Organizational structure of otp bank. Address and details

Advice Directors of OTP The Bank decided to change the composition of the Management Board and appoint three TOP managers of the bank to the positions of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, members of the Management Board of the Bank, according to the bank’s website.

Satybaldiev Muslim Makhmutovich

Belomytsev Igor Yurievich, Deputy Chairman of the Board, member OLP Board Jar.

Dremach Kirill Andreevich, Deputy Chairman of the Board, member of the Board of OTP Bank.

Their candidacies were previously agreed upon Central Bank Russian Federation.

Ilya Chizhevsky, President of OTP Bank: “I am pleased to announce that the Board of Directors supported the proposal to appoint new members of the Bank’s Management Board. Kirill, Igor and Muslim have been working at the Bank for a long time, being responsible for key departments in the organization. This appointment is the next logical step, on the one hand, formalizing the level of responsibility of colleagues, and on the other, paying tribute to the effectiveness and results of their work in their areas.”


Muslim Satybaldiev was born in 1981 in Moscow.

2004 - graduated from the State University “Higher School of Economics”, “Strategic and Corporate Management”.

2003 - 2004 - At the same time, he received his education at the Higher School of Business at the Central School of Paris (ECP) and the European School of Management (ESCP-EAP).

2005 - 2013 CJSC ALFA BANK, where he worked his way up from coordinator of the sales department of credit products to Director of Development and Sales, Vice President, responsible for the development of distribution channels.

2013 - 2016, OTP Bank JSC, Sales Director, Deputy Division Director, responsible for managing operational sales of the classic network and alternative channels.

2016 - 2017, OTP Bank JSC, Director of the Network division.

2017 - present temp., OTP Bank JSC, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board,

Responsibility includes the business of the classic branch network and alternative sales channels, work with the VIP segment, micro and small businesses, as well as the development of online commerce.

Igor Belomytsev was born in 1966 in Gorky.

1989 - received a diploma as an economist with a degree in Foreign Economic Relations from the University of Budapest economic sciences named after Karl Marx.

1993 - graduated from the Master's program at the Stockholm University of Economics.

IN banking sector more than 25 years. He began his banking career in 1990 at the Hungarian Mezobank, which was later merged with a large financial group in Central Europe - Erste Bank Group. Igor Yurievich was appointed Director of the Treasury Operations Division and was responsible for the development of ALM and management of the treasury activities of Erste Bank in Hungary, the development and implementation of business strategies in the field of treasury operations, and the initiation of the development of new investment products and strategies.

2001 - moved to Volksbank PJSC (Budapest) and successfully headed the Treasury Division and the investment direction in the Bank.

2007 - joined the team of OTP Bank (Ukraine) as Deputy Chairman of the Board, responsible for Treasury operations and asset and liability management, development subsidiaries. Under the leadership of Igor Yuryevich, the following were created and successfully developed: OTP Factoring, OTP Pension Foundation, OTP Management Company and OTP Leasing.

2016 - moved to OTP Bank JSC (Russia), where he took the position of Advisor to the President and was responsible for the development of Corporate business and Treasury operations.

2017 - OTP Bank JSC, appointed Director of the Corporate Business and Treasury Operations Division. Successfully manages the development of strategies and new products in the business areas of these divisions.

2017 - present temp., OTP Bank JSC, Deputy Chairman of the Board, member of the Board appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board

Kirill Dremach was born in 1974 in Moscow.

1996 - graduated from the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute, “Applied Mathematics”.

1996 - 2009, CJSC CB Citibank, Head of Information Technology Department.

2009 - 2011, Barclays Bank LLC, Department Director information technologies, member of the bank's board.

2011 - 2012, JSCB Absolut Bank (CJSC), Information Technology Department, Director of Information Technology.

2012 - 2016, JSC Citibank, Operations and Technology Directorate, Head of Operational Banking Technologies in Central and Eastern Europe.

2016 - 2017, OTP Bank JSC, Director of the Operations Management Division.

