Comparison of visa and mastercard. What is the difference between a visa and a mastercard - which card is better

Visa and Mastercard are two well-known international payment systems widely used in Russia. Making one or the other plastic card in Sberbank, customers are faced with a choice - which type of Visa or MasterCard should they prefer? To properly resolve this issue, let's figure out what is the difference between these systems, and which one is better.

Advantages and disadvantages of the VISA card

Visa is a transcontinental American corporation providing services for payment transactions. The company was founded in 1958 and today covers almost all countries of the world with its activities. The main currency of the system is US dollars. Therefore, when traveling abroad with a Visa card, the client should be aware that when paying with it at outlets where the euro is valid, a certain percentage for currency conversion will be charged from him.

An additional commission is also charged when cashing out a VISA card from Sberbank at ATMs in Europe. As a rule, it is 2%.

At the moment, Sberbank of Russia produces two types of Visa plastic products - debit and credit.

Debit cards:

  • Classic Standard;
  • Classic with big bonuses;
  • Classic with individual design;
  • Youth;
  • Aeroflot (Classic, Gold and Signature);
  • "Give Life" (classic, gold and platinum);
  • Instant.

Visa credit cards presented in the same options as debit:

  • classic,
  • golden,
  • Premium,
  • Aeroflot (Classic, Gold, Signature),
  • “Give life” (classic and gold).

Advantages of Visa payment type products:

  • High degree of protection
  • Versatility (the ability to use everywhere),
  • Possibility to use the card abroad.

The downside is that the card is geared more towards US dollars than euros. When it is cashed in EU countries, an additional tax is charged to the user. And this applies to cashing out not only credit cards. And we remember that they are provided for cashless payments. So, when withdrawing money from a credit card through a Sberbank ATM, the commission is 3% (at least 390 rubles), and when cashing out through any other - 4% (at least 490 rubles). Cashing out a Sberbank Visa debit card at a “native” ATM without%, and abroad - 2%.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Mastercard card (Mastercard)

Mastercard is a universal payment system, first introduced in the US in 1966. It currently operates in 210 countries of the world. The main advantage of cards of this type is the possibility of their use abroad almost everywhere. At the same time, there is no conversion fee for using a card in the EU.

This year, Sberbank is presenting the following debit and credit cards of the MasterCard payment type:

  • Mastercard Classic;
  • Mastercard Gold;
  • Mastercard Signature
  • Card with big bonuses;
  • Mastercard with individual design;
  • Youth;
  • Aeroflot (standard, gold and platinum);
  • "Give Life" (Classic and Gold);
  • Instant.

The payment type has the same advantages as the Visa, plus priority (no fees) use in the EU.

What is better Visa or Mastercard in Russia?

So, we found out that in order to travel to Europe, you should issue a MasterCard payment type card. But in America, Visa is useful. But what about in Russia? What plastic to order?

In fact, experts answer this question like this: Any type payment system beneficial to use in Russia if the card itself is issued Russian bank. One-cash at native ATMs without interest (for debit). And withdrawing money from loans at an acceptable percentage without additional commission for conversion.

And another question: Mastercard Gold or Visa Gold: which is better?

When issuing premium class cards, many customers ask themselves the question: what is better Mastercard Gold or Visa Gold?

  • There is no significant difference between them if the holder will use only on the territory of Russia (and issued in Russia, respectively). If the consumer is planning a trip to Europe, then it is better for him to give preference to the gold plastic Mastercard, which is more focused on the euro. So he will avoid additional fees for currency conversion when cashing out the card or using it in stores.
  • If the client makes frequent trips to the United States, then it is preferable to issue a Visa payment system card, the main currency of which is U.S. $.


You should issue several cards of different payment types and use them on demand. In Europe - Mastercard. And in America - Visa. On the territory of Russia, it is very profitable to have the plastic of the MIR national payment system, especially since its issue and maintenance are free.

What is better visa or mastercard Greetings! My old camera broke down, but there was no time to go to digital boutiques, so I went to look for a suitable model on the Internet.

Recently, I began to order often in one online store with home delivery.

For prepayment, they give an additional discount, so I got a separate plastic card for this purpose.

If you also want to appreciate all the advantages of online stores and are thinking about paying with a card, then I recommend that you carefully read this post. I’ll tell you which card is better: a visa or a mastercard, and how they differ from each other.

What are the differences and which is better Visa or MasterCard

Which bank card to choose Visa or MasterCard? Which one is better and why? Such questions, probably, have been asked more than once by every resident of our country, or receiving wages to a bank card, or who has issued or plans to issue such a card for use when traveling to other countries.

The question is very interesting, how interesting it is sometimes to listen or read the answers to it, ranging from banal and amateurish reasoning to the political preferences of users.

Often the answers are not exhaustive in nature, as they do not explain the problem. Some of the advice is completely wrong. So let's try to figure this out together! About the “level” of cards (Visa Electron/Maestro, Visa Classic/MasterCard Standard, Visa Gold/MasterCard Gold, etc.) we will not argue. Let's talk better about payment systems.

Payment systems First of all, it should be noted that both Visa and Mastercard have long been the two largest payment systems, the reliability of which no one has had any doubts about yet.

Comparing them in terms of such indicators as market share, number of payment terminals, etc., you can find out that Visa is in the lead, but at the same time, you will not have problems with MasterCard abroad.

I'm pretty sure you'll be hard-pressed to find an ATM or payment terminal that claims to support Visa but not MasterCard, and vice versa. So in their basic consumer properties they are exactly the same!

It is better to get official information about these payment systems on their official websites (,, or in some knowledge base (for example, in wikipedia).

Practical differences between Visa and Mastercard

You can often hear the following statement: “Visa is an American payment system. MasterCard - European.” Although this is not entirely true (Mastercard was also American, but absorbed the European Eurocard at one time).

Both payment systems have long become international. Look, at least, at the full name of payment systems - VISA International Service Association and MasterCard Worldwide. Something else is much more important.


For the Visa payment system, the main currency is the US dollar. This means that transactions with cards of this payment system related to the conversion of currencies will be carried out through the dollar. I will describe examples below.

