How to change a negative credit history. How to correct your credit history How to improve your credit history at the credit bureaus

Greetings! In Russia, a new type of business called “removing or correcting credit history” has recently flourished. The service is available in any major Russian city: St. Petersburg, Perm, Rostov, Yaroslavl and others.

For a small fee, resourceful entrepreneurs promise to remove information about overdue loans from bank and bank databases. Or completely “erase” your credit history from the servers.

Today we will talk about how to correct your credit history and how legal it is to offer to remove it for money.

Temporary "freeze"

For 15-20 thousand rubles, a claim is submitted on behalf of the borrower that the credit history contains false information. While the BKI is conducting an inspection, the borrower can submit documents to the bank for a loan.

The fact is that during the period of investigations and checks, the BKI temporarily removes the “problematic” credit history from the databases. Supposedly it extracts... I have not found evidence anywhere that this method “works”. By the way, Moscow offers such a scheme more often than other cities.

Database hacking

Legend: at the request of the customer, hackers (or those who pose as them) hack the BKI server and delete “extra” information from there. Theoretically, this is quite possible: “computer” geniuses hack both government websites and personal correspondence of presidents.

In practice, such a “service” should cost not 500 or even 5,000 rubles. In addition, any information today is duplicated on several media. So, if desired, it can be restored from an archive or from another medium.

Oh, and a bunch of special programs that hack any database are sold on the Internet for 100 rubles. Well, I won’t even comment here.

Bribery of a BKI employee

A very realistic option, given the level of corruption in Russia. Again, what stops a greedy BKI employee from taking the money and doing nothing? A similar situation recently occurred in Irkutsk.

And not all Bureau employees have access to the databases and the ability to delete and correct something there. Besides, you can only take such serious risks for very good money.

Again, all information in the databases is guaranteed to be duplicated more than once. So, in my opinion, the game is clearly not worth the candle.

Fraud squared

This is absolutely aerobatics! Not only that, operations to correct or delete a credit history automatically fall under a criminal offense. But some comrades even manage to “deceive by fraud.”

There are a lot of online services on the Internet for destroying your credit history. The intermediary allegedly removes the “compromising evidence” and sends the borrower a clean BKI report. By the way, such a service costs around 10,000 rubles (I saw prices on the Chelyabinsk city forum).

It is clear that no one actually deletes anything. And you won’t be able to file a police report against the scammers.

You can insure yourself in such a situation only by requesting your credit history from the BKI: independently or through official intermediaries. And this must be done before transferring money to the card. And it’s better not to contact such companies at all... After all, 99% of desperate debtors simply become victims of scammers.

How to legally improve your credit history?

Dozens of companies on the Internet undertake to improve and correct your credit history using legal methods (for example, ProgressCard service).

What's the point?

At the first stage, service employees analyze the current state of the credit history and identify errors and weaknesses. The borrower is given detailed recommendations on how to get out of the situation.

At the second stage, the borrower receives a new loan (100% approval), which must be repaid on time. ProgressCard employees monitor the implementation of recommendations and changes in the credit rating. Information about the receipt and repayment of the “control” loan is transmitted to the largest financial institutions in the country.

A positive credit history is formed within 1-6 months. The credit rating increases - and the borrower again has access to bank loans from any bank.

In essence, “ProgressCard” is a regular card, but with the “correction of credit history” option.

Other legal options for CI whitening

Eliminate errors caused by the bank

If your credit history is damaged as a result of a simple mistake, send a written application to the BKI with a copy of all supporting documents. Such requests are usually considered no longer than 30 days.

If there is an error in the documents, BKI will make changes and send the corrected credit history to all banks that have requested it over the past six months.

Explain to the lender the reasons for the delay in the old bank

This option is suitable if you still closed the old loan, but your credit history remains damaged. If last time you were late for a good reason, explain this to the new creditor.

A certificate of serious illness or an entry in the work record book about dismissal will do. It is better to strengthen the package of documents with “positive” documents: recommendations from the place of work, documents on ownership of property (apartment, garage, car).

The bank is very fond of such “indirect evidence” of the borrower’s solvency. Even if an unsecured loan is issued.

