Credit in Sovcombank worsened financial situation. How to legally not pay a loan to Sovcombank? Main reasons for debt restructuring

Loan restructuring- actions of the lender to change the terms of repayment of the loan. Why is a loan restructuring necessary? By and large, this is a way out when, for one reason or another (loss of a job, decrease in income, temporary disability, expensive treatment, etc.), you can no longer pay the debt and interest on it and want to solve the problem with the bank amicably. Also, such a step makes it possible not only to unload family budget but also keep positive credit history .

If you need to restructure a loan, contact the bank with a request to take a set of measures aimed at reducing your debt burden. When applying to a bank for restructuring, it is important to remember that the need for it will need to be confirmed, so along with the application, prepare a package of documents confirming financial difficulties. However, all these problems should be temporary. The lender must be sure that you do not waive your obligations and will be able to pay the debt in full in the future.

Main types of loan restructuring

  • Extending the loan repayment period. With a decrease in the income of the borrower, banks, as a rule, increase the term of the loan agreement, while the monthly payments on the loan naturally decrease.
  • Providing grace period. To a conscientious borrower experiencing temporary financial difficulties, the bank may offer a deferral of repayment of the principal debt with monthly payment only accrued interest on the loan.
  • Loan refinancing (refinancing) - obtaining a new loan from a bank on more favorable terms for full or partial repayment the previous one. Usually, a new contract is concluded on more loyal terms: lower interest rates, longer loan terms, lower monthly payments. If the bank does not want to refinance your loan, then you can contact other banks for this purpose, since there are enough offers now.
  • Changing the order of debt repayment. The borrower may be provided special mode servicing the loan, within the framework of which, first, the amount of the overdue principal debt is paid, after that - the amount of overdue commissions and interest, and then - the amount of accrued penalties and fines. Such an order of repayment of the loan allows the client to gradually pay off the loan, and not to accumulate overdue debt on the main debt.
  • Translation loans from foreign currency into rubles. The growth of the US dollar or Euro by foreign exchange market can lead to a serious increase in the debt burden on the borrower. In this case, the change of a foreign currency loan to a ruble one, even under more high percent greatly facilitates the repayment of the loan.

One of the most indisputable advantages of loan restructuring is that all the conditions of a given financial service are selected exclusively individually for each borrower-debtor. Of course, in this case, the bank will pay close attention to the assessment financial position the borrower, and assess not only the current situation, but also the various possibilities for restoring the financial situation in the near foreseeable future. Also, loan restructuring allows you to keep a good credit history.

But on the other hand. Remember that in any case you will have to pay all the money. Not now, then later. Therefore, if the bank went to meet you, only one thing follows from this: it is profitable for him. It will be beneficial for you only if you have clearly defined how you will pay the debt, not hoping for chance and striving to improve your material well-being.

— Reducing the amount of monthly installments by increasing the term of the loan. — Establishment of an individual payment schedule for the borrower to simplify payments. This can be either a postponement of the payment date or a reduction in contributions in certain months. How is a loan restructuring carried out at Sberbank? - First of all, this is a delay on the loan for more than 30 days.

  1. click on the “Fill out the application” button below.
For all presented products, the form of the online questionnaire is the same.


Online questionnaires are accepted for consideration by Sovcombank if the applicant is 35 years old or older. Otherwise, the client should contact the nearest branch.

In such situations, banks offer loyal payment transfer programs, coordinating the procedure with the borrower.

From the moment the new rules are agreed, the citizen undertakes to transfer funds according to the newly approved schedule.

Sample application for loan restructuring

__ kop., in connection with which, I cannot make payments under the loan agreement in the same volume.

Thus, at present I am in a difficult financial situation, the onset of which is not connected with my guilty actions. In accordance with clause 4.3.4. of the Agreement, the Borrower is obliged to notify the Bank in writing within 3 (three) business days of the occurrence, including circumstances that may affect the fulfillment by the Borrower of obligations under this Agreement.

Loan restructuring

Please help me in this situation.

Our family is having a hard time right now. I was often on sick leave with a child.

