.8 meters. Another innovation is the inverted flat roof, which allows better heat retention. "DOMRIK" can be recognized by its flat facade (the loggias seem to be sunk into the facade of the building), color transitions on the facade, and almost panoramic windows of the same type. in planning new series- compact odnushki and dvushki. The area of ​​apartments - from 30 to 60 square meters. They are inexpensive and meet today's demand for housing, according to the plant. According to the CIAN portal, prices for apartments in such a house start at 3.8 million rubles.

Ricardo Bofill, author of the concept of the DOMRIK series:“Prefabricated panel houses do not mean worse than monolithic ones. The negative perception is associated with a large number of low-quality buildings over the past 30 years. Quality begins with the reconstruction of production, modern equipment, new colors and a well-thought-out process for transporting and assembling panels. In Europe, heavy sandwich panels are increasingly being phased out in favor of ultralight materials.

The development of the DOMRIK series took DSK-1 and the Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura bureau two years. The peculiarity of "DOMRIK" is how the facade design is obtained from the design of each panel. Panels can be combined in color and position on the façade, following simple composition rules. It turned out to be a universal architectural dictionary.

The joints between the panels have visually disappeared, which means that the perception of the house as a panel has also disappeared. We also made flat facades - mainly due to economic considerations and the possibilities of production lines at the factory.

The ideal panel house does not look like a panel house. Big cities require different houses - not only in color, but also in height, texture, composition. Each resident must recognize his house among others. It depends not only on the houses themselves, but also on urban planning decisions.”


In the houses of the DOmnad series there are odnushki, dvushki and treshki with an area from 39 to 81 square meters. The colors of "DOmnad" are more restrained than the bright shades of the "DOMRIK" series. The northern facade of the house is flat, and decorative architectural elements(friezes) and projecting loggias.

Alexander Nadysev, author of the concept of the DOmnad series:“Initially, the workshop was tasked with modifying a 17-storey building of the P-44 series, but in the end it turned out new house. Everything about everything was three months. The first nine-story house was built in parallel with the approvals in the Moscow Committee for Architecture. Architects, designers, engineers and many subcontractors worked on the project of the house.

We had a lot of technological limitations, but I think that the house turned out to be sustained in terms of architectural solutions and comfortable. For example, in such houses there will be three-room apartments with an improved layout.

The following modifications will be aimed at improving the comfort in the apartments due to bay windows of various shapes. They provide additional space, a comfortable view from the window and good lighting.”

At a construction site

About 450 panels are needed to build a nine-story building. The construction of panel houses is proceeding extremely quickly: a floor-section is erected in a day, and seven to ten months pass from the stage of the foundation pit to the moment of settlement.

There are three main types of panels: exterior wall panels, interior wall panels, and floor panels. The construction technology is simple: the panels are interconnected by special metal bonds by welding. The joints between the panels are filled with cement-sand mortar or special insulation. First, the outer wall panels are mounted along the contour, followed by the inner walls, and then the ceilings.

New DSK-1 houses have already been built in the Nekrasovka-Park residential complex on the Lyuberetskiye Poles. Two more are currently being built there, and one is being built in Southern Medvedkovo by city order. By 2018, the Moscow authorities plan to build 80 houses of new series.

Why are new panel houses better than old ones?

Artem Ukropov, architectural bureau Megabudka:“Typical panels that were developed earlier have become obsolete a long time ago. And the innovations on which the new series are based are relevant. Glazing of the first floors, access to the entrances from the ground level and other solutions can affect the quality of the residents of these houses. This makes it safer and more convenient. This has been talked about for a long time, but finally it has found a physical embodiment.

A tool has also appeared that is more convenient for designers to use - a palette of variations of facade solutions. It is important to remember here that this is only a tool, the main thing is the ability to use it, which is often lame.

Everyone who has ever encountered the design of panel houses stumbled upon the limitations of the designer. Now there are more variations in the constructor, new necessary details have been added. Of course, the problem of panel housing construction is more structural, but even these details are a small victory, despite the fact that there are already very good interpretations using the updated constructor.”