2017 - present vr., OTP Bank JSC, Deputy Chairman of the Board, member of the Board. His area of ​​responsibility includes the development of the IT department, operational, administrative and economic, purchasing activities, as well as coordinating the work of the department for collecting overdue debts.

The president

Ilya Petrovich Chizhevsky was born in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in 1978.

In 2000 he received a diploma from the St. Petersburg Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics (Technical University). While studying at the University, he was an active member of the International Association of Students Studying Economics and Management (AIESEC). He began his career in St. Petersburg in the FMCG sector - Kraft Foods.

In 2003, he moved to work in the retail division of Citibank CJSC in Moscow, where he developed alternative sales channels and credit products. In 2006, he moved to GE Capital - working in Russia and abroad, he went from head of the Moscow region to Director of Sales and Distribution in Russia, responsible for the development of distribution and sales channels, alternative funding and attracting customers via the Internet. In October 2012, he moved to Rusfinance Bank LLC (Societe Generale) to the position of Deputy President of the bank, where he was responsible for sales, products and marketing in the bank.

In June 2013, he joined the OTP Bank team, where from August 2013 he held the position of Director of the Network Division. On June 9, 2014, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of OTP Bank. Ilya Chizhevsky’s area of ​​responsibility included the business of the classic branch network and alternative sales channels. In addition, he was responsible for working with the VIP segment, micro and small businesses, developing the Bank’s corporate business, and channels for remotely attracting and servicing the Bank’s clients.

Kapustin Sergey Nikolaevich

short biography

Sergei Nikolaevich Kapustin

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

Sergei Nikolaevich Kapustin was born in Moscow in 1979.

In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics. Has a PhD in Economics.

More than 15 years in the banking industry. He began his banking career in 2001 at Bank Vozrozhdenie, where he worked his way up from a leading specialist to Deputy Head of the Retail Operations Department, responsible for issues retail business Banking and risk management.

In 2008, he moved to OTP Bank, where he took the position of Director of the Risk Assessment and Methodology Directorate. Oversaw issues related to credit risks for the Bank's retail portfolio, lending methodology, operational and market risks.

From 2011 to 2013 he worked in the field of microfinance.

Since 2013, he has been Deputy Chairman of the Board, Director of the Risk Management Division at OTP Bank.

Oreshkina Yulia Sergeevna

short biography

Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina

Director of the Legal Support Directorate, Member of the Board

Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina was born in Moscow in 1973.

In 1997 she graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence.

She began her career in the prosecutor's office, then moved to work in the Legal Department of the Moscow Main Territorial Administration Central Bank Russian Federation. Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina also worked in various years in the legal services of a number of large Russian banks, in particular such as CB Petrocommerce, OJSC Impexbank and others.

Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina has been working at OTP Bank (until 2008 – Investsberbank) since 2007, where she heads the legal support directorate.

Vasiliev Alexander Vasilievich

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

short biography

Alexander Vasilievich Vasiliev

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

Alexander Vasilievich Vasiliev was born in Akhtubinsk in 1978.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Works in the banking industry for more than 10 years.

From 2004 to 2010, he acted as deputy head of the retail operations department at Bank Vozrozhdenie OJSC, where he worked on projects for the development of credit products for individuals ( consumer loans, car loans, mortgage credit lending), as well as the implementation of automation systems for retail lending processes, such as Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Experian Strategy Manager.

In 2010, Mr. Vasiliev headed the department credit risks FG "BCS", where he participated in the launch of the line of lending to individuals and in the creation of unified processes for assessing and managing credit risks. Since June 2011, he joined the OTP Bank team as Director of the Product and Technology Development Directorate. Since December 2013, he served as Director of the Consumer Lending Division.

Dremach Kirill Andreevich

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

short biography

Kirill Andreevich Dremach

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

Kirill Andreevich Dremach was born in Moscow in 1974.

In 1996 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in Applied Mathematics.

