Tax Police Academy. Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation See what "Tax Police Academy" is in other dictionaries

Today our story is about one of the youngest and most prestigious educational institutions in the capital - the Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. On January 24, 1995, by decree of the government of the country, the Institute for Advanced Training of Managers and Specialists of Federal Tax Police Bodies was created in the Moscow region (Cherkizovo village, Main Street, 86). The following year, the institute was transformed into the Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, and on September 24, 1996, the university began training students in the specialty “law.” Today the academy offers full-time, part-time (evening) and part-time forms of education in two specialties: “law” and “finance and credit”.


December, day off. Trading on the market building materials, which is located at the intersection of Yaroslavskoye Highway and the Moscow Ring Road, is in full swing. It’s crowded in the small pavilions, near the containers, and in the outskirts of the market, where timber is sold on wheels. And suddenly the measured life of this oasis of building materials explodes. “Atas! Tax office!” - a young guy in winter camouflage and huge felt boots with galoshes clumsily runs past the retail outlets. His warning cry affects all - well, almost all - sellers the same way. They immediately put up signs on the doors of the shops: “Closed. Thank you for your purchase,” they finish their payments with those who have already purchased their goods, and turn out those who did not have time to make their choice. The doors of the containers are closed with a grinding sound. The sawn and planed wealth in the bellies of KamAZ trucks is covered from prying eyes with tarpaulin canopies. Above the market rustles: “Tax office! Tax office!”
“This story has nothing to do with us,” Warrant Officer Dmitry Selivanov, a 5th year student at the Law Faculty of the Tax Police Academy, commented on the case I told. - The tax police do not collect taxes. This is a function tax office. We deal with those who do not pay taxes.
The tax police is not a force, but rather an intellectual unit. The tax policeman's weapon is not a pistol, but a computer and a calculator. When solving financial crimes, you need a clear head and deep knowledge of jurisprudence and financial knowledge.
Then Dmitry gave me a whole lecture about the institute of tax police in Russia.
- We have been building a tax-free state for seventy years. They convinced Soviet citizens that taxes were relics of the past, attributes financial system decaying capitalism. But it turns out that you can’t live without taxes. Moreover, the well-being of the entire state depends on how taxes are paid...
Ensign Dmitry Selivanov from Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory. It was no coincidence that I ended up at the Tax Police Academy. We can say that he is a hereditary tax specialist - his mother, Tatyana Ivanovna Selivanova, works in the regional tax police department.
There are quite a few such guys studying at the Tax Police Academy.
What attracts people coming here? Romance tax service? Why not. We have all read and seen films about the famous Chicago gangster Al Capone. The mafioso was cool. And what did you get caught on? Concealment of income and evasion of taxes.
There are plenty of home-grown Al Capones in Russia. Our oligarchs do not like to pay taxes. And is it only them? Hand on heart, which of us likes to part with our money? That's it! We still lack consciousness, tax culture and civilization. Maybe that's why we live so poorly? Maybe that's why we have problems with social security?
In conditions of transition to market economy tax system becomes a decisive factor in the economic and, consequently, national security of the country. The success of democratic reforms and the socio-political situation in the country depends on the effectiveness of its functioning. Dmitry Selivanov and his fellow students understand the hopes the state places on them. And they try to justify them.


Recently, a scientific and practical conference on tax issues was held at the Academy of Economics and Law. Tax culture, tax liability, tax crimes - these are just some of the issues discussed at this scientific forum. The organizers tried to ensure that the conference was sufficiently representative and invited well-known specialists from the FSNP, eminent and promising scientists, and students of capital universities to participate in its work. Including from the Moscow Financial and Legal Academy, the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Moscow State Law Academy, from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, from the Tax Police Academy. The honor of representing the ANP fell to students of the Faculty of Law, warrant officers Dmitry Selivanov, Mikhail Aralin, Oleg Eremin, Yuri Yakovlev and Konstantin Lukichev. Of course, the guys were worried, afraid of letting their teachers and their comrades down. But, as it turned out, they worried in vain. Tax officers were in no way inferior to their peers from famous universities. And in knowledge on some issues they even surpassed them.

