How to get a mortgage with a low salary. How to get a mortgage with a small official salary

Paying wages “in an envelope” is a common phenomenon. It is more difficult for a person whose work is rewarded in this way to get a loan, including a mortgage, but “difficult” does not mean “impossible”. We will tell you how to get a mortgage if the official salary is small.

A solvent borrower - who is he?

Any bank as a credit institution is interested in providing loans, including mortgages, to the maximum number of customers. If he decides to refuse a mortgage loan, there are 1-3 of three good reasons for this:

  • the client is not able to guarantee the bank the return of borrowed funds by any of the methods listed in this article below;
  • the total income of the borrower's family is below the indicators provided by law, according to which all or the lion's share of the funds cannot be spent on repaying the loan;
  • a large financial institution already has enough mortgage lenders with confirmed “white” income, and it does not want to enter into loan agreements with clients whom it considers not quite trustworthy.

Point 2 requires a detailed analysis - what kind of confirmed income will be considered sufficient to obtain a mortgage loan?

This amount varies depending on the subject of the federation where the person who wants to take a loan lives, and depends on the following indicators:

  • the official living wage;
  • the number of family members;
  • required monthly expenses.

The amount of the monthly payment on the loan should not exceed 40% of the net income of family Z, which is equal to Z=X-Y, where X is the total income, and Y is such fixed obligatory expenses as utility bills, rent for rented housing, payment on a previously taken loan and etc.

At the same time, after deducting the mentioned 40% from Z, the remaining amount W, divided by all family members, cannot be less than the subsistence minimum.

The problem, with a small white salary, will be resolved in favor of the future borrower if it is possible to prove to the bank employees that the family has sufficient additional income.

How to verify additional income

If family members have official income in addition to wages at the main job of the head of the family, they are documented without difficulty:

  • salary at a part-time job - the same 2-personal income tax certificate as from the main job;
  • pension - a certificate from the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • student scholarship - a certificate from the university;
  • income from securities - an extract from the register of shareholders or a certificate from a broker;
  • income from the lease of real estate (country house, garage, etc.) or movable (car) property - a copy of the lease agreement and receipts for receiving money from the tenant;
  • alimony, social benefits, maternity money and other sources - with a relevant certificate.

Unofficial earnings on freelance or other work without registration of labor relations can be legalized by filing a tax return at the end of the year and paying a 13 percent personal income tax on earnings. A copy of the declaration, signed by officials of the tax department, will serve as a strong confirmation of the income received.

If the remuneration for such work is transferred by the customers of services (employers) to a bank card, the card statement will allow confirming the income. It is very good if the issuing bank is the same financial institution in which the client is going to take a mortgage.

An employee with a small “white” income can try to negotiate with the employer about a 2-personal income tax certificate, which indicates the full real amount of remuneration for work. After all, this document is intended exclusively for a credit institution that will not transfer the information received to the tax office.

There is a down payment - there is a mortgage

The chances of getting a positive bank decision on an application for a mortgage loan are significantly increased by a high down payment. The higher the amount that the borrower is ready to pay immediately, the more loyal the lender will be to him.

An initial payment of 10-20% of the mortgage loan amount is most often a prerequisite for obtaining it. A mortgage without a down payment, firstly, is rare, and secondly, it is provided with a much higher interest rate on the loan.

There are at least four sources of down payment:

  • own savings (savings);
  • a loan from relatives or friends;
  • maternal capital;
  • consumer credit.

If own funds are not enough, the applicant for a mortgage can borrow the missing amount from relatives or good friends for a significant period and without interest.

Maternity capital is a one-time state assistance to a Russian family in which a second child (native or adopted) has appeared. It is provided in a non-cash form, and the family has the right to use these funds to improve their own living conditions, including payments on a mortgage loan, incl. an initial fee. To exercise this right, you need to contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

Finally, the borrower can take out a personal loan and use that money as a down payment on a mortgage loan. But before you decide to take this step, you need to carefully calculate your solvency - whether it will be possible to make monthly payments on two loans at the same time, and whether the bank will approve a mortgage for a client who is already paying a consumer loan. In a difficult situation, you can even seek advice from a credit broker.

It will not be possible to hide the presence of an outstanding consumer loan from the financial institution in which it is planned to take a mortgage, since it will be recorded in the borrower's credit history.

Co-borrowers or guarantors?

A client with a small salary has the right to count on a mortgage loan if he finds wealthy citizens who agree to act as co-borrowers or guarantors.

