What to do if there is a delay on your Tinkoff credit card? What to do if a loan is overdue at Tinkoff Bank Tinkoff approves if it is overdue at other banks.

I have several credit cards. I always make all payments, but not always on time. It happens that there are no payment points nearby, or you got confused, or forgot - as a result, the delay is a couple of days.

It seems to me that my bank is no longer surprised by this. But I'm afraid that because of this, everything is not very good with my credit history. What could this mean for me? Won't they give you another loan? Will they not approve your mortgage?

Andrey, any delays are bad, even if your bank treats them neutrally.

Michelle Korzhova

financial consultant at Tinkoff Bank

For banks there is general rules: Banks are required to regularly send detailed customer service information to the credit bureaus. They also send all the facts of delays, even two days, even one. This is not a whim or a bank policy, it is a requirement of the law.

Pay in advance. To prevent your payment from being accidentally delayed somewhere or falling into arrears, deposit the money in advance. I recommend doing this at least 5 days before the payment due date.

Set up auto payment. Then every month the bank will write off a fixed amount from the account towards the debt. Autopay is useful if you regularly forget to make payments on time.

If you have a question about personal finance, luxury purchases or family budget, write: [email protected]. We will answer the most interesting questions in the magazine.

The ideal option is to never default on a loan taken from a bank. When this happens by accident, you should pay off the resulting debt and penalties as soon as possible. If the loan installments are not paid by the borrower due to a very difficult financial situation, that is, there is absolutely no possibility of repaying the loan, you need to act wisely in order to minimize the sanctions applied by the credit institution. What tactics to choose if there is arrears on a loan in Tinkoff Bank, we will tell you further.

Suppose that due to difficult life circumstances, there is absolutely no money left to pay the loan, and you are forced to decide not to pay the bank the next monthly installment. Be sure to analyze the current situation and choose the most correct tactics of behavior. First of all, think:

  • Will it be possible to continue repaying the debt in the future? If you plan to resume payments, there is no need to hide from the bank. Contact Tinkoff employees, make a written statement, asking for a deferment or refinancing procedure;
  • If a credit institution doesn’t mind entering into your situation and making concessions, be sure to read the terms it offers. However, you should not agree to the first offer; carefully analyze it and calculate how profitable it will be to accept it;
  • When you have the opportunity to contribute at least some amount to your debt, you should try to do so. In this way, you will demonstrate to the organization that you are willing to pay, but are not able to make contributions in full.

In this situation, you will most likely have to pay a late fee, but this penalty will be terminated as soon as you agree on concessions with the bank. If the borrower has made a firm decision not to repay the debt, then it is better to insure yourself in the following ways:

  • “rewrite” all your movable property and real estate on relatives or close people;
  • close all accounts opened in various financial organizations;
  • when receiving threats from debt collectors, record them on audio; when attempting to attack, shoot a video, and then contact law enforcement agencies.

Important! Before deciding what to do, you need to think about whether it will be possible to return the funds taken from the bank, or to clearly evaluate possible consequences deciding to shirk your obligations.

They will try to intimidate

If you and the bank do not come to a compromise, get ready for constant calls from outside credit organization. In a situation where your debt is sold to a third-party institution, you may receive direct threats from debt collectors. Trying to collect money from the borrower, bank employees can “dissemble”, inventing non-existent arguments, promising huge penalties. Such tricks induce the client to pay a fee. Here are some of them:

  1. Without closing the debt, you will not have any opportunity to get a loan from another bank. Indeed, there may be difficulties with its registration, since the information will certainly be transferred to the Credit History Bureau. However, it is impossible to say for sure that it will be impossible to take out a loan in the future.
  2. The borrower's relatives will be responsible for the overdue loan. In fact, such requirements may apply exclusively to co-borrowers or guarantors. It is illegal to transfer debt to third parties.
  3. The credit institution confiscates the money in the debtor's accounts. In fact, only bailiffs have the right to describe the client’s property.
  4. If you fail to repay the loan, you risk criminal liability. This outcome of events occurs when the court proves that the borrower is maliciously evading payment.

Attention! If minimum payments are regularly received into the credit account, then bringing the borrower to criminal liability is quite problematic.

Your debt will be sold

If all conversations with the client turn out to be ineffective, Tinkoff will begin to act more decisively. Having determined that the borrower is not going to repay the debt in the near future, the bank will sell the debt to a collection company. The procedure will contain the following steps:

  • conclusion between Tinkoff and collection agency agreement on the assignment of the right to collect debt;
  • receipt by the bank of a commission from the organization;
  • notification to the debtor that the remaining amount must be paid to the collection company.

The actions taken by debt collectors will differ from the work of the overdue debt collection department of Tinkoff Bank. They work more aggressively and brutally. Collectors try to put moral pressure on the client, they may make efforts to get into the debtor’s home in order to conduct a “preventive” conversation, flood neighbors’ mailboxes with sheets containing information about the debtor’s dishonesty, stick signs on the door like “He does not pay the loan” and other.

