Is it possible to get a second loan with a previously outstanding loan? Will they give a loan if there are outstanding loans Will they give a loan if there is a credit.

Often the bank does not give a loan without even explaining the reason for the refusal. As a result, many borrowers do not know what to do to get a loan approved. This is strange, because the sooner a person corrects himself in the eyes of the bank, the sooner he can become its full-fledged client. Perhaps this article will shed light on your "shortcomings" in the eyes of the bank.

Bad credit history

Everything is clear here. However, some banks may turn a blind eye to minor delays (for example, up to 5 days). In any case, you need to check the history.

Lack of credit history

Even if you have never applied for a loan, you may be denied. This is because the bank does not have your payment history data to analyze how you will pay. Therefore, if other criteria do not meet the requirements, the loan will be denied. And if on the contrary, and even the income quite allows, then they may well approve.

To create a credit history, it is enough to take a small loan and repay it on time.

Willingness to repay loans early

Contrary to the opinion of some, early repayment is not a sign of a good borrower, but vice versa. It is beneficial for the bank to receive interest from payments, and in case of early repayment, they are reduced to a minimum. Yes, banks have programs with possible early repayment, but the contract specifies the moment until which this cannot be done (for example, not earlier than the expiration of 1 year). Also, banks usually impose a commission on early repayment.

If you can't afford to pay several loans or even one, refinance.

Operating loans

Refusal due to existing loans is associated with the probable, in the opinion of the bank, inability to pay them all. It depends on the income of the borrower: if it is not enough even to pay off existing debts, then there is no need to aggravate the situation for you. After all, many take out a loan to pay off the previous one and so go in cycles.

open credit card

Even the banal use of a credit card can affect a negative decision on a loan. The fact is that the bank considers a credit card as an unsecured loan. And if credit card payments, together with expenses, exceed half of income, the bank has no reason to approve the loan, because you simply won’t pull it.

Insufficient income

If the monthly payments on the loan will exceed half of the monthly income, the loan will not be given. In mortgage lending, the total family income is taken into account in calculating solvency, since, as a rule, spouses act as co-borrowers on a mortgage.

Little work experience

The requirements for the minimum length of service at the last place of work are different: some need 4 or 6 months, others need at least 1 year. The bank's logic here is simple: the longer the length of service at the last place of work, the more likely that the borrower will continue to work there and further, receiving a salary with which he will repay the loan. But it also happens that the minimum length of service is sufficient, but job changes are frequent (for example, in 2 years the borrower changed 4 jobs, but worked at each for six months). In this case, the bank will not take risks.


Let's start with the students. Not all banks issue loans from the age of 21 and, moreover, from the age of 18 (usually from 23-24 years old). This is due to solvency, since not everyone at this age works, and a high probability of being drafted into the army, due to which repayment will become impossible for the period of service.

From the age of 18, for example, you can enter into a mortgage with a pledge of the purchased property, which serves as a guarantee of the return of bank funds. At the same age, you can draw up some credit cards and loans.

As for pensioners or people close to retirement, it is important to know that at the time of full repayment of the loan (that is, making the last payment), the age of the borrower should not exceed a certain bar set by the bank (65–75 years). Therefore, if there are problems with age, you need to take a loan for a shorter period.

False information or forged documents

Banks are constantly improving their methods of checking future borrowers, therefore, most likely, they will reveal fake documents or false information. And by the way, can not only refuse a loan, but also prosecute under the article of fraud. This also includes cases when a person leaves different information about himself in different banks.

Conviction and other offenses

If the conviction has not yet been removed, the loan will be denied unambiguously. Also will be refused if there were convictions under economic articles. They can refuse on administrative charges and even on drives to the police.


They are “nominal directors”, they are also “nominal founders”. These are people on whom dozens of companies are registered, but in fact they do not manage them. Banks keep a list of such "nominal values" and never issue loans to them.

Mentally unhealthy people

The whole point is that such people can say that they signed the loan agreement in a state of insanity, so the court may well recognize such an agreement as invalid.