More than 20 years in the banking industry. He began his banking career in 1996 at ZAO CB Citibank, progressing from a specialist to the Head of the Information Technology Department, and was responsible for the development of the information technology base, automation of business processes and financial management in the IT field.

In 2009, he went to work at Barclays Bank LLC as Director of the Information Technology Department, and in 2010 he was included in the bank’s Management Board.

From 2012 to 2016, he worked at JSC Citibank as the Head of Operational Banking Technologies in Central and Eastern Europe, was responsible for the creation, maintenance and development of the bank’s high-tech information environment, supervised the development and application of information systems and new banking products.

In November 2016, he joined the team of OTP Bank JSC as Director of the Operations Management Division. Since November 3, 2017, he has been Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Management Board of OTP Bank JSC.

Belomytsev Igor Yurievich

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

short biography

Igor Yurievich Belomytsev

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board

Igor Yurievich Belomyttsev was born in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) in 1966.

In 1989, he received a diploma as an economist with a specialization in Foreign Economic Relations from the Budapest Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences. In 1993, Igor Yuryevich completed his master's degree at the Stockholm University of Economics.

More than 25 years in the banking industry. He began his banking career in 1990 in the Hungarian Mezobank, which was later merged with a large financial group in Central Europe - Erste Bank Group. Igor Yurievich was appointed Director of the Treasury Operations Division and was responsible for the development of ALM and management of the treasury activities of Erste Bank in Hungary, the development and implementation of business strategies in the field of treasury operations, and the initiation of the development of new investment products and strategies.

In 2001, he moved to Volksbank PJSC (Budapest) and headed the Treasury Division and the investment direction of the Bank.

In 2007, he joined the OTP Bank (Ukraine) team as Deputy Chairman of the Board, responsible for Treasury operations and asset and liability management, development of subsidiaries. Under the leadership of Igor Yuryevich, OTP Factoring, OTP Pension Fund, OTP Management Company and OTP Leasing were created and successfully developed.

In 2016, Igor Yuryevich moved to OTP Bank (Russia), where he took the position of Advisor to the President and was responsible for the development of Corporate Business and Treasury Operations. In February 2017, Igor was appointed Director of the Corporate Business and Treasury Operations Division. Igor successfully manages the development of strategies and new products in the business areas of these divisions.

On November 3, 2017, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Management Board of OTP Bank JSC.

On January 27, 2015, Gabor Burian-Kozma joined the team of the Finance Division of OTP Bank JSC as a Project Manager. He was involved in the development of plans for the preparation and implementation of the Bank’s financial projects, took part in improving business planning and developing an effective strategic development model OTP groups in Russia.

On December 1, 2015, Gabor was appointed Director of the Finance Division and took over the supervision of the financial block of OTP Bank (Russia) and management of the divisions responsible for the formation and strategic planning of the Bank’s financial policy, financial and accounting services, and divisions responsible for audits.

On June 6, 2018, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Management Board of OTP Bank JSC.

There are several leading banks in Russia, among them OTP Bank. This organization offers products and services to both individuals and legal entities. Favorable service conditions and a loyal credit policy attract new customers every day and allow the bank to develop rapidly.

About OTP Bank

The history of the financial organization began in 1994. Initially, OTP was called Investsberbank, but due to radical metamorphoses associated with entering the OTP Group, in February 2008 it became known as OTP Bank.


In 2006, OTP Bank became part of the Hungarian OTP Group, which today is a leading financial institution and a leading supplier banking services in Europe. The group is involved in such areas as banking, insurance, investment, leasing. Its basis is OTP Bank, located in Hungary. It occupies 26% of the national market, and its assets are estimated at 10,978,359 million forints. In addition to Russia, the following countries are included in the group:

  1. Ukraine.
  2. Bulgaria.
  3. Slovakia.
  4. Serbia.
  5. Montenegro.
  6. Croatia.
  7. Romania.

The Latin abbreviation OTP stands for Országos Takarékpénztár (National Savings Bank). Over time, it migrated into the Russian language and began to be used to name local branches.