The debtor is awaiting trial

Both the bank and the collection company can file a lawsuit against the debtor. If the court satisfies the credit institution's demands, the bailiff service will be sent performance list, containing information about the required recovery amount. At this stage, the borrower can voluntarily repay the debt. If this does not happen, you can expect the following outcome:

  • The bailiff will conduct a conversation with the debtor and find out his intentions regarding payment of the debt;
  • Having received a refusal to voluntarily repay the debt, the bailiff legally has the right to describe all the valuable property of the borrower and sell it at a special auction. The proceeds will be used to pay the plaintiff the required amount;
  • If the money received from the sale of the debtor's property is not enough, a certain amount will automatically be withheld from the borrower's wages to pay off the obligations.

Often, borrowers who do not own any property and do not work during the period the court makes a decision deliberately do not pay off their obligations, believing that there is nothing to take from them. However, when in the future the debtor buys a car, an apartment or starts receiving wages, the bailiffs will definitely collect the amount according to the writ of execution. Such clients may face a ban on traveling abroad of the Russian Federation, restriction of the validity of their driver’s license and other problems.

By signing a loan agreement, the borrower agrees to comply with its terms. If he violates any of its clauses or does not make a payment on time, then the bank may apply sanctions specified in the agreement. As practice shows, not everyone carefully reads the document before applying for a loan. Therefore, in case of delays, they do not know what kind of penalties this will entail. Let's figure out what measures Tinkoff Bank can apply to a borrower in case of late payment.


Any financial institution, including Tinkoff Bank, applies in relation to the borrower only those measures that are fixed Civil Code RF. These include:

  • penalty;
  • fine.

A fine is imposed if the account does not receive monthly payment by the date specified in the contract. The amount will depend on how often the defaulter violates the terms of the agreement. When a mandatory payment is delayed for the first time, Tinkoff Bank charges a one-time fine of 590 rubles. If the situation with late payment on the loan repeats, then in addition to 590 rubles. An additional 1% of the debt amount must be paid. Delay in mandatory payment for the third time entails a fine of 590 rubles. + 2% of how much the borrower owes to the bank.

A credit card from Tinkoff is a profitable banking offer with which you can improve your quality of life and simplify the process of purchasing goods and paying for services from various organizations. Everything will be rosy and wonderful, but only if such a factor as delay does not interfere.

Signing a contract with financial institution, pay attention to what the fine for late payment is at Tinkoff minimum payment. This will give you an incentive to avoid situations where benefits turn into ruin.

How to get information about debt at Tinkoff Bank?

For late payment credit card the violator of the contract will face sanctions. It’s not just a single punishment that awaits him, but a series of troubles. All of them are specified in the contract. It says that if you do not pay on time, Tinkoff Bank will take the following measures:

  • fine;
  • penalty.

The issue is considered individually. More stringent measures are applied to persistent defaulters; those who are late in paying their debt by only 1 day are treated more leniently. Usually the latter are only fined without any other consequences.

Features of fines and sanctions for late payment

Not everyone Tinkoff clients It is clear when you need to return used bank funds. This leads to the fact that money does not arrive in the account on time. financial organization, and the client receives a ruble punishment instead of benefit.

For credit cards of the described financial institution, you are given 55 days to return what you spent. On the 56th day, the listed measures are applied to the defaulter who has committed a delay.

Amounts of penalties and fines for late payments at Tinkoff Bank

The size of the debtor's financial losses depends on the following factors:

  • the amount of debt generated;
  • frequency of delays;
  • deadlines for non-payment.

If you look at the specifics of fines, Tinkoff charges them once a month in the following amount:

  • 590.00 rub. provided that the debtor has become a defaulter of loan obligations for the first time;
  • 590.00 rub. plus 1% of the amount not paid on time if the client committed a violation for the second time;
  • 590.00 plus 2% of the specified amount, if the citizen showed his disorganization more than 2 times.

There is also a penalty, the amount of which is 0.2% per day. If you multiply it by 365 days, you get annual interest 73%. This is an astronomical amount.

Debt collection procedure

The financial institution provides clients with information that will protect them from the occurrence of arrears. This is done using:

  • letters sent by email;
  • calls to clients;
  • SMS alerts.

If the user does not want to make contact and does not repay the debts, the credit company has the right to take the debtor’s case to court. It’s even worse if the case is transferred to third parties.

To avoid such situations, it is better to contact the bank directly and begin to resolve the issue.

How to prevent delays?

The first thing you should do to avoid getting into unpleasant situations is to have up-to-date information about your debts. How to obtain the necessary data is described above. Here are tips to help avoid delays:

  • carefully read SMS messages coming from the bank;
  • do not ignore bank letters received by email;
  • Having remembered the need to pay a fee, do it immediately, a week in advance, but no later than 5 days in advance.

If for some reason you cannot pay the required amount, inform the bank employees about this. In case of unforeseen situations, they will help you find a compromise.

1. There is a delay in the monthly payment at Tinkoff Bank and they say that they have the right to even interact with third parties (family members, employer) without my consent. they called my circle (I did not provide the number. 3 people themselves are clients of this bank, and one person has never taken out loans at all. They called my mother the number loan agreement, the amount of the overdue payment and how many days I am overdue. They answered me that they have the right. I said that they were looking for numbers illegally and divulging bank secrets. They say that they have the right and there is no law prohibiting them from searching for numbers of third parties in the public domain, as well as transferring the above data to third parties. What about 230-fz? Which of us does not understand it correctly? They can only call those whose information I gave and ask them to tell me so that I can contact the bank. Do not talk about the delay and especially not about the amount of the overdue payment and the contract number. They can also interact with third parties only if the third party has given consent to this during communication. They cannot ask third parties to lend me money, etc. This is generally an insult to my honor and dignity, I think. They also encroached on my privacy by calling my husband and mother, but I did not provide their numbers. I'm right? Tinkoff is breaking the law.