No landline phone

Some banks include in the requirements for the borrower the presence of a landline home phone. Thus, the bank understands that a person has a place of permanent residence in order to know where to look for it in case of termination or delay in payments.

A more stringent requirement is to have a fixed work phone. After all, any normal organization should have at least one landline phone. If not, it is at least suspicious.

Work at IP

The bank may refuse a loan due to work for an individual entrepreneur, because the risk of closing an IP is higher than a JSC or LLC. This requirement is not always spelled out in plain text, so you need to pay attention to footnotes and small print.

Suspicious firm

In addition to analyzing the borrower, the bank also analyzes the organization in which it works. And if she has a dubious reputation or is not in the best financial condition, then workers can be left without a salary or job.

Own business

When a business owner wants to take out a loan for himself (that is, as an individual), banks are wary, believing that in fact this money can go to the needs of the business. In such cases, it is better to take a non-targeted consumer loan.

questionable status

For example, if the borrower indicates that he works as a manager with a salary of 150,000 rubles, while the average market salary is 50,000 rubles, the bank will have suspicions not so much in the person as in the activities of the organization in which he works. It is possible that this salary will not last long and may drop to the market average, which will affect loan payments.

Wrong purpose for a loan

Given the previous paragraph about business, it is important to understand that if a borrower wants to take a loan for a specific purpose (for repairs, for recreation, for business), then you need to apply to a specific lending program. For example, it will not be possible to take a consumer loan to start a business or a car. For this, there are appropriate targeted programs (in this case, “business loan” and “auto loan”). Banks even have special loans for household appliances, furniture, telephones, computers and more. And for various household needs, it is easier to issue the same non-purpose loan.

Refusals from other banks

If at least 2-3 banks are refused, the next bank will think about it: maybe they didn’t refuse in vain. And without thinking twice will do the same


An unpresentable appearance (dirty clothes, tattoos on open areas of the body, a bad smell) may be sufficient reason to refuse a loan. Especially if a person indicated a good position and a high level of income.


A shifty look, biting lips, shaking fingers and knees - all this leads to suspicion that a person is either not going to repay the borrowed funds, or is keeping something back about the purpose of the loan.

They still refuse. Why?

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the bank is not obliged to provide a loan, nor is it obliged to report the reason for the refusal.

There are a couple of interesting points on the video, because of which they may also not give credit:

If the above reasons for refusing to issue a loan do not apply to you, but they still do not give a loan, it makes sense to seek professional help from loan brokers, as well as for errors.

Are you planning to apply for additional credit? But do you have outstanding loans from other banks? You can get a new loan, the main thing is to know how to act in such a situation. Each client of the bank has a completely justified question: “If they give another loan, then on what conditions”? Below we will describe step-by-step instructions for action that will help Russians get a new loan from a bank, even if there are outstanding loans.

Does the level of current income affect the decision of the lender?

The credit committee of each bank first of all looks at the level of debt load of the client. Such indicators, of course, lower the chances of a person in obtaining a new loan. The thing is that the bank is afraid to get a bad loan, so they often say no.

Next on the list is the solvency of the future borrower. If it is not enough, then in any case the client will be refused. Each bank itself calculates the risks that it is ready to take when issuing various kinds of loans. Let's say some lenders set the allowable limit at 25% of the total income of the borrower's family (of course, minus all expenses for other loans). For other banks, this threshold is lower - 30%, if it comes to lending to payroll clients, then it is no more than 10%.

Of course, if you search, there are also banks that are ready to issue a loan, even if the indicator reaches the level of 50%. But here we are talking about an overestimated rate and harsh conditions: a high level of penalties, the presence of a large number of large fines, insurance, etc.

Delay and a new bank loan

The presence of a bad credit history also affects the decision of the bank to issue a second or third loan. Usually, all banks make a request to the BCI in order to collect as much information about a new client as possible: the prescription of delays, their frequency, the timing of delays in payment.

