The main understanding of official duty is embedded in the oath. Essay: Professional duty, honor and dignity of law enforcement officers

Legal ethics


Thus, ethics

What is the relationship between moral and official duty?

All legal documents do not contain uniform solutions for any situation, but only prescribe the limitations within which decisions must be made. The restrictions are often such that, depending on the level of culture and the degree of moral education of the employee, the situation that has arisen can be resolved either politely and bureaucratically, formally and bureaucratically, or taking into account the sense of dignity of the people who find themselves in it. It is obvious that the result of different solutions to a situational conflict will be opposite moral consequences for the moral health of society and for maintaining the authority of law enforcement agencies. Areas in which the category of debt has received special recognition have always been the areas of military and law enforcement activities. It is in these areas of activity that debt has been and continues to be used as an imperative driving force for people.

The official duty of an employee, being an integral part of public duty, is moral in its objective and subjective expression.

The moral value of the objective content of debt is that it is subordinated to the solution of the highest and fairest task: protecting individual rights and freedoms, ensuring the security of the country, strengthening law and order. However, the potential possibilities of official duty can only manifest themselves if they are complemented by a moral attitude towards it, when public duties are perceived and recognized as personal, as a deep need and conviction in the justice and righteousness of the cause that one serves. Based on this, the dialectic of official and moral duty lies in the fact that the duty of an employee is an honorable and high duty, arising from the objective needs of protecting the individual, society and the state, consecrated by state legal requirements and internal moral convictions. The coincidence of the dominant desire with duty is a kind of apotheosis of morality, duty- this is a requirement of society, a collective, desire is an attribute of the individual. It is important to realize that ultimately duty works to achieve the desired, and the desired, if understood correctly, leads to more successful performance of official duty.

From the history of the emergence and development of ethical thought.

Initially, attempts to comprehend fundamental moral values ​​were carried out against the background of emerging philosophy, that is, ethics was merged with philosophy. The literature notes that, with certain reservations, it can be stated that by the end of the 18th century the preparatory (preliminary) stage in the development of ethical thought had ended. It was by this time that philosophers (and above all Kant) realized that morality is not reducible to religion, biology, psychology, or any other cultural phenomena and has its own principles, concepts, plays a specific role in the life of an individual and society.

The process of formation of ethics dates back to the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. and occurred almost simultaneously in Ancient Greece, India and China. The term “ethics” itself was introduced into scientific circulation by Aristotle (381-322 BC). But this outstanding ancient Greek thinker should not be considered the first ethicist. Even before Aristotle, Plato’s teacher Socrates (469-399 BC), Protagoras, and Democritus dealt with various problems of morality. Moral issues occupied a certain place in the creative quests of many thinkers who lived in the 5th and subsequent centuries BC. Naturally, among the first questions that philosophers asked were not only ideological, but also questions of a moral nature (primarily the question of man’s place in the world and the meaning of his life).

The reasons for such a late “maturation” of ethics (by the 18th century) are due not only to the complexity of its subject, but also to the fact that in real life morality does not exist in isolation; its principles permeate all types of human activity. Therefore, many sciences in one way or another touch on various manifestations and aspects of morality.

To identify the specifics of ethics, the peculiarities of its subject, it is advisable to compare it with other branches of spiritual activity (based on the principle that everything is known by comparison). In other words, ethics is not only a normative science, prescribing what to do in certain cases, but also an ideological, theoretical teaching that explains the nature of morality, the complex and contradictory world of moral relations, and the highest aspirations of man.

The theoretical depth of ethics allows it to give convincing recommendations to a person.

With all this, ethics (moral philosophy) has two tasks:

1) identify the essence of morality;

2) coordinate the study of morality by various sciences.

Basic provisions of Codes of Conduct for Lawyers.

Code of honor for a lawyer.

Moral and psychological qualities of a judge, investigator, prosecutor. In the eyes of society, the judiciary must personify justice. Everyone whose interests are affected by criminal proceedings counts on the protection of his rights in court and the satisfaction of his claims. Namely, in court, the opposing interests of the one who broke the law and society, the interests of the accused and the victim, and other persons, collide. A judge, investigator, prosecutor, defense attorney operate in the sphere of conflicts, both interpersonal and social. Under these conditions, increased moral demands are placed on officials of justice and those who conduct investigations and carry out criminal prosecutions. These people must have the ability to resist possible attempts to influence them from various forces, be guided only by the law, and be fair. Those who administered justice or assisted the court due to professional duty must have high business and moral qualities.

In general terms, the moral obligations and ethical requirements for an employee of internal affairs bodies are as follows:

Treating a person as the highest value, respecting rights, freedoms, interests and

human dignity in accordance with international and Russian legal norms and universal principles of morality.

Deep understanding of the social significance of one’s role and high

professionalism, his responsibility to society and the state as a police officer, on whom public safety, protection of life, health, and legal protection of the population and citizens depend.

Reasonable and humane use of the law provided to the police officer

rights in strict accordance with the principles of social justice, civil, official and moral duty.

Integrity, courage, uncompromisingness, dedication in the fight against

crime, objectivity and impartiality in decision making.

Impeccability of personal behavior in the service and at home, honesty, integrity,

concern for professional honor - “honor in service”, the public reputation of a police officer.

Avoid abuse of official position, corruption,

prevent such phenomena in every possible way.

Selflessly and unswervingly use all legal measures to protect the innocent from

lawlessness and deception, the weak from intimidation, the peaceful from violence and disorder, in extreme situations, do not leave defenseless women, the elderly and children, the sick and disabled, do not allow connivance in evil and impunity.

Conscious discipline, diligence and initiative, professional

solidarity, mutual assistance, support, courage and moral and psychological readiness to act in non-standard, extreme conditions.

Continuous improvement of professional skills and knowledge in the field

service ethics, improving general culture, expanding intelligence, creative (creative) development of domestic and foreign experience necessary in the service.

The listed requirements give a fairly complete and deep understanding of the moral qualities that not only an internal affairs officer, but also all law enforcement officers who are capable of demonstrating humanity, tolerance, justice, a sense of duty, courage, courage, endurance, selflessness, honesty, patriotism, impartiality, modesty, professionalism.

Official and moral duty.

Duty of a lawyer– a set of legal and moral requirements imposed on a lawyer when exercising his official powers. As an integral part of public duty, a lawyer’s official duty is the basis of moral relations in professional legal activity. A lawyer’s official duty has objective and subjective sides, i.e. is moral in objective and subjective terms.

The moral value of the objective content of debt is that it is subordinated to the solution of the highest and fairest task: protecting the individual, his rights and legitimate interests, ensuring law and order in the country. The objective side of debt is are clearly formulated tasks set by the state for legal workers. The moral value of duty in its subjective expression is manifested in the case when the public duties assigned by the state to legal workers are perceived as fair and true, are recognized by them as personal deep-seated needs and beliefs, and become voluntary and purposeful activities. The subjective side of debt represents is an internal conviction of the justice and rightness of the cause to which life is dedicated.

Professional duty mobilizes a lawyer or a working group (team) to perform the work efficiently, on time, with the greatest effective result, forcing them to use all physical and moral forces to achieve their goals. The legal duty of a lawyer is determined the interaction of legal norms and moral norms, since moral norms regulate a person’s internal awareness of his behavior, and legal norms regulate the external form of behavior. Deviation from moral norms, as a rule, is always at the same time a violation of legal norms. The requirements of professional duty are legally established in laws, charters, regulations, and instructions. These acts also enshrine the moral assessment of the actions of lawyers. For example, the requirements of a legally formalized duty, expressed in the oath of the prosecutor, contain both a moral assessment and a legal norm. In the sphere of professional duty, there are no legal requirements that are devoid of moral force, just as there are no moral norms that do not have legal force. Consequently, in official duty, the legal and moral aspects merge into one. Official duty is a necessary quality of an employee; an internally realized sense of responsibility for a specific area of ​​work, an understanding of necessity, social usefulness, and clarity in carrying out the assigned work.