Law firm LLC "Helios", 12588 answers, 7097 reviews, on the site from 03/01/2019
1.1. Hello. Tinkoff is breaking the law. He cannot interact with anyone other than you.

1.2. They misunderstand, file a complaint with the bailiffs.

Lawyer Provorova A.Yu., 7144 answers, 2728 reviews, on the site from 09/24/2013
1.3. Good afternoon.
Absolutely right. File a complaint with the Central Bank and also withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data.
Excuse me, but what do the bailiffs have to do with it?

2. The situation is extraordinary. I have a loan from Tinkoff Bank, I have 4 months left to pay and then it all started. I paid all previous payments normally; if there were delays by 2 days, I paid them with interest, i.e. RUB 271 for 1 day. When in August an esm came that I would pay the overdue payment, it’s not clear where I turned to a specialist to review where the fines from Tinkof Bank came from, then an esm came that the bank reviewed and returned all the fines to my account to repay the loan, the rest of the amount was missing i.e. we should put 676, I did so. However, the next day I received an esm that there is a debt and penalties, I called again, and then everything went wrong, I ask you to reconsider again where the penalties are from, they prohibit me from making an application for review since there has already been an application from us. And now every esm with an increase in the fine to pay the loan. Tell me what to do.

Lawyer Ivanov P. Yu., 1633 answers, 913 reviews, on the site from 11/13/2017
2.1. Good afternoon
Contact the bank with a statement and a description of the situation. Demand that the violation be corrected.

3. In 2012, I applied for a Tinkoff credit card, financial difficulties arose, I could not pay, as a result, a lawsuit was filed against me by a collection agency, and after the trial I paid the bailiffs the awarded amount. 3 years have passed, my financial condition things improved and I tried to apply for a mortgage loan, the banks began to refuse one after another, I found myself at a loss... why?... During these three years, I corrected my credit history, got a Sberbank credit card, withdrew considerable sums, paid without delay, etc. After the refusal, I decided to ask the Tinkoff bank to give me a certificate that I no longer owe them anything, by phone they sent me on line to the collectors, who eventually told me that I owed them another 8,000 rubles. I still didn’t understand why, because I paid the bailiffs the entire amount and received a writ of execution. Is it possible that I still owe something to these collectors? What should I do? Now it turns out that my credit history has not improved, no matter how hard I tried, but rather worsened.

Lawyer Piskareva N.V., 831 answers, 620 reviews, on the site since 03/15/2016
3.1. Hello. Very often, the creditor collects in court current debt and does not make demands for termination of the loan agreement. Thus, the debt is collected, and the loan agreement continues to be valid with the accrual of fines, interest, etc. If on this moment The contract has expired, then you need to request from the creditor a calculation and the basis for the debt. Regarding bank refusals, credit history lasts for 15 years and plays a big role in the bank’s decision making. The bank decides whether to approve or not and there is no way to influence this decision. At the same time, you have the right to request an extract from the BKI and, in case of disagreement, to challenge the entries made in court.

Lawyer Kuramshin R.R., 842 answers, 852 reviews, on the site from 01/12/2019
3.2. Good evening, Tamara!
Perhaps this amount of interest has accrued from the date on which the calculation was made to the day full repayment debt. This amount could have been presented in a new claim, but it was presented. Your issue can only be resolved through negotiations with the creditor, for example, by asking them to write it off.

4. So, I had a loan from SB at 17%, Tinkoff offered more favorable rate, which suited me quite well regarding refinancing. I took out a loan from them and closed the loan immediately, on the same day. I began to calmly pay strictly on time Tinkoff loan, this is the 1st and only loan I have. I am obliged to put 12 thousand on the card every 5th. First payment - no questions. The second payment - everything seems fine. But a week later I noticed that there were pennies in the account and they were gone, so I started looking to see where the little things went. I discovered a fine on the loan for not fulfilling the terms of the loan for 1,500 rubles, I was surprised at this, and on the 6th, that is, in the history that I always see it was not there, but here it mythically appeared after a series of transactions on the card. I wrote to the bank’s chat, demanding an explanation for the fine; for half a day they tried to find an explanation and found that my previous loan was not closed, or I took out a loan somewhere. I definitely didn’t take anything, because I know this, and loan 1 was only Sat. I went to Sat. I took a certificate of when and what I closed on the loan from them, and sent the photo to Tinkoff. We wrote, we will sort it out. A few hours later I checked the fine, again a miracle! The name of the fine has been changed, now it’s overdue) I’m surprised, not enough is said. I’m writing again to the chat about this issue, the answer is that it’s still the same, it just looks like this, but it’s still on a credit card. I’m not going to pay, I plan to file a lawsuit for moral damages. What should I start from in this situation?