For the MasterCard payment system, the main currency can be either the US dollar or the Euro. This is a very important feature! That is, transactions can take place either through the Euro or through the dollar. In fact, this is the whole difference, but this is all the possible nuances.

Correspondent accounts Banks different countries, entering into an agreement with the payment system and issuing cards under the Visa and MasterCard brand, open one or more correspondent accounts with correspondent banks.

Most often in Russia, accounts in Euro are used for mutual settlements in the MasterCard system.

For Visa, without options, in US dollars. The bank, purely theoretically, can open accounts for both Euro and US dollars for MasterCard, in which case MasterCard becomes as convenient as possible for the traveler, but this rarely happens - these are additional expenses from the bank and a decrease in profitability for some operations.

I have not studied this issue thoroughly, but I do not know of any Russian bank that has both accounts open for MasterCard. Therefore, we believe that Visa works with the US dollar, and MasterCard with the Euro.


Conversion, in general, occurs if the currency in which you make a payment differs from the currency of your card account (your card account can be in rubles, US dollars or Euros).

Part of the conversions when paying abroad is carried out at the rates of the payment system, part at the rate of your bank. Visa and MasterCard conversion rates differ from each other, but not significantly.

You can find out the conversion rate of your bank by contacting it. Your bank may impose an additional percentage on the conversion operations of payment systems, the so-called “Enter Bank Fee”.

The value of this percentage is determined only by the bank and in practice ranges from 0 to 5%! That is, any of your conversion operations is not only some loss due to the payment system, but, sometimes, also a “contribution” to the welfare of your bank.

Most often, the value of “Enter Bank Fee” over 1% can already be considered impudence! For example, as Sberbank employees told me, when working with Visa from Sberbank, they earn more than if someone uses their MasterCard.

“Enter Bank Fee” for Visa in Sberbank, until recently, was 0.65%. Now let's see how this happens in practice in real life situations.

Conversion Examples Let's take a few different options and see how many conversions we'll get when making a payment in different countries.

All options are conditional, but the most likely ones, the realities may differ depending on the bank (see above about correspondent accounts).

Option 1

  • Ruble account.
  • Payment for a hotel in France.
  • Visa: RUB-USD-EUR
  • MasterCard: RUB-EUR

As you can see, MasterCard is more profitable - one conversion.

Option 2

  • Euro account.
  • Paying a bill at a restaurant in Italy.
  • Visa: EUR-USD-EUR
  • MasterCard: EUR

MasterCard is clearly more profitable - there is no conversion. But with Visa you are in this option you will lose significantly. There will be a double conversion here. Moreover, one conversion will be made by the payment system, and the second by your bank.

Option 3

  • Dollar account.
  • Paying a bill at a store in Chicago.
  • Visa: USD
  • MasterCard: USD-EUR-USD

The situation is the opposite, Visa does not have a conversion, and with MasterCard you will lose part of the money due to a double conversion.

Option 4

  • Ruble account.
  • Payment for a hotel in Riga.
  • MasterCard: RUB-EUR-LVL

With MasterCard double conversion. But with Visa there may be two, but more likely three conversions. The fact is that in Europe many transactions are carried out through the Euro, so a triple conversion is possible.

tips and tricks Thus, if you plan to use a bank card only for crediting your salary in rubles to it, withdrawing cash from an ATM and non-cash payments within the country, do not bother about choosing a payment system.

Doesn't matter! Choose the BANK with the best rates for annual maintenance, cash withdrawal fees, etc., overdraft opportunities and other goodies!

If you are planning most of the operations that involve conversion in Europe, then you should use a MasterCard payment system card.

If you are more of a traveler in the Americas or Southeast Asian countries, then your choice is Visa.

Regional Advisor:

  1. USA, Canada - Visa
  2. Latin America - Visa
  3. Australia - Visa
  4. Thailand - Visa
  5. Europe - MasterCard
  6. Africa (not everywhere*) - MasterCard
  7. Cuba** - MasterCard

* (from the reviews of tourists) - in Algeria there is not a single ATM that supports MasterCard!;
** (from the reviews of tourists) - when traveling to Cuba, it is advisable to have a map European bank and MasterCard systems, an American bank card may simply not be accepted, and the commission for converting dollars can reach 20%!

Be careful with your spending. Don't forget about double and triple conversions. Your purchases may cost you much more than you planned. Before traveling abroad, check with the bank about the availability and amount of the Enter Bank Fee.

With a large Enter Bank Fee, each conversion will cost you more. Plus, look at your bank rate. When planning difficult trips around Europe, keep your money in Euros or rubles. In this case, you will be able to reduce your conversion costs.

In some cases, when traveling abroad, it will be beneficial to change rubles for Euros or dollars at the exchange rate of a bank back in Russia, and sometimes it is better to keep your money in rubles and simply pay for your purchases abroad in the state currency. Count!

source: http://site/

Which bank card is better to choose: Visa vs Mastercard

When making bank card managers often ask which payment system the client prefers - Visa or Mastercard? This question baffles many - the differences between them are not obvious. However, it is still worth knowing about them.

Visa and Mastercard cards: what do the statistics say?

what the statistics say Before you start comparing Visa and Mastercard, you need to understand what a payment system is.

So, a payment system is a service for transferring money to electronic form carried out according to a set of rules and using software, hardware and technical means.

Payment systems are local, that is, operating in one country or even within a separate segment of the national market, and international. Visa and Mastercard are among the latter, moreover, they are the most famous and common.

Both of them allow you to withdraw cash from ATMs, as well as pay for purchases and services - both in regular retail outlets and on the Internet. The visa is from the USA. Today, this American payment system, founded in 1970, is used in 200 countries around the world.


In Russia, it is possible to issue a card of this system for both dollar and ruble accounts. The headquarters of Mastercard is also located in the USA, but this system has a base currency of operations - the euro. Therefore, when going on a trip to Europe, it is better to take a Mastercard card with you.

The conversion will always depend on where you are - in America it will be done through the dollar, in the Eurozone - through the euro. The Mastercard system is represented in 210 countries, but its coverage is still slightly less than that of Visa - only 20% of all bank cards bear its logo. However, this gap has rapidly narrowed in recent years.