OTP Bank is developing rapidly. Throughout its activities, there has been a constant growth of assets and profits, the introduction of new technologies, and the creation of quality products. Great achievements have been repeatedly noted at various awards. Credit should also be given to the management, who, through their correct decisions, brought the company to a high level.

The history of the development of OTP Bank is presented in the table:

1994 A license to operate was obtained.
2003 The first loan was issued, after which a course was set for the development of consumer lending in Russia.
2004 The opening of 30 branches throughout Russia took place.
2005 There was a merger with Russian General Bank.
2006 The merger of two banks took place.
2007 It was included in the rating of financial organizations that are experiencing dynamic development, according to RBC.Rating.
2008 Took 8th place in the NAFI rankings.
2009 He won two significant awards in the financial sector: “Financial Olympus” and “Brand of the Year”.
2010 In the second, he won the “Brand of the Year” award.
2011 He won the “Financial Olympus”, “Finance” and other awards.
2012 A new president of the company, Z. Illes, has been appointed.
Internet banking has been created, allowing transactions to be carried out through Personal Area Online.
2013 The position of president of the company was taken by Georgy Chesakov.
Launch mobile application which improved remote maintenance clients.
2014 It took 22nd position in terms of reliability among Russian banks in the Forbes rating.
2015 I. Chizhevsky took the presidential post in the company.
2016 A new Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, Z. Mayor, was elected.
2017 RAEX assigned a rating at ruA level.

Mission and Vision

OTP Bank strives to win the trust of consumers, and it succeeds. It sells affordable products and services in all regions of the Russian Federation. Its mission is to increase the level of financial literacy and develop the banking services market. The vision of OTP Bank is to achieve the following long-term goals:

  • increase the number of regular customers to 3 million;
  • get into the TOP-20 banks of the Russian Federation;
  • to become one of the main industries of the OTP Group.

Considering that OTP has stable growth in profits and other indicators, it will be able to implement its plans in the near future. A large flow of clients is ensured by favorable conditions for loans and deposits, a wide selection of banking products, and high-quality service at the European level. Tariffs are calculated for citizens of different social status, including pensioners, beneficiaries, and the unemployed. The requirements that are put forward to potential clients are very loyal.

Management of OTP Bank

During the formation of the company, its management was constantly changing. However, today it looks like this:

Scope of GuidanceJob titleFull name
Governing bodyThe presidentChizhevsky I.P.
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management BoardKapustin S.N.
Dremach K.A.
Belomytsev I.Yu.
Satybaldiev M.M.
Vasiliev A.V.
Director of Legal Support DirectorateOreshkina Yu.S.
Board of DirectorsChairman of the Board of DirectorsZ.Major
Member of the Board of DirectorsR.Barlai
F. Boehle
P. Chani
M. Akosh
Sh. Bela
Kummer A.Yu.

Financial indicators

"OTP Bank" for the last reporting period(03.2018) improved its financial performance. Indicators from the reporting are shown in the table:

Address and details

The main office of the bank is located in Moscow and has the following legal and actual address: 125171, Moscow, Leningradskoye Shosse, 16A, building 1. However, delivery of postal correspondence is carried out to the address: 127299, Moscow, Klara Zetkin Street, 4A, building 1.

To make transfers, the details of the financial organization are given below:

Name of companyJSC "OTP Bank"
Correspondent account30101810000000000311 in the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District
OKVED64.19, 66.19

Clients and partners

The main contingent served by the bank are individuals. For them, he developed a standard set of products, including consumer loans at retail outlets, deposits, credit cards. He also serves corporate clients. Settlement operations are carried out for them, funds are placed on deposit accounts and much more.

The bank has many partners. The most popular of them are the following companies: “Moscow Jewelry Factory”, “Snow Queen”, “Megafon”, “Euroset”. They offer various discounts and bonuses to bank clients. You can also get a loan at partner stores, which is very convenient.