Lawyer Pitnichenko A. Yu., 2737 answers, 1896 reviews, on the site since 12/20/2013
4.1. Before filing a claim, you should have read the terms of the Tinkoff Bank loan agreement. Banks often set a condition when refinancing that they provide a certificate of repayment of the debt on the previous loan. You need to first study your contract so that you have something to build on.

"How to win a lawsuit against a bank over a loan - a case for 5.6 million rubles." (DISPUTE WITH VTB)

"How to cancel a court decision in a case of debt collection under a loan agreement"

8. Recently my husband called Tinkoff Bank with a question about my credit card debt balance. From his lips was a question: I am the spouse of so-and-so, I want to know how much she still owes?
The bank employee announced the amount! I pay monthly minimum payment and at the moment there are no delays. After my call, they checked the information and sent an SMS that they were wrong and if you have questions, write to our lawyers by email! What measures can I take against the bank? My husband files for divorce. Where to write an application? To the prosecutor's office, police or court? And can they close my debt to the bank to avoid punishment?

Lawyer Ligostaeva A.V., 237,160 answers, 74,614 reviews, on the site since November 26, 2008
8.1. --- Hello dear site visitor! Don’t make people laugh, there will be no punishment, and no one will write off your debts, don’t get involved in them, and inform your husband, and don’t lie to him.
Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

18. Took mortgage in MTS Bank in 2008 at an interest rate of 13.75, now I tried to refinance with my bank at an interest rate of 10 percent, but strangely enough they refused. Although I have been paying for 11 years without delays. Refusal due to low income since at that time I was still single, but now my wife is on maternity leave and two minor children at 10 percent, they are afraid that I won’t be able to handle it, but I can handle 13.75. All banks refused to refinance. I approved the refinancing by contacting Tinkoff Bank and they submitted an application to their bank partner DeltaCredit and Delta approved everything as easily as it was without any problems. I was wary and decided to look at the reviews about the Delta Credit bank and in general came across a bunch of negative reviews about all sorts of pitfalls in this jar. The situation is such that delta approved refinancing at 9 percent, but for a period of 23 years, but they said that I can repay ahead of schedule without any problems. Very profitable terms I offer them interest rate I can pay it off in 7 years. And in MTS you have to pay for another 9 years at a rate of 13.75. There is no time at all to make a decision; you have to decide before it is approved. MAY YOU KNOW ABOUT DeltaCredit Bank, you can trust them; I really want to get rid of this debt trap as quickly as possible, and I’m worried not to end up in an even worse scenario; after all, my apartment is at stake.

Lawyer Senkevich V. A., 45190 answers, 16993 reviews, on the site from 10/08/2015
18.1. Hello! We are not interested in reviews of banks. You can go to the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and first find out whether such a bank exists at all. And it’s better to trust reviews from the Internet, especially since they are negative.

19. In 2017, I experienced financial difficulties, and therefore there were overdue payments on credit cards of up to 120 days (1 Sberbank card, 1 VTB card 24). Later I completely repaid the debt to VTB 24, and began making monthly payments through Sberbank. In 2018, the salary increased, I took out 3 consumer loans (I paid everything on time, except for one month, when I was literally 1 day late in payment, the delay was not due to lack of funds). I paid the monthly amounts on my Sberbank credit card without delays and 2 months ago I closed everything that was left. The total amount of debt on cards did not exceed 30,000 rubles. Now I want to register new map(Tinkoff or Alfa Bank, I am serviced by these banks). But almost immediately after submitting applications, refusals come. I got my credit history, where it says “good credit rating 3”, this is an average level. This story also included a debt of about 3,000 rubles on a Sberbank credit card, after which I immediately closed it. Right now I don't have one open loan, 3 credit cards were opened: 1) for two, all debts were closed back in 2017, as I wrote above, one card was overdue, they were not used in 2018; 2) on the third card (Sberbank) closed the debt in January 2019 and blocked the card.
Question 1. What chances do I have of getting a new credit card from Tinkoff or Alfa Bank (opened in Alfa Bank salary project)? Let me clarify that I already made a request to these banks in January 2019 - there were refusals.
Question 2. What should I do to improve my credit history?
Banks do not voice the reasons for refusal, and therefore I cannot correct the situation. I want to know what needs to be corrected in order to become a solvent bank client.

Lawyer Sadykov I.F., 49436 answers, 26528 reviews, on the site from 10/11/2017
19.2. They will analyze the credit history formed on the basis of the Federal Law of December 30, 2004 N 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”, and this reduces the chances of receiving credit product(Article 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). But it all depends on the lender. They can give it. Take out small loans and gradually improve your credit history. You are not required to state the reasons for refusal. But here everything is clear.

Lawyer Kalashnikov V.V., 188672 answers, 61686 reviews, on the site since 09/20/2013
19.3. 1. The chances are slim. Taking into account the background. The law does not oblige you to give a loan (Article 817 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)
2. we need to pay off old debts.