Wait a couple of years

Theoretically, credit histories are stored in BKI for 15 years. But at the request of the bank, information for the last 2-3 years is usually sent. Be patient without loans for a couple of years. And it is likely that you will receive a new loan on normal terms.

Take an “expensive” loan and pay it off

Cover past arrears with a new loan. There are a lot of loan products on the market that are issued without proof of income and... True, the rates there will be much higher than on standard loans.

A win-win option is loans from microfinance organizations. They issue loans to almost everyone.

Change your passport and last name

BKI employees are not supermen. And it is likely that using the new passport number the bank will be given a perfectly clean credit history (this recently happened in Barnaul). And it happens that BKI promptly monitors and corrects even a banal change of surname after marriage.

Make friends with the bank

If some bank has good lending conditions, but they won’t give you money because of a bad credit history, you can try to “come from behind.”

Open a deposit, debit or credit card at the bank. In 2017, you will automatically fall into the “regular customer” category. And you can try to get a loan even with a damaged CI. Unless, of course, you are on a credit card during this time.

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When a financial institution decides to issue a loan, it analyzes the package of documents provided by the potential borrower. But recently, situations have increasingly arisen when the borrower’s income and financial situation meet all the bank’s requirements, but the client still receives a refusal on the application. An employee of a credit institution motivates this decision by the borrower’s bad credit history. In this case, the client has quite logical questions: when does it reset and whether it can be corrected.

Due to the low level of financial literacy, citizens often do not know how many years a bad credit history lasts and what are the ways to improve it. It is worth noting right away that it is much easier to spoil it than to restore it. Therefore, it is worth initially doing everything to maintain your reputation with banking organizations.

What is a credit history?

This is information about loans previously received by the borrower, as well as about the fulfillment of debt obligations assumed. Many borrowers who have problems getting their application approved by the bank are interested in how long a bad credit history lasts. This information is stored in the BKI for ten years. The activities of the bureau are under the control of the Central Bank.

Regarding the question of what caused a bad credit history and when it will be reset, it should be noted that no one can delete it ahead of time. It can only be improved in order to increase the chances of receiving new loans in the future.

How to find out your history?

If the borrower meets all the criteria of the banks, but still receives constant refusals, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with your history. You can do this as follows:

  1. On the official website of the Bank of Russia. You must first find out your history code (you can get it from a credit institution), and in the “Credit History Catalog” section, enter your code and read the information.
  2. By contacting the bureau directly. To do this, the borrower needs to send a request through the Central History Catalog. After receiving information about which specific bureau this information is located, you need to contact them directly.
  3. Through various online resources that cooperate with the Bureau. But this method is not reliable. Sometimes those who are interested in the question of why a bad credit history arose and when it will be reset are ready to pay to receive information and make positive changes to it. This is what scammers take advantage of. While collecting money from users, they no longer contact them, and information about their credit history remains negative.

Do I need to pay for information?

The law establishes that it is possible to obtain information free of charge once a year. In this way, you can find out why a bad credit history arose and when it will be reset, assuming that the data is stored for ten years.

If you need to receive such information more often, then such a service becomes paid. It is best to contact the official partners of BKI, rather than try to obtain information through dubious services on the Internet.

Bad credit history: reasons for its occurrence

Among the main reasons are:

1. Overdue payments on previously received loans. Delays occur when the loan payment is not paid on time. Financial institutions take the issue of timely loan repayments very seriously. Sometimes a delay of even one day can significantly damage the client’s reputation.

As practice shows, a delay of up to 5 days is considered a non-serious violation. Of course, it is necessarily reflected in the borrower’s credit history. But such a violation, as a rule, does not have a serious impact on the subsequent issuance of loans. Repeated late payments ranging from 5 to 35 days can really have an extremely negative impact on the history. You should also carefully monitor the amount you deposit. Sometimes, when repaying a loan, clients do not take into account the remaining pennies. But the bank can fully consider them to be overdue.

In addition to the fact that late payments negatively affect your credit history, they also incur increased interest.

If a situation arises when it is impossible to repay on time, you must notify the bank in order to change the payment schedule. In some cases, banks may accommodate the client halfway.

So that over time, the question of why a bad credit history arose and when it will be reset does not become a headache for the borrower, it is important to be responsible in fulfilling your debt obligations.