OTP Bank is a leader in financial market in Russia. Therefore, choosing a reliable financial institution to make deposits or apply for a loan, you should pay attention to it first. It offers the most favorable conditions in Russia, which will be optimal for various segments of the population.

As part of my filling out this application form in electronic form on the Internet information and telecommunications network on the website of OTP Bank JSC ( in order to consider the issue of providing me financial services:

1. I agree to: 1.1) processing by JSC OTP Bank (125171, Moscow, Leningradskoye sh., 16A, building 1) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank), LLC MFK OTP Finance (127299, Moscow, st. .Klara Zetkin, 4A) (hereinafter referred to as MFK) and the partners of the Bank/MFK (including those listed below) of my personal data (hereinafter referred to as PDN), including those received from third parties located in open sources and publicly available on the Internet (last name, first name, patronymic; date and place of birth; address; telephone numbers; family, social, property status; education; profession; income; state of health; information on criminal/administrative liability; criminal record; biometric personal data; website visit history; any other data), including exchange (reception/transfer) of personal data between the Bank/IFC and the Bank/IFC partners (including telecom operators; organizations that analyze data sets from the Internet), including PJSC Megafon (115035, Moscow, Kadashevskaya embankment, 30); PJSC "Vympel-Communications" (127083, Moscow, Vosmogo Marta St., 10, building 14); Mail.Ru LLC (125167, Moscow, Leningradsky pr., 39, building 79); LLC "Equifax Credit Services" (129090, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya st., 16, bldg. 1), CJSC "OKB" (115184, Moscow, Tverskaya-Yamskaya st. 1st, bldg. 2, bldg. 1) ; JSC "NBKI" (121069, Moscow, Skatertny per. 20, building 1); LLC "Double" (125040, Moscow, Yamskogo Polya street 3rd, building 28, office 2052) for the purposes of: a) concluding and executing agreements between me and the Bank/IFC; b) checking and clarifying the information provided by me; c) checking solvency and reliability; 1.2) the Bank/IFC makes decisions based solely on automated processing of my personal data; 1.3) receipt by the Bank/MFC of credit reports on my credit history for the purpose of checking reliability, as well as concluding and executing agreements with the Bank/MFC, and I also provide my credit history subject code ___________ (filled in if you want to create/replace the code); 1.4) telecom operators (including those mentioned above) - to provide the Bank/MFC with information about me as a subscriber and the communication services provided to me (including last name, first name, patronymic / nickname / other designation of the subscriber; address of the subscriber / installation / location of terminal equipment; subscriber numbers / other data identifying the subscriber / terminal equipment; information from payment systems for communication services, including connections, traffic, payments and other data allowing the identification of the subscriber or his subscriber device (except for information constituting a communication secret)); 1.5) sending requests to Pension Fund RF to receive an extract from my individual personal account.

2. Within the framework of the above agreements regarding PDN, the Bank/IFC and the partners of the Bank/IFC can carry out any actions (operations) with or without the use of automation tools, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing) , extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction. PDN is processed on paper and electronic media, as well as using communication means. The consent is valid for 10 years from the date of signing this application form with an analogue of a handwritten signature (in the case of contracts - 10 years from the date of termination) and applies to all previously concluded contracts. Consent may be revoked by submitting a written application to the Bank/IFC and/or a partner of the Bank/IFC.

3. The client hereby, by signing the application form with an SMS code and sending it to the Bank/MFK through the Bank’s website, enters into an Agreement with the Bank/MFK on the use of an analogue of a handwritten signature (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) on the following conditions:

  • This Agreement provides for the client to use a simple electronic signature in the form of an SMS code received by the client to the number mobile phone(hereinafter referred to as the “ASP”), for the purpose of signing this application form;
  • The Bank/IFC and the client (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) have agreed that this application form, signed by the client with an ASA (simple electronic signature), is recognized as an equivalent document on on paper, signed by the client’s handwritten signature;
  • The parties agreed that it is unacceptable to recognize an electronic document signed by the TSA as having no legal force solely on the basis that such electronic document signed not with one’s own hand, but with the use of tools for automatic creation and (or) automatic verification of TSA in information system Bank/IFC;
  • creation and verification of HSA is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Bank/IFC;
  • The parties are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the TSA and are responsible for the consequences of failure to ensure such confidentiality.

