Reporting in the Russian Federation has been approved. Accounting statements of organizations in the Russian Federation

INTRODUCTION........................................................ ........................................................ ....3


    MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION'S ACTIVITIES....................................4

    General provisions................................................... ...............................……......4

    The essence of accounting................................................................... ............4

    Basic requirements for accounting......................5

    Objects and contents of financial accounting...................................................6

    2. CONCEPT OF ACCOUNTING REPORTING IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION...........................………………………………………………….........…7

    The concept of financial statements................................................................... ....7

    Purpose of financial statements...................................................9

    Users of financial statements, addresses and deadlines for their submission.................................................... ........................................................ ....10

    Publicity of financial statements...................................................13

    Regulatory regulation of accounting statements....................................16

    Composition of financial statements................................................................... ...............19

CONCLUSIONS........................................................ ........................................................ .....22

LIST OF REFERENCES...............................................................23


Under the influence of the dynamically developing processes of creating modern economic relations in Russia, the accounting profession is undergoing quite significant changes. The established new property relations, the emergence of new types and forms of entrepreneurial activity, the emergence of new accounting objects, types of transactions and business operations contributed to the formation of a modern style of thinking in the accountant, forced him to meet the requirements of the time, constantly replenish his existing knowledge base, expand his professional horizons, and study experience accumulated in countries with developed market economies.

As is known, almost every industrialized country has developed its own centuries-old accounting traditions, but it is generally accepted to distinguish within the framework of unified accounting its two main areas - financial and management accounting, which have their own specific subjects and objects of study, independent goals and objectives, special techniques and means of achieving them, based on original standards, norms and rules and having unique procedures and technology for their implementation. In recent years in accounting Significant changes have occurred in Russia related to the ongoing process of its reform on the basis of adopted legislative and regulatory documents. Management accounting and financial accounting have been identified as separate independent functions in the general system of Russian accounting.

Accounting financial accounting - This is the main link in the formation of economic policy. Being an important mechanism for managing the processes of capital circulation and production and economic activities of an organization, financial accounting deals with the collection and systematization of accounting information.

Academic discipline " Accounting (financial) reporting" is a relatively new independent course that separated from the previously existing general academic discipline "Accounting". The allocation of the course is due to a change in views on the tasks and goals of accounting in connection with the transition to market relations and the integration of the Russian economy into the world economic system. “Accounting (financial) reporting in modern economic conditions is not a “dry” academic discipline, but a dynamic one that worries many of its users (owners, founders, investors, creditors, tax services etc.).

In Russia, the requirement for disclosure of information about reporting indicators of financial statements is reflected in the Law “On Accounting”, in the Regulations on accounting“Accounting statements of an organization” (PBU 4/99), etc.

Accounting statements is a unified system of accounting data on property, obligations, and results economic activity compiled on the basis of accounting data in established forms. This definition is given in Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Accounting”, which came into force on November 21, 1996. From this definition it follows that the data reflected in the financial statements essentially represent a special type of accounting records, which are an extraction from the current accounting of the final data on the state and results of the activities of the organization (business entity) for a certain period.



    1.1.1. The essence of accounting

Accounting is an orderly system for collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of an organization and their changes, expressed in a continuous, continuous, documentary reflection of all business transactions. Its purpose is to collect, register and summarize information about the financial and economic activities of the organization. Accounting is carried out by a special service of the organization - accounting. Unlike other types of accounting, accounting: is documented; continuous in time (conducted from day to day) and continuous in coverage of all changes occurring in the financial and economic activities of the organization. It uses special, unique methods of processing information (accounting, double entry, balance sheet, etc.) and consists of four independent parts: accounting theory, financial accounting, management accounting and tax accounting.

Accounting theory is a science that studies the theoretical, methodological foundations and practical recommendations for organizing the accounting system as a whole.

Financial accounting is a system for collecting and summarizing accounting information that ensures accounting and registration of business transactions, as well as the preparation of accounting (financial) statements. Data financial accounting used within the organization by managers at various levels and external users.

Management accounting, being an integral part of accounting, is intended to collect accounting information used within the organization by managers at various levels. Its main purpose is to provide in full the necessary information to managers responsible for achieving specific production results and solving problems of assessing business performance. Management accounting summarizes planned regulatory, forecast and analytical information; it more fully reflects the accounting procedures of observation, measurement and registration.

Tax accounting, being an integral part of accounting, is intended to collect accounting information that provides accounting documentation for taxes and fees for the purpose of objective taxation and preparation of tax reporting. At the same time, tax accounting includes carrying out independent calculations or estimated adjustments to accounting data to correctly determine the tax base.