As a rule, up to three solvent and capable persons who do not have a criminal record and other problems with the law, as well as are not burdened with other obligations to banks and other creditors, can act as co-borrowers.

Not only a relative of the person in need of a mortgage is suitable for the role of a co-borrower. Moreover, the status of a co-borrower does not automatically make this person a shareholder of the acquired real estate and does not give him other rights of the owner (owner).

Mortgage guarantors are one or two persons, sometimes their presence is a prerequisite for the bank's consent to issue a loan for real estate.

Pledge of property

Another way to take a mortgage loan with a certificate of a small permanent income is to give the bank an additional collateral of the borrower's movable or immovable property. It can be a car, apartment, house, cottage, garage, land, etc.

The bank will agree to take the property as collateral and issue a mortgage loan, but only on the condition that the proposed property is liquid.

For example, an apartment in an apartment building classified as dilapidated housing stock, or a car with high mileage, manufactured more than 10 years ago, cannot be pledged.

In addition, the borrower will have to bear the costs of assessing the property that he will offer as additional collateral. It is preliminary recommended to clarify with the bank which appraisers it is better to use - the credit institution itself or third-party specialists.

Preferential mortgage

The preferential mortgage program is also a chance to improve living conditions. Such programs are not only federal, but also regional. They are being implemented to provide housing:

  • military personnel;
  • state employees;
  • young families;
  • large families;
  • low-income citizens.

A military mortgage is available to a person who has served in the Russian army for at least three years. Its registration must begin with a report to the commander of the military unit, the details are set out on the official website of Rosvoenipoteka.

To receive a preferential mortgage, civilians must be on the waiting lists in need of new housing. You should contact the housing department of the administration of the urban settlement and obtain confirmation of the right to benefits, and then to the bank that issues mortgage loans under preferential programs.

The leading bank of the Russian Federation is the leader in issuing mortgage loans. His housing programs are popular among Russians, who are attracted by lower rates and a variety of promotional offers. At the same time, the bank adheres to strict principles when checking applicants for loans. Future borrowers are always interested in what salary they give a mortgage in Sberbank. It is worth paying attention to this issue, since for most Russian citizens obtaining a housing loan is the only chance to buy long-awaited housing.

When applying for loans, the salary is regarded as the main source of income for clients

The credit institution considers each application for a housing loan on an individual basis. But when calculating the loan amount and monthly payments for all applicants, the general rule is that their monthly income must be 2 times the amount of the monthly mortgage payment. The best option is when monthly payments are 40% of income. This takes into account not only the size of the salary, but the amount of the balance after deducting mandatory payments: deductions for other loans, alimony or other obligations.

The bank is guided by a strict requirement - the cost of the client's loan obligations should not exceed 40-50% of the size of his official income.

Conditions for granting a mortgage at Sberbank: age, salary

When applying for a mortgage, a potential borrower is required to provide information about their financial situation and level of solvency. It should be noted that Sberbank takes into account only official income, confirmed by a 2-NDFL certificate. This document will be the basis for calculating the loan amount and monthly debt payments.

To confirm income, clients provide certificates of the established form

Under any of the mortgage programs, the borrower has the following requirements for obtaining a loan:

  • the age of the applicant is from 21 years old, but not older than 55 years for women and 60-65 years for men;
  • loan repayments must be completed before age 75;
  • the maximum loan term is 30 years;
  • the minimum amount of the down payment is 20% of the cost of the purchased housing;
  • in the case of a creditor's equity participation in the construction of a residential facility, discounts are provided.

Minimum wage

Applicants for a home loan often do not see the difference between the minimum income required by the bank to obtain a loan and the income that is needed to pay off the mortgage without problems. And very often they consider it one and the same. A sufficient level of earnings to pay off means that for any life troubles and material problems that may arise during the term of the contract, you will still be able to fulfill your obligations under it.

Based on the cost of living and housing prices, the minimum salary for a borrower to approve a mortgage at Sberbank is 40,000 rubles. But this figure is conditional. It is worth considering the region of residence: the cost of living and housing prices in different areas are very different. The salary of other family members when calculating the loan amount is taken into account only when they act as co-borrowers.

What income of borrowers are taken into account

It is now not uncommon for mortgages to be issued with payments amounting to more than half of a client's monthly earnings. When assessing solvency, the bank takes into account only the “white” salary, but at the same time believes that the borrower may have other undeclared income.