2. Previously unpaid loan. Complete non-repayment of the loan has an extremely negative impact on the history. Given this fact, the vast majority of credit institutions simply refuse to lend.

3. Mistakes. The human factor can never be ruled out. Sometimes a bank employee may make a mistake when entering information into the database (incorrect amount or date). Or the problems may be due to delays in payments. In such a situation, you should contact the bank so that the employee carefully checks everything and makes sure that the borrower is in good faith.

4. Fraud. Sometimes criminals apply for loans using someone else’s documents, especially for microfinance organizations. A person learns about a damaged credit history when he receives calls from the bank.

5. Legal proceedings against the borrower. In the event that a criminal case is initiated against the client, for example, in case of non-payment of alimony or utilities, this fact will certainly be reflected in the credit history.

Loan at MFC

The question of how to correct a bad credit history is becoming increasingly relevant for modern bank clients. In order to be able to obtain loans from banks in the future, you need to address the issue of correcting your reputation.

The most common way is to take out many small loans and repay them on time. If your credit history is not yet completely damaged, then in some cases you can get a loan from a bank. But, as practice shows, a financial institution will certainly refuse an unscrupulous borrower. Therefore, in this case, loans from the MFC become a real salvation. A microloan with a bad credit history sometimes becomes the only chance to correct the current situation.

Today there are a large number of microfinance organizations that do not attach much importance to the borrower’s past. It is most advisable for unscrupulous clients to use the services of such companies.

If the borrower takes out loans from microfinance organizations and repays the debt on time, then this information is reflected in history. In this way it gradually improves. After several such agreements, the borrower may get a chance to have the application approved by the bank. However, applying for a microloan with a bad credit history in order to improve it has a significant drawback: despite the simplicity and speed of obtaining, the client is forced to pay a large percentage.

Applying for a loan at a shopping center

In addition, you can get a loan, for example, in a shopping center. Such loan outlets, as a rule, are not interested in the borrower’s history and quickly issue a loan. You can take out inexpensive household or digital equipment on credit. This will allow you to correct your credit history, replace your old refrigerator, or give a new smartphone to a loved one.

Intermediary services

Now there are many brokers on the credit market who can help in this situation. If you can’t get a microloan, intermediaries can really help, even if your bad credit history a year ago had no chance of being corrected. Their services, of course, are paid (a certain percentage of the debt amount). However, this method cannot be reliable: many intermediaries use illegal schemes and methods to correct information.

But it’s still better to take care of correcting your history in advance. After all, many clients who have been refused already know what a bad credit history means for the bank. Therefore, when the borrower realizes that he is unable to repay the debt on time, it is necessary to contact the financial institution with an application for debt restructuring. The bank may cooperate because it is interested in getting back the amount provided to it, including interest.

But the main way to correct history is to pay the current debt on time.

To avoid deterioration of your credit history, it is advisable to:

  1. When repaying the loan, collect all certificates and receipts.
  2. Find out the exact amount remaining until the loan is fully repaid.
  3. After the debt has been fully repaid, take a certificate from the bank confirming this fact.
  4. If you lose your passport, be sure to notify law enforcement agencies.
  5. If it is impossible to pay on time, notify the bank. Data confirming this, for example, a sick leave certificate, may be required.
  6. Make all payments on time.
  7. Do not take out loans for which the overpayment is too large and can have a significant impact on the financial situation of the borrower.
  8. Check your history at least once a year.


Thus, you cannot turn a blind eye to the problem of bad credit history. In the future, it can result in serious trouble. The statute of limitations for bad credit history is 10 years. But, as practice shows, it can be corrected. The most popular way is to take loans from microfinance organizations. But this is not a quick process; it may take more than one year. Therefore, you should be patient. But the main thing is to use only legal methods. All illegal attempts can be discovered, which in the future will lead to the complete impossibility of borrowing funds from banks.

As soon as the first loan is issued, a credit history is created for the person. If you do not make payments on time, it may become negative. This will have a negative impact when you decide to get a loan again. Therefore, for many, the relevant question is: how to correct your credit history.

First you need to understand how it is formed. It consists of three sections:

  • title,
  • basic,
  • additional.