1.1.2. Basic requirements for accounting

In all organizations, regardless of their forms of ownership and types of activities, accounting requirements are the same, regulated by various regulatory documents requirements, namely:

    Maintaining accounting records for organizations property accounting, obligations and business transactions through double entry on interconnected accounting accounts included in the working chart of accounts adopted by organizations on the basis of the approved government agencies Accounting chart.

    Maintaining accounting records of property, liabilities and business transactions in foreign currency Russian Federation- in rubles. Documenting property, liabilities and other facts of economic activity, maintaining accounting registers in Russian.

    Mandatory compliance for all organizations during the reporting year with the adopted accounting policy, which provides for the following requirements: completeness, timeliness, prudence (avoid hidden reserves), priority of content over form (based not so much on the legal form, but on the economic content of the facts), consistency (equality data on analytical accounting of turnovers and balances on synthetic accounting accounts on the last calendar day of each month) and rationality (rational accounting based on the specifics of the activity and size of the organization).

    Separate accounting of current costs for production of products, performance of work and provision of services and costs associated with capital investments.

    Separate accounting of property owned by an organization as a property from the property of other legal entities owned by the organization.

    Continuous maintenance of accounting records by an organization from the moment of its registration as a legal entity until reorganization or liquidation in the prescribed manner Russian legislation ok.

    Responsibility of enterprise managers for the organization of accounting, provision of accounting (financial) statements, compliance with legislation when carrying out business operations and for ensuring mandatory audits in cases established by Russian legislation.

1.1.3. Objects and contents of financial accounting

Objects of financial accounting. Both the governing body and the managed subsystem are objects of accounting. In the structure of the managed subsystem, technical-economic (production-economic) and financial-economic processes should be distinguished.

Technical and economic processes include technical preparation of production, supply, production, sales activities, as well as marketing (activities to study sales markets and stimulate sales). Technical preparation of production includes research work, design and technological preparation of production, and pilot production. The results of production and economic processes include goods, products, works, services, for the production of which resources such as labor, means and objects of labor are used. The elementary components of technical and economic processes are production and economic operations, the aggregates of which, by type of activity, form stages or cycles of the organization’s functioning.

The elementary components of financial and economic processes include economic facts (operations). As is known, the circulation of resources and labor results in physical form is accompanied by the movement of financial resources and the formation of financial results. By type and purpose financial resources are represented by non-current and current assets, the objects of which are often called property, and liabilities, i.e. own capital and borrowed funds. Financial results include profit (loss), the formation of which is preceded by the receipt of income and expenses. Financial relations are reflected in the settlements of a business entity with partners: suppliers, buyers, banks and others credit organizations, investment institutions, insurance, trust and other companies. Hence, in the content of financial accounting, such sections as accounting for non-current and current assets, equity capital, borrowed sources of property formation, income, expenses, financial results, settlement transactions characterizing financial relations between economic entities. The named financial accounting objects are classified into groups, subgroups and types.

Objectives of financial accounting. Financial accounting is faced with the following tasks: accounting for non-current and current assets; equity and debt capital; calculations; production costs and cost of goods, products (works, services); income, expenses and financial results, incl. from normal activities, operational, non-operating and emergency. It is advisable to divide the set of business transactions through which financial and economic processes are carried out into groups reflecting the receipt of property, the availability of property, the disposal of property, other transactions with property, settlement transactions (settlements), the formation of income, expenses, expenses and the cost of goods, products , works, services, as well as the formation of financial results and capital.


V Thesis >> Accounting and Auditing

This direction is approved Concepts development accounting accounting and reporting V RF for the medium term, approved...

How to draw up a balance sheet Vitkalova Alla Petrovna

3.1. Concept for the development of accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation for the medium term

In Russian conditions, accounting reports are used (for now) to control the activities of the organization, financial and tax. It is still of an address nature; the balance is considered a confidential document, inaccessible for review.

However, the development of market relations expands functionality accounting reporting towards market-oriented, financial reporting, the purpose of which is to provide data to users interested in it, which they need to make financial decisions.

The market is increasing demand for signal information about the prospects and risks of doing business. Shareholders and investors are especially interested in this. They want information about future economic benefits in order not just to obtain data on current financial performance, but mainly about the value of the business as a whole.

In order to create conditions for the further development of accounting and reporting aimed at improving the quality of information generated in accounting and reporting and ensuring guaranteed access to it for interested users, a Concept for the development of accounting and reporting for the medium term was developed by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation. (hereinafter – Concept). (see Appendix 1).