Lawyer Shishkin V.M., 62632 answers, 25520 reviews, on the site from 02/11/2013
19.4. 1 The bank will decide. No one is obligated to provide you with a loan.
2. Apply in the manner prescribed by law regarding the issue of improving your credit history
Federal Law of December 30, 2004 N 218-FZ (as amended on August 3, 2018) “On Credit Histories” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 31, 2019)
""Article 8. Rights of the subject of credit history

""1. The subject of a credit history has the right to receive “information” from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories about which credit history bureau stores his credit history.
""2. The subject of a credit history has the right to contact each credit history bureau that stores a credit history about him no more than twice a year (but no more than once per on paper) free of charge and any number of times for a fee without specifying reasons, receive a credit report on your credit history, including an individual rating of the subject of the credit history (if any), including accumulated in accordance with this Federal law information about the sources of credit history formation and about the users of credit history to whom credit reports were issued.
(Part 2 as amended by Federal Law dated 03.08.2018 N 327-FZ)

2.1. The subject of a credit history has the right to send through a credit organization that has entered into an agreement for the provision of information services with a credit history bureau, which stores a credit history about him, in accordance with subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of part 6.1 or subparagraph "c" of paragraph 2 of part 6.4 of article 6 of this Federal Law, a request for receipt, including free of charge in accordance with Part 2 of this article, credit report on your credit history, including information accumulated in accordance with this Federal Law on the sources of credit history and on the users of credit history to whom credit reports were issued. Submitting a request from a subject of a credit history to receive a credit report free of charge in accordance with Part 2 of this article is executed by a credit institution without charging a fee. The credit history bureau is obliged, at the request of a credit organization, to report the number of credit reports received by the subject of the credit history free of charge in accordance with Part 2 of this article.
(Part 2.1 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 327-FZ)
3. The subject of a credit history has the right to fully or partially challenge the information contained in his credit history by submitting to the credit history bureau, which stores the specified credit history, an application for amendments and (or) additions to this credit history.
""4. The credit history bureau, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application specified in Part 3 of this article, is obliged, with the exception of cases determined by this Federal Law, to conduct an additional check of the information included in the credit history by requesting it from the source of the credit history. If the subject of the credit history indicated in the application that he has justified reasons, including circumstances threatening to cause harm to life or health, to obtain the relevant information in a shorter period of time, the credit history bureau conducts an inspection within the period specified by him. At the time of such a check, a corresponding note is made in the credit history.
(Part 4 as amended by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
(see text in the previous “edition”)
""4.1. The source of the credit history formation is obliged to submit the request in writing to the credit history bureau within 14 days from the date of receipt of the request from the credit history bureau, and if the subject of the credit history has justified reasons for receiving such information in a shorter period of time - within the period specified by the credit history bureau. credit histories, information confirming the accuracy of previously transmitted information or the legality of a request for a credit report, disputed by the subject of credit histories, or correct his credit history in the disputed part by sending relevant reliable information or a request to delete the unlawful request to the credit history bureau.
(Part 4.1 introduced by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
4.2. If, within the established period, the credit history bureau has not received a response to the request specified in part 4.1 of this article from the source of the credit history in connection with the application of the subject of the credit history to make changes to his credit history, the source of the credit history is responsible established by law Russian Federation.
(Part 4.2 introduced by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
""5. The credit history bureau updates the credit history in the disputed part or cancels the credit history if, at the request of the subject of the credit history, based on information received from the source of the credit history in accordance with Part 4.1 of this article, a decision was made to completely challenge the information contained in his credit history history, if the specified application is confirmed, or leaves the credit history unchanged. The credit history bureau is obliged to inform the subject of the credit history in writing about the results of consideration of this application after 30 days from the date of its receipt. Refusal to satisfy this application must be motivated.
(Part 5 as amended by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
(see text in the previous “edition”)
5.1. The subject of a credit history has the right to send to the credit history bureau in which his credit history is stored an application for changes in the information contained in the title part of the credit history, attaching copies of documents confirming the change in the specified information, or contact the credit history bureau with an application through the credit organization is the source of credit history formation. Copies of the relevant documents can be certified by the employer of the subject of credit history, an employee of the credit institution through which the application is submitted. Also, the subject of credit history has the right to contact the credit history bureau directly, providing original documents or their copies, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The credit history bureau makes appropriate changes to the title part of the credit history of such a credit history subject with a note stating that, according to the information received from the credit history subject, the passport whose data was entered into the title part of the credit history earlier is invalid. The credit history bureau provides information about changes in the information contained in the title part of the credit history of the subject of credit histories, and about the invalidity of the passport, the data of which was entered into the title part of the credit history earlier.
(Part 5.1 introduced by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
6. The credit history bureau is not obliged to further verify previously disputed but confirmed information contained in the credit history.
7. The subject of a credit history has the right to appeal in court the refusal of a credit history bureau to satisfy an application for making changes and (or) additions to a credit history, as well as the failure to submit a written report on the results of consideration of his application within the period established by this article.

Lawyer Derevyanko S.Yu., 155781 answers, 56963 reviews, on the site from 08/15/2012
19.5. 1. If your credit history is not damaged, then you have the right and chances to get a new loan.
2. Pay off all old debts and submit updated information to the credit history bureau According to the Federal Law “On Credit Histories” dated December 30, 2004 N 218-FZ, Article 5.