Tax Police Academy is a relatively young educational institution. But even in the six years of its existence, it managed to gain a reputation as one of the best universities in the country. The academy has 17 departments. Educational, methodological and scientific work on them is provided by the work of the teaching staff: 32 doctors of sciences and professors, 79 candidates of sciences and associate professors. They are the ones who train the guys into highly qualified specialists. When academy students talk about their favorite teachers - Vladlen Gaikovich Tataryan, Ilya Ilyich Kucherov, Viktor Alekseevich Baranov, Pavel Valeryevich Skiba, Evgeniy Petrovich Andreev, Dmitry Mikhailovich Nosov, Evgeniy Genrikhovich Panov - the epithet “wonderful” is always present in their assessments of the teaching abilities of their mentors. ANP teachers truly put their heart and soul into their students.


The fact that such a wonderful teaching staff has formed at the academy is the indisputable merit of the head of the academy, Colonel Vasily Ivanovich Lisov. Vasily Ivanovich has been at the helm of the ANP since April last year. It seems like a short period of time to radically change something in the life of such a complex economy. But talk to Lisov’s colleagues, and they will tell you: with his arrival, serious changes took place in the academy. A new educational complex has come into operation in the North-Eastern District: classrooms, libraries, computer rooms, dormitories for students, a sports and fitness center. All conditions for study and recreation, for physical education and sports are created for students.
The head of the academy has irregular working hours. Vasily Ivanovich has a lot to do, and, unfortunately, there are only twenty-four hours in a day. Problems, problems, and they all need to be solved. And you also need to find time for scientific work. Vasily Ivanovich Lisov - academician, Doctor of Economics.
The head of the academy is a hard worker. They say about such people: they work hard.
In a word - a key figure in the academy.


The largest faculty in the academy - law - is headed by Colonel Alexander Evgenievich Krylosov. He has a trusting relationship with his listeners. Firstly, the former military pilot, who served in strategic aviation for no less than 26 years, enjoys enormous authority among the guys. Secondly, it is almost impossible to hide anything from Krylosov. He is aware of all the events taking place in the “squadron” entrusted to him. He knows what each of his students breathes. The first year - now the fifth, graduating class - was recruited personally. Then he studied the guys with passion. Krylosov has his own methods of working with youth. For example, Alexander Evgenievich after classes “sat on the tail” of students who live in Krasnoarmeysk near Moscow. He said that he had urgent business there. The guys happily took on the role of guides:
- Don't worry, Comrade Colonel. We will show and tell you everything.
While we were driving, we talked about life. In Krasnoarmeysk, Alexander Evgenievich waited until his students were out of sight, boarded the train and went home.
“I distinguish them by their voices,” says Colonel Krylosov.

You can't envy the head of the law faculty. 1st and 2nd year students live and study in Cherkizovo. 3rd, 4th and 5th - in Sviblovo. In the morning, Krylosov visits the freshmen and sophomores, then hurries to their older comrades. In the evening he returns to Cherkizovo. Is there such a need? Maybe there is. Alexander Evgenievich is afraid of letting his students get out of control. There are not enough commanders. Many positions of course directors and their deputies are still vacant.
There is no end to those willing to fill the vacancies. But the head of the faculty is a good judge of people. Those who should not be allowed into the audience for a cannon shot are turned away from the gate. There should be no random people in the academy.
Colonel Krylosov sees his main task in raising the boys, first of all, as officers - people of honor and duty. Hence the order in the academy and the requirements for discipline, almost like in a military school. The daily routine is akin to the army: getting up at 7.00, then doing exercises, toilet, breakfast. At 8.40 - leave for classes. Classes from 9.00 to 13.20. Then lunch, personal time, self-preparation. Those who study in the second shift study from 13.30 to 17.30. Lights out at the hostel at 23.00.
And yet the ANP is not a military institution. The oath is taken here at the beginning of the fourth year. After this, the guys receive the rank of ensign of the tax police and the right to wear a uniform. From this moment on, they become employees and the state assumes the costs of their maintenance.