Ekaterina Stepanova, interior design studio Variatika:“Panel houses have stepped forward and bear little resemblance to cold Khrushchev houses with thin walls and a minimum area of ​​​​rooms. Modern series of panel houses in many respects achieve the quality of a monolith. The layouts have become more diverse, the area of ​​​​the rooms has increased. In some series, free planning is even possible.

Thermal insulation has become more thoughtful, now it has become unprofitable for everyone to heat the street. In some series, additional insulation of the facade is used. The technology eliminates interpanel seams, the weakest point in heat and sound insulation.

According to the characteristics, some houses are close to the comfort class: the first floors are non-residential, underground parking, a yard free from cars, large windows, high ceilings, and many options for decorating the facade.

In general, we can say that the clear line between low-quality economical panels and elite monolithic houses is being erased. Especially considering that the quality of construction of monolithic houses is often not the highest. Despite this, the stereotypes are strong. Other things being equal, many will choose a monolith.”

Anton, buyer of an apartment in DOMRIK:“I bought an apartment in the 11th quarter of Nekrasovka and issued it with a mortgage under the state program. I have a one-room apartment, 32.5 meters. The apartment has a functional layout - for example, my kitchen is 7.7 square meters, which is a lot for such an apartment. The room also increases if desired by moving the partition and reducing the corridor.

Appearance is the visiting card of the house. I have an apartment in a turquoise DOMRIK, and it appears in all the photographs of Nekrasovka and is generally very remarkable. The orange coloring of the second "DOMRIK", in my opinion, is not so interesting. The facade of the house is flat, loggias from the 4th to the 17th floor. There are panoramic windows up to the 15th floor - I really like the lighting.

The house is warm, there is even a “B+” sign hanging on the house, which indicates a high energy efficiency class. They say that the soundproofing in the house is not very good - I can't say for sure yet. But overall, I'm happy."

The main advantage of block development is a clear separation of private and public space, and this applies to all parts of the city - both the outskirts and the center. This is the main ideology of urban development. In a modern metropolis, a place should appear where a person will feel comfortable.

The development of new standard solutions has been going on for about two years. The Moscow Committee for Architecture has determined the basic requirements for mass residential development, which in the future will regulate the quality of not only standard development, but also the urban living environment as a whole. It is planned that from 2016 all permits will begin to issue strictly in accordance with these criteria.

Already today, the factories are producing original details that make the facades more diverse - these are any types of gratings, reliefs, patterns in combination with architectural concrete, and so on.

Variants of facades using architectural concrete with different color schemes, as well as placing groups of balconies of different colors in different places of the facade, make it possible to achieve individual architectural solutions.

Modern technologies, according to the designers, make it possible to implement not just variants of painted facades, but to apply a truly artistic approach to the formation of the development of streets, courtyard spaces and the creation of a highly informative environment.

The renovation program provides for the relocation of residents of old five-story buildings to new apartments. According to the bill, the renovation program will be completed by 2032. However, a presentation is already taking place at VDNKh today, where you can see examples of the layout of future apartments. The layout of the apartments is represented by five solutions: (with a combined bathroom and a separate bathroom), (ruler and plowing), and.

To evaluate all the advantages of the new layout, it will be compared with the layout of an average apartment of a five-story building. For convenience, its advantages are divided into points.

  1. The total area of ​​the odnushki for renovation is 44-45 m2.
  2. The size of the kitchen will actually double and become almost 11 m².
  3. A basket for the air conditioner will be installed on the balcony.
  4. The living room will also increase due to the fact that the dressing room (1.77 m²) and the entrance hall (5.53 m²) are located separately in the new project. And now its area will be 44.5 m², in contrast to the old-style one-room apartments, where the living room plays the role of a hallway.
  5. The number of square meters in the corridor will grow by half.
  6. There are two bathroom options to choose from: shared and shared. In the variant with a combined bathroom, the living room area is increased by a couple of square meters.
  7. On the border between the living room and the kitchen there will be a dividing niche. It can be dismantled if desired by the owner of the apartment.