The concept was preceded by the Program for Reforming Accounting in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 1998 N 283.

Changes in the accounting and reporting system were aimed at ensuring the formation of information about financial situation and financial results of activities of business entities that are useful to interested users. IFRS were adopted as the main instrument for reforming accounting and reporting.

In accordance with the recommendations of IFRS, the financial statements disclose information corresponding to market relations: about affiliates, events after the reporting date, contingent facts of economic activity, discontinued operations, impairment of financial and other assets, information on segments, etc. Methods for assessing assets and conditions-based commitments market economy. Large and major organizations with complex organizational structure prepare consolidated financial statements in accordance with international standards. The market for audit services has developed and the audit profession has emerged. Increased prestige accounting profession, a number of professional public associations appeared, some of which became members of the International Federation of Accountants.

At the same time, there are serious shortcomings in accounting and reporting:

there is no official status of financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS; they have not been created necessary conditions for IFRS;

there is a formal approach by regulatory bodies and business entities to many categories of accounting and reporting;

the costs of business entities are unreasonably high when preparing consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS by transforming the statements prepared according to Russian rules;

unnecessary costs are spent on submitting redundant reporting at the request of administrative bodies and on maintaining tax accounting in parallel with accounting;

the system of quality control of financial statements and their audit is weak;

Insufficient participation of the public (including interested users) in the regulation of accounting and reporting, in the development of the accounting and auditing profession.

At the same time, favorable conditions for the further development of accounting and reporting continue to develop: regulatory legal acts have been put into effect, covering most of the objects of accounting and reporting. The professional community has accumulated certain skills and experience in accounting and reporting in market conditions. Discussions about the need for accounting and reporting according to IFRS recommendations have almost ceased, giving way to professional judgment about more rational methods of transition to the system international standards. Society has matured understanding of the need to increase the pace of transition to the use of IFRS.

The concept of development of accounting and reporting as goals their development for the medium term (2004–2010) has established creation of acceptable conditions and prerequisites for the consistent and successful performance by the accounting and reporting system of its inherent functions in the economy of the Russian Federation.

The most important condition for the implementation of this function will be the intensification of the use of IFRS by creating the necessary infrastructure and building an effective accounting process.

The concept shapes the directions for further development of accounting and reporting. This:

improving the quality of information generated in accounting and reporting;

creation of infrastructure for the application of IFRS;

changing the system of regulation of accounting and reporting;

strengthening quality control of financial statements;

significant improvement in the qualifications of specialists involved in the organization and maintenance of accounting and reporting, auditing of financial statements, as well as users of financial statements.

The main direction of development of accounting and reporting is improving the quality of information, generated in them, the general criterion for the quality of accounting and reporting information is its usefulness.

Based on accounting and reporting data, business entities prepare legal entity information (individual accounting statements) and consolidated financial statements. In addition, accounting information is used to generate management indicators, to prepare tax and statistical reporting, and reporting to supervisory authorities and other types of reporting as required. Under these conditions, the quality of accounting reporting information is achieved by ensuring the relative independence of the organization of the accounting process from any specific type of reporting. This can be done by drawing up individual financial statements, which for now must be prepared according to Russian standards developed on the basis of IFRS. In the future, taking into account the accumulated experience, it is advisable to evaluate the possibility of preparing individual reports directly according to IFRS.

A necessary condition for the widespread use of IFRS in Russian accounting practice is creation of infrastructure to ensure the application of IFRS.

Key elements of the infrastructure creation process:

legislative recognition of IFRS in the Russian Federation;

IFRS approval procedure;

mechanism for generalization and dissemination of IFRS and other elements.

Other areas for improving accounting and reporting in this textbook are not considered. They are outlined point by point and are already being put into practice to improve accounting and reporting in accordance with the stages planned by year.

During the period 2004–2010 The following stages of implementation of the Concept are expected:

a) 2004–2007 – mandatory translation to IFRS of the consolidated financial statements of socially significant economic entities, in commercial activities which involve directly or indirectly the funds of an unlimited number of persons: OJSC, financial institutions, working with funds of individuals and legal entities, other organizations.

Basic kit approval Russian standards individual financial statements based on IFRS.

Creation of the main elements of the infrastructure for applying IFRS, etc.

b) 2008–2010 – mandatory translation of the consolidated financial statements of other business entities to IFRS.

Assessment of the possibilities of compiling certain business entities individual financial statements directly according to IFRS (instead of Russian standards) and other areas.