"White" salary

The ideal option is official employment with official earnings. Already during the first visit, the loan officer will require documents to confirm them - a certificate in the form 2-NDFL (for the last six months) and a work book. Based on them, the lender is convinced that the applicant has a stable and official income. Documents are sent for verification, and the future borrower undergoes automatic scoring.

"Grey" salary

If it is not possible to provide a 2-NDFL certificate, then you can try to convince the bank of your solvency in other ways: provide a certificate from work in the form of a bank, a statement of deposits or bank accounts, evidence of dividends from participation in business, securities. Not all of these confirmations will be accepted by the bank, but it is worth using this opportunity. But in this case, the client expects a more stringent check.

Recently, Sberbank has introduced mortgage programs that allow you to get a loan without income statements with just two documents - a passport and another identity card. But this lending has its "cons":

  • the interest rate will be higher than the base;
  • initial payment - from 50%;
  • credit history must be perfect.

How to verify your income

The calculation of the mortgage amount based on the income of a potential borrower in Sberbank is based on official data. This is a 2-NDFL certificate for the last 6 months. But having a high salary, not all borrowers can provide such a document. In this case, you can provide a certificate in the form established by the bank. The help states:

  • the fact that a citizen has been working for at least six months in this company (with an indication of his position);
  • the amount of income;
  • company details and contacts for checking information by the bank's security service.

The certificate is confirmed by a "wet" seal and signature of the head.

In the case of additional income, the bank does not require its documentary confirmation, but it can be indicated in the application. This information will also be verified.

How does a bank evaluate mortgage income?

To assess the solvency of the client, the bank has a scoring system. The computer program processes the application form filled in by the applicant and sets marks in the form of points. Those clients who did not pass the solvency calculation or did not pass by age and seniority are automatically screened out. Higher scores are given to those who demonstrated in their questionnaire a good financial condition: the presence of a car, real estate. Increases the assessment of the presence of higher education, working age and long work experience at the main place of work.

The security service checks the accuracy of the submitted documents on income, as well as data on the employer.

What to do if there is not enough income

A future borrower may have a situation where his monthly income is not enough to pay off the debt. But there is a way out of this impasse. And optimally, if you combine several methods at once. The options are:

  • To reduce monthly payments, you should increase the initial payment. There are several solutions to this problem. The owners of the certificate for maternity capital are in a better situation, in most cases it is they who use it as the first payment. Not the most optimal option, which some clients occasionally resort to, is the execution of another consumer loan. In this case, the "relief" of the situation will be temporary, since then two loans will have to be repaid at once.
  • Try to convince the lender of a longer loan term. The repayment amount itself will not change, but the monthly payments will be significantly lower.
  • Since the bank offers its payroll customers more loyal terms and interest rates, it is advisable to join the payroll project.
  • Be sure to study all state and municipal subsidy programs, as well as promotions offered at the bank for housing loans. This will enable you to get loans at a better interest rate.
  • You should ask if additional income that can be documented can be taken into account when applying.
  • You can take advantage of the fact that it is allowed to attract up to 3 borrowers on a loan. It is important that their income is convincing to the lender.
  • If you have another property, provide it as collateral.
  • And the most banal option is to find cheaper housing to buy.

Calculate a mortgage by salary in Sberbank

In order for the application to be accepted for consideration, it is worth deciding in advance what amount of income the bank will take into account when issuing funds. For preliminary calculations, you will need to select a specific loan program and calculate the amount of monthly payments with existing earnings. It is convenient to make calculations using an online calculator posted on the website of a banking institution. But these amounts are conditional. More accurate figures will be announced by the loan officer after taking into account all the information received about the client himself.

It is most logical for the applicant to decide on the amount of payments that will be comfortable for him. You can proceed from the cost of renting housing, which the family spends monthly. And the second option is a payment comparable to the amount of monthly savings that the family used to set aside from their family budget for a down payment.


Before applying for a home loan, a future borrower must realistically assess their own income in order to select the optimal conditions for lending. It is better to predict the situation in advance and take into account all the nuances: with a low salary, it is worth striving for the maximum loan term. After all, the received refusal can become an obstacle to further attempts to obtain a loan.

The size of income is one of the key criteria for bank loans when issuing housing loans, so potential borrowers often try to find out how to get a mortgage with a small official salary?

A small salary is not a sentence!