Layout of a 2-room apartment

  1. The total area of ​​the kopeck piece for renovation is 57-58 m2.
  2. The size of the kitchen will almost double, as in a 1-room apartment. However, here its size will be 9.42 m².
  3. A window will be located in the kitchen, a basket for the air conditioner is fixed behind it. And this is no coincidence, because it is the kitchen that requires frequent ventilation.
  4. The area of ​​the entrance hall will become larger - 7.02 m². However, in the version of the apartment-line there will be no wardrobe.
  5. The bathroom will also increase in area. But in an open-plan apartment, it will be divided into two rooms, where the toilet will be 1.29 m², and the bathroom - 3.76 m². At the same time, there will be a bathroom in the room between the living room and the bedroom.

Layout of a 3-room apartment

  1. The total area of ​​the treshka for renovation is 77 - 78 m.
  2. The size of the kitchen is almost twice as large - 11.9 m². And, we can say that this is a common feature of all layouts of a new type.
  3. On the windows of the kitchen and bedroom there are baskets for air conditioners. In a 3-room apartment, the number of square meters is higher than in a 2-room apartment, and therefore additional ventilation is needed.
  4. There is a dressing room, which is not found in a typical apartment of a five-story building. It is 2.2 m². And therefore the entrance hall is larger here - about 4 m².
  5. Unlike old houses, where the living room serves as a walk-through, here each room is isolated. And the living room is 16.1 m².

It is worth considering that, despite the fact that the area of ​​​​living rooms will not change, the common areas (bathroom, hallway and balcony) will be much larger than we are used to seeing in a typical five-story building.

Planning details

Residents will be pleased with the following details of the new layout:

  • The ceiling height of the renovated apartment is now 2.75 m instead of 2.65 m as before;
  • The kitchen and balcony are not laminated, but tiled;
  • The bathroom is now equipped with sockets isolated from water;
  • The space in front of the front door is also tiled. This will help the housewives quickly clean up the dirt brought from the street.

Arrangement in an apartment building

Each home will have:

  • Video cameras. For the safety of residents, the house is equipped with video cameras that film everything that happens in the front door.
  • Minimum 2 lifts. Each entrance will be equipped with elevators: one for cargo and one for passengers.
  • Well-appointed hall: lined with ceramic tiles, equipped with an intercom, as well as new level mailboxes.
  • Sector for parking prams in the lobby.
  • Places of purchase and sale, bank branches children's entertainment center.

It is also worth mentioning the energy efficiency of this building. Thanks to the insulated panels on the facade, more heat is stored inside the room. Also, to save heat, special double-glazed windows are installed. They also provide soundproofing.

In addition, smart meters for electricity and water are installed in each apartment. The heating system is automatic. Thanks to built-in programs, heating is distributed as efficiently as possible. Thus, up to 60% of heat and up to 40% of electricity are saved.

At the same time, a small reduction in rent should be attributed to the pluses.

Finishing and arrangement of apartments

Each apartment will have:

  • Balcony, loggia and a window with a front basket for air conditioning.
  • On the walls ready for painting in any color wallpaper. You can paint the walls in one specific color. But you can also choose a combination of colors, for example, white with brown. This combination contributes to a quick calm and is usually chosen for bedrooms.
  • The ceiling is painted with latex paint and is therefore easy to clean.
  • On the floor there is a laminate with a backing made of soundproof materials. This will allow you not to hear the heavy steps of the neighbors from above.
  • Each battery has its own counter. Therefore, you can quickly determine where the breakdown occurred. And also, what place in the house should be additionally insulated.
  • The windows have a fine insect screen on each of the sashes. They can be opened in the same way as regular doors. Therefore, there will be no problems with the installation of a mosquito net.
  • Chandeliers are installed in rooms such as the living room and bedroom.
  • Sockets and switches are pre-installed in sufficient quantity for domestic needs.
  • Doors between rooms will be made of solid wood or several layers of veneer, which is also natural wood. In the kitchen, as well as in the living room, the doors will have glazing at the top.
  • The plinth is made of PVC and equipped with a cable channel.