Moral duty- one of the fundamental concepts of ethics, which denotes morally reasoned compulsion to act, moral necessity, fixed as a subjective principle of behavior.

This also requires internal compulsion, imposing an obligation in relation to the obligation itself, which is the meaning of moral duty.

Article 5. Professional duty, honor and dignity of an employee of internal affairs bodies (Code of Professional Ethics for Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation).

1. Professional duty, honor and dignity are the main moral guidelines in the career path of a defender of law and order and, along with conscience, constitute the moral core of the personality of an internal affairs officer.

2. The employee’s duty is to unconditionally fulfill the responsibilities enshrined in the Oath, laws and professional and ethical standards to ensure reliable protection of law and order, legality, and public safety.

6. Professional duty, honor and dignity are the most important criteria for the moral maturity of an employee and indicators of his readiness to perform operational and official tasks.

A culture of speech.

The main components of cultural speech include correctness, richness of language, brevity, clarity, appropriateness and emotional expressiveness.

1. The profession of a lawyer requires not only high moral qualities, but also broad general education.

2. A lawyer is often a confidential interlocutor, and this requires the highest level of culture. And in each specific case you need to find the necessary tone of the word and correctly express your thoughts.

3. Every lawyer, and especially the head of the body, acts as a speaker, as a propagandist of legal and moral knowledge.

4. The ability to speak and perform in public, language proficiency has long been considered an attributable quality of a lawyer and an employee of internal affairs bodies.

5. Language is a tool with the help of which all thoughts are formalized and transmitted; it is a professional weapon of a lawyer. For a lawyer, issues of speech culture are relevant and topical due to practical necessity.

In general terms, the requirements for the culture of speech and the external appearance of an employee are reduced to the following provisions:

It is especially useful for police officers to know the argot - the jargon of criminals,

to make it easier to fight them, but to speak their language means to humiliate, insult oneself, and stoop to their level.

The correct tone of speech of an internal affairs officer is a means of persuasion and

at the same time showing respect for the interlocutor. A calm, even tone certainly helps him convince his interlocutor, while irritability, nervousness, and loudness nullify all his arguments and make the employee an unbearable interlocutor.

The more cultured a person is, the richer his vocabulary.

Never, under any circumstances, should you forget about the main criterion

actions and behavior of a police officer: legality and moral assessment by public opinion, by people for whose safety and tranquility this service exists (Code of Honor for Private and Commanding Personnel of Internal Affairs Bodies // Appendix to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 501, November 19, 1993).

The professional honor of a police officer must be above all else.

In conclusion, we present generally accepted communicative postulates

Talk neither more nor less, but exactly as much as is necessary for adequate

transfer of information.

Don't get distracted from the topic.

Tell only the truth.

To speak definitely, not ambiguously.

Speak politely, respecting the speech dignity of the interlocutor.

Very often the postulates are not respected.

Requirements for the moral culture of law enforcement officers.

Moral culture occupies one of the central places in the personal culture of law enforcement officers.

Moral qualities included in the concept of moral culture of an individual have always played and continue to play a huge role in all spheres of human life, especially military, in the activities of intelligence services and law enforcement agencies.

In general, in its essence, content and structure, the moral culture of law enforcement officers coincides with the moral culture of Russian citizens.

In general, the moral requirements for a law enforcement officer are as follows:

Treating people as the highest value, respecting and protecting rights, freedoms and

human dignity in accordance with international and domestic legal norms and universal principles of morality;

Deep understanding of the social significance of one’s role and high

professionalism, their responsibility to society and the state as an employee of the law enforcement system, on which public safety, the protection of life, health, and legal protection of large masses of people depend to a decisive extent;

Reasonable and humane use of the rights provided by law to the employee

law enforcement agencies' rights in strict accordance with the principles of social justice, civil, official and moral duty;

Integrity, courage, uncompromisingness, dedication in the fight against

crime, objectivity and impartiality in decision making;

Impeccability of personal behavior in the service and at home, honesty, integrity,

concern for the professional honor and public reputation of a law enforcement officer;

Conscious discipline, diligence and initiative, professional


Mutual assistance, support, courage and moral and psychological readiness for

actions in difficult situations, the ability to take reasonable risks in extreme conditions;

Continuous improvement of professional skills and knowledge in the field

service ethics, etiquette and tact, improving general culture, expanding intellectual horizons, creative development of domestic and foreign experience necessary in the service.

Attitude towards others: modesty, pride in one's profession, respect for dignity and honor - in oneself and in others, conscientiousness, justice, exactingness, truthfulness, politeness, decency, goodwill, constant readiness to help.

Attitude to the performance of official duties: courage, endurance, self-control, perseverance, determination, exactingness, discipline, integrity, courage, initiative, honesty, unselfishness, diligence, independence, efficiency, creativity.

Basic moral requirements for the professional activities of law enforcement officers: ideological conviction, personal discipline, legality, constant improvement of professional knowledge, skills, etc.

Lawyer's office etiquette

As for the professional activity of a lawyer, it is fully connected with aesthetics, since the features and results of this interaction are clearly visible here. They are expressed in the aesthetic culture of a lawyer, which is the basis of legal aesthetics as a scientific direction.

The requirements of legal aesthetics concern all aspects of a lawyer’s work. They help ensure effective and optimal organization of a lawyer’s work, its high culture, and the creation of an environment of business comfort.

The ethical and aesthetic in jurisprudence (taking into account their specifics), as in other sciences, form an inseparable whole.

The aesthetic culture of a lawyer has internal and external sides. The external side appears in the forms of its manifestation and characterizes the external side of the lawyer’s activity; internal - in the requirements for the perception of beauty, which are deep-seated properties of a person and characterize the internal side of the aesthetic culture of a lawyer as an individual, his ideals, aesthetic taste.

37. Personal discipline is the main requirement for the moral culture of a lawyer.

Discipline as a quality of a person characterizes her behavior in various spheres of life and activity and is manifested in consistency, internal organization, responsibility, readiness to obey both personal and social goals, attitudes, norms and principles.

Discipline- these are the requirements of discipline, the fulfillment of which has become for the employee a deep internal need, a stable habit of complying with all regulations governing official activities.

It is a manifestation of the employee’s responsibility for his actions before society and the law, an understanding of the need to subordinate his actions to the role of the boss, and personal interests to the interests of the service.

Thus, we can conclude that the concept of “discipline” is a specific quality of an employee of internal affairs bodies, ensuring sustainable and strict compliance with the requirements of laws and other regulations. It is characterized by external and internal indicators.

External indicators of discipline:

Strict adherence to the law,

Accurate and proactive implementation of orders and instructions from superiors

careful handling of weapons, equipment, communications, and other official property.

Exemplary appearance.

Internal indicators of discipline:

Conviction in the necessity and expediency of official discipline,

knowledge of laws and other regulations governing official activities,

Ability to manage oneself in accordance with job requirements

disciplines, skills and habits of disciplined behavior, self-discipline.

Such a quality as discipline is not born with

a person and especially not given to an employee of internal affairs bodies along with his shoulder straps. It is formed and developed in the process of activity.

38. The essence and content of ethics of a prosecutor’s office employee.

The behavior of the public prosecutor and his position as a whole must be based on moral standards and comply with them. The prosecutor protects the interests of society, acts on behalf of the state, but at the same time he is called upon to protect the legitimate interests of the defendant, his dignity.