In the understanding of Colonel Krylosov, an officer is not only a competent specialist in his field, but a conscientious servant. The officer is a highly educated and cultured person. Alexander Evgenievich welcomes the desire of his students to improve their cultural level. He himself organizes excursions to the sights of the capital.
The favorite museum of the head of the faculty is the aviation museum in Monino, near Moscow. There, in the open air, there is a unique collection of domestic aircraft. The spectacle is breathtaking, I saw it myself. The students of Colonel Krylosov also remember with pleasure the excursion to the Monino Museum. There were also excursions to the Cosmonautics Museum in Zvezdny, the Museum of Armored Vehicles in Kubinka, the Shilov Art Gallery, the Central Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Babaev Confectionery Factory... True, only girls went on the “sweet” excursion.
Over the years of studying at the academy, many children became avid theatergoers. The listeners are no strangers to the hobbies of today's youth. They enjoy going to discos. In their free time they listen to music. They read a lot. Some people love detective stories, others fall for the classics: one listener is rereading “War and Peace” for the fifth (!) time. Tastes could not be discussed.


Excellent physical preparation significantly makes life easier for a student at the academy, at least in the first three years of study. There is enough sports at the academy. Every day, except Sunday, exercises and scheduled physical training classes. All kinds of sporting events are held and sports sections operate. Volleyball and football are very popular at the academy. The football team accepts the challenge of any opponent and is a regular at tournaments held among educational institutions of the capital.
The eternal rivals of football players from APN are students of the Peter the Great Academy. Fights with them are particularly uncompromising and intense. Although off the field the guys have warm, friendly relationships.
On February 23, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, artillerymen invite tax officials to a holiday home near Moscow to relax and find out who is stronger. The sports program of the holiday is full of all kinds of competitions. But football and volleyball (and the captain of the volleyball team is Colonel Krylosov) are those sports where athletes from the ANP traditionally win.


Another difference between the academy and most military educational institutions is that girls study here along with boys. There is no trace of gender discrimination in the academy; they all have the same responsibilities and rights. Yes, yes, and right. For example, girls, along with boys, command study groups. Aryuna Batamunkina, Uyanga Yandanova, Anna Olog are the commanders you can look for among the guys.
Colonel Krylosov has an instinct for good commanders. Everyone who, on his recommendation, was appointed to command groups lived up to expectations.
- As soon as I saw Uyanga Yandanov, I immediately decided: this is the group commander! - says the head of the faculty.
Uyanga is known as a very demanding commander. But he also roots for his girls and boys with all his heart. She worries about them like an older sister.
In general, the very idea of ​​joint learning and forming groups on a mixed basis justifies itself. Academic achievement in such groups is higher and the atmosphere is warmer. Guys, communicating with girls, learn to be true gentlemen.


After the New Year, fifth-year students of the Faculty of Law went on pre-graduation practice. Then - a diploma, state exams and distribution. Most likely, all graduates will return to where they began their studies. Geography - from Moscow to the very outskirts. They are waiting for them at home - there is a great need for local specialists. Especially such highly educated ones.

The current fifth-year students are the first to complete the full-time program. They are the future of our tax police. It is gratifying that the listeners themselves understand how much trust the state has placed in them.
Colonel Krylosov is pleased with the graduation course - wonderful guys. But a worthy replacement is coming for them. On New Year's Eve, Alexander Evgenievich sent letters of gratitude throughout Russia to the parents of the most diligent listeners - Alexander Krasnov, Oleg Zelensky, Igor Korsun, Andrei Borisov, Pavel Makarenko... They still have to go their way to lieutenant shoulder straps. But there is every reason to believe that they will pass it with honor. It is possible that today future tax police generals are studying within the academy’s walls. Going to a meeting with the academy students, I prepared a question for them: “Do you dream of a general’s shoulder straps?” But I didn’t dare ask it. Hardly any of the guys admit to dreams of a high career. Although in their thoughts, everyone probably tried on gold-embroidered insignia on their shoulders. There is nothing wrong with this - a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. Is not it?


Address: 129329, Moscow, Kolskaya st., 2
Phone for inquiries: 189-87-36

A state (departmental) higher education institution prepares certified specialists in full-time, full-time and part-time forms of education in specialties and specializations:
* 021100 “Jurisprudence” (state law, civil law, criminal law, financial law).
Exams: social studies (oral), Russian language and literature (written), mathematics (written).
* 060400 “Finance and Credit” (taxes, taxation; tax investigations; international financial investigations).
Exams: mathematics (written), Russian language and literature (written), social studies (oral).
In both specialties, additional forms of control are: testing in a foreign language, checking the level of physical fitness, and a career guidance interview.

general information

“The Tax Police Academy is a unique educational institution, because the first professional tax police officers of the 21st century are trained here. To become true professionals, our graduates must receive not only high-quality training in the field of law, finance, operational investigative and criminal procedural activities, but also have the highest moral qualities" - these provisions are implemented in everyday life by the teaching staff of the Academy under the leadership of the head of the Academy, Doctor of Economics, Academician Vasily Ivanovich Lisov.