Regarding the bathroom, it is worth mentioning that a counter will be installed on each element of plumbing. This will allow you to better monitor the water consumption in the house. This meter sends your water consumption data automatically so you don't have to worry about reporting. It is planned that a report on electricity will also be sent.

The kitchen will be equipped with a stainless steel washstand, as well as a bedside table made of laminated tyrsoplast under it. For ease of cleaning, tiles are laid along the entire length of the working surface.

In the layouts of new apartments, compared to ordinary apartments in five-story buildings, there is a noticeable increase in the size of the bathroom and kitchen. There is an entrance hall and almost everywhere there is a wardrobe. To choose from, there is a layout with a separate toilet and bathroom or combined. The advantage of a combined bathroom is that the living room with such a layout increases by a couple of square meters. As for, everything is done with taste and at the same time the choice is left to the new owner of the apartment, what color to paint the walls. Everything is practical and comfortable. And the layout is aimed at isolating each of the rooms. Therefore, we can say that new apartments are one level higher than their Soviet analogues. And this is not taking into account such details as complete soundproofing of walls, windows and floors. As well as the highest energy efficiency possible today. Indeed, in addition to all the means to save heat and electricity, there are means of local control of resource consumption.

The town-planning appearance of the sleeping districts of Moscow is changing before our eyes. In the coming years, there will be no Khrushchevs in the city, and the houses that will grow in their place will set the vector housing construction for the coming decades. Modern trends are largely created by Muscovites themselves. Unlike Soviet times, citizens now vote with their rubles for the best construction projects. Traditionally, brick and monolithic houses. But in terms of sales in Moscow, panel housing is the leader. It outperforms competitors in two key areas: location and price per square meter. The Soviet building was replaced by modern technologies and new design solutions that make typical housing comfortable enough. Today in the capital's market, there are three most popular series of new buildings and one dark horse. So what houses do Muscovites choose?

The town-planning appearance of the sleeping districts of Moscow is changing before our eyes. In the coming years, there will be no Khrushchev houses left in the city, and the houses that will grow in their place will set the vector of housing construction for the coming decades. Modern trends are largely created by Muscovites themselves. Unlike Soviet times, citizens now vote with their rubles for the best construction projects.

Traditionally, brick and monolithic houses are considered the highest quality. Popular and But in terms of sales in Moscow, panel housing is the leader. It outperforms competitors in two key areas: location and price per square meter. Most new settlers agree that the panel of the XXI century is not so scary. Soviet buildings have been replaced by modern technologies and new design solutions that make typical housing comfortable enough.

Today in the capital's market, there are three most popular series of new buildings and one dark horse. So what houses do Muscovites choose?

KOPE series - advantages in architecture, size and redevelopment

What are these houses

Buildings of the KOPE series are built from sectional blocks that can be arranged in various ways. This technology comes from the USA. Among other things, it allows you to easily redevelop and even combine apartments.

In our country, such houses began to be built back in the 80s, and in the 2000s Russian market modernized versions of the series appeared - KOPE-M Parus and KOPE-Tower. The height of buildings can be from 12 to 25 floors.

The houses of the Parus series are distinguished by their recognizable architecture: they seem airy thanks to the facade of straight and semicircular glazed loggias.