Ethics of a prosecutor

Regulatory basis:

Federal Law “On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation” dated January 17, 1992 (as amended on July 1, 2010);

Code of Ethics for Prosecutors

Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation;

Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, we can give the following definition of prosecutorial ethics. Prosecutor's ethics - the presence of prosecutors and investigators of a high level of general educational and theoretical training, possession of deep knowledge in various fields, spiritual and spiritual qualities, manifestation of the highest professionalism in the performance of their functional and official duties, strict adherence to the rules of morality, principles of activity of the prosecutor's office and humane attitude towards people.

The purpose of this Code is to establish rules of conduct for prosecutors arising from this high rank, the characteristics of service in the bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation and restrictions associated with prosecutorial activities.

In official and non-official activities, a prosecutor is obliged to:

Maintain personal dignity in any situation, be an example of behavior, integrity, avoid conflict situations, constantly improve professional qualifications, cultural level, etc. (based on the general provisions of the code).

Subject and objectives of the course “Professional ethics”.

Legal ethics- this is a type of professional ethics, which is a set of rules of conduct for employees of the legal profession, ensuring the moral nature of their work activities and off-duty behavior, as well as a scientific discipline that studies the specifics of implementing moral requirements in this area. The purpose of ethics is to describe morality, explain morality, and teach morality. Professional ethics of a lawyer can be called the moral code of lawyers of various specialties. The importance of a lawyer’s professional ethics is that it imparts a moral character to the activities of administering justice, performing prosecutorial functions, investigative work, as well as other types of activities carried out by professional lawyers.

Moral standards fill justice and legal activity in general

humanistic content. The professional ethics of a lawyer, revealing and promoting the humane principles of legal relations that develop in various areas of life, has a positive impact on both legislation and law enforcement.

Tasks: promote the correct formation of consciousness and views of legal professionals, orienting them towards strict adherence to moral standards, ensuring true justice, protecting the rights, freedoms, honor and dignity of people, protecting their own honor and reputation.

Ethics as a science not only studies, generalizes and systematizes the principles and norms of morality operating in society, but also contributes to the development of such moral ideas that best meet historical needs, thereby contributing to the improvement of society and man. Ethics as a science serves the social and economic progress of society, the establishment in it of the principles of humanism and justice.

Thus, ethics is the science of the essence, laws of origin and historical development of morality, its specific functions, and the moral values ​​of social life.

Duty is a social necessity expressed in moral requirements for the individual. Fulfilling the requirements of duty, the individual acts as a bearer of certain moral duties to society, who is aware of them and implements them in his activities. In the category of debt, the obligatory incentive is strong. Duty not only clearly formulates the idea itself, but also gives it an imperative character: it calls, demands, insists on its implementation. To be a man of duty means not only to know its essence, its requirements, but also to follow these requirements in practice.

Many of the greats valued a sense of duty. I. Kant wrote that duty is precisely that great thing that elevates a person above himself.

The official duty of a law enforcement officer is moral in its objective and subjective expression. The moral value of the objective content of debt is that it is subordinated to the solution of the highest and fairest task: protecting individual rights and freedoms, ensuring the security of one’s country, strengthening law and order. However, the potential possibilities of official duty can only manifest themselves if they are complemented by a subjective moral attitude towards it, when public duties are perceived and recognized as personal, as a deep need and conviction in the justice and righteousness of the cause that one serves.

The duty of law enforcement officers is a high and honorable duty arising from the subjective needs of protecting the individual, society, and state, consecrated by state legal requirements and internal moral motives.

The coincidence of the dominant desire with duty is a kind of apotheosis of morality. However, these concepts should be distinguished. Duty is a requirement of society, a collective, and what is desired is an attribute of the individual. Ultimately, duty works to achieve what is desired, and what is desired, when correctly understood, leads to the fulfillment of duty.

Duty directly reveals the active nature of morality. It not only gives clear clarity to the idea and goals, but also encourages and demands their achievement. Therefore, public duty is an active consciousness. The attitude to public duty characterizes not only the individual, but also the team. Law enforcement agencies attach paramount importance to duty as a direct regulator of the activities of their employees.

The moral duty of law enforcement officers has objective and subjective sides. Objective is determined by the need to protect the security of the state and society, ensuring the rights and freedoms of its citizens. The subjective represents clearly defined tasks set by the state for law enforcement agencies: the consciousness and responsibility of employees, the readiness and ability of everyone to understand the requirements of moral duty, their place and role in the common cause, and to make high demands on themselves.

The specificity of the requirements of the official duty of law enforcement officers is determined by the nature of the tasks, the characteristics of the organization, and the unique conditions in which their activities take place.

Due to the specific nature of the organization of law enforcement agencies, moral relations in them are regulated by legal norms in more detail than in other areas. Therefore, duty is not so much a wish as a requirement of the state and society. The moral content of duty is supported by legal requirements that have the force of law. Through the moral basis of duty, high qualities are revealed: diligence, reasonable initiative, dedication and courage, dignity and honor.

The commonality of legal and moral requirements is characteristic of all Russian legislation in legal acts regulating the activities of law enforcement agencies; the interaction and interpenetration of these two types of social requirements is closer and deeper. The requirements of legally formalized professional duty, expressed in the Oath, charters, manuals, instructions, contain both a moral assessment and a legal norm.

Consequently, professional duty represents the unity of the legal and moral aspects.

An important component of moral duty is self-discipline. Such a high level of development of moral attitude towards duty is necessary, when not a single act is committed contrary to self-awareness, and the fulfillment of duty is supported by the dictates of conscience, when discipline, as the main expression of professional duty, becomes self-discipline. Internal readiness to follow the requirements of the Oath, charters, and one’s leaders, perceived as an internal motivation, is the highest measure of responsibility, the readiness to fulfill a professional duty not under coercion, but out of conscience, voluntarily.

The moral measure of professional duty is the practical sphere, which is formed from the relationship to the state and society and employees to each other. The concept of a moral criterion for fulfilling a professional duty includes not only its practical results, but also the motives of activity. In addition, a moral assessment of an employee’s specific behavior involves taking into account his previous activities.

The official duty of a law enforcement officer is moral in its objective and subjective expression. The moral value of the objective content of debt is that it is subordinated to the solution of the highest and fairest task: protecting individual rights and freedoms, ensuring the security of one’s country, strengthening law and order. However, the potential possibilities of official duty can only manifest themselves if they are complemented by a subjective moral attitude towards it, when public duties are perceived and recognized as personal, as a deep need and conviction in the justice and righteousness of the cause that one serves.

The position of the state civil service provides the civil servant with a certain social status, social position, giving the opportunity to demonstrate professional and personal qualities, imposing on him certain responsibilities arising from the specifics of the civil service, at the same time it is in the structure of the employee’s personal interests, at the basis of his social motivations and actions and actions

Need is a person’s persistent and long-lasting strong need for something. An actualized need prompts a person to constantly search for means of satisfying it. Getting a new job, as well as changing the usual working conditions, stimulates the police officer and makes him want to show his best side. Without having the opportunity to feel like a necessary, independent employee who is trusted and respected, he becomes disillusioned with his work.

A police officer should have an urgent need for personal participation in the creation and strengthening of the rule of law, in the fight against crime, the need to devote his life to law enforcement activities, to receive high satisfaction from participation in it and the positive results achieved. The employee, of course, must also have developed moral, cultural, cognitive and other civilized needs. Inclinations, ideals, life plans and interests determine long-term motivations, which, in particular, are the reason for choosing such a profession. A developed orientation is characterized by their stable characteristics, long-term plans for service and work in the internal affairs bodies - for life, a genuine, deep interest in finding ways to increase the effectiveness of the fight against crime and protect the interests of citizens.

Professional and motivational qualities are the second subgroup of the motivational forces of a police officer, acting directly in the process of law enforcement and in connection with it, having a broad impact both on it and on specific actions. The makings of these qualities lie in the general orientation of the young man who has decided to choose a profession. A true professional bases his choice not on mercantile calculations, but on an understanding of his life’s calling, based on the need to be in a difficult area in the fight against crime, the desire to protect citizens, ordinary and honest people from criminals.