If you are going to the USA, Canada, Southeast Asian countries, Mexico, Australia, Dominican Republic or Latin American countries, then it is better to opt for a Visa card. In Europe, Africa and Cuba, it is more profitable to use Mastercard. In China and Russia, there are practically no differences between these systems.

What is the difference between a Visa card and a Mastercard?

Electronic cards In this category, Visa offers the Visa Electron card, while Mastercard offers Maestro and Mastercard Electronic.

This is the simplest and cheapest type of cards, the use of which is associated with some restrictions.

With their help, you can withdraw money from ATMs and pay wherever there are payment terminals. But they do not allow you to make purchases on the Internet - at least, Maestro and Mastercard Electronic.


Visa Electron can sometimes be used for online purchases, but this capability is set by the card issuing bank - some provide it, others do not.

Abroad electronic cards they are not accepted everywhere, since the owner's name is not squeezed out on them, but simply printed, while imprinters widely used all over the world (devices for accepting payments without a terminal) require volumetric letters.

Classic cards

This is the most common type of cards with a low maintenance cost and wide functionality. Visa offers customers Visa Classic and Visa Business cards, and Mastercard - Mastercard Standard.

Such cards allow you to withdraw cash from ATMs, pay for goods and services using payment terminals at retail outlets, and make purchases in online stores. When paying for purchases on the Internet, Visa uses the CVV2 code, and MasterCard uses CVC2.

Premium cards Both systems issue premium cards: Visa Gold and Visa Platinum for Visa, MasterCard Gold and MasterCard Platinum for Mastercard.

Such cards are not just a payment instrument, but a status symbol that emphasizes the wealth of the owner.

Gold and Platinum cards entitle you to whole line additional services - for example, free insurance during foreign trips, discounts when renting a car abroad, the opportunity to participate in discount programs of payment systems and receive exclusive discounts from bank partners.

In addition, the holder of a Visa Platinum card and above receives a special priority line of communication with the bank, the ability to quickly receive cash if the card is lost, and sometimes even a personal manager.

It is worth noting that the range of services for Visa is not limited to this - the system also provides its especially important clients with legal and medical care abroad, concierge services, etc. It would seem that Visa clearly wins in the premium segment, but do not rush to make a decision.

In addition to the service offered by the payment system, there are also special services of the issuing bank. And often the functionality of the card is supplemented by various offers from the bank itself, so that in the end Visa and Mastercard will be equal in convenience.

It is also worth mentioning the international program of discounts and privileges MasterCard Priceless Cities (“Priceless Cities”), which started in 2011. Today, the status of "priceless city" has a number of large cities: London, Singapore, Sydney, Beijing, Toronto, Moscow and others.

The main idea of ​​the program is a personal approach to the interests of each cardholder. The program is developed in partnership with the best museums, restaurants and recreational facilities, which allows cardholders to enjoy unique offers, discounts and other privileges provided by program partners.

Credit and debit cards

Cards of both payment systems can be either debit (the client uses only his own funds) or credit (the client uses the bank's money and repays the loan monthly). There is also an intermediate option - debit cards with an overdraft.

In this case, the cardholder uses his own money, but if necessary, he can go into the red and use borrowed funds. The credit cards have credit limit, as well as the daily spending limit, for Visa Classic, Visa Business and Mastercard Standard it is lower than for premium Visa Gold, Visa Platinum, MasterCard Gold and MasterCard Platinum.

Which card is better? 4:5 in favor of MasterCard

So which payment system to choose? Let's try to compare both.

  • Country coverage: 200 for Visa versus 210 for Mastercard. Mastercard wins.
  • Prevalence: Worldwide, Visa is more common than Mastercard - 28% of all cards belong to the first system, 20% to the second.
  • Prevalence in Russia: Visa has more than 80 partner banks in our country, its share is 65%, and Mastercard has about 100 partner banks, but its share is estimated at 35%. However, since more banks work with Mastercard, it is still a little easier to get such a card, so Mastercard wins in this parameter.
  • Payment options: Visa cards are accepted by more than 20 million companies worldwide. Mastercard has an even higher figure - 30 million outlets. Victory for Mastercard.
  • Online shopping: Both systems enable you to securely pay for goods and services online. Draw.
  • Security: cards of both payment systems have comparable security parameters. Visa uses the Visa Money Transfer service (to transfer money from a Visa card to a Visa card and to transfer cash to a Visa card through an ATM/terminal). A similar MasterCard MoneySend service is also used by a number of banks, although it is less common. In addition, Visa supports an additional "Verified by Visa" security system.
  • Distinctive features: in addition to cards of the usual format, Visa and Mastercard also issue mini-cards (for example, Alfa-Bank customers who have issued a debit or credit Cosmo card receive a small keychain card in addition to a regular card). Its functionality is the same as that of a regular one, with the only difference being that the mini-card cannot be used at ATMs.
  • Special offers: the Visa system in Russia has about 40 partner companies, where cardholders can always receive discounts of 5-10%, temporary promotions are also regularly held. MasterCard has a MasterCard Rewards bonus program - paying for purchases with a MasterCard card, the holder receives bonus points and can exchange them for prizes from the program catalog - at the moment it has more than 230 different gifts. In addition, there are also discount programs - however, there are not so many of them. As a result, we give the palm to Visa.

So, in the aggregate of all parameters, Mastercard wins - however, this is a victory by a very small margin. In essence, it is safe to say that both systems are good, convenient and safe.

source: http://website/

Visa or MasterCard - which is better?

Visa or MasterCard Which card system to choose - Visa or MasterCard? What is the fundamental difference and is there one?

Number of bank cards in use by citizens Russian Federation everything is growing. Finally, we are used to paying not in cash, but with a plastic card. Salaries are transferred to cards, loans are received in the form of credit cards - this is both more convenient and safer.

In addition to the standard salary cards, the average citizen now has 2-3 more cards from various banks. Why does a person need so many cards? The most common option is a credit card.
The second option is for savings.

If a person opens a deposit in a bank, then he will most likely be offered to issue a plastic card to the account. When issuing another plastic card, a logical question often arises before a bank client - what payment system does he prefer?