  • High ceilings 2.8 m
  • Spacious loggias of two types: round and rectangular
  • bay windows
  • Isolated rooms
  • High-quality repair: floor soundproofing, modern pipes for hot and cold water supply, water meters, copper wiring, double-glazed windows
  • Heating system with thermostats
  • The possibility of redevelopment of the apartment (including at the project stage)
  • Three high-speed elevators (passenger and two cargo)
  • Decorative: beautiful facades, rounded shapes, marbled tiles
  • A single hall on the first floor - for the convenience of the elderly, the disabled and young parents with prams
  • fireproof balcony

The area of ​​a one-room apartment in the KOPE-M Parus series is from 38 sq. m. Four-room - 106 sq. m. Kitchens in such houses are designed with an area of ​​​​10 to 15 squares. Three and four-room apartments of the KOPE-tower series have dressing rooms, additional bathrooms and balconies.


  • Small bathrooms in some apartments (3 sqm)
  • A lot of non-residential space for the price of housing
  • Certain redevelopment restrictions

Where are they built

In Moscow, there are houses of the KOPE-M-Parus and KOPE-Tower series in Central and South Chertanovo, Konkovo, Ochakovo, Solntsevo, Zyuzino, Obruchevsky and other areas. In the Moscow region, such new buildings can be found in Khimki, Dolgoprudny, Lyubertsy, Podolsk, Mytishchi, and the village of Pykhtino.

Prices for houses of the series depend on the location of the object. For example, in the Michurino microdistrict, a KOPE tower cost an average of 8.5 million rubles, and two-room apartments cost 11.5 million rubles.

Modifications of the P-44 series - comfortable modern apartments

What are these houses

Modern versions of the old P-44 series are no less popular than KOPE-M-Parus and KOPE-Tower. These are new buildings of the P-44T, P-44TM, P-44K and P-44M modifications, which are similar in design characteristics and appearance.

The P-44T version is the leader among them. According to real estate experts, this is the leading modern standard project. Most of these buildings are 17-story buildings that are assembled from sections. Outwardly, they look like brick houses, as the facade is faced with red brick, on which white loggias and bay windows stand out.


  • Convenient layout and large area
  • High ceilings (2.7 m)
  • Isolated rooms
  • Reinforced concrete internal partitions
  • Increased wall insulation
  • Good sound insulation due to reinforced partitions and ceilings
  • Spacious kitchens without ventilation ducts
  • Half-windows in one-room apartments
  • The possibility of creating a two-level housing
  • Technical premises for engineering communications
  • Modern renovation: copper wiring, batteries with temperature controllers, triple glazing
  • Windows on different sides in some two- and three-room apartments
  • Decorative finishing of the building: metal tiles, "brick" facades, glazed loggias

The area of ​​a one-room apartment in the houses of these series is at least 38 squares with a balcony. Two-room apartments start from 55 sq. m, and three-room apartments - from 75 sq. m. Two-room apartments come in two versions: linear (about 55 squares), where the windows face one side, and "swing" - two-sided apartments.

Depending on the modification of the series, the size of the balcony may vary. So, in the P-44T project, it is 2.3 squares, and in the P-44K - 3.5 squares. m. Some apartments of the P-44M series have guest bathrooms.


  • Small kitchens in one-room apartments of the P-44T series (7 sq. M)
  • Shared bathroom in one-room apartments
  • The impossibility of redevelopment of the apartment due to load-bearing internal partitions

Where are they built

Most of the P-44T houses and other buildings of the series are in new areas of mass development. Such buildings can be found in Maryinsky Park, Northern and Southern Butovo, Solntsevo, etc. In addition, these new buildings have grown on the site of demolished five-story buildings and dilapidated housing in old areas: for example, in Shchukino, Zelenograd, Medvedkovo, Izmailovo, Lefortovo, Cheryomushki.

In the Moscow region, such houses are in Balashikha, Zheleznodorozhny, Lyubertsy, Odintsovo, Khimki.

In Moscow, you can buy a two-room apartment of the P-44T series for an average of 8.5 million rubles, and a three-room apartment for 9.9 million rubles.

New buildings of the GMS-2001 series - reliable and high-quality houses

What are these houses

Housing of the GMS-1 series is built from prefabricated elements and decorative details. As a rule, these are 17-storey houses made of three-layer panels (concrete-insulation-concrete). The internal walls and ceilings of the building are made of reinforced concrete.