It is found constantly and everywhere in behavior, actions and service as: - the desire to constantly, in any conditions, follow the requirements of civil, patriotic, professional, human duty; - an unshakable focus in life and work on the affirmation of goodness and justice, the fight against evil and injustice in the name of man, for the good of Russia; - knowledge of moral standards, conviction of their value and the need to subordinate one’s personal behavior to them in everyday life and professional activities in the service; - a deep understanding of the value of a person, his dignity, rights, interests and life as the highest social and spiritual value;

Law enforcement officers cannot be considered prepared for practical activities without possessing the necessary professionally significant personality qualities, as well as appropriate motivation for service. It is they who have to deal with the most socially complex contingent, which is characterized by the presence of asocial attitudes, uncontrollability, aggressiveness, the secretive nature of criminal activity, confrontation and hostility towards government officials.

Life makes its own adjustments to direction, which are not always favorable. Thus, studies of the motives for professional choice among those currently entering educational institutions of internal affairs bodies and their comparison with data from the 1990s showed that the romantic aspect, family tradition, the influence of military service, meaningful interest in professional work are less often noted and, conversely, such motives as searching for a way out of difficult economic and living conditions, strong dissatisfaction with the previous job, the need to have free time for some activities (sports, study, etc.)

Motives such as the opportunity to have benefits, good earnings, feel safe, change your character, and become more confident have moved to the first place. Human psychology is such that his needs are constantly growing, and if yesterday a certain level of wages contributed to an increase in the employee’s interest in the result of his work, then today the same level of wages can lead, on the contrary, to a negligent attitude towards his work. Therefore, in addition to material incentives for staff work, attention should also be paid to methods of moral incentives.

Not only money can serve as a means of motivation, but also anything that helps strengthen a person’s sense of self-esteem. Moral and psychological methods of stimulation include the following main elements: creating conditions under which people would feel professional pride in the fact that they can cope with the assigned work better than others, involvement in it, personal responsibility for its results, would feel the value of the results, their specific importance for someone;

It is necessary to mention one more form of motivation, which essentially combines all those discussed above. We are talking about promotion in a position, which gives both a higher salary (economic motive) and interesting and meaningful work (organizational motive), and in addition reflects recognition of the merits and authority of the individual through transfer to a higher status group (moral motive)

In conditions when the self-esteem of a representative of the executive branch does not find support in society, when his assessment is constantly low in comparison with self-esteem, when the realization of two fundamental needs - the need for recognition and self-expression - is constantly blocked, a sharp feeling of personal discomfort develops. One of the common ways to solve this problem is the employee leaving the authorities, joining any illegal groups, committing illegal acts, which, perhaps, leads to the satisfaction of the need for recognition and self-expression. Moreover, the group into which a law enforcement officer falls may have both a normative and counter-normative scale of values.

As for the satisfaction of basic needs, self-sufficient people have satisfied needs such as the need for recognition and self-expression. Those who lack self-confidence have unmet material needs, interpersonal communication and security needs, which in itself indicates that employees who lack self-confidence do not know how to establish contact with others.

A law enforcement officer, as a representative of government vested with a certain range of legal powers, is subject to rather high demands, both morally, ethically and psychologically. The professional competence of a law enforcement officer is an integrative property of the personality of a subject of specialized activity, expressed in the totality of internalized socially and personally significant competencies in the system of law enforcement activities

Psychological characteristics of professional competence directly affect the level of professionalism of a law enforcement officer. In the process of professional activity, law enforcement officers need to create optimal conditions for the functioning of these personal qualities.

The mechanism of moral influence is subtler and more effective than legal regulation. Moral requirements are addressed to a person’s conscience and are associated with self-regulation of actions, awareness of one’s duty, and a sense of justice. They are focused on conscious and voluntary adherence to moral principles and norms. It should be emphasized that our laws are sufficiently flexible, as a rule, allowing their executor to choose the most appropriate and fair solution from a set of alternatives. In making this choice, moral standards and moral consciousness play a decisive role.

Moral consciousness has at its center a core moral principle, which, together with other elements, characterizes the initial moral position of the individual. Such a core principle of the moral consciousness of law enforcement officers is the principle of legality, adherence to which is not only an official duty, but also a moral duty.

A law enforcement officer should constantly cultivate the ability of moral thinking, moral analysis of the situation, in order to determine in each specific case the conformity of his actions with moral admissibility. The moral education of an employee should be his professional quality, allowing him to carry out his activities in such a way that his professional interest in it does not lose moral guidelines.

Duty - it is a social necessity expressed in moral requirements for the individual. Fulfilling the requirements of duty, the individual acts as a bearer of certain moral duties to society, who is aware of them and implements them in his activities. In the category of debt, the obligatory incentive is strong. Duty not only clearly formulates the idea itself, but also gives it an imperative character: it calls, demands, insists on its implementation. To be a man of duty means not only to know its essence, its requirements, but also to follow these requirements in practice.

Many of the greats valued a sense of duty. I. Kant wrote that duty is precisely that great thing that elevates a person above himself.

The official duty of a law enforcement officer is moral in its objective and subjective expression. The moral value of the objective content of debt is that it is subordinated to the solution of the highest and fairest task: protecting individual rights and freedoms, ensuring the security of one’s country, strengthening law and order. However, the potential possibilities of official duty can only manifest themselves if they are complemented by a subjective moral attitude towards it, when public duties are perceived and recognized as personal, as a deep need and conviction in the justice and righteousness of the cause that one serves.

Duty of Law Enforcement Officers- this is a high and honorable duty arising from the subjective needs of protecting the individual, society, and state, consecrated by state legal requirements and internal moral motives.

The coincidence of the dominant desire with duty is a kind of apotheosis of morality. However, these concepts should be distinguished. Duty is a requirement of society, a collective, and what is desired is an attribute of the individual. Ultimately, duty works to achieve what is desired, and what is desired, when correctly understood, leads to the fulfillment of duty.

Duty directly reveals the active nature of morality. It not only gives clear clarity to the idea and goals, but also encourages and demands their achievement. Therefore, public duty is an active consciousness. The attitude to public duty characterizes not only the individual, but also the team. Law enforcement agencies attach paramount importance to duty as a direct regulator of the activities of their employees.

The moral duty of law enforcement officers has objective and subjective sides. Objective is determined by the need to protect the security of the state and society, ensuring the rights and freedoms of its citizens. The subjective represents clearly defined tasks set by the state for law enforcement agencies: the consciousness and responsibility of employees, the readiness and ability of everyone to understand the requirements of moral duty, their place and role in the common cause, and to make high demands on themselves.

The specificity of the requirements of the official duty of law enforcement officers is determined by the nature of the tasks, the characteristics of the organization, and the unique conditions in which their activities take place.

Due to the specific nature of the organization of law enforcement agencies, moral relations in them are regulated by legal norms in more detail than in other areas. Therefore, duty is not so much a wish as a requirement of the state and society. The moral content of duty is supported by legal requirements that have the force of law. Through the moral basis of duty, high qualities are revealed - diligence, reasonable initiative, dedication and courage, dignity and honor.

The commonality of legal and moral requirements is characteristic of all Russian legislation in legal acts regulating the activities of law enforcement agencies; the interaction and interpenetration of these two types of social requirements is closer and deeper. The requirements of legally formalized professional duty, expressed in the Oath, charters, manuals, instructions, contain both a moral assessment and a legal norm.

Consequently, professional duty represents the unity of the legal and moral aspects.