It is generally accepted that delays of up to a month are supposedly not taken into account by banks, they are not included in the category of dangerous ones. But if this trend is constant with the client, then managers have something to think about. Also, systematic delays with payment up to 10 days can serve as a refusal. If you are not afraid of an overestimated loan rate, then you can get a loan in some banks if there are already repaid delays for up to two to three months.

If a client's credit history has a delay of more than three months, then getting a new loan will not be so easy. First, you will have to rehabilitate yourself in the eyes of banks and get a small loan from a credit institution. If you repay it on time and according to the payment schedule (in advance), then banks may be able to consider your application for a small loan amount. Such actions will help smooth out your credit history a little.

Does the type of loan affect the positive decision of the bank?

Depending on what type of loan the borrower needs (car loan, consumer loan or mortgage loan), the decision of the bank also depends. For example, the presence of a mortgage loan, when the housing is already pledged to the bank, reduces the chances of a person getting another loan to buy a home. But in such cases, credit managers are advised to pledge new housing, co-borrowers.

When it comes to a credit card, risk management will be afraid that the borrower can withdraw the entire credit limit at any time, so the amount on the card (available to a person) can be reduced to a minimum. If this happened, then it is advisable to close the credit card until the current loan is repaid, and then contact the bank again for a new loan. A car loan, if there is no collateral for it, is considered in this case as non-targeted, i.e. unsecured loan.

If a bank client applies again for a new loan, then managers usually advise taking another loan that is different from the current loan. For example, if the borrower has a car loan, then it is better to take a mortgage. If you have a credit card, you can try to get a consumer loan, etc.

Credit experts in the financial market also pay attention to the following factors, such as the limitation period of the previous loan and its amount. It is unlikely that a person will be given a mortgage loan again if, having received the old one more than a year ago, he missed the first three or four payments. But when it comes to a consumer loan to buy a sofa, then anything is possible.

If you have outstanding loans, you should not count on a large amount of a new loan. Nevertheless, it is still possible to get another loan, and on rather favorable terms. We are talking about bank loans, the interest rates on which are much lower than the rates on loans from microfinance organizations. Many leading Russian banks meet the needs of borrowers by offering loyal conditions for consumer lending, including the minimum requirements for a package of documents.

Which bank is better to take a loan

To get a loan in the presence of outstanding loans, you can contact the following banks:

Offers a cash loan for any purpose at a rate of 14.9% per annum. The bank is ready to issue an amount from 15 to 50 thousand rubles to a client who has submitted only a passport and an additional document of his choice (foreign passport, driver's license, military ID, certificate of pension insurance);

Issues a loan under the Express Plus program only on a passport. The loan amount ranges from 5 to 40 thousand rubles. In the same bank, you can get a Standard Plus loan. Its amount is from 40 thousand to 299999 rubles. To obtain it, you must present a civil passport and another document confirming your identity - for example, a military ID or a driver's license.

Offers a cash loan for any purpose at a rate of 15% per annum for up to five years. To obtain it, the borrower must submit a passport and any document confirming income. Those who are not officially employed can submit a passport with marks about traveling abroad during the last six months or documents for a vehicle;

Ready to issue a loan for consumer needs in the amount of 51 to 299 thousand rubles without presenting documents on solvency.

When applying for a loan without guarantors and certificates, be prepared for the fact that bank employees will ask you in detail about your financial situation. Try to answer as honestly as possible, do not hide any information, including about outstanding loans. Employees of a financial institution can check any data and false information may well be a reason for refusing a loan.

Now the situation seems quite normal when citizens pay off several types of loans at the same time. They can pay off mortgages, use credit cards and trade loans. But it is not so easy to get a second loan in the presence of the first acting one, not all banks will go for it, and such an operation will not be available to all citizens.

How do banks treat borrowers applying for a second loan?

Previously, banks were ready to issue second, third, and even fifth loans to citizens without any problems. But with the onset of the crisis, everything changed. Borrowers have become more risky: there are risks of being laid off, laid off, and income reduced. Many citizens suffered from this and did not cope with their debt obligations.