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2. Historical overview of the most important stages in the development of accounting Jean-Baptiste Demarchais (1874–1946) is an outstanding French scientist who created the well-known and popular coat of arms of accountants, which depicts three objects (the sun, scales and the Bernoulli curve) and the motto “Science -

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Article 8. Medical insurance of citizens of the Russian Federation abroad and foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Law of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 1993 No. 4741-1) Medical insurance of citizens of the Russian Federation abroad is carried out on the basis

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1. The accounting policy of the organization is the basis for the reliability of accounting and accounting

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1.5. Notification Pension Fund Russian Federation, Fund social insurance Russian Federation and mandatory funds health insurance on the creation of a branch In accordance with clause 8 of Art. 243 Tax Code of the Russian Federation separate units having a separate balance,

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Appendix 21 NOTICE of registration of a legal entity with the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at its location on the territory of the Russian Federation

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Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation Approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34 n REGULATIONS ON ACCOUNTING AND ACCOUNTING REPORTING IN THE RUSSIAN

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28. Legal basis accounting, reporting and auditing in commercial banks General rules for maintaining accounting records, presenting financial and statistical reporting, and drawing up annual reports by credit institutions are established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, taking into account

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10. Regulations on accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation Regulations on accounting and reporting in Russia belong to the regulatory documents of the second level. It is intended to clarify the Accounting Law. Position

From the book How to Prepare a Balance Sheet author Vitkalova Alla Petrovna

7. Regulations on maintaining accounting and reporting Regulations on maintaining accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation refers to regulatory documents of the second level. It is intended to specify the Federal Law “On Accounting”. Among the main provisions on

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I. General provisions 2

II. Basic accounting rules 4

Accounting requirements 4

Documentation of business transactions 4

Accounting registers 5

Valuation of property and liabilities 5

Inventory of property and liabilities 6

III. Basic rules for the preparation and presentation of financial statements 6

Basic requirements 6

Rules for evaluating financial reporting items 7

Unfinished capital investments 7

Financial investments 8

Fixed assets 8

Intangible assets 10

Raw materials, materials, finished products and goods 11

Work in progress and deferred expenses 11

Capital and reserves 12

Settlements with debtors and creditors 12

Profit (loss) of the organization 13

IV. Procedure for presenting financial statements 13

V. Basic rules for consolidated financial statements 14

VI. Storage of accounting documents 15

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

From July 29, 1998 N 34n

On approval of the regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation

(Russian newspaper (“Departmental Supplement”), N 208, 10/31/1998)

dated March 24, 2000 N 31n)

(as amended by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

dated 08/23/2000 N GKPI 00-645)

In pursuance of the Program for reforming accounting in accordance with international financial reporting standards, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 1998 N 283, and order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1998 N 382-r, I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation.

2. To recognize as invalid:

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 N 170 “On the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation”;

paragraph 3 of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated February 3, 1997 No. 8 “On the quarterly financial statements of the organization.”



By order of the Ministry of Finance

Russian Federation

Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation

(as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1999 N 107n,

dated March 24, 2000 N 31n)

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were developed on the basis Federal Law"About accounting".

2. The Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and maintaining accounting records, drawing up and presenting financial statements legal entities according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of their organizational and legal form (with the exception of credit organizations and budgetary institutions), as well as the organization’s relationship with external consumers of accounting information.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1999 N 107n)

Branches and representative offices of foreign organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation can keep accounting records based on the rules established in the country where the foreign organization is located, if the latter do not contradict the International Financial Reporting Standards developed by the International Financial Reporting Standards Committee.

3. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the Federal Law “On Accounting” and these Regulations, develops and approves provisions (standards) for accounting, other regulatory legal acts and methodological guidelines for accounting, forming a system of regulatory regulation of accounting and mandatory for execution organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation, including when carrying out activities outside the Russian Federation.

4. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Accounting":

a) accounting is an orderly system of collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the property, obligations of the organization and their movement through continuous, continuous and documentary accounting of all business transactions;

b) the objects of accounting are the property of organizations, their obligations and business transactions carried out by organizations in the course of their activities;

c) the main objectives of accounting are:

generation of complete and reliable information about the organization’s activities and its property status, necessary for internal users of financial statements - managers, founders, participants and owners of the organization’s property, as well as external users - investors, creditors and other users of financial statements;

providing information necessary for internal and external users of financial statements to monitor compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation when the organization carries out business operations and their feasibility, the availability and movement of property and liabilities, the use of material, labor and financial resources in accordance with approved norms, standards and estimates;

preventing negative results from the organization’s economic activities and identifying internal reserves to ensure its financial stability.