Lawyer Gorlysheva E.V., 58235 answers, 28595 reviews, on the site since November 26, 2009
19.6. You need to wait at least six months and apply for a loan again from any banks. Lawyers will not be able to tell you anything specific about the chances, because... banks independently assess solvency potential borrower and make a decision to grant or refuse a loan.
Article 807 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated
12/21/2013 N 353-FZ (as amended on 12/27/2018) "On consumer credit(loan)".

Lawyer Maksimov M.V., 22010 answers, 12939 reviews, on the site from 09/15/2016
19.7. You have questions from a category that is determined only by internal banking rules; If you have applied for a loan several times, then for the next 5 years you can forget about any loan. You can fix this by putting money on a deposit, worth a couple of million, but then you don’t need a loan; or buy small household appliances on credit and immediately close it, and so on 15 times, but this is quite expensive, since you will have to pay for 30 days;
"Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One)" dated November 30, 1994 N 51-FZ (as amended on August 3, 2018) (with amendments and additions, entered into force on January 1, 2019)
""Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 421. Freedom of contract
Positions of the highest courts under Art. 421 Civil Code of the Russian Federation ">>>"

""1. Citizens and legal entities are free to enter into a contract.
"Forcing to enter into an agreement is not permitted, except in cases where the obligation to enter into an agreement is provided for by this Code, the law, or a voluntarily accepted obligation.
""2. The parties may enter into an agreement, either provided for or not provided for by law or other legal acts. To an agreement not provided for by law or other legal acts, in the absence of the features specified in paragraph 3 of this article, the rules on certain types of contracts provided for by law or other legal acts do not apply, which does not exclude the possibility of applying the rules on the analogy of the law (paragraph 1 Article 6) to the individual relations of the parties to the agreement.

(see text in the previous “edition”)
""3. The parties may enter into an agreement that contains elements of various agreements provided for by law or other legal acts (mixed agreement). The relations of the parties under a mixed contract are applied in the relevant parts to the rules on contracts, the elements of which are contained in the mixed contract, unless otherwise follows from the agreement of the parties or the essence of the mixed contract.
""4. The terms of the contract are determined at the discretion of the parties, except in cases where the content of the relevant condition is prescribed by law or other legal acts (Article 422).
""In cases where a condition of the contract is provided for by a norm that is applied to the extent that the agreement of the parties does not establish otherwise (dispositive norm), the parties may, by their agreement, exclude its application or establish a condition different from that provided for in it. In the absence of such an agreement, the terms of the contract are determined by a dispositive norm.
""5. If a term of a contract is not determined by the parties or by a dispositive rule, the relevant terms are determined by the “customs” applicable to the relations of the parties.
(as amended by Federal Law dated 03/08/2015 N 42-FZ)
(see text in the previous “edition”)

Lawyer Drannikova Yu. V., 651 answers, 360 reviews, on the site from 02/19/2019
19.8. You can take a small amount. Loan (phone on credit, for example) pay for 3 months according to schedule, then repay ahead of schedule. Your credit history will improve and the interest rate for taking out a credit card will increase.
You can also study the Federal Law of December 30, 2004 N 218-FZ “On Credit Histories.

Lawyer Umrikhin A.I., 8280 answers, 5264 reviews, on the site since 10/20/2018
19.9. Alexander, in order to receive credit cards, you need to improve your credit history in this case, Federal Law dated December 30, 2004 N 218-FZ (as amended on August 3, 2018) “On Credit Histories.” A number of banks offer programs for restoring credit histories; you can contact the banks and get advice on improving your credit history.

Lawyer Rusalsky K.V., 717 answers, 584 reviews, on the site from 10/31/2018
19.10. Option 2
1st Study the Federal Law “On Credit Histories”, then consistently take out and repay on time many small loans. There are even separate organizations that deal with credit history alignment in this way.
2nd By legal means, change personal data so that during verification you are identified by the system as a different person. There have been cases when a person with serious credit arrears received new offers from the same bank, simply changing my last name. However, you need to understand that you need to act in this regard exclusively by legal means. If you provide false information, you may become involved in a criminal case. 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (for example)

20. Since 2014, I had a credit card with Trust Bank in the amount of 40,000, paid monthly payments from 2014 to 2018. I have already paid much more than what I borrowed. Money. In December 2018, Trust Bank transferred all loans to Otkritie Bank; a letter was received from Otkritie Bank with an offer to come sign a new agreement with them. I don’t have a loan agreement with Tinkoff Bank (and I don’t even remember that there was one; the card came by mail). I haven’t made any payments to the bank yet on the card, so naturally it’s overdue. What to do in this situation? Is it better to sign a new agreement with Otkritie Bank and start paying or wait until the bank sues? Or maybe there is some article of the law under which I can sue the bank myself so that the loan will be withdrawn from me altogether? (I remind you that I do not have any documents regarding the loan and there is no branch of Trust Bank in the city either.)

Lawyer Yu. A. Fedorov, 951 answers, 639 reviews, on the site from 12/19/2018
20.1. It all depends on the situation, but it’s better not to start, if the delay is not large, then it’s better to negotiate with a new creditor.