Organizational structure-- a set of ways by which the labor process is first divided into individual work tasks, and then coordination of actions to solve problems is achieved. In fact, organizational structure determines the distribution of responsibilities and powers within the organization. As a rule, it is displayed in the form of an organigram - a graphic diagram, the elements of which are hierarchically ordered organizational units (divisions, job positions).

Organizational management structure

The Supreme Management Body of the Bank is the General Meeting of Shareholders. Regular General Meetings of Shareholders are convened once a year (Annual General Meeting) and are held before the expiration of four months, but not earlier than two months, after the end of each financial year. At the annual General Meeting, members of the Supervisory Board and the Auditor are elected, and the Auditor is approved.

The general management of the Bank's activities is carried out by the Supervisory Board, which makes decisions on all issues except for those that fall within the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders, or issues the resolution of which is entrusted to the Board of the Bank and the Chairman of the Board in accordance with this Charter or decisions of the Supervisory Board.

The Board of the Bank is a collegial executive body of the Bank and consists of no more than eight members of the Board, one of whom is the Chairman of the Board. The Supervisory Board appoints the Chairman and other members of the Management Board, including deputy chairmen, and has the right to terminate their powers early. The Chairman or, in his absence, the Deputy Chairman, presides over meetings of the Board. The Management Board organizes its work in accordance with the Rules of Operation of the Management Board, submitted by the Supervisory Board for approval General Meeting Shareholders, which establishes the terms and procedure for convening and holding meetings of the Management Board, as well as the procedure for making decisions. The detailed distribution of responsibilities between members of the Management Board is determined by the relevant decisions of the Supervisory Board of the Bank.

The Chairman of the Board is the sole executive body of the Bank, its highest official responsible for pursuing the Bank's policies and carrying out its operations. The Chairman of the Board acts on behalf of the Bank without a power of attorney.

Rice. 1

Analysis credit policy OJSC "OTP-Bank"

The credit policy of OJSC "OTP-Bank" is built not only taking into account compliance with the generally accepted basic principles of lending: urgency, payment, repayment, security, but also such as:

  • 1. Forms of providing loans. Basic form - urgent commercial loan. Special types of lending include loans provided in the form of a line of credit and loans in the form of an overdraft. Lending in the form of opening a credit line, lending in the form of an overdraft is possible if there are constant stable cash turnover in the bank.
  • 2. Concentration of loan debt for one borrower - is calculated depending on the amount of the Bank’s capital in order to comply with standards for determining the amount of credit resources provided to one borrower.
  • 3. Intended use - loans are issued with mandatory indication in the text loan agreement the intended purpose of the loan issued, over which constant monitoring is established.
  • 4. Establishment interest rates- pricing of loans is carried out depending on such basic provisions as: the current refinancing rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and interbank loans, the degree of credit risk for a specific loan project, the liquidity of the borrower’s balance sheet, the availability of existing deposits with the Bank, the cost of monitoring the loan by the Bank, the availability positive credit history and stable cash turnover in the Bank, the cost of attracted resources.
  • 5. Loan term - justified by feasibility studies and business plans of borrowers, but, as a rule, briefly term loans are provided for a period of no more than 6 months, medium-term up to 1 year, long-term - no more than 3 years. Longer terms (over 3 years) can be established for projects of individual clients who have complex interaction with the Bank on various operations.
  • 6. Sources of repayment - loans are issued only if there is a real primary source of repayment of the loan provided, as well as taking into account the form of security for repayment of the loan proposed by the borrower (secondary source of repayment in the form of collateral, mortgage of property).
  • 7. Credit information- loan agreements necessarily provide for the actual exercise by the Bank of control over the state of the financial and economic activities of borrowers and the state of collateral, with the right to request the necessary accounting, financial or business documents throughout the term of the loan agreement.
  • 8. Syndicated lending - The Bank allows participation in joint loan projects (with the participation of other commercial banks) for lending to borrowers with mandatory compliance necessary conditions such lending.
  • 9. Priority right to receive a loan - the priority right to receive a loan has enterprises and organizations that are serviced by the Bank and are its regular customers or shareholders, as well as other enterprises and organizations that have sufficient turnover on accounts with the Bank.
  • 10. Interrelation of credit and deposit relationships - clients who have deposits with the Bank also have priority when considering issues of granting loans.