5. To carry out the organization of accounting, the organization, guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting, regulations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and bodies granted by federal laws the right to regulate accounting, independently forms its accounting policy, based on its structure, industry affiliation and others features of the activity.

6. Responsibility for organizing accounting in the organization and compliance with the law when carrying out business operations lies with the head of the organization.

7. The head of the organization can, depending on the volume of accounting work:

a) establish accounting service as a structural unit headed by the chief accountant;

b) add an accountant position to the staff;

c) transfer on a contractual basis the maintenance of accounting to a centralized accounting department, a specialized organization or a specialist accountant;

d) keep accounting records personally.

The cases provided for in subparagraphs "b", "c" and "d" of this paragraph are recommended to be applied in organizations that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are classified as small businesses.

8. The accounting policy adopted by the organization is approved by order or other written order of the head of the organization.

In this case it is stated:

working chart of accounts containing the accounts used in the organization, necessary for maintaining synthetic and analytical accounting;

forms of primary accounting documents used for registration of business transactions, for which standard forms of primary accounting documents are not provided, as well as forms of documents for internal accounting reporting;

methods for assessing certain types of property and liabilities;

the procedure for conducting an inventory of property and liabilities;

document flow rules and accounting information processing technology;

the procedure for monitoring business transactions, as well as other decisions necessary for organizing accounting.

42. Incomplete capital investments are reflected in the balance sheet at the actual costs incurred by the organization.

Financial investments

43. Financial investments include investments by an organization in government securities, bonds and other securities of other organizations, in the authorized (share) capital of other organizations, as well as loans provided to other organizations.

44. Financial investments are taken into account in the amount of actual costs for the investor. For debt securities, the difference between the amount of actual acquisition costs and nominal value during the period of their circulation, evenly as the income due on them accrues, be attributed to the financial results of commercial organization or increased expenses for a non-profit organization.

Organizations acting as professional participants market securities, can revaluate investments in securities purchased for the purpose of generating income from their sale as the quote changes to stock exchange.

Objects financial investments(except for loans) not paid in full are shown in assets balance sheet V full amount the actual costs of their acquisition under the contract with the assignment of the outstanding amount to creditors in the liabilities side of the balance sheet in cases where the rights to the object have been transferred to the investor. In other cases, amounts contributed to the account of financial investment objects subject to acquisition are shown in the asset balance sheet under the item debtors.

45. An organization’s investments in shares of other organizations listed on the stock exchange, the quotation of which is regularly published, when compiling the balance sheet, are reflected at the end of the reporting year according to market value.

Fixed assets

46. ​​To fixed assets as a set of material assets used as means of labor in the production of products, performance of work or provision of services, or for the management of an organization for a period exceeding 12 months, or the normal operating cycle, if it exceeds 12 months, include buildings, structures, working and power machines and equipment, measuring and control instruments and devices, computer technology, vehicles, tools, production and household equipment and supplies, working and productive livestock, perennial plantings, on-farm roads and other fixed assets.

Fixed assets also include capital investments in radical land improvement (drainage, irrigation and other reclamation works) and in leased fixed assets.

Capital investments in perennial plantings and radical land improvement are included in fixed assets annually in the amount of costs related to those adopted in reporting year into operation of the areas, regardless of the completion date of the entire complex of works.

Fixed assets include those owned by the organization land plots, environmental management objects (water, subsoil and other natural resources).

47. Completed capital investments in leased fixed assets are credited by the tenant organization to its own fixed assets in the amount of actual costs incurred, unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement.

48. The cost of the organization's fixed assets is repaid by calculating depreciation over their useful life.

Depreciation of fixed assets is calculated regardless of the results of the organization’s economic activities in the reporting period in one of the following ways:

linear method;

method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of products (works, services);

reducing balance method;

a method of writing off cost based on the sum of the numbers of years of useful life.

Fixed assets of non-profit organizations are not subject to depreciation.

The cost of land plots and environmental management facilities is not repaid.

49. Fixed assets are reflected in the balance sheet at their residual value, i.e. at the actual costs of their acquisition, construction and manufacture minus the amount of accrued depreciation.

Changes in the initial cost of fixed assets in cases of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction and partial liquidation, revaluation of relevant objects are disclosed in the appendices to the balance sheet. A commercial organization has the right no more than once a year (at the end of the reporting year) to revalue fixed assets according to replacement cost by indexation or direct recalculation at documented market prices with the attribution of any resulting differences to the organization’s additional capital account, unless otherwise established by regulatory legal acts on accounting.