There are several global payment systems in the world, but two have gained the most popularity both in Russia and in Europe: Visa and MasterCard. So, a bank employee will ask you - which payment system do you choose - Visa or MasterCard?

And really, which payment system is better to choose? MasterCard or Visa? What is more convenient and what is better? Let's try to figure it out.


At first glance, there is not much difference between Visa and Mastercard. Both systems are represented in the vast majority of countries of the world, more than 20,000 banks and others work with both. financial institutions around the world. In practice, this means that in order to find an institution where your Visa or Mastercard will not be accepted, you will have to try very hard.

If you look at the question from a technical point of view, you will not notice the difference either. The speed of payments, the level of card security and the level of service are almost the same. What is the difference? Visa and Mastercard differ in the following points:

  • Conversion of funds when paying in a currency other than the ruble;
  • The level of service when using cards of different “levels”;
  • The presence of certain promotions from partner banks of payment systems.

Using cards of different levels of service

Both payment systems have different levels of cards:

  1. Initial: Visa - Visa Electron, Mastercard - Maestro;
  2. Standard: Visa - Visa Classic, Mastercard - MasterCard Standard;
  3. Premium: Visa - Visa Gold or Visa Platinum, Mastercard - MasterCard Gold or MasterCard Platinum;

The entry level of cards is usually salary cards. The level of services here is comparable and the range of possibilities is rather narrow for both systems. For example, with an entry-level card, you will not be able to make payments on the Internet. True, for Visa cards Electron, such an opportunity can be connected by the issuing bank, but in practice this is rare.

Theoretically, there are some differences between them. It consists in the fact that for Maestro cards it is required to enter a PIN code, while with Visa Electron cards it is not necessary to enter a PIN. But in practice, everything depends not only on the type of payment system, but also on the type of payment terminal installed in this particular outlet.

Another significant difference is the use of entry-level cards outside the Russian Federation. By default, this feature is disabled for Visa Electron and Maestro cards, you can connect it, but you will have to contact the bank. In most cases, its connection is free. But for Maestro Momentum cards, there is no such possibility in principle.

The advantage of entry-level cards is, first of all, a low card maintenance fee - usually up to 300 rubles per year. In a number of banks, this annual payment is completely absent.

It should be noted that Maestro cards are the most widely used in Russia. It is their banks that most often offer for salary projects, scholarships or pensions.

If we talk about plastic cards of the “Standard” class, then there are practically no differences. They can be used to make purchases on the Internet, to pay for goods and services in stores, to withdraw cash from an ATM, etc. Abroad, Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard cards also work without problems.

In the premium segment, there is a more pronounced difference between Visa and Maestro.

Visa Gold cards offer customers the following services:

  1. travel medical support;
  2. legal service;
  3. assistance in booking railway and air tickets, ordering a restaurant, etc.;
  4. emergency assistance abroad (if the card was lost or stolen).

The following programs are additionally available for Visa Platinum cards:

  1. "Purchase protection program";
  2. "Warranty Extension Program";

Recently, Visa released an even “more premium” card - Visa Infinite. In addition to the services indicated above, this card also provides an opportunity to receive such bonuses as discounts on insurance (including for family members of the cardholder), organization of relocations, detailed information about restaurants, delivery service and other pleasant little things.


All these services are available to Premium segment cardholders by default. Moreover, if earlier it was not so easy to get a Premium card (at least you had to have a tidy sum on your account), now it is done easily and quickly. Even for customers with a minimal account history, banks are ready to issue Visa Gold.

MasterCard premium cards also have several programs, but only two of them are connected by default - a loyalty program from your bank's partners and emergency assistance in case of card loss. Other services are connected for separate money. Therefore, when issuing a card, you need to clarify with the bank which services you will be connected to.

Obviously, with general equality in the “Standard” and “Initial” segments, Visa wins in the “Premium” segment

Currency conversion Currency conversion is perhaps the most significant difference between Visa and MasterCard cards.

The main difference is in the currency. For Visa, the main currency is the US dollar. Whereas for MasterCard - the euro.

Each operation of converting the main currency of your account (rubles) into another currency involves a commission. It is logical that the smaller the number of conversions, the more profitable it is to use the card in certain conditions.

As a rule, the conversion takes place at the rate of the bank. For Visa cards, you can find out the conversion rate in advance - before the transaction, while when paying with MasterCard, you will know the rate only after the transaction is completed.

Obviously, if you pay in one of the European countries, then MasterCard cards will be more profitable. If you pay with Visa, it will turn out that you will pay the conversion fee twice: the first time from rubles to dollars, the second time from dollars to euros.

In which countries is Visa more profitable?

Visa cards are more profitable to use in the USA, Latin America, Australia, Canada and Thailand.

Bank shares

Another parameter by which cards of various payment systems differ is bank shares.

It so happened that Visa cards are more popular in the world, so Visa also offers more favorable conditions for Russian cardholders. We can participate in various promotions such as interest returns, discounts and receive some other nice bonuses.

Conclusion: so what is more profitable?

Standard cards of both payment systems do not have fundamentally important differences. The only thing you really need to pay attention to is currency conversion.


If you are going to use a plastic card while traveling in Europe, MasterCard will be the best option. This payment system has no other significant advantages.

Pay attention to the conditions for issuing a card by the issuing bank. The best option is the possession of two cards with different payment systems - so you protect yourself from possible failures and can optimally use both payment systems.

source: http://site/

Visa or MasterCard? What is better and what is the difference

What is better and what is the difference In our age of new technologies, it is already impossible to imagine life without a bank card.

It is especially convenient when traveling abroad - you do not need to carry cash with you, declare it at customs, and easily pay for services and various goods.

How not to get confused in the offers of banks and choose a card that suits you? It is worth knowing that, first of all, plastic cards differ in the payment system that issues them.

There are both national payment systems (for example, Union Card) and international ones. The most popular international payment systems (which, in fact, will be discussed today) are Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

Visa payment system

This system is the most famous and largest. Its cards are distributed almost all over the world, they are accepted for payment without problems in about 200 countries.