We are currently continuing the course of treatment and taking tests.

We are trying to keep her healthy. I really hope that the bank will make the right decision and help our family in a difficult life situation.

Sincerely, Maltseva S.V.

Good afternoon

Svetlana, of course, you are in a rather difficult situation.

When it is not possible to maintain the loan payment schedule, loan restructuring to an individual remains practically the only civilized option for resolving the situation. Each client can repeatedly apply for the service again. In addition, having a large number of acquaintances and connections, the borrower involuntarily becomes the representative of his creditor. That is why banks are always trying to compromise by offering more comfortable debt service conditions in case of confirmed financial difficulties of the borrower.

Restructuring a loan to an individual

The procedure for granting and conditions for restructuring are always formed by the bank. Naturally, concessions are shown only when the debtor sincerely expects to reach a compromise and does not hide from the fulfillment of obligations. Based on an individual approach loan officer can offer one of the forms of restructuring. Also used in practice banking and their combination.

Main forms of debt restructuring

  • adjustment of the debt servicing procedure;
  • approval of a new payment schedule;
  • provision of credit "holidays";
  • writing off accrued penalties;
  • recalculation of the loan into the currency of another country;
  • interest rate reduction;
  • consolidation of loans in one bank with the signing of a new agreement.

Significant points for the borrower

  1. Time is playing against you. At the first signs or expectations of financial difficulties, it is worth notifying the representatives of the servicing bank in advance of the need for a possible restructuring;
  2. The basis for reviewing the current conditions is a written application by the borrower. In other words, you should definitely contact the lender personally. Different structures have specific requirements: the duration of the delay, the amount of debt, the amount of the down payment, etc.
  3. The term for approval of the submitted application is also different and can be up to several months. The Bank has the right to refuse restructuring without explanation.

Important! The fact that there is an open loan without problem debt in another bank will immediately become the basis for refusing to restructure.

Mortgage restructuring

Judicial practice on restructuring a loan to an individual will deprive the bank of profit. However, the lender has the right to seize the subject of collateral, which is the acquired property. It is worth noting the significant duration of clarification of the circumstances of the case and other judicial procedures.

After the approval of the restructuring plan, the borrower remains with the property. The bank has the right to take the property only after six months after a new fact of non-payments. In general, the Law “On the Restructuring of a Loan to an Individual” makes the bank's consent to the provision of preferential terms for long-term loans mandatory.

Restructuring in Rosselkhozbank

One of the leading banks in the country helps to reduce the credit burden through refinancing. Restructuring is carried out by own clients and borrowers of other banks. Particularly favorable conditions are provided to holders salary cards, which will cut the rate by as much as 3%. Applications of visitors are considered as quickly as possible: 3 working days. The amount of refinancing remains high, reaching 1 million rubles. The terms of servicing the new debt will be up to 60 months.

Restructuring in Sovcombank

Clients with a positive credit history, as well as holders of internal products of the organization, can count on financial support. To approve the refinancing program, it is necessary to provide the manager with personal documents, income statements, justification of the reasons that significantly affect individual creditworthiness.

Restructuring in Rosbank

Actively implementing loan refinancing programs, Rosbank is considering applications for a maximum of 1.5 million rubles. The minimum limit of a consumer loan is 20 thousand rubles.

In the process of making a decision, the manager will take into account the social status of the applicant, the amount of debt and the procedure for servicing it in the past. High odds persons with a "clean" credit history who simultaneously receive a salary on a bank card can receive funds under attractive financing programs.

Restructuring in Gazprombank

For applied clients, there is an opportunity to raise funds for refinancing at a rate of 13%. At the same time, you can apply for the purpose of converting currency loan in rubles at the current rate of the regulator.

Restructuring in Tinkoff Bank

In this structure, existing programs will help to cope with debts. Under the terms of the refinancing plan, the borrower is allocated a new loan with a uniform repayment period. Subsequent write-offs credit card not allowed. The second scenario involves minimizing monthly payments until the borrower's situation stabilizes.