Among design features series - increased stability. Houses are protected not only from earthquakes, but also from chain collapse, when one damaged section pulls all the others along with it.

Outwardly, the houses of the series are distinguished by characteristic narrow paired windows. The panels are painted at the production stage. Buildings can be white, beige, brown, turquoise, yellow, orange or pink.


  • Comfortable and spacious apartments
  • High ceilings (2.8 sqm)
  • Increased sound insulation (thickened partitions, bathrooms do not come into contact with the walls of neighboring apartments)
  • Increased thermal insulation due to the design of window blocks and modern materials
  • A single hall on the first floor with ramps
  • Concierge room and wheelchairs
  • Dressing rooms (except for one-room apartments)
  • Additional bathroom in three- and four-room apartments

The area of ​​one-room apartments in houses of the GMS-2001 series can be from 38 to 43 squares, two-room apartments - from 53 to 78 square meters. m. The most spacious four-room options reach 120 square meters. m. The size of the kitchen is from 9 to 12 square meters. m.


  • narrow corridors
  • Redevelopment restrictions

Where are they built

In Moscow, there are new buildings of the HMS-1 series in South Butovo, Mitino, Novy Kozhukhovo and other areas of new mass development. In addition, such buildings are being actively created on the site of demolished five-story buildings and emergency houses in different parts of the capital: Tushino, Khovrino, Kuntsevo.

There are a lot of buildings of the GMS-1 series in the Moscow region - in Zheleznodorozhny, Podolsk, Krasnogorsk, etc. For example, in the Centralny microdistrict of Zheleznodorozhny, you can buy such housing at a price of 68 thousand rubles per square.

Sobyaninki - a new type of social housing

In the coming years, a dark horse should appear on the market of Moscow new buildings. These are the houses of the PM-P series (17 floors) and PM-Sh (from 6 to 14 floors), which have already been dubbed “sobyaninki”. The nickname suggests itself because the new panel high-rise buildings should become a modern alternative to the Khrushchevs. These homes are expected to revolutionize the affordable housing market.

One of the tasks of the sobyaninok is to provide housing for those on the waiting list and migrants from the emergency fund. Therefore, in the interests of the city budget, construction should be cheap and apartments should be small. They are going to save on design time (all buildings will be standard), production and logistics. During construction, it is planned to use blocks that can be produced at any plant.

The apartments will be designed in accordance with the social norms of living space, which are approved in Moscow - 18 meters per person. This will allow officials not to overspend square meters in the distribution of housing. On average, apartments will be more spacious than in Khrushchevs, but less than in modern new buildings. For example, typical two-roomed flat planned in two versions: 50 and 56 sq. m. According to experts, from the point of view of buyers, a square in Sobyaninka will be more expensive than in an ordinary panel house.

The main advantage of these houses should be energy efficiency and comfortable modern housing layout.

The projects of the sobyaninki were approved by the city officials only last year. It is too early to talk about the real advantages and disadvantages of such housing. It is known that it will be actively built on the territory of New Moscow and on the site of the demolished five-story buildings. And whether the fate of the predecessors will befall the Sobyaninka, time will tell.

Daria Sergeeva, GdeEtoDom.RU correspondent

What are the typical layouts of apartments in modern new buildings? What are their pros and cons?

At home standard series are panel, brick and monolithic. Modern layouts panel houses are becoming more and more comfortable and convenient for living, while maintaining the maximum speed of building a house, which is beneficial for developers. Today, a one-room apartment or studio in typical panel houses includes a large room, a kitchen, a balcony, a loggia, and, quite often, a pantry.