Visa has developed a whole "clip" of payment cards designed for customers with different needs and a different way of life: these are credit, debit and prepaid cards, which are not yet very popular in Russia.

Using these cards, you can easily make purchases both in real and virtual stores, travel around the world and pay for all kinds of services. Visa cards also differ in terms of "prestige": Electron, Gold, Classic, Platinum, etc. The "cooler" the card, the greater the number of services available to its owners.

This payment system is in second place after the Visa system (MasterCard accounts for approximately 26% payment cards world, while the share of Visa is about 57%). MasterCard cards are accepted in 210 countries - and this is more than 29 million points.

Both credit and debit and co-brand cards are issued, allowing you to receive additional bonuses, services and discounts. MasterCard cards are also divided into cheaper and more expensive ones: Cirrus/Maestro, Electronic, Platinum, Standard, Gold, World and others.

American Express payment system

MasterCard payment system This payment system accounts for about 13% of payment cards worldwide.

Most of these cards are issued in the United States. The main difference is that their holders are people with fairly high incomes.

American Express provides them with a very high quality service: various insurances, medical and legal assistance, and all kinds of bonuses.

In Russia, while the cards of this payment system are not widely distributed.

Payment system Discover

Discover is a non-bank payment system that allows you to take consumer credit, make payments, receive discounts and benefits. This system has become widespread mainly in the United States, and its cards are also used in Mexico and Canada. Distinguishing features are quite low interest and an individual approach to a particular client.

How Visa differs from MasterCard The fact remains that Russian financial institutions issue mainly Visa and MasterCard cards.

According to experts, there is practically no difference between the cards of these payment systems when used in Russia, since they offer similar conditions and products.

But when going abroad, you should remember that the conversion fee will depend on the currency in which the bank makes settlements with the payment system.

Of course, you can open the cards in foreign currency, but this is justified mainly when you plan to operate with large amounts and want to insure yourself against sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate. Well, for an ordinary tour, perhaps, an account opened in rubles will suffice.

When does the conversion take place? When you make a payment in a currency other than the currency on your card account. When paying abroad, part of the conversions occurs at the rate of the payment system, and the other part - at the rate of the bank in which the card is opened. Some banks also introduce additional commissions for conversion operations, their amount can reach 5% (it is better to find out such nuances in advance).

It is believed that Visa "works" through the US dollar, and MasterCard - through the euro. It turns out that if you pay with a Visa card in Europe (or, conversely, in America with a MasterCard card), then such a calculation can be extremely unprofitable due to double (and sometimes triple) conversion.

But this is not always the case. The bank can conduct settlements with the MasterCard system not at all in euros, but in dollars. And vice versa. For example, in Rosgosstrakh Bank, all payments made in the Eurozone using Visa cards are now made not through the dollar, but through the euro.

In JSCB "Kranbank" it is even more interesting (and, by the way, more profitable for the client): settlements are carried out with the Visa and MasterCard PS both in dollars and in euros. Those. regardless of the payment system:

  1. if the transaction currency is euro (in the Eurozone), then settlements with the PS are made in euro;
  2. if the currency of the transaction is the dollar (in the USA), then the settlements with the PS are made in dollars;
  3. if the currency of the operation is some other (not euros and dollars), then the settlements with the PS are made in dollars.

What's the matter? It turns out that everything depends on the agreement concluded between the payment system and the credit institution. Therefore, when opening a card, you should find out from a bank employee in which currency settlements with PS are made in this particular bank. And already from this "dance".


To summarize, for trips to the USA, Australia, Canada or Thailand, preference should be given to cards of the Visa payment system. But for traveling around Europe, Cuba or Africa, it is better to choose MasterCard. But I repeat - it all depends on the particular bank, so it is impossible to give unambiguous recommendations here.

And one more thing: when traveling abroad, cards must be at least MasterCard Standard or Visa Classic, since simpler cards are usually allowed to be used only in Russia.

Cardholders know that not everyone works abroad. Visa and MasterCard are international payment systems, payments by cards of these MPS are accepted anywhere in the world. Here we will look at the differences between Visa and MasterCard Sberbank, the features and benefits of plastic. After reading the article, you will find out which of these cards will best suit your needs.

When making plastic, the client faces the choice of a payment system, which will help to know their differences and similarities.

Main similarities:

  • high quality service;
  • no delay in payments;
  • each card is equipped with protection;
  • payment terminals accept both types of cards;
  • card account service is available 24/7;
  • the functions of both payment systems are identical;
  • currency conversion;
  • support for three major currencies - dollar, euro, ruble;
  • validity period - 3 years;
  • The cost of Visa Classic and Mastercard Classic is the same: the first year of service - 750 rubles, the next - 450 rubles.

Important. It is preferable to issue an account for ruble or dollar transactions on the basis of Visa, for euro and other national currency– Mastercard. The binding is conditional, since both payment systems conduct settlements in both euros and dollars.

What is the difference

The difference between MPS Visa and MasterCard in Sberbank is as follows:

  • confirmation of the transaction through a pin code. The Mastercard system requests confirmation of the action by dialing a code, Visa does not require a code from owners in the case when the payment amount is small;
  • Visa's conversion rate is always open. The Mastercard owner only learns about the tariff upon actual payment;
  • difference in bonus programs for partners.

It is important to know that the essential difference between MasterCard and Visa is the absence of the PAY (Apple) application for the Visa payment system. For Mastercard, the application has been working since November 2017.

About the Visa payment system

Visa was founded in 1968 by Bank of America. Due to its name, which includes the name of the country, it was unpopular until 2007, when a corporation was created with the main task of developing the Visa Incorporation system.

According to official statistics, 28.5% of the entire world market of payment systems is occupied by Visa. Each card account transaction goes through the 3DS security system. In Russia, the majority of banks are partners of the Visa system.

The main characteristics of the MPS:

  • universal currency for operations in any country;
  • account management is available 24/7;
  • you can manage your card account from anywhere;
  • commission is not charged when paying.

About the MasterCard payment system

MasterCard began to work in the 60s of the 20th century in the USA. The purpose of the new system was to form a link between the banks of the country. The association, created specifically to develop and implement a new payment system, was supposed to become a competitor for BankAmericard and simplify the system of banking operations.