Video: life without loans - debt restructuring

Restructuring a loan to an individual is nothing more than changing the terms of an existing loan agreement in the direction of easing or transferring the debt burden for an indefinite period of time in order to avoid a complete default of the borrower.

In simple words, the restructuring of a loan to an individual is carried out by the lender (bank), so that he does not completely go bankrupt, but continues to at least to some extent fulfill his obligations. Otherwise, the bank risks not seeing its money at all.

In fact, not all citizens understand what it means to restructure a loan to an individual, so we will try to convey information about this phenomenon that is hidden from prying eyes.

ATTENTION! Restructuring a loan is a bank “divorce”. In theory, this bike sounds beautiful (you can sort of solve your debt problems), but in practice there is no restructuring (especially in Russia), and if it does, then its conditions in the future only worsen the situation of the borrower, although for a while he may feel relief.

You need to understand that restructuring, although it should have a positive impact on both sides of the loan agreement, but in modern Russian conditions, everything happens the other way around.

If a large creditor or a very large one, such as a business with credit line, is experiencing problems with debt repayment, then the domestic bank will still negotiate with it and make concessions to it so that this enterprise does not sink the bank itself.

But all the other borrowers to the bank "on a drum" - repay the loan and that's it, otherwise we'll sue. But if the borrower has no property and nothing to take from him, then the court will not help the bank in any way, as they say, it is his own fault - you have to look at who you are lending.

For the borrower himself, the restructuring of a loan to an individual is just a mythical respite. You can count for as long as you like how much easier it will be for you now, but in fact, with any approach to restructuring, it turns out that in the distant future you will still lose money and significantly, this is at best. Usually, the restructuring of a loan to an individual leads to a constant increase in the debt burden and, as a result, to bankruptcy.

PRACTICE! In practice, the restructuring of a loan in Sberbank or or in, in the most big banks country, is carried out even easier - it simply is not there, this is a marketing lure. Instead, you will be offered refinancing, or simply take another loan to cover the previous one. As you can imagine, it's even worse than anything else.

Ways of restructuring

In practice, banks are always divided into "bad" and "good" (in terms of relations with their customers).

Good banks meet the borrower halfway and try to apply all methods of restructuring his debt, while the bad ones do only one thing - by all sorts of threats they force the client to sign a more enslaving loan agreement, which may include a completely different amount of debt, which already includes all fines and penalties accumulated during the delay.

Why is this being done?

Everything is simple. If the matter goes to court, the court in most cases enters into the difficult situation of the borrower and writes off all fines and penalties, and the bank remains at a loss. To prevent this from happening, the bank is trying to force the debtor to take on a larger amount of the loan body in order to make a profit anyway.

White methods of restructuring a loan to an individual:

  • "loan holiday"
  • writing off penalties and fines
  • change in payment schedule
  • change in the payment scheme
  • converting the loan amount into another currency
  • change in interest rate
  • signing a new loan agreement

All these methods are actively used in practice, but not always and not for everyone. If the bank has applied something from this list, then for a while you can get a feeling of freedom and lightness, but not for long - then you will have to pay even more.

FOR REFERENCE! The feeling of financial freedom from an honest loan restructuring can only arise for a while credit holidays, then your debt will stretch over time and it is not known what will happen to the interest rate. In the case of another restructuring of a loan to an individual, or what banks now understand by it, a feeling of freedom may not arise at all, even for a while.

Banks always do, only what is beneficial to them, they, to put it mildly, do not care about borrowers.

Clients, in turn, get the opportunity to transfer several different loans to one bank and combine them for the convenience of repayment, as well as take additional amount or change the payment schedule, including by reducing their size. It is far from always a person who already has several outstanding loans, the bank will issue new loan. But in the case of refinancing, the bank receives a guarantee that the client will repay all other loans and will pay back one - taken from him.

Does Sovcombank provide refinancing? Read about it in our article.

Conditions for refinancing a loan at Sovcombank

Sovcombank does not refinance loans from other banks. More precisely, he does not issue loans for the purpose of repayment - but each client can choose one of the many loan products with which he can repay his debt to another financial institution.