An important component of moral duty is self-discipline. Such a high level of development of moral attitude towards duty is necessary, when not a single act is committed contrary to self-awareness, and the fulfillment of duty is supported by the dictates of conscience, when discipline, as the main expression of professional duty, becomes self-discipline. Internal readiness to follow the requirements of the Oath, charters, and one’s leaders, perceived as an internal urge, is the highest measure of responsibility, the readiness to fulfill a professional duty not under coercion, but out of conscience, voluntarily.

The moral measure of professional duty is the practical sphere, which is formed from the relationship to the state and society and employees to each other. The concept of a moral criterion for fulfilling a professional duty includes not only its practical results, but also the motives of activity. In addition, a moral assessment of an employee’s specific behavior involves taking into account his previous activities.

In this regard, the category of moral responsibility.

The category of moral responsibility is significantly correlated with the category of professional duty, being to a certain extent one of its components. Responsibility expresses the attitude of society or a person towards the fulfillment of a moral duty by a subject.

Moral responsibility can be conditionally divided into internal and external. Internal responsibility is the ability of an individual to realize the consequences of his actions and act in accordance with this awareness, guided by moral standards. External responsibility comes in the form of social sanctions for individual actions.

Sometimes responsibility is divided into positive and negative. Positive responsibility is the conscious and conscientious fulfillment by an individual of the requirements placed on him. It focuses on the proper performance by the subject of the duties assigned to him. Negative responsibility is the reaction of society or an individual to committed offenses.

Moral responsibility differs from legal responsibility, which is always associated with the use of government coercive measures. With moral responsibility, sanctions against a subject for immoral actions can be imposed not only by society, but also by the subject himself. Moral responsibility is associated primarily with public and personal condemnation.

In this regard, the question arises about to the extent of responsibility. There is a clear legal framework in determining legal liability. Moral responsibility has no such framework. The measure of moral responsibility is sufficiently based on subjective grounds, because society or the person himself in each specific situation determines to what extent and in what form to condemn the offender. However, this does not mean that the measure of moral responsibility is devoid of objective grounds. Such grounds are the degree of harm caused by the offense and the degree of guilt of the offender.

The measure of responsibility for moral choice follows from the dialectic of freedom and necessity. A person is responsible to the extent of freedom of choice, i.e. she is responsible only for what she objectively could and subjectively had to choose and implement in action.

In recent years, the question of the responsibility of law enforcement agencies and their employees for their actions has become acute. The essence of this question is the following: to what extent and for what they can and should be held responsible.

The measure of responsibility, as noted above, is determined by the measure of freedom of choice, i.e. the presence of objective opportunities for alternative actions and the degree of adherence to moral requirements. Law enforcement officials must be held accountable for specific illegal or immoral actions of specific individuals or government agencies. However, in reality, assessing the actions of a person or an entire organization does not always fit into one formula or another. Many issues require in-depth analysis and must be resolved in their own way in each specific case, taking into account all the accompanying circumstances.

All this poses new challenges for law enforcement agencies, which in turn generate the need to select other priority areas both in official and operational activities and in training personnel to ensure readiness to make non-standard decisions. That is why the issues of duty of honor and dignity as moral guidelines in the official activities of a police officer. The purpose and objectives of the work is to study the duty of honor and dignity as moral guidelines in the official activities of a police officer. Fulfilling the demands of duty...

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Duty, honor and dignity moral guidelines in the official activities of a police officer
Table of contents


Modern social, economic, political, legal and spiritual transformations, the expansion of democratic principles in the life of our society are accompanied by the expansion of various forms of ownership, the emergence of capital, monetary and property accumulations, which entailed a radical change in the crime situation, a sharp increase in crime and other offenses, and a decline in spirituality among a significant part of citizens, increasing manifestations of legal and moral nihilism, disrespect for laws, which ultimately led to an aggravation of social tension.

Under these conditions, the criminal environment has received a favorable opportunity to accumulate resource and functional potential. Its scale, organization and professionalism are increasing. Criminal actions acquire the character of exceptional social danger and cynicism. All this poses new tasks for law enforcement agencies, which, in turn, give rise to the need to select other priority areas both in official and operational activities, and in personnel training, ensuring readiness to make non-standard decisions. In particular, this applies to the problem of increasing the moral qualities and cultural level of employees, which in modern conditions are becoming the most important elements of their professional competence.

That is why issues of duty, honor and dignity as moral guidelines in the official activities of a police officer.

The purpose and objectives of the work is to study duty, honor and dignity as moral guidelines in the official activities of a police officer.

1 Professional duty

The category of duty is one of the most important in ethics in general and among the categories of professional ethics in particular. Duty is a social necessity expressed in moral requirements for the individual. Fulfilling the requirements of duty, the individual acts as a bearer of certain moral duties to society, who is aware of them and implements them in his activities. The sphere of morality is, with good reason, called the sphere of what is proper. Be kind, be honest, be fair. Be! In debt, as in no other category, the obligatory incentive is strong. He not only clearly formulates the idea itself, but also gives it an imperative character: he calls, demands, insists on its implementation. To be a man of duty means not only to know its essence, its requirements, but also to follow these requirements in practice 1 .

The official duty of a law enforcement officer, being an integral part of public duty, is moral in its objective and subjective expression. The moral value of the objective content of debt is that it is subordinated to the solution of the highest and fairest task: protecting individual rights and freedoms, ensuring the security of one’s country, strengthening law and order. However, the potential possibilities of official duty can only manifest themselves if they are complemented by a subjective moral attitude towards it, when public duties are perceived and recognized as personal, as a deep need and conviction in the justice and righteousness of the cause that one serves.

The duty of a law enforcement officer is a high and honorable duty arising from the objective needs of protecting the individual, society and the state, consecrated by state legal requirements and internal moral motives.

The category of duty is absolutely incompatible with such personality qualities as selfishness, deceit, greed, arrogance, arrogance, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, etc. They weaken the moral strength of the individual, his desire for the ideal, the heroic, and can even push him to treason, to betrayal, to crimes. This is exactly what happened to former GRU officer Penkovsky. Penkovsky, “being a smart person, possessing organizational qualities, at the same time was vain and ambitious. In achieving his goal, he could ingratiate himself and lie. Penkovsky was not distinguished by marital fidelity: he spent his free time mostly outside the home, had numerous connections on the side.” 2 .

In the process of personality formation, it is influenced by the evaluative and normative side of morality. If the evaluative side is concentrated in goodness and justice, then the normative side is mainly in duty. Duty is a focus through which the entire set of moral norms is directly connected with the practical activities of people. In this focus, the original and the derivative, the evaluative and the normative, the achieved and the promising, are combined into a single whole.

In it, theory is transformed into practice, the idea of ​​goodness and justice into a powerful material force, moral principles and norms into real actions and deeds. Duty directly reveals the active nature of morality. It not only gives clear clarity to the idea and goals, but also encourages and demands their achievement. Social duty, therefore, can be called an active consciousness. It allows us to best characterize the morality of an individual, since people and their moral merits and demerits are judged primarily by their actions.

The attitude towards public duty characterizes not only the individual, but also the team, and the spiritual forces of society as a whole. Law enforcement agencies attach paramount importance to duty as a direct regulator of the activities of their employees. The mechanism of behavior of law enforcement officers, the essence of moral relations in their teams is based on three most important factors:

  • the employee’s dependence on the team, the state and society, his interest in public support and approval, which finds emotional expression in feelings and pangs of conscience;
  • a certain freedom and independence of the employee, which is expressed in the ability to choose one or another line of behavior within the limits of an objectively defined range of possibilities;
  • responsibility of employees for the results and possible consequences of the “freedom” of their actions, i.e. the responsibility of each individual employee to be ready to answer for his moral choice within the framework of moral standards formed by the team and society 3 .