Market coverage of international payment systems is less than that of Visa, about 25%. The system is popular in China, Brazil and European Union countries.

The number of users of this MPS in Russia has grown to 38% thanks to the main partner, Sberbank. About 40% of payment instruments used in Russian banks are issued thanks to Mastercard.

Which card is better

Before you issue a card, you need to know how the conversion takes place for each of the payment systems.

The main reference currency for Visa is the US dollar. Conversion when paying for goods and services, regardless of the country, occurs according to the scheme:

  • the purchase price is converted into dollars;
  • the dollar is converted into another currency, such as baht, dong or euro;
  • after - in Russian ruble at the exchange rate on the day of payment;
  • debited from your ruble account at the exchange rate;
  • payment is made in the currency of the country where the purchase takes place.

Important. With such a conversion, the client pays a double commission.

For Mastercard cards, the conventional currency is the euro. The conversion goes like this:

  1. the purchase price is converted into euros;
  2. convert euros into rubles at the exchange rate on the day of payment;
  3. withdraw the convertible amount from the ruble account;
  4. payment is made in the currency of the state in which the purchase is made.

What is better to apply for: a Visa or a Sberbank Mastercard for use in Russia? Sberbank offers three payment systems for customers:

  • Visa;
  • mastercad.

The peculiarity of MIR cards is that they work only on the territory of the Russian Federation. The rest of the set of options for each system is identical. Which one to choose, the client decides based on personal considerations.

Sberbank products

The bank offers customers the following types cards for Visa and Mastercard payment systems:

  • debit or credit classic;
  • debit or credit gold;
  • platinum;
  • electronic;
  • virtual;
  • premium.

The listed types of banking products can be nominal, then their production will take time, established by the internal Instructions of the bank.

Unnamed cards can be obtained immediately upon registration. Such products from Sberbank are:

  • Maestro Mastercard;
  • Visa Electron.

The minus of an unnamed card is a restriction on certain types of operations, for example, payments on the Internet. The pros are the speed of registration and the absence of service fees.

Note! Sberbank offers additional products based on international cards. This is, for example, a co-branded product " Visa Aeroflot". The owner of the kata receives miles for Aeroflot flights, he has the right to use them at any time to partially pay for tickets.

Which card to choose for trips abroad

If a Sberank client is going abroad, he should know everything about the currency conversion algorithm. Rolls of both IPUs are accepted all over the world. For the convenience of customers, Sberbank offers to issue two types of SMEs for one card account.

The client can choose a payment product based on the following characteristics:

  • cashback;
  • service cost;
  • commission for issuing cash in another state.

Attention! Before choosing an MPS for a trip, check with the bank for a daily account limit.

Trip to Europe

Based on the reviews of regular tourists and businessmen, we can conclude that it is beneficial to use Mastercard in Europe.

Please note that in the European Union it is more convenient to use Sberbank's Mastercard in euros. So you protect yourself from overpayment of commissions for cross-border payments.

Owners of the Golden and Platinum ice rinks can get legal and medical advice abroad free of charge. If the named cards are lost, the bank will re-issue them in the shortest possible time, and you can withdraw cash at the cash desk.

USA trip

If you travel frequently to the US, make your choice in favor of the MPS Visa. The conventional unit of calculation of this system is the dollar. In this case, the conversion will take place without extra commission.

You can issue a personalized katka within 10 days.

Please note that for trips to the USA it is better to open a dollar account in the Visa system. This means that the cardholder will only pay a fee when the dollars are credited to their account. When buying goods or paying for services, the commission will not be charged.

So, for a trip to the USA, issue a Visa, and a Mastercard from Sberbank for traveling within the European Union.


The conditions under which the Mastercard card differs from the Sberbank Visa are insignificant. The difference is noticeable when traveling abroad, when you have to transfer one currency to another to pay for purchases and services. We recommend issuing a card from one of the IPS in accordance with the personal goals of the client.

According to statistics, the number of bank cards is growing at a significant pace from year to year. At the moment, more than 5 billion plastic cards have already been issued worldwide. In Russia, according to the latest data, the total number of plastic cards issued by all credit organizations, is about 239 million pieces.

Obviously, in these conditions, almost every person is faced with the moment of registration plastic card in the bank. And the first question that is asked to a person in a bank when applying for such a card is the card of which payment system he wants to choose.

And really, which payment system is better to choose? Visa or MasterCard: which is better?

Especially for you, I prepared this article and selected TWO VIDEOS on the topic of choosing a payment system AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE.

So, What anyway Better Visa or MasterCard? Let's try to figure it out.

In the first approximation, there is not much difference between Visa and MasterCard cards. Both payment systems are represented in outlets in more than 200 countries, unite more than 20 thousand financial institutions and are accepted for payment in more than 20 million institutions around the world.

From a technical point of view, there is not much difference between payment systems either. Payments are carried out with approximately the same speed and reliability, and the existing service is practically without failures and has high level ease of use of maps.

The main differences occur, as a rule, in the following cases:

  • when using cards of different "levels";
  • when converting payments abroad;
  • in the presence of certain shares of the bank's partners.

Let's take a closer look at these differences.

Using cards of different levels of service

There are maps of the following levels:

  1. Bank cards of the initial level of service - for example, Visa Electron and Maestro;
  2. Mid-level bank cards — Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard;
  3. Premium bank cards — Visa Gold, Visa Platinum, MasterCard Gold, MasterCard Platinum.

Bank cards of the initial level of service approximately comparable in terms of quality of service for different payment systems. These cards, as a rule, are issued to clients with zero banking history, as well as to certain social groups of the population (pensioners, youth, salary cards, etc.).

In theory, there are several differences between the two.

The first is that Maestro cards require you to enter a PIN code when making a purchase in a store, while Visa Electron cards do not require you to enter such a PIN code. However, in practice, everything also depends on the payment terminal at the point of sale. Sometimes you do not need to enter a Maestro pin code, and sometimes, on the contrary, you need to enter a Visa Electron pin code.

Another difference between MasterCard and Visa entry-level cards is the ability to pay for purchases online.