54. Material assets remaining from the write-off of fixed assets unsuitable for restoration and further use are accounted for at market value on the date of write-off.

Intangible assets

55. Intangible assets used in economic activity for a period exceeding 12 months and generating income include rights arising:

from patents for inventions, industrial designs, selection achievements, from certificates for utility models, trademarks and service marks or licensing agreements for their use;

Depreciation is not accrued for intangible assets of non-profit organizations.

Amortization of intangible assets is calculated regardless of the organization's performance in the reporting period.

The acquired business reputation of the organization must be adjusted within twenty years (but not longer than the life of the organization).

Depreciation charges for the positive business reputation of an organization are reflected in accounting by reducing its initial cost. The negative business reputation of the organization is written off in full to the financial results of the organization as other income.

57. Intangible assets are reflected in the balance sheet at their residual value, i.e. at the actual costs of acquisition, production and costs of bringing them to a state in which they are suitable for use for the intended purposes, minus accrued depreciation.

Raw materials, materials, finished products and goods

58. Raw materials, main and auxiliary materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products and components, spare parts, containers used for packaging and transportation of products (goods), and other material resources are reflected in the balance sheet according to their actual cost.

The actual cost of material resources is determined based on the actual costs incurred for their acquisition and production.

Determining the actual cost of material resources written off for production is permitted using one of the following inventory valuation methods:

at the cost of a unit of inventory;

at average cost;

at the cost of the first acquisitions (FIFO).

59. Finished products reflected in the balance sheet at the actual or standard (planned) production cost, including costs associated with the use of fixed assets, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy in the production process, labor resources, and other costs of production or direct cost items.

60. Goods in organizations engaged in trading activities are reflected in the balance sheet at the cost of their acquisition.

When selling (dispensing) goods, their value may be written off using the valuation methods set out in paragraph 58 of these Regulations.

When accounting for an organization engaged retail trade, goods at sales prices, the difference between the acquisition cost and the cost at sales prices (discounts, markups) is reflected in the financial statements as a value that adjusts the cost of goods.

61. Shipped goods, delivered work and rendered services, for which revenue is not recognized, are reflected in the balance sheet at the actual (or standard (planned) full cost, including, along with production cost costs associated with the sale (sale) of products, works, services, reimbursed by the negotiated (contract) price.

The amount of the reserve is determined separately for each doubtful debt depending on financial condition(solvency) of the debtor and assessing the likelihood of repaying the debt in whole or in part.

If before the end of the reporting year following the year the reserve was created doubtful debts, this reserve will not be used in any part, then the unspent amounts are added to the financial results when drawing up the balance sheet at the end of the reporting year.

Settlements with debtors and creditors

73. Settlements with debtors and creditors are reflected by each party in its financial statements in amounts arising from accounting records and recognized by her as correct. For loans and credits received, the debt is shown taking into account the interest due at the end of the reporting period.

74. The amounts reflected in the financial statements for settlements with banks and the budget must be agreed upon with the relevant organizations and are identical. Leaving unresolved amounts for these settlements on the balance sheet is not permitted.

75. Leftovers currency funds on the organization's foreign currency accounts, other funds (including monetary documents), short-term securities, receivables and accounts payable in foreign currencies are reflected in the financial statements in rubles in amounts determined by converting foreign currencies at the exchange rate Central Bank of the Russian Federation, effective as of the reporting date.

76. Fines, penalties and penalties recognized by the debtor or for which court decisions on their collection have been received are attributed to the financial results of a commercial organization or an increase in income (reduction of expenses) of a non-profit organization and, before their receipt or payment, are reflected in the balance sheet of the recipient and the payer according to the items of debtors or creditors.

77. Accounts receivable, according to which the deadline limitation period has expired, other debts that are unrealistic for collection are written off for each obligation on the basis of the inventory data, written justification and order (instruction) of the head of the organization, and are assigned accordingly to the account of the reserve for doubtful debts or to the financial results of a commercial organization, if during the period, preceding the reporting period, the amounts of these debts were not reserved in the manner prescribed by paragraph 75 of these Regulations, or to increase the expenses of a non-profit organization.

Writing off a debt at a loss due to the debtor's insolvency does not constitute cancellation of the debt. This debt must be reflected on the balance sheet for five years from the date of write-off in order to monitor the possibility of its collection in the event of a change in the debtor's property status.