The moral duty of law enforcement officers has objective and subjective sides. Objective is determined by the need to protect the security of the state and society, ensuring the rights and freedoms of its citizens. The subjective represents clearly defined tasks set by the state for law enforcement agencies: the consciousness and responsibility of employees in fulfilling the tasks assigned to them to strengthen law and order, protect the security of the state and society, the rights and freedoms of its citizens; the readiness and ability of each employee to understand the requirements of moral duty, their place and role in the common cause, to determine their internal attitude to duty, and to make high demands on themselves.

Certain law enforcement tasks become voluntary and purposeful activities because they are perceived by officers as fair and true. Internal motivation organically enters into the very essence of the moral duty of every law enforcement officer as the source of his moral strength.

It should be noted that the requirements of public duty are the same for all members of society. However, the work of law enforcement officers is special. The specificity of debt requirements is determined by the nature of the tasks facing employees, the characteristics of the organization, and the unique conditions in which their activities take place. This organization requires special responsibility, organization and tension of moral and physical strength.

Due to the specific nature of the organization of law enforcement agencies, moral relations in them are regulated by the rules of law in more detail than in other spheres of civil life, i.e. To a large extent, they are deontological in nature. Therefore, duty is not so much a wish as a requirement of the state and society, and its orders must be fulfilled. The moral content of duty is supported by legal requirements that have the force of law. Through the moral basis of duty, high qualities are revealed - diligence and reasonable initiative, dedication and courage, dignity and honor, an active attitude to public responsibilities 4 .

All relationships that directly express and consolidate professional duty have moral and legal authority. Deviation from moral norms, as a rule, is always at the same time a violation of legal norms. The requirements of legally formalized professional duty, expressed in the Oath, charters, manuals, instructions, contain both a moral assessment and a legal norm. In the sphere of professional duty, there are no legal requirements that would be devoid of moral force, just as there are no moral norms that are devoid of legal responsibility.

The commonality of legal and moral requirements is characteristic of all Russian legislation. But in legal acts regulating the activities of law enforcement agencies, the interaction and interpenetration of these two types of social requirements is closer and deeper. Legal and moral standards governing law enforcement activities ensure a high level of organization, clarity and discipline. Professional duty has an active mobilizing force, fills the affairs and thoughts of employees with the desire to perform their work clearly and on time, and direct all their willpower to achieve their goals.

In professional duty, one cannot categorically distinguish between legal and moral requirements. A specific quality of the legal side, as is known, is the possibility of higher control, even potential, the likelihood of applying an administrative sanction, punishment in case of failure to comply with the order. Moral norms are implemented on the basis of inner conviction, the dictates of conscience, under the influence of the strength of public opinion. Here both of these “components” merge together.

Consequently, professional duty represents the unity of the legal and moral aspects, since moral requirements coincide with the state will. Legal sanction and moral motive have differences in the nature of their impact on the consciousness and will of law enforcement officers. If the legal sanction is more immediate, then actions carried out out of inner conviction, a moral motive, are thorough, stable, and constant, but it takes time for even a morally trained employee to act in strict accordance with moral principles. Legal sanction is effective immediately, as necessary, with government enforcement applied to individual employees. Moral requirements apply to the entire variety of human actions. They are the most flexible in terms of reflecting and assessing changes in employee relations.

An important component of moral duty is self-discipline. Neither the power of legal influence nor the influence of the team in themselves, if they do not completely coincide with internal personal motivations, conviction, conscience and passion, can still be a strong guarantee that in the process of operational activities the employee will maintain strength of character and will not demoralized. Such a high level of development of moral attitude towards duty is necessary, when not a single act is committed contrary to self-awareness, and the fulfillment of duty is supported by the dictates of conscience, when discipline, as the main expression of professional duty, becomes self-discipline. The fact is that self-discipline is a conscious need to fulfill the requirements of professional duty, internal interest, and a willingness to coordinate one’s actions with the requirements of professional duty. Internal readiness to follow the requirements of the Oath, charters and one’s leaders, perceived as internal motivations, as a necessity, is the highest measure of responsibility, the readiness to fulfill a professional duty not under coercion, but out of conscience, voluntarily. The establishment of harmonious relations between the demands of duty and personal moral motives, between duty and conscience, leads to the fact that social discipline, as a requirement of duty, rises to self-discipline. Duty turns into a moral need. Therefore, self-discipline is highly moral behavior, which is performed on the basis of the convergence of duty and conscience.

The concept of a moral criterion for the fulfillment of professional duty by law enforcement officers includes not only its practical results, but also the motives of the activity. Neither the objective consequences of an activity (its results) nor the subjective motivations (motives for an activity) alone provide an answer to the question of the moral value of fulfilling one’s professional duty. To do this, it is important to find out the degree of responsibility of the employee for completing the assigned task and awareness of its official and business importance, as well as the degree to which he takes into account the real possibilities of solving the problem and the consequences of his actions. In addition, a moral assessment of an employee’s specific behavior involves taking into account his previous activities.

The moral criterion of professional activity focuses on the maximum opportunities for developing the moral strength of employees and is based on deepening the subjective side of professional duty.

In this regard, the category of moral responsibility, which in ethics is used in several meanings and is significantly correlated with the category of professional duty, being to a certain extent one of its components, becomes extremely important in the activities of law enforcement agencies. One content is put into this concept when we say that a person is responsible for his work. Another thing is when it comes to responsibility to society for an offense committed. The third is when we associate responsibility with conscience, the fourth is when responsibility is correlated with the category of freedom. We can talk about responsibility as a special property of consciousness, as a property of behavior, as a measure of social coercion, etc. All these meanings do not contradict each other, but only emphasize one or another facet of this category. In any case, responsibility expresses the attitude of society or a person towards the fulfillment of a moral duty by the subject.

In relation to the specifics of law enforcement activity, which has as its attribute (mandatory, inalienable condition) the strict hierarchization of the entire law enforcement system, the following circumstance should be taken into account. With each promotion or transition to a higher level of the career ladder, the manager’s degree of freedom in his official activities increases. In other words, in a higher position he receives the right to make independent decisions on more complex problems than in his previous position, when he was obliged in this regard to carry out the decisions of his superiors. But! And this should be firmly remembered: at the same time, the degree of his responsibility for the decision made also increases, because, being erroneous, it will negatively affect a much wider contingent of employees and disrupt the solution of a much more important task than those that were previously within his competence. Therefore, a mandatory condition of personnel policy: an employee is only appointed to a higher position if he is able to understand and accept this higher responsibility.

Is it possible to hold accountable an investigator or a judge who acted within the law, but the law itself was illegal? Is it possible to hold a law enforcement agency responsible if an offense or crime was committed by its employee? These and many other questions cannot be answered with a clear “yes” or “no”. They require in-depth analysis and must be resolved in their own way in each specific case, taking into account all the accompanying circumstances.

2 Honor and dignity

Among the most important categories of professional ethics is the category of honor. Honor is a positive social and moral assessment of a person or institution, authority, reputation; this is one of the main moral qualities, the highest degree of honesty, decency and nobility. Professional honor is recognition by public opinion and awareness by law enforcement officers themselves of the high social value (need and importance) of selflessly fulfilling their duty. A sense of honor is a powerful driver of the deeds and actions of law enforcement officers. You can earn the title “man of honor” only by impeccably fulfilling your official duties and moral requirements. Acquiring this title is not easy, and to lose it, it is enough to commit just one unworthy act. It is not for nothing that our distant ancestors taught: “Take care of honor from a young age.”

The majority of law enforcement officers are people of honor. It manifests itself primarily in them in the performance of their official duty. Its specificity is that even in peacetime, fulfilling one’s duty requires courage, endurance, and sometimes self-sacrifice. As a rule, they do not talk about their high purpose, about the constant danger that accompanies them when fulfilling their duty. They simply perform it, and people are grateful to them for it.