With the growth of overdue debts and the impact of the crisis on the lives of citizens, banks began to tighten requirements for borrowers, in particular, to their solvency. The probability of approval has decreased significantly, banks are willing to work only with high-quality and secured borrowers. It has become more difficult to take a second loan, but such an opportunity is no exception.

About the solvency of the borrower

When applying for another loan with an outstanding previously issued borrower, for approval, it is necessary to be sufficiently solvent. The income he receives should be enough to pay off both loans, and there should still be funds for a comfortable existence.

Banks consider all sources of income of the applicant as income. When thinking about whether a second loan will be given, it makes sense to confirm as many sources of income as possible. The amount of the monthly salary is confirmed by a 2NDFL certificate, you can also bring additional employment contracts, account statements, certificates of benefits, and so on.

The bank will determine solvency based on documented income. With the exception of programs that involve the issuance of loans without references. But it will be difficult to get such a loan as a second one, although there is still a chance of approval.

The repayment of all loans issued in the name of the borrower should take no more than 40% of wages, otherwise you will not receive approval. But this figure also depends on the income of the applicant. For example, if he receives 15,000 rubles and pays 5,000 monthly on the first loan, then the second loan application is unlikely to be approved. And if it does, then the monthly payment should be more than 1000 rubles.

How to increase your chances of getting approved?

1. Choose programs that require referrals or even guarantors. For such products, the probability of approval is always higher, and the conditions for issuing funds are more favorable.

2. Provide as many proof of income as possible.

3. Contact the bank to which you receive your salary, or the bank where you have a positive credit history.

4. Apply for a new loan for an extended period so that the monthly payment is low. Then you can repay the loan ahead of schedule.

Can I get a second loan from the same bank?

If you have an outstanding loan in one of the banks, then you can apply for a second loan in the same institution. If you have a good reputation, you can get approved without any problems. But not everything is so simple.

Many banks set a moratorium on the possibility of re-applying for a new loan. For example, approval for a re-application can be received only if the life of a previously issued loan exceeds six months. And of course, the repayment of this first loan should go smoothly. If there was at least one delay in payment, it will be almost impossible to get approval for a second loan.

When contacting an already familiar bank, you may receive an offer to restructure instead of applying for a second loan. Now this is practiced by many banks, and for borrowers this process is more convenient. So, the second loan is issued for a larger amount than the borrower needs. With its funds, the first loan is closed ahead of schedule, plus the applicant receives the required amount in cash. As a result, instead of two loans, the client pays one, which is convenient.

If you hide from the bank the existence of the first outstanding loan

If you are applying for a second loan to another bank, then you cannot hide the presence of a previously issued debt obligation. Each bank still, when accepting an application, makes a request to the BCI for a credit history, where the first unpaid loan will be reflected. Withholding this information would be tantamount to withholding information, leading to a denial.

If you take out a new loan to pay off the first

Quite often, citizens practice loan repayment by the second. In this case, the situation does not change. The bank will determine your solvency based on the fact that you will repay two loans at the same time. Moreover, if you declare your decision to repay old debts with the new loan, I will refuse you. For such purposes, banks offer refinancing, which you can use. Previous loans will be officially repaid at the expense of the newly issued one.

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Credit history is the reputation of the borrower, which develops over the entire period of relations with banks. Lending history is an important factor when a client applies for a new loan. In some life situations, you have to find out whether a loan will be given if there are outstanding loans. To assess the chances, you can analyze the characteristics of the borrower through the eyes of banks and find out if they will give a loan, even before contacting the bank.

How to find out your CI

Information about the fulfillment by the borrower of its obligations is stored in the Credit History Bureau. At the same time, information about a particular person may be located in different Bureaus. The following are the most popular in our country: the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI), Equifax and the United Credit Bureau (UCB).