78. Amounts of accounts payable and depositors for which the statute of limitations has expired are written off for each obligation based on the inventory data, written justification and order (instruction) of the head of the organization and are attributed to the financial results of a commercial organization or an increase in income of a non-profit organization.

Profit (loss) of the organization

79. Accounting profit (loss) represents the final financial result(profit or loss) identified for reporting period on the basis of accounting of all business transactions of the organization and evaluation of balance sheet items according to the rules adopted by regulatory legal acts on accounting.

80. Profit or loss identified in the reporting year, but relating to operations of previous years, are included in the financial results of the organization for the reporting year.

82. In the case of the sale and other disposal of the organization’s property (fixed assets, inventories, securities, etc.), the loss or income from these transactions is attributed to the financial results of a commercial organization or an increase in expenses (income) of a non-profit organization.

83. In the balance sheet, the financial result of the reporting period is reflected as retained earnings (uncovered loss), i.e. the final financial result identified for the reporting period, minus taxes and other similar taxes due from profits established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation mandatory payments, including sanctions for non-compliance with tax rules.

IV. Procedure for submitting financial statements

84. All organizations submit annual financial statements in accordance with the constituent documents to the founders, participants of the organization or owners of its property, as well as to the territorial bodies of state statistics at the place of their registration. State and municipal unitary enterprises submit financial statements to bodies authorized to manage state property.

Financial statements are presented to other executive authorities, banks and other users in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The organization is obliged to submit financial statements to the established addresses, one copy free of charge.

85. Organizations are required to submit annual financial statements in the forms provided for in paragraph 30 of these Regulations.

Traffic report cash are allowed not to represent small businesses and non-profit organizations. In addition, small businesses have the right not to submit an appendix to the balance sheet, other appendices and explanatory note.

86. Organizations are required to submit annual financial statements within 90 days after the end of the year, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and quarterly - in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - within 30 days after the end of the quarter.

Within the specified time frame, the specific date for submitting financial statements is established by the founders (participants) of the organization or the general meeting.

88. The day an organization submits its financial statements is determined by the date of its mailing or the date of actual transmission according to ownership.

If the date of submission of financial statements falls on a non-working (weekend) day, then the deadline for submitting the statements is considered to be the first working day following it.

89. The annual financial statements of an organization are open to interested users: banks, investors, creditors, buyers, suppliers, etc., who can familiarize themselves with the annual financial statements and receive copies of them with reimbursement of copying costs.

The organization must provide an opportunity for interested users to familiarize themselves with the financial statements.

Accounting statements, containing indicators classified as state secrets under the legislation of the Russian Federation, is presented taking into account the requirements of said legislation.

90. In cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the organization publishes financial statements and an audit report.

Publication of financial statements is carried out no later than July 1 of the year following the reporting year, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for publishing financial statements is established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the bodies that are granted the right to regulate accounting by federal laws.

VI. Storage of accounting documents

98. The organization is obliged to store primary accounting documents, accounting registers and financial statements for periods established in accordance with the rules for organizing state archival affairs, but not less than five years.

99. The working chart of accounts, other accounting policy documents, coding procedures, computer data processing programs (indicating the terms of their use) must be stored by the organization for at least five years after the reporting year in which they were used for the preparation of financial statements for the last time.

100. Primary accounting documents can be seized only by the bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation and prosecutor’s office, courts, tax inspectorates And tax police on the basis of their decisions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chief accountant or other official organizations have the right, with the permission and in the presence of representatives of the authorities carrying out the seizure of documents, to make copies of them indicating the reason and date of seizure.

101. Responsibility for organizing the storage of primary accounting documents, accounting registers and financial statements lies with the head of the organization.

The presentation of annual financial statements in Russia is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ “On Accounting”;

Accounting provisions "Accounting statements of an organization" PBU 4/99 (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 6, 1999 N 43n), as well as other accounting provisions;

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2003 N 67n “On the forms of financial statements of organizations” as amended (hereinafter referred to as Order N 67n),

As well as the joint Order of the State Statistics Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 14, 2003 N 475/102n “On codes of indicators of annual financial statements of organizations, the data for which are subject to processing by state statistics bodies.”

In accordance with the above documents, the organization’s annual financial statements must include:

Balance sheet (Form No. 1);

Profit and loss statement (Form No. 2);

Statement of changes in capital (Form No. 3);

Cash flow statement (Form No. 4);

Appendixes to the balance sheet (form No. 5);

Explanatory note;

Auditor's report.