According to Maria Litinetskaya, Director General of Metrium Group, the tendency to reduce the average area of ​​apartments in business and economy class has been maintained recently. Some time ago, one-room apartments with an area of ​​40-52 sq.m were actively bought in the economy class segment, and now an apartment of the same class with an area of ​​30-40 sq.m is becoming the standard. Alexander Kovalev, CEO DSK GRAD (Morton Group of Companies) notes that buyers are now much more interested in the rational use of public areas, lower operating costs and attractive appearance of buildings. MIC Group offers customers within one residential complex apartments different in area and layout: 1st apartment - from 38 to 53 sq. m, two-room - from 65 to 90 sq. m, three-room - from 87 to 125 sq. m.

The best layouts of apartments in new buildings, which are most often found in houses under construction in Moscow and the Moscow region


Type of house - panel
Floors - 3.14
Height of living quarters - 308 cm
1st k-ra: area 45-52 sq. m, living area 20 sq. m, kitchen 14.6 sq. m.
2nd k-ra: area 69-99 sq. m, residential 36-51 sq. m, kitchen 12-15.4 sq. m.
3rd k-ra: area 89-135 sq. m, residential 49-74 sq. m, kitchen 15-16.2 sq. m


Massively built in most microdistricts of Moscow: Butovo, Lyubertsy fields. Otradnoe, Maryino, etc.

1st k-ra: area 38-39 sq. m, residential 17-20 sq. m, kitchen 10-10.4 sq. m. Small version 33 / 14.8 / 10.1.
2nd k-ra: area 55-62 sq. m, residential 32-38 sq. m, kitchen 10-10.5 sq. m.
3rd k-ra: area 75-82 sq. m, residential 43-54 sq. m, kitchen 10-13 sq. m.
4th box: two standard sizes. Area 100-102 sq. m, living area 65-70 sq. m, kitchen 10.3-19 sq. m.
6th k-ra: area 133 sq. m, living area 97 sq. m, kitchen 19 sq. m.


Single access version of KOPE-M-Parus. The height of the house is 23-25 ​​floors. The ceiling height in the apartments is 2.64 m. All rooms are isolated.

1st k-ra: area 42 - 44 sq. m, residential 17-18 sq. m, kitchen 10.3 sq. m.
2nd k-ra: area 85-89 sq. m, residential 38-39 sq. m, kitchen 13-13.8 sq. m.
3rd k-ra: area 107-109 sq. m, residential 54-55 sq. m, kitchen 13-13.8 sq. m.
4th k-ra: area 130-133 sq. m, residential 68-69 sq. m, kitchen 14.7 sq. m.


Two cargo-passenger and one passenger elevator. The ceiling height in the apartments is 2.64 m.

1st-k-ra: area 38-43 sq. m, residential 18-19 sq. m, kitchen 10-10.4 sq. m.
2nd k-ra: area 54-62 sq. m, residential 34-38 sq. m, kitchen 10-10.5 sq. m.
3rd k-ra: total area 76-82 sq. m, residential 46-54 sq. m, kitchen 10-13 sq. m
4th k-ra: total area 100-103 sq. m, residential 58-63 sq. m, kitchen 10.3-13 sq. m.

Other layouts of apartments in new buildings


Panel house. The height of the house is from 8 to 17 floors. Ceiling height in apartments 2.64 m. Separate bathrooms, standard baths

1st k-ra: area 37.8 sq. m., 2nd k-ra: area 50.2 sq. m (linear) -57.8 sq. m (vest), 3rd to-ra: area 73.8 sq. m

P-44 TM

Houses of the P-44TM series with a height of 17 and 25 floors consist of sections, straight and corner, with glazed balconies and loggias. The first floor is non-residential, the project provides for the placement of technical premises in this area.

The ceiling height in the apartments is 2.7 m.

1st k-ra: total area 39.2 sq. m.
2nd k-ra: total area 66.9 sq. m.
3rd k-ra: total area 85.6 sq. m.
4th k-ra: total area 103.3 sq. m (two-level on the top floor).

P-3MK "Flagman"

Builds GK "PIK". Number of floors: 8-17. Ceiling height: 2.64 m. A distinctive feature of this layout is the ability to re-plan the apartment (for example, the kitchen can be connected to the living room). Energy-saving panels and high sound insulation.