The honor of a law enforcement officer is inseparable from the honor of the team, the unit in which he carries out his difficult service. Therefore, he cannot afford anything that would disgrace his fellow officers. The honor of the team is also its honor. Healthy ambition is not an alien feeling for a law enforcement officer. Properly understood ambition does not harm the common cause, but, on the contrary, gives additional strength for its implementation. It’s another matter when ambition is hypertrophied and develops into careerism, when a person is ready to use the dirtiest means to achieve selfish goals.

The fusion of the employee’s honor and the honor of the team gives rise to a feeling of pride, i.e. moral satisfaction of law enforcement officers from the awareness of their belonging to them. And although the authority of law enforcement agencies in recent years in public opinion has decreased significantly, the entire system of law enforcement agencies is still considered by the people as necessary and is generally assessed positively. It is the duty of each employee to constantly raise the authority of law enforcement agencies in the eyes of public opinion and revive the best traditions that they undoubtedly had. By the way, the honor of law enforcement officers also manifests itself in their attitude to good traditions. Forgetting them, or even more so, disdainful attitude or ridicule should be met with severe condemnation in the official environment. We must always remember that traditions are not just history, but a powerful means of educating the younger generation of people who guard public order, including instilling in them a sense of honor.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that relying on traditions presupposes their development and movement forward. People rightly believe that the old glory loves the new. The honor of law enforcement officers requires them to move forward, master modern technology and the latest techniques and methods to perform their professional duties. In this sense, it is important to study the experience and achievements of law enforcement agencies in other countries. This strengthens and elevates the honor and dignity of our law enforcement agencies, and helps them more effectively perform their official duty.

Finally, about one more component of the category of honor - loyalty to one’s word. Man of his word! This is such an important quality of a person that sometimes it is even identified with the concept of honor. You gave your word - keep it, promised something - fulfill it. Otherwise, they will no longer respect you and will simply call you a talker, a liar, an unnecessary person. Nothing undermines the honor of a law enforcement officer more than breaking a given word or deviating from it. In the end, he inevitably loses authority, and an inevitable fiasco awaits him.

The category of honor, as follows from the above, is indeed one of the most important in the moral culture of a law enforcement officer. Cherishing honor is a duty and a daily responsibility. The content of honor as a category largely depends on the level of a person’s general culture, his spiritual and physical development, and the ability to think like a statesman. You need to constantly learn this.

The category of honor is very close to the category of dignity. These categories practically coincide in their objective content, but differ in form. Assessing honor is an assessment of public opinion, and assessing dignity is primarily a matter for the individual himself. Of course, the latter assessment does not occur in isolation from public opinion, it’s just that in this case the emphasis is shifted to one’s own self-esteem, which is again based on the awareness of one’s services to society and one’s personal self-worth.

In addition, honor is an uncompromising adherence to moral principles and norms oriented towards a moral ideal, moral education, conviction, and dignity - in addition to the manner of behaving in a certain way in society, often acts as a reaction to one or another type of attitude towards oneself. This allows us to consider honor as a mainly ideological concept, and dignity as an emotional one.

It should be noted that if the concept of honor is quite unambiguous, then the concept of dignity has a multifaceted structure. Thus, if any person has a legal right to the protection of his dignity by law enforcement institutions, then this applies only to a certain minimum of forms of attitude towards the individual - due to the fact that he belongs to the human race and society constitutionally guarantees him the protection of this right. However, society’s respect for the dignity of the individual is a huge range of different forms that have a multi-stage, hierarchical nature - from the mandatory observance of elementary rules of etiquette to strict adherence to rituals, ceremonies, giving honors, expressing enthusiastic admiration, deep respect, etc. The degree of this respect is determined both by the social status of the individual and by his merits, his authority, including his untarnished honor. The exact correspondence between the degree of personal merit and forms of treatment in relation to the personality of others depends on their moral education, knowledge of etiquette rules, sense of tact, as well as on their culture, including the culture of communication.

In self-esteem, an important role is played by a person’s sense of pride, based on the awareness of his services to society and people. In the same way, a sense of professional dignity is based on the understanding by law enforcement officers of the complexity, difficulty and importance of their profession for society, and a sense of pride in their profession.

Arising from the self-worth of a person as a goal in himself, the dignity of his personality plays no less, and often a greater role for a person’s overall well-being and happiness, than material well-being, health, and even life itself. A person can endure many hardships, but, as a rule, he cannot tolerate humiliation, which deprives him of self-esteem and the ability to respect himself. Without such respect, a person loses many of his human qualities and often commits suicide and crimes.

Any belittlement of human dignity causes terrible damage to our overall spirituality, for it sanctifies the basest qualities of a person. For example, denunciation, anonymous letters from “zealots of morality,” whom Saltykov-Shchedrin rightly called “scoundrels on the right path,” betrayal of loved ones and friends bring meanness and conformism into our midst. Therefore, always and everywhere, the protection and defense of human dignity is the most important goal of all political and legal institutions and any statehood. This urgently puts forward the need to affirm the principle of human dignity as an absolute moral and legal principle of the rule of law. To counter the tendency of some law enforcement officers to achieve professional goals at any cost, this principle:

  • establishes that only he has the right to apply the law to the behavior of a person who truly respects the unique individuality of another and does not allow him to be treated simply as a means, but always only as a goal of social development, to achieve the public good;
  • prohibits, in the process of professional law enforcement communication, neglect, belittlement or infringement of personal dignity and prescribes to introduce into one’s behavior a sense of proportion and tact, objectivity and impartiality in relation to persons with whom a law enforcement officer comes into contact due to the performance of official duties;
  • requires full use of the procedural and institutional capabilities of the established legal order to protect the dignity and rights of the individual from derogation and violation, whether by citizens or by government agencies and institutions.

It should be emphasized that the categories of honor and dignity are very close to the category of conscience. Therefore, the expressions “a man of honor” and “a conscientious person” seem almost identical.

Conscience is the awareness and feeling of a person’s moral responsibility for his behavior, for an act or intended action before other people, serving as a guide to him in assessing and choosing his intentions and actions that correspond to the needs of the progressive development of society and each individual. What does it mean to act according to your conscience? In the most general terms, this means thinking and acting in accordance with the requirements of morality. If morality requires a person to do good, but he brings evil to people, remorse begins to torment him. Morality requires a person to be fair in relations with other people, and if he does the opposite, it means he is acting contrary to the call of his conscience. The same can be said about the violation of all other moral requirements.

The demands of conscience are internal, not external demands, and, figuratively speaking, one cannot escape from them. You may not come to the aid of the victim, turn a blind eye to your colleague’s violations of the law, or avoid fair punishment—you just cannot run away from your conscience, because you cannot run away from yourself. Conscience is the internal guardian of people's behavior, encouraging them to do good deeds and preventing them from crossing the line separating good from evil. “Conscience is a dangerous thing,” says one of Shakespeare’s heroes, “because of it, a person falls into cowards: if he wants to steal, his conscience won’t tell him, if he swears, his conscience will stop him; if he sins with someone else’s wife, his conscience will immediately convict him.” 5 .

The basis, the basis of conscience is a person’s understanding and experience of moral values. Knowing, for example, that the protection of human rights is a requirement of society, conscience strongly protests against their violation or ignoring them altogether. A duty or any other obligation can be fulfilled in different ways: under fear of punishment or at the behest of the heart, that is, according to conscience, due to a deep conviction of the need to fulfill it. Punishment can ultimately be avoided, but one can escape from the overseer, but not from conscience. It is conscience that characterizes the essence of a person. The loss of conscience, even the belittlement of this feeling, means the degradation of the human element of the individual.