Special rules for compiling annual financial statements are established for organizations recognized as small businesses:

1) if a small enterprise is not subject to mandatory audit, it has the right to present financial statements in the amount of indicators for groups of balance sheet items and items of the profit and loss statement without additional explanations in these forms. Such enterprises may not represent other forms at all;

2) if a small enterprise is obliged to conduct audit, it has the right not to present forms No. 3, 4 and 5 as part of the financial statements only in the absence of relevant data.

Organizations that have switched to a simplified taxation system, in accordance with clause 3 of Art. 4 of the Federal Law “On Accounting” are exempt from the obligation to maintain accounting records. This means that they do not need to prepare financial statements. But the tax and statistical reporting they represent on a general basis - this is provided for in Art. 346.11 Tax Code RF.

True, if a “simplified” organization also carries out activities that are subject to the taxation system in the form of UTII, i.e. is a UTII payer, according to the Russian Ministry of Finance, it is obliged to keep accounting records and prepare financial statements in the generally established manner. This opinion, in particular, was expressed in Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 20, 2006 N 03-11-04/3/465, dated October 10, 2008 N 03-11-04/2/203 and others. The main argument of specialists from the Ministry of Finance of Russia is that, in their opinion, the Federal Law “On Accounting” does not exempt organizations engaged in business activities subject to UTII taxation for certain types of activities from the obligation to maintain accounting records.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 67n approved samples of accounting reporting forms, on the basis of which organizations must develop their reporting forms, taking into account the specifics and scale of their activities. The above-mentioned joint Order of the State Statistics Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia approved codes for some lines of financial statements that are mandatory for all organizations, and for the remaining lines of statements, including lines entered additionally by decision of the company’s management, codes can be set independently.

Thus, at present, each organization is obliged, on the basis of samples, to develop and approve, as part of its accounting policy, its own reporting forms, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities and allowing for compliance with the accounting reporting requirements set out in PBU 4/99: completeness, materiality, neutrality, etc.

In principle, according to clause 5 of the Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and presenting financial statements, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 67n, the organization has the right to decide on the presentation of financial statements according to the forms of financial statements given as samples in the Appendix to this Order, if the indicators given in these sample forms, allow you to comply with the accounting requirements set out in the accounting regulations. However, in this case it is also necessary to register in accounting policy that the organization approved the forms proposed in Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 67n as forms of financial statements. Moreover, the same paragraph of the Instructions stipulates that if the organization does not have data on the relevant assets, liabilities, income, expenses, business transactions, indicators (rows, columns) for which are provided in the sample forms, these indicators (rows, columns) are not included in the organization’s forms.

So, organizations have some freedom as to how to modify existing sample forms. For example, in the Profit and Loss Statement (Form No. 2) you can present the indicators given in the “Decoding of individual profits and losses” section of the sample form in the form of transcripts to the corresponding report items (“including” or “of them”). Or, say, the indicators included in the Appendix to the balance sheet (Form No. 5) according to the sample form, can be presented in the form of independent forms of financial statements or, conversely, included in an explanatory note. If, for example, an organization does not and will not have intangible assets, it can exclude line 110 “Intangible assets” from Form No. 1 (balance sheet).

When deleting or adding lines, you need to ensure that the line codes established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia do not change. For example, if a decision is made to remove line 110 “Intangible assets” from the balance sheet, the balance sheet will begin with the line “Fixed assets”, the code of which will be 120.

When reflecting data in the financial statements, it should also be borne in mind that if, in accordance with regulatory documents on accounting, an indicator must be subtracted from the corresponding indicators (data) when calculating the relevant data (interim, final) or has a negative value, then in the financial statements this indicator is shown in parentheses. This applies primarily to such indicators as:

Uncovered loss (line 470 of form No. 1),

Cost of goods, products, works, services sold (line 020 of form No. 2);

Commercial and administrative expenses (lines 030 and 040 of form N 2);

Loss from sales (line 050 of form N 2);

Interest payable (line 070 of form No. 2);

Other expenses (line 100 of form N 2);

Loss before tax and net loss (lines 140 and 190 of Form No. 2);

Reduction of capital (lines 131 - 133 of form No. 3);

Disposal of funds (in form No. 4);

Disposal of fixed assets (in form No. 5), etc.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Accounting”, financial statements must be prepared on the basis of synthetic and analytical accounting data. It is most convenient to fill out reporting forms based on data balance sheet for 2008, which reflects the balances of all synthetic accounts as of 01/01/2008, turnover for 2008 and balances as of 12/31/2008. At journal-order form accounting, account balances can be taken directly from the General Ledger.