The Tax Police Academy was created by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in January 1995 and is the leading and only higher educational institution of the Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation, implementing educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education on the basis of license N16-GO44 dated June 25, 1997.

Training highly qualified specialists capable of implementing tasks in the field of tax policy in Russia and ensuring the protection of its economic interests is the primary task of developing a system of professional education for employees of federal tax police agencies. This places the Academy among the most significant and promising universities in Russia. After the third year, students who meet the requirements for candidates for service in federal bodies tax police, is awarded the first special rank of "tax police warrant officer".

Full-time graduates who have passed certification are awarded the special rank of “tax police lieutenant” with further service in the tax police authorities under a contract.

Currently, the Academy carries out the educational process

The range of academic disciplines is wide and varied. Students learn currency and tax legislation, accounting and auditing, computer science and higher mathematics, law and sociology, cultural studies and political science, criminology and psychology, courses in special disciplines, etc.

In 17 departments in more than 130 disciplines, 32 doctors of sciences and professors and 79 candidates of sciences and associate professors, as well as specialist practitioners of the federal tax police authorities teach.

Teachers and students of the Academy realize their scientific interests in the creative teams of the Research Center. Student scientific creativity days are held annually. The best student works are published in academic collections. International relations with educational institutions are established and developed foreign countries within the framework of scientific contacts and organization of internships for students.

The Academy operates postgraduate and doctoral studies in legal and economic specialties.

The network of Academy branches is expanding. There are branches in the cities of St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, and Ufa.

The distinctive features of the educational process at the Academy are:

  • high quality and specialized training, combining elements of theoretical training and internship of students in the tax police;
  • qualified teaching staff;
  • focus on mastering equally knowledge and skills in economics, law, management and special disciplines;
  • introduction into educational programs of special courses focused on the practice of tax police authorities;
  • the ability for students and trainees to choose academic disciplines from among alternative courses;
  • in-depth study of foreign languages, humanitarian disciplines and an extensive program of special physical training;
  • an organic combination of academic freedom of students and the strict academic discipline of a specialized university;
  • education of a harmoniously developed personality of the future tax police officer.

Academy students have the opportunity to work in libraries, computer rooms and specialized classrooms. Constant work is being carried out to improve and expand the educational and material base. In 2000, classes began in a new comfortable complex in the North-Eastern district of the capital.

The Academy has comfortable hotel-type dormitories, modern canteens and student cafes, a sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool, a network of gyms and sports grounds, and a summer sports camp. There are student interest associations and amateur art groups.


Training of specialists conducted by the Academy under the programs of first and second higher education in full-time, part-time and part-time (evening) forms of study in two specialties:

  • 02.11.00 "Jurisprudence"(specializations - civil law, financial law, criminal law, state law);
  • 06.04.00 "Finance and Credit"(specializations - taxes and taxation; tax investigations; international financial investigations).

First higher education program

Training is carried out on a budget and paid (contractual) basis. Duration of study: full-time 5 years; for full-time and part-time forms - 6 years.

Entrance exams:

  • social studies (orally, specialized in the specialty "law");
  • mathematics (written, specialized for the specialty "finance and credit");
  • Russian language and literature (written).

In addition to entrance exams, applicants undergo a career guidance interview, foreign language testing and a physical fitness level test.

Acceptance of documents for full-time study is carried out from June 26 to July 15. Exams are held from July 16.

Acceptance of documents for part-time and part-time studies is carried out from September 1 to September 30 and from January 15 to 31. Exams are held from October 01 and February 01, respectively.

As an Institute for Advanced Training for employees of the Federal Tax Police Service. In 1996, the first enrollment of students for full-time study was carried out. In total, there were three classes of students at the Tax Police Academy. An adjunct course in economics and legal sciences was created at the Academy.

In this regard, in 2003, the Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation was renamed the Academy economic security Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.


  • Official website of the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Address: 141220, pos. Cherkizovo, Moscow region, st. Home, 86.
Tel. 584-36-84, admissions committee.
Directions: electric train from Yaroslavsky station to the station. Tarasovskaya, further aut. 29, 30 to the stop. "Academy".