The first part includes the borrower’s personal information (information from the passport, tax number and SNILS). The main part includes information about where the person lives and is registered, whether he is an individual entrepreneur, information about the amounts and terms of the loan, how the obligations were paid, whether there were changes in the agreement and other circumstances. The additional section contains provisions about the organizations that submitted information. Additionally, about enterprises that found out the credit history of a specific person.

The reason for a bad credit history can be:

  • violation of loan payment terms,
  • a bad opinion about the borrower from a credit institution specialist,
  • providing false information or non-original documents.

The first reason is one of the main ones. Each financial institution has its own debt period, which will be considered critical. For Sberbank it is 180 days, for most others it is 30 days. Even with a small debt overdue, it is possible to get on the “black list” and block your access to privileges.

How to correct your credit history - procedure?

First, check the information that has already been collected about you. Correcting your credit history will not be necessary if it is good. Therefore you can:

  1. contact a special bureau,
  2. come to the bank
  3. make a request via the Internet.

In the latter case, go to the website of a specialized company and enter your passport data. Additionally, a scan of the passport is attached, including the registration page. Personal information is also indicated. However, most companies operating through Internet portals offer paid services. If you want to get it for free online, then visit the Credit History Bureau website. Free information is provided once a year.

How to fix a damaged credit history?

Another way to combat a flawed history is to challenge it.

  1. Submit an application for amendments to the BKI. Do this in person or in a convenient way, but with the signature or seal of a notary.
  2. Wait for a response. The verification will take no more than a month. During this time, a service employee will check the information provided. But you can shorten the period yourself if you indicate an objective reason why the review time should be reduced.
  3. Challenge it in court. This stage occurs if the response received does not meet your expectations.

Without bringing the case to court, the Bureau will correct/supplement information containing inaccurate or incomplete information. This is relevant if there is no conflict between the financial institution and the borrower. If the matter reaches higher authorities, you should not hope that the decision will be made in your favor if the terms of the signed agreement were violated.

Other ways to correct your credit history

Many people are interested in how to correct their credit history for free by last name? Some financial institutions are loyal to borrowers. The main condition is to provide evidence of the possibility of revising the current situation. Such financial institutions include:

  • and others.

The official records of payment of bills for the last few months must be provided to the employee of these banks. It could even be utility bills paid on time. You will have to prepare a salary certificate from your last place of work. If you meet all the requirements, the bank may not take your bad credit history into account.

If the delay was due to objective reasons, then prove it. To do this, certificates are presented that make clear the reason for the late payment of the loan. This could be a certificate of illness, being laid off or delays in wages. Issues in such situations are resolved individually.

If you find that your history contains loans that you did not take, immediately contact the police and write a statement to the BKI. The data must be corrected within a month. If this does not happen, feel free to go to court.

A credit history is spoiled by the illiterate behavior of the borrower himself, errors and inaccuracies in the transfer of data between the bank and the BKI, and the actions of fraudsters. In this article we will analyze your actions in each of these cases.

Borrower's fault

Credit history can be ruined by late payments, microloans and frequent loan applications.

Delays can be open (current), if you are not paying the loan right now, and closed (historical). This is if you missed payments in the past, but then continued making payments. With a historical delay, the loan can still be approved. With the current one - never. The only way to correct delays in your credit history is to pay them off and cover them with properly paid loans.

Two fragments of NBKI credit history. Green squares indicate payments broken down by month. In the top example, the borrower repaid the money after a month. This is an insignificant period for a bank. In the lower example, the borrower paid the loan for 22 months - this period can be used to judge payment discipline. All other things being equal, the second borrower has a better chance of getting money from the bank.

As for microloans, they are considered “expensive” in terms of interest rates, and “marginal” in nature. Who will regularly repay loans of 5,000 - 10,000 rubles at 700% per annum? Only an unreliable borrower who does not know how to plan his expenses. Banks treat such borrowers with caution, do not issue large loans, and even refuse approval.

Many loan applications that you submit at the same time can negatively affect the bank's decision. they mean that you need money too much and are not particularly picky in choosing a partner. If you created 10 applications in a month and 9 were rejected, the probability of rejection for the 10th application is 99.99%. Exceptions: Applications for a car loan or mortgage if you apply through a car dealership or developer. Banks understand that you are preparing to make a large purchase and do not count applications to other banks as a negative signal.