It is impossible to answer in monosyllables whether they will give a mortgage if the official salary is small. It will be important for the bank to assess the financial capabilities of a particular person and his actual willingness to fulfill his obligations.

Most often, the lower bar of earnings is fixed at around 25-30 thousand rubles. But if for Moscow and large cities such a salary can be called modest, then in the regions such earnings are considered quite decent, so a bank branch in a small city can further lower the standard minimum wage threshold.

It is important to understand that earnings are important, but not the only criterion. If a person with good income took out a loan, but at the same time regularly violated the rules, delayed making a monthly payment, accumulated debts, which ultimately worsened his credit history, then the bank may well refuse. And even with a decent salary, it will be difficult to convince the bankers to change their minds.

They are more willing to lend, even with modest incomes, to those who:

  • employed in a state organization;
  • receives a monthly pension;
  • has no dependents and is not burdened with maintenance obligations.

What should be the minimum income?

Even if a potential borrower meets all the criteria - age, citizenship, availability of collateral, etc., he will have to be refused if his total income is below the indicators that are fixed by law.

Will they give a mortgage with a small white salary? Quite if the bankers are convinced that:

  • the amount of the monthly contribution will not exceed 40% of the net total family income;
  • income for each family member is not lower than the subsistence level in a particular region.

Everyone can independently estimate their own chances of approval of the application, using a simple calculation scheme. To get a net family income, it is necessary to deduct monthly obligatory expenses (payment of utilities, payment for rented housing, payments on other loans, etc.) from the total income (salary, scholarships, benefits).

Important! 40% of net family income must not be less than the total subsistence level for the family.

How to increase the chances?

Figuring out how to get a mortgage with a small official salary, it is worth remembering about additional opportunities to prove your solvency to the bank.

Additional income

One of the opportunities that increase the chances of approval of the application is additional income. What is considered additional income and what official papers are needed to confirm it?

  • Earnings of a part-time job - a certificate of 2NDFL from the place of employment in combination.
  • Pension - certificate from the FIU.
  • Profit on securities - extract from the register of shareholders / brokerage certificate.
  • Interest on deposits - bank statement.
  • Money from the lease of property (housing, land, transport) - a lease agreement and receipts from tenants for the transfer of monthly payments.
  • Alimony, social benefits, maternity - certificates from the social services.

If a person works as a freelancer and receives unofficial income, then you can take it into account when applying for a loan if you file a declaration at the end of the year and pay 13% tax on the total amount.

On a note! When transferring money for services or goods to a plastic card, income can be confirmed by bank statements. An additional plus will be if the card is issued in the same bank where the loan is planned.

An initial fee

Most banks offer mortgage products with a down payment - from 10 to 50% of the amount of purchased housing. But if the borrower decides to contribute more, then he will significantly increase his chances, even if he does not receive too much official earnings. The larger the amount, the more loyal the bank will be to the other criteria.

There are at least four ways to raise the down payment:

  • give away savings (if any);
  • ask for small loans from relatives and friends;
  • use mother capital;
  • take out a consumer loan.

In 2018, the State Duma plans to consider reducing the initial mortgage payment. This will become possible after the transition to escrow accounts, which will become mandatory when financing construction in the summer. It is expected that the reduced amount of the down payment will make it easier to get a loan and make mortgage housing more affordable for people with medium and small earnings.

On a note! The Youth Parliament under the State Duma proposed to cancel the first payment for young spouses under the age of 35. True, the initiative was immediately rejected: citizens who do not invest their own money, but only borrow, usually approach financial obligations less responsibly.

Solvent co-borrower

The third way is to find a co-borrower with high earnings who will agree to vouch for the candidate. Often the presence of a co-borrower when taking a mortgage loan is a prerequisite, but their number and status can be adjusted:

  • from one to 3-5 co-borrowers;
  • spouse, close relative, status not defined.

Recall that the co-borrowers are fully responsible to the bank in accordance with the terms of the contract. The obligation to make payments and pay the debt automatically passes to them if the main borrower stops doing this. In this regard, it becomes clear that it will be extremely difficult to find a co-borrower from among friends or colleagues, and even with good earnings, but relatives may well help solve this problem.


Finally, another opportunity to take out a mortgage loan with a modest “white” income is to pledge liquid property: transport or real estate (an apartment, a summer house with a plot, a garage). The bank will carefully examine the collateral and approve it only if its value after the sale will pay off the risks.

On a note! There is very little chance of getting a loan secured by a car over 10 years old with high mileage or housing in an emergency fund.