Also, keep in mind that today there are many ways in which you can legally get rid of loan obligations or at least make it impossible to collect the debt under the loan agreement. These include termination of a loan agreement, recognition of the transaction as invalid, challenging the terms of the agreement as contrary to the law (Article 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), recognition of the transaction as enslaving (clause 3 of Article 179 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), bankruptcy of individuals and termination of enforcement proceedings on grounds Art. 46 ZF "On enforcement proceedings" To understand your situation directly, you need to see documents that can be sent by email [email protected]

Sincerely, financial lawyer – Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

26. I’ve been in arrears at Tinkoff Bank for six months now, I have nothing to pay with, I have two small children, I’m not working right now, they’re calling me, they’re threatening me, what should I do?

Lawyer Maksimov M.V., 22010 answers, 12939 reviews, on the site from 09/15/2016
26.1. Wait for the trial, during the process ask for a penalty on the basis of Art. 333 Civil Code of the Russian Federation; “Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One)” dated November 30, 1994 N 51-FZ (as amended on August 3, 2018) (with amendments and additions, entered into force on September 1, 2018)
""Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 333. Reduction of penalties
(as amended by Federal Law dated 03/08/2015 N 42-FZ)
(see text in the previous “edition”)
ConsultantPlus: note.
Positions of the highest courts under Art. 333 Civil Code of the Russian Federation ">>>"

""1. If the penalty payable is clearly “disproportionate” to the consequences of the violation of the obligation, the court has the right to reduce the penalty. If the obligation is violated by a person carrying out entrepreneurial activities, the court has the right to reduce the penalty, subject to the debtor's application for such a reduction.
""2. A reduction of the penalty determined by the contract and payable by the person carrying out business activities is allowed in exceptional cases if it is proven that the collection of the penalty in the amount stipulated by the contract may lead to the creditor receiving an unjustified benefit.
3. The rules of this article do not affect the debtor’s right to reduce the amount of his liability on the basis of Article 404 of this Code and the creditor’s right to compensation for losses in cases provided for in Article 394 of this Code.

"Open the full text of the document"

Lawyer Ternovykh I.A., 22807 answers, 6377 reviews, on the site from 06/23/2014
26.2. The algorithm of actions depends on a number of circumstances, as well as your ultimate goal. Consideration of options individually for each situation.

Lawyer Sokolov E.V., 386 answers, 116 reviews, on the site from November 14, 2017
26.3. Hello Ekaterina! Your problem can be solved. Legal assistance to debtors in settling and restructuring debts to banks, microfinance organizations, and collectors throughout the Russian Federation! Contact us, we will help!

27. Due to my own stupidity and naivety, I fell into debt. I have a credit card from Tinkoff Bank with a monthly payment of 3300. I also have a loan from solva with a monthly payment of 2800. I work, rent a room in a dorm, and until recently I successfully coped with all financial obligations. A friend approached me with a request to take out a loan in her name from the Post Bank. Before that, we often helped each other out with money (both small and large sums) and no problems arose. I had no doubts about her, especially since at that time we were working together. Therefore, after persuasion and her promise to write a receipt from the notary, I naively agreed. We took out a loan. She regularly paid her debt for several months. Later I had to change my job and she stopped paying, citing financial difficulties and promising to return everything to me. I understand that since the loan is issued in my name, it is I who must pay it, I do not refuse this. But the problem is that the amount of monthly payments has become unbearable for me. I wanted to take out a loan from other banks for a longer period in order to get financial relief. I applied to many banks, but they refused me everywhere. Ultimately, in order to prevent delays, I had to turn to microloans, since no one among my friends could help. Then the time came to pay both loans and microloans, I was forced to apply to more and more microfinance organizations. Over the past few months, I took out more than ten microloans, my entire salary went to pay interest, there was no free money left. There have been no delays so far, but the next payment day is approaching and now I have nothing to pay even the interest. MFO restructuring is denied. I recently found out about refinancing the Russian Federation - but there was also a refusal. Banks refuse. There is absolutely nowhere and no one to expect help from. My mother lives in the village and besides me, she has a young daughter and a disabled son, so she is also unable to help. In a few days the delays will begin, I am very afraid and don’t know what to do, the only way out seems to be a noose, because it’s all my fault. Is there a way out and how to act in this situation?

Lawyer Tumakova E.V., 18 answers, 13 reviews, on the site from 11/08/2018
27.1. Try bankruptcy proceedings individual. Find a lawyer who deals with this or read about this procedure on the Internet.

28. I have credit debt Tinkoff map bank in the amount of 106,000 rubles
I am currently not able to pay the monthly payment amount, taking into account all the arrears, in the amount of 14,200 rubles, all that the bank provided me during this time was the opportunity to pay this amount in installments, but as I realized later, this in no way could solve the current situation, and only made it worse
I asked about the possibility of providing me credit holidays, to which they gave me a vague answer that it seemed like it could happen.
I also noticed that they charged me for credit insurance, but after reading the insurance contract, I saw that they did not have the right to insure me since my income does not go according to the work book or employment contract, it is not official and purely individual, I make furniture and all my income comes from orders that are not recorded anywhere.
Tell me what to do in this situation, I am not avoiding payment and do not plan to write off the loan, I want to pay it off, but at the moment I do not have such an opportunity.
Now I have stopped communicating with the bank so that I have time to figure it out, since in any case, all they offer me is to pay the debt in installments, while this in no way reduces the amount of the debt, but only pays off the interest on it, preventing me from getting out this situation.