An application that the bank approved and an application that the bank rejected.

Action plan

Active arrears need to be closed. Then you need to make 12 - 18 timely payments. They will “block” the negative impact of delays. We need to pause on microloans. And take as a rule no more than 1 - 2 microloans per year. It’s better to give them up completely. The application should only be submitted to three banks at the same time. We chose banks and filled out an application. We looked at the solution. If everything is negative, we wait a month and submit three other applications. This way you will avoid “automatic” refusals.


Errors and inaccuracies made by a person or computer can ruin your credit history. For example:

The borrower received several refusals from banks. To understand the reasons, I asked for a credit history. It turned out that the document indicated an open microloan, which the borrower had repaid long ago. The lender simply did not transmit current information to the bureau.

Another example:

The borrower, whose last name was Kuznetsov, was contacted by bailiffs demanding repayment of the overdue loan. The borrower had not even heard anything about this debt. It turned out that the borrower’s credit history included overdue loans from his namesake from another city. The borrower had to urgently deal first with non-existent loans, and then with FSSP employees. But I didn’t have to repay other people’s debts.

Action plan

Request a credit history. Check it carefully for errors. If there is inaccurate or completely unnecessary information, write a statement to the bureau that stores the credit history with errors. The Bureau will contact the bank that made the error. If the error is confirmed, the bureau will correct your document.

The right to correct an error is regulated by law: Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Credit Histories”:

Sample application for correction of credit history:


Credit scammers operate simply. They are looking for an opportunity to use someone else’s passport data to apply for a loan using fake documents, embezzle money, and pin the obligations on another person.
Be careful and careful with your passport and its copies. If you have recently lost a document, contact the police and report it missing. A certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will in the future help you prove your non-involvement in fraudulent loans.
Also try to carefully monitor who and where makes copies of your passport. In extremely rare cases, attackers even manage to obtain a loan using them.

Action plan

If you see fraudulent loans and credits in your credit history, contact the banks and microfinance organizations where they did this. Prove your innocence. Together with an employee of the credit institution, write an application to the credit history bureau. Incorrect data will be corrected. The process may take 1 - 2 months or more. But the reputation of an accurate payer, as well as the savings on paying off someone else’s loan, are definitely worth it.

Instructions for correcting your credit history

  • Request a credit history.
  • Check that all fields are filled out correctly - personal data (full name, passport, addresses). Make sure there is no information about loans that you have never taken out. Please note the payment schedule for each invoice. It is important that this information corresponds to reality; there is no information about delays that you did not allow. If you find erroneous information, file a report with the credit bureau. Attach proof that you are right (scan of your passport, bank statement). Your document will be corrected.
  • If you have been late, taken out too many microloans recently, or created dozens of applications that were not approved by banks, act this way: stop actively searching for a loan. Close the arrears and try to pay your loans on time for at least 6 - 12 months before contacting the lender again. Close as many credit accounts as you can. Start with the smallest.
  • When the quality of your credit history stabilizes, do not submit more than three loan applications per month. Frequent applications show the bank an urgent need for money and they refuse.

Any borrower can ruin their credit history. This may happen due to late payment, extension of time, fine, etc. The credit rating is also affected by outstanding credit debt and claims on obligations.

In the future, such a client will be denied a loan or offered unfavorable conditions.

Please note that a deterioration in your credit history is possible if a payment is late by 5 days or more. If the incident occurs again, your credit score will drop significantly.

What it is?

A damaged credit history can fray the nerves of even the calmest and most balanced borrowers. After all, it will become almost impossible to take money from the bank. But a low credit rating can be improved by taking out a small loan and paying it off on time and in full.

The client must be aware that it will not be possible to get a large loan with a bad credit history; the bank simply will not give it, but small loans (for several thousand rubles) can be taken out (purchase of equipment, cash loan, credit card).

Thus, the client has the opportunity to improve his credit reputation within six months to several years. Lenders typically review a client's credit history over the past few years.

Clients can also contact microfinance organizations, applying for small loans and repaying them regularly.

Many MFOs offer special programs that can significantly improve CI.