Maestro cards do not have this feature. For example, the Maestro Momentum card does not even have a cvv code on the back that is used to confirm online purchases.
Visa Electron cards also lack the ability to make online purchases by default. However, the issuing bank, at its discretion, can enable this option.

Another important point is the use of entry-level cards abroad. For example, for a Maestro Momentum card, connecting such a service is impossible in principle, it is valid only on the territory of Russia. For other Visa electron and Maestro cards, this service is disabled by default. And in order to be able to use them abroad, you need to activate an additional service - "Individual special mode", in which you can register the country where it will be used this card and all other nuances. Activation of this service is free, but without it, the presence of such a card abroad is useless.

As for the commission for annual card maintenance, there are no special differences between payment systems either. It even depends on the card issuing bank. For example, in some banks, the commission for servicing Visa Electron can be 300 rubles. (as in Sberbank), and in some banks this commission may be absent altogether. At the same time, for example, in Sberbank or Russian Standard, the Maestro service fee is 0 rubles, and in some banks (for example, Promsvyazbank), on the contrary, they charge a small annual service fee - about 200 rubles a year.

Obviously, there are differences between the entry-level cards of different payment systems, but they are not so significant.

At the same time, despite all of the above, it should be noted that it is Maestro cards that are most widely used in Russia and are used in most cases to receive salaries, pensions or scholarships.

Standard Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard cards have a completely comparable level of service. This applies to the possibilities of paying for purchases in the store, the Internet, service fees, cash withdrawals and other transactions through ATMs. The same applies to the possibility of using these cards abroad. There are actually no differences here. Here you can choose the payment system that you like best.

Concerning premium segment — Gold and Platinum, then it is important to consider the following point.

It's no secret that earlier opening a premium card was much more difficult. At a minimum, it was required to have a solid deposit in the bank. Now almost any person with even a small banking history can become the owner of a premium card. And in this regard, differences in the level of service, the availability of additional services, and other different payment systems play a significant role.

Thus, Visa Gold cards provide the following services (regardless of the issuing bank): medical travel support (phone consultations on where to find the nearest doctor or hospital), legal service (advice on any topic or search for a lawyer), concierge (assistance in booking railway and air tickets, ordering lunch at a restaurant, information about outlets, etc.), emergency assistance abroad (if the card was lost or stolen).

In addition, the following services are available for Visa Platinum cards - "Purchase Protection Program" (refund for the purchase in case of damage to the goods or their loss) and "Warranty Extension Program" (an additional warranty period for paid goods).

Moreover, recently Visa has released another type of premium card - Visa Infinite, which provides not only all of the above services, but also a huge number of bonuses to its owners - insurance (including for family members), leisure activities, property management, organization of moving, shopping advice, delivery service, detailed information about restaurants and much more.

All these services are guaranteed to be provided to premium segment cardholders. If the bank issues these cards, it must connect all of the above services.

The situation is slightly different with MasterCard Gold and MasterCard Platinum cards. By default, only emergency assistance in case of loss of a card and a loyalty program from bank partners can be connected. All other services are connected at the discretion of the bank itself. Connecting such services is paid, so not every bank can afford additional expenses or the bank transfers these costs to the cardholder.

That is why, before issuing the cards in question, it is necessary to clarify with the bank what services will be connected to the card, what is their cost, etc. Otherwise, there is a possibility of issuing a regular yellow or silver Standart card that has the functional parameters of a regular card, but the service of which will be at the premium level segment.

Taking into account all of the above, it is obvious that Visa cards win in the premium segment.

Currency conversion

An important difference between payment systems for all categories of cards is the currency conversion process.

So, for the Visa payment system, the main currency is the US dollar, and for MasterCard - the Euro. This means that all transactions related to the convection of currencies will go through these currencies, respectively, for each payment system.

For each transaction, payment systems take a commission, so the fewer such conversions, the more profitable it is for the cardholder.

In general, conversion occurs if the currency of your account/card differs from the currency of the transaction.

Partially conversion when paying abroad occurs at the rate of the bank, partially at the rate of the payment system.

Visa and MasterCard conversion rates differ from each other, but not significantly, while the Visa card rate can be found immediately, and Mastercard only after the transaction.

The bank commission for conversion (Enter Bank Fee) is set by the bank individually and, as a rule, does not exceed 1% of the transaction amount. In some cases, the specified commission can reach 5%. That is why, before issuing a card, it is necessary to clarify the amount of such a commission with the issuing bank. Otherwise, you can simply lose some of the money just on currency conversion.

Consider examples of conversion for different payment systems.

Option 1.
You have a ruble account. You pay for a purchase in a country that is part of the Euro zone - France, Italy, Germany, etc.
Visa - there will be 2 conversions: ruble - dollar - euro.
MasterCard - there will be one conversion: ruble - euro.
Obviously, MasterCard is more profitable.

Option 2.
You have an account in Euro. You are paying for a purchase in a country that is part of the Euro zone.
Visa - there will be 2 conversions: euro - dollar - euro.
MasterCard - without conversion: euro.
Obviously, MasterCard is also more profitable.

Option 3.
You have a dollar account. You are paying for a purchase in the USA.
Visa - without conversion: dollar.
MasterCard - 2 conversions: dollar - euro - dollar.
Obviously, Visa is already more profitable here..

Option 4.
You have an account in rubles. You pay for your purchase at European country, not included in the Euro zone - Norway, Iceland, Monaco, etc.
Visa: ruble - dollar - euro - national currency of the country or ruble - dollar - national currency of the country.
MasterCard: ruble - euro - national currency of the country.
Here MasterCard already has double conversion, while Visa has double or even triple (in some countries).

Therefore, it is obvious that if you are traveling around Europe, then the MasterCard payment system cards are the best way out. If more in the US, then your choice is Visa.

For other countries, I advise you to make the following choice.


  • USA, Canada
  • Latin American countries
  • Australia
  • Thailand


  • Europe
  • Africa (not everywhere)


In terms of security, the cards of both payment systems generally have comparable parameters.

Thus, the Visa payment system uses the Visa Money Transfer service, which serves to transfer money from a Visa card to a Visa card, as well as to transfer cash to a Visa card through an ATM/terminal. At the moment, a very large number of banks have already connected this service.