The forms of manifestation of conscience among people can be very different. Conscience, in particular, manifests itself in the form of moral satisfaction. Indeed, fulfilling a duty, helping a person in need, protection from a rapist, respectful attitude towards elders, women, caring for children, even if associated with experiences, difficulties, and even risk to life, give a person a feeling of mental satisfaction, happiness and joy from what was done. A person breathes easily and freely, he looks at the world with open eyes. People call such a conscience clear, and its bearers are called people with a clear conscience. Unfortunately, there are others about whom this cannot be said. These are rather people with a black conscience, which, perhaps, is equivalent to its absence. These are people without conscience, but they can never be happy in their souls, because only those who find moral recognition from society, the collective, and other people are happy.

Another form of manifestation of conscience is shame, a feeling of shame. A feeling of shame is experienced both in front of other people for an immoral act that has become known to them, and in front of oneself - for an act or actions that people and fellow employees may not even be aware of. This shame manifests itself in the form of remorse. In the latter case, moral experiences and mental anguish can acquire even greater force than in the first case. “Shame,” noted K. Marx, “is a kind of anger, only turned inward.” 6 .

And only repentance, open admission of guilt can free the soul from the torment of conscience. The church ministers, who developed a whole ritual of repentance, understood the psychology of people not so badly. In order to “cleanse themselves,” ease the soul, and receive “absolution of sins,” many people who despised moral standards resorted to donations for the construction of churches, other charitable institutions, schools, and orphanages. An honest admission of one's guilt, deep repentance for what has been done, honest work, honest service are the main medicine for clearing one's conscience. Democritus also wrote that repentance for shameful deeds is the salvation of life.

Conscience can be realized in the form of doubt. Doubt is the result of ignorance or incomplete knowledge, haste or ignorance of objective laws, concessions to oneself or group interests, etc. Therefore, a person is tormented by doubts: did I do the right thing? This question does not allow a person to live in peace: he seems to be both right and wrong, and at the heart of this feeling is a restless conscience.

Doubt as a form of manifestation of conscience is especially often observed in interpersonal relationships. To tell or not to tell fellow employees that one of them did not return the money he borrowed. They may say: they may not understand and even accuse you of pettiness. Not to say: it means setting up one of them, someone will become another victim of a deceiver and a dishonest person. The criterion for resolving this, like any other, problem should be the objective interests of society, a collective or even an individual, but taken from the angle of benefit. In the latter case, the one who gave the money is simply obliged to tell about the debtor’s dishonesty, because this is for the benefit of both the giver, the one who took, and the entire team.

In short, conscience acts as a huge motivating force. Its categorical nature - live and serve according to your conscience - to some extent brings it closer to the category of duty. Conscience can rightfully be called the other side of duty. The external imperative principle, sharply expressed in duty, is presented in conscience as internal. Both the sense of duty and the sense of conscience are based on self-awareness, self-esteem of personal attitude towards the world around us, towards the moral norms operating in society.

A person's conscience is immunity from many moral diseases. It does not allow a law enforcement officer to take a careless approach to the assigned work, lie, deceive, steal, be rude, be a hypocrite, etc. But it can only be such if it is based on the norms of true morality: goodness, duty, justice, sensitive attitude towards people. Law enforcement officers should understand and be proud that the purpose of their profession is deeply moral and noble.


Duty is a social categorical imperative. The concept of duty became the main category of morality for I. Kant: it is the sense of duty that determines a person’s moral behavior.

Duty becomes a social necessity, expressed in preventive requirements in the form in which they appear before a certain individual, with the aim of extending the requirements of morality equally to all people. Therefore, the individual acts as a bearer of certain moral responsibilities to society, who is aware of them and implements them in his professional activities.

Debt is closely related to such concepts as responsibility, self-awareness, conscience, and motive.

Duty is a social necessity expressed in moral requirements for the individual.

Fulfilling the requirements of duty, the individual acts as a bearer of certain moral duties to society, who is aware of them and implements them in his activities. The sphere of morality is rightly called the sphere of what is proper. Be kind, be honest, be fair.

Be! duty not only clearly formulates the idea itself, but also gives it an imperative character, calls, demands, insists on its implementation. To be a man of duty means not only to know its essence, its requirements, but also to follow these requirements in practice. Many of the great personalities highly valued the sense of duty. I. Kant noted, for example, that duty is precisely that great thing that elevates a person above himself.

List of used literature

  1. Guseinov A.A. Great moralists. M., 1995.
  2. Egoryshev S.V., Rostovsky A.N., Suleymanov T.F. Professional ethics of police officers. Lecture course. M., 2005.
  3. Code of professional ethics for employees of internal affairs bodies. December 2008.
  4. Kolontaevskaya I.F. Pedagogy of professional education of police personnel in foreign countries: Monograph. M.: Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2002.
  5. Kukushin V.M. Police deontology: Sociological analysis of foreign concepts. M., 1994.

1 Kushnarenko I.A.. Professional ethics of police officers. Textbook, M., 2008.

2 Kushnarenko I.A. Professional ethics of police officers. Textbook, M., 2008.

3 Psychology. Pedagogy. Ethics: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., rev. and additional / Ed. Naumkina Yu.V. M., 2002. (Chapters 11 16).

4 Gutseriev Kh.S., Salnikov V.P., Fedorov V.P., Khudyak A.I. Legal and spiritual culture of law enforcement officers. St. Petersburg: SpbYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1995.

5 Professional ethics of law enforcement officers. Textbook / Ed. G.V. Dubova. M., 2006. Ch. USH

6 Egoryshev S.V., Rostovsky A.N., Suleymanov T.F. Professional ethics of police officers. Lecture course. M., 2005

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Rights aimed at ensuring the physical integrity of the individual and their protection. These processes cannot but be accompanied by a strengthening of the legal status of the individual, since in a modern civilized democratic society the rights of a particular person acquire paramount importance. Human rights and freedoms are the moral and legal foundation of any society, a value that belongs to the entire world community...
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Every person has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks Art. Establishing these circumstances is possible mainly with the help of judicial proof, which is carried out by the subjects of proof who, by force of law, bear this obligation and have this right and are interested in the substantive and or procedural outcome of the case. The main theoretical basis for writing the thesis was the legislative acts: Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Civil Code Criminal Code and other...
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Goethe called intuition the revelation of the inner man. The most important criterion of intuition: in most cases, it manifests itself when we give up and stop searching for a solution to the problem of answering the complex question of ways to change the situation. A specific feature of creative problem-solving processes is the presence of intuition in them.
Historical experience of material incentives for employees of the penitentiary system. The concept of principles and the meaning of motivation and stimulation of the performance of employees of the penitentiary system. Legal regulation of material support and incentives for the performance of employees of the penal system.
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General information about the area. Types, types and properties of terrain. Orientation on the terrain using a map and without a map. Topography from the Greek topos terrain grpho I am writing the science that studies methods and means of assessing terrain, orienting on it and making measurements on the terrain to ensure the combat activity of forces, rules for maintaining working maps of commanders and developing combat graphic documents.
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THEORETICAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORKS FOR STIMULATING THE OFFICIAL ACTIVITIES OF CRIMINAL EMPLOYEES OF THE CRIMINAL SYSTEM. Historical experience of material incentives for employees of the penal system. The concept of principles and the meaning of motivation and stimulation of the performance of employees of the penitentiary system. Legal regulation of material support and incentives for the performance of employees of the penal system.
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The effectiveness of the functioning of the law enforcement system of the Russian Federation will depend on the extent to which the personal psychological processes of a law institute graduate meet the requirements for his professional preparedness. The professional orientation of a lawyer is a special system of his motivation to use all his strengths and abilities in strengthening law and order in the country. This is the main thing that characterizes law enforcement, determines the place of a lawyer in society and the requirements for his...
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Using this budget as an example, it is advisable to now consider this issue. The reason for such removal of the budget from these tasks is the opinion that their solution is a matter of business. The main parameters of the 2010 federal budget and the 2011-2012 planning period do not meet these requirements. Budget revenues even in nominal terms in 2012