They consist of several small loans for short periods, which are issued alternately. After their payment, the credit institution transmits the information to the BKI, which has a positive effect on the borrower’s rating.


A client who applies to a bank to obtain a loan must be an adult, have a job and a stable income.

To correct your credit history, the bank may require documents confirming employment and salary receipt.

At the bank, a client who wants to correct his credit rating will be able to get a credit card, a small loan for the purchase of equipment (goods on credit) or a small cash loan. Paying it off on time can significantly improve your credit rating.

If a client applies to a microfinance organization, then in most cases it is enough to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The loan rate will average 2.0% per day, the period will not exceed 1 month.

Which banks correct your credit history?

You can correct your credit history by applying for small loans or loans from a bank or microfinance organization and paying them off regularly.

The table below shows current offers from banks:

Where can I fix my credit history?

Before applying anywhere for a loan and correcting the situation, the borrower can independently check his credit history.

This can be done once a year completely free of charge. The client can contact the credit history bureau with a corresponding application.

If the credit history actually contains information about loans that have never been taken out or about delays that were not allowed in the past, then a citizen of the Russian Federation must submit a written application to the bank that provided such information with a request to make changes.

Do you want to know how to get a loan using a passport without certificates with a bad credit history? Then you need to go to and read the article.

If you decide to get it, then you should follow the link.

If the client admits his arrears, there is only one thing left to do, contact the bank for a small loan, or one of the microfinance organizations that offer to correct the credit card.

The table shows current offers:

Microfinance organization Bid Sum Period
Platiza 0,5% 15 000 5-45 days
Zaimer 0,63% 30 000 7-30 days
E-cabbage 2,2% 7-21 days
Credit loan 1,8% 5-30 days
Mobifinance 2,0% 15 000 7-30 days

Bad credit history

It is possible to improve matters even with a very bad story. If banks refuse to issue small loans, then you can safely contact one of the microfinance organizations that offer special programs to improve your credit rating.

MFOs issue several small loans in turn in the amount of 1 000 – 10 000 for a period of 7-30 days each.

As soon as the client repays them regularly, the information is sent to the credit history bureau, and the rating begins to gradually recover.

Pay attention to the table below, it contains current offers from some microfinance organizations:

MFO Period Sum Bid
Monesa 1 year 60 000 From 0.5% per day
Express Finance 5-90 days 20 000 0.5% per day
In the pocket 5-30 days 15 000 1.0% per day
Just borrow 2.0% per day
Konga 7-30 days 12 000 2.21% per day

If there were delays

If the client has not made a payment for the first time (up to 5 days), then this situation will not harm him in the future, but in case of repeated delay, the situation will be different.

Since the information will be entered into the BKI, which will subsequently negatively affect the receipt of loans and their conditions.


You can apply for a loan online, that is, submit an application, at any bank. But it is possible to receive money only after visiting the office in person and signing the documentation.

You can apply for a loan and receive money online on a card or e-wallet without visiting an office at a microfinance organization.

Funds will be transferred according to the details provided by the client within 15 minutes after the electronic signing of the agreement.

Below are some suggestions in the table:

List of documents

To obtain a loan that will positively affect the borrower’s history, you must provide:

  • passport;
  • additional identification document.

You may also need a certificate of income, as well as a document confirming employment.


There are no special requirements for the client to correct the credit history, they are standard, the loan is provided:

  • citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • to a client who has registration;
  • a borrower who has a job and a stable income.

Other requirements may be specified in individual cases.


Some microfinance organizations offer a whole range of services to improve your credit rating (usually several microloans, issued alternately for a short period).

The loan period ranges from several days to a month. If a client resorts to such a service, he should know that early repayment is not provided for by the terms of the transaction.

When a client applies to a bank (loan for goods, equipment, credit card, cash loan), the loan period will not exceed 1-3 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

To do this, you need to apply for small loans from a bank or microfinance organization and repay them promptly. Within several months - several years, your credit history will be improved.

As for the shortcomings, clients should understand that when taking out small loans to correct CI, they pay fairly high interest rates. Loans are issued for a short period.

And allowing another delay will nullify all attempts to improve CI. The borrower will have to start rebuilding his reputation all over again.