Lawyer Petrova N. E., 2674 answers, 2221 reviews, on the site from 10/12/2017
28.1. Good afternoon In your situation, we can recommend refinancing, that is, taking out a loan from another bank in order to repay current loan. Some banks have developed special programs for this purpose, search on the Internet and select best bank with such a program based on reviews.

Lawyer Svetsov S.Yu., 4004 answers, 1141 reviews, on the site from 01.11.2012
28.2. Good afternoon
It's simple, don't pay the debtor. If you are not satisfied with something in the contract, go to court, you will lose 99%. Wait until they go to court, they may reduce the debt if there is something to reduce.

Lawyer Gremyachkin N.K., 81 answers, 46 reviews, on the site since 10/30/2018
28.3. Dear Victor!

Communication with the bank is the most profitable and quick way solving payment problems. Ask for a deferment or restructuring, acknowledging your difficulty financial position documents (copy of work book, certificate from the employment center stating that you are unemployed, etc.).

Insurance is most likely additional service, which you can probably turn off by contacting your bank or insurance company.

29. Mom took it from a bank 6 years ago Tinkoff credit card in the amount of 54,000 rubles. All this time she paid according to schedule; there were small delays, which amounted to no more than 10 days. I paid ≈ 3,500 rubles every month, I paid and continue to pay to this day. The principal amount of the debt is not decreasing in any way, today they called hotline bank, they said that today the amount of debt is 51,000 rubles, it turns out that for 6 years my mother paid only 3,000 rubles of this amount, and she paid according to the schedule every month. How so? He’s afraid to go to court, he says that they won’t be able to do anything, I’m in another city, so I can’t do anything. Of course, I didn’t read their contract, and my mother herself doesn’t know exactly what amount had to be paid every month, she just received an SMS that she needed to pay ≈ 3,500 by a certain date, and she paid this amount, I calculated it, and she over 6 years, the bank deposited more than 250,000 rubles into this, but she took only 54,000, and this amount remains the same to this day, and they demand more. Can we sue Tinkoff Bank for damages to get back the overpaid amount? Thank you in advance for your help, I look forward to your response.

Lawyer Abrzhova V. A., 2305 answers, 1409 reviews, on the site from 09/22/2018
29.1. Hello, first you need to submit an application to provide information on this loan. To find out the score and have it all recorded on paper. Then we write a claim and attach the project statement of claim to the court, as well as a draft complaint to the prosecutor's office.

Lawyer Rudenok V.N., 5015 answers, 2313 reviews, on the site since 01/31/2013
29.2. You can go to court... you need to do a debt settlement. We need to make sure that the statute of limitations for going to court does not expire... you may have to look for reasons to restore this period.

Lawyer Panfilov A.F., 50202 answers, 24690 reviews, on the site from 09/20/2013
29.3. It is high time.
Yes, you can bring a claim demanding recognition of the debt as repaid, recovery of unjust enrichment...
And finally, finally decide on the amount...

30. , good afternoon! I have this situation. In 2014, I took out a loan from Tinkoff Bank in the amount of 30,000 rubles. I bought it mobile phone and accessories for it. At first I paid on time, but after a while I started paying late, meaning I lost my job. Then I didn’t pay for 7 months. There were fines, collectors called, they threatened to sue, but so far these were only threats. Then, about a year later, a trial took place without my participation and the court ordered me to pay 27,000 fines. I would like to note that the loan itself was repaid along with the %. I contacted a lawyer. He advised me to withdraw the statement of claim, which I did immediately. Then silence. So almost 3 years have passed until now. No calls from the bank. I tried to take out loans from others, but they refused everywhere, even from microfinance organizations. This seemed very strange to me because people with bad QR are usually given MFOs small amounts to improve your CI. Today I contact Sberbank, order my CI and find out what I have existing loan at Tinkoff and as it was 27,000 it still hangs, everything is marked there in red. Now I have the following questions. Is it legal? Tinkoff Bank against me, without removing information from the CI about my last loan after my withdrawn statement of claim? After all, they were silent for almost 3 years instead of taking any action. And what do you advise me to do now in this case, so that that line in my credit history turns out to be empty or they correct it?

Lawyer Vasilenkov S.V., 14600 answers, 4541 reviews, on the site since 02/14/2007
30.1. The subject of a credit history has the right to fully or partially challenge the information contained in his credit history by submitting to the credit history bureau, which stores the specified credit history, an application for amendments and (or) additions to this credit history.
The credit history bureau, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application specified in Part 3 of this article, is obliged, with the exception of cases determined by this Federal Law, to conduct an additional check of the information included in the credit history by requesting it from the source of the credit history. If the subject of the credit history indicated in the application that he has justified reasons, including circumstances threatening to cause harm to life or health, to obtain the relevant information in a shorter period of time, the credit history bureau conducts an inspection within the period specified by him. At the time of such a check, a corresponding note is made in the credit history. The subject of a credit history has the right to appeal in court the refusal of a credit history bureau to satisfy an application for making changes and (or) additions to a credit history, as well as the failure to submit a written report on the results of consideration of his application within the period established by this article.