All of the above principles of lending play an important role in the further prosperity and financial stability of the bank, which, in turn, offers a huge range of services to the population, including: term loans; credit lines; loans under TUSRIF ( Investment fund USA - Russia); overdrafts on current account; leasing financing; bank guarantees; loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; documentary operations; bill lending.

Obtaining a loan from OJSC OTP-Bank is possible after carrying out a number of procedures, consisting of analyzing the financial indicators achieved by the potential borrower and the company’s business plan (in some cases, a feasibility study for obtaining a loan), and analyzing the sufficiency of collateral.

The loan can be issued for the following purposes: acquisition of assets (buildings, equipment, vehicles, ships, etc.) to expand production; for replenishment working capital; payment for services; acquisition of raw materials and materials for production; purchasing goods for resale, that is, for commercial purposes; other goals.

To plan specific actions to solve the client’s problems, banking analytical services conduct business diagnostics of the client, with the help of which the client’s current position in the market, its potential capabilities, and the degree of rationality of its activities are clarified.

Consideration of the issue of granting a loan to OJSC OTP-Bank involves, first of all, assessing the solvency of the borrower who applied to the bank.

When a client applies to OJSC OTP-Bank for a loan, an authorized employee of the lending department (loan inspector) finds out from the client the purpose for which the loan is requested, explains to him the conditions and procedure for granting the loan, and introduces him to the list of documents required to obtain the loan. The borrower fills out a questionnaire according to the form of OJSC OTP-Bank (Appendix 1).

The period for consideration of the issue of granting a loan depends on the type of loan and its amount, but should not exceed from the moment of granting complete package documents before a decision is made 15 calendar days - for loans for urgent needs and 1 month - for loans for the purchase of real estate.

The client's application is recorded by the credit inspector in the application journal; The registration date and registration number are indicated on the application.

Photocopies are made of the passport (identity card) and other documents to be returned to the client. Copies made by the loan inspector or verified by him with original documents are marked “Copy is correct” signed by the inspector.

On the reverse side of the application or on a separate sheet, the credit inspector compiles a list of accepted documents and copies.

When checking information, the credit inspector finds out using single base data credit history The borrower and the amount of debt on previously received loans; sends requests to institutions that previously provided loans to him.

The lending division sends a package of documents to the legal and security services of OJSC OTP-Bank.

The legal service analyzes the submitted documents from the point of view of correctness of execution and compliance with current legislation.

The security service checks the Borrower's passport data (identity card data), place of residence, place of work and information specified in the application form.

Based on the results of checking and analyzing documents, the legal and security services draw up written opinions that are transmitted to the lending department.

In case of accepting real estate as collateral, Vehicle and other property, the lending division engages a Bank real estate specialist or a subsidiary to establish the appraised value of this property. Based on the assessment results, a specialist (enterprise expert) draws up an expert opinion, which is transferred to the lending department.

The credit inspector determines the Borrower's solvency based on a certificate from the employer about income and the amount of deduction, as well as questionnaire data.

When calculating solvency, all obligatory payments specified in the certificate and questionnaire are deducted from income (personal income tax, contributions, alimony, compensation for damage, repayment of debt and payment of interest on other loans, the amount of obligations under provided guarantees, payments to repay the cost of goods purchased in installments, etc. .). For this purpose, each obligation under the provided guarantee is accepted in the amount of 50% of the average monthly payment for the corresponding principal obligation.