Before offering collateral, its market value must be determined, and the borrower will have to bear the costs of appraisers. To avoid unnecessary expenses, lawyers recommend that you first check with the bank which assessment will be preferable - from the division of the bank itself, which specializes in assessment, or you can contact any company.

Concessional lending

In an effort to support the banking system, the construction industry and citizens, the state offers preferential lending opportunities. Thus, young families are compensated for the difference between the bank's interest rate and 6%, which allows them to pay only 6% on the loan.

Preferential conditions are offered within the framework of federal and regional programs, including through AHML (the rate may be reduced to 5.4%):

  • physicians and teachers;

On a note! It is impossible to demand high salaries from the most vulnerable categories of the population, therefore, loyal conditions for the amount of income are prescribed in banking products.

Which banks give loans at low incomes?

All major banks are ready to consider an application from a potential candidate who receives a small salary. Take a mortgage with a small official salary, for example, Sberbank offers an alternative form of the bank. This financial document:

  • is an alternative to the 2NDFL certificate;
  • confirms income;
  • allows you to enter data on additional earnings.

On a note! The document is internal and is not transferred to the tax authorities.

Features of a mortgage without proof of income

If the official earnings are small, but there are real financial opportunities to get a loan, then it is worth considering the option of obtaining a loan without proof of income.

Mortgage loan is provided according to 2 documents:

  • required - a passport with registration;
  • one of the documents of your choice - a foreign passport, a military man, SNILS, a driver's license, a pension.

On a note! The list does not include a certificate that reflects earnings, so its size does not matter.

The chances of getting a mortgage loan with a small salary under such a program are quite high, but you need to remember the disadvantages of these banking products:

  • a large amount of down payment - from 40% of the cost of housing and above;
  • a smaller maximum loan amount, that is, you will have to choose cheaper housing;
  • higher interest rate;
  • lower maximum age of the borrower at the time of the final payment of the debt.

On a note! At the time of preparation of the material, mortgage loans without reference to the amount of earnings were issued at Sberbank, VTB24, Gazprombank and Rosselkhozbank.

Having studied all the possibilities of how to get a mortgage with a small official salary, it is worth evaluating your own capabilities. If income allows, then you can take a consumer loan, if you have savings, then make a more substantial down payment, if you have good relatives, enlist their support.

Dreams of own housing are visited by every person who lives in a rented apartment or with relatives. The problem is especially acute when you do not know how to get a mortgage if the official salary is low..

Unfortunately, in the Russian Federation, employers often try to pay employees wages in an envelope; on paper, the salary is equal to the subsistence minimum. With low official wages, it seems impossible for many to get a mortgage, but there are several options for obtaining a mortgage loan in such a situation.

Option 1 - attracting co-borrowers

Take mortgage uniting with relatives is easier. Banks are more loyal to married couples than single borrowers. Although, a mortgage can be taken together with parents, brothers and sisters. Then the total income of responsible persons is taken. For example, you receive official earnings of 25,000 rubles and confirm it. Your father or husband / wife receives 35,000 rubles according to the documents, the total salary level is taken as 25 tr. + 35 tr. = 60 tr., if there are no other burdensome payments on the borrowers. They include loans, alimony, housing expenses and other expenses.

The minimum monthly payment is usually 40% of salary. The mortgage payment in this case will be about 24,000 rubles. We hope that in addition to a small salary, you have an additional source of income to make payments on time ...

The maximum available mortgage size is easy to calculate. Multiply the monthly payment by the number of months of the loan and divide by 1 + the interest rate divided by 100 and again divide by the number of months of the loan divided by 12.

How it looks in our example: 24000*240/(1+11.00/100*240/12)=1800000 rubles. The total amount does not include the initial payment. The following values ​​were used in the calculation: 24000 - total income, 11.00% - annual interest rate, 240 - number of months of the loan.

Option 2 - big down payment

Even with a small salary, you can get a mortgage if you do big first installment, more than 60% of the property value. Banks are going to meet customers who immediately pay off a significant part of the mortgage. After all, the apartment remains fully pledged to the bank and the smaller the remaining amount of the debt, the less the lender risks.

This method is suitable for those who do not have a high income, but can sell a car or a previous apartment and make a large down payment. Do not rush to sell the property, first send an application to the bank and wait for the decision of the loan commission, indicate the estimated down payment equal to the value of what you can sell.