National Credit Bureau

There are several ways to find out if a loan with a bad credit history will be given with the help of:

  • by mail. To do this, fill out a request for a credit report. The document must contain the signature of the applicant, certified by a notary. The paper is sent to the NBKI address. Information is provided free of charge once a year, re-applying costs 450 rubles;
  • information for receiving a report can be sent by telegram. In this case, the signature is certified by a postal employee;
  • by contacting the partner of the Bureau and getting the document on the spot, without notarization of the signature. The tariff for paying for the service is determined by the organization independently. You can specify the address for contacting in Moscow or the regions on the official website;
  • personally visit the office of the NBKI at the address Moscow, Novovladykinsky proezd, 8, building 4, entrance 1, 5th floor, office 517, business center "Beautiful House";

When contacting remotely, the response to the request is received within 3 days. If the client contacted the organization during the current year, a copy of the payment receipt is attached to the completed form.


If the borrower asks the question: “How do I know if they will give me a loan?”, Equifax can evaluate the credit history. The borrower needs to register on the Credit History Online website. To use the service, the client identifies his identity using eID, the CONTACT system, a personal appeal to the office or a telegram.

Other methods of obtaining a report are similar to those of the NBCH. If the request is sent by mail or telegram, the client will receive report within 3 days. In case of personal contact, the document is formed on the day of the visit. The cost of repeated treatment is 395 rubles. The document is officially certified by the company's digital signature.

United Credit Bureau

Being a subsidiary of Sberbank, the bureau stores information about the clients of this lender. Clients of other structures can also receive data about themselves. There are the following ways to get information:

  • on the site online;
  • using a personal account (for Sberbank clients);
  • having come to the office with a passport and a copy of the receipt (if the borrower has previously applied for a report);
  • telegram or letter.

You can receive a response from the organization in the form of a classic letter or an electronic version. The last option is certified by the EDS bureau. The cost of the report is 390 rubles, the first appeal is free.

Alternative online service

The largest bureau of the NBKI does not independently provide reports online, but works through a service partner. On the site, the user is analyzed in the databases of 785 banks at once. The verification procedure takes 1 hour. Information is provided to the e-mail specified by the client. From the report, the borrower learns:

  • information on current loans, delinquencies and debt balances;
  • scoring score assigned to the borrower on the basis of credit history data;
  • information about the possible presence of the passport in the "black list";
  • possible reasons for refusal to obtain a loan;
  • ways to improve financial performance;
  • availability of information on fines and penalties paid.

The cost of a report on 5 pages in is 340 rubles. The paper is formed on the basis of the provided passport data. All data is checked, including archival data, so there is nothing to hide from the future lender.

What to do if you have a bad credit history

Compliance with payment discipline by the client is especially carefully checked when drawing up a mortgage or car loan agreement. A large loan amount represents a greater risk for the bank, therefore it is better to eliminate current delays or old debts before contacting a commercial organization. You can take out a loan with fewer checks if the client is the owner of the housing provided in.

If you have a negative credit history, you should carefully study the report from the BCI or find out what factors influence by the rating. For this you should:

  1. If there is an error in the display of data, it is necessary to require the bank to adjust the amount, terms or payment.
  2. If the information from the BKI is reliable, it will be more difficult to obtain bank approval. If the delay arose due to the fact that you were laid off at work or the cause was a serious illness that did not allow you to receive your previous earnings, you should confirm this information in advance relevant documents or references. You should convince the bank that your current financial situation allows you to repay the loan.
  3. You can apply for a loan at a regional, small bank. Most of these lending institutions do not carefully check the borrower in order to increase their loan portfolio and compete with federal banks.
  4. Applying for a loan increases the chance of a loan being approved. Typically, such loans are approved within a few minutes. During this time, it is impossible to thoroughly check a person's credit history.
  5. You can contact . They issue loans to almost all applicants.

Many borrowers are concerned about: Will they give a loan if there are outstanding loans? If the financial capabilities of the borrower allow you to pay off the new loan, then the loan will be issued.

Now many banks offer several loans, which are issued in different banks, in one loan. This will allow you to pay off all loans and take one new one. The interest rate on a new loan is offered at a minimum.

The best offers from banks

In 2018, many banks, experiencing fierce competition in the financing market, changed the terms of lending for the better.