A similar MasterCard MoneySend service is also used by a number of banks, but is less common.

It should also be noted that Visa supports “Verified by Visa”, an additional security system.

In general, in terms of security, the Visa payment system is also more preferable.

Bank shares

Another difference between Visa and MasterCard is bank shares. It so happened historically that Visa is a more popular payment system. Perhaps because of this, or perhaps for another reason. Russian banks very often they arrange promotions when paying with Visa cards - discounts, interest refunds, etc. Therefore, the Visa payment system, in my opinion, is a more progressive system in this respect.

In this article, we reviewed what's better choose: Visa or Mastercard?

Well, let's sum up.

When issuing a bank card, it is important to remember that each payment system has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to choose based on your own preferences and how you use the card.

The best way out, in my opinion, is to issue cards of different payment systems. One, for example, Visa. The other is MasterCard. And, above all, for 2 reasons:

  • Making a translation is a rather complicated process, in which a failure may occur, as a result of which you will not be able, for example, to translate cash. In this case, a good solution would be to have a bank card of another payment system. The probability of failure of two payment systems is unlikely.
  • While traveling, you can choose any of the cards that provide the lowest conversion in this situation. If you have one card, you simply lose the right to choose.

In addition, some banks already serve additional cards for free. For example, Alfa-Bank, opening one card, immediately includes several additional cards in the cost of the service package at once. That is, the client can open the main Visa Gold card, and the additional MasterCard Standard.

In any case, the choice is yours!

Related video:

Lyalkov Mikhail, Professor of the Department of Banking, Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov.

Fragment of the interview Which is better: Visa or Mastercard?«?

When applying for a credit card at a bank, the client may be asked which payment system he prefers. There are several of them, but in Russia the most popular are Visa and MasterCard. But which one is better? They have certain differences and optimal choice depends on the personal preferences of the cardholder.

What is the difference?

At first glance, the client seems that there is not much difference. The technical foundations of the payment systems are similar. All cards are accepted for payment in the vast majority of countries and allow you to make payments on the Internet. Sometimes there are outlets that accept only cards of one payment system, but this is very rare.

Both systems rank their cards by level:

In the Visa system, it looks like this:

  • Entry level - Electron;
  • Intermediate level - Classic;
  • Premium - Gold or Platinum.

MasterCard payment system:

  • Entry level - Maestro;
  • Intermediate level - Standard;
  • Premium - Gold or Platinum.

First level are, as a rule, salaries and social cards. They have a minimum number of additional services. Entry-level credit cards are usually instant issue and non-personalised.

Visa Electron card can be used abroad. Sometimes this is not available by default and the client needs to contact the bank before the trip. It is basically impossible to use the Maestro Momentum card outside the country. This also applies to online payments. An entry-level Maestro will not allow you to pay in an online store, but with Visa Electron it is possible, but, as a rule, only after a special application to the bank with a corresponding application.

With a MasterCard card, you must enter a pin code to carry out a transaction through the terminal, and Visa does not always require this. But it is impossible to say which option is better. Entering a PIN code sometimes causes some inconvenience, but at the same time provides more a high degree payment security.

Speaking of cards middle level, then there are no special differences between payment systems. The difference is more noticeable in the premium segment. The owner of a Visa Gold credit card will additionally receive the following services:

  • medical and legal support;
  • assistance in booking tickets;
  • the possibility of emergency cash withdrawal or reissue of the card within 72 hours in case of loss of the card outside the country;
  • additional discounts and bonuses when paying with a card in a retail network.

The availability of these services very often becomes a decisive factor when choosing a card for people who often travel abroad.

Owners of credit Platinum cards services available:

  • Purchase protection. The service provides insurance against loss and theft of goods that were purchased with the card.
  • Extended warranty, which is valid for a number of purchases made with the card.

Premium level cards of the MasterCard payment system by default provide only emergency assistance in case of card loss and participation in loyalty programs from partners of the issuing bank. All other services are connected for an additional fee. Therefore, it can be concluded that in this segment, Visa cards have more advantages. But, on the other hand, the MasterCard owner will be able to choose for a fee exactly the services he needs.

Currency conversion

Special attention should be paid to the peculiarities of currency conversion according to different cards. This becomes relevant when a client wants to withdraw cash or make non-cash payment in a currency other than the currency of the card account. The fact is that most banks charge a commission for currency exchange, and the exchange rate is not always beneficial for the cardholder.

For Visa, the main currency is the US dollar.. If the main account is opened in rubles and the purchase is made on the territory of Russia, then there will be no conversion. When making a payment in a country where settlements are made in US dollars, there will be one conversion. If payment or cash withdrawal is carried out in euros, then the operation will look like this: rubles, dollars, euros. That is, there will be two conversions.

Euro is the main currency for MasterCard. When paying with a ruble card within the country, the conversion also does not occur. If you need to make a transaction in euros, then there will be one conversion. When paying in dollars, rubles will first be converted into euros, and then into dollars. That is, there will be two conversions.

Thus, for customers who stay more often in the euro zone, it will be more profitable to open a MasterCard payment system card, and for those who pay more and withdraw cash in the US dollar zone, it is better to open a Visa.

What to choose?

In fact, the choice of payment system is a matter of personal preferences of the client. The advantages of both one and the second system can be minimized by the unfavorable tariffs of a particular card of a particular bank. Therefore, when choosing a credit card, you need to compare not only interest rate and the duration of the interest-free period, but also all additional payments. For example, if we talk about conversion, then it cannot be said that Visa will be 100% more profitable than MasterCard for settlements in dollars. Since the size of the bank's commission for the exchange can offset all the benefits.

  • Availability of a large number of additional services premium cards Visa can result in a more expensive cost for issuing and maintaining a card for a client, although this service may not be relevant for him personally.
  • Based on the fact that the Visa system is more common, banks are more likely to various promotions for existing credit card holders and attracting new ones.
  • If necessary credit card only for cash withdrawals and settlements in the retail and retail network within the country, then it is worth being guided precisely by the conditions for providing credit funds.