Option 3 - mortgage under two documents

Rosselkhozbank and several other large financial institutions of the Russian Federation offer a program called "Mortgage on two documents". It is suitable for people who want to get a mortgage despite the low wages and lack of collateral. To apply for a mortgage at the Russian Agricultural Bank, they are asked to provide only a passport and any second identity document of the client's choice: a driver's license, passport, spouse's passport, etc.

If you have a good credit history, you have used the services of the bank before, the chances of obtaining a mortgage are high. Need to do down payment of at least 50% from the value of real estate and the interest on such a mortgage will naturally be higher than under a conventional mortgage lending program. Usually, the rate is increased by 1.00%. The real estate acquired at the expense of the bank's credit funds acts as a pledge.

Option 4 - additional sources of income

When obtaining a mortgage, it is necessary to confirm the income with a copy of the work book, a 2-NDFL certificate or a completed certificate in the form of a bank, which can be prepared in the accounting department. Many people forget that with a small salary, a mortgage becomes available, if available. additional income:

  • Dividends from contributions or shares;
  • Entrepreneurial activity;
  • Renting out real estate or vehicles;
  • Money from freelancing, in case of filing a declaration at the end of the year;
  • Pension for old age, for the loss of a breadwinner, for disability and any other;
  • Scholarship confirmed in the accounting department of the educational institution;
  • Maternity payments, alimony, social benefits, etc.

You can provide information about several additional sources of income even with a small salary to obtain a mortgage. For example, if in your free time you earn freelance or rent your personal car to a taxi service. The bank cannot but take into account the income confirmed by the relevant certificate, for example, an extract from the tax return.

Option 5 - provision of collateral

The acquired property will be encumbered until the final payment of the loan and the bank will not lose money. The additional collateral may encourage the credit department to make a positive decision. It can be an apartment, a land plot or a house, securities or jewelry, a car or a commercial premises. Whether the bank agrees to accept collateral in order to issue a mortgage loan to a person with a small salary or not depends on the internal policy of the bank. If you also make a good down payment and have a good credit history, the chances are high.

Which of the options to use to get a mortgage is up to you. We recommend attracting co-borrowers and leaving savings to make a large down payment, this helps to get a mortgage with a low official salary. Below we offer a video with advice from a professional in the real estate market.

It has long been the practice that obtaining a mortgage requires a large salary or another source of stable cash flow. Today, often a person working for a private entrepreneur cannot confirm the level of income in whole or in part. From the point of view of the bank, such a client is undesirable, because the risk that he will be left without income and will not be able to repay the mortgage payment on time is high. The bank prefers that the client submit a certificate of income from employment through the accounting department. There are answers to the question of how to get a mortgage if the official salary is small. We will talk about this in this article.

What should be the salary to get a mortgage

Most banks have no minimum wage limits for obtaining a mortgage. The limit concerns the amount that the client can receive. A large salary allows you to get a big loan.

Let's figure out how much the salary should be in order to get a mortgage. As a rule, the calculation of the amount of a mortgage loan is done so that the monthly payment is no more than a quarter of the borrower's monthly income. It is assumed that the salary or other income of the borrower should be enough to pay for housing, purchase food and other goods of the first priority. The rest will be used for mortgage payments. If it is too small, the mortgage may be denied.

What salary is needed for a mortgage in Sberbank

According to the laws of our country, the monthly mortgage payment cannot exceed 40% of the borrower's monthly income. The size of the average payment in mortgage loans of Sberbank is 17-20 thousand rubles. Therefore, to get a loan, you need to have a salary of at least 35 - 40 thousand rubles a month.

However, there are several points in this calculation scheme:

  • The amount of monthly income includes the income of co-borrowers on this loan. For example, when granting a mortgage to a married couple, the income of both husband and wife will be taken into account. This allows you to hope for approval of the loan to spouses with low income.
  • Obligatory monthly payments are deducted from the recorded income. Sberbank may refuse a loan to a client with a high income, but having payments, for example, alimony, or payments for loans (car loan, consumer loan, and others).

As you can see, the question of what salary should be in order to get a mortgage is not so simple. To get an accurate answer on whether they will give a housing loan or not, you can contact the bank's representative office. And if you do not want to bother with collecting certificates, use loan calculators. These programs are located on bank pages on the Internet.

To use this program, you need to enter the amount of income in the fields of a special questionnaire. The calculator will show you the loan amount you can apply for. Of course, you need to remember that this figure will be approximate and can be used to evaluate offers from different banks. The exact calculation of the amount of a home loan can be found out only at the bank office after providing the relevant documents.