  • legal
  • economic

Upon completion, graduates are awarded the rank of “tax police lieutenant” and the qualification “lawyer” or “economist”.

Duration of training is 5 years.

Citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education under the age of 23 (as of December 31 of the year of admission) are accepted for the first year of full-time study.
Those wishing to enroll in the Academy submit an application to the territorial (local) tax police office at their place of residence before March 1 of the year of admission.
Persons who have expressed a desire to study on a contractual (paid) basis, in addition to the above, submit an application (report) to the head of the Academy in the prescribed form.
Tax police officers submit a report upon command addressed to the head of the territorial tax police body.
The Academy informs about admission to exams through the territorial tax police at the applicant’s place of residence.
Arrival of applicants to the Academy no later than July 15.
Before the start of the entrance exams, applicants undergo a medical examination (CVVK) and a professional psychological test. in order to determine their prof. suitability for service in the tax police.

Exams(from July 16, in Russian):
for both faculties of physics. preparation (pass/fail), in addition, at the Faculty of Law, history of the Fatherland (oral, major), social studies (oral), Russian. language and letters (test, writing); at the Faculty of Economics geography (oral, profiling), mathematics (written), Russian. language and letters (test, writing).

The rating system is 10 points.

Medalists and persons with secondary vocational education, having a diploma with honors, meeting the requirements of professional and medical selection, physical. preparedness, pass only the profiling exam. Upon receiving 10 points, the applicant is enrolled in the Academy, and upon receiving a lower result, he participates in the competition on a general basis.

He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Tax Police Academy of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in 2003. Many thanks to our teachers - Panov, Chernyakin, Truntsevsky, Frolova, Andreev, Kucherov, Aralin, Soldatkin, Izmailov, Abramov! Those who studied with me, I’m sure, remember them. I personally worked as an investigator, legal consultant, and now a lawyer in Moscow. The knowledge gained at the Academy was worthy; those who could, took it and improved it in practice in the future. Educational process was perfectly organized. Many of my...

Hi all! The Academy is the coolest of all the academies in the world. The level of knowledge provided in the courses is very high. And the classrooms are always very neat and clean. At least, I really want to study in such an educational institution.

Graduated from Sharaga in 2004. Anyone who has the opportunity not to go there (close relatives do not work there, etc.) - do not go, all the rave reviews come mainly from gentlemen from junior years and those who graduated 2, 3 years ago. There are truly amazing teachers in the first courses, and the further into the forest, the thicker the partisans become. When you try to look for a job after graduating from college, in decent places they ask what university you graduated from.

The Academy is just great! I entered the economics department myself, met interesting people, less than a year learned a lot of new things! I advise my friends to enroll in it! To everyone who believes that this is for him, they would like to wear a police uniform, stand in uniform, observe direct subordination to the officers, go ahead! Good luck with exams!

The Academy is just terrible! Do not go there under any circumstances! Second year student A. I. Shishkanov - CRANE! This person (if you can call him that) doesn’t understand words at all, it’s like talking to a wall! But if you remove him from there, then maybe at least some kind of tolerable life will begin. In general, there are a lot of people like him there, so it’s not a fact that you will get a normal coursework upon admission. And the management has been going crazy lately! So, my advice to you is if you don’t want to ruin your life, don’t go there.

I don’t understand how you can speak so negatively after studying for five years? Good university, excellent teachers. The atmosphere, of course, is semi-military, but you need to be aware of this in advance, and everything will be fine!

I graduated from ANP, as it was still called then, in 2002, in October. The following can be said about the Academy: the teachers are true professionals in their field and, in general, very good people. And if someone thinks that it is impossible to learn anything at the Academy, he is simply not able to take the knowledge that is offered to him at the Academy in chewed form and swallow. Conclusion: learn to eat, gentlemen.

Academy, I adore you! The teachers are the best and most responsive! First-year law students Faka, you are responsible for maintaining order in the corridors of the AEB. Keep it up! Just don't be so serious, where are your smiles when you leave the classroom?

I don’t think it’s worth praising this educational institution with loud exclamations, but it’s also not worth “blaming” so rudely. There are really enough good teachers there, and if you want, you can get a good education. And wonderful people study there too! :)