The following conditions are offered:

    The refinancing rate is from 12%.

    The length of service at the last place of work must be at least 4 months (does not apply to pensioners),

    The age of the borrower can range from 20 to 85 years.

    The client must be officially employed at the time of application.

    The borrower must have a permanent residence permit in one of the subjects of the Russian Federation and Russian citizenship.

    The amount is 100,000 rubles. Issued for a period of 12 months.

    The main requirement is that the applicant's salary should be enough to cover also new loan, since the bank does not have a guarantee that the client will repay the rest.

You will need to provide the following documents:

    RF passport,

    One of the documents to choose from: certificate of a serviceman or pensioner, strass medical policy, TIN, military ID, driver's license, SNILS, foreign passport.

For other loan products, you can get a large amount at 14.9%.

Refinancing of your clients

If you already have previously open credit in Sovcombank, then you can request a change in its conditions. This can be done, say, as part of a restructuring service.

But is it possible to refinance, that is, take a new loan on more favorable terms to cover the old one? The bank does not refuse such a service. But only those borrowers who managed to form a positive credit history have established themselves as responsible payers who have not previously allowed delays in payments.

In addition, the bank will look at the client's income level and whether he agrees to take out an insurance policy - in the latter case, a loan will be issued with a greater degree of probability.

The bank also has a program "Guarantee of the best conditions". According to this program, if the client of the bank who applied for a loan here receives an offer from another bank in the next 90 days to take money for the same period, in the same amount and with a similar list of connected services, but at the same time the percentage will be lower, then Sovcombank will accept back the entire loan amount from the client, without calculating the amount of interest for the period that has elapsed from the moment it was issued.

The bank offers the most favorable conditions when transferring pensions or salaries to it.

On-lending to clients of other banks

Issuance of loans to individuals is one of the priorities of Sovcombank. It offers favorable terms, therefore, even though Sovcombank has not yet included refinancing of loans from other banks in the list of its services, many find what they are looking for - money on severance terms that can be used to refinance other loans that are less favorable under conditions.

So, if a client needs an amount of up to 1 million rubles, he can use the Superplus loan by issuing it at a rate of 14.9%. It can be used by employees and individual employees.

If you are a young family professional, then you will also be given a loan at 14.9%. Conditions - to provide a diploma of higher or secondary special education and a marriage certificate.

There are similar advantageous offers for pensioners (under the age of 85 at the time of the full expiration of the contract according to its terms), as well as all those who want to purchase a loan secured by real estate or a car.

Refinancing products

What loans can be refinanced with money received from Sovcombank? Refinancing from Sovcombank is carried out in relation to:

    credit card debt,

    consumer debt,

    Credit for the purchase of goods

    Mortgage or car loan.

Money for real estate, cars or goods is a targeted loan. In the first two cases, the collateral for it is the apartment or car that was bought. With on-lending, they are pledged to a new bank. That is, if the bank issues official credit to refinance a mortgage, then the object of mortgage, which acted as collateral, passes to him in the same status immediately after the client repays his debt to a third-party bank and removes the encumbrance from him.

But in the case of Sovcombank, everything is much simpler - it refinances the client's debt by issuing a loan from scratch. That is, it simply gives out money for any purpose. If at the same time it is required to provide a deposit, then the client provides it. If not, then he simply repays his old loan at the expense of the newly received money, for whatever purpose it was issued.


To refinance a loan at Sovcombank without interference, prepare everything Required documents including credit documentation.

Refinancing of consumer loans is carried out on the most favorable terms - after all, today you can take a loan from Sovcombank at 12% - 15%, while for several years people took money from other banks for various needs at 18%, 20% and more.


Mortgage refinancing at Sovcombank is not provided for by official programs. On, as in the case of other loans, no one bothers the borrower to take the money and use it to pay off the balance of the mortgage debt.

This option has its advantages:

    After paying off the balance of the debt, you will become the full owner of the previously acquired real estate (it will not be transferred to Sovcombank as collateral),

    No need to carry additional expenses for real estate appraisal third party, payment for the services of a notary and realtors constituting a mortgage agreement, etc.