Mortgage with a salary of 20,000 rubles

Even with a small salary, you can get a mortgage loan. Let's talk about several ways:

    1. If one spouse takes a mortgage, and the other becomes a guarantor, then the bank considers the earnings of both spouses.
    2. Any relative who has more income than the borrower can become a guarantor. We must not forget about the huge responsibility that will fall on the guarantor.
  1. For young families who do not have money to make the first payment, there are state and municipal programs for providing mortgage loans to young families. This method has a noticeable drawback: you need to provide a significantly larger package of documents.
  2. There is a large set of state, regional and city mortgage programs. They are designed specifically for the poor segments of the population: teachers, doctors, military, state employees. For more information about existing programs, contact the city administration or the municipal web page. The list of documents can be found in the city administration.
  3. A mortgage with a salary of 15,000 rubles is possible. To make the first installment, you can get a consumer loan from the bank. Loans are usually granted without asking for income statements. It is worth trying to arrange loans in such a way that the bank that gave the mortgage loan does not find out about consumer credit. If a consumer loan becomes known, the bank can deduct the amount of payments from income, and of course, reduce the amount that you will be given to buy a home.
  4. If the family has elderly relatives, then a loan can be issued under a pension scheme. Then parts of the payments are divided by the bank between family members, and the financial burden on the borrower will decrease.
  5. The way out can be the execution at work of an order to pay the mortgage on account of the employee's salary. You will receive the amount left after the mortgage is paid off.

Not paying salaries: what to do with a mortgage

Unfortunately, one of the common problems in paying off mortgage payments is non-payment of salaries or payments not on time. Since the salary delay is a violation of the employment contract and labor legislation, it is obvious that the client is not at fault for late payments on the loan. In order not to suffer financial damage from bank fines, you need to take a number of actions in time:

  • Obtain a certificate of late salary from the accounting department at the place of employment.
  • Apply to a bank representative office. In the application, indicate that the reason for the delay in payment of contributions is the non-payment of wages, attach a certificate from the accounting department to the application. After receiving the application, the bank will decide to defer payment. This happens quite rarely. The bank will make such a decision if you have previously regularly made payments without delay.
  • If the bank does not compromise and turns to collectors, you should contact a lawyer specializing in loans or an anti-collector agency. This is often a justified step, because the transfer of the case to collectors is an illegal step of the bank.

As a rule, the bank makes a compromise and offers customers ways to defer or restructure debt.

Going to court is the last measure that banks are rather reluctant to take. The fact is that in the judicial practice of the country in such cases, most decisions are made in favor of clients. The bank incurs losses due to the fact that while the lawsuit is ongoing, operations with an apartment taken on an unpaid mortgage are impossible. It is much more profitable for the bank to find a compromise solution with a client who is in a difficult situation, and still get their money. But it is important to remember that the return of a loan is a debt, first of all, of a bank client.

An important point: if you have guarantors, the bank will not make concessions. The unpaid payment will be recovered from the guarantor in full, provided that this is possible in principle (for example, if the guarantor does not work at your company and receives a salary on time).

And of course, you need to sue an unscrupulous employer! According to Russian laws, the employer must pay off wage arrears, pay a penalty, and also compensate for the losses that you have suffered from bank penalties. Do not be lazy to go to court, the law is on your side.

Black salary: how to get a mortgage

In modern realities, many Russians work unofficially and receive a salary without official registration. Naturally, it will not be possible to obtain a 2-NDFL certificate to confirm income. But that doesn't mean you can't get a mortgage! Many banks are accommodating such clients and offer mortgage loans under schemes that do not require proof of income, or request proof of income using their own forms.
Of course, such schemes are risky for the bank, and less beneficial for the client:

  • Mortgage interest rates will be higher than standard. The increase is one to one and a half percent. High interest is the price of risk.
  • A number of banks, without raising the interest rate, increase the first installment of the client. The contribution can be up to half the cost of housing. For an apartment worth two million, eight hundred to nine hundred thousand will have to be paid.
  • The repayment terms of such mortgage loans will be compressed. The terms will be reduced by three to five years.

Thus, it is possible to get a mortgage loan even with a low salary or salary “in an envelope”, however, in this case, the borrower will have to rely only on his own strength. A home loan can be a burden on a family for many years, and overdue debt can lead to the loss of a home.