A loan in rubles is issued in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement, both in cash and by bank transfer.

Issuing a loan in foreign currency made only by non-cash transfer to a demand deposit account or account plastic card The borrower, which should be provided for in the loan agreement.

The loan agreement must indicate the deposit account number or plastic card account number and the institution where this account is opened. Issuance of a loan by crediting to accounts opened in other commercial banks, is not produced.

A loan for the construction or reconstruction of real estate is issued in two or more installments within two years from the date of the first transaction on the loan account. It is recommended to determine the size of the first part of the loan in the range from 20% to 50% of the amount under the loan agreement. Each subsequent amount is issued only after the Borrower submits a report on the use of the previous one.

After two years, the loan is terminated. In this case, the contract amount is reduced to the amount actually issued.

When issuing a loan in cash or by paying the bills of organizations, transferring to the accounts of citizen entrepreneurs, the Borrower must receive the first part of the loan within one month from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement. If the Borrower fails to appear within a month, OJSC OTP-Bank terminates the agreement unilaterally. The loan officer makes adjustments to the information in the database.

The date of repayment of the loan debt (payment of interest, penalties) is considered to be the date of receipt of funds at the cash desk or to the correspondent account of the Bank (issuing the loan) or the date of debiting funds from the client’s deposit account, if the deposit is opened with the Bank that issued the loan.

The countdown of the period for calculating interest for using a loan starts from the date of debt formation on the loan account (inclusive) and ends with the date of repayment of the debt on it (not including this date). Accordingly, for interim payments, the date of interest payment is not included in the period for which this payment is made.

During the period of validity of the loan agreement, the loan officer monitors the borrower’s compliance with the terms of the agreement; carries out verification of reports on the expenditure of funds and other documents provided for in the contract, as well as on-site verification; takes measures to repay overdue debts; draws up changes in the terms of credit and other agreements; enters the necessary information into the database of individual borrowers; carries out operations to form a reserve for possible loan losses.

The credit process is a set of actions and activities that need to be taken by Bank specialists to determine the possibility of providing the Applicant with a loan, organizing the issuance and repayment of the loan.

At the first stage, the Credit Expert conducts a personal consultation - an interview with a potential Borrower, which consists of a number of questions of greatest interest to the Bank, after which the solvency of the Applicant is determined.

Based on the results of the analysis of the Applicant’s creditworthiness, the credit expert determined maximum amount the loan that the Applicant can receive and the loan term.

Second stage: Acceptance of the Loan Application.

The documents required to obtain a loan are a passport, application form and salary certificate.

After checking that the application form and certificate are filled out correctly, that the stamps and required signatures are present, the credit expert draws up loan application in electronic form and sends it via electronic communication channels for consideration by the credit committee.

After receiving a loan application, security service and credit committee specialists check the accuracy of the information and make a decision on issuance. ABOUT the decision taken the credit inspector informs the client, makes an appropriate note in the application log and on the client’s application and places a package of documents in the file of loan refusals.

If the decision is positive, the credit expert notifies the Applicant about the decision made and formalizes the transaction.

The reason for the refusal is indicated on the client’s application or in the conclusion of the loan officer.

The above stages of providing a loan are basic for determining the borrower’s solvency, and depending on the type of loan, they are supplemented with nuances.

Loan agreement in two copies, repayment schedule in two copies, which indicates the amount of the principal debt, interest, commission and total amount of the monthly payment, order for opening accounts, life insurance of the borrower for the loan term, cash receipts and debit orders, insurance policy. The remaining documents listed above are filed in the loan file.

Closing of the Credit Transaction is carried out after full repayment Credit. Wherein Credit Expert closed The loan file is archived.

The main goal of the credit policy of OJSC "OTP-Bank" is the formation loan portfolio, which allows maintaining the quality of assets at an acceptable level, ensuring the target level of profitability, aimed at minimizing credit risks.