That is, problems mortgage loan, which must be concluded at Sovcombank for refinancing, you will not be affected.

As for the minuses, they will relate to savings: it is unlikely that on-lending at the expense of consumer credit will be more profitable in terms of interest than a previously issued mortgage loan. Yes and maximum size the amount that Sovcombank offers for any purpose may not be enough for on-lending.

Bank debt restructuring

A person faces the problem of revising the terms of a loan when he has nothing to pay for the loan. Anyone can get into such a situation, and banks understand this.

If you have applied for a loan holiday or other relief options to Sovcombank, loan restructuring as one of the options for solving the problem of possible or already occurred delays will be considered by him individually in your particular case. There are no universal ways, and the provision of such a service is not mandatory for the bank - it decides to provide it or not.

In order to restructure a loan to an individual, the bank must receive from the borrower an application and documents confirming that at the moment he cannot fully fulfill his financial obligations (fired from work, seriously ill, on unpaid leave, etc.). ).

The bank can restructure the debt in one of the following ways:

    The conclusion of a new contract with a longer period of validity, which will help reduce the amount of monthly payments;

    Writing off accrued penalties and fines;

    Credit holidays (deferred payments in whole or in part for a certain period);

    Loan refinancing under new conditions.


Although banks claim that restructuring is their good will and not their obligation, if the client has good reasons for requesting it, the bank should meet him halfway. If you receive a refusal, demand that it be given in writing and go to court with it. If there are documents confirming your temporary insolvency, the court will oblige Sovcombank to resolve this issue by reviewing the loan agreement in favor of the payer.

For pensioners

Sovcombank is one of the most loyal for people of retirement age. Few banks give loans to people over the age of 80, as he does.

For pensioners, there are other preferential terms: for example, the Pension Plus product, which is issued at 14.9% per annum.

If the client transfers his pension to Sovcombank, then his interest rate loan will be reduced by 5%.

It is clear that under such conditions, a pensioner can profitably refinance one or more of his loans in third-party financial institutions.

Payment deferment

Can I get a loan deferral? - many clients of Sovcombank who find themselves in difficult financial conditions are interested.

Deferred payment on a loan or a loan holiday service is one of the most common restructuring options.

It assumes that within a certain time the client gets the opportunity to repay only the interest on the loan, while the principal debt remains unchanged. Or within 1-3 months, payments are not required to be made at all (accordingly, the loan agreement will be extended for the specified period).

The service usually becomes impossible for those customers who have already made one or more delays and fines have begun to accrue on them. In this case, you should immediately apply for another restructuring option. Sometimes the bank offers to refinance the loan, taking into account the amount of accrued penalties. But you can get a court decision to reduce the penalty and even write it off completely if you have documents confirming good reasons for missing payments. This option is more financially beneficial than refinancing a loan, taking into account penalties, which can be a significant part of it if the payer has not repaid the loan for a long time.

On-lending of microloans

MFIs are not considered by banks as full-fledged credit and financial ones. However, they are not. And, according to the terms of refinancing, only loans from third-party banks can be refinanced.

To refinance microloans at Sovcombank, you just need to apply for a loan here and use the funds received to repay a loan to an MFI. Usually, this is very profitable, because in any bank the percentage is lower than in MFIs.

How to apply for refinancing in Sovcombank

The simplest option is online application which can be submitted on the bank's website. Be prepared to include the following information:

    Desired amount

  • Personal and passport data,

    Contacts (phone and e-mail).

After considering an application for contact number You receive a call or message from a loan officer with information about pre-approval or denial of a loan. In the first case, you will need to come to the bank branch with a package of documents and fill out another application. Usually it is considered in the presence of the client within 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to grab documents related to refinanced loans. Although the bank officially gives you a loan for any purpose, it will still be better if you indicate the specific purpose of the loan and document it.

Important factors in obtaining a loan will also be consent to insurance (only in this case, the interest rate will be the lowest possible) and a certificate of income (pension amount), indicating that the borrower can repay both old loans and new ones without financial difficulties.

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